Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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President of Master Bakers
. Says Cost of Production is
, Increasing.
Salt Lake City, Utah. Aug. 8.
"Housewives will have to pay more
for bread in the near future." So de
clared Jay Burns, president of the Na
tional Assocaition of Master Bakers,
in his annual address delivered before
their convention here today.
Industrial preparedness, first for in
dividual efficiency, and second, for in
dustrial efficiency, were advocated by
Mr. Burns, who made this last include
organized co-operation in scientific
knowledge of methods and processes.
That, the value of bakery products
in the United States jumped from
$176,000,000 in 1900 to $600,000,000 in
1915; that the number of bakeries had
increased 61 per cent in that period;
that the value of their products 127
per cent; capital invested 160 per cent,
while the population served increased
only 20 per cent, were some of the
things pointed out by the speaker,
who predicted the annual baking out
put of the United States would ap
proximate $1,000,000,000.
Foot Ball of Politicians.
"The baker has too long been the
foot ball of unscrupulous and igno
rant politicians and the stalking horse
for the food faddists," said Mr. Burns,
in asking for co-operation. "We need
to co-operate for betterment, for im
provement in the quality of product"
In explaining the reasons for the
rtiiyr, n nf hrarl Mr. Burfll Said:
"While it is true that much of the
machinery now used has reduced ma
terially the aniount of hand labor em
ployed, it is equally true that upkeep
and depreciation on machinery, short
er hours, higher wages, better facili
ties, which bakers have adopted, have
absorbed nearly or quite all of the
saving, so that the cost, exclusive of
material, of producing 1,000 loaves of
bread, notwithstanding all our new
machinery, is much greater today
than it was ten or twenty years ago.
- . . Raw Material! Higher.
He gave statistics showing the va
rious increases in the raw materials
used in producing bread since 1914
and said that during all this time there
has been an advance in the price of
bread to the consumer of from 15 to
25 per cent He advised his hearers
not to be afraid to face the rise, and
lose customers, because, he said, the
cost' of producing home bread was
much greater than that of commercial
made bread,
"We need to cultivate the friendli
ness of the press," he said in conclu
sion, "and we need this powerful, nation-wide
influence to aid in the solu
tion of many of our problems. The
industry should maintain a publicity
bureau, fully equipped to handle pub
licity (or the industry, and inform the
public what the bakers are doing to
better conditions of labor, to improve
the surroundings for labor, to shorten
hours, to increase the hours of day
light service and decrease the hours
of night service and take the public
into our confidenee regarding the cost
of producing a loaf of bread."
Five-Cent Loaf Wasteful.
A 5-cent loaf of bread is an econo
mic waste, in the opinion of C N.
Power of Pueblo, Colo., who today
addressed the convention here of the
Master Bakers of the United States.
He discussed the "Ten-Cent Loaf
and Why."
Efficiency, declared Mr. Power, de
manded the baking of ten-cent loaves
of bread rather than the S-cent size.
He estimated the cost of baking 1.000
loaves of bread at S cents a loaf at
$3.55 more than the cost of baking
(he same flour . into 500 10-eent
The extra cost he Itemized as fol
lows; ...
"Additional material. 12 cents: ad
ditional nonproductive labor, 15
cents; additional cost of wrapping, 30
cents; additional cost of wrapping
paper, maintenance, aeprecuv
tinn and interest on additional ma
chinery, 40 cents; additional number
of 'burns and cripples," (spoiled
loaves, 3 cents; added selling expense,
SI. 30. v -
Ice Shipper Unable
To Get Enough Cars
-1 - i --
(From a 8U.1T Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Aug. 8. (Special.) The
car shortage in Nebraska is not wholly
commed to the shipping ot grain, to
dav a comolaint came from an ice
merchant at Blue Springs that he was
unable to get cars to ahip ice over
the Union Pacific to Kansas uty.
He asserted that he had orders
enough in to take his whole supply,
but he could not get the cara. Re
frigerator cars, he said, were all out on
the coast being used in bringing fruit
to this part of the country and the
east. He could get along with com
. mon box cars if he could get them,
out me company was unaoie 10 mr
nish them and it was causing him a
big loss.
For Baewnatteae sad Neurala-le.
Mo bettor romeaj for rhonmatiem and
t neuralgia thin f loan's Liniment Tho (trot
'' application llvon relief. ' Only SSo. All
. dnigtlpts. Advortleamont.
Washington, Aug. 7. News that
Amabssador Page has started from
London on his way to this country
and that he carries important docu
ments and will confer with Presi
dent Wilson and Secretary Lansing,
has served to revive reports that the
president may make a move for peace
before many weeks.
While officials here do not conhrm
the rumors that Page is coming here
in large part to talk over with the presi
dent the situation as to a possible
ending of the war, or at least the
practicability of offering to mediate
without stirring up resentment among
the allies, it is the general belief
here that this matter will be the
chief theme of consideration. Mr.
Fist, it is said, will also talk over
the blacklist. However, there seems
nothing in the blacklist situation
which cannot be handled in the usual
diplomatic way.
The belief has orevailed here for
some time that President Wilson
would make a peace move late this
summer or in the fall. It has come
from high administration quarters
that the president would make such
a move the instant he believed there
was anv hope of success. It is un
derstood, the president has been
waicning ine military operation on
the west tront narrowly, realizing
that these might take a turn which
would make feasible a peace move.
Such a turn would be either clean-
Noo More Mileage Books
For the Oil Inspectors
' (Prom a Staff Corroopoodont)
Lincoln, Aug. 8. (Special.) -Commissioner
Harman of the oil, food and
dairy department of the state has is
sued an order forbidding the use of
mileage books by any member of his
department in .inspection work. In
the future inspectors will Day cash for
car fare and take a receipt therefor
ana enclose same in tnctr expense ac
counts. ..
An Yon Looking Old?
Old ace comes Quick enouch with'
out inviting it. Some look old at 40.
That is because they neglect the liver
1 and bowels. Keep your bowels regu
lar and your liver healthy and you
will not only feel younger, but look
i younger. When troubled with con
stipation or billiousness take Cham
berlain a Tablets. They are intended
especially for these ailments and are
excellent . Easy to " take and most
agreeable in effect- Obtainable tv-
cryweerc. Aavcriiaczncni.
Ambassador Page Coming to Talk Peace
Farm Loan Commissioner Says
No Previous Opinions Were
Formed on Location.
(Prom t Butt Correepondent.)
Washington, Aug. 8. (Special Tel
egram.) Mayor Dahlman of Omaha
advised Congressman Lobeck today
from New York that he would reach
Washington on Thursday accom
panied by George Bandeis. Mr.
Lobeck got busy and after a confer
ence with Secretary McAdoo an
nounced that the secretary had agreed
to arrange for a meeting ot the tarm
loan board to hear Mayor Dahlman
and Mr. Brandeis on behalf of Omaha
as one of the farm loan centers.
In this connection Farm Loan
Commissioner Norris of Pennsylvania
designated aa such by the president
yesterday, said to The Bee corre
spondent this morning that his mind
waa an open one with reference to the
location of the twelve farm loan
banks; that he would visit the cities
desiring these bank locations wholly
with a view of acquainting himself
with their geography and their advan
tages tor such location ana that nec
essarily Omaha would be given con
sideration together with other active
candidates. It was Mr. Norris' idea
that these banks should be located as
near as possible in the centers of the
district which the board is empow
ered to create.
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Bigger and
Mist Glennon of Omaha are in Wash
ington on their way to New oYrk.
Starts Weat Soon.
Tentative plans of the Farm Loan
board for holding hearings through
out the country to secure information
on now to divide the United states
into twelve land bank districts and
locate in each a federal land bank.
were made today at a two-hour ses
sion of the board. They provide for
a first hearing in New England, prob-
aoiy at rortiana, Me., August a.
From New England the board will go
west over a northern route and down
the Pacific coast through California.
The trip east will be made through
the central section ot the countrv.
The board will spend several weeka
in Washington after this trip is con
cluded ana may hold hearings here,
then to listen to the views of farmers
from Maryland, Virginia, Delaware,
Pennsylvania and nearby slates. A
second trip to cover the south will
be undertaken in the fall and the
board will return to Washington to
make its decision.
Morehead Objects
To Stone or Brick
Road Standard
Lincoln, Neb.. Aug. 8. At the in
stance of Governor Morehead, George
r. Johnson, state engineer of Ne
braska, will carry to the national high
way engineers' meeting at Washing
ton August 16, the state's protest
against any standard of road making
being adopted which Nebraska cannot
meet Intimations . have come that
eastern states, in advocating regula
tion governing the distribution of
federal aid in highway building, insist
on a standard, probably stone or brick,
that will make it almost impossible
for such states as Nebraska to meet.
This state, it is said, has abundant
good roads material in the way of
Brave! and clay, but could not well
adopt such a standard a atone or
Britlak Einorte mum.
London. Aun. S. Tho board or trado re
port for July ohowo (hat imporlo ra
croaaod tl, 419,101. and esporta Incroaood
lll.ottl, 141. Tho principal Inoroaooo In os
porti woro 11.710,000 In oottonl 11.140,01)0
In wool and il. 411.000 In Iron and .tool.
iiaX rvvr
cut victory by one side or the other
or development of a stalemate.
Ambassador Page's visit here will
be watched with exceptional interest.
Nebraska Congressman's Talk
Upon Ericsson May Become
Public Document.
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, Aug. 8. (Special Tele
gram.) A rare and very unusual
thing in the house occurred yester
day when Representative Tavenner of
Illinois, talking upon the bill to ap
propriate $30,000 for the erection of
a statute to John Ericsson, the father
of the Monitor and numberless other
important inventions, asked leave to
insert as part of his remarks extracts
from the speech that Congressman
Sloan of Nebraska made on the same
subject on Saturday last. Mr. Trav
enner, a rock-ribbed democrat, said of
Mr. Sloan's speech: "It is a literary
?;em. It contains more interesting in
ormation about John Ericsson than
can be found in any school book or
history that has ever come to my at
tention. It should be published as a
government document and sent out
to the public schools everywhere. I
happen to be one of the members of
the committee on printing and if a
resolution is introduced to make this
speech a house document, I will, as
one member of the committee, vote
to report it favorably."
Tribute Unusual.
In many ways this tribute to a
member of opposite political faith,
coming within forty-eight hours from
the time of its delivery, is unparal
leled and shows what research and
intimate knowledge of the subject
will accomplish for the careful
searcher after the unusual.
(Continued Prom Pag One.)
War Summary
hurt, la north True, the op pool n
annloo or eatntei la a! Moot eontlaneoo
nshttaf. The ad ran toco at Vordan man
for tno turn Mb no wlta tho Ger
mane, while alon tho town the enten-
EAST OF TBONES wood the tarsal or tho
Brltlok anrrlad their limes forward at
oaone eleeeo eerie tho alibi. Nearer the
Ivor French troopo repelled two attempt
07 tho Germane to rooaatoro trenches
wktok the French took raeteraar.
eleaaT tho liiooi. what) Oertael k their
Moettva, to Qfaollo riooeH atteaUoa
to thl SoM at war. Samel lines of
eertreewluneeto war carried If the Ital
ians I thetr UIHa! aaaaalta, which alee
partly reeoTered, . Latent - reports free
Bom arailt iitm in! Oadoitaa troopo
the Rapture of a number of additional
eeelUone. '
them and today the hospital and its
equipment are in first class condition.
The Red Cross society, with whom the
bishop conferred upon his arrival, has
provided the boys with all the necessi
ties while confined in the hospital.
Only about twenty Nebraska boys
have been so ill as to make it neces
sary to send them to the bace hospital
at ban Antonio. I he bishop compli
mented Dr. Bunt of Fairfield, Fifth
regimental surgeon, on his work in
the field hospital.
Y. M. C. A. Help Morals.
The national organization of the
Young Men's Christian Association
has erected three buildings at the
camp for the use of the boys. They
are of immense value to the soldiers,
stated the bishop. In these buildings
the boys have a place where they
can write letters, read and rest while
off duty. They keep them out of
mischief and have done much to raise
the morals of the camp, declared Bish
op Beecher.
lhere were seven chaplains with
the 12,000 men encamped at Llano
Grande. Three of these were Metho
dist ministers, there were Episcopal
and one a Congregationlist. One of
the chaplains, Rev Mr. Clemmons,
had been with the First Minnesota
for 33 years. He had been a chaplain
for 20 years and has a rank of major.
On account of the extreme heat
the bishop held his Snuday morning
services at 7:W o clock, inese ser
vices were conducted for the Fourth
and Fifth regiments, the former hav
ing no chaplain. . Sunday evenings the
seven chaplains joined for the ser
vice and then followed an address
by one of the chaplains. Between
1,000 and 2,500 men attended these
Wat Mall Supervisor.
Soon after the bishop- arrival at
camp he was appointed supervisor of
mail., ine boys were not receiving
their: mail regularly and in some
cases not at all. To bring order out
of chaos was the bishop- job. The
department it now running (moothly
and with very little trouble. Besides
this duty Bisho- Beecher visited the
hospital daily, taking the names and
addresses of every sick man. and was
also in and out of the various com
pany quarters.-
Drue SUxr aJwaja
nertasaa strcneth 4
down ptxtpla S0 par
eBt to ten tUjrt in
many tnitancM. tlto
forfeit if tt fails a per
full fupUtiaUoB In larga
arttela soon to appwr
in in ia mpr.
Auk your doctor
Shtrman ft MeCotuwU
Fifty-Three Children Die at
New York and 183 New
Cases Axe Reported.
New York, Aug. 8. The Intense
heat and humidity which has gripped
New York is coincident with another
big increase In the epidemic of infan
tile paralysis. Only once since the
plague got its start about six weeks
ago were there more cases than re
ported in today's health department
bulletin. During the twenty-four-hour
period ending at 10 a. m., fifty
three children died of the disease in
the greater city and 183 new cases
were reported.
There were twenty-eight deaths and
eighty-nine cases in the borough of
Brooklyn, while in Manhattan a
marked increase in both fatalities and
new cases was shown, fifteen children
dying, and fifty-four, a record num
ber, being stricken.
Since the epidemic began on June
26 there have been 5,347 cases and
1,196 deaths.
Twelve Offers of Serum.
Twelve persons who have recov
ered from attacks of infantile paraly
sis have volunteered to give quantities
of their blood to be used in the prepa
ration of serum for the treatment of
the disease as the result of an appeal
for volunteers in fighting the epi
demic. Sufficient blood was taken
from two of the volunteers to treat
nine cases.
The health commissioner again ap
pealed to physicians and laymen to
co-operate in causing the collection of
as much of the serum as possible. Dr.
Haven Emerson, the commissioner,
said that forty patients l ave been
treated with the serum from immune
subjects and the results have been so
satisfactory that he would continue.
He declared that the physicians are
not yet in a position to say the serum
has proved its curative quality, but
its use has been such as to justify a
careful trial.
Children of Wealthy Stricken.
The Dread of the eDidemic among
the homes of the wealthy New York
men in the suburban districts of Long
Island is one of its latest develop
ments. Three children ot one man
having a summer home in the Saga
more Hill section of Oyster Bay have
the disease, which also has appeared
In thi. Meadow Brook Hunt colony
at Westbury, Long Island. One wo
man, 42 years old, is now numDerea
among the victims.
Federal Government Will Help.
Washino-ton. Aug. 8. An act ap
propriating $85,000 for the use of the
public health service in preventing the
spread of disease and $50,000 for ad
ditional assistant surgeons, was signed
today by President Wilson. The
money is available immediately ano
will be used in the campaign to check
the infantile paralysis epidemic.
Bay State Guards
Fire on Cactus
El Paso. Tex.. Aua 8. Investiga
tion today of the shooting reported
last night by American outposts sta
tioned along the border on the out
ikiru of El Paso disclosed that two
private of Company K, Eighth Massa-
cnuseiis mianiry, nu incu uyuu a
cactus plant. The guardsmen con
tended, however, that tney naa urea
upon smugglers.
General George Bell, jr., command
ing the El Paso military district, an
nounced that investigation developed
nothing to substantiate a report of a
Mexican woman that two American
soldiers crossed into Mexican terri
tory near the point of shooting and
had not returned.
Andres Garcia, Mexican consul to
El Paso, announced that government
troops had captured a Villa adher
ent near Minaca, Chihuahua, who was
implicated in the massacre of seven
teen Americans at Santa Ysabel last
January. The bandit is being taken
to Chihuahua City.
State Normal Board Holds
Meeting at Capital City
(From a Staff Correspondent)
Lincoln, Aug. 8 I'Sneeial.' The
State NormaT board had a session to
day, but up to noon, according to T.
J. Majors, all transactions had been
on top of the table.
Letting of bids for coal and few
minor matters engaged the attention
of the board, although the secret
chamber was utilized just before
Gompers Asserts Organizations
Asking Eight-Hour Day
Have His Support.
Washington, Aug. 8. At the sug
gestion of President Wilson, Judge
Chambers and G. W. W. Hangar of
United States Board of Mediation
and Conciliation, left Washington
tonight for New York to be on the
ground tomorrow when the represen
tatives of the 400,000 railway men
threatening a strike, confer with the
representatives of the carriers. Mar
tin A. Knapp, the third member of the
board, now in Connecticut, also is ex
pected to reach New York tomorrow.
Under the law the board is not au
thorized to offer its services until
asked to intervene by the interested
parties, or until a tie-up is imminent;
but in view of the magnitude of the
threatened trouble it was said tonight
that an otter to mediate might be
made, should the employers and the
men fail to S'f- together tomorrow.
Support of Federation.
That the American Federation of
Labor stands squarely behind the
men in their demands for an eight
hour day was made plain in a letter
addressed to officials of the unions in
volved by President Gompers, and
made public heretonight. The com
munication was sent on behalf of the
executive council to the secretaries of
the Order of Railroad Conductors,
and the Brotherhood of Railway
Trainmen and Locomotive Firemen
and Engineers. In it Mr. Gomper
"It is our most earnest hope that
the railroad companies may be in
duced to take a broad-minded and
humanitarian view of your demand.
When the railway companies under
stand the full meaning of the eight
hour day and realize the advantages,
moral and social, that will inevitably
result from its adoption, they cannot
refuse to concede for the worker the
boon of an eight-hour dayand con
cede without imposing upon the work
er the necessity ot cessation oi woric
in order to establish your demand.
"Regardless of whether your pur
pose is secured by the voluntary
agreement of the railway companies,
or whether it is necessary for the
railway men to strike to obtain this
just and necessary protection, the
American Federation of Labor
pledges to the brotherhood its sup
port and sympathy in the effort to
accomplish that which is fundamental
of the railway men."
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
Cocoanut Oil Makes
A Splendid Shampoo
If you want to keep your hair in
good condition, be careful what you
wash it with.
Most soaps and prepared shampoos
contain too much alkali. This dries
the scalp, makes the hair brittle and
is very harmful. Just plain mulsified
cocoanut oil (which is pure and en
tirely greaseless) is much better than
the most expensive soap or anything
else yoa can use for shampooing, as
this can't possibly injure the hair.
Simply moisten your hair with
water and rub it in. One or two tea
spoonfls will make an abundance of
rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the
hair and scalp thoroughly. The lath
er rinses out easily and removes ev
ery particle of dust, dirt, dandruff
and excessive oil. The hair dries
quickly and evenly and it leaves it
fine and silky, bright, fluffy and easy
to manage.
Tou can fst mnlstrled cocoanut oil nt
moot anr drut stora. It is very cheap, and
a tew ounces Is enough to last every family
for months. Advertisement.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Onepackaga
proves it 25c at all druggists.
Any Watch Repaired $1
or Cleaned for ... .
306 Navttlt Bldf. Third Flor.
10th and Herniary.
Butchers and Grocers Close Stores
All Grocery Stores and Meat Market are requested
to close in the afternoon, Thursday. August 10, and join
in the drive over Boulevards and Parks with Convention
Delegates and visitors.
The Grocers' Association
Drive leaves Rome Hotel at 2 p. m.
Man Held On Charge
Of Eeckless Driving
Beatrice, Neb., Aug. 8. (Special
Telegram.) Glen McGullen was ar
rested last night at the home of his
sister near Crab Orchard on the
charge of malicious and careless driv
ing. It is alleged that he is to blame
for the automobile accident east of
here last Wednesday, in which five
people were more or less seriously in
jured. He was locked in jail.
Safe in Postoff ice
At Bradshaw Robbe
Bradshaw, Neb, Aug. 8. (Special
Telegram.) The safe in the Brad
shaw postoffice was blown open last
night by yeggmtn who carried away
about $100 worth of stamps and about
$4 in change. The damage to the safe
is the largest item in the losses. There
is no clew to the identity of the
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
"foe Faskion Gnferofllie Middle Wesl
Established 1886.
Cool Hot Weather Clothes
for Very Little Prices,
Values that have made this down
stairs section one of constantly in
creasing popularity. ALL AT A
Breakfast sets, 79c.
Summer Dresses,
$1.00 up to $4.95.
Wash Waists, 79c
and 95c; worth more.
Wash skirt prices
are exceptionally low.
Down a few steps to better valuespays
A Steinway Opportunity
. , . , , i .-I.
UWlllg to xne increase m uie
cost of Labor and Material,
Messrs. Steinway & Sons are
constrained to announce a
change in the prices of Stein
way Grands and Uprights.
In order to protect the in
terest of our patrons .to the
greatest extent possible we
placed a large order for
Steinway Pianos and are in
a position to make immedi
ate deliveries.
Advance September 1st
Small monthly payments may be arranged if yon so
desire. A small deposit will secure your Steinway for
future delivery.
Store Close During August 5 P. M.
Excepting Saturdays, 6 P. M.
Schmoller& Mueller Piano Co.
1311-13 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb.
Exclusive Steinway Representatives for
Nebraska and Western Iowa.
We Are "Growing With Growing Omaha'
wholesome rfllres
biscuits and pastry, use
Alwayssafeand reliable. If it
isn 't all we claim your grocer
will refund your money.
Now Is the Time
To Save 10 to 50
by taking advantage of
The Beaton & Laier
Expansion Sale
which gives you your choice from
Six Mammoth Sales Floors
of Dependable, Up-to-Date
I Furniture, Carpets, Rugs,
Draperies, Stoves, Etc.
at Discounts
Ranging from 10 to i
Open a Charge Account, and Welcome ! ELOd
The Wonderful BeneflU of Oar
Sulphur Bath and Chiropractic Treatment
for rheumatism and nervoaa dieeaeee of rarloni nature are
a revelation to all who doto tried them.
Fluent bath parlora In tho olty. Abeohrtely eanlUrr and
eooL Lateat, up-to-date equipment.
Lady Attendant for Ladies.
Hour.: 9 A. M. to 6 P. M.
Rooms 3 to 9, Ottawa Bid.
loath veet Corner Mtk and Faraam (Entrance eel MeaJ
Phase Douflaa 7298. CHIROPRACTOR.