Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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Propose to Reduce the Income
Tax Exemption on the In
comes of Moderate Size.
. Washington, Aug. 10. Senate
democrats will meet in caucus to
night to consider finance committee
amendments to the house revenue
bill, including the proposal to reduce
the income tax exemption, the pro
posed increase in the tax on the large
inheritances ranging up to 10 per
cent on estates of $5,000,000 and a
proposal agreed to laec night to con
tinue in effect many of the present
stamp taxes.
The finance committee democrats
yesterday voted approval of the
stamp tax proposal and added to the
house bill the following stamp taxes:
Bonds, debentures and certificates
of indebtedness, a tax of S cents on
each $100 of face value; express and
freight receipts, 1 cent each; tele
graph and telephone messages, 1
cent each for each message for which
a charge of IS cents or more is made;
custom house entries not exceeding
$100 in value, 25 cents each; succeed
ing $100 and not exceeding $500, 50
cents each; exceeding $500, $1: in
surance policies, 1 cent on each $1 or
fraction amount of premium charged;
foreign steamship tickets, if not cost
ing to exceed $30, $1; not exceeding
$60, $3; more than $60, $5; all tickets
costing $10 or less to be exempt
from taxation; Pullman car tickets
2 cents each, an increase from 1 cent
in existing law.
The cgmmittee also decided to re
store the existing tax of $5 for each
bowling alley or billiard table and
amended it so that it will apply to
clubs and private places, instead of
exclusively to public places.
Revision of the wine tax schedule
was determined upon, the committee
increasing the proposed tax of 2 cents
a gallon on grape brandy or wine
pirits used in fortification of wines
to 55 cents a gallon. A tax of 8 cents
gallon upon all still wines was
proposed as a substitute for house
rates ranging from 4 to 25 cents a gal
lon on wines containing from 14 to
24 per cent alcohol.
On champagne and sparkling wines
the committee retained the house pro
posal of a 3-cent tax on each half
pint, but increased the proposed tax
of 1 cent to 2Vi cents on each half
pint of artificially carbonated wine.
The committee was unable to
reach a conclusion on munitions
statistics and will resume delibera
tion on that subject today.
Aged Farmer Dies
As Street Car Hits
Wagon on Corner
Fred Davis, an elderly farmer and
a pioneer of Douglas county, living
near Florence, died last evening at
the Lord Lister hospital aa the re
suit of injuries received when a
northbound Sherman avenue car
struck the wagon in which he was
riding at Capitol avenue and Four
teenth street at 3:30 o'clock, throw
ing him to the pavement and causing,
concussion of the brain and severe
lacerations of the scalp, which, to
gether with his advanced age of 74
years, made it impossible for him to
withstand! the shock.
Conductor H. W. Schulx and Mo
torman R. E. Abbott were In charge
of the car, which did not atop to see
what damage had been done.
Mr. Davis is survived by a wife and
six children, four sons and two
daughters. The wife and youngest
son, Harry, live at the old home
north of Florence; where Mr. Davis
settled thirty-five years ago. The
other children are George of Kear
ney, Fred of Lyman, Colo.; Frank of
Los Angeles, Cat; Mrs. Alice Peter
son of Kennard, Neb, and Mrs.
Emma Taylor of Kearney.
Texas Will Break
Away From Wilson
"Wilson has a very poor chance to
carry Texas this fall," said C. B.
Bechtold, who has iust finished hia
enlistment period in the Third Wis
consin regiment of the National
Guard, and who passed through Oma
ha on his way home. "The Texans
are thoroughly dissatisfied with the
handling of the Mexican situation,
and from all I heard in Texas, Hughes
has more than an even chance of
oreaKing the solid south this fall."
War Summary
In Minneapolis Speech Mr. Hughes
Straightens Out Secretary Redfield
MWI FBOM Till ISONZO tent ladloetee
tbat tk anar at tha dak at Aorta U
rapldlr follawtac aa tha aotabla mmmm
n aj tat Italian, la the casta of tha
Austrian su em hold at Oeriiia, with mom
'i artoam ..
1TAUAN TROOPS an naortM ta (art
anr taa Inai, oigaraael pennlac the
ntraatte AaaMaaa, wheaa Mf Ma port
at Mart, tweatjr-twe aUlea ta taa Math-
. wart, la threateaee!.
ALONG THB SOHMK, taa British and
Fraaeh an aiaklnr alow bat raaaonebl
eteadr 11111111 la their laaaattln threats
toward BapaaoM aa rereaae. Lest alt at
frearh traasa aaoaat forward further la
tha Maat wood eater, where tha nat
tallbw bam ham aaaa straek la tha ro
om! flsattas-.
THB BRITISH FBEBBUU oaatlaaaa ta be
. azorl4 aarthwar4 from Foalarea, wharo
they are etramllag ta latat aaoealeta eoae-
. bmuuI at the fcrldge overlooking Baaaaaw.
Ther aaaao a aaw advaaas last Bight.
ANOTHEB IKPOBTAjr aarraaaa far tha
B aula as la Gellehs la aaaeaaoed today.
General LotahlUky-a anar has poshed
wait af taa Stanlalaa-Koloaoea rail way
line and eat the KaoJalaa-Nadreraa rail
way at annua.
Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 10. In his
speech here, Mr. Hughes said in part:
in my srcech at Detroit 1 took
occasion to refer to the fact that in
a very important bureau, the Bureau
of Census, an eminent statistician, a
man of conspicous expertness and
fitness for the place, has been retired,
and a man has been appointed in his
place without qualifications for that
important tecnnicai worn, zou must
know how important that census bu
reau is. In the proper collation of
those statistics is furnished the oppor
tunity for many investigators to de
tect important tendencies in our life.
it is a work that must be done ex
pertly. ' "Now, my statement that E. Dana
Durand was retired, as I said, in
effect,, and his place given to a poli
tician, has been challenged by Secre
tary Redfield. Secretary Redfield
telegraphs me that I was greatly mis
informed. He says 'Durand was not
removed or retired, but resigned vol
untarily, urlasked. I was glad to en
dorse him for present employment.'
"In that same speech i referred to
a technical bureau known as the
coast ami geodetic survey, and to the
fact that in place of an eminent scien
tist there has been appointed a man
whom I regarded as without proper
After Couple of Yean.
"After he had been there a couple
of years he wss put in charge of the
coast and geodetic survey. Now the
adiministration say he is a wonder
fully competent man.
"Then he goes on to refer to the
ensuing year where there were 104
appointments. In twenty approval
was not requested; twenty-two met
with the approval of the civil service
commission and sixty-two without.
"And I have as ummary which gives
the matter to a latler date, and they
are three or four out of the way in
the total because of the difference in
date, as I assume, which is furnished
by the national civil service reform
league. And there it states that in
the first three years of this admini
strationMarch 4. 1913 to March 4,
1916 the executive issued a total of
239 special exceptions. It is then
added, that up to and including June
24, 1916, there have been issued a
total of 279. It is then said that out
of the 279 the civil service commission
has concurred in seventy-one; that
the commission has not concurred in
143 and the commission's attitude is
not recorded in a total of sixty-five
cases. '
j ' , Special Exemptions.
! "In that speech I called attention to
the manner in which the principle of
our civil service laws had been disre
garded, and after going over a number
of matters which I shall not now un
dertake to repeat, I referred to the
special exemptions by executive order
on the operation of the civil service
rules; that is, appointments taken out
of the civil service by executive order.
"I stated that in the year ending
about April 1916, there had been re
moved from the operation of the civil
service rules by special executive ex
emption, about 104. That of those
104, twenty were appointed without
requesting the opinion of the civil
service commission, that in twenty
two cases, the civil service commis
sion was asked for ita opinion and
approved, and that in sixty-two cases,
the executive order was made directlv
in the teeth of the disapproval of the
civil service commission.
Why The Objections?
"Unfortunately in the published re
port of those remarks, by running
two aentences together, that state
ment was made to refer to the coast
and geodetic survey. I had just re
ferred to that bureau in connection
with the appointment previously de
scribed. 1 had not intended that tnis
mention should relate to that bureau.
And the department very properly
objects to that construction being put
upon it. This was wholly uninten
tional. "But I stand by the statement
which I thought I made, which I now
make, that there was in that year,
ending about April, 1916. 104 of these
executive exemptions; that sixty-two
of those were made against the advice
of the civil service commission, and
twenty of them without requesting
the judgment of the commission. My
authority for that statement is a very
excellent review of this particular
matter by Representative Gillette of
Massachusetts. He reviews first,
the two years preceding, and it is
said there that in the first two years
of the present administration, there
were 137 personal appointments au
thorized by executive order, which
waived the requirements of Che civil
service. In all except eighteen of
those 137 the executive requested the
judgment of the civil service com
mission. Forty-one were approved
by the commission. Seventy-eight
were appointed against the judgment
of the civil service commission. Then
he goes on to refer to the ensuing
year where there were 104 appoint-,
ments." ,
Hughes 1 Party Man.
In his speech at the Auditorium to
night Mr. Hughes said:
I am a strong party man. I be
lieve in party organization as an es
sential agency of republican govern
ment out l believe in party organi
zation as the servant of a democratic
people; and I stand as the represen
tative ot a party in order that through
that essential instrumentality I may
serve all the men and women ot the
United States.
"I believe that there is no reason
able man in the progressive party
Had Bilious Attacks.
"My son nineteen years of age suf
fered frequently from bilious attacks.
My Itusband brought home a bottle
of Chamberlain's Tablets and began
giving them to him. They helped
him right away. He began to eat
heartily and picked up right along,"
writes Mrs. Thomae Campbell, Kirlc
ville, N. Y. Obtainable everywhere.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
o Success.
Our stock of fibre suit cases is
extensive. We have them with
nd without straps. All nicely
lined. Some with shirt and waist
pockets. Good locks and fasten
ings, strong corners and re-in-forced
edges. Our prices are all
you could possibly ask And
$1.25, $1.75, $2.25
$3.50, Etc.
Wa Like Small Jobs.
Freling & Steinle
"OraahVi Bait Senate Builder.
1803 Famam St
and no devout and strong organiza
tion man in the republican party who
hold to the great ideals of the honor
and prosperity and efficiency of this
nation, who cannot with a good con
science support my candidacy.
"We have come from many lands
Here in the northwest we know that
Americanism is a thing of the spirit
and not of the flesh. Wherever a
man is born, if he is a naturalized
American citizen of the United States
he is heartily an American citizen
with American ideals; with Amer
ican hopes, ready to give, live and
die for the United States.
For American Sentiment.
"I desire to see a reinforcement of
the American sentiment in that con
sciousness of unity which displaces
all possibility of division. We must
have that inner feeling of intense
loyalty. What is there to divide us?
"We are a united people and only
through that dominant sense of unity
and of loyalty can we find the force
to cope with the problems of the
twentieth century.
"There was no excuse for permit
ting our regular army to remain at so
low a point that it could not perform
military duty without summoning
men unprepared for service from the
length and breadth of the land. This
is not a spectacle of a prepared na
tion. That is a condition for which I
hold the administration responsible.
"Consider for a moment the facts.
It was only about a year and a half
ago that certain patriotic citizens
were directing attention to the need
of preparedness, to the need of the
enlargement of our regular army, and
the president of the United States
formally expressed his opinion that
such persons were nervous, excited,
that there was no real occasion for
alarm; that there were no conditions
which made it a matter to be consid
ered as a real exigency.
Torch of Another Leader.
1 "Then there came the torch of an
other leader. What a change in- sen
timent was wrought over night in
the councils of the- administration;
that was a feeling that an exigency
did exist and that something should
be done; that it was no longer nerv
ousness, but prudence, caution and
foresight which required immediate
'There was an able secretary of
war, and he devoted himself with as
tuteness to the problem and he
worked out a plan. He thought he
had pinned the administration so that
it would stsy put. I don't believe you
could pin the administration to any
policy that would stay put.
"Well, the matter got so bad that
it was presented to congress. Only a
few months ago it was formally
stated that our present demand
called for this forthwith: Raising the
rrn1nr irtnv frnm its total nn naoer
although it was in fact somewhat
less of about 105,000 to 141,000 and
a citizen reserve of 400,000 trained by
federal authority in the annual in
stallments of 133,000 each.
Did Not Stay Put.
'That was to be regarded as essen
tial. Now, how long did that stay put?
Why, within a short time the plan
was abandoned; the secretary of war
resigned, and in his correspondence
with the president he practically
pointed out what he regarded as the
inexcusable abandonment I don't
use the exact words, but this was the
substance of it of a program deemed
to be necessary.
"Now, why was it abandoned? We
have had a great deal of talk about
executive leadership, not conspicuous
then, when American preparedness
was in issue. Why was it necessary
to go through the land dealing with
the subject when congress had its
mind open to know the executive
"On the contrary, there was what
I regard as a backdown; a change of
front. It had always seemed to me
most regrettable that it was a change
of front under a conception of par
tisan expediency. We had as a result
something which is fraught with
much mystery.
"In the first place, under the army
reorganization bill we have a paper
army of 178,000, but an actual army
t 41.. r: 1 1 1 .
lur me ustai year cnaing june ju,
1917. of about 110.000 and about 15 .
000 more in the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1918. We have, then, to rely
upun tne National uuara.
"For the boys who have gone for
ward uncomplainingly to the duty to
which they were called and have been
drueaist about it.
Drug Storei always carry It la itock.
Increased etronfth of
deltoato, nervous, run
down paopl 200 per
cent In ten day. In
many Instance. 1100
forfeit if It fail! as per
full explanation ia large
article loon to appear
In this paper.
Aek your doctor or
Sherman A HeCoaneU
sworn into the regular army over
night for a service that they had not
contemplated and which I do not
think the National Guard should be
called upon to render for those boys
I have unstinted praise. But I con
demn the system which brought mat
ters to that pass.
"Then what a spectacle was pre
sented. They were not properly
equipped when they started; sup
plies were not ready for them and
some of them suffered in the mode
in which they were transported to
discharge therr new duties. Why, it
was a spectacle showing inefficiency
of the first magnitude.
"The rights about which there has
been so much discussion are in the
main plain rights, generally recog
nized. But we live in a world in arms.
It would be the rankest folly for us
to invite insult, for us to invite the
disregard of our word by having an
obvious condition of unpreparedness.
"Preparedness that is reasonable
and adequate is not militarism. There
is no militarism is this country. But
adequate and reasonable prepared
ness is an' assurance of our peace. It
is the very buttress of our self-respect
It is for us to say what we
mean and have our word regarded. It
means that when such a situation
arises as there is on the border of
Mexico that we are ready to dis
charge our duty without calling men
from their peaceful occupations, from
the shops and the factories and of
fices all over this land.
Preparedness a Duty.
"Reasonable, adequate prepared
ness is a primary and national duty,
and if I am elected I propose to see
so far as in me lies the power, that
duty will be discharged to the credit
of the American people. And I am
not talking simply or even primarily
of numbers. Efficiency is only a mat
ter of numbers to a certain extent;
thoroughness, the absence of waste,
up-to-date methods, the availing of
scientific investigation, the determina
tion to go forward sensibly and ex
pertly with the very advice, cutting
out dry rot, insisting upon men equal
to their jobs.
"This is the kind of preparedness I
believe in which will make our ap
propriations for military purposes
properly spent so that the public will
get the benefit of the dollars it gives."
Mr. Hughes then reviewed the ad
ministration's Mexican policy from
the days of Huerta and continued:
"We had a wonderful speech the
other day in the senate from a spokes
man of the administration. He did
not like what I said in my answer to
the notification. It distressed him. I
am glad of it. That was the intention.
But there was not a word in it that
he or anybody else could answer. He
said I am not attempting to quote
him, but I am sure I am doing him
no violence that we ought to have
supported the executive in establish
ing Villa on a throne, a government
founded on principles of American
liberty and justice. Think of that.
Then the learned senator condemned
the republicans because they had not
rushed to the support of the admin
istration in making a liberator out of
this desperado, Villa.
"I want to refer for a moment to
the embargo on arms. I do not know
that it is a rash statement. I think it
is well warranted by the facts to say
that any American soldier killed in
Mexico, is killed by American bullets
that we have let pass over the
Harding Becomes
Head of Federal
Reserve Board
Washington, Aug. 10. W. P. G.
Harding was designated today by
President Wilson as governor of the
Federal Reserve board, to succeed
Charles S. Hamlin, and Paul War
burg was named vice governor, to
succeed Frederick Delano. The de
signations are for one year.
Soothes Yonr Coach and Cold.
Dr. Bell'a Ptno-Tar-Honey aoothoa tha raw
pota, eases oough. kllla cold germa. toe.
All druggiata. -Advertisement.
Senator Stone Demands In
quiry as to How Confiden
tial Information Leaked.
Washington, Aug. 10. Investiga
tion of the means by which a confi
dential copy of the treaty under
which the United States would ac
quire the Danish West Indies for $25,
000,000 became public, was demanded
in the senate today by Senator Stone,
chairman of the foreign relations com
mittee. An abstract of the treaty published
this morning is believed to have been
made from one of twenty-five num
bered copies sent to the senate Tues
day by the State department, with a
letter transmitting a request of the
Danish government that the terms of
the convention be withheld until the
two governments agreed to promul
gate them.
The department's communication
reached the senate in executive ses
sion Tuesday and was referred to the
foreign relations committee. The
treaty probably will be considered by
the committee early next week and
the administration is confident that it
will be ratified before the end of this
session of congress.
"It is hard for me to believe," said
Senator Stone, "that any senator of
the United States would give this
treaty to the public under the circum
stances. Every senator has a right
to a copy and to go to the executive
clerk and get it. If any senator did,
he knows where it has gone. But if
he exposed it to the public, he did a
dishonorable act and ought to be dis
ciplined by the senate."
Senator Stone declared he thought
the body of correspondents in the
senate press gallery would not resort
to dishonorable methods in the ac
quisition of news.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
World's Famous Hotsl
Oppoaita Central Park
U 59th Street
Oete ta All Theatres sad
and Outdoor Ti
Cool and Refreshing Place ta
WttkfmRmmam 7Msf
RED STERRT. Managua! Director
The Distinctive
Boston House
TaVPattanlSOrMorOMeMSt I
ointtua aoutis nine worm.
Awl M I Mil FlM
Our Third Car of Melons Lately
Quality Never Better. Priced Near Wholesale.
Practically every melon wa'va handled has been ripe, so we still
recommend that you buy them same as wa do not guaranteed and
gat tha low price.
lc lb., not guaranteed. lVic lb. guaranteed ripe.
Priced low termor surplus quickly, 24. 29. .33 and 36 Dos.
Most all tha stores have tnae sizaa.
HecLaren'i Peanut Butter, lb lie
Marshmallom, loo tins Sc
Sod Salmon. 1-lb. can 18c
Jelly Glasooe, doien 20e and Ite
Farina Breakfast Food, Ho
Quaker Corn Flakes. 10c pkf Sc
Sweet Split Pickles, doses 12c
Parowav, lOo pks
Heavy White Jar Rubber., dos Sc
Fruity Jell Deeeert, 10. pkg Sc
13 Pound of Sugar for $1.00 at Any of
l Hie Fashon Grof ItaliiddleWes
Friday the Semi-Annual
Manhattan Shirt Sale
Friday morning every Manhattan Shift
in stock goes on sale. This includes
Silk as well as madras; also whites, both
stiff and French cuffs.
$1.50 qualities $1.15
2.00 qualities 1.55
2.50-$3 qualities . . . 1.95
The Men's Shop is but a step to the left as you enter
$3.75-$4 qualities . . .$2.85
5.00 qualities 3.85
Particulars of the
Saturday Suit Sale
in tomorrow evening's pa
pers. It is the Worth While
Sale of August.
For Baby
"Leemax" baby pants,
waterproof, small, medium
and large sizes, directions
for washing with each pair.
Two qualities, 25c and 50c
"Leemax" rubber sheet
ing, size 86x38 inches,
priced at 50c and 75c
Third Floor.
Fall Petticoats
in a Sale Friday
A sale of advanced fall
models. Petticoats that are
desirable will go at bargain
for Black Sateen
4 Ml for Flowered and
)liVU Plain Colored
1 AC for Changeable
$L93 Silk Mull Petti-coats.
We Are Crowing With Growing Omaha
PSoat D-U3.
Omaha Home Furnishing Headquarter
Better Join
The Hundreds of Shrewd
Omaha Homekeepers
who are now
Saving 10 to 50
Needed New Furniture,
Rugs, Draperies, Stoves, Etc.
at the Discounts
offered by the
Beaton & Laier
Expansion Sale
in this store
Reduced from 10 to xh
Open a charge account. Welcome
f J
Commercial Club of Omaha
ci e n.oo
Why" Prize Contest
WHAT New Factories Will Most Readily Succeed in Omaha?
and WHY Will They Most Readily Succeed Here?
Answers mutt be received before Sept 8, 1916. It U advisable that
your answer be confined to 300 words or less.
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$25 o&Omaha Bee Prize $25 World-Herald Prize $25 cSUOmaha News Prize
Ten Third Prizes of $2.50 in Gold Each.
Do You Know What Factories Omaha Needs? Do You Know Why?
Write your answers to these two questions, put your name and address
on a separate piece of paper and enclose in one envelope, addressed to
WHAT AND WHY COMMITTEE Commercial Club of Omaha
For a home surprise send
a case of
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2567-69 Leavenworth Street
Phona Doaf la 878
Prompt deliveries to any
part of greater Omaha
Mail orders by freight
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