THE BEE: OMAHA-FRIDAY. AUGUST 11, 1916. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED BY EDWABD KQ5EWATER " VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR THK BtB PUBLISHING COM PAW Y. PBOPBIBTOB. Enteral at Omsk paetofftee aa eeeod-leae .latter. TERM OF SUBSCRIPTION. By Cantor Dallr anS Snae? Dallr wlthoat Bandar.. Evening and Sunday . . . Brnlnc without Bandar Htmoar 0f .nrr. ......... , ' J I aie ao Dallr and Sondar Baa, thraa rears In i-J Send notie. of change of address er IrreeTllerilr fa da- IWerr to Umaha Baa, cireniauea wpi""'" par month too. . . eta... if... Xa... .!0a. Br Hail nor rear. ....IH 01 4.09 l.0 4.09 S.SO REMITTANCE. Ran It br draft, entraea or pastel erder. Only t-rerit takon m paynont of amall eaeeenta. Paraonal eh. eaeest on Omaha and aaaUrn aMhanga. not aeeepteo. OFFICES. Omaha The Be Balldln. Bout Omaha Ull N atraat. Council Bhiffa 14 North Mall atraat Linooln (2( Little Bulldlns. Chloaio (II Poopla'a Oaa Bulldinf. Nov York Room SOS, 111 Fifth avonoa. St. Laole Ml Now Bank of Commaroa. Waahlnfton 721 Fourtaonth atraat. N. W. CORRESPO DENCE. Addraaa oommtinicatloni ralatlnf to new. and editorial nattar to Omaha Boa. Editorial Dooartmont. JULY CIRCULATION. 57,569 Daily Sunday 52,382 ! thriiht WUIUraa, olranUtlon Manager of The Boa Poollihmt oompany, eaing dalr sworn. "' ' average circulation for tha month of Jalr. till, WW 1 744$ dally and 11,111 Sunday. DWIOHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manaser. Subscribed In my praaanaa an 4 eworn to bafo- ma hU Id day VAu.u.tOJ.. Hughes Answtrs Secrtttry Redfield. Mr. Hughei' reply to the demand of Secretary Redfield that he lubitantiatc itatementi made at Detroit came very promptly, and quite pointedly. The letter from fomer Director of the Cemut Durand ii a flat statement that hit reiignation was asked for, Secretary Redfield wanting "to create a vacancy" to be filled by hii own selection. The Tittman eaie u quite similar, only nil suc cenor as head of the geodetic survey wis first made chief of the fish bureau, and then promoted for "meritorious services." This at leait gives Mr. Redfield what he demanded, the basis of the charges that he had removed experienced men in order to make "places for deserving democrati." Hughei has had too much experience to make erious chargei he ia unable to support, and the president and his cabinet ought to know that, just at they should have known their raid on the civil service would rise up against them when they faced another election. Thii epiiode is but added proof that the present administration at Washing ton has been not only maladroit but actually itupid at times. It is worthy of note, in passing, that the Omaha World-Herald gave great display to Sec retary Redfield's challenge, but totally suppressed Mr. Hughes' reply. Subseribors tawing ike city temporarily should kavo Tin Boo nulla to thorn. Ad draw trill bo chfMl aa .ftm aa roqnoatod. The master butchers are regular cut-npi, but they are mighty quick about it It if still a question whether the grain pit bean saved their hides in the late scrimmage. : If Mayor Jim has his lariat on straight, the landing of the land bank it a good as landed. ,'Mr. Hughes lurely knew just where to hit, of he couldn't have so thoroughly aroused the dem ocrats. Truth always hurts, " Italy's victory at Gorizia, important as It ap pears, pales besides the satisfying glory of the Turks getting back to Mush. ; , ; From Detroit to Washington is some distance, but Candidate Hughes' artillery quickly, found the range and sent the shots to the right spot. : ' Wonder if the "writers" who signed that round robin are pleased with the particulars they are getting? Mr. Hughei is specific enough. Unlets the Bremen puts in an appearance soon, people will class it with other unconfirmed rumors, and turn their attention to something else. Thoie man-eating sharks must have appealed ' their hunger very easily, for they seem to have diiappeared from all the Atlantic coast bathing resorts. : -' . As a measure of safety first, Secretary Red. field should stick closely to his role of prosperity booster and avoid monkeying with a presidential buei-iaw.' S'i : f r " " ' . Nebraska's crop, garnered and growing, looms bigger than ever as the bulls tost the bears in the grain pits and the price keeps going upward. It is Nebraska s year. . Fort Crook it to be used aa a training ground for recruits, after alt Quite a little money might have been saved if it had been taken for tha mobilization camp last May. ' ' The Mikado cheerily tells the allies that Japan will stay with them to the finish. Doubtless, as a favor, the "Yankee! of the east" could be induced to book a few more munition orders. Tractor magnates at Fremont are impressed not only with their own work, but with the in terest the farmers are talrrng in the big machines. It is admittedly the first of all tractor shows.1 The horrors of war are bound to be brightened if the prospect of restricted ipeechmaking in eon. gren is realized. Beiidei conserving the supply of print paper it will relieve the congestion of canned wind in the cellars of the capitoL Suffragists unfurled their banner of purple, white and gold on the creit of Pike's peak and saluted the morning sun with dedicatory speeches, The spectacle fittingly symbolized the advance of the cause to heights of glory and worry.. . The soaring price of wheat presents a strong attraction to the venturesome, but nonprofei- aionals should keep in mind that every cent won on the board of trade it lost by somebody, takes suckers to keep any game going lonr. It is good for the eyes, the heart and the lungs to get away from home occasionally. Even Ne braska editors, though on the lookout all the 'time, manage to aee new thinga when they cut loose and circulate. Nebraska affords a lucces . sion of developing wonders for, those who look and move around. Hughes in Detroit " Governor Hughes' visit to Detroit opened the presidential campaign of 1916 and if we may fore cast the events that are to follow by the omena of Monday we would prognosticate an intensely warm, vivid and humanly interesting period in inc next tew monins. The misguided individuals who have been ex Ceding that Charlea . Hughes would prove to e a cold proposition and therefore easy to beat are in for a shock that will make them think they have been hit by an uninsulated trolley wire. There is nothing cold about Mr. Hughes, Detroit has learned. He is about as intensely human a , piece of humanity as ever captured the hearta of a crowd, and the more ocodIc in the United 'States he meets between now and November the more votes will be cast for him. As a cam paigner he ia revelation. He likea his fellow things, an they like him because they see he Detroit's impression of Charlea E. Hua-hta ill favorable. The thousands of people who have stuoteo mm at close range are convinced that i he is elected presidem next November he wil be a great president, one of the greatest this nation has known, worthy to stand in history with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. i custodian of the republic's fate to whom that te may confidently be intrusted. If that con ction ii ihartd by the people of other states , Kim he is stilt to meet, the outcome of his ing around the great American circle cannot ...4 10 be propitious lor nun. . J Wheat Yield and Prices. The sensational upward bound in the price of wheat, following the publication of the August crop estimate from the Department of Agricul ture, deserves at least part of the attention it is sure to get. To begin with, it does not presage famine. The United States has wheat in plenty to feed its people, and may have some left over. Last years wheat crop throughout the world wai above any known record. In the United States it amounted to a billion bushels, for the first time in history. The export demand was not so large as had been looked for, because the European countries alio harvested bumper crops. The English crop was the greatest in many years, owing to the increased acreage, and this despite the war. Canada, Italy, Russia and France showed similar totals, while from India, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina and Chili yields exceeding any 'former figures were reported. What was raised In Germany and Auitria is not known, but the governments of those countries insist that Agricultural operations had not then been seri ously interrupted by the ' war. This left the world at the beginning of 1916 with the largest surplus of wheat it had ever known. Much less wheat was planted in the United States this year, for the reason the farmers did not feel encouraged to increase the surplus. With the present estimated yield of wheat, all the nor mal requirements of the United States will be met, and about 34,000,000 bushels left for export How much of last year's crop is left in the coun try is not exactly known, but it is a considerable quantity, and means that all anticipated demands for wheat and flour can readily be met. No one need go hungry in the United States because of scarcity of wheat from which to make flour, , The rampant bulls may hoist the price even higher then it is, but sooner or later the pretence of the actual wheat will be felt, and the market will respond to the law it cannot always evade, that of supply and demand. - " - . Closing Days of Congress. Confuiion of an uncommon sort marka the closing days of the present congress. It has been in session since the first of December, and now finds its most important business heaped up to be disposed of under caucus rule In order that the members may get out in time to participate in the campaign. The democrats have adopted a pro gram, convenient for their own purposes, to which the republicans have properly declined to give as sent It ahould not be required of the minority that it partake of responsibility for mismanage- ment on part of the majority. The democrats con trol congress in both houses, and in turn the ma jority ia controlled by the caucus, so that all leeis lation is determined upon in its details behind closed doors. This fixes the responsibility abso lutely, and if Important legislation goes over as unfinished business to the next session, it will be becauae the democrats did not care to consider it The waste of time and money by the present lei lion la chargeable solely to the majority party, ana it must take the blame. A. B. Stickney and Omaha. A. B. Stickney came to Omaha at an im portant time in the history of the city. For several years sentiment had been slowly crystalizina on the topic of s grain market here, and Mr. Stick- Bey's advent proved the reagent needed to fix opinion and beget action. He not only brought his railroad and hia enthusiasm, but he invested money in the enterprise he championed, and he lived to aee much of his prediction for Omaha's future justified by events. The grain market waa established and it has grown and will rtow. until it reaches the point that was set for it long ago by one of the greatest of all middle west grain men, the late P. D. Armour, who said Umaha should be the greatest primary grain market in the world. Mr. Stickney backed his faith with works, and his example la atill potent II Kept in mind. ; Omaha won only part of its battle when the Great Western came to release the city from some of the shacklea put upon it by the big Chicago lines. The future development of the grain market depends on whether the city will be able to overcome a tendency that atill exists to drain its natural territory to enrich com peting market towns. It la not likely another Stickney will arise to help win this further phase of the fight, so Omaha will have to depend on ita own merits to make its victory in the market complete. But it haa come a long way since A. B. Stickney gave hia help and encour agement and it ought to be able to solve its problem for Itself. - t . Thought Nugget for the Day. Think all you speak, but speak not ali you think; Thoughts are your own; your woras are tv o more. Where wisdom steers, wind cannot make you sink; Lips never err, when she does keep the door. Delaune. One Year Ago Today in the War. Italian submarine sunk Austrian submarine U-12. Germans captured the city ot Lomza. British auxiliary cruiser India torpedoed off Swedish coast. Pans reported a lull in the fighting along tne western front. This Day in Omaha Thirty Yeara Ago. The committee on arrangements for the grand concert and ball to be given by the Concordia society on its nineteenth anniversary, September 20, consists of the following: Julius Meyer, Geora-e Tzchuck. Lewis Heimrod, Lewis Oro- becker and George Stratman. Twenty-four young men ot Umaha have signed 4k ; Colonel Bryan stopped off in St Louis be tween Chautauqua jumps long enough to tell re. porters that the ripping speeches of Candidate Hughes are "most wicked and unfair" to Presi dent Wilson, He thinks "Roosevelt's speeches are mild in comparison." Aa a critic of critics the colonel speaks as an expert His experience in driving the Bryan dirk under democratic ribs in Washington and Nebraska gives his diagnosis of the hurt the weight of authority. ' " ' Some of those "new" citizens tested the qual ity of life in the United States for quite a while before they could make up their minds as to for wearing allegiance to a foreign potentate. We hope they are latisfied, and will never regret their choice. . - f.-i- an agreement to enlist ai volunteeri in the cam paign against Mexico provided war is declared. The First National baVik is seriously contem plating starting a branch bank at the stock yards. M. L. Youngs of .Milwaukee, grand lecturer of the Masonic order of Wisconsin, is in the city visiting his son, Fred Youngs, foreman of ihe Bee pressroom Mr. Youngs, sr., is on his way to Dakota in the interest of the Masonic order. The Union Pacific band gave a very enjoyable picnic at Fremont. They were accompanied by the Athletic Base Ball club, which will play the Greys for $100 a side. The athletic nine consists of Hart, Withnell, Toner, Mahoney, J. and F. Mc creary, W. shields, Cody, forest and Llark. The Summit restaurant, 105 South Fourteenth street, is now ooen for business, having furnished everything new, complete and up to date. Ihe Union facitic railway commenced suit in Justice Halsey's court a few days ago against the Barber Asohatt comoanv. Mrs. Watch and J. Loveless to secure possession of certain grounds owned By the company near the Union elevator and occupied by the tenants as squatters. Judg ment has been rendered in default in favor of the railway company. Today in Hietory. 1768 Captain Rios and a Spanish force reached St. Louis and took possession of the territory in the name of the king of Spain. IS40 Kt Kev.. Benedict J. fen wick, Koman Catholic biahop of Boston and founder of Holv Cross college, died in Boston. Born in Mary land September 3, 1782. 1849 President Taylor issued a proclamation denouncing the Cuban filibusters. 1862 Independenece, Mo., was captured by the confederates. , 1866 Hostilities between Italv and Austria were ended with the signing of an armistice. 1873 President Grant was given an enthusi astic Velcome on his visit to Boston. 1878 Austrian! occuoied Travnik. the old can- ital of Bosnia. 1881 Mrs. Abigail Fillmore, widow of ex-President Fillmore, died at Buffalo. 1890 pueen Victoria reviewed the Austrian fleet off Cowes. 1899 The Dortmund-Ems canal' was opened by the German emperor. 1901 Francesco Crispi, eminent Italian states man, died in Naples. Born in Sicily October 4, i8i9. . . , ; The Day We Celebrate. Edward F. Morearty, lawyer, was born Au gust 11, 1860, at Knoxville, Tenn. He was a member of the city council at one time and be fore going into law worked for the Union Pa cific. Sir James Grant, Canada's "grand old man of medicine," born at Inverness, Scotland, eighty five years ago today. Sir Henry'Howard, eminent British diplomat and present envoy to the Holy See, born seventy- uirce years ago loaay. Benjamin R. Tillman, United States senator from South Carolina, born in Edgefield county, South Carolina, sixty-nine years ago today. ' Robert B. Glenn, former governor of North Carolina, born in Rockingham county, North Car olina, sixty-two years ago today. James H. Tyler, former governor of Virginia, born in Carolina county, Virginia, seventy years ago today. Joseph Weber, prominent actor and theatrical manager, born in New York City forty-nine years ago today. Earl Brewer, former governor of Mississippi, born in Carrollton county, Mississippi, forty-six years ago today. Where They All Are Now. Lieutenant T. M. Tipton, for two yean in charge of the navy recruiting station here, is now on the U. S. S. Kansas, where he has charge of the quarterdeck division of a 12-inch turret. The ship is one of the North Atlantic aquadron. sta tioned at Norfolk. Ralph Fales, employed at Cudahy's South Omaha plant ten years ago, is in Chicago, where he manages the publicity department of the pack ing company. . The firm of Shaw & Fell some years ago con ducted a grocery in the "500" block, on south Sixteenth street. Mr; Shaw died some years ago, but E. C. Fell went to Philadelphia and took up the manufacture of the small debit and credit books used almost universally by merchants. He has been quite successful, has a large establish ment and recently invested in a farm of sixty five acrea a few miles out of Philadelphia, where v cMjujruig wain 01 rural lire. Timely Jottings and Reminders. Charlea E. Hughes, republican nominee for president, is to spend today enroute from Fargo to Helena, Mont., where he is to speak tomorrow. Colorado progressives are to hold a conven tion today at Denver to select candidates on a state ticket to be voted for in the September primaries. - The TupfJer Family Association of America is to hold its first annual reunion today at Sandwich, Mass., where the founder of the family in America settled in 1636. The annual summer conference of the Young Women's Christian association at Lake Geneva, Wis., will open today and continue until Au gust 21. Five thousand members of the Oriental Order of Humility and Perfection, a subsidiary of the Odd Fellows, are expected at Syracuse today for the opening of the annual supreme convention of the order. The annual summer conference of the western uian&uca 01 1110 auung VVOIMI1 1 mriStUUt SSSO- ciauon win meet tor a. ten dayf session today at caica para,, voiurauo, 8tory-ne of the Day. A new DoatofKce waa oatahlUli.H f V a.n village far out west and the office of postmaster waa bestowed on a native of the soil After a while complaints were made that no mail was sent out from the new office. So an in spector was sent to inquire into the matter. He asked, the postmaster why no mail had been sent OUt. ' .1- The postmaster pointed to a big and nearly empty mail bag hanging up in a comer and said: w ny, 1 am t sent it out because the bag am t uo vnerc nign iuii yet. Baltimore American. Want. TraM PraMrvasl Irvington, Neb., Aug. To th Editor of Th Bn: I makt thii an opoa lottcr to board of county commt-afonri. atkint tham by what authority tha olactria llsht and telaphona eompanlaa hava to havoc and da poll tha beauty of tha traea that wera placed on tha Military road yeare laco at an ex pense to tha aonnty and which now afford pleaiare to thoie travtlinf that highway, fend they ueieting In connection with, tha groves that have been reared in keeping tne bliaardly windi away that iweep throughout the lUte. What is more pleasing to the hu man aye than a well-formed tree with its beautiful emerald hue when placed upon the landscape? Why, I ask, are these ruthless hands of eoraorationa to be allowed to deva state and kill these specimens of God's handi work 7 I ask the board to take soma action In the matter and maintain the people's righto. FRANK B. HIBBABD. ProUbltion and Wagea. Omaha, Aug. 10. To the Editor of The Bee: I don't know who William Wrage is. nor which end of the "wet" and 'dry" ques tion he Is on, but I do know he la not ac curate in hia letter to Tha Bee of last Wednesday. He says, speaking of Denver: "When prohibition went into effect employers began to complain of dull business and laid off men, and those working eight hours ware put beck to twelve hours, and the commit tee visiting' the governor sought work for 40,000. instead of 20.000." Will Mr. Wraga cite one instance where men working eight hours before were put back to twelve at tha same wage? Tha secretary of the brewery workers union of Denver did not have the nerve to claim mora than 2,000 workers thrown out of employment by prohibition, yet Hr. Wrage speaks of 40,000, which, multiplied by Ave (the average number In a family), would alone give Denver a population of 200,000. This, added to those in other industries, pro fessions and businesses, would make the population of Denver ridiculously large. lust because some brewery workmen, no more skillful than a washerwoman," have been able to secure the eight-hour day at 120 to $22 per week, through their union, it ia not convincing proof that prohibition "cheap ens labor." There never was a business venture in augurated where employes were paid top sat 1 arles to begin with. Tha salaries usually are increased af the business warrants. - As Mr. Wrage says, even the -"breweries were paying miserable wages" until the em ployes organised and forced a higher scale of wages. L J. COPENHABVE. TIPS ON HOME TOPICS. Washington Post i Senator Jim Ham Lewis has been slated to answer Mr. Hughes, and it must be admitted that he has as Una a sat of 'em as can be found Is cap tivity. Baltimore American I Twenty-five tons of note paper have been sent to tha Mexican border for the use of the National Guards men. Many will be surprised to learn there is that much left In the country. Indianapolis News: Another thing that must be looked out for Is - that the distribu tion of federal highway money doesn't de velop a lot of highwaymen. The political raw material la in ample supply for such a result ' Boston Transcript: It hasn't been de cided by President Wilson yet whether the Interstate Commerce commission will find the railroad strike deliberately unfriendly or In restraint of democratic election chances. Kansas City Times t If congress discon tinues the practice of printing In tha Con gressional Record what isn't said on thi floor It will accomplish a reform second only to that which would be accomplished if it ceased to print w,hat Is said. Philadelphia Ledger: It Is grieving the o'd-line democratic newspaper very much to see how apt the Hughei women are at planning a campaign. The democrats fear for the fireside and the homes If this keeps up, but would see no menace if the women would only vote for Wilson and let the fire side go hang. ; . ' New York World : Banning the water melon at El Paso to the troops because the army fly expert -says the rind cannot be effectively burned or burled and ao draws flies will seem to most people like sanitation gone mad. That soldiers cannot dig a trench deep enough' to bury the rinds beyond tha reach of flies only a so-called fly expert could believe, and to deprive the troops of the luscious watermelon on such a pretext indicates that the better plan ia to banish the fly expert. SUNNY GSMS. Bh- What did papa say whea iron told him of our engagement T He Well er real iy. near ght Oh, you oan Wave out the swear words. He Then there's nothing to leu y Boston Ttranscrtpt. Oertrude I don't see how you can give your consent te marry Horace, my near. wnen you are not sure you io ' Mildred Oh. you don't understand. Too see, Gertie. I'm giving Horace the benefit of the doubt. I'm not sure I don't love him. Judge, "Groan can't take any kind of a holiday without getting drunk. I met him this aft ernoon and he was half shot." "It is a wonder he wasn't paralysed." "But, remember, this is only a half holi day." Baltimore American. "Professor, I have made some money and t want to do something for my old college. I don't remember what studies I excelled In, If any." "In my elaBsea you slept, most of the time." "Urn. Well, I'll endow a dormitory." Chicago Journal. "Who rang the door bell Just now, Katie?" "A woman who found you out, ma'am." "But I'm not out. Katte." "I know, ma'am, but the woman looked an if that waa what she wanted to know." Philadelphia Ledger. "You go to church more frequently than you used to." "Tea. Ani apart from the Instruction I derive a great deal of satisfaction from my attendance. It's a great comfort to be where people sing and play fine music without anybody's spoiling it by putting In ragttme worda or wanting to dance," Washington Star. "What's the matter?" asked the first flea. ' You look starved." "They are making these toy dogs so nat ural," explained the other flea, "that I ar ranged to summer on one of them by mis take." Boston Transcript. Redd Did the leading lady In the new drama know her lines? Greene Did she? Why, every time she came on the stage one could tell she waa conscious of tneini lonitere pmwaaasw.. Willie What are the captains of industry, dad ? Crabehaw They are fellows who cause wars, but never fight them. Life. "My boy Josh alwaya gets the last word In an argument with me," commented Farmer Corntoeael. not without a touch of Prld ..... "How does he manage it? "Hands me out eome long technical word that compela me to go to the dlctlohery and before I can get back changes the conversa tion." Washington Star. PLAINT OF THE SCRUBWOMAN Florence Van Clove, In New York Times. Day after day I pit my punny is". I.. ik. niv's iimiv cireleBflness. The scraps and leavings of untidy folk The refuse thrown upon the public way The factory chimneys belching smoke and oot .... All this, when blown by chance withia my door, A public fault, becomes a private aname. And turKS in lurwve cornor. w Me as a slattern In my neighbor eyea. My whole exletence narrowa to t one thought The Dirt! The Dirt! It haunts me la my dreams; I rise betimes, to find It waiting there, To mock my feeble shifts of yesterday. I have no other prayer than to desire The world to stand aloof, nor soil my floor! Uv hiiHhanrf rnmss. awarv from tils Work, The children run In, laughing, from the street. Their only Dlaysrround: but I do not seek Their eyea with loving glancea from my own; T look no hiaher than their dusty shoes, That track In Dirt, and, make my labor vain. And then I snap at them, and they at ma). And Home is turned into a bicitering neui Yet cleanliness w ail tnat marxa ua out From vice and Ignorance on every hand; And if I falter in my daily task Let Dirt and Dust and Squalor have their will Farewell to pride farewell to aelf-re- spectl So, day by day, I pit my puny strength Against tha City's lusty carelessness. s Is- '-4 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. LorettoCollege AHD Al.AUfc.Ml SYIUWIBR 0KI1HC8. ST. LOUIS. HO. A Bvardlaa aad Da achool for stria aid F.uot ladlaa, Undar dlrtclion ot Slatara of Lsratto al K.nlucky. Hasn iar oouraaa la Collato. Academlo and Praparalorr. Conaorvstorr at Id Spaolal Dapartmanta. flratroof salld las, baamlful aarrooodlnsa. tar oata lagM. addraaa Moth, Sonarlar. Davt. Ol Wcbotrr Or." a. St. IOila. Ma. CIMI AVEninrf A A llla.4a-EA Collet 10th and Indiana An., Kansas City, Me. Only school of the kind la tbeeest. Else tncsl. stcaun. km. auto, tractor eiurtaeer- Two md three aumths. rear sad two-jeaf Pay and night sessions, snreil any time. Call either phone, or writs for liiformatloa. las. CENTRAL COLLEGE for Woman, Loxington, wo. l SusicTjta. eIpmssion domestic I SCIENCE. EMWtlonal taeqltj. Low Sultton wll I manrtraaadTaatagn. CUlef nd Vlaw Book Mot I EB. Addraaa. z.aj.wif.Liaai,M1a.. It, aw viaia ai.. Mwavi w. , THE KEARNEY MILITARY ACADEMY KEARNEY. NEBRASKA; TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR. AIMt To proridt thoronrh mantal. moral and physical training at tha lowast tarma eonslitant with affleiant work. For bora flam ' S to 18. Charm i 1360.00. LOCATION! Two mllti from Kaamr, In tha Platta Valler- EQUlPMENTl IS aeraa of land. Four buildinaa. Oymnaalnia. swtmmlns pool. Saparata lowar aehool ballduis. i FACULTY! Collar, ffradnataa with buainaaa axperianea. COURSES! Colleva preparatory ; commercial law and bastneaa mathoda; ' manual training: mechanical drawing ; agriculture and animal husbandry. . ATHLETICS! Football, baseball, basketball, track, tennis, swimmng, ealisthenica. CATALOGUE! Addraaa Harry Roberta Drummond. Headmaiter. . "EFFICIENCY IS THE TEST OF EDUCATION." ' EDITORIAL SIFTINGS. Louisville Courier-Journal: Shoe dealers say we shall be paying $10 a pair for shoes next autumn. Then indeed will it be true that the melancholy daya are eome, Cleveland Plain Dealer i It la reported that Carranaa will retire and seek vindica tion at the polls. He must have the elec tion machinery right whore he oan depend upon it. Washington Post; While nineteen out of twenty-seven presidents are reported to have been college men. George Washington and Abe Lincoln help powerfully to make up the shortage. Boston Transcript! Seevecary IfeAdoo has o frightened democratic offloe holders by his orders to them to keep out of polities that It is feared large numbers will vote only once on November 7. Pittsburgh Dispatch: The northwest em phatically denies the reports of rust and blight in the wheat region, but the gentlemen who are bent on forcing up food prices can not believe It, Minneapolis Journalt An automobile from New York to San Francisco made it In six days, eighteen hours and ten minutes. Things have changed since 1849 when grandpa crept across the continent, Baltimore American: The Deutschland has accomplished wonders, whether she fin ishes her adventurous voyage or not. But one error about her coming ahould be cor rected. Baltimore was on the map long be fore submarine voyages were thought of. Philadelphia Ledger r Democratic praise of Raymond Robins, former progressive eem palgn chairman, who was supposed to be heading their way, haa now changed to abuse, since he exhorts his followers to vote for Hugbee and redeem the country. And yet Raymond is very much the same person today that he waa yesterday. Baltimore American: Democrats propose te lower the exemptions of the income tax so as to assess more people. A One sample of democracy this which would further bur den Americana and admit with little or n duty foreign products whleh eome Into com petition with our own industries. Still, Eu rope t ret seems to be the democratic slogan. New York World) 4rlstoeratle govern menta In Great Britain gave that empire a reputation throughout the world not unlike that which Englishmen of today would like to fasten upon Germany. In Ita dealings with the United States and Ireland the pres ent coalition ministry In London seems to be running true to the form established by Lords North and Castlereagh many years ago. -: Springfield Republican t If r. 'r Uoyd George's statement, reported by way of Paris, that the Bfltish army waa in sore straits for supplies on June 1, 116, ti a re minder of a somewhat similar situation fae ing the American troops In Cuba soon after the first landing and of conditions with whleh the confederate army were more than once beeet during the eivll war. But aa im pressive front la part of the war game. It baa ita reeemblance to poker. t Philadelphia Ledger. The house of repre sentatives in deciding to drop the tapoeeb' ment proceedings against United Statea At torney Marshall of New York, is ahoe some slgna of repentance, but It will not be accorded a full return to common aense until the ridiculous contempt charges still pending are dropped. The house is in eon tempt of public 'opinion on this Marshall Issue, and it knowe it So why not 'fees up sad be done with it? . ,: IHEMKICaJlUffl A product of choice American barley malt and carefully selected im ported hops. Brewed and bottled in a' modem brewery under the most sanitary conditions. Cannot be sur passed in quality. Its taste is most pleasant. No beverage is more re freshing or satisfying, especially on a hot day. Save Coupons and Get Premiums Phone Douglas 1889 and have a case sent home. Luxus Mercantile Co. DISTRIBUTORS Roue l. Unbeat MM Unbeatable Exterminator nt Rflta Mlr. aaaae! St . n Used tha World Owri. - Used hi II rTfl,..,. , . THE RECOGNIZED STANDARD -AVOID SUBSTITUTES Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to' be really successful