Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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Health ,
Hints Fashions -:- Woman's Work -.-- Household Topics
Riddle of Infantile Paralysis
One mystery after another con
fronts us when we attempt to solve
the riddle of the plague. A most
serious obstacle to the early investi
gators, in line with the great diffi
culty which they found the disease
had in spreading from one human pa
tient to another, was thst it was ab
solutely impossible to infect any or
dinary experimental animal with the
disease. For decades this ' obstacle
held us fast,, until it occurred to one
of the bacteriologists that it was just
possible the, disease could be com
municated to the animal nearly allied
to man, the monkey. . This guess
'proved a fortunate one, and within a
year or so of the time that monkeys
were tried it was clearly proven, first,
that the disease could be conveyed
from the spinal cord of babies who
-had died of it to monkeys, producing
the characteristics paralysis in them,
and from these monkeys it could be
transmitted to other monkeys.
So clear and positive were these re
sults that Flcxher, for instance, at the
Rockefeller . institute, succeeded in
carrying the virus of the disease
through twenty-five successive gen
erations. Incidentally, it may be re
marked that the utilization of our
nearest animal relative, the monkey,
for experimental purposes, has proved
one of the greatest boons ever grant
ed to bactcriologiq science, Through
them 'and through them alone has
been proven, within a short decade,
the germ cause and method of trans
mission of three, such "widespread
and terrible diseases as cerebrospinal
meningitis, syphilis and sleeping sick
ness. But, unfortunately, from a practi
cal point of view, monkeys are only
one shade better than no animal at
all, because they are extremely ex
pensive, very difficult to keep healthy
in captivity, subject not merely to in
fantile paralysis, but to almost every
other disease known to humanity and
liable to die with the most heart
breaking suddenness and frequency
of acute pneumonia or even of bron
chitis, following a common cold, right
in the middle of a most important and
Vestgate llote
' At Th Junotlon
, On Mihud Palawan at Ninth
Kansas City, Mo.
175 ,g 25
Boohs Rooms
at at
I 1 Every
f? ! 1 Room
. Battt
Abtoluttly Flnpnof
Bayfield Inn
' Bayfield, Wisconsin
Cool and eomfortab!. Immunity front
hay fiver and resplrslory troublet. Flab--Intf
la Lake Superior; troat atrssma or
inland lk. Writ lor Information.
vital experiment. When brought to
the cold and shivery north from the
hot and 'steamy atmosphere of their
native tropics, even when given steam
heat and every other comfort their
average lifetime in captivity is only
about a year or a year and a half.
And as they must be used in hundreds
to solve the problem of so serious and
difficult a disease as infantile par
alysis, tne patn ot research;: is still
full of difficulties.:' i i iojjj
Finally and most baffling1 of ; all,
although the disease could be' trans
mitted with absolute certainty by
taking scrapings from the surface of
the spinal cord of one monkey, and
rubbing them thoroughly into'; the
mucos membrane of the nfcse of an
other, though the spread of the infec
tion could be traced, not through the
general circulation, but along and
through some curious small veins and
lymphatics which pass from the roof
of the nose right up through a
spongy place in the base of the skull
directly to the under-surface of the
brain and from that backward and
donwward to the spinal cord, or the
lymph in the infected veins and lym
phatics of the roof of- the nose, were
examined under the most powerful of
microscipes, with .the advantages of
every known device of contrast-staining
and tinting, nothing even re
sembling a germ could be discovered.
Not only so, but when this virus,
a mere drop or two of which would
certainly produce paralysis and death
when injected into a monkey's nose,
war put into the very finest and least
permeable of porcelain niters, whose
pores could only be measured in ten
thousandths of an inch, it would pass
through absolutely unchanged and
be just as virulent after filtering as
before.- With only two " exceptions,
every other known disease germ
would have been filtered out of the
solution by passing through such a
chamberland filter.
The only approach that could be
made toward seeing the germs of
infantile paralysis was by the method
known as trans-illumination or cross
lighting of the microscopic stage by
means 01 very powerful rays ot light
thrown by a prism .which will enable
one to see, not the germs themselves,
but their greatly enlarged shadows.
When a drop of the virus of infantile
paralysis was examined in this way a
number of bright points of light and
vague rings could be seen, which were
oresumbaly the shadows of the
ausal germ, but these were so vague
tnd shifting that no distinctive or
cognizable outline could be made
nit, -'.
Horsemeat Shops in Paris
In Paris the bronzed 'horse's head
denotes the location of "boucheries
hippophagiques," or horse-meat
shops. Since the early seventies of
the last century hipprjphagy has
grown so in popularity that there is
now no considerable town in France
that has not one or more sliope for
the saleof horseflesh,'
St Martha s School
KRMvHta, tllluU. FOR QlftLt mm to II.
Affiliated with Bt. M try's School. Fsmllr IU
lld to twsntr fWa. a school of rntid study
and pis. Modem firturoof bulldlnc. Xlnss
teres of outdoor playground.
All branoh Urouih eiiUi fr4e. also ewtnat,
Cooktiit,, etc. , Plant, Animal aid
Bird lift observed la their Natural iwmunriltwre,
EMtetleeal advaatate la French, tternaa. Draw
tei, atutle (dally Musni). Oanelra, eta. Ne a.
Ires Metal mmtH. Tern openi BeiHembaf 14, tut
'eoaedule of aerk and play" address
Wwld't Famous Hotal
Opposite Central Park
, tS9tbStraat -
UoM to All rhntras utd
; ; Shops
and Outdoor Tarrae '
Cool and Refreshing Place to
; rVs Jr KwraaMM 7W
FRED STERRY Marwfiat Dtractor
1 "La Belle Dame Sans Merci" Bri
w .aw vvw ww w w vw we " J Copyright, HIS, International Now Bervlc. ;
AIMl.' " To provid thorough menu!, moral and physical training at th
lowest terms consistent with efficient work. For boya from
. . .... .v -v.v. , , (. je, chargeel 1350.00.
LOCATION! . Two mile from Kearney, the Piatt Valley.
EQUIPMENT, . acree of land. Four buildings. Cymtuulam, swimming
. , pool, . Separate lower aehool building.
FACUl.TYi - ':.' " , t'ollera graduate with buatneaa eyperlenre. ' -
COURbESl Coltve preimraUiry: commereial law and business mrthuris;
. ., . manual training; macbanHial drawing; agrieultura and animal
ATHLETICS! . Football, baaebalU . baaketball, track. - tennis. awimmng.
ealiatbeniea. , t
CATALOGUE! Addmi Harry Roberta Drummond, HeadmasUr.
WARE if your heart falls' into her handsl She is the faery-woman
who never grows up. The childlikeness in her eyes that
fascinates you ' is only another proof of her cruelty; for
children are barbarous and the chief light in their eyes is curiosity.
Remembering all you have given, accepting your offering in her small
soft fingers, she will forget all gratitude in contemplating the curious
spectacle ot your heart thrust through with, an arrow and crying in
When Vegetables Are Plenty
ruby drops I She will hold it tight and her eyes will glow and bright
en. Another toy I Yesterday, when she was a little girl, she watched
a dragon-fly skip over the water on his long legs, and studied the
white, woolly rabbit that squeaked when she hugged him. Today she,
turns your heart over and over and smiles in delight, and the shine in
her eyes is the very same as over the woolly rabbit. 'Ware the wom
an who never grows up. "La Belle Dame Sans Merci."
With the market full of vegetables
at fairly moderate prices it is a coin
partively easy thing to cater for a
family at this time of the year.
Vegetables, are' more popular than
heavy meats' when the weather is
warm and several different kinds of
vegetables should appear upon the
Jellied Tnmato Bouillon.
Baked Steak. Queen Peaa. Potato Rlbbona.
raullflowsr a la Varenne.
IV'hlta Cabbaro Baled. Cheese. Cracker.
. Chocolate Hold.
- Ctam Bisque. :
Two cupfuls of white stock from
veal or chicken, one teaspoonful
chopped parsley, one blade of mace,
two cupfuls of chopped clams, one
cupful of cream, salt and pepper to
taste (cayenne pepper), two table
spoonfuls butter, two tablespoonfuls
flour. Cook clams in the white stock,
strain" reserve liquor and chopped
clams, press through a sieve, add but
ter and flour, cook together season
ings and cream for five minutes, add
yolk of egg well beaten and serve..
Baked Steak.
Select a thick steak. Rub well with
Websirr Oravea. the moat beautiful suburb of St. Louie. Building absolutely
fireproof, provided throughout with the heat and most afodarn salutary !
provvinenta aad equipped with the lateat school appliances. Wall furulshel
.lodiuituat roome and dormitories. Location convenient and Ideal.
The Jt'gular Courses offered an the College, the Academlo nd te Pre..;'
rslor. Three distinct courses are pursued Ip the College DrparMaem.
lesdlnj respectively to the degree of A. B., 8.' a. and B. L Vnir yeera of ,
High School work prepare th atudent for College Couroea loading to 'ties
r.''J'M..y"".;!'" JS"t '" " "ratory Departmeu fit th student
.1 take up.tb High School work.
JHeKpeclel Coureea glvea ere those of Muale. Art. Oral Eipresslo. th
Language. Household Economies and th Commercial Course. The Coa
ervsiory ofMusIc offer coure In Piano. Violin, Harp, Pip Orgaa. Voice,
r?'AI.4rTtlny' Counterpoint, History of Huslc, Music form and Analysis
.Choral Singing and eneemble wrh. t
's "-I""""10.'?. '" direction of th Sister of Lnrotto of aUa-"
lucky. Classes will be organised on Wednesday. September nth, mi.
e.., ''"'PI'oosI advantagea for a thorough, refined education amid beejth'
Ml aad, inspiring surrounding roe catalogue, .
MOltlEJt ht PfcHIOlt, Lorocto Colleav, Dept O. ; .
Wetwtcv Orovea, St. Loula, Mo.
A aaaall sues wsek.
ly r aeMthly makes
ye th eweer a( a
splendid Diamond ejr
tkar articl ol felgh
grade lewelry. , .
ars D lam one)
Ring-, 14b solid
gold, Loftls "Per-f-tf"
meunting. . . .ertv
SI Weak.
N. 4 Men's Die.
mond Ring, S prong
tooth mounting, CCC
14k solid gold..
SI. OS s Week
Open JMfe mi p. at. .Wsraoy Till I.N
Call or write for Illustrated catalog No.
01. Phone Dougma 1444 and aaleemut
will oall with any rtlel you deslr. .
pepper and salt; place in pan and put
on top very thin slices of one-half
lemon; sprinkle with paprika, then
cover with three tablespoonfuls cat
sup, one teaspoon Worcestershire
sauce and a good lump of Incited fat.
Bake fifteen minutes in a hot oven.
About five minutes before serving,
add three onions, parboiled and
drained, to the steak.
Potato Ribbons.
Four large potatoes, frying fat, salt
and pepper. Peel the potatoes, and
cut them in fine shavings round and
round the potato, as if peeling them
in ribbons of equal length. Throw
the shavings into a drying pan with
boiling fat, and fry a golden brown.
Move them constantly with a silver
fork to keep the pieces separate.
Drain them and pile lightly on a dish,
sprinkle with pepper and salt and
serve hot.
Cauliflower a la Varenne.
Trim a cauliflower and place it in
salt and water for one hour; then
put it in a saucepanf of scold water
with a pinch of salt", bring it to a
boil, rinse the cauliflower and put it
again in boiling water seasoned with
salt to boil until tender. Cut it in
pieces, place it in the center of a hot
dish, pour parsley sauce over and gar
nish with braised carrots or a mace
doine of vegetables, placing the cut
up stalks of the cauliflower in the
center. '
- Boiled Green Peas. "
Shell the peas just before they are
required; put them" into a saucepan
with just enough boiling water to
cover them, a sprig of mint, a little
salt, and one teaspoonful sugar; boil
them till tender (about fifteen to
twenty minutes), with the lid off the
saucepan ; when done, drain, add a
little pepper and a small piece of
clarified dripping, and serve at once.
-1 . White Cabbage Salad. ''
One firm, hard white cabbage, oil,
vinegar,' salt and pepper. Remove
the outer leaves of the cabbage, wash
it thoroughly and shred it finely with
a sharp knife. 'Mix with it a proper
proportion of' oil, vinegar, salt and
pepper, turn it over a few times till
well mixed and serve. Red cabbage
salad is made in the same way.
i Chocolate Cream Mold.'
One-hal ounce isinglass, one and a
half pints milk or three-quarters of
a pint of milk and three-quarters of
a pint of cream, three ounces French
chocolate, one-quarter pound lump
sugar, one teaspoonful vanilla. Soak
the isinglass in the milk or milk and
cream.. Grate the chocolate, add the
sugar and isinglass and milk; put it
over the fire and let it boil up" once,
stirring all the time to prevent the
chocolate setting. Strain it into a
basin, add the vanilla, and pour into
a wetted mold when nearly cold.
is a IS M4
1 SI.0D
Bye -aHemmed rftssa Until Sept. L
ugswes sjoasutr. 1.SWSSI rrlea.
Fillets of Flounders
Snle is a nonular dish with the Enar-
lish, and the French also esteem it
The-American flounder, when fil
leted, is a delicious and inexpensive
dish. It is free of all bone and skin,
and the flesh is delicate and fine. The
flounder lends itself to every method
of cooking that is given for sole. Fil
lets of flounders with green peas is
an appetizing way of preparing the
fillets. ;
Take the fillets from the fish, re
move the skin and any bones (if a
large one is used, cut. each fillet into
four pieces), place them on a wetted
board and pat them out smoothly
with a thick wet knife season the out
side of each fillet with a little salt and
white pepper, sprinkle lightly with
lemon juice, roll up the fillets, place a
skewer or a wooden toothpick through
them to keep them together, and place
in a buttered saute pan. Sprinkle
them with lemon juice, place a but
tered paper over and put them to cook
in a moderate oven tor about fifteen
minutes, occasionally basting them
over the paper with the liquor from
the pan in which they are cooking.
When ready dish them on a bed of
green peas that havebeen plainly
boned without breaking, then mixed
with a little butter and finely chopped
raw parsley. Serve with the sauce.
Sauce for Fillets Chop up the
bones from the fish and place them
in a atewpan with a sliced onion, a
bunch of herbs, a pinch of salt and six
or eight ' peppercorns; cover with
about two cups of cold water, bring
to the boil and skim, then simmer on
the side of the stove for about twenty
minutes; strain off the liquor and mix
about two cups of it into four table
spoonfuls of butter, three tablespoon-
..!. nf flA.. .k- ..).. t .1 .
, u .o u tiuui , .us r'l' v uucs ieiw,
large tomatoes, a dust of pepper and
the juice of a lemon, and stir over the
fire until the mixture boils, then strain
and serve while hot
(Tomorrow Stuffed Eggs for a
ricnic buncheonj -
Fishes Surely
Can Hear,
Maybe Talk
"Th phrase 'allent sa a clam' ha mad,
me wonder why It la that fish are almoa.
the only animals Incapable of making vo,i
sound. What la (h reason? In the anat
omical conatruetlon of flshe 1 any pro
vision made for vocal organs f If not, car
you toll me why (lahee alone In all th
animal world have no auch organ?
W. M. W.
Putting a;.ide ithe fact that a clam
is not a fish, it may be broadly stated -that
fishes have no recognized vocal
organs: Nevertheless they have or
gans of hearing,' though without ex
ternal ears. Some fishes surely, and
all possibly, can make sounds, but
there is no evidence that they reg-o-larly
employ these sounds as "voices.
C,;il Tie rtavirl Qtarr Trtrrton. who
probably knows as much about fish
as any man living, remarks that
"these sounds may possibly be useful
to the species, but they are notNsell
differentiated, nor have they been so
investigated as. to Be wen unaer
stood." Dr. Jordan thinks that the "grat-'
ing" sounds made by some fishes , ,i
arise from the pharyngeal bones; be- . J;
hind the gills, while the "singing"
sAnnrii i (- i-i nv fiinir Tisnes iiriui-
nate in the air-bladder. - There' is a
peculiar "singing fish" known on the
California coast as "the midshipman,"
which may be a joking name origi
nating among sailors. . , '
If we could only live in the water
for a while we might come out with
some surprisfng information about
the "voices," and the iearing powers,
as well as the intelligence, of fishes.
But, in fact, the water world is al- ,
most unknown to us, except through '
a few narrow ways of inference, and
this in spite of the fact that, if we J-.-.1
trace our ancestral lines far back in
geological time, we find that we our- o;
selves must have sprung from the V '
ocean. :-
There are certain nervous terrors -
which we inherit that may also, pos- r
sibly, be traced back to the times '.!'.,
when our aquatic forebears sought t m
refuge from arrowy enemies in the
tremulous shadows of sea-caverns.
Although ichthyologists say little ;-
about the subject, there are some very
suKKestive facts which seem to indi
cate that fishes were not provided
with hearing solely to enable them to
escaoe from their toes, sucn toes, tor ,
instance, as cunning piscators, like old , ,
Izaak Walton, stealing silently along
the banks of a trout stream and ,k,
drooDinsr aopetizing baits into the '
water, with only the sounds that a .
buzzing fly might make. I risk no .'
scientific reputation in quoting an in- -
teresting story told by Dr. C. C. Ab- ,
bott as an indication that fishes may .k
even have a language. .
Dr. Abbott was floating in nis Doat
over a quiet spot in Poaetquissing :: r
creek, in New Jersey, where bottom
springs pour up cool fresh water in a
abundance, and this waswhat, he -
saw: ,
'"There, for' a Space of some five iA
yards square, there was nothing In-"
the water save fishes; but all about,
them was a dense wall of water-mill-
foil and other aquatic plants. The
fish were accustomed to the boat and
moved to and fro leisurely, from side ; ',o
to side on the weedless space, or -i:
were stationary. Suddenly a large
rnacn dashed into the midst of them, ,1.
and instantly every fish was still as--
a stone, ihe roach nesitatea for a ';
moment and was gone, and with it
vanished everv fish in that open
space. The others, somehow, learned
of danger from this roach, and, asit
proved, none too soon, for no sooner
had the many small fishes i disap
peared than a dozen large ' white
perch made their appearance and
roamed about the clear space above
the spring, evidently in surprise or
disappointment. As plainly as a man
might startle a crowd by a cry . of
fire' or 'murder,' that roach in
formed the fishes that were gathered
in the clear waters below me that
they .must seek safety by flight."
Now, in connection with this story
and Dr. Abbott's fame as a careful
observer needs no bush take the
following fact, established by scien
tific authority: In many fishes the
swim bladder has intimate relations
with the hearing organ. In the sim
plest condition these relations con
sist in the prolongation forward of
the swim bladder as a blindly ending
tube on either side, the blind end
coming into direct contact either
with the'wall of the octocist (hear
ing organ) itself, or with the fluid
surrounding it through a.gjp in the
rigid periotic capsule.
A wave of compression, causing a
slight inward movement of the swim
bladder wall will bring about a
greatly magnified movement of that
part of the wall which is in relation
with the interior of the auditory cap
sule. In this way the perception of
delicate sounds may be rendered
much more perfect.
So, after all, although they have
no external ears, fishes seem to nos-
scaa oti rtuuiiuiy ouuareimy exceed
ing wtu iiucu tu give mem informa
tion through sounds. The medium in
which they live is dense and elastic,
and conveys sound between four and
five times more rapidly than the air v
does. ( - .'''
Every fisherman knows! hovs' softly
he must tread when approaching the
lurking places of trout. Who knows '"
but that fishes, have some means of ;
making sounds, inaudible or un,io-
ticeable to us, which serve to con- "Ij.
vey information as comprehensible
in its way as the cries of birds, the
barking of dogs or the whinneying ,
of horses?
The roach that Dr. Abbott saw "m
did something during that dramatic
instant of motionlessness which viv
idly conveyed to his little friends a V"
warning which all understood simul
taneously; why should it not have ',',?
been a ''voice that he utteredl All sh
language is not spoken with tongues -
or spoiled with grammar, "
To Roast a Small Joint ; ;
In order to economize gas, roast a
small joint of meat over a gas ring
instead of lighting the oven to do it.
Well grease a saucepan or casserole.
put the meat into it (with plenty of w
extra uiiiipiuaia bu tnat mere snail
be no risk of burning), put it Over a
gas jet turned very low,, and let it
cook. Turn and baste the meat often,
and it gets beautifully brown and ten
der. . - .