10 THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1916. GRAIN INTRODUCE Cash Wheat Soorei Another Sharp Advance, Jumping; - Three to five Cents. EXCELLENT CASH DEMAND Omaha, Await It, ltlt. Caen wheat eeered another sharp advance and ruled from Ic la to over yeeterd.y. prlcea. Thara erae as excellent caah de mand (or all tradea of wheat at th higher prlree, and although tha racalpla were very heavy, tha tradera eaperlanced llttla dlltlcully In disposing of thalr sample. Tha lop price paid for No. i hard wheat waa 11.41. but tha aamplaa generally aold at 11.4091.41. Tha No. I hard covered a vide range, the loweet price helng 11.11. and two aamplaa of the cholceet eelltng at tl.4eOI.1S. No. 4 hard wheat aold from I. It to ll.lt. with the bulk selling around ll.3oei.lt. The corn market waa a little aaaler and ruled from o hither to tie lower, the bulk at the aamplea folnf at lower price.. The oata market waa Quoted generally from He lower to Ho higher, the better K ranee declining in pncee ana me tv. while ajlvanelnr a auarter. There were no aalaa of rye and barley re ported, and there marketa war quoted nominally unchanged. Liverpool eloee: Wheat atrong. ld higher; corn, IV. 9 Id hlrher. Primary wheat receipt, were 2.117,000 tniahele and ehlpmenta 1.101,000 buehela, aralnet receipt, of 1,111.000 buehela and ehlpmenta of 401,000 buehela laat year. Primary corn recelpta were 400,000 bueh ela and ahipmenle 100.000 buehela. against recelpta of 011.000 buehela and ahlpmenta of 400.000 buehela laat year. Primary oata receipt, were 1,101.000 bueh ela end ahlamanta 184.000 buehela. afalnat receipt! of 111,000 buehela and ahipmenle of 111,000 buehela laat year. CARLOT RECEIPTS'. . Wheat. Corn. Oata. Chiea. Ill Omaha. 1 'J w 117 11 0 HI Louie 104 M ' eauA ulea araee v.nnrted today:' Wheat No. 1 hard winter: c.nfc 11.41: I ear, 11.40. No. 1 hard winter: 1 car, 11.41; cere. 11.41: I can, 11.411 4 cere. II lOVii care, 11.40. No. I hard winter: i lu? tut "l car. 11.40: I oar. Il.lt; I i e. ... .... 11 III U: 1 car. 11.10 1 ear. ol.lt; can, ll.lt; 4 care, 11.14. We. 4 hard winter: 1 car, 11.11; l car. 11.11: 1 cere. 11.11; 1 car, 11.11; 4. care, it e n 1110: 1 care. Il.lt: 1 car, ll.f: car, ll.lt. Sample hard winter: 1 car, lt.IT! I care, ll.lt: I car, .i.iii pert oar.. 11.10. No. I iprlna: l car.ll.lt. rA-. ma. i white: I cara. too. No. I hliei 1 car. 7H4c. No. white: I ear, He: 1 ear. 7 Oft. No. I yellow! 1 car, lOVjo. No. I yellow: 1 care, ioc i , i No. 1 mixed; Ne. I mixed: t cara, ' 1 car. Tie: I 1 car, 1114 e. Sample mixed t car, loo. Na. yellow I cara. 7!Ko. No. 4 mixed: Title. No. I mixed: -M e mlven! 1 COT. tit. I t car, TlleOS I car. 4U Oai-ata.derd: 1 J"!! I sera. 41.o; I care, 110. 4 "bite. I carl .10. Sample: T car 4t01 I car. 40c. "rK'.i'Sai PrlsWheat: No. I hard. ....X. ... ta. Vt.rrl 1I1UA1.41: NO. r&7 li.i'l.lt: No? aprln,. Il.lie .ermr. it.uai.4i; NO. I a ti.Mei.lt: No. I durum. ' ., na white, loatovio 1. 7 white. Ttueiloi Ne. t white. Tl . e Mh(t.. lectTtUe WJ'?V.-..V Teeiio- tOBIOHo: No. Teuaie., Ni. 4 yellow. T0O7IHO; Ni l yellow! 78011 No. yellow, 71 J TlOi No. I mixed, 780110; No. I mixed. 7l07lc; No. 4 nun, '""'j". . -Tl-.. .a,tu.. Ne. I mixed. 440170. u. e white. 41041140: etandard, 41 4Soi No. I white, 4mO410c! No. i "J,.!1 iiaiiu. Barley: tie Ulna. 77010c No. T feed. llOllo. Bit! No. 1, tltjllo; No. e, M0t7c Weal her BalletU. Rummary tor the corn and wheat retrlon .. la aortlan. of Montana, ....... eortlone af North Dakota, South n.kot. and Nebraake, northwaet Kanaaa, Minnesota, penlona of Iowa, eouthweet Hie , Wisconsin- extreme Berth- weat'llllnota, and northern Kentucky. They were Hint to moderate, except one lnon uit.h.n end Watertown. B. P.! Campbell and Alexandria, Minn.! pakdale and Holdrege, Neb., and two Inchea at print-field. Ho. Maximum temperatureo Wedneedar wore II ar above In tha plalna etatee, Mlaaourl valley, Iowa and portion; of Illlnola, and 100 to 101 In porUouo of Kanaaa eod northwoatera Oklahoma, and moderate aleawhere. ; OMAHA rilTEhBI UAMMMt. . Omaha, Aatraat to, till. The wheat market opened atroiul but o Ollned on proSt-laUnt by lonfe There waa conelderable buylns In tha pit toward tha oleaa an the market aloaed " While croft tirptrto etlll elva out buck ruet reporta and claim heavy loeeea, the world'a vtelble eupply of wheat la nwser than It waa a year aio. , While September corn advance o, the December cloeed " lower, beoauae of the rnol weather and lae recent ralna la aav erel aectlone of the corn belt. h. verv little Interact In oata. but tha market held up wall and cloeed at cteedy prlcea. Omaha cloalnf prloea as futurea for this day: Timothy, tl.tO; clover. 17.00014.00. Pork: 127 00; lard. 111.15; rlbe. Ill iH,50. Butter Firm; creamery, zivztc. Koye Unchenved : recelpta, 1,401 eaaee. Potatoee Uneettled; recelpte. to oari; Jer sey Cobblare. 1I.1&4I1.11: Vlrxlnla barreled, ll.tO0l.tt; Ulaeourl. 11.11; Ohio, 11.0001.01. Poultry Alive uncnangea. NEW YORK OENKBAI, MABKET. Qaotatloaa of the Day on the Leadlas Com modities. New York. Aur. 10. Flour Btronc eprlnf petente, !7.7(,08.1t: winter patent!. I, .2db; v.bv: winter eiraianie, i.v-'. Wheat Spot, Irregular; No. 1 durum. 11 HV.: No. 2 hard, I1.S7 ; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 11.1414; No. 1 northern, Manitoba, II. tt'e, f. o. b New York. Corn Spot, eaay; No. 3 yellow, IT;, c. I. f. New York. Oete Spot, eaay; No. I white, !HVe. Hay Firm: prime, 11.10: No. 1, 1111: o. 2, 1, 1001. It: No. I. 1106. Hodo Steedy: etate. rommon to choice, lilt. 14011c: 1114. I07o: Paclno coaat, lilt. 11014c; 1114, 1010c. Hldee steady: Boiota. llaoilne cen tral America. II c. Leather Firm: hemlock Urate. 170; aeo- onde, 16c. rrovlelone fork, nrm: meee, ass. zoo 21 to: family, 121.00 0 21.00: short clrers. 120.10 0 27.00. Beef, steedy: mess. 111.000 11.10: family. 11l.ll20.t0. Lard, nrm; middle weet. 111.10011.10. Taow Steady: city, ItlOTc: special, I71C. . Butter Firmer! recelpte, 11,131 tune Raoe Irreguler; recelpte, 11.701 eesee. ' Cheese Strong; receipts, j.ltl boxes. Poultry Live weak: no price settled. Dressed, Arm: broilers, 2330c; fowla, 170 2tc; turkeya, 21 0 320 OMAHA OENEBA1, MABKET, Butter No, 1 creamery. In cartona or tube, 10c; No. I, He, Poultry Broiiere. loc: nena. llo: ceese. full feathered, 10c; roosters and atags. lOHo: ducka, llo; turkeye, 23o; capons, llo: sulneaa, Ito: atiueba tOcOlt.OO per doe.; plgeoae. tl.oo per doa Cheeee imported Bwloe, lb., 46c: domea. tlo Swiss, lie: block Swiss, lie: twine. 17c; trtpleta. 17Hc; dalelea, 17tec; Young Amer ica, llVjot blue label brick, II He; llm berger, loot New York white, 20c; Rocquo fort. llo. Beef Cote RIDe: No. I. lb . lie! No. I, llo: No. I, line Loins: No. t, 1314c No. t, !0Uo; No. I, 17Hc Chucks: No. 1, llo: No. 3. unci No. I. IOVjo. ttounde: No. 1, HHos No. I, llUjo; No. I, lido. Platee: No. 1. tool No. I, IKc; No. I. o. Fish catfish, lb.. 11017c: halibut, liMo: red aalmon, HHo: wbltefleh, llo: trout, 170 olke. Ito: pickerel, no: ouuneaaa, tee black baaa. 14c: eroDOlea. lie: carp, to: cod. nan. llo: tuerien. io: rea enapper. lie; Spanish mackerel, llo: aunfleh. to; Jumbo whiurien. llo: riounaera. no: oetive meex. erel, 120! roe shed, too; froge, doe., 11.710 1.00 Fruit and veaetable nrlesa fornisbed by Ql Insky Fruit Co. rruita urangea: see, ioub, esse, sevo. oox. 4: Ilia 14.10; llOa, Ills, ll.7; 174a, 100a, llta, liOa, 10 11. Lemons: Golden Bowl, 100a, 110a, bos, II. SO: Silver Cord, 100a, Ills, li. 00. Apples: Oravenateln, box. 11.26: old Ben pavte. tl.oo. ueoiauoua iruita: woto- redo pachee, Carmena, 101a, box, 10c: 10a, too; Colorado reaehee, larger alxeo, tl.oo California Elberta or Crawforda, 11.11: Call. fornla Elberlaa, flve.box Iota. 11.10. Peara: Bartletta. Cel.. box. 11.11 : Buseock or Klem Ish Beautlea, 11.50; l-tler or choloa t-tler, 11.11; choice l-tler, I.' Of'; fancy, t-tler Clapps, 11.11; l-tler choice, l-tlar fancy, 1.00; l-ller choice. 11.71. Pluma: Largs red er blue, box, 11.01, Orapee: Malagas, erata. 11.00: Thompaon Seed less. 11.70. Watermelone: Lb., 10. Cenuloupea: M. B. atandarda. crate. II.lt: nonye. 13.16 flats, 11.40. Banansa: Bunch. I1.7I0I.II. Xurleotar Crate. 11.71. Vegetablea Sweet potatoee, Alabama, bu, hampera, 12; notatoea, bu lie; ontona, Spanlah, erata, II; onions, Cel.. lb., itto; aueumbera. beaket. llo: peppere, besket, too celery. Mich., doe., 40c; peee. Telephone, basket. II: head lettuce, doa,. 11: corn, high trade, doa., lioi tomatoes, basket, llo; beete, oarrota and turnips, basket, too; shallots, radlahae. doa.. I0"a garlic, lb., loo. Mlecellaneoua Craokerjack. checkers and oornpopa, caae, 11.501 Mj caeea, ll.ie. ope olal; Peanuts, No, 1 raw, lb., Itto; Jumbo, lo; popcorn, caae, 11.10: file, box, loo. UVE STOCK MARKET Demand for Desirable Beef Steers Continues With Values lOo Up from Last Week. HOGS AT NEW HIGH MARK ReclDti wre: Official Monday Official Tuesday . Official Wednt-nday Kail matt Thursday Four dan this weflk.lM7 Same days laat wtk .17,493 Same dayg 1 weeks aolO,nS Same days 1 weeks agolop83t Same days 4 weeks afol5.7S7 Same days last year.. 17,241 Tha fnllnwlnv lhl mmri the reCfttDta Of cattle, hogs and sheep at the South Omaha live stock market for the year to date, as compared wun last year: 191. 1916. Inc. Dec. Cattle .... 6H9.11J MS.714 lfl9,4t Hflti S 10 ft 1 t(i5 !9fi 437.794 Sheep 1,:67,639 1,161,101 93.666 The folio win r table shows the a re rare prices of hone at the Omaha live atork mar- ket Tor tne last few rtnys wun comparison 9I5.11I14. 1I13. 19i:. 11911 MltWispnlU Grain Markets Vlnneapolla, Aur. 19. Wheat September 11.49 fi1.4tV4: December, ll.49491.49U, Cash: No. 1 hard. H 64; No. 1 northern, 91-Htt01-SH; No. I northern. 1.441,61 Flour unohan red. Barley eiio. Rye 11. OS 01 01. Bran I19.00OJ0 l. Corn No. I yellow, 18014c. Oats No. t white, 4S04SH Flax 84VS4 ll.UflH.H. "aHTT Wbt. Sept Deo, May C'-or a Spt Deo, Oata Sept Deij.' Way Open. I High. 1 II 1 i 41 1 44H I U I Tl ! Ml 4iuJ 1 gr 111 141 il4t 71 II 41)4 41 ?i5 PfeaT 141U 141 Vi !! OB Ml Jt Chloao eloelng pneea, furnlehea The Bee by ljoaen ai Bryan, eioca aim iws iiteee ma tluuin ailieenwisire.il Art. ! Open. HUn. ILow. j Vspt 144-141 14114 141 H Ileo. 141-U 111 14IH Mar lil-161 1 II 160H Com . aept ISH . !H HW Ueo. tin 11 71H M.r TlK-ti , ll ilk: Dale Sept 4IH-H 41 44 Dec 47., 41 4T Mar 10-S II 41 Pork Bept II tl-ll II II l 1 Deo. II U II 41 II II Lard Sept II ll-IT II IB II 17 Oct. II It II 17 II 17 Deo. II II II 11-13 II 10 Rlba Bept 14 tl 14 II II t on. II It 14 17 11 10 144- 1 47 1 II II llfci ' 44 47 ".itl 144H 14lt i.e II 71 71 21 M It 0- it to it so II 96 14 00 11 76 Kansas City General Market. Kanaaa city, Aug. 10. Wheat lo to lo up; No. I hard, li.SHei.46; No. I red, i.V4f i.t, nop tern oer, 91.11; uecemoer, 11.11 : May. 11.41. uauui nana-eai no. 1 wnitc. ibso No. I mixed. 419410. M l-tmU (iraln Market. M. Louts. Aug. 10. Wheat Ne. 1 red, 11.41 1.11: No. t hard. I1.4SU01.B1; Sep. tarn bar, 1.4a41.4-4; December, 11.4414 corn no. 1. sso: no. 1 wane. ssa: nep Umber, iloj December. Tlo. MtMo. I, ifjuitto. No. 1 wnite, 490. Llrerpool Omm Msrkfrft. . Ltrsmool. Aug. 10. Wheat Spot. No. Manitoba, 14a Id; No, I red weatorn winter, 14S io. .'. Coffat Market. New York. Auk. 10. Coffee The reac tlons of yesterday afternoon were more than recovered In the market (or coffee futures here today owing to the continued firm nesa of cost and freight offer and reports that importers were showing more disposi tion to meet in price views of srasiiian shippers. The opening was amulet at an ad' ranee or 1 to points and business con tinued comparatively quiet during the day but offerings were light after the realising of Wednesday and September contracts sold up to I.TOo In the late trading or about voints net nigner. December ad. vaneed to I.TIo and the market closed at a net advance ol I to 10 points. Sales, II.T90 bags 1 August, l.llci September. 1.70a October, l.7loi November, l.7&o; December, i.iio: January, i.sso: February, i.bso March. I.Mo; April, 1.91c; May. 1,01a; Juno, s.bbo; juiy, s.iia. spot oortee, quiet; itto 7s, mo; Santos 4s. lOHOlOTio. It was reported that there had been a fair business In cost and freight ooffeo late yesterday and offers from Brasll today war steady with quotations ranging rrom about io.too to n.too lor Bantoa liondon credits. .The official cable reported no change in Braatuan markets except for Santos fu tures which were rela lower to 10 rets nigoer. CHICAGO 0BA1X AND PHOVIHIONS. Pom Talk, VMUr ta Drtvtoc DawB tk ChJoaco. Aug. II Peace talk la the Hun garlan Chamber of Deputies helped today to cool off the ardor of speculator who bad been anxious to buy wheat. Vreeh advances In quotations failed to hold and the market closed unsettled. ttOHe net lower, with September at 11.4401.44 and December at 1.474- Corn lost la to 1f1Ho and oats Otto to H9KC. The outcomo in pro visions waa an advance of KOtbc. Before any word had come hinting at a renowns of peace efforts, the majority of tvneat traders snowed signs or a dtaposi Hon to bo much more cautious than yester day concerning upward swings of the mar ket. Assertions that crop damage . had, perhaps, already been discounted enough by the big rlM In values led to some weakness at the start, but report of unseasonable frost in Canada brought about a temporary bulge that lifted the market well above yvsterday tiptop figure. Thoa the com parative timidity on the buying eld grew tacreaatngly evident, and the response of price waa quictt wnea ta raot was made known that Hungarian leader had pub- ni'iy sanao lae Vienna government to clar conditions for endliur the war. Additional news about frost In Alberta rallied the wheat market to some itt-nt before the close. Inasmuch as the Alberta crop Is at a critical stag and particularly fuacsptlbto to Injury by frost, the chance ; of another big e-tensloa of damag area a quicaiy laaen into aocount, but never- tlteiese was not sufficient to offset xopt In part the advantages of the bears. Rain In Iowa and Nebraska, together wnu piwiwni os saower eisewnera and depressing Influence the com market Iocroaatnf eamplalat of drouth In Ullnol, howevar, taaded U chock tb decline. Oat gave way with wheat and oora. opecaiauv soiuag preesur wa Beavy. . Hog at the highest quotation la li year the Provision market aKmi upgrade. It was said that export business Qt late ha been much larger than was g4nerauy Bitppoaea. Caah Price : Wheat. No. I red, f.44U 1.4Si No. I red, 1.4IHM6i No, S hard. fl.4SHl.4tVi; No. I hard, 11.400 i.va. v-u. o. 9 yenow, VBTfec; no, yeiw, iMi io, i wmtot iuo. Oat: No. $ whit, 41 1414c; standard, 444e. y- simiiii Mrnyi eveyss. Nw York CMa Market. New Tork, Aug. 10. Cotton Futures opened tady. August, 14.1loi October, le.joot vecemoer, jt.ovoj January, I4.0oi Marcn. ie.isc! May, le-ssc. Futlrea closed barely steady ! AutuiL 14.00CI October, 14,16o: December! I4.an: January. 14.41c; March, 14 l6o; May, 14.110. Spot, steady; middling upland. 11.44a, na saiss. Liverpool, Aug. 10. cotton Soot, easy good middling, I.TId; middling, I.Md; low middling, l.4d. Sales, 7,000 bale, 1,100 oaies lor speculation ana eiport. Omaha, August 10, 1916. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 7,424 4,8U 16,464 6,306 7,771 .ft7 7,928 3.300 6,600 14,271 13,91 J 11.000 27.021 01.049 47,390 41,409 3Z,63Ei 49,269 32,144 39.499 36,399 28,263 37,961 62,114 Date. Jul- 34. July IS. July 34. July 37. juiy 29 July 21 July lw Juiy 31 Aug. 1 AUg. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 1916. 9 4 b SU I 64 9 71 13 I 1 I 64 I 77 t 47 6 16 IftH 73 I 61 T 17 9) 46 t 11 I 16 I 19 7 16 I 66 I I Ml Ml I II 0 44 I 40 t 3s I 63 I 61 1 66 6 6" I 14 I 19 I 66 7 07 t 0 43 I 46 I 66 T 13 I 69 144 I 30 I 63 7 76 I 04 t 00U 00 I 41 1 66 0 It I 06 3 00 I 04 T 13 76 0 14U (1 7 68 8 43t 92 16H 43 7 7 8 331 I "ll 7 04 0 10 7 85 I I7 T 931 1 SOU. 0 37 M 22 8 19 7 90 1 10 9 40 14 I I 66 3 161 7 3 7 38 8 48 61 I 18 7 78 T S7 I 66 I 90 ' 7 90 7 23 Hur.day Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union stock yards, Omaha, for twenty four hours ending at 3 p. m. yesterday: RECEIPTS -CAR LOTS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. HYi C. M. t St. P... 1 wabasn Missouri Pacific .. 6 Union Pacific .... It C. N. W east.. .. C. A N. W., west.. 47 C, St. P., M. AO.. 3 C, B. Q-, east... 8 C, B. A Q., west.. 18 C, R. I. A P., east 1 Illinois Central .. I Chi. Oreat West.. 4 Total receipts,.. .131 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. 26 II 'i 24 V. V. it i! 103 70 I Morris A Co.. Swift A Co Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour as Co Scnwarts A Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co.. a O. Packing Co.... W. B. Vansant Co.. Benton, Vansant A I. F. B. Lewis J. B. Root A Co.... J. H. Bulla L. F. Husx Rosvnstock Brort, .... Werlhelmer A Degea. H. F. Hamilton .... Christie Hlgglns Huffman Meyers Olsvsberg Banner Bros. John Harvey Kilns Jensen A Lungren . Pat O'Dsy Other buyer 310 680 666 147 30 t It 60 87 110 111 30 6 7 11 II 6 37 73 1 106 1 116 Hogs. Sheep. 1,239 3.000 1,275 1.198 1,318 1,391 1,171 2.011 "713 !!!!! 4,170 TOUI 1,601 0,176 14.140 Cattle Receipt were fairly liberal to day, about 1,100 head, but the quality wai not as good as It was early In the week. supplies for the four days have been tol erably liberal and the demand has been good for desirable beef steers, both corn' teas and rangers, with the trend of values for cattle that were good enough to at tract competition. For the moat part values were firmly held today, but the movement lacKea me and snap, and it was well along towara noon osrors anything like a clear ance had been made. Compared wtlh week ago values are right around lOfjlSc higher for good stuff, and not far from steady oven on the medium and common kinds. Cow and heifer were quotably steady and In the neighborhood of 1001 60 higher men may were last ween, ueraana is broad and the feeder buyer ar takin a good many of the thin cows and helfera at ostier prices than the killer ar will log to pay. There wa net a great deal of antivitv In stock cattle and feeding steer. Volume of business ha bean fair so far and price nave seen strong 10 JtfOUDC higher than the closs of last week. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice oeeves. 9s.eut71v.v5; rair to good beeves, II. 10491.16; common to fair beeves. 17.769 ..ib, iwa u onoice yearlings, 9.b0 910.10; fair to good yearlings. 16.1609. 60; common to fair yearlings, 7. 00O1.60; good to choice grass beeves, 18. 00O9.36; fair to good grass beeves. 17.3607.76; common to fair grass beeves, 96,6007.00; good to choice heifer, 9.7607.60; good to choice cows, $0,000 .86; fair to good cows, 16.0001.10; com mon to fair cows, $8.1606.71; good to choice feeders, $7.6008.40; fair to good feeders, $7.0007.60; common to fair feeders, $6,000 6.10; good to choice stockers. $7.6006.00; stock heifer, $6.7606.76; stock cows, $6.60 OI.60; stock calves, $4.7601.60; veal calve, $9.00011.00; beef bulls, stags, ato,, $6.1607.26; Bologna bulls, 16.60 06.36, Representative sales; BEEF STEERS. lower, while flat 10c declines were quoted several bands. General quality was aulta a little better than yesterday. Best stuff sold at $10.90, as against yesterday's, $11.20 top, with some not so desirable around $10.76. Old sheep were, in trade parlance, poison. There wa not a great many here, but pack ers did not want them under any consld atlon and none had been sold to killers up to midday, even small packages that came with strings of lambs being refused. Feeders continue tnetr upward cour. several bunches that moved before midday being called strong 'to as much as a dim higher. A top of $10.00, which Is a new record, waa paid for one load, sorted up real well, and others sold around 19.86. Some pretty good aged breeding ewes landed at 17.6007.76. Quotations on sneep ana lamne: LamDe, good to choice, $10.76010.90; lambs, fair to good, 910.zbv10.itt; iamos, reeaers, v.xv 10,00; yearlings, good to cnoice, 7,25iy 7.66; yearlings, fair to good, $7.0007.26; yearlings, feeder. $0.6007.76; wethers, fall to choice, $6.7607.60; ewes, good to choice, 16.6006.76; ewes, fair to good, $6.7604.60; ewes, plain -to culls. $4.0006.76; ewes, feed ers, $4.60 06.10; ewes, breeders, all ages, II. 26 9.00. No. Av. Pr. 346 Idaho feeder lambs 66 t 86 28 cull feeder lambs 64 I 00 169 Idaho feeder lambs 63 9 26 619 Idaho feeder lambs 67 t 80 218 Idaho yearling 90 7 85 600 Idaho lambs 66 11 30 1994 Idaho lamb 66 11 20 810 Idaho lambs 72 11 20 199 Idaho lambs 06 11 00 3 4 ti Idaho feeder Iambs........... 66 9 86 169 Idaho feeder lambs ei s ne , 619 Idaho feeder lambs 67 t 10 38 cull feeder lamb 03 v zd 4r.t Oregon Ism be 68 10 76 464 Oregon feeder lambs 62 I 16 8t Louis Live Stock Market. St. Louts. Aug. 10. Cattle Receipts, 4.400 head; market, lower; native beef steers, , 17.Ou01O.26; yearling steers and heifers, $8.60010.00; cows, $6.6007.76; stockers and feeders, $6.8001.26; Texas steers, s&.ouw 8.60: or I me southern steers, $8.00 0 900; cows and hejfers, $4.6008.00; prime year ling steers ana neiiers, fi. native calves, $6.00011.76. Hogs Receipts, 11,000 head; market. higher; pigs and lights, $8.7610.46; mixed and butchers, $10.30010.00; good heavy, $10.86010.60; bulk,' $10.2010.46. tmeftD and Lamm rteceipu,, ,zuu neaa market, lower; lambs, $7.00010.60; slaugh ter ewes, $6.0007.26; bleating ewes, $9,000 10.00; yearlings, $s.ooo.tD. Kansas City Live Stock Market. Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 10. Cattle Re ceipts, 7,600 head; market lower; pr-me led steers, 9y.but710.z1; aressea oe?i steers, $7.0009.36; western steers, $6.6006.76; cows, $4.60 O 7.26 ; heifers, $6.60 0 0. 60 : stocker and feeders, $6.00 08.00; bulls, J6.2& 08.60; calves, $6.60011.00. Hogs Receipts, 8,000 head; market higher; bulk of sales, $9.90010.30; heavy, .0919010.16; packers and butchers, $9.86 010.20; light, $9.16010.20; pigs, $8,600 I. 35. Sheep and Lamb Receipts. 1,000 head; market weak to 60-lower; lambs, $10,100 II. 10; yearlings, $7.6008.36; wethers, $7.26 07.16; ewes, $6.7607.60. . Ch'tv- Stock Chicago, Aug. 10. Cattle Receipts, 4,000 head; market steady; native beef cattle, $6.90010.60; western steers, $6.6608.60; stockers and feeders, $6.0007.86; cows and heifers, $8.6009.36; calves, $9.00013.06. Hogs Receipts, 19,000 head; market, active; 16030c higher; bulk, $1.16010.60; heavy, $9.66010.60; rough, $9.6609.80; pigs, i8. 2609,10. Sheep and Lambs Receipt. 16,000 head; market, weak; wethers, $6.7606-26; ewe, $1.4007.66; lamb. $7.60011.26. Slonx City Live Stock Market. Sioux City, la., Aug. 10. Cattle Re ceipts, 700 head ; market steady ; beef oteers, $7.0009.76; butchers, $6.7607.10; fat cows and heifers, $6.7606.76; canners. $4.0006.60; bulls, stags, etc., $6.6006.36. Hogs Receipts, 3,300 head; market 60 10a higher; light, $9.2609.60; mixed, $9.60 01.06; heavy, 19.05 10.10. Sheep and Hogs Receipts, 8,000 head; market steady; awes, $6.6007.00; Iambs, f9.00OU.00. KEW YORK STOCKS Mediation of Bailroad Labor Controversies Has Much to Do With Market. STEEL SHOWS A NET LOSS New Tork, Au. 10. Subject to the re straints Imposed by a large and obstinate ehort Interest, today'a market made runner upward progress, much of which was sur rendered In the heavy profit taking of the last half of the session. The Improvement In speculative sentiment, engineered largely by the acceptance of mediation by the rail way brotherhoods, atlmulated a demand for high-grade Issues, although the Inquiry from this source. It afterward developed, waa not fa.r reaching. Price movementa In the forenoon were slightly Irregular, but galna predominated, with Reading again the leader, that etock adding Ih to yeeterday'a advance of al most 7 points, but closing at a net lose of H4. Mercanllle Marines also denoted fur ther accumulation ott the approaching pub lication of the reorganization plan and United States Steel helped to lnsplre con fidence by Improving allghtly upon Its high Drice of the preceding day. During the Intermediate atage there waa coniilderable activity In the rubber Issues Identified with the Motor Industry, as wen Consolidated. United states industrial Alcohol, Distillers' Securities. There nere Intervals of strength In munitions and Gen eral Motora waa distinguished for. Its ex treme gain ox 2& polnta on a lew traneac Prices neaan to droOD on publication Of the united States steel tonnage report tor July, which ehowed a nominal decrease In unfilled orders and made further headway on the failure of the Union Pacific directors to Increase the present rate of dividend. Steel rlosed at a net loaa ot ft ana union Pacific forfeited 1. Total aalea of slocks amounted to .Kfi.000 sharee. Negotlationa connected with the new British loan are approaching completion, ac cording to Intimation from authoritative oimrters. The terms, it Is believed, ' embody certain attractive features which were lacking In the Anglo-French under takings. Easier tendenclee were shown by sterling and francs In the day's quotations for foreign excoange ana maras were llrht v firmer. Tradlna In bonds waa relatively restricted, with an Irregular undertone. Total saloa, par value, 93.325, odd. United states bonds uncnangaa on can. Am. Beet Sugar. .. . 5.700 (0 ii SS American uan ... s.env in oei A rr J, Foundry 5.200 59tt 58U. 68 ,,oo lii i t4Va suo lie, liv tie 500 1304. 120U 120 00 23 32U 821. 1,000 II l II ti S1K 5,400 10314 102 102 cent; closed at 1 per cent; offered at 2tt per cent- Time leiana Eaeler: sixty days, imti per cent; ninety daye, 293 per cent; alx moatha, l9 Per cent Mercantile Paper 1 per rent. Sterling Exchange Sixty-day btlle. M.71; demand, 14.75; cables, 14.717-11. Bllver Bar, eae; Mexican aouara. etc Bonds Government, ateady; railroad, Ir regular. U. s. ret. Is, reg.181,. N. un. 4a tltt U. a nf. II. CU.IIUM.. K. Mk T. let U. S. in, reg 100 4 74H U. 8. 3s. cou...10H,'Mo Pc. con. la. 101 U. 8. 4a, reg.,..10tHont. Power Ce. . .17 U. S 4s, cou 110 N. T. C. deb. Is. 112 Am. smelt a. ,ip7eM. T. city 4V.a Am. T. T. cv. (1165) 107 4KB IC.'iN. T.. N. H. ft H. Anglo-French 5e.. 23 cv. 6s 11! Atcnison gen. 4a.vznjivo. rac 48 Viet B. O. 4b (OViNo. Pac. 3s 66 Bethlehem Steel O. 8. L. ref. 4s... 11 ref. Es 100 Pac. T. as T. 6a. 100 Cent Pac. 1st. ...17 Penn. con. 4e..l04 C. & O. ov. 4s..l4 -Penn. gen. 4s.l01 C, B. ft Q. Jt. 4e. 17 Reading gen. 4s. .46 C M. ft St P. St. U ft 8. F. cv. Is 107 ref. 4a 11 C. R. L ft P. So. Pac. cv. 6s... 104 ref. 4s 7! So. Pac. ref. 4s... 90 C. ft S. ref. 4e..83So. Rr. 6s 101 D. ftR. O. con. 4a.78U. P. 4s 6 Brie gen. 4s 73 "U. P. cv. 4s 3 Oen. Elec. 5s. ...104 u. S. Rubber 6s. .102 Ot No. 1st 4a..99U. 8. Sleel 6s 105 I. C. ref. 4b 11 West. Union 4S.I4 I. M. M. 4s 107 Westlnghouse K. C. S. ref. 5a.. 89 Kler. cv. 6s... 117 Bid. Offered. M. Jeavph IAt. Stork Market, St Joeeph, Mo., Aug. 10. Cattle Re ceipts. 1,700 head: market slow and weak; ateere, 97.00910.00; cows and hsltera, 94.00 98.001 caivee, le.ooey li.oo. Hogo Recelpte, 8,000 head; market 160 !0c higher; top, 910.16; bulk of aalea, 9.76 f 10.10. Sheep and Lambe Receipts, 8,000 head; market 10925c lower; lamba, 910.269 11.36; ewes, 97.0097.35. Omaha .... Chicago . . . Kanaaa City St Louis ,, St. Joseph Sioux City Total .... live Stack la Sight. Bogs. 6.400 19.000 . 9,000 . 11,100 . 9,000 . 1.300 . 61,100 Cattle. Sheep. 8,300 18,000 4,000 16,000 7,600 1.000 4.400 4.200 1,700 1,000 700 9,600 91,100 ,3,700 925 471 Av. Pr. No. A. Pr. ..1049 9 90 17 914 97 00 8TFER8 AND HEIFERS. 190 7 00 3 149 9 16 60 929 HEIFERS. I 15 1 Tit 7 26 1 lit COWS. 4 50 5 T69 9 79 11 101. 9 II J 1090 90 BULLS. I 90 1 100, 40 CALVES. ( 60 1 110 .. ,20 ..1160 .. 920 ..1001 .. 140 ..1610 7 7 9 90 90 T II t (I 00 t 40 00 9 00 Oaaaaa Hay Market. Omaha. Aug. 10. Prairie Havw TJnland: Choice, 910.00; Mo. 1. I9.60910.0t: No, 9, ll.ooai.oo: No. I, ll.00O4.40. Midland: Choice. 9t.IO91O.O0s No. 1, 9t.l09l.60; No. 91.00 9 9.00: No. 9, 94.009t.OO. Lowland: Choice, 99.0099.60; No. 1. 97.00 9 9.0t; No. I, is.eocj7.eo: na a, ii.oofpo.oo. Alfalfa Choice new. tll.OOOll.Ot: No. 1. 10.00911.00; standard, 91,00 91.00: No. I, 1.0001.00. Straw Choloa wheat Is quotable at 16.00; cholc. oata er rye, 96,6096.00. Osaaaa Hay ktarkst. Omaha. Aug. I. Hay Roaolnta lleM. with tha market ateady on all sradea Upland prairie: Choice, 910.11: No. 1, 91.00 910.0.: NO. 1, 17. 00 09.00: NO. 9. 91.009 1.00. Midland prairie: Na 1, 9t.tt9l.0t; No. I, 97.00 9 9.00. Lowland prairie: Choice, 17.40; No. 1, 91.01: No. 2. 94.0091.10; No. 9, 99.t09i.0t. Alfalfa: Ftrmari Choice, 112.00; No, 1, 910.50 911 60. Metal Market. New Tork. Aug. It U.tale Lead, tl.oo aaked. Spelter dull; a pot Beat St Louie d.ltvary, 98.37. Copper ateady; electro lytic, ,21.00 9 21. 00. Iron steady and un changed. Tin firm; spot 999.1l93l.97. At London: Spat copper, f-110 lOe: fu tures, 1101 10s! electrolytic, 1124; spot tin, flit loai futures, 1171 lot: lead. (II la td bull spelter, itl. Craae oil Again Bedaaed.' Plttabwrga. Pa.. Aug. 1,. Another change la the price af all gredee of crude oil but Raglans waa announced by tha principal parchaelng agenclee today. Five cents a barrel wa. the poated reduction, making tae new pnooe aa rouowa: renaayivania. crude, ti ll: Cebell. 91.17: -Mercer Mack. Corning and New Caetle, 91.18; Someraet, 91.71, naglano remained at to oenta. Bit Geeda Market, -New Tork, Aug. 10. Dry Oooda It anncunoed today that fruit ot tha loom bleached oottona are lo be advanced shortly to 10 eenta a yard, one-half cent a yard up, and the new price will be guaranteed until November 15. cotton geoda ruled firm. Can tea ellk trad. wa. ape.t by revolutions. 34., 1 179 1 940 10 00 9 190 li 91 Hogs Tha market was another more or less Irregular and aharply higher affair. Shippers again got an sarly start, and paid price, that ware a dime or mora higher for what hoga they could uss. Other buy ers paid a tup of 910.10. setting a n.w high mark for tha year, and establishing a record tor this seaaon of the year. With the outalde buyera such atrong com petitor, on .verythlng except weighty gradea, packer, did not waste any time, but came out early and filled their ordera at flguraa that were In no caae leea than a dime higher, and from that on up to as muca aa 1.91110 aoove yeeteraay in a good many eeeeB. The market wee very active and moat everything wee cleaned up before 9 0 clock, wnicn meane tnat bulk or tne hoge had aold before any definite reporta were received at other merketa. Aa waB tha cae yealorday, olos. waa aotlva and atrong. The general market was an or idoibc hlghsr, and In a number of Individual caees, especially on packing hoga, 2V advancee were quoted, nuia oc louaysaaiee ai .s.euv 1.76 la the highest ever Been at thla time of year, though In the general run of stuff valuea are not quite so high aa at the eea aon'a best time. The day'a top of 910.10 la the hlgheat ever paid on this market ex cept during the monttui of March and April, 1910, and la only Tta abort of the record for the yarde, Aa compared with laat week's cloee. valuea show an advance of 46c Na At. Sh. Pr. II.. 264 10. 91 1 It t 40 It 9 91 tt 9 It ... l ... I 71 ... 9 91 310 9 99 it 10 i 10.. 911 No. Av. 22.. 311 31. .311 II.. 114 12. .274 99.. 110 60.. 913 40. .Ill 14.. Ill Pr. ... 91 It ... , 41 140 ,13 110 9 0 10 I 70 ... t 10 41 I 90 ... 10 ot Sh.p Th blggaat lamb run of tha year to data wa. here tnia morning, aeventy cara. ar about 11.000 head, being on hand. Thla tnakea tha total for the week to data far larger than tor any similar period ao far una rear, arrivals rooting up at.e.e head, aa aaetnat 41,409 laat week, tl.ltt two week, ago ana 02,114 last year. Today'a heavy run save pack era tb. op. portualty Uiey have been looking for and they wok run advantage 01 it, punning prlcea back daw. under the tll.tt mark. Be Here put up a pretty attff acrap before conceding the . decline, paok.ra war. aak laa. but they might Just aa well have bucked a atone wall, for buyera had tha upper hand and they know It For all that th. mov.meni ataneo in pretty good aaaaon and tha bulk of the oftortngs had changed handa before 11 o'clock. Prlcea have been pretty uneven all week and consequently comparisons are hard to make, but today'e aalea war. la a. caae leas than a quarter Turpentine ana Bosln. Savannah. Oa.. Aug. 10. Turpentlni Firm; 42o: aalea, 949 bbla.; recelpte, 49S bbls.i ahlpmenta, 12 bbla; stock, 15,170 nbla. Roaln Firm; aalea, 1,951 bbls. ; recelpta, 1.960 bbla.; ahlpmenta, 3,202 bbls.; .locks, 61,114 bbls. Quote: A, B, 15.50; C, D, 96.70; E, 96.76; F, 96.00; O, 96.00; H, I, K, U, N, WO, WW, 16.40 Bank Clearings. Omaha. Auguat 10. Bank clearlnga for Omaha today were 94.044,600.61 and for the corresponding day laat year, 93,840,56o.&0. Am. Locomotive Am. Smelt ft Ref. Am Sugar Ret.... Am. Tel ft Tel.... Am. ., L. ft 8... Aanaconda Sopper. Atchteon Bald. Locomotive. . Baltimore ft Ohio. Brook. Rapid Tran. ft tf. uopper. . . . Cal Petroleum . . Canadian Pacific... Central Leather . . Chesapeake ft Ohio C, M. ft St. P C. R. I. ft P. By.. Chlno Copper Colo. Fuel A Iron.. Corn Producta net Crucible Steel .... Dl.tlllera' Secur. . . Erie Oeneral Electric .. Ot. Northern pfd.. ut. no. ure ctta. .. Illinois Central . . . Inter. Con. Corp. . . Inspiration Copper. Inter. Harveater Int. M M. pfd. ctta 95,800 K. C. Southern 700 Kennecott Copper.. 6,600 Louie, ft Naah Uex. Petroleum.... Miami Copper .... M., K. ft T. pfd.... Mlasourl Pacific ... Montana Power ... National Lead .... Nevada Copper . . . New York Central. N. T.. N. H. ft H.. Norfolk ft Western Northern Paclfio Pacific Mall Pao. Tel. ft Tel Pennsylvania Ray con Copper... Reading 18,000 103 nep. iron at Bieei.. i,iuv 8hat. Aria. Copper. Southern Pacific . . Southern Railway.. Studebaker Co. ... 10,600 121 Tenneasse Copper. . Texaa Company . .. Union Pacific Union Pacific pfd.. !!. S. Ind Alcohol. U. 8. Steel U. S. Slsel pfd Utah Copper Wabash pfd "B".. Western Union . . . Weea. Electric 11.300 7414 7Zft 7Ztt 4,800 86 11 16 500 86 84 94 1,700 66 66 6 600 18 II It J,40 V 175 175 600 66 15 56 2.200 12 61 tl 2,100 17 16 tt 1,100 20 11 10 1,700 41' 48 48 1,600 46 44 44 14 13 19,700 72 61 tt 4,600 46 46 46 10,600 87 16 96 1,100 170 169 168 1,200 118 117 118 36 26 26 700 102 101 100 1,800 17 16 16 4,400 49 49 49 113 96 11 13 26 26 24 48 47 47 128 9 l 17 94 14 3i 10 92 5 IllJ tl .... It 17 17 Autos Come Together And One Driver Fined C. W. Lsrton. Mi Arbor street, was fined $5 and costs in police court on a charge ot reckless driving. Lar son was arrested on complaint of C H. Cullison, 2527 Devenport street, with whose auto he collided at Twelfth and Dodge streets. Cullison asserts the collision, occurring by reason of the fact that Larson did not comply with the regulations by giv ing the turning signal at the inter section of the streets. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. Hall Room Thief Makes Two Hauls at Windsor Inn C. Brown of the Windsor hotel re ports to the police the theft of $7 from his room, while D. Smitherman of the same hotel lost $8 and two baggage checks. When the latter called the Burlington station he found that the possessor of the checks had preceded him and made away with his baggage. G. G. Kyne of the Havens hotel took a friend to his room Wednesday night and when the latter left $40 of Kyne's money went also. Wires Omaha Police to Apprehend Runaway Wife D. B. Perkins of Alliance has wired the Omaha police to apprehend his wife and D. L. Lilley of Gillette, Wyo., who, he says, are enroute to Omaha. With the pair is Mrs. Per kins' mother. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. B. I. Taylor, city commlMionar of Sioux City. In charga of streeta and public im provements, ta making a tour of Inspection over Omaha's paving, sewer and park sys tems. City Engineer Bruce la taking tha visitor over the city. Market Break IN Motor & Oil Stocks AND THE Intrinsic Pius Speculative Value of Listed New York Curb Mining Issues Analyzed and Diaacciad in tb Industrial and Mining Age Published Weekly Since January, 1909. Sold by Subscription Only. $5 a Year. Simple Off and ic teai htt tm ear see es ef nfrnctim if yea ertfe imawe'ialeji. INDUSTRIAL MINING AGE 27 William St.. N.w York. JITNEY TAXI WEBSTER 202 1917 MAXWELL CAM. 4.100 1.100 ""too 400 "'700 'ii 4,800 10s 10114 1044 800 60S 80 69 4,800 19214 191 130 800 11114 111 1114 8UV 20ft 014 ZD14 7,200 8,200 10 4 23 S 6t 23H 27 4 88 6Ci 23 H 9'i 47 27 200 27 8.600 8.200 2U 28 127K 127 1,100 28 25 25 800 18214 19014 110 11,800 141 18IU 139V. .UU .13, 611 RUU 11, 1IU 48,600 88 700 1184, 9.200 71 1,200 17 27 200 14 ll 14 9. 001 51 61 liu 87S 82 110 8T 118H 78 H 27 14 Total sales for the day, 165,000 share Xiondon Stock Market. London, Aug. 10. The stock market had a cheerful tone today and some of the funds hardened. American securities were lead ing features and dealings In them were more frequent than for some Urns past. Americans closed' firm. Money and discount rates were steady. Silver Bar, Sld per ounce. Money i per cent, Discount Rates Short bills, 6 8 per cent; three months, per cent. New Tork Money Market. New Tork, Aug. 1 0. Money On call. Arm; high, 3V4 per cent; low, 1H Pr cent; ruling rate IVi per cent; last loan, i per Raymonds First Semi-Annual Merits your attendance and patronage in three distinct ways. First IT. IS A SALE of genuine value giving and low net prices on good dependable Furniture. Second, IT IS A SALE combining a lower price on hundreds of the best things on our floors (than our every day low prices), with a service in the handling of your orders in a manner, nothing short of absolute satisfaction to you. Third, IT IS A SALE that will go far toward the establishment of the best kind of "good will" between the Raymond Store and you for now and for the future; Furniture of character and quality, reduced from our everyday low prices. Means that you can secure real savings by buying now. Note the reductions made on the Special Sale Tag, and fix in your mind also the Everyday Low Price shown on each piece reduced. err ISI3-I5I5 Will 9avo You Money HOWARD ST. - Thefe's A Reason AYDEN n tU aUl6 TP. DODGE D0U0LAS STREETS ' 1 Ike BEST PURE CANE ll IO IDS. Granulated SUGAR The Only Kind to Buy for Your Preserve. Flour I Still Advancing. Buy Now. ee.jD. aaex. Heat urade Diamond H Flour, made from selected No. 1 old wheat, nothing finer for bread, pies or cakes. One sack will make 64 loaves of bread. Every sack guaranteed. Par Sack, at $130 12 bars Laundry Queen White Laundry Soap for 25 c 10 bars Beat-'Em-All or Diamond C Soap for 25c 6 lbs. Choice Japan Rice 25c 4 cans Old Dutch Cleanser 25c 6 cans Lu Lu Sconring Soap 25c H-lb. cskes Bakers Chocolate ISc Large bottles Assorted Pickles, Pure Tomato Catsup, Worcester Sauce or Prepared Mustard, per bottle. .. .8V3C S2-OI. jars Pure Fruit Preserves. . .25c .Campbell's Assorted Soups, ean..SV9C 4 16-os. eans Condensed Milk 2fte 6-0. cans Condensed Milk 23c E. C. Corn Flakes, pkg Be For a good drink try Wild Cherry Phosphate or Root Beer, 1 bottle makes five gallons 10c For dessert try Advo Jell, pkg... 7 Vic 4 pkgs. Skinner's Famous Omaha Mad Vermicelli, Spaghetti or Macaroni, made tn Omaha , . . . . 2A 8 lbs. best White or Yellow Corntneal for 17c 8 lbs. Rolled White Breakfast Oatmeal for 25c Hershey's Breakfast Cocoa, lb..... 25c New Comb Honey, rack 17xic The Best Tea Sittings, lb 12Vse Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, lb tSc The Best Creamery Butter, lb SOa The Best Creamery Butter, carton, 32c Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery Butter, per lb. 2Sc Full Cream, Young America, Wisconsin Cream or Brick Cheese, lb 20c Keufchatel Cheese, each ...3o Fancy Queen Olives, quart. ,S5 Fancy Sweet Pickles, quart 20c Fancy Sour Pickles, quart lOe 15 lbs. New Potatoes to the neck. .20c Demsnd your weights. The law re quires it. 12 lbs. Good Rand Picked Cooking Ap ples to the peck 20e 4 bunches Fresh Beets, Carrots or Tur nips for Be Large Market Baskets, Fresh Cucum bers for aoc Large Market Baskets Ripe Tomatoes, for 25c 2 heads Fresh Cabbage 5c b large Cucumbers .Sc Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb.... Be Bermuda Onions, per lb ...Be 6 Green Peppers Be Large Egg Plants, each 7 Vic Fresh Denver Peas, quart. ..10c Fresh Denver Beans, quart... lOo 8 Summer Squash Be Fancy Head Lettuce, head ...7Ve 6 heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce Be Put Up Your Peaches Now. The Mar ket la Advancing Every Day. FRESH FISH FOR FRIDAY Fresh Halibut . . . Fresh Salmon . . .' Fresh Pike Fresh White Fish. Fresh Catfish ... ..14K4 ....15 ..15 ....15 Fresh Pickerel 13 H Fresh Trout IgS No. 1 Smoked Fish.... 17 No. 1 Kippered Salmon... 20 We have a complete assort ment oi Bait and Smoked Fish. , h Pays TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST It Pays. Successful, prosperous, going manufacturing institu tion, now enlarging business, desires a few competent, capable, honest salesmen. See us today. Salary and commission. ALFALFA BUTTER CO., 11th and Capitol Aye. AMUSEMENT. -OMAHA'S FUN CENTER." D .Ur Mate., lS-Sk-SOe tvnl. is.u-SMi.fee. NEXT SUN. MAT'NEE "THE TOURISTS." Burleequ In Ha Marrleat Mood. Ladles' Dim. Matinee Every Week D.jr- SEAT SALE Starts 8281 OPENS AUG. 13 EMPRESS ' THREE DAYS, STARTING TODAY WARTENBURG BROS, Famous Deubl. Foot Juggler.. HAY AND NEAL. the Sea. Salesman. ARCO AND VIRGINIA She-lna and Musical Novelty THE DARES, Nov.lty Equilibrists. Photoplay. Extral CHARLIE CHAPLIN. "AT 1 A. M." AMUSEMBNTS. " Virginia Pearson is A Tortured Heart. - TODAY JESSE L. LASKY, Preeeato CLEO RIDGELY WALLACE REID la "Th Heuee .1 Th. CeMen Wtoaowe." enaj . f Baa FOUR PERFORM- MUSE .r.'" LILLIAN WALKER In "Th. Man Behind the Certain" B1LL1E BURKE tn "GLORIA'S ROMANCE" BOULEVARD UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT RE-OPENS TONIGHT FRANK HAMILTON SPEARMAN'S "WHISPERING SMITH" With HELEN HOLMES . And Star Cast. LakeManawa I Tilt Mt BuutlFul Amttttnmit Park fa HI miwuv TO Ml. Bathing Boating Dancing Various Riding Devices and Many Other Attractions. Orchestral Conc.rtt and Motioa Picturw Er.ry Enainf Fre. Modern Woodmen of America and Royal Neighbors PICNIC and OUTIKG BEAUTIFUL BELLEVUE Saturday. Aognst 19th Dancing, Ball Gamea, Racaa ALL FREE Caorfa Grm'i BanoL 1A BASE BALL OMAHA VS DENVER AUGUST 10-11.I2.U ROURKE PARK FwDAvr,cS,i,?.rDAY Boa SeeU at Barhaknr Bras. J There'll We a. muddle (a year mind - I ftbeut MesJcen eandltleaa after eaeiaf "LIBERTY" K j The most gripping picture I J ever built f