Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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    Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -.'- Entertainments -:- Club Doings
Fishes and Submarines
By GARRETT P. SERVISS. The sun-fish, often weighing a ton, which may afford hints
r I to submarine designers.
" Nature has made no animal oddity mmmt.
more curious than the sun fish, which 1
might appropriately be called the
baltfish, since it looks as if all the
rear part of its body had been cut off
close behind the central fins, leaving
it entirely without a tail. Besides, it
has nothing that by any stretch of
fancy could be called a neck, the head
merging into the trunk with a con
tinuous outline: A very small gill
opening and a very little pectoral fin
'ndicate the line of junction.
What might be taken for at least
the root of a tail is really only an
extension and combination of what in
a normal fish would be posterior dor
sal and ventral fins. The anterior dor
sal and ventral fins are large and
powerful, projecting like triangular
wedges, the one above, the other be
low, just at the hind end of the cut
off body.
The arrangement is so singular that
an English naturalist, W. P. Pycraft.
suggests that the sun fish may offer
a new model for inventors of sub
marine boats. He points out that the
twe fins just described must be prac
tically the only propelling apparatus
that the creature has, and that they
probably act by a side-to-side, or
''shuddering," motion a very peculiar
mechanical principle, especially when
rapid movement is required.
Moreover, the two fins are capable
of acting independently of one an
other, as is proved by the habit of the
sun fish of traveling with its back fin
t 4 ti, j
V v sW s a . f t 1.
Many Are Practicing for the
Flay Next Week on Lake
MShawa Coarse.
The tortoise-fish, which
swims head down and
which is regarded as af
fording few suggestions of
value in regard to construc
tion of submarines.
projecting above the surface of the
sea, and looking, when seen from
front or rear, like a flag pole or per
haps the periscope of a submarine.
Unpromising as its machinery ap
pears, the sun-fish is a great diver.
Evidently its strong ventral fin can
be. used in such a way as to plunge
the body downward, whereupon the
dorsal fin comes into play, and high
speed can suddenly be developed.
That the sun-fish is capable of very
rapid motion when totally submerged
is proven by the fact that it captures
swift fish as the long-bodied silver
ling. - - " " ' .
The ordinary food of the sun-fish,
or at least a favorite food, consists of
jelly-fish and larval eels, the former
of which it captures near the surface.'
and for this purpose it does not need
to move rapidly, or even to submerge
its dorsal fin. But the ling lives
at depths of from 600 to 1,800 feet
and must be chased through the dark
ness which prevails at so great a dis
tance below the tea surface.
A full-grown sun-fish sometimes
attains a length of eight feet and a
weight of a ton. With its blunted
form, ita unweildy appearance, and
its singular means of propulsion, it
certainly justifies Mr. Pycraft s sug
gestion that submarine boat builders
ought to study the secret of its me
chanical efficiency, for the history of
invention shows many instances of
S av
!; :
The sea-horse, which travels
" through the water (head
upward), driven by the vi
brations of its back fin. The
tail, which is a most' effi
cient grasping organ, has
1 no fin.. , :. v . ','
the most unexpected discoveries made
by following the hints of nature when
it departs from its' ordinary lines.
Up Against It?
Don't Give Up
How ofteii, as you trudge your way
up the hills of life do you hear the
expression: "Well,. J am right up
against a stone wall. I cannot go any
further. There's no longer any use
in trying." ' '
You :.ave heard a friend of yours
say that within the last twenty-four
hours, haven't you? Perhaps you
have even . said the same yourself.
Let's look at the proposition just for
a moment. First, of recognizing that
there are limitations to human
achievements, limitations 40 human
endurance. "No man can lift him-
!( un hv his own boot straps, when
the boots are on his feet," has passed
into a proverb. That's true, but if
the man can get the straps out of
hi: hoots: and, that is another story,
What is a stone wall? A stone
wall is a barrier erected by the in
genuity and art of man to hnprove
the progress of others, or to prevent
the encroachment ut the public on
private property.
But there never yet jvas built the
stone wall that did not have a gate
or a pair of bars in it somewhere, for
the man on the inside, or for the man
who erected the wall there is always
L a way of ingress or egress. There was
' 1 i...:l. ...-II L.4
never Hum a stuu wan uui uau oumc
weak place in it. What human in
genuity erects human ingenuity can
null down or break through.
Way back in the centuries, longer
than the mind of man can recall, even
ith the page of history before him
d;e Chinese said: "We will build I
wall around China," and build it they
did. :. Broad, high and reaching far
into the bowels of the earth they
caused it to run over many a moun
tain and down through the peaceful
valleys. : It crossed rivers, and was
not hindered in its progress by yawn
ing chasms. When it was. completed
the people said:
; "Now China is free from foreign
enproachment. Now we can pursue
the arts of peace, home building and
commerce according to our own no
tions, with none to molest or make us
afraid." And for years they did keep
out the armies of the aliens, but in the
progress of the years the wall began
to crumble Just a little. Here and
there appeared a crack, then a crevice,
until in the year 1900 the Chinese war,
together with Chinese exclusiveness,
practically fell before the allied armies
of he great world powers. .
Man bad built the wall and man
' xd torn down the wall. It took
time arid determined effort, but
at last it came down.
The ancient city of Babvlon. so the
istorians tell, us, was built on both
banks of the splendid river Eu
phrates. It was a city' of power,
splendor and immense wealth. Be
cause of its location and strategic
point it was coveted greatly by the
kings of surrounding and faraway na
tions, to protect the city a great
wall, 335 feet high, was erected,
circling the entire city. One night,
while Ilelshazzar, oldest son of King
Nabu-Nigibb. - was enjoying the
sumptuous banquet, the Persians, un
der Darius, diverted the waters of the
river from their course by means of
an artificial channel, and entered the
city, dry shod. The Persians brVike
down the wall and threw it into the
river, together with the temple of
Bel, and the notable palaces of the
king. What human ingenuity had
erected human ingenuity tore down.
The English, in the days of our
colonial rebellion in 1775, had a fort
at Ticonderoga. It was supposed to
be impregnable. But Ethan Ellen
took it in "the names of God and the
continental congress."
Read you-every day in the papers
of young men; poor, illiterate, with
scant opportunity, breaking the stone
wall ot circumstances, environment
and inheritance, and finding new
fields for their endeavor, rising to
great things. Stone walls can be beat
down, circumnavigalea or tunncrcu
by determined spirits who refuse to
accept as unconquerable the stone
wall to which they have come.
You have your stone wan propo
sition. It may be that you are up
against it good and proper, at the
vrv moment vour eve tails on Wis,
What of it? Don't beat your head
against it. Use your brain to over
come it. ' There is an opening some
where. It may be only a crack, but
that rrarlr. if worked on with the
mallet of purpose and the chisel of
industry, the chisel well oiled with
courtesy, will grow into a crevice, the
crevice into a gap and through it you
may go and pull through out on the
other side. ,
Jkmnraved neonle never win bat
ties, timorous hearts never strike
twelve. Fearful spirits never erect
towers. Fortune has no laurels for
cowards. She crowns with victor
heroic souls, who, in spite of difficul
ti mnv -forward. '
Today, while wondering how you
will overcome the stone wall in your
oath, remember whatsoever numan
!.,,. .iiu rrprti. human ingenuity
can break down. Remember there is
always a way for the one who is de
termined to find the way.
By MELLIFICIA August 10.
Omaha women are taking an in
terest in the golf play now under way
at the Council Bluffs Rowing associa
tion. Twenty women of the associa
tion are qualifying ' for the race for
the championship of the club in the
women's golf tournament which will
begin next Wednesday. Late in the
afternoon the hardened ones comt
strolling in comparing scores and fill
ing out cards. Both Mrs. F. J. Des-
pecher and Mrs. B. O. Bruington
turned In scores of fifty for yesterday
afternoon's play, a very good score,
because of the difficulty of the course
At the Seymour lake tournament
Tuesday Mrs. E. H. Sprague made a
score of forty-seven, thus winning
first prize, and Mrs. Despecher won
second place with a count of fifty
four. W. A. Maurer of Council Bluffs has
offered a beautiful silver trophy to
the winner of the women's tourna
ment at the Boat club. The woman
who becomes the proud possessor of
this cup must have her name en
graved on it for three years as the
winner of the club's tournament For
a former cup, offered by Jr. Maurer,
the women played ten years and not
until Mrs. Ed Wickham had been the
victor- three times did it leave its
display shelf permanently.
At Happy Hollow Club.
Mrs. Cuthbert Vincent was hostess
at the luncheon given by the Scottish
Kite Woman s club at Happy Hol
low today. Covers were laid for
sixty guests.
Mrs. Palmer hindley had luncheon
for six at the club today.
for Miss Catherine McClure ot
Hollywood, Cat.,. Miss Ruth Purcell
of Hampton, la., and Miss Helen
Masten ot Kansas city, Miss seuiah
Clark entertained at luncheon at
Happy Hollow club today. The
guests were seated at a round table
ecorated with coreopsis and place
cards to match. In addition to the
guests of honor those present were:
Florenc Jmks, Oertrud Mets.
Lonlae BalUy, Elliabeth Sturtovant,
Mart arath Grimmal, Dorothy Balbaoh.
: Do You Know That
A June bride will be Impetuous and
A July bride will be handsome and
smart but a trifle quick tempered.
A May bride will be handsome,
amiable, arid likely to be happy.
A January bride will be a prudent
housekeeper and very good-tempered.
A February bride will be a kind and
affectionate wife, and tender mother.
A March bride will be a frivolous
chatterbox, somewhat given to quar
reling. - .
i mum mi inn ii MiitiMMflflMl.Wtt
1 jtr$&.4 $ w
Banana Temptation
ing his sister, Mrs. M. Shirley. Among
those who will be included in the
party are: ' '
unem-a una MCHamm
A. Mcttormott, I. c. Wood.
ar. mill Mm. M. Shirley.
Dr. Daniol Pholan.
Mr. H. C. Nicholson entertained at
a dinner and swimming party at
Bellevue college Monday evening and
Thursday evening, having reserva
tions tor twenty and eight. Others
who have entertained at the college
during the week are Mrs. E. R. Wil
son. Mrs. W. S. Gibbs, Mr. J. F.
Paine, Mrs. Frank Prucka, Miss Alex
ander and Mrs. T. L. Roberts.
At Carter Lake Club.
Wednesday evening ninety cottag
ers took dinner at the club. During
the evening they were entertained by
the summer oirls Minstrels.
Mrs. S. Rainbolt entertained twelve
guests at luncheon today.
Mrs. W. C. Crosby entertained at
a bridge luncheon Wednseday noon.
Covers were laid for eight.
Lawn Party.
the M. K. club entertained at a
lawn party at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. R. H. Secord last evening, at
which the following persons were
present: -
Eva Oraham,
Sarah Whit.,
Carrla Glvn,
Porter Poreado.
Carl Andoraon,
rrana Henslo.
C. P. Secord,
ueaira. and lloadamea
Clark Forcade, . 11. E,
R. H. Bocord,
Mary von Colllna,
Kenle Bwaneon,
Sarah Mottat.
B. M. Glveen,
W. D. Thrane,
Howard Asnew.
Pleasures Past. -
Miss Arlene Aiidelfinger enter
tained , the members of the Evi-So
club at supper Tuesday evening at
her home. Those present were:
Uliaea Mhweii
Gladys Dretbua, Marguerite Mohrmaa.
Gertrude ftylen, Reva Grout,
Helen Wlnh, Esther Rylen.
Haael Johnson,
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Miss Lillian Henderson, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Henderson,
and Miss Mildred Shoberg returned
home Monday from a four weeks'
visit with relatives at Gothenburg,
County and State
W. C. T. U. Meetings
, Here' Next Month
Both state and county Woman's
Christian Temperance union conven
tions will be .entertained in Omaha
next month. The county meeting will
be held September 1 in a South Side
church and the state meeting later in
the month, probably in the First Con
gregational church.
Mrs. N. J. McKitrick was re-elected
president of the Omaha Woman's
Christian Temperance union for the
fourth term at a meetinr held
Wednesday at the Young Men's
Christian association. Mrs. Fannie
Manning, Mrs. Flora Hoffman and
Mrs. Goodrich are the vice presi
dents; Mrs. E. P. Sweeley, recording
secretary; Mrs. W. T. Graham, cor
responding secretary, and Mrs. Daisy
Dunlop, treasurer.
The society doubled its member
ship during the last year, 300 being
the present number.
Oomes to Fulfill Promise, to As
sist Dry Federation in ita
Campaign in State
Rev. William A. Sunday will b fa
Omaha Sunday, August 20, for three
meetings at the Muny Auditorium,
under the auspices of the Dry Federa.
tion. The meetings will be at 10 a.
m. and 2 and 8 p. m.
He will deliver his famous sermon
of "Booze." .
the coming of "Billy" Sunday is
the fulfillment of a promise made the
committee when he was conducting
his meetings in Omaha that he would
return and hold some meetings in Ne
braska this fall to assist the Dry Fed
eration in its work.
He will speak at Lincoln Saturday,
August 19, at the big Epworth league ,
pavilion and at some other points in
the state, to be determined later. It
is arranged to have him devote three
days to meetings in Nebraska.
Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Callfas have
gone to Hood River, Ore., where
"Billy" and "Ma" have been spending
the summer on their ranch, to see
that the evangelist starts in time to
fill his -engagements in Nebraska. It
is planned to have Mr. Sunday reach
Nebraska August 17 and the commit
tee is now at work arranging the
other dates for meetings.
If possible the teed drinks and fan
cy ices this summer seem more re
freshing than ever. .What cou(d,be
more enjoyable than big, luscious
cherries served with - frozen. ream,
bananas and candied ginger. !
,lJcel six oranges very 'thinly and
put the peels in a stewpan with two
cups of milk or, single cream, and
one-half cup .of sugar; boil together
for about ten minutes, then mix in
six raw volks of rta. and atir ntrrr
the fire until it thickens, but do not
allow it to boil. Then strain through
a fine sieve, and when cool add the
strained .juice from the six oranges:
pour the custard into the freezer and
freeze. tc the .consistency of a batter,
when ' one cup of whipped double
cream should be added; then con
tinue, the freezing until the custard
is dry. Fill dishes with the frozen
bream, and garnish the top of each
with quarters of bananas, cherries and
Crystallized ginger. ,
(Tomorrow Toast for Breakfast.)
For Visiting Girls.
for Miss Kutn rurcen ot Hamp
ton. Ia.. Miss Kate Sherrard of Wis
consin and Miss Helen Masten ot
Kansas Citv a number of affairs are
planned before their departure to
their respective homes on f riday.
next week. Friday of this week Miss
Eleanor McGilton will entertain at
luncheon for them and their host
esses, Miss Florence Jenks and Miss
Louise Bailey. Saturday a picnic to
Valley is in store. I
Un Monday Miss Berts fern Clark
of Council Bluffs, another college
X I .'1 1 . t . . . rr. I
iricnur win entertain lor txicm. 1 ucs-
day Miss fcthel Magney will give a
luncheon at the f ontenelle tor the
guests. Wednesday Miss Louise Bai
ley will give a breakfast Thursday
morning they will go out to the Car
ter Cake club to bowl, swim and play I
At the Field Club.
Mrs. E. Carson Abbott entertained
at luncheon at the Field club today
for her sister, Miss Kathleen Carrig,
of New York, who is spending the
summer with her. harden tlowers
were used on the table and the fa
vors formed a toy menagerie. The
afternoon was spent at bridge. Those
present were: .
Meadamea Meadames
William Hunt, Prank ShotwelL
Charles Burmestsr, W. H. Leary ot
Katherlne LaBarth. Salt Lake City.
Frank Jumper,
Ulas Estaus Jensen. . j
At the Country Club.
Additional reservations for the Sat
urday evening dinner-dance at the
Country club have been made by H.
W. Binder for fourteen, by A. V.
Kinsler for fourteen and by W. A. C. I
Johnson for eigbuc '
Wedding Announcement.
J. he marriage ot Mr. Nathan simon
of this city and Miss Rita Marcus of
Kansas City took place there last eve
ning, according to a telegram re
ceived by Omaha friends. The newly
married couple are expected f riday
morning to make their ncme - in
Umaha. -Personal
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Perfect will
leave this evening for a trip to Min
neapolis, Duluth and Georgian bay.
Mrs. B. A. Simon has returned
from a three weeks' stay at Colfax
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Yonson are
spending two weeks at The Inn at
Lake Ukoboji.
Mrs. Robert Morehead and Miss
Angela Hoc tor have gone to Dun-
lap, ia., tor a. two weeks visit and
motor trip. ;. -. -.
Miss Mane Kiley, who is traveling
in the east with Mr. and Mrs. Byron
Smith, spent this week in Toronto
and expects to be in New York Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Young
have returned from a trip to Wash
ington, D. C; Atlantic City and Buf
falo, N. Y. They were gone about a
Miss Ruth Hurst of Louisville, Ky.,
who has been spending some time
with Miss Eloise Green, will leave
this evening for Chicago, where she
will visit a few days before returning
to her home. .
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Green and Miss
Eloise will leave tomorrow evening
for a motor trip through Minnesota
to St. Paul. From there they will
go by boat to Clinton, where they will
visit some time before going to Chi
cago to resume their motor trip. They
will be met in Chicago and, accom
panied on their return to Omaha by
Mrs. Green's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed B. Beyfogle, of Louisville, Ky. '
Parties at Bellevue.
Mr. E. H. Bartett will entertain at
a swimming party and chicken dinner
at Bellevue this evening for Dr. Dan
iel Phclsn of Montreal, who is visit-
Has An Hour Sale
when goods are sold without
Regard to Cash or Profit
Always odds and ends of
. regular stock left .over
from seasonal selling.
Every hour, starting Friday at 9
a. m. exciting sales-in various de
partments. Windows filled with
the goods have drawn great crowds.
Looks as if the excitement and at
tendance would be greater than
ever this year.
YOU will be ODD if you fail to
be present promptly on the hour
If Sary Gamp was alive, and in
Omaha, what tales' she could tell
about her friend . Mrs. Harris
SHE would surely attend this sale.