Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1916, Image 1

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    When &wty front hoEN
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Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. XL VI NO. 50.
Oa Train, t HotU,
Nsmt (stands, etc., 6c.
In Resolutions Adopted, the
' National Woman's Partv
" Declares for ugHhes
, j for President.
Women Voters Urged to Use
- Their Efforts for Defeat of
- Democratic Candidate. 7
' Colorado, Springs, Colo., Aug. It
The -National Woman'a party in ex
ecutive conference hefe today pledged
itself to use its best efforts in the
twelve equal suffrage states to de
feat the , democratic candidate for
president congratulate the progress
ive, proniuiuun auu sutiausi panics
upon their endorsement of suffrage
for women by . national action, and
commended the position of : Charles
Evans Hughes,-the republican nom
inee. ' .
The ' statement of policy was con
tained in three resolutions unanim
ously adoocd. setting forth the atti
tude of the Woman's party; first,,
with, respect to the democratic party;
cnnrt with rpsnprt trt thft nrnffresa-
ive, prohibition and socialist parties,
and finally upon the announced stand
of Charles Evans Hughes upon na
tional equal suffrage. - The text of the
first resolution said:
.' "Whereas, The present administra
tion under President Wilson and the(
democratic party have peristently op-
posed the passage of a national suf
frage amendment, and,
" "Whereas, Each of. the other na
tional parties, either by their platform,
or through their candidates are pledg
ed to the passage of a federal amend
ment' enfranchising women. There
fore, be it "resolved that the National
Woman's party, so long as the opposi
tion of th "democratic party continues,
pledge itself to use is best efforts in
the twelve states where women vote
for president, to defeat the democratic
candidate for president and the eleven
states where women vote for mem
bers of congress, to defeat the candi
dates of the democratic tarty for con
gress." The second resolution read:
V'Resolved, that we congratulate the
progressive, prohibition and socialist
parties upon the definite stand which
'they have taken lit tneir enaorsmeni
of suffrage for women by natiqnal
action.' .. -.. . .-
. Tin. tUtt-A vmnlttitntt earn
? "Resolved, that we commend the
position, of the republican candidate
for president, Charles Evans Hughes,
for the "uneouivocal stand which he
has taken for human liberty by his en
dorsement of suffrage wor women by
national action, and assure him of
our appreciation of his statesmanlike
position." ... - -
w l il. . T1 .
uoay oi tne lonner
Senator Thurston
Cremated Saturday
Following the impressive Masonic
service at the Masonic temple at 2
o'clock yesterday the body of the
late former Senator John M. Thurs
ton was taken to the receiving
v.ult at Forest Lawn cemetery. The
body will be cremated today and
the ashes prepared for shipment to the
congressional cemetery at Washing
ton, D. C Mrs. Thurston, the widow,
will leave with the ashes Stmday
.morning. '
Services at the temple were led by
Worshipful Master Eugene Atkins of
St. John's lodge, eulcgistic remarks
being made by the Rev. C W. Sav-
- 1 , . 1. . t ) TV- T - t. . 1.
lage anu uic icv. ur, xawsun, uuin
old friends of the veteran law malar.
Hedden Named Surveyoor
; General for Idaho
Washington, Aug. il. The. presi
dent today nominated Ecward Hed
den of Caldwell, Idaho, to be sur
veyor general of Idaho.
The Weather
For Nebraska Cloudy.
v" Tempermtom at Omaha Yesterday. -.-
Hour.' Deg
a . n. . CA
5 ' i a. m c
- a. m... Hi
E a m..
T. 10 a. m i 7
11 a. mi ftd
12 m ........ 67
1 p. m....
, '.4
2 p. m
, s p. m,.., , 7
4 p. m. 76
I p. n. ......... 77
p. no 7g
1 P. tn.i.. 77
P. m.... 7f
' Comparative Local Btford.
. ' . - w mi. 1114. 1I1S.
Higheat yntordar.... 7tf ft 2 -i
Lowest yestrda ' s (,9 x 70
Mean temperature. . .. . 71 ' 71 CI 77
i'reclprauon ...... ..(H .11 , T .08
Tmperalur and precipitation departures
(rum th normal at Omaha since March
1, and compared with tha last two rears:
Normal temperature , 7$
uenctancy (or tn day... 5
jeiai vxvttaa siuct Man.' a I...,,.,..,. Hf
Nornil precipitation .I inch
Ueflcfancy (or the day.... .07 Inch -
Total rainfall since March 1... 10.17 Inches
Deficiency since March 1...,.,,. M 4 inches
Excess (or eoc. period. 1915.,,...' .29 Inch
, UeUclenuy for oor. period, 1114.. 4.(1 Inches
Report From Btattops at 7 m. ..
Station and But Temp. High- Rain-
ot weather ' 1 p. m.
Cheyenne, cloudy 74 ,
Davenport, cloudy K0
Denver, clear 24
1 Dea Moines, pt. cloudy.. 74
Dodge City, clear to
Lander, clear 24
North Platte, clear 70
Omaha, clear 77
Rapid City, cloudy.... 42
. Santa Fe, cloudy 6 IT
8aerldan, olear..r 04 '
Stoui City, clear 74 .
Vaitntlue, clear... 12
T' indicate traco of precipitation.
I,. A. WFA&H, Meteorollgit.
; so
Employes Kef use to Make Any
Concessions and Employers .
Suggest Only Arbitration.
itfew York, Aug. 11. After deliber
ating the grater part of the night,
Commissioners William A, Cham
bers, Martin A, Knapp and G. W. W.
Hanger of the United States Board of
Mediation and Conciliation, were to
day no nearer a 'solution of the "dead
lock" in the dispute between the four
railroad brotherhoods -of the country
and their employers than they were
The efforts of the mediators to
avert a nation wide strike were vir
tually at a halt due to the fact it was
reported that the railroads refused
to grant any concession other than
arbitration, while the men persist in
their firm stand for an unequivocal
granting of their demands for an
eight-hour day and time and a half
overtime. . ,.-.;
May Ask Wilson to Act. -
A formal request for a twenty-four-hour
delay in. the negotiations was
made by the federal board to the
union men today when they assem
bled to receive the mediators, and it
was reported that the board, unless
there was an unexpected change' in
the situation in that time, was pre
pared to suggest to President Wilson
that he intervene.
Mr. Hanger, who asked for the' de
lay, took pains to point out, how
ever, that no particular significance
had been attached to the sudden
change in their plans. i : 5 ;
"It must be remembered, he said,
"that the question at issue involves
hundreds of railroads and thousands
of men and the mediators cannot gr
rive at a judicious conclusion as to
the merits in the case until they have
thoroughly assimilated the situation."
Mr. Hanger added that the board
expected to cotinue its deliberations
today and might reach a decision- by
evening as to the time of the next
meeting with one or the other side
m the dispute. i
Men Becoming Restive. ' "
"We do not intend," said W. S.
Stone, chief of the Brotherhood, of
Railroad Engineers, "to wait very
long on the mediatois. The tem
per of the men is such that they
would not have waited a minute if
we had not persuaded them to give
the mediators a chance. Personally,
I do not care to carry'the strike vote
around in my pocket for any extend'd
period. It is like a stick of dyna
mite' . , ' . - ,
Since its organization in 1913,
through-an act of congress and up
to September ZU, rjli, the board has
sat on forty-seven controversies be
tween railroads and their employes.
In every instance the board has suc
ceeded in securing an Ultimate adjust
ment of i the differences, thirtynine
cases having been settled by media
tion alone and eight by arbitration.
Italian Troops
Occupy the Entire
Doberdo Plateau
Rome, Aug. 11. (Via London.)
The Italians have occupied the entire
Doberdo plateau,' the. war office an
nounced today.
J. he Italians also have captured
Rubbia and San Martino del Carso.
They -have reached the line of the
Vallone river, ire Austrian3 have
retired to the east of. the town of
By their new victories the Italians
appear to have taken an important
step toward clearing the salient
formed by the bend of the Isonzo,
below Gorizia. The Doberdo Plat
eau was the scene of heavy fighting
early in the war. but the Austrians
obstinately withstood efforts of the
Italians to win this important posi
tion, i This fighting took place on a
front som. distance berow Gorizia,
the capture tf which enabled the Ital
ians to push forward in the direction
of Triest in this region. San-Mar
tino del Carso is six miles southwest
of Gorizia. ;t is about twenty miles
from i nest (
Russians Take Stanislau.
Petrograd. Aug. 11. (Via London.)
Stanislau, an important railway cer-
ter south ot Lemberg, capital ot Or
licia, has been occupdio by Ru-isian
troops. The capture of Stanislau is
announced in the official statement
givea out this evening.
The capture of Stanislau gives tl.c
Russians another gateway through
which they can march toward Lent
berg. Like Brody, Stanislau, is an
important railroad center. Jiailroadh
radiate from it in five directions. It
is eighty-seven miles southeast of
Lemberg and is situated between two,
forks of the Bystritzax river, a
miles south of the Dneister.. Stapn
lau was a manufacturing city and
agricultural center before the war
and had a population of 33,000. .
Officers and I. W. W.
Have Mix in Fight
Crosby, Minn, : Aug. 11. Rioting
broke out on the Cuyuna range to
day. Working miners were badly
beaten by Industrial Workers of ''
WoWrld pickets, and when deputies
arrived they were met by shots. The
deputies retired and obtained rein
forcements. Returning, they fired
upon the pickets, but no one was
killed so far as as known. ; '
Fenfon General Freight,
Agent of Omaha Road
- Duluth, Minn, Aug. 11. Albion M
rcniun, assistant general ireignt
Krui ui uic iiicbu, oi. .i aui, Min
neapolis & Omaha railroad at Min
neapolis, has been appointed genera
freight agent of that road, succeed
uig E. B. Ober, reiigneion account
of ill health.
United States Informed ThnH
: Crops Are Oood and Np'
Judge Martin A. Knapp and G. W. W. Hangar, the three men who are trying to find a basis
for settlement between .the four railroad brotherhoods and the committee representing the
companies in the dispute over wages and hours of work.
vnnsuans e . r (,'.; o
Need r
Syrians Here Raise Large
Sums With Which to
i V Purchase Supplies.
Washington, Aug. 11. Turkey has
refused to grant the request of the
United States that u neutral com
mittee be permitted to undertake re
lief work in Syria, where thousands
of native Christians are reported to
be starving.'
. Charge Miller of Constantinople,
in a cablegram received at the State
department today, said the Turkish
government had imormed him relief
operations, in Syria were considered
unnecessary because crops there
were better than anywhere in the
empire. He added that although he
was told thedecision was final, he
had not dropped the subject, but
would . continue to press for favor
able action. '
, Miller, Will Try Again,
t On Juiy 5 -the department in
structed Charge Miller to call atten
tion to the fact that there had been
no action in this matter and to say
to the Turkish foreign' office that
continued failure to j:ed the request
would put a severe strain on the re
lations between the United States
and Turkey. . .. . jtx..j
- Turkish officials' -contended,' Mr.
Miller said, that while food shortage
existed to some extent in all bellig
erent countries, there was no serious
famine condition in Syria; that the
outlook for fall crops was good and
that locusts had damaged only fruits.
Funds Already Raised. ' '
Syrians in the United States have
raised considerable funds to purchase
relief supplies for their countrymen,
and have been waiting for months for
permission to have them distributed.
It was said at the State department
today that Abram Elkus, the new am
bassador to Turkey, who leaves for
his post August 17, probably would
take up the Syrian question personal
ly upon his arrival at Constantinople.
Defends His
Efforts to Eeward
Deserving Demos
Kansas City,, Mo, Aug. 11-Wil-liam
J. Bryan, former secretary of
state, replied here today to criticism
of his attitude toward civil service,
made by Charles E. Hughes, the re
publican presidential nominee, In a
statement in which he said he had
"enforced the civil service law to the
letter " Mr. Bryan challenged the
republican nominee to state whether
he had given appointments to "de
serving republicans" while governor
of New Vork.
- The statement was made in answer
to recent speeches of Mt. Hughes,
which quoted a letter Mr. Bryan had
written to Receiver of Customs
Vick in Santo Domingo, inquiring
as to what positions could be obtained
te "reward deserving democrats." "
Mr. Bryan admitted the letter as it
had been quoted. -
"I am not ashamed of it." the state
ment read. "The letter was written to
an appointive officer, whose office
was not under the civil service and the
inquiry was made in regard to offi
ces which were not under civil service.
There was nothing in the letter to
indicate a desire or intention to se
lect men who were incompetent On
the contrary,' inquiry is made as to
'what is requisite. "
The statement, after declaring Mr.
Hughes to have "shown himself quite
prompt in discharging obligations,"
"As an official, I enforced the civil
service law to the letter-and, upon
my resignation, received from the
employes in the state-- department,
more than 90 per cent of whom were
under-the civil service, a watch-which
I prize as a priceless treasure. But,
while I observed the civil service law
wherever it was in force, I felt my
self free to aid in rewarding de
serving democrats wherever it cou'd
be done without detriment to the
service. My regret is that I was able
to reward so few of the multitude who
are deserving, measured by their po
litical sesvice, by their capability
and by their fitness for the work to
be done.
"The 'deserving democrat' is not
to be despised he is as much en
titled to recognition as a 'deserving
republican.' "
David Kahn, Banker of New
- York and Paris ,ls Dead
New York, Aug. 11. David Kahn,
head of the International banking
house of Lazard Freres, whose .r',h.
in Paris was reported in a cable dis
patch today, was an American citizen.
He was Lorn in France about seventy
years ago, came to this country as a
young, man and was naturalized. He
went first to New Orleans, later to
San Francisco, where, in 1884, he es
tablished the London,: fans and
American bank, which is now th An
glo and London and- Paris National
Mr. Kahn severed his connection
with that institution in the early '90'
and, returning to Pans, joined the
banking hrm of Lazard Freres, of
which It: later became the senior
mm asiiss ii rfV
rgrv... tj-fJ
. i . . - s ! v . ; w .....
, . :
Senate Committee Substitutes
Ten Per Cent Tax on Net
Profits for House Section.
Washington, Aug. 11. Threatened
revolt in the democratic senate cau
cus over reduction of the. income tax
exemption was averted late today
when democrats of.ihe finance com
mittee reconsidered their previous
action lowering the exemption from
$4,000 and $3,000 for married and sin
gle persons to $3,000 and $2,000, re
spectively. ' ... -y '- ,
! Washington, Aug. 11. A 10 per
cent net profit tax on manufactures
of munitions of war was agreed upon
today by democrats of the senate
finance committee as a substitute for
the munitions taxes proposed in the
house revenue bill.
The committee completed its con
sideration of the house bill, for sub
mission to thexaucus tonight, the net
revenue to be derived from the meas
ure being estimated at $198,000,000,
or $11,000,000 less than the house bill.
Specific duties on munitions proposed
in the house would have yielded $72,
000,000j Under the senate amend
ment the revenue to be derived from
munitions will be only $45,000,000.
The proposal to levy a net profit
tax on excess profits of manufactur
ers of all goods sold to foreign gov
ernments, as proposed last night,
was rejected by the committee after
a prolonged fight. .
The amendment strikes out all the
munitions taxes contained in the
house bill, including the much pro
tested copper tax, and provides that
every corporation manufacturing gun
powder or other explosives,' and all
munitions of war and articles going
to make up munitions, including mo
tor boats and submersibles.'shal) pay
for each taxable year a tax of 10 per
cent upon net profits accrued from
the sale of such goods manufactured
in the ' United States.
The proposed tax would become in
operative a year after the close of
the European war and would be op
erative from January 1, 1916.
Anglo-French Forces
Take Bulgarian Post
Paris, Aug. 11. An attack by Anglo-French
forces on the Bulgarians
at Doiran, forty miles northwest of
Saloniki, is reported in a Havas dis
patch from Saloniki. Tjie allies oc
cupied the' Doiran railway station and
a neighboring hill.
London, Aug. 11 Reuter's corre
spondent at Saloniki telegraphs that
the artillery duel on the Balkan front
has been renewed. The height, cap
tured by the Anglo-French forces u
Hill 227, south of Doiran. The rail
way station lies five miles east of
the town. . ,
There have been several small en
gagements along this front, as well
as frequent heavy artillery battles. A
general offensive movement on the
part of the army of French, British
anlt Serbian troops, based on Saloniki,
which 'is reported to number nearly
700,000, has been expected for several
weeks. The engagement near Doiran,
liowever, apparently was a minor, af
fair. Milk Wagon Drivers
At Cleveland Strike
Cleveland, O., Aug. 11. As a result
of s strike of milk wagon drivers of
the Telling-Belle Vernon company,
largest milk dealers in the city, 300,-
000 Clevelanders were without their
usual supply today. Drivers) for the
hchncider-cccker Dairy company.
second-- largest in the city, - which
cares for 150,000 persons, are ex
pected to strike today.
:. a ms:e.. - 1 - -v ;
Superintendent of Transporta
tion to Become "Outside
.. Man" August'lS, ''
William D. Lincoln, superintendent
of transportation of the Union Pa
cific for the last ten years, has been
appointed to fill a new position in the
transportation department of the
road. ' - . '. , ' . '
Mr. Lincoln will become an "out
side, man" fop. the, department, His
duties will be to check the . rolling
stock and equipment and keep the
cars moving to their capacity, ' "The
Heavy freight movements have made
it necessary that we have s man on
the road to keep the ears moving con
stantly and with the maximum eth-
ciency," said Geperal Manager Jeffcrs
in commencing on uic cnangc.-- .
mi, a li'l. ,
A. wmincy, general, supcrm-
tendent of the -Oregon Short Line at
bait Lake City, will succeed Mr Lin
coln as superintendent of transporta
tion of the Union Pacific in Omaha.
Mr. Lincoln has been with the
Union Pacific twenty-seven years, the
last ten years of which he has been
master of transportation. Previously
he was with the Urand Island road
for ten years.
Mr. Whitney has had thirty years'
service with the Harriman lines. He
was . chief train dispatcher of the
Union Pacific at Grand Island, assist
ant superintendent and later superin
tendent of the Wyoming division be
fore becoming general superintendent
of the. Oregon Short Line.
The reassignment of officials -will
become effective August 15.
Candidate Hughes 1 1
Talks Americanism
j While on ;Way West
Dickinson, N. D., Aug. 11. All the
issues of this campaign, Charles E.
Hughes told an audience here today
can be summed ud in two words:
"Dominant Americanism." The re
publican nominee defined this phrase
as follows: .
."America making its institutions
work as they were intended to work
for the benefit ot the oeoole of
this country and to the honor of the
American -name.
Mr, Hughes made a rear-nlatform
speech here. Short addresses from the
rear plattorm were made also at Bis
marck and Mandan, N. D.
Deny Kottweil ;
3 Plant Damaged
Berlin. Aug. 11. (Via London.)
"On the night of August 7 enemy' air
men dropped several Domes on Kott
weil Wartemburg," says - an official
statement issued here today. "A
dwelling house was hit and several
persons were wounded. Np military
damage was.aone. . . . .
The official French statement of
Wednesday afternoon Said a French
viator flying 217 miles between 8:3J
p. m. and 11:5 J p. m. nropped HJ
sounds of explosives on the powder
factory at Rottweil, causing two ex
tensive hres and several oxptosions.
Two Hold-Up Victims
Lose Small Amounts
While "taking the air" in the Bow
ery district Jim Miller, 425 South
Thirteenth street,', was jostled, by
someone .who stole his purse, which
contained $7 in cash and a check for
$750. He reported his loss to the
police. . .
Lawrence Duncan, residing at the
Owl hotel, was the victim of a couple
ot white nouiups, who aecosted him
at lentil and Douglas streets and re
lieved him of bis worldly possessions
V.. . .. -
Mayor and Congressman Lo-
beck Urge President to At
tend Celebration Here. "
Russian Forces Reach Dniester
River 'at Point Southeast ,
of This Important
City-. . . c
. , .
Muscovite Army is Also Moving
Toward Sereth River in
7 Province of Qalicia.
Washington, Aug. 11. Mayor DaM
man -of Omaha and Representative
Lobeck of Nebraska urged the presi
dent today to visit Omaha, prefer
ably late in September or early in
October, during the celcbratipn of the
fiftieth anniversary of . the admission
of Nebraska to statehood, v .' '
, .'President Wilson practically has de
cided to make a speaking trip serosa
the continent,. No details oi the tour
have bee: arranged, but it was un
derstood ' today that his Itinerary
would be worked out witliin the next
few weeks. ", , .' .. . ' ',
Waiting on Congress. ,
The president's advisers have been
urging him to make s number of
speeches, but he has been withholding
a decision until the work of congress
had progressed further, It was known
definitely today, however, that if
present plans were carried out,, the
president would go to the Pacific
coast, -
Senator Phelan today invited the
president to speak in California some
time during the campaign, but was
told no definite plans could be taken
up for at least two weeks.
One of the suggestions for the pro
posed trip is for the president to re
view some of the troops on the bor
der, but no decision on that has been
Leaders WiU Decide. -Invitations
from cities in all parts
of the country are before the presi
dent, but none will be accepted until
they have been gone over carefully
by Vance McCormick, chairman of
the democrat! national committee
and other leaders. The possibility
that congress may remain in session
after September 1 is preventing the
president from making any definite
campaign plans. He wants to make
no long trips from Washington until
after adjournment, although he has
accepted an invitation for a brief visit
to Kit. Louis, September 20.
The president will do much cam
paigning at his summer home at Long
Branch, N. J., where he will receive
Petrograd, Aug. 11. (Vis London.)
The Russians are advancing on the
Sereth river in Calicia, the war of
fice announced today. " They have
also entered the town of Monastercy-
ska, horthwest of Stanislau. Fight
ing is continuing in Monasterzytka;''"1
The Russians have reached the
Dniester south of Mariampole, which
is eight miles southeast of the im-
Sortant town of Halicx. ' They also
ave advanced to the right bank of
the Bystritza river, a branch of the
Dniester, which joins that river near .
Mariampole. v
In the fighting of August 8 and 9,
more than 5,000 Austrians and Ger
mans were captured. The statement
follows: .. .
"Fierce fighting ia continuing on
the River Stokhod, in the region of
Mikhliabachey, the village ofVulski
Lubaohevska, the little town of
Stobyvy and the village of Zaroches.
"On the River Sereth our troops
are advancing as a result of tierce
fighting. The' enemy is making a
desperate resistance, alternating be
tween defensive actions and counter
attacks Notwithstanding . the ene
my's efforts - to stem . our . ad
vance, our gallant troops, under
General Sakharoff, by a series oi re
peated attacks, pushed the enemy out
of villages and woods on the right
bank of the river and having reached
the ridge commanding the heights
they are fighting before the village
of Trosiaecnesgroce. We took here
2,500 men and the commander of an
Austrian regiment 'with the entire
regimental staff and chaplain.
Brilliant Attack by Cossacks.
"In a westerly direction our troops
reached the left bank of the Zlota
Lids, capturing during the engage
ment the village- of Lataravka and
taking over . l.iwu Auitro-Oei man
prisoners. Une of our Orenburg Los-
sacc regiments launched, here a cav
alry attack,, taking mors than. - 200
prisoners and capturing three machine
guns;.. -; i- ! ry -
"A German - regiment, having
ctossed the River! Zlota Lipa near
the village of Zandaruv, attempted a
counter attack on the noaition we
occupied, but was repelled with enor
mous losses.. Uur brave cavalry-detachments,
having forded the River
Zlota .Lin, attacked thn.. rftH(l
enemy and, pursuing him, reached the
left bank of the Dniester in the bend
to the south of the village of Us
ciezielone (southwest . of Monaa-
- "The- total number of prisoners
taken during the battles 'of August
8 and 9 amounts to 5,000." ;
Germans Announce Retreat
Berlin, Aug. 11. (Via London.)
Austro-German troops in the region
of' Monasterzyska, at points on the
Dniester and in the Bysteritza river
regions of Galicia, have been com-
Three Regular Army (
Colonels Are Retired
Washington, Aug. 11. Three regu
lar army colonels, until recently in
command or attached to regiments on
the border or in Mexico, have been
retired for physical disability on the
recommendation ot examining boards.
they are: Colonels Jacob G- Gal
braith, formerly ' commanding the
Tenth cavalry! George H. Hands, -formerly
attached to the Eleventh cav
alry, and Charles W. Penrose, Twen
ty-fourth infantry.
Explosion of Gun " '.
Cotton Kills Three
Wilmington, Del., Aug. II. An ex
plosion, which blew out a cylinder
on a rehydrating press at the Dupont
Powder company s plant at Carney's
Point, N. ., today, irHed three workr
men' and injured two others. The
press, which contained forty pounds
of gun cotton, was blown to pieces
and flying bits of steel were hurled
in all directions. One piece struck
a man who was eating, his lunch in
another building and killed him.
Omaha Man Licensed to Wed
Lincoln Girl at Chicago
Chicago,' Aug. 11. (Special Tele
grain.) Arthur L. Swygard of Oma
ha was licensed here today to wed
Miss Charlotte Murray of Lincoln.
Swygard is employed in the Bramlei
stores and resides at 3& Norm iwen
ty-second street
(CaaMawS Tm Tw, Cat Oaa. -
Mysterious Signals .
Believed to Come ;
From the Bremen
New York. Aug. ll.-Wireless ob-'
servers at snore stations near New
York were puzzled early today by
signals received from an unidentified
vessel apparently somewhere off
Sandy Hook which was calling the
Telefunken wireless station in this
city. The fact that the stranger re
fused to disclose the identity of the
vessel led some of the wireless opera
tors to believe they were at last in
Communication with the long ex
pected Bremen.
Sandy Hook observers trained their
marine glasses seaward expectantly
at daybreak, but everything beyond
a few miles off shore was hidden in
a haze and no submarine was in sight
The mysterious signals had ceased.
While in communication with the
shore a few hours earlier the strange
vessel reported herself only as a col
lier and the operator on board signed
his calls "D. B. U.." which is the
private wireless signal of the North
German-Lloyd steamer Breslau, last
reported as tied up in New Orleans
for the period of the war. A .
Opportunity has no set
time Reading end heed
ing Want-Ads every day
wUI show you innumera
ble ways to make money
and get ahead. Begin to
day to be a steady reader -of
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