Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1916, Image 1

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    . E
Use the telephone for
Bee Want Ads. Tyler 1000
Seven trunk lines.
Intelligent ad-takers.
One cent per word.
The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. XL VI NO. 47.
On Tnlnt. l HotfU.
New Stand, tc., Ae.
Republican Nominee for Presi
dency Meets Political Lead
ers and Then Holds a
Publio Reception.
After Luncheon Automobile
Ride Is Taken Through
the Parks.
CV J - eir ' A tiff. 8. Charles E.
Hughe, here on the second day of
his trans-continental trip, rested to
day from the activities of yesterday in
Detroit, and devoted several hours to
preparing the speech he will deliver
tonight in the Coliseum.
Mr. Hughes saw Chairman Willcox
of the national committee, Mayor
Thompson and other political leaders,
paid a visit to the western headquar
ters and held a public reception. He
shook hands with a long line of call
ers. After luncheon he went for an
automobile ride through the park and
boulevard system. , '
During the one hour reception Mr.
Hughes shook hands with approxi
mately 3,000 persons. ,
The reception closed with Mr.
Hughes shaking the hands of a hun
dred or more policemen who formed
his escort during his trips through the
crowded loop district.
The nominee's throat gave him a
little trouble last night, but he ap
peared rested and in good voice today.
j vc0 i4torha will nine at o
o'clock at the Blackstone hotel, after
jvhich the nominee goes to me you
seum for his address of the evening.
TU. nnminfi' Sneech. it IS Satd.
...:n i.. n n( tf, mnst inmortant he
will deliver on his present tour. He
is to leave tor at. raui ana mc wwi
at 10:45 o'clock tonight
. Three police captains, ten lieuten
ants, ten sergeants and 300 policemen
have been detailed by Chief Healey
to police the downtown district dur
ing the stay of the Hughes party.
Germany Gives
Two Million Bond ,
In the Appam Case
Norfolk, Va Aug. 8. counsel tor
the German government in the case
of the prize ship Appam, which was
awarded to its , British owners by k
recent decision of Judge Waddill, in
the United States district court here
today filed formal petition for appeal
to the supreme court, which was al-
A supersedas bond for $2,000,000 re
quired by the court was given, signed
by Lieutenant Hans Berg, the prize
krrMicrttt th VPSSel in.
and L. M. von Schilling, German con
sul. 11 Was luwiiaiiu "J -
can Donamg cuinuu,ca, ...........
: c tin nnn
a oremium ui wu,uw.
Blind Man Runs Amuck
In Columbus Hospital
U..- VA . Atier Rf?.nrt:il
Telegram.) Travis Monesmith, bet-
1 4D T-f -icnit-j 1 nr uvaa ir.
rested late last evening by Officer
Lonny jawrosKi ana piaceu m ure
city jail. Monesmith is totally blind
and was furnished with liquor which
l. u: ... (nr th time heinff.
mi" ...o...... .- r cl
He attacked several patients at bt.
Mary's hospital, breaking the arm of
one woman ana stamping an om man
very nearly to death who is in a very
precarious condition tonight with the
.1 C ..M.,v atratnst htm.
Joe had formerly been employed at
the hospital as a janitor until about
May it wnen in some mjsicnuus
... . nnm tl r-1.. Q wah hlisin
full if lye water into his face which
blinded him. He was tnen WKen to
Omaha for relief, but none could be
He will not make a confession who
the parties might be. rolice scnram
with him this afternoon trying to get
him to confess, but he stubbornly re
fuses to do so. Several parties are
suspected. County Judge Ratterman
this afternoon notified his mother and
in risvtnn D nf thf. son's con
dition but thus tar no word nas Deen
The Weather
For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Fair and warmer tomrbt and weaneaaay.
5 a. m 66
6 a. m 67
7 a. m 67
8 a. m 71
9 a. m 7fi
VWZJW 10 a. m
12 m 84
1 p. n.......... 84
2 p. m 85
t Local Weather Beeord.
' IMC IMC 1914. IMC
Lowst last night.... 66 64 77 69
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 T
, Normal temperature for today, 76 degree.
Deficiency in precipitation since March 1,
1.42 Inches. 7
Exwim correspondlnt period. 1916, .66 of
an men.
Deficiency corresponding period, 1914, 4.06
j General Weather Conditions,
t The weatber was much cooler tn the Mis
souri valley and plains states during the last
twenty-four hours, and temperatures are
lower this morning- tn the upper Mian last ppl
. valley and lake region. They have risen
In the northwest, and the outlook Is for
MlHtfourt ana middle wiMlHslppl valleys and
lake region, but no rain it reported In Ne
braska or upp-ir va 111, and the outlook Is
tor continued fair ins this vicinity tonight
ttud weunewiay.
- U A.- WELSH, IfetoorologtiL
Henry Ford and Cyrus Ht Mo-
Oormick Are at Fremont
Fremont, Neb., Aug. 8. (Special
Telegram.) The largest crowd that
ever assembled for a tractor demon
stration at Fremont, estimated at
from 8,000 to 10,000 people, saw the
first afternoon's program of plowing
at the fourth annual tractor show
here today.
Sixty-five machines were in the field
at one time. There were over 700
automobiles on the grounds.
The weather was ideal and the
crowds began to arrive early in the
forenoon. By noon it was predicted
that all records would be smashed.
People came in automobiles from
Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado,
Wyoming, the Dakotas and all parts
of Nebraska.
A larger crowd is looked for to
morrow and the next day. Tomorrow
will be Ford owners' day, when it is
expected large numbers of owners of
Ford automobiles in Nebraska and
surrounding states will assemble here.
Cyrus H. McCormick, the Chicago
manufacturer, arrived today and wilt
remain here for a few days, watching
the demonstration.
Henry Ford was on the grounds
again today. He attended the get-together
banquet at the Commercial
club rooms Monday evening. His or
chestra, composed of five Hawaiian
musicians, furnished music.
This evening the Ford weekly mov
ing pictures were shown on the high
school lawn and the Ford orchestra
furnished music for a big crowd. The
school grounds were chosen when the
park board refuse to allow tne parte
to be used for the exhibition.
Tomorrow evening the Stecher
Christensen wrestling match will be
the entertainment efature. Thursday
evening a fish bake will be given at
one of the amusement parks.
Army Bill Report
Passed by Senate
Without Debate
Washington, Aug. 8. Without de
bate the senate today agreed to the
conference report on the army appro
priation bill, carrying $267,597,000 for
maintenance of the reorganized regu
lar army and National Guard. ,
The onlv criticism of the report
came from Senator-Claop f Minne
soia, wno proicsica against elimina
tion of the LaFollette amendment, in
creasing the minimum age limit for
enlistment from 18 to i years without
consent of parents or guardian. Be
cause of this he voted against the re
port. The bill provides for organization
of a council for national defense to
co-ordinate transportaion, industrial
and agricultural facilities in time of
streets, tor relict of dependent fami
lies of soldiers in service on the Mexi
can border and appropriate a special
sum of more than $13,000,000 for de-
velepoment of aviation in the army.
Subsea Bremen is
Reported in Hands
Of the French Navy
Columbus, O., Aug. 8. That the
second German merchant submarine
Breman is in possession of the French
navy is the information received by
Lieutenant J. G. McElroy, United
States army officer, from a relative
in the British army. Lieutenant Mc
Elroy is stationed here with the Ohio
National Guard. Lieutenant McElroy
has just received a letter from this
relative who is now at Folkestone.
The letter declares that the Bremen
was captured on its outward trip to
the United States.
Italian Troops
Take Bridgehead
Rome, Aug. 8. (Via London.)
The war office today announced the
capture of the Gorizia bridgehead by
the Italians. It is said the city is be
ing shelled to drive out the Austrians.
More than 8,000 prisoners were tak
en on August 6.
The Gorizia bridgehead was one of
the most important defensive posi
tions of the Austrians along the Ison
zo front It was the scene of heavy
fighting in the early months of the
war, when the Italians, after making
considerable advance, were finally
held up along the Isonzo line.
Gorizia is twenty-two miles north
west of Trieste, one of the principal
objective of the Italian campaign and
regarded as the key to that position,
Government Will Send
Recruiting Officers Here
(From a SUff CorrMpend.nL)
Lincoln, Aug., 8. (Special.) Cap
tain J. M. Leidy of Omaha and Lieu
tenant Evans of Hastings, the latter
stationed at Lincoln and the former
at Omaha as recruiting officers, have
.been relieved of their duties, which
were only for the purpose of taking
charse of recruiting until some other
means were employed. It is under
stood that recruiting officers from the
border have been assigned to Ne
braska and that as noon as they ar
rive the two officers will retire.
Supreme Court Judge
; Struck by Lightning
Jefferson City, Mo., Aug. 8. Judge
Charles G- Revelle of the Missouri
supreme court was struck by light
ning while motoring with a party of
friends near here last night and ren
dered unconscious. - Physicians said
today he would recover. I he other
occupants of the car were uninjured.
Ghanlain With Nebraska Retrlf"
ments Returns to Home '-V
Hastings After Fo-
neeas uu aurut :uv w
Will Soon Deliver
dress on Conditions as
Found Them.
heavy steel plates and will carry a high powered gun mounted in a gunwell in the oval roof,
and twenty machine guns, whose ports in the sides may also be used by sharpshooters.
I J vT v. l- t t tS ' TIZ. J t VS." k (.
ibHo Ad. r ?umMmz.r .7 .11
0,r0 "r.
I sbskS3t 11 1, .....r.i. 1 1.1. ...i.JUi tR " in Ti'i'i".!. I, ML .iJE'Sg I
Hastings, Neb.', Aug. 8. (Special.)
That the question of right living
will soon be put squarely up to the
National Guardsmen on the Mexican
border is the opinion of Bishop George
Allen Beecher, who has returned from
service as chaplain with the Fourth
and Fifth regiments of Nebraska.
The bishop has decided to speak on
the morals of the guardsmen and the
general conditions of the camp at
Llano Grande, Tex., at his home, 921
North St. Joseph avenue, at 7:30
o'clock Wednesday evening. The par
ents, relatives and friends of Hast
ings guardsmen are cordially invited
to come to the bishop's home and
listen to what he may have to say
of the boys at the front.
Loses Thirty Pounds.
The bishop has lost close to thirty
pounds since he encamped with the
guardsmen on "the border four weeks
ago. He only weighs about 207 pounds
at the present time and is covered with
a fine healthy coat of tan. He de
clares he is now in first class fighting
"The government," declared the
bishop, "has done everything possible
to keep the morals of the soldiers on
the border at a high standard, So
far the officials have aucceeded,-but it
will soon be up to .the boys to show
their manhood by resisting the temp
tation that is sure to fall in their
No saloons or houses of ill repute
are allowed within a radius of three
miles from the camp, stated the
bishop. There is only one place on the
outskirts of Mercedes, the Texas town
three miles from Llano Grande, where
liquor can be secured. This is a beer
saloon and no other intoxicants are
Saw No Intoxication. .
"During: the four weeks I was with
the boys, said the bishop, "I never
saw one intoxicated soldier. I never
even saw one who showed any signs
of being under the "Influence of
liquor." .
: Food and the sanitary conditions
are of the best, reported Bishop
Beecher.. Practically the only illness
that the boys have suffered since en
camping on the border is from ty
phoid inoculation. Every soldier is in
oculated three times as a typhoid pre
ventative. One of three always made
the soldier sick; some of the boys
being in the hospital for several days.
Bishop Beecher was ill five days.
Llano Grande is located three miles
from Mercedes. The soil at the point
of encahipment is sandy, which makes
for excellent drainage. The boys have
their tents entrenched and a perfect
system of drainage has been worked
out for the camp. Although there are
heavy rains falling almost daily dur
ing this season the grounds are kept
dry. The boys now have cots, which
they lacked upon their arrival at
Everything Burned.
Every morning after breakfast a
thorough inspection is made. The
men and their equipment, the tents
and grounds are inspected, the cook,
his utensils and even his appearance
is taken note of, said the bishop. In
cinerators of brick have been erected
to burn all the refuse coming from
the cooks' tent and, in fact, anything
that is not wanted in and about the
There are very few flies at camp,
reported the bishop, but the boys are
being troubled with millions of small
gnats. These little pests are said to be
a tempoary nuisance, however.
Food ti Wholesome.
The food, said the bishop, is simple
but wholesome and there is plenty of
it. The officers of the Fifth regiment
have divided themselves into small
groups to eat with the pcivates. There
is no officers' mess, the latter eating
the same food and from the same cook
shacks serving the privates.
"It is pretty hard," remarked the
bishop, "to smile and say that you had
a fine meal today, but the food is all
that a reasonable man could expect
under the circumstances."
On the menu of the camp can be
found coffee, good bread, beans, ba
con, hardtack, plenty of potatoes, fresh
meat three times a week, plenty of
lemonade, ice tea and other necessi
ties. Each company is issued 180
pounds of ice a day.
Company G Complimented.
The bishop reported that Maior
LNuttman, chief inspecting officer,
complimented Captain rianlen of
Company G (Hastings) Tuesday, Au
gust 1, on the appearance of his men
and their equipment, the cleanliness
of the company kitchen, over which
Harry Haines presides, and on the
general condition of the quarters. The
Hastings boys are all feeling fine, but
many are impatient over inaction on
the border and are anxious to come
home. This inaction and the belief
that there isto be no actual service in
Mexico led the bishop to resign and
return to the duties of his diocese,
which under the circumstances-he be
lieved to be of more importance.
Harried Men Released.
The majority of the married men
among the guardsmen have made ap
plication for discharges and will prob
ably receive them from the govern
ment, thought the bishop.
Hospital conditions were poor when
the bishop first arrived at camp. He
went to work on the job of bettering
(Continued on Page, Two, Column Throo.)
Petrograd Report Says Ten-
tons Beaten Back Along
Line for Breadth of Fif
teen Miles.
Prohibitionist in Speech of Ac
ceptance Repudiates Initia
tive, Referendum and Recall.
Indianapolis, Ind, Aug. 8. J.
Frank Hairly, former governor of In
diana, and Dr. Ira Landrith of Boston
were notified this afternoon of their
respective nominations for president
and vice president on the prohibition
party ticket.
In his speech of acceptance Mr.
Hanly repudiated one plank of the na
tional prohibition platform. He said
he did not favor the initiative, refer
endum and recall; that he would not
uphold it in his campaign speeches
and, if elected, he would oppose its
enactment into a law.
Dr. Landrith said he had always
been an independent democrat in Ten
nessee and asserted ne proDaDiy
would support only the cause which
called for state and nation-wide pro
hibition. The notification ceremonies were
held at Mr. Hanly's residence and
were attended by representative pro
hibitionists from all over the country.
Robert H. Patton of Springfield, III,
delivered the address of notification
to Mr. Hanly. He said he believed
complete eradication rather than
treatment to alleviate the evils of the
liquor traffic to be the proper solu
tion to the question before the party.
In reply Mr. Hanly discussed the
planks tir-thr national" "prohibition
platform and apporved practically all
of them. -
Oliver W. Stewart delivered the ad
dress of notification to Dr, Landrith,
speaking in the place of Danifcl A
Poling of Boston, who was unable to
Preceding the notification cere
monies, the national campaign com
mittee of the party met and selected
an executive committee to complete
the details of the campaign plans.
Mr. Hanly's choice for chairman of the
committee was selected. He is Oli
ver W. Stewarc, Mr. Hanly's business
The executive committee will meet
New York Swelters
When Another Hot
Wave Strikes City
New York, Aug. 8. Although the
humidity was lower, this city was
plunged into another heat wave to
day, the mercury ascending in leaps
long before noon. At 10 o'clock the
weather bureau thermometer regis
tered 83, as against 77 yesterday. The
humidity was 80, compared with 93
at the same hour yesterday. That
this would probably be the hottest day
of the year was indicated by a rise of
three degrees in the temperature be
tween 9 and 10 a. m. There have
been five deaths and nieteen prostra
tions during the last twenty-four
hours. The forecaster offered no im
mediate promise of relief.
Suits to Cancel
Patents in Wyoming
Cheyenne, Wyo., Aug. 8. Suit to
cancel ninety-eight patents covering
approximately 12,000 acres in central
Wyoming and recover damages to
talling $84,607.85, was filed in the
United States district court for Wy
oming here late yesterday by the gov
ernment, it became known today, The
action is brought against the Big
Horn Sheep company, of which John
B. Oakie of Lost Cabin is the principal
stockholder. The government charges
the lands were obtained fraudulently
through dummy entrynien. The dam
ages asked are to cover rentals since
the patents were issued. Special
agents of the land office have been
live years gathering evidence in the
Joe Hummel Issues
Warning to Autoists
"Gasoline is more dangerous than
whisky." 'Commissioner Hummel.
The head of the park department,
at a regular council meeting, an
nounced that if automobilists who en
ter public parks do notobserve more
care they will be denied admittance
to the parka.
"A lot of vans and renegades are
disregarding the park rules by driv
ing over grass and getting into jams
and some are making racs tracks' of
the boulevards. I am here to say that
they will find themselves in jail if
they don't mend their ways," said Mr.
Rjverview park seems to be the
scene of most of these misdemeanors.
Piozeer Paving Contractor Dies
After Futile Three -Year
Fight to Regain Health.
Hugh Murphy, pioneer paving con
tractor of Omaha, died at 6 o'clock
Tuesday morning at Old Orchard, Me.
where he had gone early this summer
to try to regain his health, which had
been failing for the last three years.
Three years ago Mr. Murphy suf
fered a stroke similar to paralysis !
while at work tn his office. He has
never been a well man since that day.
He traveled to all parts of the country
in search of a more adaptable cli
mate, but was never successful. Last
winter he spent in the south and when
the heat of summer set in, he moved
to Old Orchard, Me., where he passed
away. t.
Mr. Murphy was born in Elgm, III.,
sixty-four years ago last April. He
was a bricklayer by trade, in lHt)
he harkened to the call of Nebraska
and came to Omaha. He came to this
city a struggling young bricklayer
with his only asset an ambition to
succeed. He chose the paving con
tracting business as his field.
Jiugii Murpn- got into tne asphalt
paving game early in the history of
Omaha paving, laying the long stretch
on Sherman avenue. That marked the
start of the career that made htm one
of the biggest paving contractors in
the west. . ...
Last winter the biggest paving eon
tract ever let by the city of Omaha
was awarded to Murphy. This con
tract was for some six mites .of street
north of Miller park at a cost of $100,
000. Mr. Murphy celebrated his thirty
fifth vwedding anniversary last Tues
day. His home is at 212 South Thirty
fourth street.
He is survived by his wife, two
sons. Hush. Ir.. and Richard, and two
daughters, Mrs. George Adams of
Cheyenne and Miss Helen Murphy.
Bars Children
From New York
Philadelphia, Aug. 8. Many Inspec
tors, wearing the badge of the state
department of health, stationed them
selves at the railroad stations, ferries
and boat landings along the Dela
ware river at midnight to bar all
children under 16 years of age who
attempt to cross into the state with
out certificates of health.
At the same time, 1,000 other in
spectors went on duty in border coun
ties, almost encircling the state with
a ring of guards. Thus the depart
ment of health, under Commissioner
Dixon, took stringent measures to
prevent an epidemic of infantile par
alysis. The border quarantine is one of the
most stringent health measures ever
taken in the state. Virtually all the
north, east and south boundaries are
being watched by Dr. Dixon's guards.
Yield on Naval Bill
At Wilson's Request
Washington. Aug. 8. Democratic
Leader Kitchin announced late today
that the naval bill would be called up
in the house next Tuesday and that Padgett of the house naval
committee would move to concur in
the uik senate increases in the build'
ing program and enlisted personnel,
against which he and the other house
conferees had nem out wnue tne
measure was in conference.
President Wilson summoned Sena
tor Swanson and Representative Pad
gett, representing the senate and
house conferees on the naval bill, to
the White House today to gain infor
mation on th . result of the confer
ences and to urge again that the
house accept the senate provisions tor
a larger building program and in
crease in the personnel of the navy.
The president was told of the failure
of the conferees yesterday to each an
agreement on these two features and
was informed that a vote on the con
ference report would be taken in the
house next day. -
Accept Suggestion
Of Gen. Carranza
Washington, Aug. 8. The id-
ministration has decided to agree to
General Carranra's suggestion in his
last note for the discussion of points
of difference between the United
States and Mexico by a commission
of six members and will proceed at
once to the selection of the three
American representatives. This will
be done on the understanding that
after the points proposed by General
Carranza are disposed of, other ques
tions will be taken up.
Demand Veal When They
Should Let it Grow Into a
v Regular Beef.
Every time you, Mrs. Housewife
(or Mr. Househusband) buy veal you
contribute to increasing the high cost
of meat.
So said Arthur S. Pickering of
Cleveland, O., president of the United
Master Butchers of America, at the
convention headquarters of the or
ganization in the Rome hotel.
And why, you ask, do we increase
the high cost of meat when we, buy
Nothing could be simpler. The lit
tle calf, which was cut down in its
youth by the butcher's hand to sup
ply your appetite for veal, would have
contributed to a hungry world 400
additional pounds of good, sound
meat if it had been allowed to live
just eighteen months longer.
We waste our meat, we waste it.
mourned Mr. Pickering. "That is why
meat ts nign.
People Demand Veal,
"Why not point this fact out to the
people?" suggested the reporter.
mers to buy beef?" - ,
' "I tried that," spoke up Henry
Heitkam of Detroit, "and I had to
stop it I have the best trade in De
troit and I was losim mv customers.
The" American people want what they
want ana tney let tne future lake care
of itself. If they want veal they'll eat
veal, and there's an end to the argu
It was. stated further that more
calves are butchered than beeves. In
other words, less than half of all the
calves in this country are butchered
before they have ffained that extra
400 pounds each.. When you retnem-
uer mai millions oi calves are
butchered every year, you see that
there are billions of pounds of good
meat wasted every year.
The opening session of the conven
tion luesday morning moved with
commendable rapidity. President
ricKenng stated that ''for humanitar
ian reasons, the program would be
put tnrougn with dispatch.
Hurry is the Word.
The address of welcome by V. F.
Kuncl, president of the local Master
Butchers' association, took just four
minutes. The response by National
President Pickering took thirty-two
seconds. ' Presentation of the gavel
by Mr. Kuncl to President Pickering
took eleven seconds and President
Pickering's response took nine seconds.
City Attorney Rine spoke the ad
dress of welcome in place of Mayor
Dahlman, and Rev. Dr. O. D. Baltzly
offered prayer.
The gavel presented is made of
wood from the Black Forest, Ger
many, and was presented to the na
tional association during a world con
vention of butchers held in Germany
a few years ago.
President Pickering appointed the
following committees:
Credentials Percy Nash of St,
Paul. William Hassel of Chicaao. I
Pfleger of St. Louis, J. N. Bowen of
Minneapolis and V. F. Kuncl of
Policy J. T. Russell of Chicago,
Chartes Deible of St Louis, Henry
Heitkam of Detroit. August Grimm
of New York, J. Stockinger of Mil
waukee, t. b. Herman of Cleveland
and J. J. Cameron of Omaha.
The afternoon session was devoted
to reports of committee and officers.
Officers for the ensuing year will be
elected at this mornings session.
This afternoon the delegates will visit
the stock yards, where they will be
the luncheon guests of General Mana
ger Everett Buckingham.
Former Grand Island
Preacher is Dead
Kansas City, Aug. 8. With prepa
rations complete for the celebration of
a golden anniversary today, Rev. Aus
tin S. Merrifield, 79, died at his home
early this morning. During his long
pastorate Mr. Merrifield filled many
pulpits in Kansas and eastern states
and also had been financial secretary
for Ottawa university, Ottawa, Kan.,
and for .Grand Island, Neb., college.
Big Buffalo Attacks - - -Attendant
at Zoo
Wichita. Kan,, Aug. 8. E. Evans
a zoo attendant, was forced to defend
himself with a pitchfurk last night
when a big bull buffalo charged him.
The tines of the fork pierced the ani
mal and allowed Evans to escape, but
the pain made the buffalo so furious
it was a hour before he was lassoed
and the fork extracted from him.
Official Report Sayt Auitro-
Oerman Forces Withdrew to
, Prepared Position.
Petrograd, Aug. 8. (Via London.)
South of the Dniester river in the
direction of Tyszlenca, the Russians
have driven the Austro-German forces
along the whole line for a breadth of
fifteen miles, it was officially an
nounced by the Russian war depart
ment today. , ,
The announcement adds the Rus
sians have captured the tewn of
Tlumach, as well as the region to the
east of the Dniester fiver and the
ridge of heights there.
Russian cavalry, it is stated, is now
pursuing the Austro-Germans south
west of the Kolomea and Stanislau
railway in Galicia.
The total number of prisoners
taken by the Russians in the battles
on the Sereth river, August S and
August 6, the official statement adds,
was 166 officers and 8,415 men. The
Russians in this region are advancing.
Germans Announce Retreat
Berlin. Aug. 8. (Via London.)
Strong Russian forces yesterday ad
vanced against the Austro-German po-
t. om i ". .
anions un lite i lumacn-wuynm line
to the south of Dniester river in
Galicia, it is announced by the Ger
man army headquarters staff today,
and the forces of the central powers
withdrew to previously prepared posi
tions. ,
French Advance on Somrae.
Paris, Aug. 8. French troops made
an advance last night east of Hill No.
301 on the Somme front. Two at
tempts of the Germans to recapture
trenches east of Monacu farm were
The Germans, early this morning,
launched a series of powerful attacks
on French positions from the village
of Fleury to a point north of Thiau
mont works. They obtained a foot
ing in Thiaumont works, where fight
ing Ja still in progress. The attacks
on Tleury were checked.
Tha French attack, north - of the
Soinme. -was made by infantry operat
ing on the right of the British m the
course r)f an attack made by the Brit
ish on Guillemont, The French took
forty prisoners. . -
British Push Forward.. "
London, Aug. 8. The British
pushed forward their lines at places
east of Trones wood on the Somme
front last night, the war office an
nounced today. ,
Austrian Positions on Carse Plateau
Have Been Taken by Assault
London, Aug. 8. The Italian offen
sive along the Isonzo and on the
Carso plateau is being continued and,
according to a wireless dispatch from
Rome a number of additional posi
tions have been occupied. The Aus
trians hold little ground on the right
bank of the Isonzo.
The dispatch reports the number of
prisoners taken by the Italians has
been increased considerably and that
the Austrians are now destroying Til
lages in the vicinity of Dorizia.
Great Rejoicing in Rdme.
Rome, Aug. a (Via Paris.) The
announcement by the war office of
the Italian victory in the Monafalone
sector is received everywhere in Italy
with rejoicing, although the war ia
being directed with such secrecy that
the public at large knows little about
it. In view of the difficult nature of
the ground and the exceptionally fa
vorable positions held by the Aus
trians, the taking of 3,600 prisoners
is regarded as a long step in , ad
vance. .
The troops which to distinguished
themselves are from Leghorn and
Turin. They carried out an envelop
ing movement which made possible
the gathering in of prisoners in large
numbers. 1
Vast Offensive Started.
Paris, Aug. 8. "The conviction is
general at Rome," the Havas corre
spondent there wires, "that we are at
the beginning of a vast offensive, the
results of which are certain, although
uiey may oe siow.
fiasnlina Rerinr.eri font a
Gallon at New York
New York, Aug. 8. A reduction of
1 cent a gallon for gasoline has been
announced by the Standard Oil- com
pany of New York. The new prices
are 23 cents to garages and 25 cents
direct to consumers. Gasoline went
up 1 cent here in March, the last
change in price prior to the pres
ent reduction.
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