Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1916, Image 1

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A Great Woman's Paper
Two Women's Pages
Every Day. -
The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. XL VI NO. 49.
Oe Trains, mt Htl,
Km UUftds, etc., So.
Senator Takes Issue With Bed
field, Asserting That Durand
Was Removed and for
- Political Seasons.
Believes Country Should Enow
Facts of Inefficient Man
Going Into Place.
Washington, Aug. 10. Senator
Townsend, republican, of the nsus
committee, made a statement in the
senate today supporting the declara
tions of Charles E. Hughes that E.
Dana Durand, former director of the
census, was .emoved from office to
make a vacancy for political reasons
and taking issue with Secretary Red
field's rejoinder that Mr. Durand re
tired voluntarily.
"The secretary of eommer.e says
Mr. Durand resigned," said Senator
Townsend. "That is not correct.
The fact is that Secretary Redfield
called on Durand in Aoril and stated
that he desired his position. Durand
replied that much important work
was in progress and that he ought to
be allowvd to finish it. The next
day Mr. Harris' (William I. Harris)
nomination was sent to the senate,
and the next day it was announced
that Mr. Turand had resigned."
Senator Townsend said he had ex
plained the facts to the census coin
mittee and delayed the confirmation
of H; -ris.
Well To Know.
A Deiicve u la weu lor me tuumrjr
to know the facts," continued Sena
tor Townsend. "Mr. Durand was
practically removed. He resigned
under pressure after he had stateil he
ought to remain until the census re
ports were completed. The telegrams
sent out by Secretary Redfiele abso
lutely were unfaithful to thr facts.
Mr. Harris was appointed f polit
ical reasons and his name sent in
after Mr. Durand was forced out of
Senator Smith, democrat, of
Georgia, said he "desired to congrat
ulate the other side in that they have
at last found an issue. My criticisms
of the president and secretary of com
merce in this matter," Senator Smith
continued, "is.,.that they ,did not re
move Mr. Durand frankly and'opehty
from office. He was inefficient as an
executive officer. There was waste
of money, duplication jpl work and
carelessness-of management in his
administration. He was a man ut
terly without executive capacity of
the kind needed in a director of the
Durand Not Issue.
Senators Stone and Hardwick re
torted that the republicans seemed
pleased at having found an issue. Mr.
Harris is now a member of the Fed
eral Trade commission.
Senator Penrose said that Durand
was not the issue.
"The issue here," he said, "is that
the secretary of commerce deliber
ately and publicly stated that Durand
was not removed, and it later turns
out that he was removed and the sec
retary of commerce, to put it mildly,
is detected in deliberately misrep
resenting the facts to the American
people. I am not a fanatical civil
service reformer myself, but I abhor
the hypocrisy which characterizes
this whole transaction."
Ask Business Stop
In Honor of Thurston
Business men and friends of the
late Senator Thurston have requested
the acting mayor to issue a proclama
tion asking that business be sus
pended in Omaha for five minutes,
from 2 o'clock until 2:05, during the
funeral services, this afternoon.
Acting Mayor Butler lias made the
request of the public. The funeral
services will be conducted at Masonic
temple, Sixteen and Capital avenue,
at 2 o'clock, under direction of St.
John's lodge, with Worshipful Master
Eugene Atkins officiating.
The Weather
Nebraska Fair and Warmer.
Temperature. at Omaha V ester day
Hour. Pes.
WARMER liS::::::::::?;
i a. m o
8 a. m 77
a. m ,81
10 a. m 83
11 a. m 8G
12 m 88
1 p. m
vwfir p- a?
p. m 4... so
S p. m 8ft
p. m 86
7 p. m 84
8 p. m 81
Comparative local Record.
Highest yesterday.... 90 85 80 93
Lowost yesterday.... 74 64 69 71
Mean temperature.... 83 74 ' 70 82
Precipitation. 83 .00 .00 .12
Temperature and precipitation depart
ures from the normal at Omaha since
March 1, and compared with the past
two years:
Normal temperature. 75
Excess for the day , 6
Total excess since March 1 Ml
Normal precipitation; 18 inch
Excess for the day 10 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1.. 10.98 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 1.(7 Inches
Excess for cor. period, 1915.. .29 Inch
Deficiency for or. period, 1914. 4.39 Inches
Seporte From Stations at 7 P. M.
Station and State Temp. High- Rain-
of Weather. V p. no. set, fall.
Cheyenne, part cloudy. 70 72 .00
Davenport, cloudy 80 90 .20
beaver, clear 70 78 .00
monies, pare ciouny a a su ,os
Dodge City, part cloudy 80 100 .02
Lander, part cloudy... 78 82 .00
North Platte, clear. . .. 84 SH .00
Omaha, clear.,.. .,...' 84 90 .22
"T" Indicates trace of precipitation.
. . . It. JL. WKLXH. Meteorologist.
Total Lobs of Life in Cabin
Creek Valley Flood Cannot
Yet Be Estimated.
Charleston, W. Va., Aug. 10.
Twenty-three bodies have been re.
covered from the debris carried down
by the flood which swept the Cabin
Creek valley near here yesterday.
Rescue parties have penetrated some
distance above Cabin Creek Junction
and meager reports brought back by
couriers and from the railroads in
dicate that the loss of life has been
heavy, although no accurate estimate
can be made. Persons driven from
their homes to the mountain are re
turning to find whole villages of min
ing cabins swept away, while dis
tress and suffering is seen on every
Two Companies of Soldiers.
Two companies of the Second West
Virginia infantry left Camp Kanawha
by trolley this morning and were
taken to Labin creetc junction witn
orders to penetrate the valley and
extend relief to all who needed it
They carried provisions and tents.
A special train was being made uo
here on the Chesapeake & Ohio rail
road, and will go as far as the hastily
repaired tracks will permit, from
that point numbers of men provided
with provisions will seek out the
spots where destitution is most pro
nounced. It is expected that they will
be able to go to the entire length of
the valley and penetrate adjoining
valleys, also hard hit, before tomor
Looters Are Arrested.
Reports reached here today from
United States Commissioner Howard
C. Smith, who led a relief party for a
number of mining companies last
night, that looting had commenced
and a number of arrests had been
made and some property recovered.
The militia has been ordered to guard
property and restore order, leaving
the greater part of the relief work to
many parties which will be in the val
ley before afternoon.
So great has been the loss that coal
companies with mines in the valley
estimate that many thousands of dol
lars will be needed to feed and clothe
the helpless miners and their fam
ilies, as scores of them have lost all
their possessions.
More than 2,000 residents of the
valley are on the hill tops, the major
ity of them without sufficient cloth
ing, and all of them in danger of
Seventy-Five Dead in One Town.
'- Huntington, W. Va.. Aug. 10. A
report wached. hee- this morning to
the ettect that Jarolds Valley, a town
of 500 inhabitants in Boone county,
at the head of Coal river, was washed
away in yesterday's cloud-burst and
that seventy-five of its populace had
lost their lives.
Master Bakers
Ask Embargo on
The Wheat Crop
Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug. 10.
The National Association of Master
Bakers today elected F. S. McDonald
of Memphis, president; Paul J. Stern
of Milwaukee, vice president; Fred S.
Fereund, St. Louis, treasurer, and E.
J. Arnold of Providence, R. I., and
E. B. Strain, Battle Creek, Mich.,
members of the executive committee
The next convention city will be Chi
cago. The constitution was amended
so that the retiring president becomes,
for two years following, a member
of the executive committee.
A resolution was adopted and sent
to President Wilson and to congress
asking that an embargo be placed on
the present wheat crop, in order to
prevent any further advance in the
market price of wheat.
Fewer Deaths from
Plague in New York
New York, Aug. 10. Fewer deaths,
but little change in the development
of the epidemic of infantile paralysis
was noted in today's bulletin of the
health department. During the
twenty-four hours preceding 10 a. m.
today, the plague killed thirty-eight
children and 175 new cases were re
ported in the greater city. Yesterday's
deaths numbered fifty-seven, and new
cases 183.
Roosevelt to Make First Talk
For Hughes at Lewiston, Me.
New York. Aug. 10. Colonel
Roosevelt will make his first cam
paign speech in behalf of the candi
dacy of Justice Hughes, in Lewiston,
Me., on August 31. This was an
nounced today after a conference be
tween John McGrath, Colonel Roose
velt's secretary, and Frank J. Ham,
republican state chairman of Maine
Colonel Roosevelt's speech will deal
only with national issues, it was an
nounced, with the promise that it wilt
be one of the strongest arguments in
the fight being waged between re
publicans and democrats for victory
in Maine.
Other men of note who will partici
pate in the Maine campaign are
Governor Frank B. Willis of Ohio,
Senators William F. Borah, , Henry
Cabot Lodge and Lawrence Y. Sher
man and Congressman
Twelve Thousand on Pension
Roll in State of Nebraska
(From a Staff Correspondent) '
Washington, D. C, Aug. 10. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The number of pen
sioners on the rolls of the pension
office in the following states on July
1, and amount paid, was as follows:
Slate. ilonera. Amt. Paid.
Nebraska 12,438 S2.7S1.0S7
Inwa 14, OSS M0G.&71
South Dakota t.GfiS 1,018,7211
Wyoming 121 1U.2S3
Nomina' iv
m CJ 1 '":A,:
a wo opeeuuea,- .;
Kota anr , ,0vus
Insists Upon Protection for the
Farmer as Well as the
Man in Business.
Grand Forks, N. D., Aug. 10.
Charles E. Hughes, republican presi
dential nominee, told an audience of
farmers in the Auditorium here to
day that he believed in a protective
tariff that would protect them as well
as the men in the factories.
"I believe in a protective tariff,"
Mr. Hughes said. "I believe in pro
tection without abuse. I think that is
"Our opponents, who for generations
have told us that it was contrary to
the constitution of the United States
to have duties except for the purpose
of revenues, are now telling us that
there is an economic revolution and
that perhaps we can have duty on
dye stuffs and a nonpartisan commis
sion. But I believe in trusting those
who really accept the doctrine pi pro
tection with its enforcement. And I
believe in protection for the farmers
just as 1 believe in protection for the
men in the factories.",
Mr. Hughes repeated his views on
preparedness, saying that he stood
for reasonable preparedness.
"Weakness breeds insults and in
sults breed war," he said. "I stand
for the protection of American rights.
Firm insistence upon American
rights, backed by reasonable prepar
edness, means peace and security."
Crisp weather, so cold 'iat over
coats were necessary, greeted the
nominee here.
Shortly before noon Mr. Hughes
left for Fargo, N. D., where he will
address a meeting tonight.
Business Houses
At Oxford Badly
Damaged by Storm
Oxford, Neb., Aug. 10. (Special.)
The siiweek6dfitlt!r -was broken
here last evening about 10 o'clock by
a heavy rain amounting to 2.16. The
rain was accompanied by a high wind
which did considerable damage. The
brick block occupied by the Security
bank, Nielsen & Mackprang, hard
ware; N. T. Heaton, and the opera
house, was unroofed and the west end
blown in. Peter Nielsen was buried in
debris and severly hurt. The Burling
ton round house was razed to the
ground. Trees, chimneys and out
buildings were blown down all over
town. Local passenger No. 5 was
standing in the yards and two empty
box cars were Mown head on into it.
Wires are down so it is impossible to
learn the extent of the storm.
Mysterious Death at
Chicago May be Due
To Suicide Pact
Chicago, Aug. 10. Because of the
continued illness of Mrs. Marie
Davis, the inquest on the death
of her husband, Morse Davis, was
postponed today for a week, after
several witnesses had testified con
cerning the finding of his body in
his apartment in a Michigan avenue
hotel yesterday. Mrs. Davis told the
police yesterday that she and her hus
band had taken poison by mistake for
salts, but detectives hint that finan
cial reverses might have led the
couple, who came here from Van
couver, B. C, to enter into a suicide
John Russell, a detective from the
South Clark street station, testified
that his investigations so far led hm
to believe that Davis was temporarily
embarrassed in finances.
Dr. P. B. Welsh, the hotel physi
cian, testified that he did not believe
the Davises had entered a suicide
Morse Davis, son of the dead man,
is on his way here from Vancouver,
according to the police.
Hold Man at Bay on
Island Near Valley;
May Be Bank Bandit
A telephone message received at
central police station early last night
from Valley, Neb., says that a white
man answering the description of the
Florence bank robber, has been
flushed from the cover of a cornfield
near that place and chased across
the Platte river onto an island, which
is now surrounded by a posse.
The man was armed with a shotgun
and a revolver, and had a week's
growth of beard on his face. Omaha
police and men from the sheriff's of
fice have started for Valley.
McBride Resigns Presidency
Of Iowa State University
Iowa City, la., Aug. 10. (Special
Telegram.) Thomas Houston Mc
Bride resigned today as president of
the State university of Iowa because
of ill health and Dean Walter A. Jcs
sup of the College of Education was
elected in his place by the Stall Board
of Education the change to lie effec
tive September 1.
WITH THE RUSSIANS ON THE EASTERN FRONT Thi. picture shows batteries of
Russian howitzers ready for action on the Galician plains, where the armies of the Czar
have been making steady progress, ,
''As ,
t 1 "
, & SSS$
BUS SUM iiOWlXZEiiiS. 111. &ALIC1A.
Weather Prophet at Washing
ton Sees Let Up of High
Broken Bow....
Blue Hill
Central City ...
Grand Inland .. ,
.12 lloldrega ,.
,2A Lyons
.10 Oakdale , , .
.41 O'Neill
1 ill) Omaha ....
l.'JftlKatidolph ..
.tfi'Hyracuee ...
.lsjSargent ....
l.oolsclinyler . . .
.M'Tekamnh . .
,70Table Bock
, .65
, .SO
. .id
. M
, 1.60
Here it real news, sweltering
reader, news that will make you take
heart once more and decide that life
is worth living. ,
The great heat wave of the last
fifty days will end within the next
twenty-four hours.
-This is the--prediction ok Prof. C.
F. Marvin, chief of the United States
weather bureau, Washington, D. C. It
came to the local weather bureau by
telegraph yesterday.
"The disturbance now passing over
the Mississippi valley will move east
ward and be followed by a general
change to cooler all over the middle
plain states and up the Mississippi
valley within the next twenty-four
to thirty-six hours," said the telegram.
"It is probable that this change to
cooler weather will terminate the long
period of abnormal temperatures over
the middle west."
Rain reports received by the
Northwestern and Burlington offi
cials indicate a general and beneficial
rain from one-half to one inch in the
grain belt north of the . Platte river,
with good rain at Hastings.
The Northwestern reports 'rain
from Long Pine to Omaha and along
the Albion line; also as far as Win
ner, S. D. Practically all of the
grain section north of the Platte
was moistened, states an official.
The Lincoln division of the Bur
lington was visited with local show
ers ranging up to two inches at Sar
gent. An ineh and a quarter fell at
Erickson and an inch at Central City.
On the McCook division heavy show
ers, accompanied by a heavy wind,
injured the round house at Oxford
and put several telegraph poles out
of commission near Arapahoe. There
were local showers with varying pre
cipitation along much of the western
part of the Kansas-Nebraska line.
Rain Saves Corn Crop.
Ravenna. Neb.. Aue. 10. fSoecial.)
An inch of rain fell during the night,
ana the tarmers believe it is m time
to save a very considerable part of
the corn crop. It has been exceeding
ly hot and dry in this vicinity, but
the corn stood it remarkably well.
Beaver City, Neb., Aug. 10. (Spe
cial Telegram.) A rain, .55 of an
inch, the first of any consequence
since June 22, fell last night.
Heads of Brotherhoods at
Meeting With Mediators Re
fuse to Make Concessions.
New York, Aug. 10. The United
States board of mediation and con
ciliation held its first conference to
day wtih the representatives of the
four railroad brotherhoods of em
ployes In its efforts to prevent,
through mediation, a country-wide
strike to enforce the employes' de
mand for an eight-hour basic day and
time and a half for overtime.
Nothing was officially disclosed as
to the success the mediators met, but
it was learned on good authority that
the brotherhoods had shown no dis
position to modify their demands.
"The status is unchanged," was the
only comment which A. B. Garretson,
head of the Conductors' brotherhood,
was willing to make after the confer
ence adjourned,
"We have only scratched the sur
face," said G. W. W. Hanger, one of
the three members of the mediation
board, "the situation may be cleared
up within twenty-four hours and then
negotiations may continue for a
The mediators arranged for a sec
ond conference with the railroad
managers this afternoon and to meet
the brotherhood representatives again
tomorrow morning.
Union Delegates it Meeting.
Today's meeting with the men was
held in a down town assembly hall
and was attended not only by the
chiefs of the four brotherhoods the
employes' official spokesmen but by
the 600 delegates of the unions who
arc here. It lasted less than one
hour. Outsiders were barred.
It was assumed that the mediators,
as was the case at the first conference
yesterday with the railroad managers,
sought to learn from the men how far
they were willing to go in making
concessions which would bring both
sides to common ground as a basis of
Brotherhoods Stand Finn.
The brotherhood chiefs told them,
however, it was learned, that they
were still firm for their demands as
originally presented to the railroads.
While expressing their appreciation
of the efforts of the mediators, it was
said that they informed them that
they saw little chance of reaching a
satisfactory adjustment.
The mediators, however, it was said,
did not contemplate that the men
would offer concessions at today's
meeting. Most of the meetinsr was
devoted by Mr. Garretson to a de
tailed explanation of the brother
hoods' demands, upon which he made
it clear, it was understood, that they
stooa nrm.
Crisis in the News Print Paper
Situation Will Come in October
Washington, Aug. 10. The crisis
in the news print paper situation,
which already has cut down news
paper profits enormously, will not be
reached till late in October, when
contracts come up for renewal, ac
cording to reports received from
many sources by the Federal Trade
commission. The presidential elec
tion, together with the European war,
is expected to increase an already
unparalleled demand for news print
which manufacturers tell the trade
commission they will hardly be able
to meet. This year for the first time
thev have not been able to lay up
a large reserve during the summer.
1 he trade commission s report on
its investigation of news print prices,
it was announced today, will be pub
lished not later than October 1, re
gardless of whether congress still is
in session. Probably a brief extract
will be Riven out two weeks before
hand summarizing the findings. As
yet the mass of material has not been
sufficiently digested for officials to
indicate definitely its trend.
The great question in deciding j
whether there has been collusion
among the manufacturers to boost
prices unduly is said to be whether
the increased demand for paper has
been entirely, disproportionate to the
increased production. "Manufactur
ers claim that publishers are using 20
per cent more paper tnan ever be
fore." Consumption figures present
ed to the commission, however, vary
widely. G. F, Steele, secretary of the
News Print association, has estimated
that figures for June show the largest
daily production of news print ever
recorded. Shipments, he declared,
represented 99 per cent of thia pro
duction. None of the substitutes for pulp
recently suggested is commercially
feasible, according to officials of the
various bureaus interested. Cotton
stalks, most frequently mentioned,
would be prohibitively expensive to
collect, they say. The same situation
holds for corn stalks, broom corn,
rice straw and flax. As yet the ex
periments have not passed the labora
tory stage and so far as is known
no commercial use of the discoveries
is contemplated anywhere.
Republican Caucus Insists Ma
jority Take Responsibility
for Congress Adjournment.
Washington, Aug. 10. Republicans
of the senate in conference today de
clined to accept the legislative pro
gram submitted yesterday by the
democratic steering committee with
a view to adjournment of congress be
fore September 1. Those who were
inclined to agree were outvoted by
senators demanding action on the im
migration bill at this session.
Senate democrats already have de
termined in .caucus that the immigra
tion bill should be1 made the unfin
ished business of the senate when
congress meets in December. Wheth
er the action of the republicans to
day will prolong the session beyond
September 1 could not be foretold.
Democratic leaders said they thought
it would make no difference with
plans for bringing the session to a
close and was taken merely to empha
size the fact that the republicans did
all in their power to get a vote on the
immigration bill before the national
Text of Resolution.
After two hours' deliberation on the
democratic proposal that no contested
legislation be taken up except the
shipping, revenue, workmen's com
pensation and appropriation bills and
conference reports, the republican
conference adopted s resolution de
claring: "The power to control both leg
islation and adjournment rests with
the democratic majority in congress.
The republican senators reserve the
right to support or oppose or re
quest action on any legislation now
pending and they further urge that
the immigration, bill shall be taken
up, considered and acted on at this
The compromise program offered
by the democrats yesterday would
have eliminated from the legislative
program one measure in which pro
gressive senators are interested, the
corrupt practices bill, and they are
said to nave insisted in the confer
ence today that they would be party
to no agreement which would pre
vent them from demanding a vote
on that measure. No mention of this
bill was made, however, in the con
ference resolution.
Ministers Call Each
Other Falsifiers
Canton. O.. Aue. 10. No action to
change the creed of the church was
taken Here today by the National
Doctrinal congress of the Christian
church, following a spirited debate on
the subject by Rev. S. S. Lappiri of
Cincinnati and Rev. Charles Morrison
of Chicago. The question at stake
was whether persons who had re
ceived baptism in churches which do
not practice immersion snouia DC aa
mitted to the Christian church with'
out that ceremony. Lappin termed
the unimmersed "Plugged nickels"
and "Corn thieves," while Morrison
asserted that churches which would
not receive unimmersed members
from other churches were "sinful."
They called each other "falsifiers."
Funeral of Mrs. L. G. Doup
Will Be Held This Morning
Funeral services fcr Mrs. Cornelia
Bennett Doup, wife of Louis G. Doup,
who died suddenly Wednesday, will
oe neia trom tne residence, jou Jack
son street, this morning at 10 o'clock.
Services at the house will be public,
but those at the grave will be private.
Burial will be in Forest Lawn ceme
tery. Mrs. Harry Cummings, formerly
of Omaha, came on from Chicago
yesterday for the funeral of Mrs.
Doup. Mr. Bennett and Miss Wade
also arrived yesterday.
Sues Street Railway , .
Company for Damages
Roza Goldenl'urg, wife of Ben and
the mother of five children, has riled
suit against the street railway com
pany, asking $10,000 and costs for
damages resulting from an accident
when alighting from s street car at
Sixteenth and Chicago streets.
Czar's Soldiers Take Railway
Station at Kryptin and
Push on to Mouth of
Zlota Lipa.
Russians Also Gain Several
Versts Along Bally, Chere
mosh and Suohava Rivers.
Petrograd, Aug. 10. (Via London.)
The capture by the Russians of the
railway station at Kryptin, on the
Stanislau-Nadvorna railroad, was. .
announced today. " -
Pushing westward from the Koro- '
piec river, the Russians have reached '
the Monasterzyska-Nizioff railway,
and the mouth of the Zlota Lipa
river, northeast of Niznioff. ;
The statement follows:
"Our troops, who have occupied the .
right bank of the Koropiec river, in
developing their success have reached
the Monasterzyska-Niznioff railway, ,
and advanced to the south of the
Zlota Lipa river. : :
"In the region of Tysmlenitsa, our 1
brave troops, following hard upon '
the heels of the retreating enemy,,
continue their movement to theorth .
and to the west, having occupied in :
a westernly direction the right bank
of the river near Stricy-Nadvornai- !
koi. On the Nadvorna-Stanislau line .
we captured the joint railroad station :
of Kryplin. All the bridges over the
river have been blown up by the
enemy. . . . '
"In the region of Voricht and the
rivers of Bialy, Cheremosh and i
Suchava, our troops made an advance .
of several versts." . ' i
Russian Attacks Repulsed.
Berlin, Aug. 10. (Via London.) '
Heavy attacks have been made by the ,
Russians at various points along the .
Stokhod line, in Volhynia, east of !
Kovel, the war office announced to
day. All the Russian advances were
repulsed with heavy losses, it is de-.
dared. ... ;
'Italians Continue Advance.. .
' Rome, Aug. 10. (Via London.)
The Italians have pierced the strong
Austrian entrenchments northeast of
Monte San- Michele on the Isonio .
front and near the village of San ,
Martino, the war office announced to
day. They have occupied Bosehini.
The statement says more than 12,000
Austrians have been captured. .
Nebraska Guards
Are Given Places in
The Regular Army
Brownsville, Tex., Aug. ,10.
Drafting of second lieutenants from
the National Guard into the regular
service, upon orders of General Par
ker, issued yesterday, was well under
way today. Fifty-six lieutenants are
affected, including the following:
To the Fourth United States in
fan try at Brownsville; Second Lieu '
tenants Harold M. Putnam, First
Iowa; Nels B. Soderholm, Thomas B.
Munson, William B. Rothermael,
Preston B. Waterbury, Ralph S. Gei- .
ger, Walter B. Thompson, all of the
Second Iowa; Martin L. Jensen,
Fourth Nebraska; Lester B. Shapland,
Fourth Nebraska.
To Twenty-sixth United States In
fantry, Harlingen: Eugene C Kalk- -man,
Third Minnesota; Aubrey S.
Kenworthy, Floyd E. Eller, Bernard
A. Norworthy and Ernest J. Meyer
all of Fifth Nebraska.
To Thirty sixth infantry, Browns
ville: Arthur W. Rogers. Harvey
Coacher, Robert Tackaberry, Victor
Woodruff, Vincent Knewell, James
P. Murphy, Harold W. Roach, all in .
Fourth South Dakota, and Leon
Dominick, First North Dakota.
To United States Third cavalry, El
Paso: J. Alphonse Killian, Fourth Ne
braska; Fay A. Ross, Fourth North
Martin L. Jensen, second lieuten
ant Company A, Fourth regiment, re
sides at 404 North Twenty-fourth ;;
street, Omaha. Aubrey S. Kenwor- "
thy of Omaha is sergeant-major on.
th.' staff of the Fifth Nebraska regi
ment Second Lieutenant Lester
Shapland of York is a number of
Company N, Fourth egiment; Second
Lieutenant Floyd E. Eller is a member
of Company G, from Hastings, and
Second Xieutenant Bernard A. Nor
worthy is a member of Company D
of Gothenberg; Second Lieutenant J.
Alphonse Killian of Blair is s mem
ber of F. Fourth Nebraska.
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