Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1916, Image 7

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Altar looking ml UJNNE LUSA li ait
lorent buyora decided thai It waa tba beat
tropoattton on the market and they
acked their judgment by BUYING Iota.
It YOU will come out today yoo wtil
nuorataou way oinera are ouying.
Tyler 1(7.
41 Oraaba Nat l Bank Bid.
OR bargalna to lota In all ' part of tui
city aee P. J. Tebblna, lot Omaha Nat.
Bit Phone D. lit!
Benson. "
119.00 down and vt month: price
160.00: else, 9Uxl2s; located on Locust
8u Ntwn Clark end Burn bant, rot
far trom sonooi ana car una. ueo. k
Wright. Baa ofMoo. Omaha.
Oo out to Ly no wood today and aaa tb
beautiful Iota wt ara selling from litvv
to 9000.
Phone Doug. 692. H07-9 W O W Bdg.
su ACRES. 63d and drover: moat nightly
. 93,900; acres on car, SI. 000, and $300 iota
south of Dundee. P. 3847.
HrOOM bungalow In Dundee, all atucco,
for ami by owner, 18.760; brand new:
IjO cash, 149 per month. Box 4758, Bee.
acres on aouth aide of Florence with
930 feet east front ana on 80th St. Snap
at 18.000. Easy terme.
South Side.
$376 BUYS 2 lota 40x120 ft.; near Went I
St. Caro line, Alexander Arvay. H 4808.
Close In and well Improved, consisting
Of good l-rooni house, barn and other
outbuildings; 9 acrea In grapes, 1 aero In
berries, 9 acres In alfalfa; located In the
north part of Oraaba, about one mile
from eity oar una. An unusual Dargain
at 9M00. Easy terms.
D. I0T4. ' 1.4 Keellna Bldg.
.LOT near municipal bacb at Carter lake.
Pin place for summer cottage. Phone
wonderful Increase in BEE Want Ada
oan be traced to only one source.
i VJUUU tuii n,v iwmm wut sueau mat uiu
ximtu paper.
ftbe first all moor ha of 1919 than la the
jeame period in 111.
WANTED To exchange desirable residepoe
properties In Grand Island, and Nebraska
' land all clear, well secured first mort
gagee and cash, for a good brick busi
ness property In a growing and weU es
tablished city In Nebraska. U. & Land
and Loan Company Box 904 Grand
island. Ned
ELEVEN full lota between Fourth and
Fifth streets, Grandvtew (warranty
aeea), to traae ror recond mortgage,
house and lot or western Nebraska land.
Dexter L. Thomas, 412 Bee Bldg.
FOR SALE cheap or exchange, 660 acres of
prairie land in Mcrneruon county, Neb.;
want feed barn, hotel or city property.
Box 176, Ord, Neb.
FARMS, ranches city property, acreage and
Investments for sal and exchange.
Morgan. turning at. mug. zr
EQUITY In good 9-r. house for cottage;
worth 92.909. Colfax 1062 after 10 a. m.
HOTEL, and furniture at Dallas, 8. D :
exchange D C707. Toland A Trumbull
CAN sell or exchange anything you have
to nnwr t; j nnn MfifUp uidf
9820 EQUITY In fine lot for auto, motor
cycle, viotrola or what have you? Wal
nut Kit-
REAL ESTATE Investments
WM. COLFAX. 709 Keuline Bldg. "
Beai estate, olty property, large ranches
eiptM v -
WANTED 4, 6 and S-roomed houses that
can be sold for flOO cash; balance S16
per month; give complete description first
--. letter.
1820 Farnam St Tel. Doug. 1064
FOR SALE 264x132. faces three (r.t
near new Ford building; splendid menu-
. racrurins sue aaopwwi. B-ll. Bee
TRADE a good No, 7 Remington typowrlter
tor -PMBtuii duii pup. vn, nee.
REAL ESTATE Other Cities
PUBLIC SALE The old school house build
ing. Including all out buildings, will be
old at either public or private sale, on
Aug. 11th, 1919, at 8:80 p. m. For full
particulars write to B. Ha Rungs, Secre
tary, unarter uaa. Iowa.
Real Estate Loam and Mortgage.
Apartment houaee, double brick houeea.
elngle houeea, bualneea property and (arm
lan da at i par cant. M, per cent & I pr ot
121 Keellne Bldg. Douglaa 1641.
3.000 MORTGAGE, bearing 7 per cent aeml
annual; aecured by property valued at
, 110,000.. Talmage-Loomla Inv. Co., w. o.
W. Bid,.
t PER CBNT U I per oent on beet olaaa city
realdanoea In amounta 21,000 up; alaa
i farm loana. Reaaonable commtaalone.
PETERS TRUST CO., 1H Farnam St '
OMAHA homea. Eaat Nebraaka farina,
10H Omaba Nat'l. Phono Douglaa Hit.
MONET to loan oo Improved (arma and
ranch. Wa alao buy good farm mort-
vio.. inv, o., umana.
ESTATE loana, alx per cent
IS Omaha Nat Bank. '
..... NO DELAY.
'CITY and farm loans, 9, 6, S per oent,
J. H. Dumont A Co.. 414 Keellne Bldg.
MDNfCT an hand for itirir -
farm loana U. W. Binder, City
National Bank Bid.
6 6 9 Per een t
aeenne mag. Ked 4344.
Wft"" DRjg.N.n B.j -Bid,.
r--wiv unnn. r,.'.. U&nK UlOg.
flOO to 110,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead.
Weed Bldg., urn adn Farnam Sta.
Abstract! nt Title
fllinmntPP Abtract Co. We can bring
VrUcUBUUW down your abatract on
hort notice. R. 7. Patteraon Bldg. D. 1047
K orl "tie, uuarantee and Abatract Co..
lot So. I7tb St. ground floor.
Bonded by Maaa. Bonding ft Ina. Co.
SEED ABSTRACT CO., oldeet abatract ot-
fleo In Nebraaka. SOS Brandela Tbeeter.
Colorado Lands.
Colorado land excursions, expene s paid. C
L. Nethaway, Florence Nep, Florence 221.
Iowa Lands.
40 ACRES well Improved farm, west Iowa,
at 9109 per acre; all tillable; rolling land;
$9,000 will handle deal.
Missouri Lands.
BAP FARMS Any size, easy ternia la
(be beautiful Ozarks of Dent county. Uo.
W, a Frank, 101 Neville Blo.:k, Omaha.
Nebraska Lands.
1(NLY 426 buys a 640-acre school land lease
In Thomas county, Neb., 8 miles from
Thedford; suitable for running cattle; a
bargain. L. C. Crandall, 404 First National
Bank Bldg., Lincoln, Neb.
JFOR SALE SerTion about 40 acres broke;
well, good grass land,; It miles from
oonnty seat Pries 13,69 :er acre. H. C
j Baiulsv Taylor, Neb.
Nebraska Lands.
NEBRASKA land from 99.00 to I1 IS per
acre; oeet bargains in state, w. t. smitii.
CO.. 914 Lity Nat l Bit. Bldg.
South Dakota Lands.
Texas Lands.
FARM -For sale, welt Improved. 860 acres,
in Knox county, Texas; cheap; on terms.
Information, write J. S. Johnson, Truacott,
Wisconsin Lands.
WISCONSIN'S fluent grating and dairying
lands; any sine tract from 40 acres to
7.000; clay soil, wail located near rail
roads; at prices ranging from 9T.60 to
980 an acre; state your requirements, we
can mane any terms to suit your neeas
Dairy Belt Land Co.. Owen, Wis.
OET literal ure and maps on the chnapest
good land In United States.
th end OouK'ao Nr. Omaha Ooua 1188
If so. get a cony of our Journal first.
It has lands, city property and stocks
or goods advertised from nearly every
slate. So that you can find just what
you wish in Its columns. Established
19 years, reaching 78.000 readers. Send
3 Go for one year's subscription, or 61 (or
five years.
SEND your name today. Receive offers
from land owners, agents, everywnere.
Jollet. 111.
120 Acree, Mills Co., Iowa; terms .... 8126
80-160-200 Acres, Otoe Co., Neb 8126
Also ranches. HUFFMAN. 412 Bee Bldg.
ACREAGE to 6 -A. tracts on car tine.
Easy terms. C, R. Combe. 811 Braodels
Tbea. Bldg DQUg 8816
PIGEONS nay far better than chickens
. always penned up; little space needed to
start: free book explains all. Majestic
Squab Co., Dept. 91. Adel. la
FRESH aquatic plants for youi fish globe,
20c. Will keep fish healthy. MAX
Horses Live Stock Vehicles
For Sale.
EXTRA fine partly Jersey milk oow for
sale; S yrs. old. Call South 8978, or
Douglas 987, coal yard, at 3&13 Leaven,
worth St. .
GOOD, sound horse, suitable for grocery or
any other delivery work. Must oe sold
thu week, call at 2ob x. uoutn Bine.
SECOND-HAND milk wagon and two bug'
gtes. Inquire In rear of S(th Ave. and
WILL sell my two teams at a bargain. 2624
N. lth St. Webster 9682,
Wagon umbrellas. 91 00 Wagner. 801 N. 14th
Fire and theft Insurance on new Fords,
57.70 ,
918-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2819.
Must sell all our second-hand automo
biles within 29 daya We have several
makes and are giving better values than
anyone sue.
Johnson-Danforth Co.
USI-ll-91 N. Htb It
NO OTHER Omaba newepaper la malting
anvwhero near tne lnoreaae in tta want.
Ad column, aa THE BEE. 11,741 MORE
PAID WANT-ADS tba tlrat all month.
of Kit than In tb. earn, period at lila.
Tba Reaaonl
Beat Price Beat Reaulta.
I20 Farnam. D. 1110.
Saxon roadater. 1010 1370
Modal !, Overland roadater.. 400
1814 Oakland touring 400
1014 Bulck roadater 400
FOR SALE Cheap It taken at once, a Mete.
Touring car, 1010 ' model. Been driven
1,400 mllea. Tel. Bellevue 41.
PAIGE touring car, tully equipped ISIS;
elegant bar for the family, $500.
2047 Farnam St. '
Doug. 8200.
Almost any make roadster, speedster
and touring cars. Six Fords, a snap. Will
sell these can at almost any price, as
we must nave ine space,
2216 Farnam. Doug. 989.
1814.18-111 Farnam St.
WE will trade you a new Ford for your old
20th and Harney. Doug. 926L
FULLY equipped, 40 h. p., 1918 model
louring car, at a bargain, zoztf rowier.
Colfax 2024.
A NEW 44 -ton Republic truck for sale at a
big discount, I, Omaha Bee, Council
Bluffs, la.
5-PASSENQER touring car. Inquire at 1121
Park Ave, after 6 p. m. during the week.
OVERLAND touring car, model 7ft, good
condition, like new, cheap. Harney 9649.
BARGAIN Light, five-passenger ear; eleo
trio lights. Call Harney 2967.
Auto Repairing and Painting.
$100 rsward for magneto wt can't repair.
Coils repaired. Baysdorfer, 110 N. 18th.
NEB. Auto Radiator Repair Service and
prices right. 218 B. lftth St. D. 7880.
Auto Livery and Garages.
DON'T throw away old tires. We make one
new tire from 2 old ones and save you 90
per cent 2 In 1 Vulcanising Co., Ull Dav
enport St.. Omaha. Neb. Douglas 9914.
REBUILT. 92.00 TO 96.00.
DUO TIRE CO.. mil rmrAflO ST.
Motorcycles and Bicycles.
un id usea mac nines, victor ftoos. roe
Moiorcpgf Man." I. venworth.
1916 RACYCLE Two -speed coaster brake;
ngg.. inn oiuuut tiiKiy inn eo, box Bee.
LEAVING city will sell good twin-cylinder
in man mr utbi reasonable cash offer.
Tyler 228?,
Coffee Market.
New York, Aug. 8. The marlcat tnr
coffee ftures was a little more active than
It waa yesterday, but there was a revival of
general interest and sales for the morning
amounted to only 8,000 bags. The market
opened at a decline of 9 to 7 points under
a few European selling orders, but these
offerings were absorbed around the Initial
figures and after selling down to 8.3c for
September and 8.70o for March, the market
showed little further change. The close was
6 to points net lower. August, 8,32c; Sep
tember, 8.87c; October, 9.41c; November,
8.46c; December, 8.60c; January, 9.68o; Feb
ruary. 8.8o; March, 9.89c; April, 8.74c;
May, 9.79o; June, 8.84c; July, 9.89c.
spot, steady; Hlo 7s, 9Ho: Santos 4s. 10U.
Only a few fresh offers were reported in
tne cost ana ireigni maricst with the quota
tions received ranging from about 10.86c to
ll.OOo for Santos 4s, London credits.
The official cables reported declines of
60 to 79 reJs In the Braillian markets. -
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago. Aug. 8. -Cattle Recslnte. iflo
head; market steady; native beef cattle,
88.70tfl0.86; western steers. 96.66O8.40;
stockers and feeders, $6.0097.86; cows and
heifers, $8.6009.16; calves, 98.76t9is.86.
nogs neceipis, s.ouu need: market firm
at yesterday's average to 6a higher: bulk
of sales, $9,2608.86; light, $9.46010.00;
inixea, ib.vo wiu.uu; neavy, ta.lV8plv.0v:
rough, $8.9009.06; -olgs, 97.7S09.4O.
nneep ana iamcs Heceipis, s.uoo neaa:
market strong; wethers, $6.7608.26; owes,
$8.9007.76; lambs, $7.60011.60.
live Stock In Sight. l
- Cattle, Hogs. Sheen.
Omaha 100 6,600 1,800
Sioux City ............ 100 8,809 ....
Chicago 800 9,000 600
Kansas City 900 1,000 ' 600
St. Joseph f...... 100 1,600 , 100
.. 909 11,400 4,900
Highest Prices for This Year's
Wheat Crop Beached at
Dollar Thirty-Three.
Omaha, August S, 1918.
There was a general advance in cash
grain today under pressure of a strong fu
ture market and an exceptionally strong
cash demand.
The highest price of this year's crop
waa reached today, a car of No. I wheat
selling at 1188.
The bulk of the No. I hard, however, sold
around $1.80 and the No. 9 hard averaged
from 11.26 to $1.38.
Receipts fell ofr considerably today, but
a record breaking run is expected for Mon
day, as several country stations report cars
on the track ready to be brought In.
The receipts of corn continued light, but
the market was strong, selling from steady
to lVfcc higher.
There was coneldersbla oats sold on the
floor at higher prices. No. 1 white oata sell
ing around 40Ho and 41c
The rye and barley markets were very
quiet, rye advancing a cent and barley
aelllng 108c higher.
Liverpool clone: Wheat, 1 to )d higher:
Corn, unchanged to ftd higher.
Primary vheat receipts were 1,829.000
bushels, and shipments. 699.000 bushels,
against receipts of 83b, 000 bushels, and
shipments of 1.020.000 bushels last year.
Primary corn receipts were KlO OOO bush
els, and shipments 378,000 busnels. against
receipts of 44S.0O0 bushels, and shipments
of 394,000 bushels last year.
Primary oats receipts were 1,319.000
bushels, and shipments 889.00ft bushels,
against receipts of 264.000 bushels, and
shipments of 403,000 bushels last year,
. Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 2
Omaha 96 98 80
Kansas City " T J
St. Louis , 189 18 69
- These sales were reported today:
Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 1 car, 81.89;
1 oar, 11.81; 18 cars, $1.80; H car. 11.11.
No. t hard winter: 1 oar. $1.39; 1 oar, $1.81:
1 oar. $1.11; 36 cars, $1.80; 1 1-9 cars,
$1.394; 8 cars, $1.39. Nb. 9 hard winter:
1 car, 11.30; 1 car. $1.39 ; 6 1-9 cars.
$1.29: 1 car, $1.37; 1 car, $1.364; 4 oars,
$1.26; 4 oars, $1.86j t-6 car, $1.94. No. 4
hard winter: 1 car, $1.28; 1 car, $128;
18 cars. $1.34; I cars, $1.33; I 1-6 cars.
$1.11; 9 oars, $1.31; 3 cars, 91.I0H; 4 cars.
$1.30; 1 car, 81. If "A; 8 cars, $118; 1 car.
$1.16; 1 car, $1.13. aSmpla hard winter: 1
car, $1.18; 1 car (hot), 91.16; $-6 oar, $1.11;
3-6 car, $1.10. No. 3 spring: 8-8 car, $1.31.
No. 3 spring: 3-6 car. $1.24. No. 3 mixed:
1 car, $1.88. No. 8 mixed: 1 car, $1.93. No
4 mixed: 1 car, -$1.10; 1 car, $1.19.
Corn No. 1 white; 6 car, 79c; 1 oar,
780. No. 9 white: 4 cars, 78 He No. 4
white: 1 car, 76c. No. 6 white: 1 car, 79c.
No. 1 yellow: 1 car, 79 c. No. t yellow: 1
car, 79Ho. No. 9 yellow: 1 car, 79c. No.
0 yellow; 1 car, 76c. Sample yellow: 1 oar.
78Ka; 1 car. No. 9 mixed: S oars,
78c No. $ mixed: I cars, 78c; 3 cars,
77 c; 1 oar, 77c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 77c;
1 car, ?c No. 9 mixed: 9-6 car, 77 Ho; $
cars, 77o. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 77c.
Oats Standard! $ cars, 41o. No. 8 whits:
1 oar, 41o; 6 cars, 40c; 3-1 cars, 40 He,
No. 4 white: 1 oar, 40fcc; 4 cars, 40c. Sam
ple: 1 car, 40a; 1 car, SftKc; 3 cars, 19c; t
cars, 8844c; 8 cars, 38 Ho. ,
Rye No. 3: oar, $1.00.
Barley No. 4; 1 car, 66c. Rejected: 1 ear,
68 Ho.
Omaha Cash PricesWheat: No. 8 hard,
81.2814SP1.83; No. 9 hard, $1.2401.80; No.
4 hard, $1.1201.88; No. -9 spring, $1.2.0
1.86; No. 9 spring, $1.8401.82; No. 2 durum,
$1.1701.29; No. $ durum, $1.1601.38. Corn:
No. 2 white, 78079c; No. 1 whlte 780
78o; No. 4 white, 76 0 78c; No. 6 white,
77(878o; No. 9 white, 7607644c; No. 2
yellow, 79 079o; No. I yellow, 79079o;
No. 4 yellow, 78078e; No. 9 yellow, 77 V
78o; No. 9 yellow, 74076o; No. 2 mixed,
780780 No. I mixed, 77076c: No. 4
mixed, ?6077Ko, No. S mixed, 77077c;
No. 9 mixed, 76 077c. Oats: No. 2 white,
41042o; standard, 404 041c; No. 1 white,
40 041a; No. 4 white, 400400. Bar
ley: Malting, 64072c; No. 1 feed, 69 0 620.
Rye: No. 2, 98081.00; No. I, 98099c,
Wheat Opens Strong, hot Reacts on Profit
. Taking by Longs.
Omaha, August 1, 1916.
The wheat market opened strong again
today, but September and December reacted
slightly on proot-taking by longs.
Black rust continues to be a governing
factor In the wheat market and Is strength
ened considerably by heavy buying of Amer
ican wheat by foreigners.
The close on September wheat was a oent
off and December declined around c May
closed steady to o higher.
Corn closed strong on both September and
December, both of these options gaining
about a cent
Oats advanced substantially with wheat
and corn, and trading In the oats market
was more active than on any other day
during the week. Interest in the pit was
generally better today and trading- con
tinued heavy during most of the session.
Omaha closing prices on futures for this
Art I Open. I High. j'Low.j Close. I Yes
Wht. I I I
Sept 1 $0 1 80 137 129 128
Dec 1 88 1 83 131 132 132
May 1 26 1 86 136 1361 136
Corn (
Sept 77 . 79 77 79 76
Deo 68 67 68, 671 66
Oata I
Sept 40 42 40 421 40
Deo 43 46 43 46 43
May 46 47 46 471 46
Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee
by Logan a uryan, stoca ana grain brokers,
sib isouin aix teen i n streer
Art. I Open." I High. (Low., Close. I YesT
Wht I
Sept 126-86 1 86 183 1 86 184
Deo 1 880 1 89 126 1 88 188
May 146-143 1 46 141 1 43 148
Sept 8281 94 1 81 93 SO
Deo 69- 71 69 71- 68
May 73-73 747 72 74 72
Oats , f
Sept 44 46 44- 44 42
Deo 47-47 48 46 47 46
May 60-48 61 49 61 49
Sept IE 00 2$ 26 24 92 26 26 24 97
Deo 28 00
Lard !
Sept 13 12-90 12 96 19 90 13 96 12 90
Oct 12 82-90 12 97-18 13 90 12 97-13 13 87
Dec f 12 62 12 70 12 62 12 70 12 67
Sept II 60 18 70 18 60 12 70 18 67
Oct 13 40-46 13 42 18 26 13 42 13 26
Wheat Goes Up and Touches High Record
Price for 181ft.
Chicago, ' Aug. 6. Notwithstanding that
week-end sales to realize profits were heavy
today, the wheat market touched new high
record prices for 1916. and although unsettled
at the close, was 0e to c above yes-
teraay s iinisn. uanaaian crop damage ap
pared to be on the Increase and there were
reports that European buying of breadstuffs
was on a big scale. Other staples, too,
showed gains corn lo to 8c; oats, lo to
ic, and provisions, 6c to 27 c.
Assertions that all wheat for fifty miles
north of Reglna. Basks., was more or less
Infected with black rust led to an excited
rush of buying as soon as trading began
There had been no previous mention of
Infection north of Reglna. Reports were
also received that the pest had developed
far to the westward in Saskatchewan, be
yond Swift Current. Bullish speculators,
however, displayed more caution than re
cently has been the case, and it was evi
dent likewise that many holders wished to
avoid carrying open risks over until Mon
day. The result was a decided setback In
prices after the initial advance On the
other hand, signs gradually multiplied that
exporters taking advantage of the down
turn, were buying with unusual freedom.
In this connection it was said 1,000,000 bar
rels or iiour naa been disposed of to Great
Britain, an amount equal to 4,600,000
bushels of wheat. Bulla in wheat unmistak
ably had the advantage as the session drew
to a close. They laid especial stress on the
contention that weak holders had for the
most part been eliminated and that the
market was therefore In a much healthier
position to resume the attempt to add to
the extraordinary price advance which the
bears profess to believe has already dis
counted to a sufficient degree the damage
done by black rust.
Corn advanced to the highest price of
the season. Buying was based chiefly on
the continuance of drouth and heat Oats
as well as -wheat and corn rose to a new
high level for 1916. Threshing returns re
mained unfavorable.
Provisions were firmer In sympathy with
grain and bogs. Besides, shipments of lard
and meats exceeded last year's total.
Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red. new.
mixed. $1.36; No. 3 red, new, 81. IK; No. 2
hard, new, $1.34-01.37: No. I hard, new.
$1.1601.36. Corn; No. I yellow, 86
esc: No. 4 yellow. 84c. Oats: No. 2
white, 42044o; standard, 44044o.
Hyei no. nominal; wo, i, new, $i.U40
1.09. Barley, 96 0 81a, Seeds: Timothy
nominal; rlover, $7.00014.60. Provisions:
Pork. 226.00; lard, $18.96; ribs. $13.40014.00.
Butter No market. v
Eggs Receipts, 6.86$ oases; no market
Potatoes Receipts, $ cam; market a
ohanged. Poultry Alive unchanged.
Quotations of the Day a Y aliens Com
modities. New York, Aug. 8. Flour Strong; spring
patents. $6.9007.18; winter patents, $6,660
6. HO; winter straights, $4.1606.60.
Wheat Spot firm; No. 1 durum, $1.44;
No. 2 hard, $1.47; No. 1 northern, Duluth.
$1.64; No. 1 northern, Manitoba, $1.68,
f. o. b.. New York.
Corn Spot firm; No. 1 yellow. 940, c 1.
f New York.
Oats Spot, firm; No. 2 white. 41 060c
HaySteady; No. 3, 96e0$l.OO,
Provisions Pork, firm; family, $38,000
39.00. iieef. firm. Lard, firm; middle west
Tallow Steady; city, Tc, nominal.
Butter Steady, receipts, 6.699 tube;
creamery extras, 30c; firsts, I8 0 29e; aeo
onds, 26037c
Egg Irregular; receipts, 12.899 oases;
fresh gathered, extra fine, 91038o; extra
firsts, 28 0 30c; firsts, 3fi02"e.
Cheene Firm; receipts, 6,621 boxes;
xtate, fresh specials, 14c; same, average
fancy, 16 o.
Poultry Live, firm: broilers, 21034e;
fowls, 20o; turkeys. 16018c Dressed, firm;
broilers, 21 0 30c; fowls, 17013c; turkeys.
Butter No. l creamery, In cartons or
tubs, 80c; No. 3, 28c.
Poultry Broilers, 20o; hena, 16c; geese,
full feathered, 10c; roosters and stags,
10c; ducks, 12o; turkeys, 38o; capons,
2ic; guineas, 26c; squabs 60c 0 $4,00 per
doi. ; pigeons, $1.06 per dos.
Cheese Imported Swiss, lb., 46ot domes
tic Swiss, 34o; block Swiss, I4e; twins, 17o;
triplets, 17 o: daisies, 11 o; Young Amer
ica, 19c; blue label brick, 18c; 11m
berger, 30c: New York white, lOo; Rocque
fort, 66c.
Beef Cuts Ribs i No. 1, lb,, 19c; No. 1
18o; No. 9, 13e. Loins I No. 1, 33o;
No. 3. 30ci No. 2, 17& Chucks: No. 1,
18o; No. I, 12c; No. 2, 10o. Rounds:
No. 1, 1401 No. I, 18o; No. t, 120.
Plates: No. 1, lOo; No. 3, 9e; No. 1, lo.
Fish Catfish, lb., 16017c; halibut, lle;
red aalmon, 13 o; whlteflsh, 13c; trout 17o;
pike, 16o; pickerel, 13c; bullheads, 16o;
black bass, 94c: croppies, 16c; earp, 9c j ood
flsh, 12o; tlleftsh, lo; red snapper, 19o;
spanlsh mackerel, 16c; sunflsh, 8oj Jumbo
whlteflsh, 22o; flounders, lie; native mack
erel, 13c; roe shad, 60c; frogs, dos., $1,760
Fruits Oranges: 96s, 190s, 334s, 860a, box,
$4: 126a $4.60; 160s. 386a $4.76; 174s, 300s,
216s, 260s, $6.26. Lemons: Golden Bowl,
300s, 260s, box, $9.80; Silver Cord, 100s, S60s,
$9.00. Apples: Oravsnsteln, box. $2.26; old
Ben Davis, $1.60. Deciduous fruits: Colo
rado poaches, Carmens, 108a, box, 600; 90s,
90c; Colorado peaches, larger aties, $1.06;
California Elbert or Crawforde, $1.16; Cali
fornia Elbertas, five-box lots, $1.10. Pears:
Bart let ts. Cel., box, $8.36; Bussoek or Flem
ish Beauties, $3.60; 6-tler or choloe I -tier,
$2.26; choice 6-tler, $2.90: fancy, 6-tler
Clapps, $2,26; 6-tter choloe, 9-tler fancy,
$2.00; 6-tler choice, $1.71. Plums: Large
red or blue, box, $1.00. Or apes: Malagas,
crate, $2.00; Thompson Seedless, $1.76.
Watermelons; Lb., 10, Cantaloupes:
M. B. standards, crate, 1186; ponys, $2.76;
flats, $1.40. Bananas: Bunch. $1.76 0 2.60.
Apricots: Crate, $1.76.
VegetablesSweet potatoes, Alabama, bu.
hampers, $2; potatoes, bu., 86o; onions,
Spanish, orate, $2; onions, CaL, lb., $o;
cucumbers, basket, 86c; peppers, basket, 60c;
celery, Mich., dos., 40c; peas. Telephone,
basket, $1; head lettuce, dos.. $1; corn,
high grade, dos., 16o; tomatoes, basket, 86c;
beets, carrots and turnips, basket 60c;
shallots, radishes, dos., 10c; garlic lb., 20c.
Miscellaneous Cracker jack, checkers and
oornpops, case, $8.60; oases, $1.76. Spe
cial: Peanuts. No. 1 raw, lb., 6c; Jumbo,
6c; popcorn, case, $2.60; figs, box. 80c.
Minneapolis Grain Market,
Minneapolis, Aug. Wheat September,
$1.401 December, $1.40; Cash No. 1 hard,
$1.46; No. 1 northern. $1.4101.4$; No.
2 northern, $1.8701.41.
Flour Higher; fancy patents, $7.41; first
clears, $6.00; second clears, $6.40.
Barley 620740.
Bran $20.00020.80.
Corn No. 8 yellow, 320 Me.
Oats NO. 8 white. 42048,
Flax Seed $1.1102.16.
St. Louis Grain Market,
at. Louie. Aua. 6. Wheat Higher : track.
No, 8 red, li.astji.4il no. i nara, ii.etntp
1.41; Hep temper,; veoemoer,
Corn Higher; track No. 1, 88o; No. I
white, 8 8c ; Septem oer, i o ; Jeoemeer,
71 14. A
Oats Higher; track No. f, 42o; No. I
white, 44 0460; Bsptemoer, oo; veoem
ber, 460.
Kmsu rttv fleaerrfL Herket.
Kansas City, Aug. 6. Wheat Unchanged
to HO nigner, io. uru, 71
8 red, $1.2201.88; September, $1.100
1.30; December, $1.32: May, 1.37e.
Corn No. 2 mixed, 88o; No. I white.
84c; No. 3 yellow, 88084c; No. I, 880
88c; September. 810B2o;- December,
7O071o; May, 73 074c
Oats-lc higher; No. white. 44046o;
No. 2 mixed. 42 0 440.
liverpool Grain Market,
Liverpool. Aug. 1 Wheat Spot No, 1
Manitoba. 18s 3d; No. 2 red winter, lie Jld.
Corn Spot American mixed, new, 10a Id-
Bf.tanMnl'. nt riiiarlna Hons Banks.
Nam vru Aim The statement of the
actual condition of clearing house banks
and trust companies for the week shows that
they hold $112,811,780 reserve in excess of
legal requirements. inn wm iuuivomv vi
fil.Uob.tiU over leei woe, .
The statement follows:
Amount Increase.
T.ntma. discounts.
etc $3,232,931,004) $ 98.881
Reserve In own
vaults 434.666,000 124,000
Reserve In federal
reserve banks . 192,691.004) 2,464.000
Reserve in other
depositories . .. 60,614,000 2.306.000
Net demand de
posits 3,111,217,000 14.761,000
Net time deposits 288,960.000 83,699,000
Circulation 81,361,000 194,000
In clearing house statement:
Arerata reserve 8 843.640.000 ,
Excess reserve ... 112,311,780 1,066.470
Of Which 1864.176,780 IS Specie.
Summary of state banks and trust et
parties in greater New York, not included
in clearing nouse statement
Amount laonasa.
Loans, discounts.
eto $ 709,879,600 9,901,800
Specie . 69.933,800 174,600
Legal tenders ... 8,764,100 844.100
Total deposits .. 167,037,100 1,098,600
Banks cash reserve In vault $11,971,700.
Trust companies cash reserve in vault
Omaha Hay
Prairie Hay Choice upland, 81 9.00 1 No.
1, $9.0009.60; extra choice would bring
$10.00: No. 2. $6.0008.00: No. 8. $4,000
6.00; choice midland, (none here), $9,600
10.00: No. 1. 99 0009.60: NO. 9. $9.0909.00:
No 8. 84 0006.00: choice lowland. $8,000
60; No. 1, 97.0008.00; NO. , 96.OO07.Oy;
No. 8, $3.0006.00.
Alfalfa None en the market: cnoioe. new.
811.00012.00: No. 1. $10.00011.00 stand
ard, $8.0009,00; No. 2, $7.0008.00.
Straw None on the market: enoioawneat
is quotable at fnm $6.00 to $9.90; choice
oat or rye, $6.60 to $6.00.
Sugar Market.
New York. Aug. 6. Sugar With the raw
and refined market closed, traders In sugar
and refined markets closed trading In sugar
futures was restricted to some extent and
operations seemed more In the way of
evening up for over Sunday. There was a
little covering and some trade baying and
as offerings were light prices advanced,
closing 1 to 4 points net higher. September
sold from 4.88c to 4.82c, closing 4.81c; De
cember, 4. 69 0 4. 66c ; closing 4. 66o ; March,
4.1604.13CO closing, 4.14o; Juneclosed, 4.22a,
Cotton Market,
New York. Aug. 6. Cotton--Spot, stead:
middling upland, $13.96. No sates.
New York, Aug. $. Cotton Futures
opened steady. October, 13.86c; December,
14.0.c; January, n.ibc; Msrcn, i4.jao; May,
Futures closed firm; Oct. $14.30: Dee.
$14.24; Jan. $14.83; March $14.46; May
Liverpool, Aug. . xne cotton exchange
was closed today.
Dry Goods Market.
New York. Aug. 6. Cotton goods were
firm and active today. Dress goods wsre
active, men's wear- lines being bought freely,
but carefully. Yarns were exceedingly firm.
Linens were quiet and firm. Knit goods
continued In lull demand. Jobbers were
iuiw is
July 20.
uiy 11,
July 92.
Jul 11
July 24.
iuiy is.
July 9.
Jul 17
July 18.
July 29
JUiy io
July 11.
Ail. 1
Aug. 2.
Aua. 4
hAug. 8
Big Una of Cattle for the Week,
With a Very Satisfactory
' Omaha, Auguat I, 1110.
nViT PT. wZr" Cattle. Hoga. Sheep
.'"'!' .o o.oia 10.011
Si. W H."0 11.418
li . neeaaj .. a.TO 14,414 0.487
XlScT Thuraday .... 1,1(0 10.IK0 i.SII
Official Friday on ..eto Mil
Satlnat. Saturday.,.,, to M00 l.OOO
8lx day. thla week. .10,401 00.040 41.111
Same day. laat waek.,.11,401 40,101 01,131
Same daya I wfca. ago.10,144 41.110 40.104
Same daya vita ago.10.Ml 44.457 .Hl
Sam. daya 4 wka. 01,410 14.011
Sam. day. laat year.. 14.401 10.(11 11,001
. "; ale abtnra the reoetpta of
cattle, bog. and akeep at toe South Omaha
live atook market for the rear to date, aa
"vwimw wita iaei year:
- ... 1010 1110. Ina. Dm.
I0 OTMOI 01.(00
t,lll,l(0 1.011,010 111.(41
one.p ....1.1,4.(10 1,101,41, ...... 101,(40
Tha following table ehowe tb. eree
B . !..0Lb0F Omaha lire atook mar-
..... ,v. wi tw i.w qaya, with eomparlaone
Kit. 1(I4.
1 07
II (0
0 17 I 11
OK (17
0 til
0 00 (44
0 14
0 Tl
III I 10
111 I 01
0 II 0 01
0 (4 III
0 II
0 00
0 00 I 04
0 II 1 01
1 41 1 10
0 00
1 It
a aii
I 11
a it
I oo
I 40
I 41
! "
1 14
t 17
I 01
1 ((
0 01
! "
I ii
i ii
I 41
I 11
0 04
1 :
0 00
a a.
I 11
I Tl
1 04
Receipt, and dlaooaltlon of live atari.
rl.,. ""'oh Stook Yarda, Omaha, for
Cattle. Hoga. Bhe.p.HVe.
union raolflo ,.
C. N. w eaat
CAN. W. weat
C. St. P., M. O
0., B. Q eaat..., 1
v;., a. y weat,,. 1
c - i a ....
Illlnnla I?..', '"I
Chicago at, Weat"!..
Total raoelpta 4 It I
Morrla C... iff
Swift Co ,(
Cudahy Packing Co i,io(
Armour A Co ..........1,1(1
Sohwarti 4a Co ik
3. W. Murphy...... it,
Swift (frora country)
Ston City lit. stook Market.
Rlouz City, Aug. 0. Cattle Reoetpta, 101
Hoga Reoetpta, 1,100; market eteady:
light, 11.7000.01! Billed, lt.Utl.ll; heavy.
lv.(0O.'i. duik oz aaiea, (B.iavi.41.
BhMp aad Lajabe--Ne recelpta.
' 4.111 I.IK
Cattle Keeelpta of oattla thla weak have
bean rather liberal, about 11,150 bead, or
nearly T,000 more than for tha week prv
toua, and1 4,000 more than for the oorre
epondlng week laat year.In tha main, mar
ket oonamona nave been very aatlafaatory,
aa demand for beef haa been good and
the trend of valuee higher from atart to
nnlah. Cora fed, cattle, both ateera and
oowa, are around llello hlahar for the
week, beat yearllnga being quoted up to
110.21. and oholce heavlea around 111. There
oae aiao oeen a lovifte In weet
em rangara. Beat graaaara hare thla week
brought 11.(0. Fair to good klnda ara going
largely around 07.2(07.10. and T.iana and
Meiioana at ll.IOQ7.ll. Tone to trade waa
airong a, in. nniait.
Quotation, on Cattlei flood to choloe
neevaa, u.scejlo.00; fair to okolca keevea.
11.1001,11: common to fair Im.v.. it.tka'
1.71; good to choice yearllnga,;
fair to good yearllnga. Il.7fial.fi0! aommon
to fair yearllnga, I7.00ftl.l0; good to choloe
graaa baarea, II.00O1.00; fair to good graaa
beevea, 11.1001.11; common t. fair graaa
beevea. 10.1001.00; good t. tholo. halfera.
,v.feeyi..v, goou to onoioe CO we, 00.100
1.11; fair to good oow.. io.ioai.oi! com.
mon to fair eowa, Il.7l0l.lli good to choloo
loeaen fY.Dovi.ibi fair to good feeder..
17.1007.10; common to fair feeder., 11,000
0.00; good to choice atookera, 17.10 0 0.00;
atook halfera, 11.1101.71; atook oowa, 11.11
01.10; atook calvee, Il.7l0l.lli veal oalvea.; oeex DUlia, ataga, .to 11.110
mwm. ouiia, ...eenTe.lD,
Hoga Recelpta of hoga war. only .light,
ly larger than yeeterday'a. aatlmata. nlao.
Ing tha .upply at eighty oara or 1,000 head.
The week'a recelpta ara tha haavlaat alnoa
one month ago, totaling 01,140 bead aa
oompared with 41.117 laat week, (1,110. two
weeae mwh ana ii.idi laat year.
Trading began very early .gala thla
morning, both paokera and ahlppara paying
largely lOo higher prlcaa an early round,.
ana making tha bulk of their purchaaea
that war. Tha early activity died out be
fore the oloee and part of tba advanoe waa
loat on tha later rounda, Quit. . few aaiea
being n. more than a nickel higher, while
inougni tneir laat .alee ware
no better than yeeterday.
,.?...'"!!V,,"M '" '" day. make,
it difficult to compare prioea very accurate
!,'..bu.t J"1 ""o' 'oo-eya market looked
fully 10100 above yeeterday'a general trade,
and If anything the accent waa on tb. lOo
With very light recelpta the laat two daya
of tha week prlcea have regained tha ma
jor ehare of the decline, and moat of the
hoga are now aelllng a quarter higher than
at tha low time Thuraday or not over loo
,w ,n cioee at laat weak.
Repreaantatlve aaleai
No. At. Sb. Pr. No. Av.
M. .101 140 0 00 II. .231
II. .141 111 I 10 71..11I
11. .Ill ... I 17H 14. .194
II. .100 100 0 II 70. .170
71.. Ill ... I tl 04.. 221
01. .Ill ... I 41 (I. .110
10.. Ill ... I It
S1M.D I.ambe have advanRaui in........
Ing tha laat week, almoot duplicating the
upturn of the prevloua week, and putting
prioea 11.1101.10 above the low apot two
week. ago. Native! have ahown the long
end of the upturn, and are aelllng blgber
her. than at any other point, beat klnda
having kept within a quarter of the range
top. Ranger, ara credited with a I0o ad
vance, and while they .how a little more
than that on paper, quality of the offering,
toward, thla week'a oloee waa, If anything,
better than a week ago. Recelpta ware
heavy Monday and Tueeday, and Monday'a
tone waa eaaler, although Drloea InnlMd
about ateady, but alnoa then the advanoe
naa seen oontinuoua, tea upturn Friday
topping off the week'a performanoea. With
range lamb, aelllng at 111.21, valuea are
now higher than tbey have aver been in
Auguat, and In faot the beat aver hw dur
ing tha latter half of the year.
Sheep and yearllnga ware liberally aup
plled early In tha week, and very octree
toward, the cloae. Monday aaw . 1O01IO
deollne on .11 claaeea of aged atock, but
that wee folly regained the neat two daya
and cloatng prloee are fully atoady to If
anytmng atroner man a week ago.
Quotation, oo aheep and lambal Lamba.
good to choice, Hl.00011.11; lamba, fair to
good, ,l..3D0ll.oo; lamoa, feeder., ((.740
I. 65; yearllnga, good to oholce, 17.1101,21;
yearllnga, fair to good. 17.0007.71; yearllnga,
fair to good, 17.0007.(0; yearllnga, feedere,
II. 1107.01; wether fair to oholce. 10.710
(.00; ewe, good to choice, I7..O01.!,; awea,
fair to good, 11.7101.00; ewee, plain to
oulla, 14.00 0 0.11; awea, feedere, 14.1001,00;
ewea, b feedere, all agea, 10.3(01.00.
Sh. Pr.
... II 01
0 0 II
110 i to
1(0 I 10
00 0 40
... I II
M. Laula Uva Stock Mark.
St Lonla. July I Cattle Recelpta. 10
head; market ateady; nativ. beef ateera,
17.00 0 10.21; yearling ateera and balfere.
11.10010.00; oowa, K.1101.00; atookera and
feeder., (; Teiaa ataere, 15.50
1.10; prime eouthern ateera, 11.00010.00;
oowa and balfera, tt.OOfH.OO: prima year
ling ateera and halfera, ll.afi01O.2l; native
calvee, .D.euvi.ov.
Hoga Reoetpta, 1.000 head ; market
ateady; plga and llghta, ll.IO0l.ll, mind
and butcnera,; good baavy,
11.10; bulk of aalee.
Sheep and Lamba Heoetpuf. 100 head:
market ateady; eprtng lamba, 17.00010.21:
elaughter ewea, lft.00 0 7.21; bleating awea,
H.OO01O.W; yearllnga, fo.tucj t.oo.
Kanaaa Oily Uva Stock.
Kanaaa City, Mo.. Aug. I. Cattle Re
celpta, 200 head, inoludlng 100 aoutherna;
market ateady; prime ted ateera, 10.100
10,10: dreeeed beef eteera, I7.I0OI.II: weal-
em ateera, 11.1101.00; eouthern ateera, lt.1l
01.10; cowa, (4.(007.(0; hetrera, 11.000
1.10; ftockera and feedere, 10.0001.00; bulla,
I.2I0(.1I; calvea, 11.(0011.00.
Hoaa Receipt,, 1.000 bead: market
ateady; bulk of aalee, 10.0100.71; heavy,
IO.IO0f.TD; pacKere ana butcnere, ((.((0
1.75; light, 11.1001.11; plge, II. 2541.75.
Sheep and Lamba Recelpta, 100 bead;
market atoady; lamba, 110.00011.21; year
llnga, I7.76l. 10: wethera, 17.(001.00: ewea,
1.00 0 7.71; atookera and feeder,, (7,000
Elgin Butter Market.
Elgin, Aug. 1. Butter II tab. at II Mo;
llo bid on 101 tuba,
Lightest Saturday of the Year
and Many of the Stocks
Not Quoted.
New York, Aug. 6. Trading In stocks
during today's two-hour session barely
amounted to 60,000 shares. This la the
smallest turnover sines the Saturday follow
ing Christmas of 1914, when less than 26,
000 shares changed hands.
The floor of the exchange was relatively
bare of the members. Commission houses
maintaining expensive wire connections with
Important out-of-town centers reported a
complete cessation of public Interest or
demand. Many Important stocks were not
quoted at all during the session, and such
price ohanges as were recorded had little
or no bearing upon actual happenings, ex
oept in the tractions.
Even In that group the movement was
confusing and highly irregular, Third Ave
nue making an extreme rise of 1, while
Brooklyn Rapid Transit felt a point, Bhort
covering of motor and sugar shares Imparted
some firmness at the stagnant close, Mu
nitions and coppers alao hardened, pre
sumably from the same cause.
Chesapeake A Ohio showed a gain In net
revenue of $446,000 for June, and the pre
liminary statement of the Seaboard Air
Line (or the year ended June 20 laat dis
closes substantial gains In gross and net
for that period. - M
Trade journals reported a continuance of
the favorable outlook for many lines of
business, and the confident state of the
steel Industry found further reflection In
advanees announced of various wire prod
ucts. The June statement of domestlo ex
ports fully confirmed reoent high hopes In
that quarter, the gain over the same month
of 1916 being In excess of $81,000,000.
Contrary to forecasts, the bank statement
d lie totted only a very small actual cash
gain, with an expansion of almost $34,900,
000. with a gala of about $2,000,000 In ex
oesi reserves. . M ,
Bonds were Irregular In moderate deal
ings throughout the week. Total sales to
day, par value, 9390,000. United States
coupon 90 advaneed nor oent on call dur-'
tlta war ai air
Number of sates and quotations on loading
stock, weret Uw CTH1,,
Am. Beet Sugar... l.l " It "tt
American Can..... ;;' .iff
Am. Car Foundry 1,109 It 67 ?
Am. Locomotive. ,
Am. Smelt. eV Rsf.
Am. Tel. 4k Tl
Am. Z.. L. ate
Atchison 900 103 X
Bald. Locomotive., awe jjtb .j
Baltimore 4k Ohio.. 600 14 94
Brook, Rapid Tran. $09 $4 $
B. A B. Copper.... .
Cal. Petroleum.
Canadian Paelfto...
Central Leather..... .
Chesapeaae un .
0., M. St. P....,
C. R. L tit P. Ry.. .
inlno rrinn.P .
v- . -"yr- - -
co o. rue i iron..
Corn Products Rof.
Crucible Steel...... ......
D la tillers' necunuee
Re-Id. .a... .a... ......
general illectrlo. . .. JJJ ?IS
Great No. pfd 100 HI 110.
ot. No. ore ctii....... ,
Illlnola Central .,, .
Inter. Con. Corp... IM 10J4 JO
meplratlon Copper. 400 4114 41 It
Inter. Harveeter... !!!;
Int. M. M. pfd. otfl. 1,101 II w, ll
K. O. Southern ..."
Kennecott Copper.. 1,100 41
Loulavllla A Naeh
Mex. Petroleum
Miami Copper 1.100 IIM UK
m.. K. A T. efd..,.
Mleeourl Pacific.,
Montana rower
National Lead .....
Nevada copper -- ,
New York Central. :!,! 'Iii!
ft. Y.. N. H. A H.. ,. 100 11(4
Norfolk A Weftern
iff:: '"Hi iioU iiiit' :
i.. ooo nS Ii
"! .!! .I?.
110 144 w
41 41
Kn,lh,n Pantile
Paolflo Tel. A Tel .ji"
Penneylvanla 100 It II
Ray Con. Copper... ooo 12 ll
Reading .......... 100 llnS 14 ,
Rep. Iron A Steel.,
Southern Pacific.
Southern Railway.. Jill?
Btudebaker C .M JJ
Tonnaeaee Copper.. 100 I4 144
Kfff"'-- -iki iilii iiili
jkS ..oSo'Sirv
8: 1 St.. iM ::::: o uo ui2 111.4
TJtah Cppar. ...... 100 17 77 Tl
wat.rn Union...... , "' f'
Weat. ariaotrto . . . . Dvw ..i
Total aaiea for the day, 10,000 aharea. ,
... fcacal Stock, and Band. '
OrnlSauXuKSk bulldln-,.bha;
stooke Wet Aeked.
Am. sSX. C.. Pfd. "H
Cudahy Paoklng do. pfd 1 P"l;u
Klr't Cre.m.V'(''p.t-guar't'd. 00 IJOU4
Llnooln Tel. A Tel. 00m. f sot . 10 II
North. State. Power Co. pfd ... . II II
i-. fi xa n an nrri. . si es
reiere m v. i.,.,.
ooua our Iii
BKinner aanuiwiuni vw...... .. j;;,.
Hwlft A Company ......111(4 140(4
Union Stock Tdf. I PCt. atock.. II 101
Amer Can b. If. llll......... 11(4 M
I pet, gold notea, llll... 01 01.
Armour A Co. 4(41. 1130........ 11(5 M
n.-.k a. ...I. z. ,.01 eeu 1AA
Beneon, Neb. School (a, llll... 107 101.11
Fremont, Neb.,' I pot Paving
Bonda, 1020 i 101 101
Iowa rtl'd, C't Co. Oa, 1010-1014 10 100
Imperial Ruaelan 1-year credit.. 100 100
I lYSnseS V-1 L 17 J . ar.e UBB, ,.1. .... w wv
Provlnoa of Manitoba la, llll., II 17(4
Montreal T'way I pot notea, llll 10 07(i
Omaha A 0. B. St Ry. la. 1121. 00 .IvS
........ o.. m. ..( .eat eeii et
Prov of Saekatchewan 4(4a, 1(11 II II
So. California Bdlaon la, llll... ( 17(4
Swift A Company la. .......... .100(4 100
Utah Power A Light 6a, 1044.... 04 01
City of York, Neb., O, 1. la, 1110 101(4 101
. Xnr York Money Market.
New York, Aug. I. Prim, mercantile
paper, l04 per oent
aterllna Bxchanae Sixty-day billa,
14.71(4; demand, 14.71; eablel, 14.111-11.
Silver uar, feo; Mexican aoiiare, eio,
Bonde Oovernment ateady! railroad. Ir
regular. U. S. ref. la, ret 11(4 L. A K. unl. 4... 14
Ait mm. l(UMo.. K. A Tex.
V. S. lo, reg.. .10014 let 4o 14(4
do coupon ...10.' 14 'M. Pao. Con. Ia.101
U. S, 4e, reg,...101(4Mont Power ie. . 17
do coupon. ...110 N. Y. C. deb. la. 111
Am. Smeltera 01.101N. I., N. . M.
Tel. A Tel.
4Ua 101 41
Anglo-French I. Kit
Atch. gen. 4e.... 02
Bait. A Ohio 4a. 00U
Bethl. St ref. fe.l00(j
Cent Pae. let. .. II
Che. A O 0. 4(4a II
ev. la..
No. Pao. 40 11
do la II
Ore. S. L. ref. 4e. 01
Pao. T. A T. Ie. 10014
Penn. gen. 4(4a. .104
do gen. 4a...l01
neaaina gen. e. eo
r. B. AO. 1.. 4a. . 11 St. L. A Ban F.
C. M. A St P. raf. 4a 11
cv. la 101 (4 So. Pao. cv. I... 10314
C. R. L A P. Ry. do ref. 4.
ref. 4e 7lno. runway DN..101
Colo. A S. r 4a II Union Paolflo 4a. 11
D. A R. O. eon 4a 71(4 do cv. 4e..... 13(4
TCrto a-an. 4a.... IIUTJ. I Rubber la. 102
(Jen. Elec IB....104 U. S. Steel Ie.. .101(4
Ot No. let 4a.lOO(4W. Union 4Ue. 04
111. Cent ref. 4a. 11'W. Eieo. ev. (a. 114
Int M. M. 4a.. 10(14
ref. (a
(1 Bld. "Offered.
K. C. S.
St Joeepn Uve Stock Market,
1 St. Joeeph, Aug. I. Cattle Receipt., 101
head: market ateady; ateera. 17.00 0 0.71:
oowa and helfera, I4.2t0l.2l; calvee, 17.000
Hoaa Reoeinta. &.100 head: market
ateady: top aalee, 11.71; bulk ot galea,
II. 4001.70.
Sheen and Lamba Recelpta, 100 bead;
market ateady; lamba, 110.00011.00; awea,
17.00 0 7.(0.
The "Come-baeV" man was really never
iJown-and-out. His weakened condition be
cause of over-work, lack of exercise, im
proper eating and living, demands stimula
tion to satisfy the cry tor a health-giving
appetite and the refreshing sleep essential
to strength. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil
Capsules, the National Remedy of Holland,
will do the work. They are wonderful 1 Three
of theeo capsules each day will put a man
on his feet before he knows It; whether his
trouble comes from uric acid poisoning, the
kidneys, gravel or stone In the bladder, stom
ach derangement or other ailments that be
fell the ovcr-iealons American. Don't wait
until yon are entirely down-and-out, but
take them today. Your druggist will gladly
refund your money If they do not kelp you.
lKci. BAt and 91.00 Ber box. Ardent no snh.
atitutes. Look for the name GOLD MEDAL
on svery box. They are the pure, original, im
ported uaariem uu tyapiuies.
Medtcme Which Made Sur
geon's Work Unnecetary. ?
: -f
Astoria, N. Y. "For two yesM I
mi feeling ill and took all kinds of
ionics, i was jret-
I bad bead
nvwu km. a vfaa
always tired. I could
not walk straight
because of the pain
in myback and Ihad
pains in my stom
ach. I went to r
doctor and be said I
Dnst go under a
operation, but X di.l
not go. I read in
the caner about
w ,. , , . .r . . , i-i
Ajjuia Zj. nnKnam a vegeiaoie tjom
pound and told my husband about it. I
aid 'I know nothing will help me but I
will try this.' I found myself improv
ing from tha very first bottle, and in twe
weeks time I was able to sit down and
eat a hearty breakfast with my bus
band, which I had not done for two years.
I am now in tha best of health and
did not hay the operation." Mrs.
John A. Koeniq, 02 Flushing Avenue,
Astoria, N. Y.
Every one dreads the surgeon's knife
ond the operating table. . Sometimes
nothing else will do; but many times
doctors say they are necessary when
they are not Letter after letter comes
to the Pinkhara Laboratory, telling bow
operations were advised and were not
performed: or.if performed,did no good,
but Lydia KPinkham's Vegetable Com
poundwas used and good heal th followed.
If yon want advice write to
Lydia E. Pinkhara Medicine Co.
(confidential), Lynn, 91 ass.
t 1
at flatBanama-'
SipwHoriiy of EaWtiosil MeriL
This ntw creation annren with
tool authority all kinds of puzxling
quastioni rich as "How is PnemyH
pronotakcedt1' "Wbers is Flan
iertt " "What la eorUinuoiii ty
4f'M,WhiAiBajWilr'','Vhat SiMUeoaU" "Howisilai pro
nonnced?" and thoojanrln of othrra.
Mara tkaa 4tMM Vseabatoy Tenr-. r;
IMW BiiOTiMoal tsslKti. 12,m!
mttnjkShMm. Over (009 IUie- t:
trstrMts. 1TN -mias. Thasniytlictiar.
KjNk tta SiM asgs a it:ok c! p
owan. p
fankraelleck. r
raiatEoicah O
Wrlta for Bpect S
men pages, u
luatrationi, etc.
free, . eVt of
Pocket Map. II
you name tin.
The enmerfenc of thoae who
kavn uaad "Mother'e Friend"
oaoukt aiarlt npwtant raoth-
re coaaiaaraiiQn at uua ijaaa.
'"w" am of baaUhlng
"rning atcaneas and nain
saatlng cmutluoaj bafor. con-.
ga taut -w
"fn? Ha nat vane, dar
ing delivery by tba abaeoe. H
tb. Mvw. peine oocaatoaed
' mtmm mm ..ant. mm
Mr, Z?
r w
'TW .. I.. ... I i.
mi. ..rnirBi aeeiBtanc in
pr4iaring(tb. oitem for gnca
Tour druirlrt It Writ.
,Bt ft" " Intareatlntt book
on Motherhood.
Th. BradSeld ImitIiIh. r :
BHf, Atlanta. Oa.
Policemen, street ear men. mail carriers
and all ethers who are on their feet con
stantly, will bo Interested in the euttwsefui
experiment of a Chicago policeman who has
solved the question of having comfortable
feet. This policeman stands at the Intersec
tion of two busy streets, directing traffic all
day. By night his feet used to torment him.
He couldn't eleep for the patns and achet
they gave him. Then he heard of Wa-Ne-Ta,
and now he suffers no more. Two or throe
of these tablets In a bowl of hot water, a few
minutes' bathing, and all the soreness ie
gone, his feet cool, eomfortsble, easy am)
happy. Yon oan vse Wa-Ne-Ta with delight
ful effect in your body bath. Leaves skin
soft and antiseptlcally clean. You can get
Wa-Ne-Ta from your druggist. It only oosts
96 cents. If your druggist hasn't It, wo wW
gladly send yon a sample package if you will
send as 10 cents to cover cost of packing and
mailing to your address. L. G, Landon Co.,
South Bend, IntLJ-Advertlsement. k
Frish, Howetrd and Toolan
Chick HkMf Three) West
on, and Nickerton-
Charlie Chaplin in 1A.M.
p 1 1 CT 4 Porformance
IvIUOCi r Daily, 1-3-7-9.
la the fknrar of Ne-Ma'l Land r
Mtahepe of Muarjr Suffer.