THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 9, 1916. MOV IMG AiSO STORAGE REAL ESTATE Unimproved PIKEmoOK WAHKHOU8B. asperate locked rooms, for household goods and planoe: moikni, packing and abifDlng. OMAHA VAN AND STORAQB CO., 101 s. ntb st riM m biobe Van and Storage Co. for real morog service try I.are l-borse. padded van ttoroge, II maitb. Satisfaction guarantee. We move on QUICKER. CHEAPEM AND 8AFB1I Phone 'i'yler 130 or Dougiaa 4111. NON-RESIDENT owner, who baa three good lota In Kenwood Addition, writes us to dlepoee of aame at a big sacrifice. Will consider any kind of offer for Quick turn, as they need the money. SHULBR CART, r. IM4. I04 Keeltno Bldg. FOR bargalna In lota Id all parts of the city see P J. Tebblna. cot Omaha Nat. Bit Phone D lltl IJUKJJUiN VAAN CO. flREPROOF WARKHOU61 Packing, etorage and mov ing. Ill N. lltb St. "hone Dourlas 104 or wepsior CUMINO. near 21th St., 32 or 44 feet: must be sold to close estate. C A- Qrlmmel, 141 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. WEXkOPULlTAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Careful attention (Ivan to orders for moving, packing or storage: office at Ray mond FiirnKure Co., 1611 and 111! How ard St. Phone D. cH4. Pbon DouglM IM Cor ooroplsts lift of vuiant bouse and spsrt manta; alao for at o rata, moving. Htb and Jackaon Bta Maggard- vV,.,.n 0 Van and Storage Co. Moving, packing, tor ga and shipping. Phons Ooug. UK. 1 P PPWn BBpraaa Co. Mortng. U u. wuu packing and HOT Parnam bt to rasa. Dougiaa Hit. WANTED TO RENT Untuinial-td House and Klatt. WAMWi H ftUNT lmmndiatly; good 1 or 8 -room bouae with garaga. In Waat Karoam district or Dundee, Muit ba a first ctaaa place. Otvw ruil in. irmatloTL Address O 117. Baa. Miscellaneous. HVANTED A private? garage naar 26th Ava. and Crown Point Ava. Phant to W, R. Gibson, K. 1781. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. JDANliV i'T. home, only half block So. Far nam car Una. Price reduced from 14.960 to 13,1(60. ass 8 large rooms and reopt. 1 hall first floor, and 4 nice larg bedrooms and bath second floor. Hu beautiful bade; alao fruit, grape arbor, etc. Haa Cull- basement, aoltc brick foundation. Built by owner for borne. Don't overlook tola. Osborne. 701 Omaha Nat. liic Bid V- 1474, SFIVE-ROOM bungalow, brand new, strictly modern, oak finish, with oak floors, rooraa largd and well arranged; built- in cup boards , high-grade lighting ; guaranteed Blumbing fixtures; tile and enamel bath; ' full basement; furnace: east front lot. Price 13,01)0; easy terms or lot as part payment. KABt BROS. DOUg. 16B3, WEST i-AKNAM CORNER. .Modern s-room bungalow, with corner Yacatit Room to build two brick flats. B. P BOHTWK'K ft SON. West Farnam Home At 140 N. '41st St. W. H. GATES, 4T Omaha Nat. B. Bldg. D. 129 4. WEST Farnam cottage for 11,600; only 2 blocks- west of Kountze res.; 616 8. 41st; payments; no trades. Doug. 2947. 1619 LINO LN ULVU. 11-room house. strictly modern, with bot water beat Douglas 1818. North. SIX ROOMS MILLER PARK BUNGALOW COMPLETELY - FURNISHED .. Located at 2411 Laurel Ave., we have a very snappy 6 -room bungalow.. 6 rooms on the first floor finished In oak and birch and one good large room on the - second floor ior store room. 1 Full cemented basement, hot air furnace. gas heater, very tasty light fixtures and the whole house Is beautifully decorated. House Is completely furnished witb the 1 -Very best of furniture. Including a Cir cassian Walnut piano. The prloe Includes everything In the bouse except wearing apparel. Every thing is absolutely new, haa had the best of care and owing to circumstances owner will sacrifice to good party. We have made a big discount on the present cost of this place and if yon want something good you had better see it. Has a good garage, driveway, portable chicken house, with cmcKen yara ana about one dozen chickens. ' This la your opportunity to get a good home at a very reaaonaDie price. HIATT COMPANY, 26-7-9 Omaha Nat. Bk. Tyler 40. KOtfNTZB PLACE 6 Rooms with combination sleeping porch and sun room; strictly modern; oak finish and oak floors; built-in fireplace; colonnade openings; built-in bookcase and buffet; on paved street, close to car within- half a block of park; price has .been reduced to $4,100 Cor Quick cash . sale. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha NatL Bank Bldg. D. 1781. CHEAP HOMK. Fine chance to get a home on Franklin 7 rooms, modern except heat; only 2,100 reasonable terms. GWOROB O. WALLACE. 814 Keellne. MODERN Cottage; 6 rooms, corner lot. steel iara.Ee: fruit; flowers all hedged in, on car line. Reasonable for cash. Owner Isavlng city Douglas 8751. '.NEW hungalow, 6 -room, all mod., bO-ft. 1 autb front, bargain, oi 12,750, near 4blb and Charles. Call owner. Red 1881. K il!NT.U Pi-Ai'K restricted district real d!iee fnr isle. C V Kntest. 3616 N IHtn. lilJT my brand new oak finish all modern bun (fa low for $2,260 on your own terms. TWO 6 -room bungalows, bargain If taken tit onefc. 2118 No. 28th St. South. BUNGALOW BARGAIN $2.900-For- five-room bungalow, near Hmipcora Park, one year old, oak finish tn living; room and dining room. Lot 60s . This Is a real bargain for soma one . that hasn t much money and wants ; real nice place. Owner must Bell soon. D. V. SHOLES CO., : -P. 41. City National. North. 12,000 MORTGAGE, bearing 7 per cent semi annual; secured oy property valued at 110,000. Talinags-Loomls Inv. Co.. w. O. w. Bldg. PRIVATE MONET. SHOPKN COMPANY, KBELINE BUILDING. OMAHA hofii South. PARK AVE. & LEAVEN WORTH. 198 FT. FRONT AGE $7,000 This property lies only a short distance north of Uinta, Aparementa and Is an Ideal location for apartments. The street Is paved and paving paid for In full. We believe this to be the best close-in apart ment house location in Omaha. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Sole Agents SIS Rom Bldg., IStb and Farnam Bta. Tyler His. MONEY to luan on improved farms and ranches, we aiao ouy gooa r&rm mort gages. Kloko lnv. Co., Omaha. REAL ESTATE loans. 6 per cent See d. e. bulk a co in 2 Omaha Natl. Bank. CITY and farm loans, ft, H, per cent J. H. Dumont Co., 41- Keellne Bldg. LOANS C 5Si 8 Per Cent LOANS THUS, U MCQARRT, Keellne Bldg. Red 4344. REAL ESTATE Suburban I A PVTM RPHQ Omaha Benson. C nf MONEY HARRISON St MORTON, U itu 916 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. LYNNWOOD Oe out to Lyrvowood today and sea (be beautiful lota wa are selling from 14 10 to 600, A. P. TUKEY fir SOU. Pbone Doug. &2. 1(07-8 W. O. W. Bldg. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Weal weaa mag. .a in ana rarnam om. rS-ertvovifrto Abstract Co. We can bring uuaiauvvc down your anstraat on short notice. R, 7, Patterson Bldg. D. 247. START YOUR HOME IN BENSON I BUY THIS LOT I 116.08 down snd 110.00 per montb; price $280.00: sua, 60x121; located on Locust St, between Clark and Burn ham, rot far from school and car una. ueo. n. Wright. Bee office. Omaha. Dundee. DUNDEE 7 rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modern and in good condition. Price $4,800; terms. Located 709 N. 49th St NORRIS & NORRIS, 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. 4270. DUNDEE BARGAIN. . 6 rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modern. Near both, and weoster, in Dun dee. Oak finish. Large lot aoutb front Ptwad street. One bloc If to car line. Owner leaving city and has reduced price to $4,000. See this this week. Shown only on appointment PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg P. 1 T81. ttu ah res. 63d and Orover: most sightly; $2,600; acres on car, ii.uuu, ana u south of Dundee, u. Z8i. 8-ROOM bungalow in Dundee, all stucco, for sale bv owner. 88.760; orana new $60 cash, $40 per month. Box 4788, Bee. Florence. FlNR ACRES FOR SUBDIVISION. $ acres on south side of Florence with 830 feet east frontage on 30 1 1 St Snap at $R,000. Easy terms. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. South Side. $375 BUYS 2 lota 40x120 ft; near West L St car line. Alexanaer Arvay. a ug, Miscellaneous. HAY LAND Prairie hay, fine quality, la Falracres about 60 acres. GEORGE & COMPANY, 902 City National Bank Bldg. Douglas 766. i rvr nt mnnirtlna.! hach at Carter laka Fine place for summer cottage. Pbone Doug. 2610. REAL ESTATE Exchanges . - we nave a ww met vian v....... buildmiB to be exchanged for farms. It IS a laoi tnsi very inn ui" ments can be found than Income prop- rentals are assured. I7vfll a n.Ti-llI llCDIDTV'rWT Hasting a- Heyden, 1614 Harney THE wonderful increase in BEE Waut Ads can be traced to only one source, Oood results at less cost than any other Omaha paper. 25748 MORE PAID WANT ADS tbe first six months of 1918 than In the aame period in me. WANTEDTo exchange desirable reslderce nranertles in Grand Island, and Nebraska lands all clear, well secured first mort gages and cash, tor a good brie dusi neu nronertv Id a gruwlng and well es tablished city m Nebraska. U. 8. Land and Loan Company. Box 604 Grand Island, Neb ELEVEN full lots between Fourtb and Fifth streets. Grandview (warranty deed), to trade for recond mortgage, house and lot or western Nebraska land. Dexter L. Thomas, 412 Hee mag. FARMS, ranches city property, acreage and investments for sale and exchange. Morgan. 1916 Cuming St Doug. I486. KOU1TY in btooo 9-r bouse for cottage, worth . .sou. iirax iudk aiier iv a. in HOTEL and furniture at Dallas. S. D7 exensnge u ttvi. toiana iruniouu CAN aell or exchange anything you nave rn tfv t I ('anan MH'atu Kin a $320 EQUITY In fine lot for auto, motor cycle, vlctrola or what have youT Wal nut 8199. REAL ESTATE Investments Offer Wanted On Down Town Property 66x112 ft, with block of three 10-room houses; Income $88.26 per month. Price $8,000. These bouses are In good repair and the price Is mighty cheap, but owner wants an offer. Ask for full information. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 418-18 Keellne Bldg. Phone Doug. 890. -8-ROOM bungalow, brand new. all modern, oalt floors throughout; oak finish to liv ing and dining rooms; large, light, white enamel bedrooms; good location; restricted addition. A bargain . at $2,180. Easy terjna aiiNSON & CARMICHAEL, 649 Paxton Bik Doug. 172$. r.m So 16 -r mod. 2408 So 11 lot 86x100. 1918 8. 29 St. l0-ft lot. D. 6947. Miscellaneous. HOUSES WANTED. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR HOMES WORTH THE MONEY IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. LIST YOUR PROPER TY WITH US FOR RESULTS. O'NEIL'S REAL ESTATE & INS. AOCY., i Brandels Theater Bldg. Tyler 1024. COTTAGE AND 2 LOTS $1,760. 4 rooms and bath, electric light and gas; garage; 2 lots; near 18th and Pratt $280 cash; balance like rent P. J. TEBBENS CO., 606 Omaha Nat. Phone r $1S2. $3,800 BRAND new, 7 rooms and sleeping porch; extra fine; oak throughout; beamed ceilings, etc. Only $400 dawn; balance $36 per month. A rare chance to own your own home. ABBOTT, 4 Patterson Blk., Omaha. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. FOR SALE. . I d&ndy vacant lots, li block to car line; cut to $1,000 cash for Quick sale. CALKINS CO., Douglas 1313. City Natl. Bank Bldg. After looking at MINNE LUSA 800 dlf-fert-nt buyers decided that It was the best proposition on the market and they backed their Judgment by buying lots. If YOU will come out today you wlli understand why others are buying CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO. Tyler 1S7. ,42 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. 24th AND DOUGLAS 44x183278 front ft. Best buy on Doug las St; offered at this price for a few days only. Get busy. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas $962. 919-20 City National WEALTH comes from Investment not from salary, tint save part of your salary or income and Invest carefully. Home Build ers guarantee 7 per cent pays more. Nothing safer, no worry- Ask about th plan. Home Builders (Inc.), 17th and Dougiaa Bta. Doug. 6013. WM. COLFAX. J Ob Keellne Dldg. Real estate, city property, large ranches a apMlalg REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED 4, 5 and 6-roomed houses that can be sold for $100 cash; balance $16 per month: give complete description first letter. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. 1320 Farnam St Tel. Doug. 1064 REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'ty KUH BALE 264x13$. faces three streets, near new Ford building; splendid manu facturing site. Add run. B-4U, Bee. HEAL ESTATE Other Cities PUBLIC BALE The old school bouse build Ing, tnoludlng all out buildings, will be sold at either public or private sale, on Aug. nth. 1914, at 8:10 p. m. For full paruouiars write to a. n. uunge, ttscre- tary. Charter Ualt, xowa. FINANCIAL Real Estate Loan, and Mortgages, We are ready at all times to make loans on first-class city property and eastern Nebras ka farms. Rates on request UNITED STATES TRUST CO, 212 South 17th St. MONET TO LOAN ON Apartment houses, double Drluli bouses, single houses, business property and farm lands st 6 per cent, I Mj per oent I pr el. fit Keellne llldg. Uouglaa 144. FINANCIAL Real Estate Loans and Mortgages. HAhl.UY. DAVIDSON UOTOHCYCL.K8. Bar. gain In used macblnee victor Roos, "The Motro.elv Man " V.fl, Leavenworth. PER CalNT to I par oent on beet class olty realdeunea in amounte up: also farm loans. Reasonable commissions. PETERS TUUST CO.. Uft Parnam St. LEAVING city will sell good twin-cylinder Indian for first reasonable cash offer. Tyler !ll. Nebraska farms. O'KEEKE REAL ESTATE CO., 101B Omaha Natl. Phone Douglas 1716. Wagon umbrsllaa. II 40 Wagner, 101 N. 141b. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS NO DELAT. W. T. GRAHAM. BEB BLDQ. MONET on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder, , City National Bank Bldg. Natl. Bank Bldg. Abstracts ot Title Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co., IVclT 06 S. 17th St., ground floor. Bonded by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract of- floa lb Nebraaaa. uo xiranueis .neater. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. Colorado land excursions, expenses paid. C L. Nethaway, Florence, weo. Florence na, Iowa Landed 140 ACRES well Improved farm, west Iowa, at $100 per acre; an ntiaoie; roiung isdu $6,000 wilt handle deal. THUS. CAMPBELL. KEUNB BLDQ. Missouri Lands. CHEAP FARMS Any sle. easy terms, in the beauttrul (.Kama or um oouniy. ato. W. S. Frank, 201 Neville Hlo.k, Omaha. New York Lands. IF YOU want' reliable information and de scriptions of good New York state larnia, write use. CHURCH A CHURCH, Established In 1873. Cauandatgua, N. Y. NebrhwLca Lands. WRITE me for my "Farmer and Rancher, which gives you full Information regard ing the vast opportunities In Dawes coun ty, NebraBka, "The Land of Independ ence," "The Garden Beyond the Band Hills." Remember, "One good Investment beats a life-time of labor." write toaay. ARAH L. HUNOEBrOBU, Crawford, Dawes County, Nebraska. Omaha Office: 1304-6 W. O. W. Bldg., Snowden & Snowden, Mgrs. MUST BE SOLD IN 30 DAYS. Well Improved, 80 acres, 2 miles east of Bennington, 9 miles from Omaha. Price $160 per acre. AsK ua ior run particulars. rAYiNK 1W V liM si am wairAwi, 637 Omaha Nufl Bank Bldg. D. 1781, iroH SALE Section about 40 acres broke; well, good grass lana, ; is mites rrom county seat. Price $3.60 ior acre. H. C. Rainier, Tayior, eo. NEBRASKA land from $9.00 to $1-8 par acre; best bargains in state, w. t. cumin, Co., 914 City wat I BK. mug. South Dakota Lands. FOR SALE CORN ANT ALFALFA LANDS. LYMAN uuun i i, dwu m ifdTi 110 TO 876 AN ACRE. COR NELiUS McGREEVY. PRESHO. SOUTH DAKOTA. FARM for sale cheap m Brown county, S. D. Write Mjyer Klein, umana, ieu. Texas Lands. FARM For sale, well Improved, 360 acres, In Knox county, Texas; cneap; on terms. Information, write J. S. Johnson, Truscott Tex Wisconsin Lands. tanus; any eiw 7,000 ; clay soil, well located near rail roads; at prices ranging from $7.60 to $30 an acre; state your requirements, we CU IUMI.4J 4liw t,ma si, Dairy bbu Lna -o., jwoh, nn. GET literature and maiJB on the chftapest goon lanu m uimcu tihwir.B A TII.t.OTSON. nth .nri DouaiaK S's Omaha. Doug. 1168 Miscellaneous. Basy terms. j. n.. uiujuo. oimi inea. mats, wuui, POULIKY AND PEi STOCK PifiRdNH nuv fur better than chickens always penned up; utile space nwueu u start; free book explains all. Majestic Squab Co.. Dept. 91. Adet, la. KRK3H aquatic plants for youi fish globe. ZWC. Will Keep HOU utanuj. a. OB1S1.ER BIRD CO. u AUTOMOBILES FOF SALE FORD INSURANCE Fire and theft insurance on new Fords, $7.70 K1LLY, ELLIS & THOMPSON, 911-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. lilt. KOFI SALE OVERLAND ROADSTER $90.00 Good condition, ready for ths road. Call Red 0947 for demon Mmi ti sit our second-hand automo' biles within 30 days. We have several makes and are giving better values than anyone else. Johnson-Danforth Co. H39-81-38 N. 16tb St. NO OTHER Umana uewttpaper is making anywhere near the increase in lis want- Ad columns as THE BEE. $t,74H MORE PAID WANT-ADS tbe first six months of 1919 than in the same period oi isie. Tbe Reason; Bes Price Best Results. Motorcycles and Bicycles. 91R RACYCLK Two-speed eosster brake; been run about sixty miles. Box 1617, Bee. Hores Live Stock Vehicles Forale. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. 2909 Farnam. D. $$10. Saxon roadster, 191$ ..$376 -laitS Model 3. Overland roadster.. 460 1914 Oakland touring 400 1914 Buick roadster 400 PAIGE touring car, fully equipped 1916; elegant car for the family, 1 6 00, WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC., 3047 Farnam St. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Almost any make roadster, speedster and touring cars. HU Fords, a snap. Will sell these car at almost any prloe, as we must have the space, O W. FRANCIS AUTO CO., $216 Farnam. Dodg. IBS. UaKU CAR BARGAINS AT MURPU Y-O'BRIEN AUTO CO., 1-14-1--1H Farnam t WE will trade you a new Ford for your old one. INDUSTRIAL OARAGE CO.. llOth and Harney. Doug. Ifil. BARGAIN Light, five-passenger car; else trie lights. Call Harney 2967. Auto Repairing and Painting. JlOO nward for magneui we can't repair. Colls repaired. Haysdorfer. $10 N. llttb. NEB. Auto Radiator Repair Bervloa and prices right. His ti 19th St. D. 7390. Auto Livery and Garages. DON'T throw away old tires. We make one new tire from 3 old ones and save you 60 per cent. 3 in 1 Vulcanizing Co,, 1610 Dav enport St.. Omaha. Nb. Dougiaa 2914. AUTO TIRES REBUILT. TO $.00. DUO TIRE CO., 1611 CHICAGO ST. James McEney and wife to Gesa nialay et al., west I street, South Omaha, M feet wst of Thirty third avenue, north side, 41. Sx 133 $ 300 James McEney and wife to Oeza S i lay et al., west I street, South Omaha, 13S feet west of Thirty third avenue, north side. $0x117.. TOO H. W. Harrinston and wife to Walter P. Erwln, northwest corner Twenty eighth avenue and Ohio street, 7x 9$ 1 Julia GUI en and husband to Lula C. Mayfleld, Thirty-ninth street. South Omaha, $10 south of O street, west side. 40x11$ 3,350 Terlssa M. Morrow to Lula A. llgen- frlts, Cass street, 300 feet west of Twenty-eighth avenue, north side, $0x14$ 1.600 M. D. Huston to Clay C. Clifton, south east corner Twenty.tmru ana u streets. South Omaha. 41x160 4,000 Clay C. Clifton and wife to Mat Mas D. Huston, Twenty-fourth street, isu feet north of E street. South Omaha, east side. 30x160 100 Delia Wlhander to John O. Detwel- ler. Twenty-eighth street, J60 feet south of Woolworth avenue, west side. 60x160 1 Thomas J. Fltsgerald and wife to John H. Fltxgerald. Monroe street, 60 feet west of Thirteenth street, Hniith Omaha, north side. 60x130,. 1 Mattte M. Mackey and husband to Cai- slus M. Dooley, Thirty-sixm avenue, 200 feet north of Pratt street, west side. 60x139 Caaslus M. Dooley and wife to Ne braska Savings and L.oan associa tion, Thirty-sixth avenue. 300 fpet north of Pratt street, west side, 40x 1 50 139 Elmer 8. Redlck to Edward Cackley, Pratt street, 379 feel west oi iwen-ty-fourth street, south side, 46.23x 134 - J. J. Fttsgerald, trustee, to Bridget Lenaugh, west M street. omn unrn ha, 13! feet west of Fortieth street. nnrlti alrl. 60x133 Frank G. Seward and wife to Herman C. Peters, southwest corner raw second street and Barker avenue, 45x100 i:.--MM Visiting Merchants Hear Paee Outline Post-War Problems n,.l,l.mfl that will rnnfront the am:a kcinca man after the war were outlined by Edward Page, a New York banker ana cnairman ui .u. i.i,i; mmmiitff of the New York Chamber of Commerce, speak ing before 8U0 visiting mercnams anu .I,;.. ,; at a liinrhenn in the ball room at the Hotel hontenelle. Af. Tt-imx'a ariHrpse. wait the DnnCI' pal feature on Tuesday's program in nnn.tinn wirVi the sixth semi-an- ,! Merchants" Market week, which is being held in Omaha. The visitors, wno are nere m laigc ..mkr. (mm Mphraska. Iowa and parts of Missouri and Kansas, will be entertained at a dancing pany Field club this evening. W.Hn.dav's nrntrram includes Inrh.nn at the Hotel Rome at which I'rot. raui 1. tncrmgion ui Harvard university will De ine pnu In the evening a buffet supper is to be served at tne Auouorium ior uic visitors. Eugene W. Sargent oi new York will deliver a lecture on the de velopment of the cotton industry, to be illustrated by motion pictures. Financial Affairs Of Jacobs Hall Are Taken Into Court t. ..;nn t Tlnnfflas countv .awino- nf S.10.000 in- cuuiie tut ."v o.-.-o - vested in the erection of the Gardner Memorial parish house by Lillian m .....I -J .Ulnnal S.10 0M in 111- lviam aim an mu. -r 7 , 1 nation is asked in crcaacu yiuyij . a petition just filed. Affairs of the Gardner Memorial Parish House as sociation have been attacked unoer f n.op.erlin(r hied DV nr.... S CI. everntrix of the Will OI the late Campbell Fair, former dean of the catiieorai, anu I?.!. ntrnlni.tratnr .ui,iii.,v.. ... t :n; xar. nptitinn of interven tion points out that in July, 1910, she agreed to lurnisn ranui iui vnt tion of Jacobs Memorial Hall on Dodge street and that it was orally agreed tnat tne mcumurantc vy, nnn ...A,.1H !, rolpatprl hv the associa tion, "a charitable organization for doing good in an industrial way. The contract, a duplicate of which is filed with the court, carries the names ol A rwrher. then dean of Trinity cathedral, vice president ot the (jardner Memorial rarisn uuuac association; Lillian M. Maui, k. a Hall and George J. 5. louins. Marians Storm Den Monday Night a 4.n,r. nf "fun. frolic n ; , ; - smokes and refreshment is promised t th, Rotarv club in the Iliciiiucie v. j Omaha jurisdiction when Rotary night will be celebrated at me ticu of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben, the i kin. nrprpded hv massed attack on the Rourke ball yard, club members having been mviiea uy i a Rourke to come as his guests Mon- "Something Doing every minute has been made more tnan a passing slogan by the committee oi lunarians Preoares Man on Widening Of Twenty-Fourth Stree ci.,-rtarv KVenlid nf the Citv Plan ning board has prepared a provisional map showing me prupuacu uuun-i iu be included in the Twenty-fourth ..MIpnincr nrniert. On this man he has written tne appraiscu vaiua ,nnE it nrnn.rii.. n nnE rne route. This information will be a basis for tha KarH tn wnrk nn when this widening matter shall have been brought up later m tne year. Next week Mr. Kvenild will appear betore the Southwest Improvement club to discuss this proposed improve ment. Those who are interested may see the map on me at ine city nan ning board ottice in tne city nan. Auto Club to Oil Half Mile of Road as a Tes The Omaha Automobile club has authorized the appropriation of $250 for the oiling of a half mile of road in or about Omaha. The oiled road will then be tested thoroughly in the pres ence of automobile club oiucialjS. SYNOPSIS. Lieutenant Jarvls Houe is detailed by the nlted Stat am naval board lo Invest lists nd report flnillnse on lh invention of Dr. Ralph Burkf, which serves to bring the uomarine to a state of perfection. tn tne trial trip of the Inventor's boat, a Japanese helper la nurprlnM in the art of xajiitnlng the mechanism. Hope report favorably on the new devlow but there are others Inter- ted m It, Attempt to burglarise Burke s horatnry falls; later his daughter Cleo nils him murdered In his bedroom. Cleo Its her father's books: she finds a note from which she learns they contain sevret formula Otga Ivanoff and Gerald Morion, le In searrli of formula, attempt to cap ro Cleo when she comes for books to tophanskl, the anarchist. Hope rushes to am; Morton snoots nut ouiiet nits a iimb In cellar, which exulodes, Hops and leo escape and attend ball at Mrs. Del- mar's, whose nephew has two missing books. Aiannn, a spy, attempts to steal bonks; in xcltement that follows books dlsauonar. Mahlln escapes. Hope and Cleo take boat for an Island out In thn bay. Mahlln snd lie Jap turn out the island light- After a mieni storm Hope ana cieo arrive on strangtt island and discover man they hunt there. Ms. hi in and Japanese a so reach he Island. They escspe from Hope but re turn and dynamite the shark. Hops and leo manage to rearh Snndsboro, where Dr. wen has one of the books He arranges to meet Hope at the hotel with book. Mor ton poses as Hope and but for an earth quake would nave possesea the volume. Cleo Is captured bv Morton and taken le cabin in the mountains. She finds there books for which they search. Fortunately she gets note to Hope, who, with Hook, starts to rescue. As he crosses chasm In swinging basket Mahltn steals up and chops at raoie wtin an ax. mook appears in time to save Hope. Hs reaches the other side and Is greeted by Cleo; she swears her love to him. They ars followed by Mahlln and Jap who attempt to kidnap Cleo. She swings nerseir over tne canyon, uige ana Morton are dashed to earth In an aeroplane, Hope and Cleo are pulled from qulckeonds by Hook and a grape vine. Mahlln and Sntsuma are called before the Black Coun- un the track of another book, they find the owner has lost It. Hope receives a let- r ui very serious import. (Continued From Yenterday.) The Secret the Submarine By C Alexander Powell Author el Tbe Ea4 .1 the Trail," "Flfbtln, tn Flanders.- "The Read to Clerr," Vle la rranee," etc uwmstit. 1816, by E. Aleaaader I avail. TWELFTH INSTALLMENT. I well as I do, that though society is always tolerant towards a married woman, it never looks forgivingly on the indiscretions of an unmarried one. Ever since the story of our spending the night together in the cabin leaked out, life here has stead ily grown more impossible. Some of my best friends have cut me on the street, and I wasn't even invited to the Tailer'a cotillion. But everything sceni9 to have been forgotten since 1 announced our engagement. I'll try to make you a good wife, Jarvis. .. . Don't you think that we can be happy together, Jarvis. "I hope so," he answered coldly. "When is when are we to be mar ried," "On the fourteenth," answered Inei. "The invitations will be out tomorrow." "So soon," he exclaimed. "But that is only three weeks away." ':There seemed nothing to be noth ing to be gained by waiting," she answered easily. "And besides," she added, "that will give us a month for our honeymoon betore your leave ex pires.By the way, where are we going on our wedding trip, Jarvis?" "I haven't given it a thought," he answered miserably. "Anywhere that vou wish Inez." "Don't be so enthusiastic about it" she exclaimed with a sudden burst of anger. "One would suppose that you were going to be buried instead of mar ried. You re anything but a cheerful bridegroom. You treat me as though 1 had the smallpox. "You know as well as I do that I don't love you he answered brutally, "and that I am marrying you only because I feel that I ought to. I be a good husband to you, Inez, but I can never be a lover." "At anv rate vou can pretend to be one," she replied. "There ia noth ing to be eained bv either of us let tintr the world know the truth. And now suppose you look over this list and see if there are any others to whom you would like invitations sent." The next fortnight was crowded with pre-nuptial gayeties; luncheons, teas, dinners, receptions, dances, theater parties, for, in spite of Inez's assertion that her triends had ostra. cised her. there was no lack of en tertainment in her honor. Nor could Hope detect any signs of coolness in the attitude of those of her friends to whom he was introduced. If they believed the stories of her indiscre tion they certainly did nothing to show their disapproval. "That Lieutenant Hope ia a perfect dear. Angelica Pembroke Had re marked to a group of women at a tea one afternoon, "and Inez is mighty lucky to get him. But he always has such a sad look in his eyes when he is talking to you that one gets the feeling that he is hiding some terrible sorrow." Which accurately summed nn the nnininn of the women. "Hone's a trood sort." aaid Reggie Van Arsdaie to the men with whom n was. nlavinor cards at his club. "What gets me it how a girl like Inez Machin happened to rope him in he's not at all her sort. And the funny thing about it is that she has an idea sne can twist mm arounu uci He's ouiet and doesn't say much, but all you have to do is to take one look at tnai jaw oi nis to see who's going to be the boss. Th rlav after Hone's deDarture for the east, Cleo and Hook returned to Valdavia and reopened the little cot tage about which clung so many sad and happy memories. "We must look things in the face, Hml" said Cleo the next morning, "and decide what is best to do. I have only a few hundred dollars left from the sale of daddy's books, and that won't last us long. I must find some 1iniA nf work." "Now don't you get to fretting about things, Miss Cleo," said Hook, assuming a confidence that he was far from feeling. "We'll get along somehow. fflT OLD RELATION TO REMAINJN FORCE Bate Experts Meet Behind Closed Doors to Try to Reach Some Agreement. NEW RATES ARE INVALID 'Just you wait till I've had a talk with her," said Hook, rising. "Don't you do nothin' foolish, lootenant, until I get back. I'll soon talk those story-book notions outen her head. Don't you worry. I'll fix things uo all right." I hope to heaven youll be success ful," said Hope fervently. "If you are I'll never forget it." Two hours later Hook returned. One look at his face showed Hope that he had met with no success. "I'm much obliged to you. Hook, said Hope, wearily, "but I knew it would be useless. When Cleo once makes up her mind there's no use in trying to change it. You will look after her, Hook, won't you?" You bet 1 will, lootenant, said the sailor, mopping in his eyes with a vivid bandanna. "I'm a pretty tough old salt, but I'll do my best to be a father to her. VAnd Hook, said Hone, with a trace of embarrassment, "if you if she should ever need any money you won t hesitate to let me know, will you? I haven't much besides my pay, but whatever 1 have, it s Lleo and vours for the asking. I can go away with an easier mind if I can have your promise that you will call on me in " Don't let that worry you. looten ant." said Hook, grasping the officer's hand in his great sunburned paw. "Well get along all right. 1 reckon, and if we don't, I'll let you know." - Hope had already wired the Navy department that the chances of find ing the formula of Dr. Burke's Inven tion were almost negligible and asking that sixty days leave of absence be granted him. The following morning he received a telegram from Wash ington granting his request Where upon he wired Inez Machin: will vou do me the honor to marrr me? The department has granted me sixty days' leave and I am startins east immeaiaieiy. A few hours later he received her reply: I have announced our enfaveraent. Owlnc to ths shortness of your leave we will be married soon after your return. Love. That evening saw Hope boarding the ferry which connected at Oakland with the eastbound mail train. Inez Machin was undeniably a beau tiful girl tall, slender and as lithe and sinuous as a panther. "I knew that you would come, jar vis," she said, as ihe greeted him in the library of her home. "It was ter ribly embarrassing for me to be com pelled to write you as I did . . . . but hat else coulo 1 oor iou Know, as DRINKING TRODGH IS TAKEN All! AY Thirsty Horse Looks in Vain for Place to Drink on Leaven worth Street. (Te Be Continued Tomorrow.) WOMAN SUGGESTS TUBS The sight of thirsty horses looking , , . i. ...u:u in vain tor tne 010 irougu w :,t Twentv-fourth and Leavenworth streets for years prompted a woman to inquire of the municipal and nu mane authorities why watering pro visions are not offered along this busy thoroughfare. "In pverv block from Sixteenth street west there are several refresh ment places for human beings, but nnt fine nlace where a tired horse may quench its thirst these hot days," said the woman. Miss Jessie Millard of the Humane society made this statement: "Until permanent drinking troughs are pro vided for horses I would suggest that merchants place tubs of water at the curbing and fasten a small sign so .!,.. ,i,T.,i trtav know of the DUr- pose of the tubs. At our home the chautteur Keeps a iuu u irn wait, at the curb for horses. Horses need Ar, r,t watpr on hot davs iust as much as human beings need a drink of cooling beverage, wncn yuu quujc me on this, piase ten uic ijuuml agam .i . .1. u,.nn. enrit-tv tetenhnne number is Douglas 2272 and that we are always glad to investigate reports or receive suggestions." City Commissioner Jardmes ex planation of the removal of the horse fountain from Twenty-fourth and I .,anwnrth atreets was: "The traffic at that intersection made it necessary to remove tne louniam. .t is hui wise to have these drinking places for horses along busy itreeti having ear lines. We will have to provide drink ing places on the side streets." Breathing Beeomoa Easier. After a few dose, of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Koney, Inflammation la arrested, you cough less and breathe easier. Only S6o. All drug glat,, Advertisement. T3.. ...1 mill la a neeeasltv for babies 'and small children in the hot weather. , Far want of it hundreds oi Daoiei die every summer. The fund ia rarefullv snent 80 that every cent helpa to allay the hot weather distreaa ot tne neeuy mm ones. . , .,. Th. MiMn,, haa heen aolendld from the people of Omaha and other places thu aummer. mere is sun picnty u. j want to help. A Krlend, Beatrice, Nek S.00 The Bee's Fund for Free Milk and Ice Total WUS.S0 Irvinaton Country Club Case to Come Up Monday Troubles of the Irvington Country club will be aired in the Douglas rountv district court Monday, August 14, when George Brenner, proprietor of a resort at Irvington will agun face Judge Leslie, this time charged with the violation of a restrain order secured by the people of Irv ington. A .11va,:,M nf rairtpnta nf til village appeared Tuesday to hear T,.l,, 1 nv..r,,1. a mntinn nf Attorney J. E. Von Dorn, appearing for Brenner, in which he asked that more specific information be given in the complaint which charges his client with conducting his house in an improper manner in spite of legal warnings given ny tne court. r-n,.n. It.nrn.v Ma.n.v ie nn ducting the case for the people o irvington. Rotary Club Remembers W. A. Rourke on Birthday When W. A. Rourke, owner of the Omaha Base Ball club, returns home from the Jong road trip of the team Wednesday morning, he will Hnd beautiful vase containing a large bou auet of flowers on his desk in his of. (ice. The vase and flowers are the gift of the Rotary club, of which Kourke is a member, and is given ai a remembrance of Rourke's fifty-sec ond birthday Monday. Urgent recommendation that the nterstate Commerce commission re establish the old relationship between Missouri river jobbing centers and re questing that the railroads do all in their power to bring about some sort of a satisfactory agreement before the new Nebraska freight rates, or rather, the old ones, become effec tive again, September 25, were made by traffic men from other citiei in ' this state, Iowa, Missouri and Kansas following an all day's session with representatives of the railroads. The meeting, which was held in the Commercial club rooms, was presided over by Charles M, Faeth of Kansas Lily. Mo., an iron man, who acted as chairman. " ' ' Many Traffic Men Present Approximately thirty traffic men, representing fifteen cities, a, well u a dozen or so representatives of rail roads from Omaha, Kansas City, St Louis and at Joseph, were in at tendance. During the day the rate experts smoked innumerable cigars, drank countless cups oi oiacK conee ana waded through reams and reams ot lore pertaining' to freight rates. , Ihe Nebraska rate ordered by the Interstate Commerce . commission goes into effect on September 25. It supersedes general order No. 19 of the Nebraska State Railway commis sion, issued in September, 1914, which decreased intrastate rates, which has been declared invalid by. the inter state body. Information furnished by those who attended the Omaha rate council per mitted of enough leeway to venture the guess that it is somewhat proble matical whether the powers that be will be impressed by the findings and recommendations of the session. Schreiber Issues Warning Against , Violators of Law 'This department wishes to warn employes of the city that we are mak- ing a vigorous campaign against vio-. lations ot the child and female labor laws of this state." said Superinten dent Schreiber of the Welfare board. "It is supristnar to find so many vio lations bovs and girls under 14 years of aze working and some between 14 and 16 working without permits; also women working more than M hours -per week. We have notified many em ployers and if our notices are not needed we intend to hie charges, added the superintendent Two Elevators Ordered For City Official Home The citv council annroved a bid of the Otis Elevator company offer ing to install two electric elevators in the city hall for $8,000. Robert Butke. general contractor on the re modeling work, was directed to ar range tor the contract with the utis company. The new elevators will run to the present basement which will be the main floor after the re modeling has been completed. Extra Cars Carry Omahans To Fremont Tractor Show Four extra coaches were added to trains running to Fremont from the Union station yesterday to accom modate the crowds going to the trac tor show. Depot officials estimated that the total number ot tickets sold for Fremont would be close to 500. This, of coarse, takes no account of the many automobile parties who mo tored out during the morning. Date Set for Homecoming Of Nebraska City Folks Former residents of Nebraska City will attend a homecoming celebra tion on August 18. leaving here at 8:10 a. m. on a special train over the Missouri Pacific. Itis, expected that between 300 and 400 will attend. Rob ert C. Drucsedow is In charge of this enterprise. Council Will Disregard Union in Engaging Bands In view of a recent district court decision and an opinion from the city attorney, the city commissioners will disregard the union or non-union fea ture when engaging bands for park concerts. Union musicians claimed to hold a verbal contract for this season. Women Know that they cannot afford to be ill. They must keep themselves in the best of health at all times. Most of all, the digest ive system must be kept in good working order. Knowing the importance of this, many women have derived help from Vitts These safe, sure, vegetablepills auickly right the conditions lat cause headache, languor, constipation and biliousness. They are free from habit-forming drugs. They do not irri tate or weaken the bowels. ; Women find that relieving the small ills promptly, prevents the development of big ones. They depend on Beecham's . Pills to tone, strengthen and Keep Them Well iniiiiaiii -i-""-- -' - jebll ii bs-aatlkwaa. -