THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, AUGUST 10. 1916. 11 FOR RENT Ap'U and FLU Weat. THHKB rooms and batb. near illl Har nay Vara daelrable Only 131. Erneel Sweet. Naw Hamilton. D. 178. t LARGE room -l.. modern except heat. Id floor, to email family. 116: nar lath and Davenport Walnut 436. AT. CLAIR. 84th and Harney, I and t-roora apartmenta. Call Harnay 847 North. CHOICK APAKTMKNT 1ST BO 4 rooma and bath on main floor, oak floors and flnlah: ail oonvenlencee, Utaludtnc janitor aarvloo. IH 4 -oonio and bath, aaml-baaamant: janitor aervlca and otbar convanlanoaa Nathan Apia.. Bbarmnn and Wlllla Avaa SCOTT HILL CO, Doualae 100S Ho4 U. 32D 4-r. flat; ateel rame, iaa Plata, Itttchan cabinet.' Dou,. 1863. Miscellaneous. ilODERN Apt., J rooma. 135; near poatof flue. Q. P. Slabblna. 110 Chicago. FOR RENT Bminest Pr'p'ty Stores. TWO store rooma. 21xSt. aultable for Job blng concern; near freight depot Inquire 110 M. ltn oi. MODERN atore; 16th St., near poatofflce: 176 par mo. O. P. Stebblno, 1610 Chicago. aT(K- kmiHk at let'v-lsl! Karnam at. n-i.. w Hall 411 Himf. Blriv 11 T40I 1006 N J0TH Suitable oonfectlonery, dry- gooda ate., living rma rear. D. 1H62. CHOICE office apace, Balrd bias.. 17t and jjougias nfLw ..... -- Omce, andUesk Room. OFFICES IN WARE BLK.. 16th and Farnam Ste. 400 Opposite elevator 13 401 Divided In three rooms SO-00 603 Poubla oftlce H. A. WOLF. ail Ware Bile. ou. DESlKABLk office roome In Iher .niod.led cSiuns. block. HI N. Iltb St.. (opposite Sstorflcl. ' wm"!!??I!f foung. Ill wranoaia in .... i , ....... tw. Wead Bills T(th and Farnam. and In Baldrldne Bldg.. Kih and Farnam Kantalrauonab a OFFICE ROOM, well equipped, centrally lo- " .i chean. Wrlgltt & Lasbary. U. 163. OFFICE room wllb pbon. and rocspiloo room for lady. P 3 . maha Baa. MOVING AND STORAGE aeparata looked room, for household gooda and pianos; moving, packing and "OMAHA VAN AND BORAGE CO.. Ml lMhSt Dowlas 4161 Globe Van and Storage Co. for real movnf saryloe try us. ;rga i-ione. paoded vans. Itorag. K.ilh ttuVactlon guaranteed, w. move ,ou QUICKER CHEAPER .Kin HAFBiL QU1CK1M. : Phone Tyler 330 or uougtaa aaaa. (jUKDUJN VAIN U. PIRIEPIIOOF waauiuuDa Packing, storage and moT h,,. lt N. 11th Ht. "'bone Douglaa is. or wwaiw "... ViE'f KOfULl 1 AN (Ait AND STORAGE CO. Carafol attention (Woo to .orders for sacking or storage; office at Ray K?d yul"?. Co.. 1611 .1 1 " strd (St. rooma aV. v-m. Phone Donglaa for com plate Itat of vacant bouses and apart mania i also storage, movlna. 16th and Jackson 8ta -. j Van and lo men Maggara n.i f bom. Van and Btoraga Co. Moytng. packing. :.Sa.a and ahlpplng. Phon. Ooug. I46. Jn TJUUn Mmnm Co. Moving, , j. RCj&U packing and storage, net Farnam Bt txmgiaa SUS. WANTED TO RENT Unlumiahefl Mouse and fiats, WANTED Tu REN l Immediately; good 1 or S-room house with garage, tn weat Famam district or Dundee. Must b l first otaee place, (live full liu.rmatlon, Addreee O H7. Be; KLAL ES I A I E Other Cities PUBLIC SALE The old achool bouaa build Ing. Inoludlng all out buiidlnga. will be Mid at either puhllo or private aale. on AOS. lltk. 114, at S; V. m. For full particulars write to B. H. Rung. Secre tary. Charter Oak. Iowa. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West., DANDY 1-r. boms, only half block Ho. Far nam car Una Price reduced from 14,460 to ll,66t. Has I large rooms and recpt. ball first floor, and 4 nice large bedrooms and bath second floor. Haa beautiful shad: also fruit, grapa arbor, etc. Has fall basement, solid brick foundation. Built by owner for borne. Don't overlook this. Osborne. 701 Omaha Nat. SK. Bldg. u. 11. WEST i-'ARNAM CORNER. Modern 6-room bungalow, with ooroer . Boom to buna two once; itata. P BOWTW1CK BON. Weat Farnam Home At 140 N. 4lst 0t. W. H. GATES, tat Omaha Nat. B. Bldg. D. 1364. 111! LINCOLN ULVD. 11-room nuuaa. strictly modem, wltb hot water heat Donglaa 1111. ftACTUFICB 4-room house, party leaving dty. Call Harney 6370. North. A GOOD BUY 6 ROOM MODERN HOUSE. $2,000. $300 CASH Thia If rour opportunity, located H block north of Lake, on 18th Ave., hove a rood stx-roora houae, modern in evorjr racpoct. built only a few yearn, that wo are offering for taw than the coat of house alone. Thl lot ta small, but have 81 feet adojolning that wo can let for $360, which will make a fine proposition. Will sell the lot separatetly. This Is a snap, and won't last many days. Batter see this place at once. HIATT COMPANY, Formerly Hiatt-Fairfleld Co. 23B-7-9 Omaha Nttt'l Bk. Tyler 60. SACRIFICE SALE 2701 SPAULDING ST., $2,800 This Is a very att retire 6-room bungalow, strictly modern, with oak ftnteh; located on rotner lot, two paved streets. Easily worth $3,260. Offered at thi low price to rloaa an estate. Ar range with us for inspection. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3962. 019-20 City National. WHO WANTS THI8T 286B PINKNET $100 DOWN, BALAJsCK $20 A MONTH ft rooms; strictly modern cottage; can be sold on above terms; price $1,800, lees than house can be built for; first come, first served. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha Natl. Bank Uldg. D. 1781 MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE On account of loavfng city will sell our home at a sacrifice; an exceptionally well built, almost new, thoroughly modern five-room bungalow; $1,600 required, 2 8 21 Fowler Ave. Phone Colfax 2098. CHEAP HOMb. Fine chance to get a home on Franklin; T rooms, modern except heat; only $2,100; reasonable terms. GEORGE Q. WALLACE, M Keelln. AIODERN Cottage; ft rooms, corner lot, tool parage; fruit; flowers all hedged In. on oar line. Reasonable for cash. Owner leaving city. Douglas 8761. NEW bungalow, 8 -room, ell mod., ot-ft. If. outb front, bargain, or ' 12.760, near mb and Cbarics call owner. Red mil, but my brand new oak finish all modern bungalow for 12,260 on your own terms SIX-ROOM house; lot 82x1 AO; overlooking Fontenalle park. Price $2 . 200. Doug. 28 1 9. KuUM.k. Hl.ACfc restrtcTtid district resi dence for sale F V Knlast S&16 N lHtb- TWO 6-room bungalows, bargain If taken at ones. $11$ No. 21th Bt REAL ESTATE IMPROVED South. LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS $209 DOWN AND $$7.60 PER MONTH Brand new, 4 rooms, strictly modern stucco home; oak finish and oak floors throughout; full cement basement, furnace heat; south front, close to street car: street will b paved this fall; buy your self a home and quit paying rent. PAYNE INVESTMENT COM PANT. Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. 1711. t.ROOM bungaww. brand new, all modern, oak Boor throughout; oak finish tn liv ing and dlntag rooms; large), light, white enamel bod rooms; good location; raattietod addition. A bargain at l$.ll. Eur tar ma, .3.&NSO.N & CARMICHAEL, I4t Paiton Blk. Doug. 1711 FOR SALE. room house; good well and cistern, barn, large lot on South $ld street. Price $1,800. Cash $300, balance $$0 per month. If you have the cash can make yon a good price on this. Joseph Mtrhener, Room i. First National Bank Building, Council Bluffs, la. aios So. H -r. mod. 1406 So. 11 lot 16x100. 1118 8. St 8t 100-ft. lot. D. $.. Miscellaneous. S HOME SNAPS. $2$ mo., $176 cash, 6-r. mod. beautiful cor. lot (room for $ houses); paving pd.; large shade trees, fruit; valuable loca tion, on car line, not far out, 24th and Oak; only $2,466. 4-r. mod. but heat; nice lot; fine shade; near 1 ftt h and Corby ; real bargain at $1,760; no Incumbrance; very easy terms, or might take 6 or 7-r., all-mod. and pay cash dtffereneca. M KITRICK R. E. CO. D, 14J. Ty. 1140-J. HOUSES WANTED. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR HOMES WORTH THE MONEY IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. LIST YOUR PROPER TY WITH US FOR RESULTS. O'NEIL'S REAL ESTATE IN3. AOCY., Brsndels Theater Bldg. Tyler 1024. COTTAGE AND S LOTS $1,760. 4 rooms and bath, electric light and gas; garage; 1 lots; near 14th and Pratt. $260 cash; balance like rent P. J. TBBBENS CO., 406 Omaha Nat Phone I 5181 $8,800 BRAND new, r rooms and sleeping porch; extra flno; oak throughout; beamed ceilings, to. Only $400 down; balance $$6 per month. A rare chance to own your own home. ABBOTT, 4 Patterson Blk., Omaha. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. FOR SALE. I dandy vacant lota, H black ta ear line; out to $1,000 cash for quick aale. CALKINS A CO., Douglaa HI 8. City NatL Bank Bldg. After looking at MINNA LUSA t dif ferent buyers deolded that It waa the best proposition on the market and they backed their Judgment by buying lota. If YOU will oome out today you will understand why others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., Tyler 187. TO Omaha NatL Bank Bid. NON-RESIDENT owner, who has three good lots In Kenwood Addition, writes us to dispose of same at a big sacrifice. Will consider any kind of offer for quick turn, as they need the money. SHULBR A CART, D, 6074. 104 Keellne Bldg. FOR dm r gains in lota in all parts of the city see P. J. Tebblas, 406 Omaha Nat Bk Phone D. 2182. CUMING, near 29th St., 22 or 44 feet; must be sold to close estate. C. A. Orlmmel, 849 Om. Nat Bank Bldg. South. CLEAN-UP SALE. SHIMER'S ADDITION. SIXTH AND DORCAS STREETS. This addition was platted about a year ago. Many lota have been sold and now house constructed. All lota have sewer, water and cement sidewalks. One block to Harney and tour blocks to Farnam car line. Fine locations (or street oar and railroad men. The cheapest lots on the South Side. Prloes 400 to 1700, on easy terms. Owner will furnish the money and build to order on easy monthly payments. Plats at our office. PORTER & SHOTWELL, AGTS. Offices with AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY, 202 South 17th St Doug. 6011. PARK AVE. & LEAVEN WORTH. 198 FT. FRONT AGE $7,000 Tht property lies only a short distance north of Uinta Aparements and la an Ideal location for apartraente. The street Is paved and paving paid for in full. We believe this to bs the best close-in apart ment house location In Omaha. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Sole Agents $81 Rose Bldg., 14th and Farnam Sts. Tyler 1614. 19TH AND ST MARY'S Largo let and frame improvements; sure to Increase In value; for quick sale, $2,000. RASP BROS., 104 MoCague Bldg. Doug. 1461 REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. LYNNWOOD Oo out to Lynnwood today and see the beautiful lota wo ar selling from $460 to 1600. A. P. TUKEY & SON, Phooe Poag. $82. 1607-1 W. O. W. Bldg. START YOUR HOME IN BENSON I BUY THIS LOTI $10.00 down end $10.00 per month; prloe $860.00: sue. 6uxl2l; located on Locust St., between Clark and Burnnam, rot far from school and oar lino. Geo. R. Wright Be office, Omaha. Dundee. DUNDEE LOT Beautiful lot faolng the north on Dodge St., between 46th and 41th, the only va cant lot In the block. See our elgn. Lots 60x1 37 Vk ft Offered for quick aale at (1,600. D. V. SHOLES CO., Poua-laa 4a. City National. DUNDEE 7 rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modern and in good condition. Prloe $4,600; terms. Located 704 N. 4tta St NORRIS & NORRIS, 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. 4270. 4tt ACRES, 63d and Qrover; most sightly; $2,600; acres on car, $1,000, and $$00 lots soutn or uunaee. u. tf, 6-ROOM bungalow In bundee, all stucco, for sale by owner. $8,760; brand new; $60 cash. $40 per month. Bon 4768. Bee. South Side. $376 BUYS 2 lots 40x120 ft.; near West L St car line. Alexander Arvay. H 480$. Miscellaneous. HAY LAND Prairie hay, fine quality, In Falraeres, about 80 acres. GEORGE & COMPANY, $02 City National Bank Bldg. Douglas 764. LOT near municipal bacb at Carter lake. Fine place for summer oottago. Phone uoua zoe. "Persistent Advertising Is the Road I to Success, REAL ESTATE Exchanges WE HAVE a few flret-rlass apartment buildings tn be exchanged for farms. It Is a fact that very few better Invest ments can be found than Income prop erty in Omtiha. Values are Increasing, rentals are tenured. EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT. Hastings & Hey den, 1614 Harney, WANTND To exchange deeiraMe rL1fri properties In Grand Island, and NebruKa tends all clear, well eecured first niort gages and uaeh. tor a good brick bust neas property tn growing and well es tablished olty in Nebraaka. U. S. Land and Loan Company, Boi 404 Grand Island. Neb BED Want-Ads GAINED 1I.690 MORE PAID ADS than any other Omaha newe paper gained tn first seven months 1014. Oood results at leaa cost is the reason why! FARMS, ranches city property, acreage and Investments for sals and oichanga. Morgan. 013 North SOth St Doug 2464. KQ1T1TY tn good f-r. house tor oottago: worth $2.H0 Oolfai 1062 after 10 a. m HOT El'., and furniture at Pel'leaV fc. 57 exchange D U0T. Toland A Trumbull 'AN tell or ei'.hange any thing you have f -ftr I ("n nn MH s u Hlrta $ji0 EQUITY in fine lot for auto, motor cycle, vlctrola or what have youf Wal nut 31l. REAL ESTATE Investments OKTTINO AHEAD may mean more to you now than It did ten years ago. Set some thing aside from wages or Income and In vest It carefully and you will never re gret It. HOME BUILDERS offers an op portunity for the small Investor and guar antees 7 per cent dividends in cssh Jan uary 1st and July 1st Investigation In vited. HOMB BUILDERS, INC., 17th and Douglas Sts. Phone Dg. 6013. WM. COLKAX. 70s Keellne Bldg. Real aetata, olty property, largo ranchee epectaKr REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED 4, 6 and 8 -roomed houses that can be sold for $100 cash; balance $16 per month: give complete description first letter. W. FARNAM SMITH' & CO., 1320 Farnam St Tel. Doug. 1064 REAL ESTATE B'new Prty KOH !iU!, rarea thre. elre.1.. near new ford building; eplendtd tnaou tecturlns site. Addreee. M-411. Baal FINANCIAL Real Estate Loana and Mortgage. We are ready at all times to make loans on first-class city Eroperty and eastern Nebras a farms. Rates on request UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 212 South 17th St. MONEY TO LOAN ON Apartment bouses, double brick bouses. Ingle bouses, business property and fartu lands at 6 per cent 6t per cent A pr ot W. H. THOMAS, 221 Keellne Bldg. Douglas 1442 6 PER CSNT to 4 per oent on beat class city residences In amounts 3,000 up, also farm loans. Reasonable commissions, PBTBR8 TKUHT CO.. 182$ Farnam St PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPKN A COMPANY, KEEL1NE BUILDING. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1014 Omaha Natl. Phone Douglaa 171$. 1 1,600 MORTGAGE, bearing 7 Der cent'seml- ann.; secured by property valued at $4,000. Talmage-Loomla Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. MONEY to loan on improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mort gages. Kloke Inv. Co., Omaha. REAL ESTATE loans, t per cent See D. E. BUCK A CO., 12 Omaha Nat). Bank. NO DELAY. V. T. OR A HAM, BEE BLDQ. CITY and farm loans, S, $H, per oent J. H. Dumont A Co., 414 Keellne Bldg. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. C $H 4 Per Cent LOANS THOS. L. McOARBY, Keellne Bldg. Red 4344. 7TSPVTW PPHQ Omaha VrlatlAV T XI. 1 aVlVU, 'vNatl. Bank Bldg. 5n1f MONEY HARRISON A MORTON, pCU Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. f 100 to $10,000 made' promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg. 18th and Farnam Sts. Stocks and Bonds. Our Nebraaka farm mortgages are not af fected vy European ware or panic. Amount S400 to $20,000. We collect all Interest and principal free of charge; 30 years In the Nebraska farm field without a loss Is our record. KLOKE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 341 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Abstracts ot Title nnoranfoo Abstract Co. Wo can bring VJUalaUbCC down your abstract on short notice. R. 7, Patterson Bldg. D. 2047. TT Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co., IWcIT 306 8. 17th St., ground floor. Bonded by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co. HEED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska, 204 Brandela Theater. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. Colorado land excursions, eapenses paid. C. L. Nethaway, Florence, Neb. Florence 228. Iowa Lands. FARM BARGAIN. That can't be beat; 160 acres at Pis geh, Harrison Co., Ia.; all In cultivation; good Improvements; fenced and cross -fenced; $8t an acre, $1,000 down, $3,600 March 1, balance to suit. Act quick If you want this. No trades. W. R. HOMAN, 422 Rose Bldg. 149 ACRES well Improved farm, west Iowa, at $100 per acre; all tillable; rolling land; $1,000 will handle deal. THOS. CAMPBELL. K BYLINE PLDO, 2S0 IOWA FARMS for sale or exchange, tn Madison and Union County, la., from $fi0 to $125 per acre. Write the F. L. Jones Land Co., Creston. Iowa. Missouri Lands. CHEAP FARMS Any slse. easy terms. In the beautiful (.marks of Dent county. Mo. W. B. Frank, 201 Neville Blook, Omaha New York Lands. IF YOU want reliable Information and de scriptions of good New York state farpi. write use. CHURCH A CHURCH,,. Established in 1873. Canandaigua, N. Y. Nebnika Lands. FARM NEAR OMAHA. 143 acres with fair improvements; 10 mlt"s from Omaha pos toff Ire; 4 miles from Florence; 1H ml lea from R, R. sta tion; about 100 a. cultivated, Including 12 a. Hlfalfa; balance timbered paature with running water. Only $110 per acre; $7,000 cash, balance long time at 6 pet. A plendld upland farm for dairying or hog raising and the cheapest land near this unlimited market Don't delay If you want this bsrgatn. J. 11. DUMONT A CO., Tel. Doug. 40 418 JCeellne JSldg. FORALE-8ctlon about 40 acres broke: well, good grass land,; 12 miles from county seat Price $8.60 ir acre. H. C Rainier, Taylor, Neb. FOR HALE Best larg.j body high grade medium priced land In Nebraska; very little, money required. C. Bradley, Wol- bach. Nt,a. NEBRASKA land from $0.00 to $126 per acre; bast bargains In state. W. T. Smith. Co.. 014 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. North Dakota Lands. ALFALFA LAND Buy It under our "Half Earnings" or "Pay as you make It" plan. Diversified farming, stock, corn and hog raising pay for the land In a few years' time. Hackney Land Credit Co., Hack ney Bldg.. St Paul. Minn. Wisconsin Lands. WISCONSIN'S finest graslng and dairying lands; any stza tract from 40 acres to 7.000; clay soil, well located near rail roads; at prices ranging from $7.(0 to $30 an aore; state your requirement, we oan make any terms to euu your neeaa. Dairy Belt Land Co.. Owen. Wla. GET literature and maps on the obtapest good land In United State. BAKER A TILLOT80N, lth and Douglas Sts., Omaha. Doug-. 11$$. FARM AND RANCH LANDS South Dakota Land,. FOR SALE CORN (n ALFA.LPA LANDS. LTMAN COTJHTT, SOUTH DA KOTA. 11, TO 17a AN ACRB. OOR NELiUB MoOREEVT. PRE8HO. SOUTH DAKOTA. FARM tor sale cheap In Brown rounty, S. D. Write M.yer Klein. Omaha. Net. Miscellaneous. ARB TOU OOINO TO BUT LAND If aa, get a copy of our Journal first. )t haa lands, city property and etocka or gooda advartleed rrom neerly every state. So that you oan find Juat what you wish In Its column. Eatabllahed 19 y.ara, rMchln, 71.009 readere. Sand the tor one yaar'e aubaortpUon. or II for flvs years. rARaf AND REAL ESTATE JOURNAL. TRAER. IOWA. ACREAGE V. to 4-A. tracts on car Una. Eaay torma. C R. Combs. Ill Brandela Thea. Bid,. Doug. Ills. POULTKY AND PET STOCK PIOEONH pay far better thaa ohlckanaT always penned up: llttla apaoa Deeded te start; free book esplalna alL Majestlo nquaa uo uept. si. aaei. ia. nquaa up., uopi. .1. aa.i. im. FRESH aqualla plants for your hah globe, too Will keep flak healthy. MAX OEISLER BIRD CO. AUTOMOBILES FOF SALE FORD INSURANCE Fire and theft Insurance on new Ford, $7.70 KILLT, ELLIS ai THOUmON, 111-11 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 111. FOR SALE OVERLAND ROADSTER $90.00 Oood condition, ready for the road. Call Red 49 47 for demon stration. Must sell all our aaoond-hand automo- bllas wtthln 40 day. We have saver! meaea and era giving batter values than anyone els. Johnson-Danforth Co. llia-ll-ii n. lit, St AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. HOB Farnam. D. 111,. Saxon roadater. Ill, 1171 2,1, Model II. Overland roadater.. e0 1,14 Oakland touring 400 1,1, Bulck roadater 0, PAIOB touring oar. fully equipped lilt: elegant car tor the family, ItOO. WILLTS-OVERLAND, INC., 2047 Farnam St. Poug. HOP. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Almost any mall roadster, speedster and touring can. SU Fords, a snap. Will sell these oars at almost any prloe, as w must hate tb spao. C W. FRANCIS AUTO CO., 91214 Farnam. Doug. $l. BBS Want-Ads GAINED 10.6M MORS PAID ADS than any other Otnana news paper gained in first seven months 1(14. Oood results at lees cost Is the reason why. BEB Want-Ads GAINED 19,69 MORE PAID ADS than any other Omaha news paper gained In first seven months 1914. Good results at lees cost Is the reason why. BEK Want-Ads GAINED l.t MORE. PAID ADS than any other Omaha news paper gained In first seven months ltlS. Good results at less coit is the reason why. USbiD CAR BARGAINS AT MURl'H Y-O'BRiKN AUTO CO.. tR1 4-14-1 farnam St WE will trade you a now Ford for your old one. INDUSTRIAL GARAQB CO., toth and Hsrney Doug 61. FORI) roadster, excellent condition, new times; $17t5 takes It; act quick. Dodge, oar of Omaha Oarage. 3010 Harney. BARGAIN Light, five-passenger oar; elec tric lights. Call Harney SIP. Auto Tires and Supplies. SEK us for bargains In standard makes. Expert tire repairing-. Zwlebel Bros., HSU Farnam. Auto Repairing and Painting. $ioo riwerd tor magneto w can't repair. Coils repaired. Baysdorfer, 11$ N. llth. NEB. Auto Radiator Repair Service and prices rlgnt. lis a. ism at. v. Auto Livery and Garages. DON'T throw away old tire. We make on new tire from $ old ones and save you 60 per cent. In 1 Vulcanising Co., lilt Dav en port St.. Omaha. Nab. Douglas 2114. ""AUTO TIRES REBUILT, $1.04 TO $6.09. DUO TIRE CO.. ,411 CHICAGO ST. EXPERT auto repairing, "service car al ways ready." Omaha Oarage, 3010 Barney st. Tyler 666. Motorcycles and Bicycle. HAhLK.'-DAVlDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bar gain In used machines. Victor Roos. "The Mntorrvf If Man " 170 lavonwort. 1115 RACTCLH Two-speed ooaster brake; been run about sixty mile. Boi 441T, Be. Hones Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. Wagon umbrella. $1 44. Warnsr. $41 N. llth. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Harvey J. Grove and wife to Alolse B. Clement, southwest corner Fifty seventh avenue and McKlnley street, Benson, 40x144 1 William C. Norrls to Chris O. Nohren berg. Twenty-fourth, 146 feet south of Read, eaat side, 46x126 1 H at tie L. Hums and husband to Beary E. Price, Forty-ninth, 160 feet north of Cuming, east side, 60x126 100 Ellery R. Hume and wife to Beary E. Price, southeast corner Forty-ninth and Nlcholaa, 60x126 T60 Parkway Real Estate oompany to Christine E. Stacker, southwest corner of Thirty-third and Mander- sorl. Irregular disc 1,20 M. E. Howell to Charles R. Sherman. Thirty-sixth, 164 feet north of Dodge, east side, 41x131 1 James A. Sunderland and wife to Sunderland Bro. Co., Twenty-first, 436 feet north of Pacific west side, 182x200 7,000 Ben Lustgarten and wife to Milan Hsardanow. West "R." 160 feet west of Thirtieth, south aid. $1x160 ., 1,000 Jennie Wilson to Mollis C. CI try. Twenty-fifth, 16 feet north of Ban croft, east side. 41x16$ Maiden Investment company to Walter Pokarskl, Hillsdale avenue. South Omaha, 46 feet west of Forty-second. 40x163 ST0 Kugel Stays Home While Co-Workers Go to Fremont "Why all thi, gum-shoe tuff?" queried Police Commissioner Al Ku scl when he learned a number of the city commissioners and city hall at taches had organized an automobile excursion to the Fremont tractor show and left early in the morning to make a day of it "Nobody tola me anything about it," grieved Ku gel, "and here I am the only man in the bunch interested in farm ma chinery." Whereupon the police conv missioner made business appoint' ments for every hour in the day, promising at least one man in the city hall would be on tne jod. Tom Austin Again Wins the Perry Cup for Rubber Men T. W.. Austin of Omaha played a repeater at Chicago Tuesday when he again won the Perry cup at golf, which is played for each year by the representatives of the United States Rubber company. He won the cup last year. The Secret tt Submarine Author I The u4 ol the Trall.- rraac,- ete. By C. Alexander Powell "Fighting 1 Flanders.' The Read to Glory, andar i Copy rlf lit, 1818, by E. Alexaad. "VW Is swell. TWELFTH INSTALLMENT. SYNOPWIf. LteUtPTiMUt .Inrvlu ilnn U AtmiA hv th United States naval board to Investigate and report finding.) un (ho Invention of Dr. Ralph Burke, which Henri to brlna the submarine to a sttts of perfection. On the tn, .np oi me inventor Doat. a Japanese helper is surprised lu the art of examining the mechanism. Hope reports favorably on the new device but there are otherti Inter ested In It. Attempt to burglarise Burke's inix-Liury m,r nis uHugnier V. liK finds hi in murdered In hit hfriroom. Cleo yells her father's books; she rlnriit a note i rm wnicn Mne letrita tney rout tun eeorei formula Olga Ivannff and Ore Id Morton, pies In search of formula, attempt to cap ture Cleo when she conies for books to Siephanekl, the anarchist, Hope rushes to her aid; Morton shoots but bullet hits a bomb in cellar, which explode. Hope and Cleo escape and attend ball at aire. !! mar's, whoss nephew has two miming book Mahlln, a spy, attempts to steal books; In excitement that follows books d Us p pear. Mahlln eecapes. Hope and Cleo take boat for an Island out In the bay. Mahlln and the Jap turn out the .eland light. After a violent storm Hope and Cleo arrive on strange Island and discover man they hunt Is there. Mahlln and Japanese also reach the Island. They escape from Hope but re turn and dynamite the shack. Hove and Cleo manage to reach Sandeboro, where lr. Owen has one of the books He arranges to meet Hope at the hotel with book. Mor ton poses as Hope and but for an earth quake would have posseeed the volume. LleO lS OSDturil hv Mnrtnn nrl t-W.i n cabin In the mountains. She finds ihere books for which they search. Fortunately she gets note to Hope, who, with Hook, starts to rescue. As he eroaiee chasm in swinging basket Mahlln steals up snd chops v win, an m. noon appears in urns to save Hone. He reaches th nthr m and Is greeted by Cleo; she swears her love to him. They are followed by Mahlln and Jap who attempt to kidnap Cleo. She swings herself over the canyon. Olga and au. (mantra o van in an aeroplane. Hope and Cleo are pulled from qulrkeonrte by Hook and a grape vine. Mshlln and H till ma ar fa Mau. haA.a Ika Dlanli ...- ell On the track of another book, thev find the owner has lost It. Hep receives a let ter of very serious Import (Continued Prom Yesterday.) "It's onlv invitintr trnuht a talk like that," she said severely. "You know as well as I do, Hook, that I must go to work." "Then why don't vou tret a lob in one of them public libraries?" he asked. "That sort of work pays well and it ain't hard." I ve thought of that," she replied, "but I find to get a position as libra rian you must get a diploma from a library school or college." "You could get a job as stenog rapher, I reckon," he suggested. No," she asserted, "I am not fitted to that either. It would take me an hour to pick out a letter on a type writer, and I can't write shorthand, either. The truth is, Hook, I am not fitted for anything except to keep house. I know how to cook and, sew and to make bread, but there are thousands of thousands of girls who can do those things as well as I can. What wouldn't I give to have learned how to do something practical." wow, dont you worry none, Miss Cleo' said the seaman, soothingly. "I'm going to start out and get a job tomorrow. Everything goin to turn out all right." WrtL-"' aUa, A.AA a..JJaHt.. sn.f out uLiiiaiiuU) auuuciiijr, "I want you to promise me some thing." "What is it, Mis, Cleo?" he de manded cautiously. 1 want you to promise me first. "All right, I promise." "I want you to give me your word, Hook," she said, earnestly, "that no matter how much we may need money, you will never let Mr. Hope know." "But Miss Cleo," expostulated the sailor, taken off his guard, "the very last thing the lootenant said to me wuz. Be sure and let me know, Hook, if Miss Cleo needs any money."' "If you ever tell him," she declared passionately, "I'll never speak to you again. Oh, I just couldn't stand that I couldn't," and she burst into tears. "There, there, Miss Cleo," soothed the sailor, awkwardly stroking her bowed head. "Don't take on so. Of course I won't let the lootenant know if you don't want it, but hanged if 1 can see why." "Remember, Hook," she said, wip ing her eyes, "you have given me your word." The next two weeks Cleo spent In searching the "Help Wanted" col umns of the newspapers and in ans wering those advertisement, whose requirements she felt she could fill. She wore her shoes out tramping the streets of Oakland and San Francisco. At office after office she applied for work, only to be met with refusal when her lack of qualification, be came apparent. Then she tried the stores, in the hope of securing a place as clerk until something better of fered, but it was the dull season and the selling forces were being reduced instead of increased. Hook, though he managed to retain his habitual cheery smile, was meeting with no greater success, for there i, littl, work that a one-armed man, no mat ter how willing he may be, can do. This was driven home to him time and time again as he applied at em ployment bureau,, contractor,' of fice,, ship, lumber and coal yards, only to be curtly turned down when It was seen he had an iron hook in stead of a left hand. Two day, before the wedding Hop, called at the Machin home to see the presents, which had been steadily pouring in. "Miss Langham i, calling on Miss Machin," said the man who answered Hope', ring. "But I'll tell her that you are here, ,ir." "Don't disturb her " Mid Hope. "Ill wait in the library until Miss Lang ham leaves." Dropping into an armchair he picked up a magazine which he was idly perusing when his attention wa, distracted by the sound of voices com ing from the adjoining room, the door of which was ajar. T hi room, he knew, was Inei's boudoir. The voice. he recognized a, those of hi, fiancee and a girl friend, Lucy Langham, but it was not until he heard hi, own name that he lowered hi, magazine, and, unconscious of hi, eavesdrop' ping, sat with alert ears. "Your Lieutenant Hope is i perfect dear, Inez," he heard Mis Langham saying. "Everyone is crazy about him. We are all wondering how you happened to get him. He a so quiet and serious not at all your tort. "If I tell you how it happened will you give me your word never to breathe it to a living soul, Lueyr came Inez's voice through the half, open door. "Of course I won't repet anvthinsr you tell me, dear," said Miss Lang- nam. (Ta Ha Iowa Man to Bring 1,000 Hogs to the Omaha Swine Show J. O. Barker of Harlan, Ia., one of the most extensive Chester-White breeders in the entire country, is in Omaha arranging for reservations for the National Swine show, which will be held in Omaha October 2 to 7, in clusive. In commenting upon the swine show situation,. Mr. Barker asserted that from the opinions he had ascer tained while conferring with breeders in all parts of the country, the local porcine stock classic bids fair to be the greatest event of its kind ever staged in the new world. Mr. Barker is a member of the board of directors of the National Chester White Swine Record associa tion, with headquarters at Rochester, Ind. He htmselt plana to exhibit at least 1,000 head of blue ribbon Ches ter Whites here. While in Omaha Mr. Barker made reservations for eighty-five of the country', leading Chester White breeder,. Mrs. Coleman, Resident Here For Forty-Six Years, is Dead Bridget Coleman died Tuesday at the family residence, 2411 South Thir teenth street. Eighty years ago she was born in Kings county, Ireland, and for the last forty-six years has been a resident of this city, living in the vicinity of Thirteenth and Cas telar for the last thirty-five years. She is survived by one daughter, Miss Mary Coleman, of the Thomas Kilpatrick & Co. The funeral will be held from the residence at 8:40 o'clock Thursday morning to St Patrick'a church at 9 o'clock. Burial will be in St Mary's cemetery. Complain Motorists Like To Play With Spotlights Commissioner Al Kugel's ordinance to prohibit use of automobile spot lights on the paved highways and i I . - - .1 - At fitit ... 1 1 1 mm ii n for consideration of the city council again next juonaay. nugci, in uic interim, has been making light tests with the police cars and has become fully convinced spotlight, are of ab- ma ...iitanf. trt in the city. And they are, he believes, a nuisance to pedestrians, many oi whom have made complaint, that 11 1 U IU I tai. av... w - - amusement to flash the brilliant lights directly into tne eye, oi persons on foot, and completely blinding them for a minute. Germany Strengthens its Naval Force in Belgium (CerrsapODdanea ot Ths Aasoclatsd Press.) Amsterdam, July 30. The German naval squadron at the Belgian port of Bruges has been greatly strengthened in recent weeks, according to the Am sterdam Telegraff, and now comprises at least twenty-two torpedo boats and torpedo destroyers, including many of a new type with three funnels. The Bee's Fund for Free Milk and Ice Score of bable and little children throughout Omaha are thriving and healthy and happy because of the con tribution to me nee tuna. Every cent given to thl fund 1 used in buying pure, rlcn milk and lc to keep it cool tor the babies and small children of the deserving poor. Struggling widow and families whoBe breadwinner ha been inca pacitated have found it a "shelter in the time ot need. The happy, healthy little one are a tine reward lor all the money aiven. The need i, (till present, will you lend in contribution? A boost of 1100 to the good work came in yesterday and i acknowledg ed nere. Pr.vl.nalr auAnsawwAfsd A Friend. Canter. Neb Ubsral Aid UOM tJM 100.00 Total Wheat Prices Up 10 Cents Over the Close of Tuesday The Omaha grain market had feverish opening and heavy trading yesterday with price, advanced from 5 to 6 cent, over night and con tinuing to go up until shortly after noon when the tension relaxed a lit tle. September wheat, which closed strong at luesday, after comparatively dull day, opened at $1.321.33& and rose to $1.384 by noon. The government crop report was not so favorable as had been ex pected, and the shorts were in a hurry to cover up. The rise was further helped by more report, of damage in Canada and by the strong export buying which developed on the mo mentary slackening of the market I uesday. The Omaha market reported 200,000 bushels of wheat bought for storage here. Receipts were light in compari son with a week ago. All the cereal were strong, corn strengthening atout a cent and oats strong. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Dresner Return from Clarinda, la. Albert V. Dresher, who wa se verely Injured about the spine nd had three rib broken when hi auto mobile plunged over a twenty-foot embankment near Clarinda. I a., a week ago last Sunday, was brought home from the Clarinda hospital on a cot in a burlington baggage car. He was taken from the station to his home in an ambulance and seemed to have stood the trip well. Mrs. A. V. Dresher, having recov ered from her injuries, was able to accompany her husband on the trio, His sister. Miss Louise Dresher, was able to return to Omaha last week. Constipation nd Nick fjeadneh. Dr. King's New Llf. Pills will relieve you of both, clean out the bowels sad make you feel tins. S6o. All drussiats. Adv. LIBERAL AID HAS HUNDRED FOR ICE Well Known Society Hands in Big Subscription to the Fnnd of Babies. WANTS TO HELP CAUSE Walter Brandes, president of tht Liberal Aid society, called at The Bee office at noon and left a check foi $100, the contribution of the society to the babies' ice and milk fund. The businet of the society is fall ing off," said Mr. Brandes. "During the winter we found many calls for help, sometimes as many as ten ot eleven families a day. This summer the calls have dropped away until we are seldom asked to assist more than one a day. Wr know that The Bee's ice and milk fund is going to the right place and we feel that we ought to help it along. That's why I bring , you thia check?' The work of the Liberal Aid so ciety ha been carried on quietly, but none the lees efficiently. It has (ought for no support outside it own mem bership, but it has given much assist- ance to deserving people and on the basis of its name, liberally. To Find Honored Grave for Youth Killed in Battle (OsfTospaadrae, of Tha AssooUt.4 Pnmt.) London. Tulv 30-General satisfac tion ia being expressed over the de riainn of the admiralty to remove from its nameless grave the body of John Traver Comwell, the boy hero of the battle of Jutland, to a more suitable burial place. The decision is the result of the de sire that the honor due the tad whom Admiral Beatty specially mentioned in his dispatch may be fittingly paid. Here is the reference in Admiral ' Beatty' report concerning the hero, who was 16 years old: "Boy (first class) John Traver Cornwell of the Chester wa mortally wounded early in the action. He nevertheles remained standing at a most exposed post quietly awaiting orders nntil the end of the action, with" the gun s crew dead and wounded all around him. I regret that he ha since died, but I recommend hi cas. for special recognition in Justice to hi, memory and as an acknowledge ment of the example set by him.' 1 he body wa at first hastily buried in a common grave in Manor park. with only the No. "323" upon a plain piece ot wood to mark hi -resting ?lace. In response to a letter received rom the boy s mother, the admiralty has written announcing its decision to have proper honor done to his memory. The new grave will be in' Manor park cemetery or in a place to be selected by the mother. Cornwell was a member of a work ing class family, the head of which is fighting in the field. His - mother smieu in an interview mac me poy s single desire from babyhood had been to join the navy a a sailor. He tried to enlist when the war began, but the father would not sign his papers until August, 1915, when he went to Daven-' port for training. Mother Kidnaps tne Baby Grosbeak the Eitners Adopted Another babv srosbeak waa adopt ed as a foster child by Mr. and Mrs. Karl tuner, it develop, since Ihe Bee's account of the adventures of baby grosbeaks in the Dr. H. C. Sumney household. 'The only difference in the treat ment accorded our baby grosbeak is that we didn't chew up the worm for him. We gave them to him un chewed" laughed Mr. Eitner. The Eitners kept their grosbeak in an open cage in the yard. Mother grosbeak manifested (cant Interest in her offspring while the family Was looking alter tne little otra, out wnen he beuan to hoc about and fly a lit tle, she appeared one day and kid naped him. We ve organized searching parties for the bird, but the mother evident ly ha him hidden securely, for we haven't discovered hi whereabouts yet" Germans Have Ten New Armor Plated Zeps ( of To. aeeonlaud Press.) Copenhagen, July 3uV-The Ger man, says a report received here, have just completed and placed in a huge shed at Darmstadt ten Zeppe lins of 820 feet in length with a gas capacity of 190,675 cubic feet In the hull is provision for machine gun and for light piece of ordnance. The newest Zeppelin are said to have four armor-plated cars, of which the first ia the heaviest All the cars are fitted with guns. Armor-plated gangways connect the car. The en gine indicate 4,000 horse-power, and the speed i fifty-seven mile an hour. These ships can reach a height of more than 13,000 feet American Missionary is Killed in Wreck in China (Oorreapondenco of The Associated Preaa.1 Hongkong, July 30 Elmer Ii. Hammond, an American member oi the Pentecostal mission at Hongkong, wa killed in a wreck an the Kowtoon Canton railway June 15, near Fung long. Robber had undermined the track, and robbed the passengers after the train was derailed. One Chinese wa killed, and twenty-two others seriously injured in the wreck. Through the political strife which is ?oing on in Kwangtung province, of. icial have lost control of the robbct band which ar plundering and mak ing trouble in many part of the province. -' .. Heavy Shipments Are Moved from Vladivostok (Cmrsasondene, of The Annotated Press.! Vladivostok, July 30. Two hundred cars are leaving Vladivostok daily for Siberia and Russia, with the result that the freight congestion has been relieved. Private cargo, as well as government supplies, is now moving. Recently there haa been a slackness in government supplies. Consequently the goods of commercial concerns have moved with considerable free dom. . , .