Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 A
Brief City Neics
"TnMiiIl tnr Kvor1lnf Good.
H Root Print It New W.'pn Prvmt
Klertrtc Ffciw $7.IMW nrf-rtrnrtiin i
II If .Unit Mhllf lMmti.U ffV-Kitholm
Motorists Kinod I'Yur violators of
the traffic rrcul.-iti.Mi- wre nrriu(tnn1
before the polu-e magistrate and lined
M and cost e.-u h
Rt?p tour' Mono .in viluaMri In lh
A tin i.nn fin f 1 f Vnullft, Il Houlh
l.ih ?' , tw l'Lls x r-nl l CO fur
3 months. Opm fmm S m to p. in
"TodmV Moite Program," rltjwt-
fted sp.'HiMI today. It iippe-tr in The
IVe cxi-iim i'i . Kind out ihe
v.uiouk nioxmii i-vturn th enters offer.
KorvinnM tnmm office ovciill'iN tn
lis'iition I hi-i'o an no no ijiiostion
:iNuit v.n.r ic.-iiti.-n when .mi are in
T!ii' !"( biiMiimg- tin- tur.Uinn l
knonn to :tll
Sue for lhiroe rh.'irRinn cruel ty
and iiommiim1'1'''. ""ar.i I'atrh'k S.'ttnr
d.i T.lod .ntiiii jiu.i.iist riuuiis fi.t
r.. k, asKnii: .inovu. Thoy witc
r:rd .Tun, '
II. A. rvoiid (o T.ste Pnrk II. A
l-i:d. ;i'-!)t'i' .!' Ihe lvwuuo
. li,.. u:il lr;uo the first of the week
! r lis ;t. .tl:. V. Hi' Will .nd It 111
t'Mts JMI'. I'.iTi1 Ills Mill. Who It. I.
N-rn ;isso,".iti d with Kims Mills for
li-, of tile MM Hi o eiirs, if roli-II-
, ; . , u :th 1.011k' 1 Yak win.
llojioru r In Now ;rh The Oro-
, i I V KeptHMer, plll'llshfil t' Ihe Ho-
i.:i: liroi nV assoriitiion and edited
lo .1 .) Clinrl-on, st'i IVhirv of lllr as-
.i.'.ntion. h.i Just eo'.ne out in ;i new
i er and with tw eh o juices The
loil'lUation h:is h nout tan oover and
nowi I'esms to look a real nnK i-
r.ine It is emnuned full of Rood nii;il matter t'.-mtins the
Hi oeers and but i liei s in their daily
work, and esinvmlly all featttrcti t n l -niR
toward eo-operation and a "to
Ketherness" of the traile.
Lad Takes Up His
Dog's Battle and
Suffers Bad Bite
"Sonnv" Yaffe. 5-vear-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Yaffe, 26 J 7
Franklin street, has a small brown
dog named "IVanuts." Xow you can
n-ast "IVanuts.' and you can bark
ami prowl at him, if the latter mode
of expression is your disposition. Hut
it perchance you are a laifte dog with
sharp teeth and a thirst for battle,
don't try to crack 'Teauuts' while
' Sonny" is about.
Such a cant. ie essayed the job late
Friday afternoon and "Sonny" armed
with a small hall bat jumped into the
fray. After a considerable hattle
"Sonny" drove the bin dR off, but
not before he was bitten severely on
the right check and left arm. Offi
cer A. C. Anderson later allied him
self with the "Sonny" and "l'eauuts"
alliance, and put bullet through the
big stray's head. "Sonny" and 'Tea
nuts" are doing well.
Beaton & Laier
Store Remodeled
A number of improvements have
made the store of Beaton & Laier big
ger and more attractive than ever.
Since the controlling interest as
Sought by George V. l aier and Mrs.
A. J. Beaton a few weeks ago the
srace. foriierly occupied by the Magec
Sc Deerher Clothing store has been
added to the Beaton & Laier street
sales floor, increasing its size by thou
sands of square feet.
The display windows have been
:hanged and greatly enlarged. The
Dig remodeled street floor has been
edecorated throughout and a modern
system of lighting fixtures installed.
Another important addition to the
big furniture store is an interior dec
orating department under the man
igement of F. E. Blind, formerly of
Fuchs Son & Blind. It completes the
itore's splendid equipment for dec
orating homes and buildings in their
An expansion sale will be launched
Monday during which there will be
liberal discounts on everything in the
ltore excepting only a few contract
The store will close at 6 p. m. on
Saturday during August.
Dmaha Editors to
Tour, the State
Omaha will have a good represen
tation of editors on the special train
that is to leave Grand Island Mon
lay afternoon for a week's trip
hrougliout the northwestern part ot
'.he state. This is a trip the Ne
braska 1'ress association is to make
this yer in -lieu of the regular an
nul convention. Convention ses
sions will be held on the train and at
1 few of the stopping places, but no
rxtensive program is arranged except
hat of sightseeing in the rich agri
cultural section of northwestern Ne
')raka. Among those who will go from
Omaha are: W. R. Watson. Victor
Sosewater, E. V. Tarrish. .1. O. Good
.vin, J. M. Tanner, Walter Kusicky,
.'arl Herring, A. fi. Kittrell, J.
Totter, and K. Murphy.
Milwaukee Telegraphers
Given Increase in Pay
Chicago, Aug. 5. J. T. Gillick, gen
:ral superintendent of the Chicago.
Milwaukee & St. Paul railwav, an
nounced today the settlement of dif
ferences between officers of the road
and a grievance committee of 2.1XX)
telegraphers of the svstem whereby
the telegraphers were granted a flat
increase in salary of $i a month, ef
fective August 1.
The telegraphers had asked an in
crease of 15 per cent of their former
salaries, which in some cases would
approximate $15 a month.
bbb jires
Muunc WK-mo UKTun.noos
Nvw aailn. If jrou muip your car with
Le Puncture-Proof Pneumatic Tire,
Guaranteed puncture-proof.
t f ,,?.U" ,' '5' b;1' of 4i"tment,
but 10,000 miles ' on the original air" ui
a common report.
tumv cMMw supplies
Agricultural Upheaval a Result
of War in the British
H'orrMt.oniur ot Th AmocUIi-c, I'rMi )
London, July One of the rf
t'eits ot the war will be seen in a
tcreat revival of agricultural life in
KncUnd and the I'mird Kino-ilnn.
The outbreak of the conflict caught
the Hntih isles dependent on for
eign commerce for lotu-fitths of their
food Mipplv. barring meat, of which
between f0 and 7() per eciit is pro
dueed at lumr
The niiM!
"Hack to th
u.iv tn the
Ire.l hciM-Ii I. md Sellmtur. the
leaiiei ot the ct tisade. declares that
the attainment t tins object is the
c.Mnitr s.icied duty, and he eni-phao'-o
(lie point the tat met
an ib- as much t. r the cuiutiv ;,s
I lie soldier in the trenches,
Hans, tor the Kie.u relonn inchnle
a nimib,-i ,t iniporiant measures that
are to be put hmo ,-iie.t at the r.n lu st
possible lu-'tiu iit. I'he im hide tin
tollou m .
1- l he i epopui.itinii ui the i in a!
districts and at lot c-siat mit. I he war
oltice ha-. jiiM ci:sentrt t( the r
chaiiKC ft many i the older men who
in the eathei days of the war left
farm u or the tiling line for men
between I'J and M) to uU then places
at the front. This exchange will
Kin immediateU .
J, The setting
ot aci es tot i In
co opctative plan
dier.s and sailor
means of making the country more
nearly self-supporting in foodstuffs.
In all of his addresses in recent years
he has laid stress on the point. A
practical farmer and enthusiast on bis
large and fertile tract in Hampshire,
he has been able to meet the ob
jection of opponents of expert
knowledge to the great advantage of
his crusade.
As under secretary for the colonies
between IH'J.S and l'Ot), as well as dur
ing his term of office as high com
missioner of South Africa imtnedi
ately after the war he had further op
portunity ot enlarging ins knowledge
as to agriculture.
Reviews Situation.
Just before i cs inning as president
of the Hoard id Agriculture the other,
day as a matter of principles due to I
his res on the Irish piestion, Lord
elborne lonsentcd lo review briefly
f a lew years aco. ; the situation as to agriculture in an
Land," thus has Riven I interview with a representative of
gaii f ngtaml must K. Associated 1'resv
"I hae been highly gratified by the
ready response ot the people gen
eially to the idea of making the
country nun e nearly se 1 1. support in p
f i tin the mhI." he said. "I have made
my plea for the cultnattoti of the .soil
on the gi on lids ol patriotism ; the
fanners ami laborers came forward
f'-'.t to meet the emergeiuv, ami then
ii.e girls and women 1 1 0111 the vil
lages ;md een cities M,nie of the
best tpe ot wotm-u, including many
ol independent means, answering my
call out ot pure, unadulterated
pal riotiMii.
"These women have taken to the
Soil eiithusiasticalh and with the in-
! telligeuee that seems to characterize
' e ei thing they arc undertaking,
j Thev aie living like laborers and arc
New Frankl in Car Here
Dramatic Incident
In Athens Stadium
"Success which comes from cmieen
tratuiK cwiv et!"ft ot a lartre and
edit ient manufact unng firgatiiation
upon one article is exemplified in the
announcement of the Series t Frank
lin car," a s I' lo ! dts-
ter of I'Vanklin cars.
"Lroiliiction will he continued along
the same general line. As m ihe past,
there will he but one chassis. w
bodies, meet ing various pi actical
needs, have been developed, including
a four-passenger roadster, town car,
and sedan and brougham with ,V
fronts. The new Franklin Inod con
tributes much to the effectiveness of
these designs. Recognizing the rela
tion between weight and operating ex
pense, the Franklin company has re
duced the weight of if . car 4 CM pounds,
with strength and passenger sie re
maining the same. I he w eight of
Series n is J.J8D pounds, fullv equipped.
side of thousands
etth-nieiit on the
t Lugland'.s sol-
iltei the war. I bis
expediency is provided for by the
small holding culonies act, now half
way through Parliament. The scheme
will provide tor model villages, better
housing, with a garden to (very cot
tage, reading room, libraries and
good schools. Conceived by Lord Sel
borne, the idea has aroused so inucMi
enthusiasm that a wide demand has
been made for increasing the land to
he devoted to it by almost as much
again as is specified in the lull.
.V The importation of natives
from South Africa for agricultural la-' sh
hor during the remainder of tie war,
though so many objections have been
raised to this that there is little like
lihood of us being adopted.
Farm Labor Available.
It is believed that the plan for
bringing back soldiers from the front
will have the ellcct of providing suf
ficient farm labor practically immedi
ately. In announcing the war office's
consent to the transfer, an expert told
the agricultural society that in Kng
land and Scotland, as well as in Ire
land, the farms in many districts bad
fallen far below their minimum in
the matter of labor.
The tendency to regard more seri
ously the country's capacity for grow
ing larger crops is illustrated by the
figures of the wheat, bailey and oats
crops in England and Wales. Wheat
and oats were grown in larger quan
tities, though the barley crops were
much smaller. There were 5.4S9.9.W
acres devoted to the three cereals in
England and Wales in I'J 15, an in
crease of 248.044 acres as compared
with 1914. The greatest increase in
acreage was devoted to wheat, or 2,
170,170 acres in all. the figure repre
senting an increase of $b2,t72 acres
(20 per cent), greater than in 1914,
and 25 per cent greater than during
any of the years between 1905 and
1915. Every country returned in
creased areas, the total for Wales of
11,230 acres (31 per cent), being the
The returns for 1915 give Z.PKS.047
acres under oats, an increase of 158,
421 acres as compared with 1914, but
only 24,8b9 acres above the average
for the last ten years. The whole of
this increase was in England. The
reduction of the areas under barley
amounted to 158,421 acres, the total
acreage of 1,231,722 being the lowest
yet recorded. Perhaps to no in
dividual as much as to the Earl of
Selborne is due the credit of bring
ing home to the people of all classes
the importance of taking prompt
lomg remarkably ell, all of the farm
laboier's wotk milking and feeding
and hmkiiig after the stock like
vet era n . Many of t hee even have
mastered the work of handling horses
and can get as much work out of a
team as any man.
"liecause of the splendid manner in
which the women ha e risen to the
occasion in this respect at a time
when farm work is of vital im
portance, to the nation, we feel justi
fied in the belief that we are going to
pull agriculture through this crisis in
spite ot many apparently insuperable
"We realize that the problem of
making as much progress as we
lid m war tunc presents its
handicaps. Among these, in addition
to the shortage of farm labor already
indicated, is the difficulty of obtain
ing sufficient supplies of fertilizers
and modei ii machinery that are so
necessary in farming to the greatest
advantage now. Then there is the
shortage in shipping tonnage, restrict
ing at many turns our requirements
in the matter of supplies from over
seas. Ask Full Cultivation.
."We have asked the farmer to main
tain the full cultivation of the soil
an I upkeep of his docks and
herds during the course of th-j war.
and to iiKH'isf them whenever pos
sible. I nikr the unparalleled diffi
culties encountered he has responded
wonderfully. The difficulties of this
particular season will be understood,
in view of our efforts to replace with
women the men absent from the soil.
"Owing to the custom being against
women working on the land in Eng
land, the problem has been particu
larly difficult. The English type of
fa i m laborer is highly skilled and a
fine fellow. He would rather have
his women folk looking after the
home and maintaining the children
and working less about the farm,
"The only English counties in
which exception is found to this at
titude, or where women work habit
ually on the land are Northumber
land, Cumberland, and Westmoreland
and parts of Durham. i
"Of course there is a distinction be
tween what countries with highly cen
tralized governments, like those of
France and Cermany, can accomplish
in such a change in national life as we
are attempting here in England and
in what we can accomplish. I refer
to their facilities for quick organiza
tion. In France, for instance, there
is a prefect in every department and
a mayor in every commune, while
practically the whole of Germany's
population is at the order of the gov
ernment. What those countries can
as Avxyv
iuu limy iiui
even knovvvhat
tn your car-
5; .;
cr & ihdr
Satisfactory Service
!ya, 4';::y
yv:-, yXya'yaVa J
v 'i
do by compulsion we must accom
plish by voluntai y ard spontaneous
effort. And the mat bine hero, there
fore, is necessatily slower.
"Hut the spirit of the people here
is aroused and, a usual when that
is so, the desired icMtlt
Pay State Grants.
''While we are not as well equipped
in the respect of agricultural col
lege as a country of larger rural popu
lation like the Cnticd Males, we ar
paying slate giant-, to institutions
scattered over the entire country that
are directing their energies into this
vital channel of instructing the people
in the art ol agneuluirc. When they
are further along in their task, our
goal of accomplishing the repopula
tion of the agricultural districts will
be simplified, if not solved. Like
wise a splendid impetus will he given
the work of afforestation, so badly
needed throughout the country,
"But perhaps the condition to
which fanning had dropped in the
United Kingdom may he better un
derstood by a reference to its history.
It must he remembered first that up
to the time of the passing of the great
reform bill in 1882, hind in this coun
try was a source of great political
"The bill's effect in transferring the
basis of power from land ownership
was manifested gradually, and that
depression which was the greatest
catastrophe in the history of agricul
ture did not begin until the end of
the seventies. That was with the fal:
in the price of wheat lo 24 shillings
a quarter, and of corn and other farm
produce m porportmu. harming, ot
course, ceased to be a business prop-j
"Millions of pounds were lost, and j
! thousands of farmers were absolutely
i ruined. Conditions remained very
j had for farming for thirty-five years
! "( hving It) a variety of causes an
(improvement occurred between 100
hound to ! being maintained and was increasing
when the war broke out. Although it
had placed the farmer so he was mak
ing a good commercial profit ten
years before the war, every year saw
less land under cultivation and more
acres devoted to grass. The increas
in the areas going to grass was due
to the fact that farmers could make
a good living in that way with less, and the tuemorv of the terrible
experience of the depression."
Lord Selborne will have something
to do with the revival of agriculture,
even now that he has resigned his
place as president of the Board of
Agriculture, as the prime minister has
invited him to co-operate with him in
the task of reconstruction of agricul
ture after the war.
Speaking before the Agricultural
Organization society, Lord Selborne
"Increased food production during
the war is a sacred national duty. The
man on a Hampshire farm can strike
a blow for England equally with his
son in Flanders. The manner in
which women have responded to the
call of duty in this war should make
it impossible for any man to think
them less patriotic, less capable of
comprehending a great issue, less
firm in purpose or less prone to sac
rifice than men." He made a plea
for better wages for farm laborers,
better houses, and for a multiplication
of the occupying owners of land
drawn from the laboring classes."
(rorrraponrtpive ot The Associated Prow.)
Athens, July 25. A dramatic mo
ment marked a military horse show
given recently in the stadium. The
jumping and riding exhibitions were
over. The white-skirted evzones had
marched impressively past the royal
tribune, and two regiments of soldiers
were drawn up before King Constan-
I tine and (Jueen Sophie to sing lireek
tolk songs. Several songs passed
pleasantly enough. Then there came
one about the exploits of Constantine
I'alelogue. emperor of Bvzance.
I Even to t hose who could not under
stand the words there was something
stirring in the martial lines. Ami
when 1 .000 voices rang out : "The
i warrior king unsheathed his sword,"
1 suddenly the whole mass blackening
; the gleaming marble of the stadium
1 c .... : i i i:..
i as in unr, i 'piton iiii,
crying out: "Yes ! Yes! The war
rior king will unsheath his sword!"
and craning their necks to see their
sovereign, their warrior king of to
day. Constantine 1 sat erect and rigid in
his smart, white uniform a hand
some, martial figure, himself. He
heard- but he made no movement. His
left hand grasped the hilt of his
sword. But the sword remained un
sheathed, and the song went on.
Only when the king had gone ana
the crowd was pouring down the
street that runs in front ofthe royal
residence, some man shouted that ii
was shameful that the applause for
the king had been paid for by Ger
man money.
A crowd gathered instantly, There
j was a shot. An officer cut the man
who had shouted in the head with
his sabre. A score of secret police
sprang up in a moment and the of
fender nut the officer) was hustled
otT through an unfinished building,
(down back streets, to jail.
i Edward Syboes Slugged,
j No Attempt at Robbery
Edward Syboes, Nineteenth and
Jackson streets, foreman for Andrew
Murphy & Son, was slugged on his
(way home from work Friday night. His
I injuries are not serious, and no at
tempt at robbery was made. Bert
Murphy, wdio reported the affair to
the police, suspects a former employe
of the concern who was discharged
by Syboes.
Ree Want Ads produce best results.
You have probably noticed the increasing
number of Stearns White line radiators on the
Just another proof that owners have be
come tired of cleaning out carbon and grind
ing valves, to say nothing of the hundred and
one other troubles that a Steams-Knight
Motor, built into a Stcarns-Own-Make chassis,
The reason is one of quality and work
manship; but, above all, one of principle! of
2427 Farnam St. Doug. 2406. Omaha, Neb.
regarding the Studebaker SIX
Wfcfa a (aury& fro, fimdj
StudaJcor 1 Just
the dirfT.JUst wfcat i i;ferent niodAi a7estieatio tJUs car? i i?
ferorjr, -v .. .... "'iea that -
-after COMPARISON: that's the
a m m
way most btudebakers are bought!
7 Passenger
( F.C.B. Detroit
South Bend, InJ. Detroit, Mich.
Walkerrille, Ont.
THAT'S the way this owner
bought his. (Name furnished on
request.) I hat s the way YOU will
buy yours. AFTER comparison!
Comparison is the BIG reason that
Studebaker sales have more than doubled
over last year's sales.
And this is why:
When you set this SERIES 17 Stude
baker SIX side by side with any other
- . iuMiurt ana make
comparisons on the essentials of
you find that any other car that equals it!
is priced from $250 to $400 HIGHER.
You SAVE from $250 to $400 by buyina
a Studebaker and you don't have to
sacrifice one iota of the activity, endur
ance, luxury and low cost of maintenance
that you want in a car.
See the car and judge for yourself. YouH
see why this letter was written.
E. R. Wilson Automobile Co.
2550 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska.