I 4 V TAtl IXe1 li tL THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1916, DEMOS IN REVOLT AGAINST ART MULLEN Ware of Protest Against Ne ville for Allowing Commit teeman toDictate. BIO SPLIT IN THE PARTY (From a Stall Correspondent) Lincoln, Aug. 8. (Special.) Mul lenized' inoculation of the democratic party by 'the present national com mitteeman is bound to be a greater factor in the present campaign than the attempt of that party to convince the voters of the state that he so called policies of he Wilson admini stration have been of credit to the country. Faint rumblings of political thun der have from time to time been heard since the late lamented demo cratic state convention at Hastiings, but it was not until a few days ago that the flashes of lightning were bright enough to be observed by those of the faithful who were not on the inside had. .-.' , Workers Protest : The trouble all comes from a bunch of well-known democrats who have for years fought the battles of the party, both as officers and privates making a protest against the party being dominated by Arthur Mullen, national committeeman from Omaha. It is known that this bunch of democrats went to Mr. Neville, demo cratic candidate for governor and Mr. Hitchcock, democratic candidate for the United States senate, during the Hastings convention and protested against the party being run by Mr. Mullen. This same authority says, and it knows what it is talking about, that neither Mr. Neville nor Senator Hitchcock was at all pleased that they should be "called" for allowing Mr. Mullen to dictate the convention and control of the delegates simply , by a wave of his magic political wand. Neville Talks Back. ' Mr. Neville expressed himself in very strong terms, telling the delega tion that Mr. Mullen was a personal mend of his and by the Great Horn Spoon, no bunch of democrats could pick on his friends for him nor could they criticize his friends. His language was not only strong but so convincing .that the delegation withdrew in disorder and save a mild protest made no further attempt to prevent the , Mullenization of the democratic party. . J However, since Mr. Mullen recently inoculated the democratic state bank ing board with the deadly virus that lulls to sleep so that it only needs the soothing voice of the democratic ' prestidigitator to provide state guar- anty funds where before had been only an aching void, democrats have arisen to the occasion and an attempt will be made to wrest the ship of state from the guidance of the Omaha man, who with his hand upon the rudder appears to be steering ,' it straight toward the rocks. Svengali Mullen. s For years the democratic party in Nebraska was dominated by William Jennings Bryan. He was its god father, godmother and wet nurse, and outside of providing funds for the running of the state machine, was the .whole cheese and few there were until in late years who dared to opose him. With the downfall of the mighty Bryan and his disapeparance from the political stage, in walks the villain Mullen, and wtiile tne party naa Here tofore been controlled by the magic power of Bryan's oratory, now it is ruled by the magic wand of a hypno- - tic influence that controls tne situa- tion and even members of state boards fear that if they heed not the commands of the powerful leader, they may be put to sleep and wake up in political oblivion. ' Powerful influences are at work 'right here in Lincoln and among the men who are up in arms are those who have in the past fought for democratic power and never asked re ward for their efforts. It is not com posed of Bryan supporters. On the other hand, men who have fought Bryan in the past and fought him at the last election, are in the harness and propose to wrest the one man power from the party. Neville Displeases Many. The evident intention of Mr. Neville to stay by his friend Mullen ' and allow him to dictate the policy of the Neville campaign and if elected, dictate the policy of the administra tion, is not pleasing at all to demo- :. crats who say they are tired of the , one man power. Mr. Neville was discovered by Mr. Mullen after a combing of the state which would have done credit to Old " Man Diogenes when he started out to hunt the honest man, but Mr. Mullen took a trip to North Platte and Ne ville was discovered, surrounded by a good bank account which in a cam paign in Nebraska for the governor ship is a mighty important consider- ation. That the fight has been carried on secretly does not mean that it is well organized. In fact it is exceptionally well organized and the big issue of , the campaign from now on will be the effort to convince Candidate . Neville that he must throw his friend Mullen over the side of the political ship into the cold waters of oblivion or he can- .not retain the support of the men be , hind the movement. With the Bryan faction against him and the anti-Mul- len faction also, there is little hqpe that a democrat can be retained at the head of the state government. , Notes from Beatrice And Gage County ; Beatrice, Neb., Aug. 8. (Special.) tuc iaim uuugc ui ucorge cooper, , located about two miles south of the city, was destroyed by fire yestesday anernoon wun most or its eonirnti . The origin of the fire is a mystery. f The loss is placed at $6,000, partially Funeral services for the late H. H. Norcfoss was held yesterday after noon at 4 o'clock by Rev. B. F.! Gaither.' AH of the banks of the city closed during the funeral services A stranger succeeded in passing a number of worthless checks in the y city Saturday Hughes in His Opening Campaign Speech Arraigns Administration Detroit, Mich.Aug. 8. Before an immense crowd in Arcadia hall here last night, Charles . Hughes, the re publican nominee for the presidency delivered an address that was fre quently interrupted with loud ap plause. It was really the fir.st speech of the campaign and in part, le said: "You have here the problem of the sudden introduction of a large alien population. You did not remain in different. You set an example in Americanization .to all America; and we point to Detroit as the one place in this Ian where there has been shown a quickening of interest in the development and training and Ameri canizing of alien men and women who have come to this land. "It is perfectly idle to expect a sound sentiment of American unity if those who come among us as strangers, come merely to be ex ploited. v "When we admit to this country men and women we assume obliga tions with respect to their training, as well as grant to them the privileges; and we have got in this country to be awake to those obligations, and to realize that in every community there must be a well organized effort to make America supreme in the thought of every one who comes into the com munity; to have the language under stood and spoken; to have American sentiment replace foreign sentiment; to have American ideals replace for eign ideals; to have a realization that this is a country not simply giving an opportunity) vork for dollars, but a country that is devoted to the better ment of human life; to the enlighten ment of the standards of human thought; to the liberalization of all those things connected with human understanding and purpose; we want America first in the mind and heart of every one in this land. Home for the Average Man. "But America is not simply a land for the man of special talent, or of distinguished aptitude. This is the home of the average man, the ordi nary man who is doing his best, what ever, by talent or aptitude; and in our large industrial occupations where thousands are gathered together in one service, we want a recognition of human brotherhood in providing for the welfare of those who make the wealth of this great country. establishing the classified civil serv ice period. "It has been a raid upon the civil service of the United States, and the American people o 'ght to understand it. And we have had positions, ex pert positions, requiring expert knowl edge, which have been subordinated to the demands of wha 1 regard as an ignoble partisan expediency. An Example Cited. "Take, for example, the bureau of the census. There was Mr. Durand, an expert statistician, a very com petent man, well understood to be such. We have him retired and in his place we have a democratic poli tician from a southern state. And he is hardly warm in his place before he is transferred to the Trade com mission. - The Trade commission itself was fairlv emasculated bv the men. rfor the most part, whA were appointed to places upon it. "My friends, that sort of thing has got to stop in this country if we are going ahead to meet the demands that are immediaterytipon us. "We had in the coast I and geodetic survey an eminent scientist, a man who had won distinction in connection with his scientific work, a man of very eminent rank. He was displaced to make room for an excellent stock breeder and veterinary surgeon. "In the coast and geodetic survey we have had a very extraordinary con dition with regard to appointment to places. I mean places that were taken out of the civil service taws. I shall not go into the exact figures. In the year ending about April, 1916, there were taken out 104 that is ap pointments by executive action, re moved from the operation of the civil service laws to the number, I believe, of about 104. I believe that some twenty of those were made without seeking the adaice of the Civil Service commission. I believe that about twenty-two were made after seeking the advice and with the approval of the Civil Service commission, and I believe that sixty-two were made in opposition to the advice of the Civil Service commission. Proudest Thing to Be Said. "I used to think that if there was one thing which the American public was less interested in than anything else, it was the actual administration of their government. But I am be ginning to believe that with the ob- guarded from every injury that can be prevented. We want the health of the workingmen looked after; every means provided which conduces to the proper standpoint of living; every means provided for proper recreation; appropriate means for education, for vocational trainings. In short, the working man who is in his job and expects to continue in that job ought to feel that he is doing something worth while for a community that ap preciates it and gives him a fair chance to lead a happy and decent life. "We have got along in this country altogether too easily with our wealth of natural resources. Men have been content, living apart in their separate lives, to try to make something for their individual selves; but now we have reached a point where it is neces sary as it has been necessary abroad to try to reduce all waste, to try to prevent all unnecessary outlay and to try to make business successful ac cording to the merit of a well organ ized economically conducted business. Efficiency in Government. "I want efficiency in the government of the United States. If a manager was to be appointed in an automobile factory, would you appoint a man that never had seen an automobile? "If you want to run successfully a large business enterprise in produc tion would you appoint a man that never had seen the works and did not know anything about it simply be cause he voted the ticket that you vote? "My friends, the world that we are about to live in in the next twenty five years is going to be a very dif ferent world from what it has been. "Now, if you have a great admin istrator appointed to a position of ex traordinary power, how will you judge his efficiency in the conduct of the! enormous business interests with which he is entrusted? Judge him by his words? "I judge him by his appointments. "I want to state a few things that are not very pleasant things to state to an American audience, but this is a time when we are facing facts. We have said frequently that we de sired to cultivate the most friendly re lations with Latin-America. What have we done? In country after coun try we have taken out men who have given long periods successfully to the study of diplomacy and have repre sented the country with credit, and had acquired an admirable and im portant experience. We have taken them out and put in men utterly in experienced. I say it is inexcusable. Let me tell ybu this country will never be worthily represented or take its place properly among the nations if men are appbinted merely to sat isfy partisan obligations,, and there is no ideal of continuity of service in our diplomatic intercourse. Standards Being Made. "Past administrations, I grant you, had sinned in that particular, but standards were being made and there were men in our service of long ex perience and fine training. It was just as though you had taken the manager of an automobile factory that had gotten up to that place after many years of application, who thor oughly knew his job, and put him out and put in an inexperienced man sim ply as a matter of personal favor. "We have had a very serious dis regard of the spirit and requirements of our civil service law. In a demo cratic community the hardest thing in the world, in a sense, is to get a gen eral appreciation of the importance of having fit men attend to the busi ness of government. They under stand it in private business. But, be tween you and me, in public business anything goes. "The republican platform says that under the democratic administration there have been created since March 4, 1913, over 30,000 places, which have been taken outside of the angi nal appointments, in operation of the civil service laws. Read enactment after enactment providing, in sub stance, as follows: " 'That the agents, clerks and other persons to be appointed under this law shall not be appointed under the restrictions of an act passed ss and so, at such a time,' which means the art W, T,l1LTr h Jject lessons we have had abroad, and ..tATIwith the very definite appreciation of the crisis we are in, there is a dif ferent notion in this country about those things. I hold it is the most unworthy thing an administrator can do to take public business and pay po litical debts with it. ' "When I say I am an American citizen, I ought to say the proudest thing that any man can say in this world. "You cannot have that pride, you cannot have that love, if American citizenship is a cheap thing; if it is a dishonorable thing; if it is some thing which is not worthy of protec tion this wide world over. "There is no one who could suc cessfully present to an American community the platform that an American citizen's rights stopped with the coast line, and that the moment he left his shores he was a prey to any person that saw fit to murder or destroy him. If a man is an American citizen he goes with his rights and the right to the proper pro tection of his country under inter national law wherever he journeys throughout the world. Now that is what the democratic platform told us in so many words in 1912. They did not Stop with Americans. They did not stop with American citizens. They said 'American citizens and their property I' Deep Sense of Shame. r "We have, had an exhibition in the last three years which I confess fills me with a deep sense of shame. I would not counsel any action that was contrary to the dictates of those usages and customs and recognized rights and oblTgations which we com prise under the name of international law. It was our business to stand for all the rights of American citizens under international law to vindicate international law. "Tike Jor example the case of Mexico. We had certain things that We had a right to demand of Mexico and there was a proper way of de manding them. We should have said that we insisted upon the protection of the lives and property of Ameri cans, of just protection, such protec tion as we are entitled to from a gov-1 ernment that performs the functionsl of government. We could have said we would not recognize Huerta if his governmen did not discharge those functions. We had no business to recognize him unless the executive was satisfied he could discharge those functions. But it was another thing to take an attitude -quite apart from the protection of American rights and wage war upon an individual and try to take control of Mexican affairs in the interest of what we think they should be. ; Dealing With Huerta. "That was precisely what was done. We did not content ourselves with not recognizing Huerta. ; There il no question about recognizing or not recognizing Huerta. That was a mat ter to be determined according to porper principles, according to the un derstanding of the executive as to the capacity of that governmen), if it was a government, to furnish adequate protection and discharge international obligations. But our administration said to Huerta: "'You get out. You can't even be a candidate. We won't allow you to run for office. We are to determined to get rid of you that you can't put yourself up to be voted for. And im mediately after recognition was with drawn from Huerta it was extended to that incomparable, that ideal char acter, Villa. . "In my judgment the administration did a very wrong thing in abandon ing its proper international attitude and taking the attitude that no inters national lawyer could understand that no Mexican could understand. "Well, the Mexicans didn't under stand our attitude; there was a fight: nineteen Americans and a large num ber of Mexicans were killed. And they, the administration say, they kept us 'out of war.' That was war, and very ignoble war. "Having gotten rid of Huerta, what next did we do? We said 'let these Mexicans spill as much blood as tliey want to, that i- their blessed privi lege.'. So we cdquetted with Villa, we coquetted with Carranza, and we snowed our disposition to favor any bandit in the land. That Military Expedition. "I never heard of a more extraor dinary expedition than that punitive expedition we sent down there. Was it a military expedition or was it not? If it were not a military expedition, why send it? If a military expedition why ignore all the essential requisites of a properly managed military ex pedition? It went down between two lines of railroads; it could not use either. Our American troops went mile after mile for hundreds of miles into Mexico on a punitive expedition rieht between two lines of railway which, they could not touch. They could not go to a town. It was an absurdly arranged expedition. Of course it could not succeed. Of course we got into trouble and more blood was shed. "My friends, we have made people distike us because we did not have a straight and clear path. The path of international right is like the path that just shineth here more and more unto a perfect day.- "It does not make any difference who your opponent is. If you take a position that is right and he knows that it is right, you are going to estab lish the justice of your cause, And America with its power, never need be afraid of espousing a just cause. ' "Let the Mexicans understand once for all that we do not intend to med dle with their affairs,' that we desire that they shall perform their obliga tions to us, to protect our citizens, protect thcai justly in the enjoyment of their lives and their property; that they will perform the guarantees that they have given us and then we shall have peace and happiness. "If they can establish a stable gov ernment, we will do all that we can to support it. Talk about policy, what is the president's policy? Does any one know? Has the executive ever had a policy for metre than six months in the Mexican question? I repeat who knows today what the policy of the administration will be three months from now? The trouble is that this administration has written a record that no matter what it says you don't know whether it will respect it. You cannot make much progress along that line? Protection to Americans. ' "Now then we want in the first place to have our record perfectly clear, is that we are going to insist that Mexico shall treat our citizens properly; and we are going to insist in a way that will make them respect it because we are not going to say we are not entitled to it, but we are go ing to see that this is done which we are- entitled to have done. We are gome to have that platform understood;-protection to American citi zens, protection to the property of American citizens, protection to our border from invasions, the rights that we have as one nation relatively to another nation at -our doors. ' "We. are going to insist that those obligations be performed which - we as the United States are going to have performed; .that we do pot propose any meddlesome policy; that we do not propose, while we wish well for every one in Mexico to do anything that is contrary to their wishes, if they do what we are entitled to have done. Put that clearly before them, insist upon that, and we will make some progress toward having it done at the earliest opportunity and out policy should be to see that it is done and that promptly. "There is not a particle of militar ism, in my composition, but there is a sturdy determination if I am put in a place of executive responsibility, representing all the, American people to see to it and that is my purpose that . American's rights are safe guarded, and that America's name in administration, in policy, and in execution is honored throughout the world." -v ' ' - Boone County Citizens Protest Valuation . ' (From a Staff Correspondent.) - Lincoln, Aug. 8. (Special.) Dele gations from the different counties are still holding forth with the State Board of Assessment in an effort to convince the board that their respec tive counties should not be raised. One of the largest delegations which have appeared before the board since its present sitting was from Boone county today. The delegation consisted of County Commissioners Mike Cavey, A. J. Tisthammer and Henry Smith, County Clerk J. H. Mc Clintick and ; County Attorney Donnahue. 'They were ushered into the presence of the August board by L. G. Brian, former state treasurer and resident of Boone i county, where he still owns many valuable acres. In speaking for the delegation Mr. Brian objected to the raise of 5 per cent contemplated by the board this year. The last time the county had been raised 10 per cent and this year the county assessor had made a good raise on real estate valuations and he voiced the sentiments of the board when he said that it was crowding things too hard as compared with other counties nearby. Freight Train Sets Fire To House Near Milldalc Callaway, Neb., Aug. 8.-t-(SpeciaU On Saturday evening the west bound freight train set fire to the house occupied by the William Al berts family, near Milldale, some ten miles northwest of here, and the build ing and contents were a total Ion Mr. and Mrs. Alberts were in Cal laway ar the time, and while severan automobile loads ot people went out as fast as they could, the buildings and contents were in ashes upon the arrival of the - automobiles. The building belonged to Herman, Wede king, a wealthy farmer of that locality, and there was no insurance on cither the dwelling or the household goods. However, it was thought that the rail road company will be held responsible for the loss. : . Notes From York. . ' 1 York, Neb., Aug. 8. (Specials Harold, son qf L. F. Ruppel, sus tained a serious scalp wound today when a pop bottle which was. being filled on the machine with a pres sure of 60 pounds exploded ,and a Eiece of the glass struck him in the d.' " " ". Mrs. James B. Christ, who was one of fifteen or twenty, -who went to the Blue river for an outing Sunday, fell from a hammock and fractured her collar bone. Herald Grosshans sustained a deep scalp wound when he attempted to dive into the Y. M. C. A. pool, where' the water was shallow. Hazel - Smith, datlghter of John Muir of this city, did at her home in Bassett, Neb.: Sunday. She was 24 years old. The body was interred in Greenwood cemetery this afternoon. Philippine Bill Reported. Washington, Aue;. I. The Philippine fov-' ernment exteneton bill, ahnrn of the Clarke amendment whli-h would have provided for the freedom of the lilanda within four years, was reported . to the . senate from oonference today. Another Man Killed By Train at Sewa.rd Sewardi Neb., Aug. 8.- (Special Telegram.) An unidentified :nan was killed by a Ilurlington train here some time during the night. One arm and one leg were cut off and the body war- otherwise badly mangled. An envelope bearing the address, 411 South K street and a kodak picture on the back of which are the jvords. "A late snap shot." and another pic ture on which is a name that seems to be "Andy Morrles" are the only clews. Tin niHn was about live feet tour inches high aud weighed about tOO pounds. Auto and Hogs Collic'e. Bradshaw, Neb.'. Aug 8. (Special.) A car driven' hy Earl Yeates ran into a herd of hogs being driven to Bradshaw ' to be shipped by Mr dross, who is operating the Doran " farm, north of town. Seven fat hogs were killed and the car was badly damaged. Only a short time after this the same herd was run into by a car driven by Lee McCarthy, and two more porkers came to an un timely death. . ' Body of Missing York , Man is Reported Found V.rt- V.K .r ft f Sne-ial 1 A decomposed body was found in the Yellowstone river, which is believed to he the body of John Afflerbach, who disaDneared last April from his home at Grass Range. 'Mont, in com- Rany of Harry Randolph, whom he ' ad under arrest on charge of stealing an automobile in this city and driv ing it to Montana. The body was found 200 miles from the place where Afflerbach was last seen alive. ... This 4-Ounce Tin . Holds a soluble powder -for making about 50 cups of a delicious beverage that is fast taking the place of coffee in thousands of homes "There's a Reason" Postum, made of wheat, roasted with a bit i of wholesome molasses, is a" pure food-drink, brimful of the goodness of the grain, and en tirely free from the troubles that often attend coffee drinking. If coffee don't agree, use POSTUM It comes in two forms: The original Postum Cereal, which has to be boiled; and Instant Postum soluble made in the cup instantly. Made right, both are equally delightful, and the cost per cup is about the same. , ' ""'', Grocers everywhere sell POSTUM "He Who 1; it Hesitates Is Lost" If you are a business man, you know that there are certain times When you can buy merchandise most advantageously, and when . . -,. the right moment arrives, "He ' who hesitates is lost." It is the same way in the clothing busi ness. The time has now arrived when we can sell you for " $10 A suit of clothes that your own unbiased judgment would readily ' ,.' declare to be in many instances . worth $25.00 or more. They say "Opportunity comes- to every one." : we say "This Is Your Opportunity." . - 1 Palm Beach suits; values to $8.50, at $3.50 .; Crash suits, values to $5.00, at $2.50 Ride Up On the Escalater Soot hives ' an d Palliatives ni Drugs and Toilet Needs turns or Summer Discomforts HINTS FROM THE DRUG STORES these torrid days . may be to you . "the stitch that will save nine." A severe case of sunburn often developes into something more serious, but if the proper lotions and soothives -are applied, the fire is' gone and all is well. BE COMFORTABLE ON THE HOTTEST DAYS, v Hind'a Honey Almond Croam. 60c sine 29. Honojrauckla Croam, bottle 19r Java Rico Powder, the box 24 Croam Elcajra, 60c jar. -39 Cucumber ' Croam,' ' 60c size, Wednesday -for ...... .29 Maloroio Faco Powdor, 50c aiie t ,.29 Madam Ita'boll't Skin Food, 60e - aite for . . ; v v. . . , . . . 29 Aukry SiaUra' Rouoo, box. 35 Witch Haul, .full pint bottl : for .'.:.., -.v,,-. . i . vl9 Cutea Manicuro Outfits cora- Pletc for 256 oroxida of Hjrdrofca, l ib. bot tle for ....4.,.......24 Traveling Catu, rubber lined, ' t n.49- Williams' Shaying Soan, 2 bart for ..5 Manncn'a Shaving , Croam, 25c tube for 16 Cillatto Raaor 'Bladoa, $1.00 package f or i 75 Com Safety Raaora, $1.00 kind J for; ..,........s,.-...75 I A Big Aaaortment of Bathing Caps ' i Main Floor,' : Mi - '..V- ' ... Vc-HftRN Saturday In This Great Basement ;; Men's, Women's and Children's . Footwear ' WATCH FOR DETAILED AN NOUNCEMENT IN WEDNES DAY NIGHT'S papers:. -f ' Baioment. Our Annual August " Sale of, i Shoes and Slippers. Begins on Thursday and ' Continues for Three Days Thursday aim ) Second Week August C 1 ear ing Sale Furniture, Stoves and les At the CENTRAL Every sales floor is filled to capacity with splen did iteirjs of exceptional value; pieces that are close out patterns, and that we have reduced from 20 to 50 frbm our usual low price.; - You should buy now what you need in a single item, to add to the convenience or beauty of your house, or an entire home outfit, and we wil deliver later if desired. 1 v . 1 . Our location, Out of the High Rent District, bur Low Operating Expense and Enormous Pur chasing Power have always permitted us to make low prices, but this sale means a greater saving to you. ' ,-''-;;'.-" ' ,y'''S ...,. Our Guarantee of Satisfaction on every article sold during this Sale, and as usual you make your own terms. - vv. !' .'; i'f.'i-' r lll"yVfj I Seventeenth and u a Howard Streets