Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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Brief City News
Towniend'l for Sporting Goode."
Have Bool Print It Now Baacoa Prom.
Electric Fans 17.60 BurfMs-Qranden Co.
Half Km rat White Diamonds $15 Edholm.
Hear McCormacIt sing the Noble
"Prize Song" at Orchard & Wilhelm'a,
Victor record 74479.
A good beginning I half the battle.
Tou have begun right -hen your of
fice la In The Bee building, the build
ing that la known ti all.
Milk House Burns The milk house
of M. C. Sorenaon's dairy at 6608 Flor
ence boulevard was destroyed by lire.
The loss Is estimated at $400.
"Today's Movie Program," classi
fied section today. It appears In The
Bee exclusively. Find out what the
various moving picture theaters offer.
To Take Pharmacy Exams Dr.
Joseph Miller Wednesday will take
the examination of the State Pharma
cy board. Dr. Miller is a graduate of
Crelghton and for several years wag
a police surgeon at headquarters.
Afraid of His Wife Charging his
wife, Edith, with threatening to do
him bodily harm and other unwlfely
acts, A- M. Blenderman has filed a
petition for divorce. They were mar
ried In Omaha October 26, 1916.
West Farnam Peddler Dies Louis
Cohn, fruit and vegetable peddler,
who was a peddler in the neighbor
hood of West Farnam, died two weeks
ago. All his customers who owe htm
mnnAv are renueeted to send in to the
widow, Mr. Clara Cohn, 2010 Spruce
Reward of $20,000
. Said to be Offered
For the Bank Robber
That the bandit who robbed the
Farmers State Bank of Florence dur
ing the noon hour Saturday and got
away with $740 is the same who ac
complished similar daring enterprises
In suburbs near Sioux City, Denver,
Los Angeles and Memphis, is the be
lief of private detectives, who con
ferred with the Omaha police yester
day. Though the robbery occurred out
side of the city limits, the Omaha
police have taken the lead in making
' an investigation, taking the matter
out of the hands of Sheriff McShane,
whncp time was nrrnnieH with other
matters Agents of a national de
tective agency declare that if the
Florence bank robber is the man who
worked elsewhere, rewards aggregat
ing $20,000 are offered for him, dead
or alive.
The $20,000 bandit answers the
Florence robber's description, but so
far as is known has no prison record,
and has been successful in keeping his
identity secret. He always works
alone, except when he impresses a
taxi driver into his service, and always
pays his taxi bill.
It is probable that Harry Daywalt,
the taxi driver, and the Florence bank
officials who saw the robber, will go
to Chicago and search the rogues' gal
lery there for a picture of the bank
Zagar Held for the
Grand Jury When He
Waives His Hearing
A fruitful piece cf detective work on
the part of Hugh Mills, United States
secret service agent, caused Stanley
Zagar to waive a hearing before the
United States commissioner on a
charge of passing counterfeit money.
He was bound over to the federal
grand jury.
John Rhyno went into Zagar's sa
loon at 3001 Q street, South' Side, and
tendered a $5 gold piece in payment
of a bill for $4.85. Zagar took the
money to his safe and returned in a
moment, saying he couldn't accept the
coin, as it was counterfeit. Rhyno
was sure the coin returned to him
wasn't the one he had tendered.
He made complaint and Mills in
vestigated. The cashier of a South
Side bank to whom Mills showed the
counterfeit 'in the course of his in
vestigations said he had seen one just
like it a few days before.
"Who had it?" asked Mills.
"Stanley Zagar," said the cashier.
Zagar was arrested Monday by Dep
uty Marshal Quinley.
Chinaware Suffers
In Officer's Pight
To Arrest One Man
Nearly $500 worth of fine china
ware and dishes were smashed into
fragments yesterday in the Brandeis
store when Detective Larry Finn
fought with Henry King, who was
trying to escape after stealing a $5
Finn finally overpowered the man
and took him to the police station,
where a charge of petit larceny was
lodged against him.
Vice Admiral Kamimura
Of Japanese Navy Is Dead
Tokio, Aug. 8. Vice Admiral Hi
konojo Kamimura, of the Japanese
navy, is dead.
Vied Admiral Kamimura, 67 years
of age was one of the most prominent
officers Of the Japanese navy. As commander-in-chief
of the second squad
ron he played an important part in
the Russo-Japanese war, and is be
lieved to have led in the naval assault
with the British squadron against
the German base at Tsing Tao, China,
in 1914.
Bernice Dermody.
Bernice Margaret Dermody, aged 9
vears, only daughter of Mrs. Theresa
Dermody, died Monday morning at
the home of her aunt, Mrs. W. H.
Thomas, 3924 North Twenty-third
street, after an illness of more than
two months. Burial will be at Mis
souri Valley, la. '
Funeral services will be held at
Sacred Heart church Wednesday at
10 a. m. The pallbearers will be
former schoolmates: Caroline Stangle,
Isabelle Stangle, Florence Swift,
Alice Swift, Cecelia Ederer, Margaret
How to Give Good Advice.
The best way to give good advice
is to set a good example. When oth
deri see how quickly you get over
your cold by taking Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy they are likely to fol
low your example. This remedy has
been in use for many years and en
joys an excelllent reputation. Ob
tainable everywhere. Advertisement
James Fenlon, Pioneer Citizen
of Council Bluffs Succumbs
to Heat in Des Moines.
James Fenlon, the oldest traveling
man in the United States, and a pio
neer citizen of Council Bluffs, died
yesterday at his home in Des Moines,
after an illness of only a few days. The
body will be brought to Council Bluffs
for burial, and a public funeral will
be held at St. Francis Xavier's Cath
olic church tomorrow morning.
Mr. Fenlon would have been 90
years old in October, and his death
was due more to the extreme heat
of the last few weeks than to the
natural infirmities of age. For more
than seventy years he had been a
traveling salesman, all the time in
the farm implement trade. His territory
was the central west, and no climatic
conditions were ever sufficient to pre
vent him making all parts of his ter
ritory. Blizzards that tied up railroad
trains were frequently overcome by
appeals to hardy liverymen. His rep
utation for being always able to "get
there" during the whole of the three
score and ten years of his commercial
activity made him a national figure
in commercial trade life, and last
spring the American Magazine pub
lished a story of his life on the road.
For the last twenty-five or more years
Mr. Fenlon represented the Wood
mansee company of Freeport, 111., sell
ing windmills and farm motors.
Twenty-five years ago Mr. Fenlon
was in the implement business, in
Council Bluffs, with office and ware
house where the Chamber of Com-'
merce building now stands, but dur
ing that time he was covering his
territory as a commercial traveler.
The business was a branch of the fac
tory he represented. When he closed
it he went to Des Moines and made
that city his home.
Secord Learns His
Clothes Were Stolen
By Maids in Distress
If Ross Secord, chief clerk at the
Missouri Pacific office, and W. F.
Reynolds of the Reynolds Coal com
pany, were surprised to return to
their boat, after a swim in Carter
lake, ten days ago, and find all their
clothing gone, they were almost as
much surprised when messenger boys
returned the clothes Monday evening
with a note indicating that the
raimen had served two maidens in
The clothes were neatly dry
cleaned, the shirts and undergarments
beautifully laundered and the watches
and papers were replaced in the ap
propriate pockets and on top lay a
note saying: "We drove down to the
lake dressed in our bathing suits and
a bath robe. While we were in
swimming the folks sneaked home with
the car and our bath robes. We had
no money and,' even men's clothes
looked good to us. Yours were handy
and proved a pretty good fit. We
spent the money, $7.50, found in both
suits, for a taxi and for cleaning and
pressing the clothes, so will not ask
you for the $25 reward. In this way
we figure you are $17.50 to the good."
The note was signed "Dundee" in a
woman's handwriting.
Two Runaway Boys
Picked Up While in
Search of Adventure
Fired by tales of wild and woolly
adventure in the far west, John Rior
dan, 15-years-old son of the president
of the Milwaukee Gas & Electric Co.,
and William G. Schroeder, 16 year old,
son ot a high XNorthwestern railroad
official there, came to Omaha Sun
day in search of bandits and Indians
to fight.
They intended to clean up the
Omaha redskina and bandits in a few
hours and then move on to Salt Lake
City, where the prospects are thicker.
All would have gone well with
their plans, perhaps, if there had been
a few Indians and bandits awaiting
them here, instead of Harvey Wolf,
who is a special policeman, in addi
tion to being night manager for the
Western Union. Wolf saw a telegram
from their parents asking the Omaha
police to pick them up, and when he
met them on Farnam street, he rec
ognized them from the descriptions.
Dynamite Explodes
In His Pocket
Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 8.-r-An un
identified white man was blown to
pieces here this afternoon in a
crowded city park when either dyna
mite or nitroglycerine, believed to
have been concealed in hit pocket,
exploded. Police authorities asserted
they were unable to tell how the ex
plosive might have been set off and
are investigating.
Parts of the man's body were blown
fifty yards. Forty or fifty persons
within. a short radius of the man,
were uninjured. One man who sat
on the same bench was scarcely
Culls From the Wire
In Milwaukee: Matt Letdnen, a. 1-year-old
boy, Bhot Mar Craden, also 9, because the
Craden boy would not play with blm.
The entire Ftrat Oklahoma regiment ata
tloned at San Benito, Tex., haa again been
quarantined aa a remit ol the discovery of
a caaa ot measles In Company L.
Carranta authorities have released Man
agar Fulton of the Mexico City power
plant, a Canadian on whose behalf the
United States made representations.
General Tasker H, Bliss, asalatant chief
of ataff of the United States army, has
completed a semi-official lnpectlon of the
troops with the punitive expedition..
In Tulsa, Okl., after eluding a mob. Will
Turey negro, who with his brother, Cecil, is
accused of the murder of Charles Vaughn,
wealthy oil man, surrendered to the au
thorities. James Qerrlgan, one-time racing partner
of. Tobln Dehymel, was killed Just outside
San Antonio, Tex., while speeding his au
tomobile up a hill to hava his picture taken
in action. .
The Wright Aeroplane company and th
Olenn L. Martin aeroplane have been
merged, under the firm name of the Wright
Martin Aircraft corporation, wtht a capital
of $10,000,000. The consolidated company
Is Incorporated under the laws of New York
Rescue of the prew of the American
schooner R. Bowers by the Canadian
nteamer Homer City was reported to the
State department by Consul Poster at Ot
tawa The s hooner was lost off the
Canadian coast. T.
Pains in Choice for Bridge
Tourney Gives the Women
Greater Delight. '
Well chosen priies of every size,
shape and description are making the
Tuesday afternoon bridge tourna
ment the Mecca of each Field club
woman card enthusiast. Mrs. A. V.
Shotwell has taken great pains to
choose the prizes carefully and with
an eye to their appropriateness. Some
woman has carried home with her a
bit of bric-a-brac, another a picture;
still another has been made the proud
possessor of a pair of stockings, and
some have received priies of linen.
Women drop in informally, bringing
their friends and ont-of-town guests.
Among those who are sometimes
seen at the party or were in attend
ance this afternoon are: Mrs. Lee
Kennard, Mrs. Grant Williams, Mrs.
Gladden James of New York, Mrs.
Danforth, Miss Freda Lang, Mrs.
Charles Olson, Mrs. John McDonald,
Mrs. Frank Engler and Mrs. E. R.
At Happy Hollow Club.
In honor of several viiting young
girls, the Misses Dora and Louise
Wie .e entertained at the Happy Hol
low matinee dansante today. The
party included:
Ruth Hurst Kathartna Cony,
of Loutavllta, Ky.i Eileen Uulnter,
Katharine Lynch Helen Nleman,
of Afton. Wyo.; Luclle Ely,
Mildred Olney Lulu Miller,
of Minneapolis, Ruth Nolan,
Elolie Green, Mary 15. Hamilton,
Evelyn Bancroft, Mary Cleland,
Mary Leslie, Mildred White,
Maud Miller, Margaret Howea.
Marlon Jonea.
Another large party in honor of
visiting girls was entertained by Miss
Florence Jenks at Happy Hollow to
day. After luncheon the party danced
at the matinee. Those present were:
Meadamee Meadamep
O. L. Bradley, H. J. Bailey.
R H. Jenks,
Misses Mleaea
Ruth Purcell of H:iel Evans,
Hampton. la.; Helen Curtis,
Helen Maaten of Harriet Walters,
Kansas City, Hannah Smylle,
Elizabeth Jones of Hulh McDonald,
Chicago, Louise Bailey,
Margaretha Ortmmel, Eleanor McQilton,
Kate sherrard of Marguerite Marshall,
Wisconsin, Harriet Sherman,
Berta Fern Clark of Ethel Magney,
Council Bluffs, Beulah Clark,
Helen Johnston. Florence Jenka.
Helen Pearce,
Mr. and Mrs. I. Sibbernsen will en
tertain eight guests at dinner this
evening. Dr. and Mrs. Palmer Find
ley, and Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Hauser iivs nariies nf six and smaller
dinner parties will be entertained by
Ed Smith, W. fc. rraser, n. v.
Loomis and W. F. Dawson.
A luncheon for six will be given at
the club Thursday by Mrs. Palmer
At Carter Lake Club. ,
Mrs. F. P. Mason entertained a
party of eight at luncheon at Carter
Lake club Monday, Mrs. winiam
Holzman, four guests, and Mrs. R. G.
Adams, three tables at bridge.
A 1 -1, Inr u,1v CMie.t nil
given today by Mrs. C. S. Rainbolt.
Mrs. K. L. Llennts naa mncneon ior
six guests and reservations for thirty-six
were made for the Women's
Swimming and Bowling club.
Dinner reservations for this even
ing have been made by Miss Anna
Sorenson, C. F. Benjamin, George F.
Abbott, E. H. Ella, B. B. Hart and
Mrs. Johnston.
At the Field Club.
Mrs. I. C. Wood entertained at
luncheon at the Field club today for
Miss Eleanor Milliman of Logan, la.,
who is the guest of Miss Alice Switz
ler. Mrs. John Battin was the other
member of the foursome.
Social Gossip.
Mrs. John W. Madden and her
guest, Miss Nan Madden of Nutley,
N. J., spent the morning at the Coun
try club playing golf. They joined
Mrs. Adoiph Storz for luncheon at
her home, Later Mrs. Storz expects
to give a luncheon in Miss Madden's
Mrs. Thomas Flynn left last even
ing for Glenwood Springs, Colo., to
join Mrs. Edward Hayden and Miss
Ophelia Hayden, and remain until
September 1. Mr. Flynn will follow
Mr. and Mrs. M. Shirley and Mrs.
Shirley's brother, Dr. Phelan of Mon
treal, motored to Grand Island today
to visit relatives there.
Dr. and Mrs. I. C. Wood were en
tertained at the Council Bluffs Row
ing association Sunday by Mr. and
Mrs. E. H. Doolittle.
Dr. Palmer Findley leaves the lat
ter part of the week to motor to the
Minnesota lakes. He will be accom
panied by his sons, Tom and Cressley.
Prairie Park Outing.
The Prairie Park club announces
its opening club dance early in Sep
tember. The club will be open for
dancing parties as soon as the warm
weather is over.
Birthday. Party.
Mrs. Otto Borchert and son, Wil
liam, entertained last night at their
new home, Seventeenth and Chicago
streets, for MJss Marie Blanck on her
birthday. Seventy-five guests were
in attendance.
Motor Picnic to Valley.
Miss Arlene Andelfinger enter
tained at an automobile, swimming
and supper party at Valley Sunday
in honor of Mr. Ted Brooks of Min
neapolis. The party was chaperoned
by Mrs. M. B. Andelfinger and mo
tored to Fremont after spending an
hour in the water at Valley. Those
present were:
Reva Grout,
Oladya Drelbus,
Ted Brooka,
Gordon Grout.
Arlene Anaalftaaar,
Russell Andelfinger.
Dippold-Salisbury Wedding.
Miss Nan Barrett of Omaha is in
Chicago to serve as maid of honor
at the wedding of her cousin, Miss
Frances Salisbury, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. H. H. Salisbury, formerly
of Omaha, to Mr. Albert Philip Dip
pold. The ceremony will be performed
at St. Peter's Episcopal church. Eight
bridesmaids will be in attendance, and
Mrs. Ned Kessler of Minneapolis,
whow as formerly Miss Janie Salis
bury of Omaha, will be matron of
honor. A reception at the Sulisburv
home will follow the service.
Miss Barrett will visit in Chicago,
Evanston and Neosha until November.
Dinner at the Fontenelle.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Shirley entertained
at dinner Saturday evening at the
Hotel Fontenelle for Mrs. Shirley's
brother, Dr. Philan of Montreal, who
arrived last Wednesday to" spenfl
about ten days in Omaha. A center
piece of roses was used on the table.
Sunday evening for supper the Shir
leys were at the Field cub. Dr. and
Mrs. E. H. Barrett are planning to
give a dinner in Dr. Phelan's honor
on Thursday evening, and Saturday
evening Dr. and Mrs. I. C. Wood will
entertain at dinner at the Country
club as a compliment to Dr. Phelan.
The guests at dinner at the Fontenelle
Mr. and Mrs, John Mtthon.
Dr. Phelan.
Dre. and Meadamee
B. A. McDermott, Phelan.
I. C. Wood,
On the Calendar.
Miss Mary Leslie ia entertaining
tomorrow for some of the visiting
A picnic will be given Wednesday
for the college girls who are enjoying
a house party at the home of Miss
Florence Jenks.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Miss Ann Lidders of Davenport,
la., is visiting her sisto Mrs. E. E.
Closson. ,
Mr. C. C. Belden Iff4. f .'lew York
last evening and will . " " gistered at
the Claridge.
Mrs. W. F. Bavinger and daughter,
Kathryn, accompanied Mr'. Bavinger
home from California .today.
Mrs. Edward Black has returned
from a three weeks' visit with rela
tives and friends at Union Mills and
La Porte, Ind.
The Misses Florence and Jeannie
Dow left Wednesday evening to visit
in Sioux City and towns near by un
til the beginning of school.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert C. Fowler have
returned from a motor trip to Peoria,
Chicago, Milwaukee, Wis., and Apple
River. The trip required sixteen days.
City Dads Are Much
More Affable with
the Cool Weather
The faces of the city commissioners
were wreathed in smiles at the coun
cil meeting, which was a pleasing va
riant from the recent turbulent ses
sions. They called each other by
first names and otherwise seemed im
bued with the spirit of brotherly love.
"What are you so happy over?" was
asked of Commissioner Kugel, who
appeared as a male Niobe in shoes,
socks, shirt and tie of spotless white
and trousers of Palm Beach tint. He
said he was smiling because he was
thinking of the good time he had at
Lake Okoboji.
Commissioner Jardine said he was
smiling because on Monday he had
all the sweet corn he could eat. It is
said he ate fifteen ears.
Cooler weather has ironed out the
councilmanic ruffles.
Former Omaha Pastor to
Speak Mere Wednesday
Dr. A. W. Lamar of Atlanta. Ga
once pastor of the First Baptist
church of Omaha, is in the city, the
house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Rhoades. Dr, Lamar will speak at
the First Baptist church Wednesday
night, enroute to chautauaua.
A:!ialtum Surface to be
Laid Over Old Pavement
City paving Specifications have been
amended to permit the laying of a
surface of asphaltum. over old pave
ment in cases where such treatment
is feasible. The first' of the kind will
be Hamilton street, from Fortieth to
the Belt Line tracks.
Lnwli Whttehttd. chief clerk In the Bur
lington pat'ienfer office, hae loft (or Qrud
Island to represent the railroad on the
weiiterr. trip of the Nebraska Pruts associa
tion. C. L. Pattereon, special agent of the Union
Pacific atDenver, was In Omaha Monday
meeting rfd friends at the Union Pacific
headquarters. Mr. Patterson was formerly
In Oiru. ha as chief of the special agent de
partment. OTercomeg Constipation, Indigestion.
Dr, King's New Life PIHs will Overcome
your constipation, biliousness and Indiges
tion. Take a dose tonight. Only 26c. All
druggists. Advertisement.
A Single Application Will
Banish Objectionable Hairt
(Aids to Beauty.)
Her la a home treatment for removing
hairs that la quick, painless and Inexpensive:
With some powdered delatono and water
make enough paste to thickly cover the ob
jectionable hairs, apply and after t or I
minutes rub off, wash the skin and It will
be left soft, clean and hairless. This treat
ment will not mar the skin, but to avoid
disappointment, be careful to get real dela
tone. Advertisement.
Barbers are great foot sufferers, as a rule
On barber who has been for years a victim
of this trouble recently discovered a sim
ple way to relieve his foot aches, pains and
dlstomforts. He Is telling all his friends
and clients about It and there Is general re
joicing among those who formerly suffered
terribly from this trouble. This barber dis
covered a preparation called We-Ne-Ta In
the eorner drug store. He bought a IS-cent
package and taking It home, dropped two
tablets In a basin of hot water and bathed
his feet for a few minutes. To his delight
every ache and pain disappeared -and his
feet no longer trouble hlrn. Tou can do
the same. You can use Wa-Ne-Ta with de
lightful effect In your body bath. Leaves
.kin soft and antlseptlcally clean. If your
druggist hasn't Wa-Na-Ta. send us 10 cents
and we'll mall you a sample package pre
paid to your address. L. C. Landon, South
Bend, Ind,
Hibbler Defends Park
Against Hammond Protest
H. L. Hibbler, owner of Kibbler's
park, on west Leavenworth street,
against which a protest was filed with
the city council by T. Hammond,
comes forward with a defense of his
park, insisting it is conducted orderly
and only rented to societies and clubs
of good repute. Mr. Hibbler explains
lie rents the uark for dances and pic
nics and is always careful of the per
sons to whom he rents. No liquor
is sold on the grounds, he .says.
Omaha Horsemen Attend
Galecburg (III.) Meeting
Tom Dennison and Fred Myers,
Omaha horsemen, departed Monday
evening for Galesburg, HI., where the
former's well known pacer. Hal Mc
Kinney, starts in the opening of the
Great Western Circuit meeting in the
Union city.
- . Ark for and Get w
J6 hffRtdpeBookFrti
Store Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 5 P. M. Saturday Till 6 P. M.j
Burgess-Nash Company
Tuesday, Aufuit 8, 1916.
Phono Douglas 137.
Continuing for Wednesday- Remarkable Clearaway of
Imported China and Semi-Porcelain Ware
Prices Quoted Are Less Than Import Cost
AN accumulation of several thousand pieces of decorated import
ed china and English semi-porcelain dinner-ware, which, owing
to the European conditions the factories have discontinued making.
The assortments are somewhat broken, but perhaps
you can find the very pattern you have in your home
and it is a splendid opportunity to fill in the various
pieces you need at but a fraction of the usual price.
A partial list of the many money-saving items :
English Semi-Porcelain Ware
Assorted decorations, plain or fancy shapes., war $5.75, for $2.00.
Cass.rot.s, war $2.75, for $1.00.
Chop Platas, war $1.75, for 50c.
Sugar Bowls, wr 80c, for 60c.
Cramrt, wr 35c, for 10c.
10-Inch Dishas, war 60c, for 25c.
Haviland China
Pretty decorations, good shapes, gold handles.
Bakars. war 40c. for 20c.
Casa.rol.l, w.r. $15.00, for $6.00.
Tea Cups and Saucers, war $24,
for $12.00,
Coff Cups and Saucers, wr
$26.75, for $12.00.
Covered Dish, wr $15, for $6.
Cramrs, wr $3,50, for $2.00.
12-Inch Dishes, wr $1, for 35c.
7-Inch Plates, war 23e, for 10c.
Cups and Saucars, wr $2.85,
par doan, at $2.00.
Mt Dish.a, war $3.25, for $1.
Cak Plate, war $4.75, for $1.
Oatmul Dshs. war $13.65, for $6
Plat.s, war $22.50, for $12.00.
Bavarian or Austrian China
Bakers, war $1.00, for 35c.
Bowls, war 65c, for 25c.
Covered Butters, were $1.25, 50c.
Individual Butters, $1.50 for 60c.
Casseroles, wera $3.00, for 75c.
Tea Saucers, wer $2.28 for 60c.
Covrd Dishes, were $3, for 75c.
Creamers, wer 65c, for 25c.
Meal Dishes, war $1.25, for 35c.
Frull Saucars, war $3, for $1.20.
Plates, wr $3.00, for $1.20.
Gravy Dishas, war $1.88, for 60c
And so on throughout the ntir selection, which we have prepared for your selection on Monday.
Finished Scarfs
Wednesday. 19c Each
A SPLENDID assortment of
scarfs, in white and the fav
ored colon, daintily trimmed with
lace; all finished, ready for use;
specially priced Wednesday, at,
each, 19c
Crochet Cotton 3c
Odds and ends of crochet cot
ton in white, ecru and colors, in
one big clearaway lot Wednesday,
at 3c.
Floss, 12 Skeins 5c
The well known Princess em
broidery floss, in all the most
wanted colors. An exceptional
value Wednesday at 12 skeins, Sc.
Burfess-Naeh Co. Third Floor.
Pattern Cloths Reduced Wednesday
Made of fine bleached double satin damask, heavy
weight and handsome designs.
Napkins, 22x22-in. doz., $4.50 Size 2x2 12 yds., $4.00
Size 2x2 yards, $3.25. Size 2x3 yards, $4.75.
Linen Damask Napkins, $3.00
An odd lot of pure linen damask napkins, size 22x22
inches, good heavy weight, assorted patterns1; all very
desirable and special, at the dozen, $3.00.
Hand Embroidered Napkins, $4.00
Hand embroidered lunch napkins, size 13x13 inches,
scalloped with embroidered corners, assorted patterns.
$5.00 Satin Bed Spread, $3.95
Fine satin marsailles bed spreads, scalloped, with
cut corners, size 90x100 inches, handsome assorted pat
terns. An exceptional value at $3.95.
Burieaa-Naaa Co. Mara Fleer.
Co. Everybody's Store 16th and Harney.ssssaiiss
To Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo The
Diverging Points for Scores of Scenic Rail and
Auto Tours.
To Beautiful Estes Park, Rocky Mountain National
Park Includes Rail and Autos via Lyons and Love
land, also Side Tr'ps to Colorado Springs and Return
the Manltou and Pike's Peak Region.
Ideal Scenic and Recreative Tours at a Very Favorable Fare
Famous Number One, iun-parlor-observation-lounge-car daylight train; in Denver 9:15 p. m.
In Denver 7:20 a. m., Colorado Springs 10 :50 a. m., Estes Park at noon.
Denver sleepers ready at 10:00 p. m.; observation-lonnge-car train;
in Denver 2:30 p. m., Estes Park and Colorado Springs for supper.
"Estes Park," "Colorado Side Tonrs," "Soenio Tours from Denver."
CITY TICKET OFFICE, Farnam and 16th Streets.
Phones: D. 3580 and D. 1238. ' ' '
is y
We Please You or
Refund Your Money
Dr. McKenney Says:
"Unclean mouths and defective teeth are responsible for much disease and infection. For the sake of safety,
health and appearance, have your mouth and teeth put into perfect condition.1;
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Cold CrowB.i)') I
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Work, per tooth. ft
Hours I SiSO A.
M. I. P. M.
mn4 Saturdays
Till tiOO P. M.
' Nat Open
Phone Do(U 2872.
NOTICE Out-of-town patron an tt Plat.s, 'Crown, Bridget
and Filling Completed la On Dar. .
' Free ' -.
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No Stud. at.
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