THE BEE: OMAHA, AUGUST 1916. Want-Ad Rates kCAIH WITH ORDEB. ft ward each tna.rtloa (Set aolld e dleplay.) A. hnmpM or Sat la PlraUy ;. ' ta par Mae one f1"" t. far Una thraa conaamtwa tlmae Oaul tlx worda t tha Una.) CIUBVGE BATES I to par Una ta par Una thraa eanaacotlva Umaa (Canal alz worda ta iba Una.) tpmlal Ralaai Farm and Rencb. Lnda Ta par Una aac IneertloK (Count alx worda to "" im, FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER AOENTS OB HELP WANTED CLASSIFI CATIONS. ., Is par word ..n ,flTIl IHo par word thraa eonaaootlva Umaa NO AO TAKEN TOH I.T.M THAN A TOTAL OF Ma OB LEM THAN Ma A DAT. CARD OF THANKS. DEATH AND FU NERAL NOTICES, to par Una Inaartlon 1IONTHLT FATE FOB STANDING ADS. (No ohana of copy allowed.) Ona Una Twa llnaa or mere par Una 1.10 . (Count all worda to tha Una.) (Contract ratal on application.) THE BEE will not ba rraponalbla (or mora than ana Incorraol Inaartlon of an aarar. tlarmant ordarad for mora than ono time. ADVERTISERS ahould rotaln receipt, liven or Tha Boa In payment (or Want Ada, aa no mletake can ba rectified without them. VBw thh THi.isrnur.Bi ii rw ----raalantlr brtni or eend In your ad . Aa. arira tha aama rood aarvlca aa wnan MvanoB your ad at tha office. PHONE TTLER 1000. WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSE . EVENING EDITIONS Jlf UORN1NO EDITIONS " r MOVIE PROGRAM Currant ffermie al tha kaat Motlaa . Factor. Thaatai i n.k. (Caaagad Daily.) . Downtown. FARNAM 1(11 FARNAM MARY PICKFORD in "CAPRICE." PRINCESS 1117-10 DOUGLAS BLUEBIRD, RED FEATHER and UNI VERSAL PRODUCTIONS, to PRESENTED HERB FIRST to BEN WILSOK in a 8-reel Drama "THE MARRIAGE BROKEN." "WHERE IS MT HUSBAND?" a -raal Lo-K-O Farce Comady. "A MAN'S HARDEST FIGHT." Drama, "WATCH FOR LIBERTY." North DIAMOND 1TH AND LAKE "QUICKSANDS OF DECEIT. "REEL LIFE." " "JUST FOR A KID." GRAND UTH AND BINNET "THE INNER STRUGGLE." a t-raal Mutual Maeterptooe. Alio a Good Comedy. LOTHROP I4TH AND LOTUROP , DUBTlN FARNAM IN ., "THE SQUAW MAN." WM. COLLIER IN "WILLIES' WABBLET WATS." Eontn. SI ,, , , Mel LEAVENWORTH WM. S. HART In "THE PRIMAL LURE." " MARRIAGE LICENSES- Tba following marriage Urenaea hava been laauad; Nama and Realdenee. A... William II. Foi, Omaha 1 Minnie A. Bl.ia, Omaha 5& Auaaar Damaaaard, Omaha 32 Anlna, Petersen, Omaha ... 82 Oaorro R. Patteraon. Harlan, la 21 Hazel Kavan, Harlan, la " Glen E. Hickman, Tekamah, Neb 21 Lillian M. Willert Tekamah, Neb Zl ANNOUNCEMENTS Karl Laughery, Omaha ,...ovr 21 Emma E. Helms, Omaha over 18 George B. Baltares, Omaha 24 Catherine Madsen, Omaha 18 Bay Webster. Falrbury. Neb 21 Hasel Ellsworth, Falrbury. Neb. It BUILDING PERMITS. The following building permit have been lamed: 8. B. Gtlltnaky, 607 South Tenth, saoo; M. I. Donovan, 4H23 Capitol avenue, $200; Bunderland Broa.. 87x812 stone and concrete table and Bars go, 1034-8-8 South Twenty- flrat; 116,000; Con tine vanorooK, eve oouio Twenty-ninth. 812. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IP YOU lose anything and will advertise It here, you will surely recover It If found by an honest person. Remarkable re coveries are brought about every day through this column. THE. LAW People who find lost articles are interested In knowing that the state law la strict In requiring them to seek the owner through advertisement and otherwise, and that a failure to do so, If same can be proven. Involve a severe penalty. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and ths company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owners. Call Tyler 100. LOST Near 24th and Lake, white bulldog with harness and tag, wart on forehead, also on flank. Reward 1011 N. nth St. LOST Fraternity pin,- diamond -shaped. In itials on back. "L. F. W." Call Red 1171, Council Bluffs. Reward. LOST Diamond bar pin. Return to Mrs. Harold Frltchett, 118 B. 18th. 10 reward. LOST Home Builders' book with shares. Return to Home Builders', 202 S. Uth. LOST Bunch of keys with name plate. 206 Farnam. Douglas 4473. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION SALE. Thuradar, Aur. lath, at I B. m. Sharp. Wa will aell at publlo auction, ona place at a tlma. tha entlra furniehlnga of tha U. B. Reataurant, conalatlnf of all tha furnltura, llnena, allvarware, coffee urna, ; oaah reflater, ,afe, dlahea, cooking urna, io. Sal. takaa placa at THE OMAHA VAN 4 STORAGE CO., WAREHOUSE. 16th and Leavenworth Sta. DOWB AUCTION CO., Auctioneer.. - JUL FURNITURE BAROAIN. You cannot appreciate theea wonderful baraalna unleaa yon Boa them: your eav- Ing will be too on the If you coniult tha llat of articles we carry. STATU FURNITURE CO. Cor. Uth and Portia, Phone D. HIT. PUBIC AUCTION. Houaehold foeda, at OMAHA VAN A STORAGE CO., ovary Saturday during July and Aufuat. Bala at 10 a. m. In roar of 101 S. Uth St. Welt. AIRDOMB I0TH AND FARNAM 'Tha Dancer," l-reel, Vivian Rich, American. "For Tan Theueand Bueka." Ban Turpln and Rube Miliar, Vofue. "Real Life." Oaumont. BQVLEVARU IID AND LBAVEN. SEE AMERICA jjltNDESB ' llT AND UNDERWOOD Maa Marah la "A Child of tha Parla Streeta." Tea will no doubt remember her In "Hoodoo Ann," and "Tha Birth of a Nation." William Collier la "WllUa'a Wobbly Waye." OMAHA, I0TH AND DODGE. Warren Kerrujan la "The Meat Battle," a Bluebird feature. "She Waa Bomo Vampire," Joker Cam. South Side. BtiBSB TH AND K "THE GRIP OF EVIL" ALSO FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN IN THE OTHKK MAW. ' ORPHISIJI TH AND M "8U8MAR1NB NO. I." "PAPBRON 10." "SANDT REFORM KR." . "GAMBLERS IN GREENBACKS," "JERRY'S BTRATAOBM." , DEATHS h. FUNERAL NOTICES. MORAN Mra, Mary, beloved wife of Ed ward. Bk. ! ha-UM tor hnahand. ' by two eona, William Henry of Omaha and Edward - of Poratallo, Idaho, and by Bva daughters, Mra. Albert Miller. Mra. Loula tumnnee, Mlaa Margaret, Mlaa Anna and Hlea Agnaa of Omaha. Funeral Friday morning from reatdence of Mr. and Ura. L. A Blmonaa, 1101 Sherman avenue, at l:0 a. m. to Sacred Heart church at a. m. lnlermont Ualy Sep. Ulcner cernery. UAVINO aold my ten-room houae. oppoalto Country Club, I wleh to aell my oriental ruga, houaehold furniture, gaa and coal rangea, laundry, etove, Ice box, lawn mow era, ate. Call Benaon lit. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Felt and hair mat- traaaea made over in new iickb a. nan tha price of naw onea. Phone ua for aam pla of ticking. Mall erdera ailed. 1107 Cuming at. uongiae FOR SALE Patented Ironing board, neat and well bum; win iaa. a me urn. rw ua for particular, ioua. oi. 60 ICB boxaa, 2ft gaa atovea, 300 ruga of an Kinaa; puuurjr nire u,tu v,"," ONS naw fumed oak buffet, Btackley Broa.' make, oil a. an Ave, ryier io..-j. FOR BALE I r. of furnltura, oarpeta and lea box, Harney ecu. QOOD kitchen range, hi fine condition, cheap. IftOt eea. Pianos ind Mmical Instruments. llftO Buaoh and Oerta piano; In good condi tion. Will aell for 1100. Call Mra T. M. Kerr, Donglaa HIT. Store and Office Fixtures. )ESKB, eafea, acalea, ahowcaaea, ahelvlng. ato. We buy, aell. Omaha Fixture A Bupply Co.. ele-ia-ll a. mn. uoug BRODEOAARD'S -Lur-ky Wedding Rlnge" at Kth and Douglaa Sta D'Afa'nd" T M. C. A. Nlgbt School. Bakeries. CAKES, paltry and fanry bakery gooda auppllea -o partita, oqgee anq entertain menta. Z. H. Reader. 150, N. 11th. W.32I7 COIN collector would like to exchange hie dupllcatea with other colleclora, or will trade anything he can epare for eoma old. rare colne. Artdr-ai, H. C. 261. Bee. WILL trade nearly new Kaatman Poet Card camera for pump action repeating enoi gun: 12-gauge; must bo In tlrat clafi con dition. Addreaa S. C. 2E1, Bee, Accountants. B. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. A VAN ORDER. 1X1 Ramce Bldg. Phone Doug. 2100. Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxtcn-Mttchell Co.. 27th and Martha Sta. Coxtumes. THEATRICAL cowna. full drea aulta, for rent. 200 N. 17th. John Feldman. Carpenters and Contractors. Leeiard A Son. ll Capitol Ave. 1'y. lilt C. W. Hnkanaoti. 2105 Iaven'th. Ty. 2I J. ORFATKR InrreaMca In PAID WANT-ADS In THE BEE than In any other Omaha paper. 32.05X MORE PAID WANT-AFlH flrat seven months 1016 over eame period of 101S. Thla figure exceeda by 19.&99 paid ada the Increa-e of any other Omalia paper for the same period. Cameras and Finishing. "REXOETE" cameraa. JHxa(4. 3T00: (nl veraal focua lena), Ureen'a Pharmaoy. 10th and Howard. Baa them today. Baths. HTOIENIC BATH INSTITUTE. Madam Edna H. LaRell. 700 South 10th St.; vapor hatha. Swedish maaaaga taught every Fri day for men and woman. Lady attendant for ladles. Phone Douglaa 7046. DR. KNfiLLENBBRO, auTphur, ateam hatha, maaaaga and CHIROPRACTIC. Lady at tendant for ladles. 8. West, corner Kth and Farnam, Ottawa Bldg. Doug. 7Zs. HAVE nuw Anao.o folding kodak; aleo E-li- aon pnonngrapn. will nwn, wr ,iuii , ajtomatlc gr.olKun. Addreaa S. C 263. Bee. DR. BENDA Sulphur, atearo. Modern Turklah BATHS AND H ASUAOB. PrtvaU apartments for ladlea with lady attend- ante. ltn Pirnam. Phono Doug. 0177 RITTENHOU3E Sanitarium; all klnda hatha. 210-214 Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglaa Buttons and Pleating. DRESS bleating, hemstitching and ad buttons Van Arnam Dreea Pleat Ins and Button Co., Id floor Paxloa Blk. Doug. 1101. Cleaning; and Pressing. SUITS cleaned, preaaed 11.00; pressed. 40e; flrat claaa work guaranteed, lie a. mn. LB LUX Dancing Academies. 3 ACADEMY. Ill 8. llh St. Chiropractic DR. KNOLLENBERO. S. W. Cor. 4th and Parnam. Doug. 7205. Lady attendant. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment PR. BURHORN'B modem, aanlury chiro practic adjuetlng parlora. 414-11 Roaa Bid. D. M47. Palmer Sch. grad; lady attendant Dr. Francea Dawaon. 802-1 Roaa Big. Ty. 2380. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. I Balrd Bldg. D. 8481. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 111 Neville Block. Evi dence aacured In all caaaa Tyler 1118. Dressmaking. ACCORDION, Bide, Knife, Bog Pleating. Cov. Buttona, Hematltchtng, Neb. Pleating Button Co , 421-2 Paxton Bin W. 4ll, Expert dreaamaker In all llnea. Doug. 1648. Kelater Dreeamaklng Col., 1828 City Nat'! Tarry Dreasmak'g college. 30th and Farnam. Dentists. D. Bradbury. No pain. 012 W. O. W. Bldg. Taft'a Dent. Rms., 201 Rosa Bldg. D 2188. Exoreis Companies. TWIN CITY Express Co., 1822 - Caaa 61 Douglaa I71T. Heavy hauling a apeclalty. ANYWHERE 25c WB. 2104 Evervthins for Women. ACCORDION, sid. knifs, sunburst, box pleating; covered button!, all slcea and tyiss; oemaiitcmnB, picoi vaginf, vm broldsrvi beading, braiding cordlnff. ylet cut work, buttonholes, pennant. IUBAI BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 100 Douglas Blk. Douglaa lUt Fixtures and Wiring. rTTl?yTM Kleetrto washing machines, U U A IV 111 electric Iron and reading lamps, iVii Cuming 8t. Douglaa X51. Furnaces and Tinware. ROOFING-, furnnces and general tin work. 8. Abrams. 160U N. 24th. Bt. wen. s4S. Hair Dressing. IDEAL Hair Parlors, 507 'Balrd B,d- Mani curing, louei anicies. tyfug. in. Hand La-indry. CALL DOUGLAB 4626 and Uave jour Uun dry done right and reasonable. Hat Cleaning and Blocking. STRAW, Panama, alt kinds hats, oleaned and reniocfcea. ibi-itz ttarney. Attorney at Law. R, H., SOU Crounse Bldg. D. I8fl. KRANC1B MORGAN, 618 Baa. Doug. IQ&t. lustices of thu Peace. H. H. CLAIRUORNE. IIS Paxton Blk. Red 7101, Notary Publlo; deposition steno. C W. BRITT, 301 Barker Block. Patent A.iomeys, H. A. 8TUHQB8, 830 Brandola Th. P. I4I. Pianos for Rent. 13.60 Ter Mo. A. Hspo Co., Ml Douglas. Scale Rcoairina. Cm Standard Scale Co.. 618 a Uth, D. mi. Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply, a07 8. 11th. D 888. H. J. JOSEPH Odd mill work. Walnut 865. Typewriters and Supplies. NEW machines sold the same as rent; 83 per month. Bee us before you buy or rent Shipped any place on ten days' free trial. Butts Typewriter Exchange. 118 B. 18th, Umena, wea. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rant an Oliver typewriter, 8 months for 18. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1806 Farnam. - REMINGTONS, Monarch and Smith Premiers Tor rent; sent anywnera. nem Ington Typewriter company, u. use. OOLKMAN Bridget, August 8th. 8411 So. 13tH St. Age 78 years. 8 months, 8 days. funeral from family residence Thursday, 8:44) a. m.. to St. Patrick's church at I a. m. Interment BL Mary's cemetery. fCo flowers. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. LtrrrT JOHNSTON, embalmrrs and t tlriil directors t IT a Hth. Tyler 1876. mTk, BURKBT A BON Funeral directors and embalmnr. 1604 Leavenworth. Har. 66. FOR 8ALB BILLIARD TABLES, Brand new, carom ena iih vwinimini out Bt, 8136; Sflcond-hand tables at re duced prices; bowling alleys and supplies; easy payments. Cigar stores, drug, doll, ratessen and soda fountain fixtures. THB BRUNflWICK-BALKB-COLLBNDifiR CO., ajqi-lUJ BIIBll 4VIII HV a K1KPUN. undertakers and banners. tl H. 14th St. Wugtas Ilia. Monuments and Cemeteries. LIC.AUT1FUL markers, tablets and crosses for unmarked grave. Redman Oravs Marker Co., 1476 Spencer Bt Webster 6606. Maiiueisier Monument Works, mausoieujiue. All kluda carkers, 18th aod Charles. , FLORISTS. bc.8T UUALITT CUT VLOWBRB or plant a. Art Combinations, shipped every where. Excellent service -to our custom ers In past yean recommends HESS B WO BO DA 1418 rarnam St. Doug. 1661. fciAtlolr-ttT ASUORTMKNT of fresh flowers, dcllvervd or Mhlpped any w her L HKN DERSON, lil Farnam Bt, Doug. 1288. ftitiii. 411 S. lib. D. 8108. ttz Harney Doug, 1061. Bwrist, U)4 Fareaai St. C 8868. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Edwsrd and Elisabeth Uahr. Uii Bouih Twenty-second, girl; Normrla and ; Carmela Ksuftts, 411 Pmpleton. girl; Lauta sud Angela Buda, 616 Popple ton, boy: Se bastians and Lucia Caruso, 1816 South Fourth, girl; Bol and Sophia Greenberg, hoepiiat, boy; Walter and Annl Peterson, 9i Aionn Tweniy-ursi, ooy; Angeio and ; I'atma Pert. 3686 Reeao. boy: Frank nri Daisy Raum, 3718 South Ninth, girl; Bert and May Norman, 8034 Burt, girl; John and Biettvedt Sage. 1706 Madison, boy; Fran and Roaa Pentaauallo. 3436 North Fourteenth, boy: Joseph and Katherlne : Trtanj, ziii b Doy; William and Daisy Car mlcheal. 8614 Ohio, rlrl: David and Ua- : inle Lawler, 3316 Jefferson, girl; Lloyd aod i aweman Braaen. tiarney, oof. Death Dav Tuhataky. 66. hasBltal Nick FoL 36, hospital; Harry Williams, 16 months, 814 Douglaa; Brvln D. Norrla, 38, hospital; J. P. Uaniikaea, 71, 117 South Thirty-fifth arene; Banjamln Alexander, 36. 4684 South Nineteenth; John Bots, 44, o 1614 Month Fourth;- Bernlc Dermody, t, 8334 North Twenty-third; George Botes. 7 months, 2336 R: Raymond Frohm. 16. hos pital; Raymond Nelson, 81, 3408 'North Eighteenth; August Delahayes, 66, 604 South Thirteenth; sugene M. woo ley, i, fee Houth Firtyflrst: will lam Meyers, it, .hospital 4 ward Willlama, 16. aouaty Jail. BAROA1NS In used typewriters, ribbons 34 dosen; caroon, 1 a ooa. Hiaiana k,o., Be Bldg jewelry, Diamonds and Watches. BRODKOAARD'S "Lucky Wedding Rings" at 16th and uougias bis. Billiard and Pocket Tables. V.cuum Cleaners. CLEAN QUICKLY AND THOROUGHLY WITH ECLIPSE DUKUTKIU; HKIiT AND II 60 PER DAY. DOUGLAS 1760. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements- and printing. Douglaa Printing Co. Tel. Doug, 644. WANTED TO BUY wiKl'i'k'.litliirh claajaa ur..'iiri trenail. an instrument that is K ,..d for gen eral land surveying as wli as drainage W O Ta. 8 VaJ Ma Has. trw OIUU M al nee. WANT fci U iu UU I Having rented a build ing oa track tor our ernes d warehouse we will want tv buy some glass partitions. pnono BHSket a torus Ufncs, Tyler 440. Hineel price paid for ifd-hand clothes, DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1307 Farnam. H OLM US pays your pries for Id-hand cloth?, shock anu naia wen. tzzv. Lumber and Building Materials. kTndliN1 for one week. l per wagonload. New Kord Hiag. Machinery and Engines. NEW AND SECOND HAND MOTORS EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. . LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 818-80 B. inn pt., omana. FOR SALE 4 new warm air heating pieniB .-aar, iiiiiav ttmrw iwau, quick It you can us one of these, . Bos 4S67, Bee ' BOILERS, steam. . electric, ges engines, plpea Gross Wrecking Co., 1616 Cuming. ' ? Sewing Machines. "SEWING MACHINES. We rent, repair, sell needle and part of all sewing insrhlnns. MICKLE'0 NEBRASKA CYCLB CO., 16th and Harney SH. Doug. 1648. Printing and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co.. also ptiblte Steno. Phone fur prices. Douglas 3308. 646 Paxton Blk. GET our prices on lob printing. CAMPAIGN CARIS A SPECIALTY., V. B. PTQ. CO.. BKK HLDtl. noUO. 1IT8. Ptg. Co., quality 100. 624 B. 13th St. WATERS-BAR NH ART printing. Tel. Doug. : MtscellHneous. BEE Want-Ada GAINED 19.699 MORE PAID ADS than nnj other Omaha news, papec gained lit flrat seven months 1316. Good results at less Jj tost Is the mason why. MY high standard of quality will ba main tained; 4 quarle of Old Fonteneile wlilaky, 83.36; bottled lu bond. Henry Pollock, mall order house. Dour 1161. 132-124 N. I6tn St. ALEX JETTFS LIQUOR HOUSE Thirteenth and Douglaa ' Bottled In bond whisky, Sbu, 81 00. ft :t full quart. OENUINE California win vtnegar. while or red; quart bottle, SO cents, gatloa, 60 eenta Imported olive oil. 78 cent per quart. Cackley Bros. Phone Dour 4016. ONE large popcorn and peanut vending wagon; good as now; easy terms. Ad dress t mo, mee. FOR, SALE Cheap, Vlctrola and records also center table. Phone Red 7061 after 7 p. m. CHEAP:omplete aet of left-handed golf etuua. raooe jMnsoa n. WANTED TO BUY rigs, weighing from to to 80 ids. can souin e&a. ' SWAPPERS' COLUMN IF you have anything to trade, make up a little ad ana run u in this column for seven days It only costs tba and to per answer. This offer is good only In Omaha, and excludes Real Estate, cash offers, and Business Properties For Bale or Trade. These, as well as mall orders for use ot Swappers' column must pay regular ratea One or two answur are sufficient to make your trad and ths whole transaction only costs about loc. Try it. GREATER Increases In PAID WANT-ADS In THE BRB than In any other Omaha paper. 81,038 MORE PAID WANT-ADS first seven months 1616 over same period ot 1816. This figure exceeds by 18,698 paid ads th Increase of any other Omaha paper for the earn period. i 11 AVE a thoroughbred male Irish Water Spaniel pup that 1 would line to swap for chickens or poultry. This pup Is from Una stork and will make an excellent hunter and watch dog. Address 8. C. 380, Bee, 'LION FORTY." t -passenger touring car engine overhauled and mechanically per fect; tires 87x4 toone brand new. Ma chine never run over 8,600 mile; will trad for light roadster, late model motorcycle outfit or best offer. This la a bargain for someone and beet offer gets tne car. Address m. c at. Bee. GREATER Increases In PAID WANT-ADS In THE BEE than in auy other Omaha paper. ; 83,096 MORE PAID WANT-ADS ft rat seven months 1816 over same period of 1616. This figure exceeds by 18,686 paid ads the increase ot any other Omaha paper for th same period, NON-FREEZABLE, outside Sanitary Toilets; ran be used on Porch r outbuilding; complete to connect with sewer; used 8 . mo., then building was wrecked; coet new for the 4 ot them, 3100; what have you to trade for them? Address 8. C-L 363 Be. COMPLETE sets of Longfellow's, Byron's, James Whttcomb Riley's and Robert Lout Stevenson's work, bound In handsome 1 leather binding; will trad tor other book or what have your Addreaa a. C 368. Bee, r II AVE an "extra gooA top buggy, almost new: will sell or trade for a good ons hore spring wagon ( must be good. What have you. Addreaa 8, Be Oftlo, South Oman. SWAPPERS' COLUMN EXPERIENCED butcher wants slaughter S'ld outside worn in email town. ueo. I.ainM. Drexel, hotel. HAVE unmounted California gold quarters and halves, tine for mounting on ear or finger rings. What have you to trade? Adrtress 8. C. 281. Bff. ODD Jobs and Janitor work by the day or month; -xperiencea in an unes oi worn, can furnish best of references. Tslepbone Harney 4730. TOM JOHNSON, chimney sweep, furnace cleaning and flue repairing; zu years ex perience. Phone Douglas 78S6. YoUNG colored man wants position waiting tabt or second cook, wining w woi. Phone Douglas 8843 RELIABLE man would like Janitor, porter work and odd jobs, can rtarney ICEBOX, davenport, tocker. chairs and other household articlea to irane ior omce iur nlture, or what have you 7 Address S. C. 303. Bee. Poslton wanted by rel. col. man. porter wk.. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 1610 Davenpotr St. uouaiaa Headquarters for hotel help. FILMS developed free when prints are or dered, one-day aervtce. kabe e iuuij, 318 Neville block, Uth and Harney. CADirJrAr. IBIS, excellent condition, to ex. change for Omaha real estate. Teiepnone Harney 7638 or Box tftlB, loe. SOLID gold diamond locket and chain; value 840; will trade tor ea room set. Address 8 c zzs. Kee. t HAVE one new pair of about 3 crutches that I will trade for anytning i can use. Address 8 C 264, Bee. FOR BALE or exchange a 4-reel feature film with paper. For real estate or au tomobile. Doug. m. HIGH class motor boat; will trade for light car or what nave your Aaaress a. u. Be. A LITTLE ad In this column will bring about some remarks Die exenanaes. BUSINESS CHANCES AUCTION SALE Thursday, Aug. 10th, at 8 p. m. Sharp. We will sell at Public Auction, one piece at a time, tha entire furnishings of the U. 8. Restaurant, consisting of all the furniture, linens, silverware, conee urns, cash register, safe, dishes, cooking urns, etc. Bale takes placa at THB OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. WAREHOUSE, 16th and Leavenworth Sta. DOWD AUCTION CO.. Auctioneers. BEE Want-Ads GAINED 18.609 MORE PAID ADS than any other umana newa paper gained In first seven months 1816, Good results at less cost Is the reason why. LAWYERS, REAL ESTATE AND INfllTRANHKl AOENTS. An established business for th price of offlc fixtures, with or without library. Will turn over good, 'live, paying business mors than enough to pay tor tne nxiures. Oniv amall caah Daymen t required. Leaving th state. Lock Box D, Fullerton. Nebraska. FOR SALE or trade, a business in Omaha that Is doing a casn nusiness oi to 130,000 a year; will consider some trade for property that can be realized on Immediately, or will sell at a very low figure, reasonable terms; owner wishes to pond time on other interests; will bear investigation, uox af. ee. AN Mtabllehed manufacturer wants gen eral sales manager to open or nee ana manage salesmen. 8300 to 8700 capital necessary. Mono? -making possibilities un limited. Will pay expenses to Chicago If you are man we want, oaies manager, 1013 Republic Bid., Chicago BEE Want-Ads GAINED 19,698 MORE PAID ADS than any other umana news paper gained In first seven months 1916. Good results at lens coat Is the reason why. FOR BALE at Sundance, Wyo. A general stock of Hardware ana implements, uooa location; county seat and United States land office. Largest town In county. Ad dress Sundance Hardware uo., tsuuoance, Wyo., or C. B. Mcisacnron, urn uuy, o. u. FOR BALE B-chatr barber shop, 10-table pool hall, counters, snow cases, etc. win sell the business or th table and fix ture separate, u. iuo, abvi nam St. MOVINO Picture Theaters, real bargains; macnines, repairs, suppii , bwmvm. new and second-hand. See ua. niUAHA THEATER SUPPPLY CO.. Balrd Bldg. Doug. 8620, FOR SALE fi-chalr barber shop, 10-table pool nan; counters, uuw ell th business or the tables and fix- tures separate, p. A. Lang. 1607 Farnam. BEE Want-Ads GAINED 19.669 MORE PAID AD8 than any other umana news paper gained In first seven months 1916. Good results at less cost Is the reason why. FOR SALE Cafe, confectionery, lc cream parlor; beat location m county seat, p.vuu. Priced right. Writ Lester Thompson, 201. w. Main, uneroK. ia. WANTED to buy a pool hall; one that pays well; will pay casn; give an asiaus first letter. Aaaress x on, u . IF YOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming house call on xtuscn ft uorgnori, 730 World-Herald Bldg. Phone D. 3319. tnn hai.k Good, clean stock of hard- war; llv town central rtesrasKa. uooa reason for selling, ue quica. aaaress i, 3t7, Bee. ONLY pantltorlum In town of 3,000. Doing fine business; must sen this moiiin. rrice 616,000. Fostera. Gothenburg, Neb. tVU? buy, w sell motion picture theaters. machines, feature niras. uo-uperauve Film A Cupply Co. 310 Bromley Biag. FOR BALE Laundry doing about 1136 per week. In good running order. Address Rutherford Steam Laundry, BtuarL la. WANTED To sell millinery and beauty shop, good town, 10,000, central .Nebraska; splendid opportunity, no 1 1 oa, nee. WILLIAMS, established 26 years. To buy o ell business so aim. u uciague mag Reference U. S. Nat l Ban. DOWD Sal and Auction Co., Omaha, have closed out moro mose. stocks than any other 'firm In U. S. Writs for terms. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. New and rebuilt bargains suppllea Omaha Film Exchange. 106 8. Uth BL FOR SALS by owner Drug store, dwelling and stock; square deal. Address owner. 616 West th Ave., uenver. uoio. TO OET In or out of business, call on OANUE8TAD, 433 Bee Blrtg. UOUg. 14.7. MOVIE SHOWS AT REAL BARGAINS. 416 Rosa Bldg. Phor.e Tyler 843T. Rooming Houses. ROOMING HOUSE, 1811 DAVENPORT ST. Has 14 large rooms, plenty of light and air; has just been newly papered and painted throughout. Her Is an excellent opportunity for someone to take this place ana max money, PAYNE A SLATER CO., 616 Omaha Nat'l Bldg. Phone Doug. 1018, SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE. 16c PER LINE. Day work or business ads, regular rate. 3 Unas on week... , SOo I line on week 46o Each extra Una 16o per week. Male. MAN, 86, strictly sober. Industrious, not afraid of work, wants responsible post tlon where labor and Intelligence ts con sldered, capable of following. Experience at any heating system, electrical work good hand at plumbing and carpenter work; know somtning oi bookkeeping able to give satisfaction; well recom mended. Aaaress 1-63P, Bee. WANTKD By on of the best heavyweight wrestler In the gam a position to travel with carnival company or wish to com municate with party organising a troupe of wrestlers to travel over country giving exhibitions at taira ana otner attractions reasonable salary, writ t 64 1, Hoe. WANTED Position as office manager, cost accountant or bookkeeper. Can also handle correspondence. Have had seven years experience, can rurnian eriereuce. as 28. BOX 4736, Bee. WANTED Position In out-of-town bank by man with nve years- experience in ab stract, real aetata, loan and insurance; three years as manager. JBox Y 642. Bee. WANTED By young man, aged 31, good education, no bad habits, position with responsible firm, anything considered. Box 4S84, Be. SIX volumes "Practical Business Reference . Encyclopedia," Moroccan cover. Will sell chap or trade for gold watch or diamond rtrtg. or wnat nave your pot hj... iwe. HARNESS-MAKER wanta position la city or country townj oaperiencea, z yeara Box 4738, Be. ring, or wnn navn ?oui m 8.. uraj. TRAIE a good No. T Remington typewriter for Boston bull puik B. C 317, Be. , WANTED Position by experienced meat cutter, married man. W. H. Jones, Pierce, Nob. WORK wanted by colored women and men at 1618 Jackson. Doug. 6646. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. Miscellaneous. Hotels and Restaurants. Female. RELIABLE widow, age 30. with first class raferencus. wishes position as House keeper for bachelor or widower, In or out of city. Address Box 40W. Bee. THE BEE charge for "Situation ads" Is lower than any other form of advertising not enough to cover cost of printing. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Publlo stenographer and notary pnb'la 607 Be Bide Dour. U6 Ren, rates. Laundry And Day Work. Reliable competent colored woman wishes day work; good rers. rn. uougiaa eoai. GOOD colored woman wants day work or bundle washing. Phone Webster 2071. COMPETENT colored woman wants laun dry, day work; neat work. Web. Z4Z. By experienced colored woman, work by the day or by in nour. uau warnoy laes. Laundry, day work i.ny kind. Doug. 8833. WANTED Position as maid or day work py expenenceq coi. woman. yu. i BY competent colored woman, day work and laundry; nest or wora. weo. im BUNDLE washing, piece work. Ince cur- tains; work gtiarnnteed. wwosier isdo. EXPERIENCED laundress want -bundle Mashing. Phone Harney 4082. FIRST-CLASS colored laundress, with ref erences. Call Douglas 6562. WANTED Day work or house cleaning. Phone Douglaa 7084. B'dle wash, call, del.; guar. Mrs. East. H.I884 DAY work wanted. Phone Harney 1461 BUNDLE wash, and day work. We. 8063. Experienced woman, day work. Web. 3694. DAY work and bundle washing. Doug. 4968. EXP. woman wants day work: vef. D. 6646. Laundress wants day work. Webster 7871. WHITE laundress, half days. Wb. 8863- WASHING and lace curtains dons. Ty. 1144. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. HIGHER GRADE POSITIONS. Executive, Sales, Accounting, Stenographic, Clerical, Commercial and Banking. Call or write WESTERN REFERENCE AND BOND ASS'N., INC., ( Established 14 Years) Suite 762, Omaha National Bank Bldg. STENOG., $86; stenog., 76; stenog., 360 time keeper, 380; ledger cm., 860; steno. and bkkpr.. out of town, $60; office clerk. good at figures, $40; hoy, 17 to 19, who can sketcn, 826. Watts Rof. Co., 840 Brandels Theater. 6 STENOS...- $60.00 TO $76.00 CLERK $40.00 SALESMAN (INVEST.) 76.00 HOTKL CLERK 340 AND KM. THE CANO AGENCY. 600 BEE BLDG. YOUNG men, bookkeepers, stenographers and general office woruer : we are in eerloua need of several good men. Write at once, giving your age. tc, Th C-G Service, Des Moines. WANTED Young men, high school grad uates, large lobbing house; good oppor tunities for advancement; state age; first class referenced necessary. Box 4868, Bee HELP WANTED MALE Miscellaneous. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Largest In the V. 8. Earn expenses while attending by our plan. Positions guar anteed. Special summer rates. Write for Illustrated catalogue or call In person, 110 So. 14th St.. Omaha, Neb. fstabllshed 1893.) ARMY OF THB UNITED STATES, MEN WANTED Able-bodied unmarried men Under ag of 36; citizens of United States of good character anl tempera 'o habits, who can rpeak. read and write the Eng lish language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Army Bldg. l&tb and Dodge Sis., Omaha, Neb.; 130 N. luth St. Lincoln. Neb.; 827 4th St.. Sioux City. Iowa; 207 6th Ave.. Pes Moines. Iowa. BEE Want-Ads GAINED 19.609 M 6 RE PAID ADS than any other Omaha news paper gained In first seven months 1916. Good results at less cost la the reason why. MAN and wife, "Without children, for city suburban place; good wages; comfortable living quarters; permanent place for com petent parties; give references in applica tion. BOX 4HU4 JtSPC. M. BRUGMAN, D. M. ., massage. ""- shower baths, eieciric treatment. I have also Installed the Gard ner reducing and therapeutic machine fo r.Hiiiinir stout c-eople. Bin. 208 Karbaca Bldg. Phone Red 212". . THB Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your Old Cioinms, .urmiu., sine We collect. We distribute, Phon Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home. 1110-1113-111 Dodge St. WANTED Young men as railway mall clerks, $76.00 month. Sample examination questions free. Franklin institute. Dept 221 R. Rochester, N. x". , MISS WILSON Bath and manicuring. NO. 2 Davidge Blk. Phone Douglas 0761. WANTED Experienced freight handlers. Union Pacific Freight House, 9th and Jackson Sta. MEN wanted to en list In Signal Corp at once: report at Lincoln, BEE Want-Ads GAINED 19,699 MORE PAID ADS than any other Omaha news paper gained In first seven months 1916. Good results at less cost Is the reason why. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS AGENTS WANTED Responsible men with Ford cars to sell t cooling device for Ford engines. Rapid sellers. large profits. Good territory proposition for slat. county or local agents. Address Harris Cunningham, 2303 Dewey Ave.. Omaha. iNen. AGENTS wantei it. every town for Day keroBbn burners, for conk rangea. W-sst & McL., 1007 Leavenworth. Ormha. 26,748 mora paid Want Ada flrat six months 1616 than In same period of 1916 nearly 1,000 more each week. Why men tion results with this kind of evidence? HELP .WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. BOOKKEEPER, out of city, $66$76. Four stenographers, $60-166. Two dictaphone operators, $50-$65. Comptometer operator, I45-S60. Bookkeeper and steno., $i0-$70. NO FILING FEE. THB MARTI CO.. 1327 W. O. W. BLDO. STENO., COL'T TOWN) $60.00 COMPTOMETER OPR 40.00 STENO. AND CLERK 05.00 TYPIST 60.00 STENOGRAPHER 66.00 ASST BKKPR 40.00 THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. STENO. and bkkDr.. $60: steno., $76; stnno. $66; steno., $60; atenq., $50; steno. and dictaphone opr., bluer, 9iu; steno. $40; com p. opr., $50. Watts Ref. Co.. 840 Brandels Theater. BKPR., $60; ass't bkpr., $50; steno., and elk., $66; steno., out of town, $50: steno. and bkpr., $66; good typist, 340. Western Reference and Bond Ass'n, Inc., 762 Omaha National Bank Bldg. AN experienced comptometer operator for permanent position; one who can handle large volume of work; salary, $46 to $55, depending upon experience. Box 4SSS, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED stenographer and dicta phone operator. Apply by mail at once. Gurney Seed Nursery Co., Yankton, S. D. Professions and Trades. WANTED Girls In flat work dept Apply Evans Model Laundry. Uth and Douglas. AN experienced, competent stenographer; willing to pay good salary to right man; atate experience, age, references and sal ary desired. Box 4869, Omaha Bee. GIRL for aeneral housework; whits girl preferred; 2 in family; gooa wages, musi be good cook; neat ana ciean. narney 2498. 421 Norm mn. YOUNG man for position as office assistant lu growing rirm, excellent cnance ior ad vancement; age, 18 to 22; salary. $40 to $60 to begin. Box 4892. Omaha Bee. ASSISTANT bookkeeper; permanent con nection, with good chance for advance ment; stat experience and salary wanted. Box 4891. Omaha Bee. WANTED -Experienced bookkeeper and ac countant, Wltn references; stat wages wanted. Red Arrow Garage, Winner, 8. D. WE CAN place six male stenographers at once, 366 to td. THB MARTI CO., 1827 W. O. W. Bldg. Professions ana Trades. WANTED Young man stenographer or one who can use typewriter, willing to begtu on salary $30 per month. An opportunity for the right kind of man. Call Equitable Life Assurance of U. S. A. 840 Omaha Nat'l Bldg. SEE US FOR DRUG JOBS. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. Established Ten Year. 1016-16 City National. SHOWCARD writing taught evgs. by work ing expert, complete ior 310. Aaaress Box 4562. Bee. WANTED Experienced chicken pickers; steady employment, writ swift ft com pany, Produce Department, Denver, Colo. WANTED Expert automobile repair men; give references and state wages wanted. Red Arrow Oarage Co., Winner. 8. D. Drug s'.ore snaps. Jobs. Knelst. Be Bldg. Salesmen and Solicitors. YOUNG MAN WANTED TO oil advertising space. No previous experience necessary. ' Will have vary opportunity to mak a real advertising man out ot himself, pro viding he is not afraid to work and has th nerve to stand up under hard knocks. Small salary and commission. Call In person at Room 104 Be Bldg., at 10 a. m. or 8 p. m. WANTED Stock salesman. Here ia an op portunity for a first-class producer to connect with the largest specialty firm of automobile securities tn the United States; only llv wires capable of mak ing big money need apply. Telephone for appointment. Douglas 7166. SALESMAN to aell preferred stock through Nebraska. In an established Nebraska cor- poratlon. Want type of men who can make at (east $100 per week. Give phone number In reply. Address 4803, Pee. WANTED Salesman to sell western-made work shirts as a side line. Attractive Di-onositlon both to the salesman and merchant. Stats particular. Address Y ft 38, Bee. V'ANTED Two young men. good reference, good appearance, to sell mega Bine club offer. Call F. D. Browning, 813 Balrd Bldg. SALESMEN In Nebraska and Iowa for au tomoblle . specialty; gooa proposition; makes excellent aide line. 300 Mo Bldg. ATTRACTIVE' contracts to full time men writing health and avc. In Prev. ex. not necessary- reueri jit. v,o.. uintoin, rtmo. Household and Domestic. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; family of three; best wagea; nice room, with bath. Phone Walnut 871. 6116 Cans St. WANTED Good cook and housekeeper; young widow preferred; no objections to one wltn email cnua. aare m. vicary Lowell, Neb. WANTED An experienced girl for general housework; three in iamuy. zuu ueer Park Blvd. Teiepnone Tyier 1H3V. WANTED ExDerlenced nurae for children. References required. aui bo. aaa ou Phone Hareny 4210. WANTED Housekeeper; good home; an swer quickly. Labor uiiic. ura, incd., P. O. Box 67. CAPABLE girl tor general housework; must be good cook. 102 Boutn &in he. rnone Hanuy 817. WOMAN or girl for general housework; pleasant room, 3 in family, 36 per w eeic SO. 1164. GIRL for general housework. 3406 Daven port. Harney &917. Kcterencea. WANTED AT ONCE Competent woman for general nouaeworn. i Lrougv WANTED A girl for general housework Harney inee. laag rao. ami ot. COMPETENT floor maid. Apply " Miss Fau .sen, marKaon nuaimai. GOOD girl for general housework. 610 k 2 tUtt Ave. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Lady cook In short order aid regular meals restaurant; salary, ! weekly; board and room; steady work. J. E. Sturm, St. Francea, Kansas. WANTED An experienced waitress at .the Flatlron care, nxv at. oiary s Ave. WANTED White girl for new restaurant, good wages. 616 so. istn at. HELP WANTED. MALE AND FEMALE. WANTED Names of men or. women, 18 or aver wishing government jobs, all montb. Vacations. Answer Immediately. Y. 476, Be. EDUCATIONAL DAT SCHOOL. BOrt.ES COLLEGE!. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day la enrollment day. Bookkeep. In.. Shorthand. Stenotype, Typewriting, Telegraphy. Civil Service all Commercial ana Hnglten orancnea. ueiaiogue ires. BOYLES COLLEGE, 18th and Harney Sta. TaL Douclaa 188a. VAN SANT SCHOOL of Business. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. ENTRANCE 220. D. 5890. Musical. Harp Limited number pupils accepted com ing season: early applications iavoreo. Harps, fur. Loretta DeLone. 808 Lyrlo Bid. STOCK and bond salesman. STANDARD SEC A INV. CO., 1017 W. O. W. Bldg. STOCK remedy saleamen can make advanta geous contract, ttoom Ji4. i.uo rarnam. 6ALESM EN Big money for business get ters Call at 1017 W. O. W. Bldg. Trade School LEARN the Electro Plating Trade Start a plating plant In your own town. The de mand for Electro Platers far exceeds the supply. We have opened a school ,of In struction under -he direction of a first elasa electro plater. We will take a lim ited number of student for two weeks' cours of Instruction. Don't delay. Write for particulars If Interested ta thla great opportunity. Angeio Electric Co., 1807 Farnam St.. umana. To learn auto work for th big spring rash. Fins training work on auto and electrlo starting systems, AMERICAN AUTO COLLEOl. tost Farnam. Omaha. Nob, Miscellaneous. LEARN barber trade, mora than make your tuition whtla learning; aat of toaig Included; Job guaranteed. Call or write for catalogue, 1408 Dodg. TRi-ClTY BARB lift COLLM& BourttiuB Music Studios Voice, piano, vio lin: suit 1316, Arlington Blk, Ull Dodge. Iowa branch. 336 Broadway, co. uiuirs. PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA CURED- Dr. B. R. Tarry euree pllea, flatula and other reetel dlaeaaaa without eurflcal eperatlon- Cor. riaranUed and a. money paid mntu raradj Writ, (or book on rao- tal II with ta.tlnunt.hv DR. fx B. TABBT 14. Ba. Bids. Omaha. Mak. PERSONAL NOTICE TO FARMERS You farmers, get togeiner in your iucm.."? . coal by th car lot and eav money. Pries 8160 per ton, lump coaL Thoodor Gerwert, Box 42. Diets, Wyo. SCIENTIFIC massage. 620 Be Bldg. Phon Douglas ua' ( TTTTrTTTP'CSucceMfuIIy r th iVUri UIVr.out a surgical operation. Call or writ Dr. Frank H. wray, lof Bee Bldg. RITTENHOUSB Sanitarium. Bath of all klnda; massage and cmropoay. sivsie Balrd Blk., 17th and Douglas. D. 8481. CORSETS made 10 order. Prices 13.60 t 830.00 Tlxpert ruling, nu- n wiw Shop. Brandels Thea. Lobby. D. 4388. LILLY Bath and massage, 1888 MISS L. Farnam St.. 2nd floor. Phone Doug. 8418. MISS CLARK, sea salt baths and manicur ing. 1802 Farnam St.. Room no. S. LUELLA WEBSTER, masseuse, MS Paxton Blk.. 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. P. 8ZZT. A PRIVATE maternity horns. Bt. Phone Colfax 2048. FOR legal advice call Dough. 2828. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION. BOOM HUNTERS1 If you fail to find th room yoa desire among these ada, call at The Bee office for a Room List Give complete detailed description of va cant rooms lu all part of th city. If more convenient 'phono Th Bes Want Ad. Dept and give your name and addreaa, and a list will be mailed to you at once. New Hat are issued every week. LARGE FRONT ROOM Strictly modern; splendid location; walking distance. lie fined family. Summer rates. Phon D, 4080. LARGE FRONT ROOM; Strictly Modern. Splendid location, walking distance. Ke nned family. Sunday rates. Phon D. 4080. MODERN rooms, new building, close In; also Bleeping porcn. suitaDie s young men. Reasonable. D. 6074. 1823 Webster St. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR MEN ONLY. 80S NORTH 17th ST. LARGE roomy furnished room, to on or two persous. wltn or wunoui ooara, reasonable ratcs 137 N. 33d Ave. 114 NORTH 26TH ST Iarge, cool sleeping rooms, newly furnished at great expense. Strictly modern. Reasonable. 114 No. 25th at. Large, cool, nicely fur- nlshel rooms, convenient locauon, sincuy modern, reasonable. CHICAGO, 2610 In private home; large south front room wub alcove; also Bias room. 2H DOUGLAS, large, cool sleeping rooms. modern; convenient for bualneaa people. NICE, cool, well furnished, homelike front room. Rpd 642B. 2243 Howara sc. 3215 DODGE, large, bright, newly furnlshetlW sleeping room. Reasonable. -t BRMIS Park district, 2 or 8 large rooms; gentle men preferred. Walnut 7ZS. NICE furnished room, within walking dis tance. 2304 Howard St. ONE FURNISHED room, real nlca, reason able. 818 do. win. THE SHRINER New management. Harney 4798. Housekeeping Rooms. THREE light housekeeping rooms, furnished, lvmfiflrn. vprv reaaonaDie. aii do. oui. TWO SEMI - BASEMENT housokeeplnf rooms. Reasonable, zoa w. wtnoi. 116 NORTH 2&th ST. Fine large house keeping rooms. Reasonble. THIS HILDRETH 2-room apts.; furnished new. 1618-24 Davenport ot. 614 N. 21st H. K., also sleeping rooms.- Board and Rooms. 553 ST. MARY'S AVE., room and board f on, two ladles. 2BTH. 131 Cool r. and board. D. 8088. Rooms Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THB BEE WANTED DEPT. and find out all about th FURNISHED ROOM GUIDHL It's a plan that la helping many people rent their rooms. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Homes. Apartments. SPLENDID, NEW FURNISHED. TRAVERTON FIBEPROOF-. l.TH AND LANDON COURT. Catering to people of. refined U.tea , Anartment la completely equipped foa. houaekeeping;; up'to-dato and comfortable. TRAVER BROS.. Tel. Doug. 6888. 70S Omaha Nat or call weD. H3e. ST. C1.AIR. lltb and Harney, S-roora fur tilehcd apt Call Tyler 40. FOR RENT HOUSES Weat YOU are reading these For Rent column! again. Going to pay out more rent money. I Why don't you let your rent make the payments on a home? Phone Benson 123, j tonight after 7. F. 8. Trulllnger. STRICTLY modern 6-room house, ' corner SOth and Capital Ave.: fine, sightly view; j in good neighborhood; rent 36. Auga- j purger, 648 Bee Bldg. North. ( 418 N. 89TH ST. Very tine brick house; 1 eight large rooms; east front; large yard; i plenty of shade; one short block to car; references required. Alfred Thomas, SOI . EMi-at rCutl Ttnnlr TUrltr ' A STRICTLY modern five-room cottage, on block from the car. Telephone Colfax 1414. I Inquire 11B61 Meredith Ave. 1M6 GRANT ST. 7-r. coum., modern, 828, T. F. Hall, 433 Bamge Bldg. Doug. 7408. 3-ROOM cottage 2 blocks from Carter lake. 14th and Ames Ave. Call Colfax 1738. SIX-ROOM house; all modern; 2813 CapltoT Ave; only Phono Red 3857. SEVEN rooms, all modern; walking dls- tance. Tel. Harney 2049. 6-room moderil house for rent. 2501 N. S3d at. Call Walnut 2000. soutn. i REDUCED rent froni 122.50 IM.Mj atrlctly modorn, 6-room house. Doug. flP84l'w it m t WHCC uancwua. WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. l-R. 2704 Seward St $11. 8 1-R. 2708 Seward St 13.51 STRICTLY MODERN. -R. 633 So. 36th St 137.89 S-R. 3848 Charles St., (good detach er IIUUBE., 1.111 O" garage, bargain) 38.0 8-R. 1612 No. 40th St., (good da- , tached houae, and hot water 1 boating plant, first-class real- dene section) 88.01 8-R. 3718 Lincoln Blvd., igood de tached house, very choice res idence district) 4t.M 11-R, 3118 So. 32d Ave 18.08 FLATS. STRICTLY MODERN. 8-R. 8008 Dewey Ave., (very chote flat, within easy walking di tance) 88 t-R. 130J Bo. 38th St ; 8-R. 713 No. 20th St HEATED APARTMENTS. STOECKER, 833 So. 24th St. 4-r. Apt a l.D Aat C 10.01 PORTER BHOTWELU 80S So. 17th Bt Dour n 3123 BURT; brick; 7 rooms; moaern; v. 208 South 41st; modem; 7 room; 828. m JOHN N. FRENZtStt, Douglas sp. ; houses roa RENT. CRB1QH. SONS A CO. t8 BEE BLDO. DOUG. 808. FXPM. cottagea for rent. FIRST TRUST COMPANY. 0. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. i