Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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Member of Kearney City Coun
cil and Bank Official Drown
in Platte River Channel.
-t. ' . Alii i f !
Irlrgrani 1 While t!:r.i ivrs ami
.llildrni ami iilfmis M.imi '.'V ill lltlp
lfs h.vior. two ol Kririifv's luisilltss
mm weir .livuned i" the watfri ol
the PUtte nvfr nrar hrrr toniRht
Svdnfv Y. Morrison. agcJ Si. man
Kn ot li e Krainrv floin mill, infill
her ot ihf f it v i-.miiuiI and
ni the tmanrf committee of that
hoi'.v. and Danifl T. McOoruM, ikccI
.. -ahirr ot the Central National
hank of krarnev were the victims.
; Gofs to Other's Rescue.
; The two men with their families
tnA a ra"V of friends rre picnick
ins on the river hank. Morrison
and McDonald were in the river bath
ing. Morrison tonld not swim. Mor
rison Kot beond his depth in a
Channel which had been filled for the
construction of the new steel bridge.
McDonald went to bis rescue.
Morrison never came up. McDon
ald rose to the surface once and then
disappeared. None of the remaining
members of the party could swim.
One of them pushed a pole into the
water, but it was too late to save
cither of the men.
The channel is fifteen feet deep
and thirty feet long and is a very
dangerous snot for ' athers. The
Platte river lias been very low for
long time but a few davs ago it
rose to almost the level of its hanks
.with the breaking of the interstate
,dam in Wyoming. The water from
rthe dam was excessively cold for the
V'son and this made it difficult for
the drowning men in their fight for
. Other members of the party, he
Aides the Morrisons and McDonalds,
"were Mr. and Mrs. Kay Turner and
Mrs. Leo Warscl.
Morrison leaves a wife and two
roall children, one a few months old.
."McDonald leaves a wife and three
voung children. McDonald had
lived in Kearney nearly all his life
and was actively identific I with the, official and social life of
the place. Morrison had come here
iftom Missouri less than two years aRO.
The bodies were recovered lale to
night. ,
Suburban Irrigation
ft District Redeems Bonds
North Platte. Neb., Aug, 5. (Spe
iaD After one of the most stormy
'VarccCi of any -project in the history
Ttf western Nebraska irrigation, the
f suburban irrigation district is at last
out of the woods and has plain' sail
j.Iiir ahead. Attorney J. G. Beeler,
secretary and treasurer of the district,
y has announced that the last payment
stas been made on a bond issue of
voted twenty years ago and
"Mhat the district is at last free of debt.
;lhe suburban district, ort$inall
"Jhc farmers and merchants district,
Mis had a long siege of legal battles
jfrhich have many of them ended in
ithe supreme court. Older districts
fought it from its inception and it
.-was only by winning in the courts
Mhat its existence was continued.
i The district lias a ditch twenty-four
Jtiilcs long and a ten-mile lateral. In
jtjie twenty years that it has been in
existence the taxes on the 8,500 acres
thich it waters have averaged but
cents per acre, at times going as
Sigh as $1 per acre annually and a
lather times dropping as low as IS
r Cents per acre.
Four Stacks of Grain
Burned by Incendiary
-k Beaver City, Neb., Aug. 5. (Spe
rial.)Four stacks of gram on the
Jarrn qf William Heidoft, eight miles
"afortheast of here, were burned at a
'-iite hour last night. The stacks in
two field and in three separate
laces. The person who set the fires
was traced today by Sheriff Sevier. A
'.plain trail had been made through the
Stubble field from stack to stack and
.across a cornfield and into the road
way, where the tracks were lost in the
. dust. They were made by a pair of
"harrow-pointed shoes, the only clue
lhat has been found. The loss ot
htt amounts to about 1,000 bushels.
j Farm House at Maywood Burned..
Maywood, Neb, Aug. 5. (Special.)
f-Al Zollars, a prominent farmer liv--ing
north of town, lost his house and
i' yearly all hit t-ousehold goods and
tlothing by fire Wednesday. The fire,
1 which was supposed to have started
arom a defective chimney, broke out
tnrnen all the family was out tor a tew
UTiinutes, it had made such headway
j'that almost nothing was saved. The
tliouse was partly covered by insur
ance, the contents were a total loss.
V Fersistent Advertising Is the Road
ito Success.
Thirty Five Entries Made for
Infant Contest at State
Fair at Lincoln
Wind Accompanied by Hail j
Early in Morning Does
Heavy Damage. j
i r-
4 Mult
. til uk i;h'. lal I
uvm! niiTt'i inlrrrM is lrmR l.iUrn in
l!ir be Met'if- wMiirM. whn will
-C ,1 p.u t nl l lii' -1,1! t.Ut at 1 1 .U II'MI
this cu, ,ml at tin- rally dalr llur
ty-five nitnt-f luw -pen inale ami
vUul if plfAMiiK lo tlio Ur nuinnf
mrnt (lie pr.tjilf out in the nuiiitn
arr tuktiif! an aclnr unrrcut til the! and arf makntK i.tnrs The
tlatt nt Iomm of rutins is AiitfiiM
M. K.iloMiin is tho liM "i tiitncs ti
date :
Km nli Wnnlnrr, Ami rim, l.tmolri
M.-nln Mwttti-r. Athl.ui
V.-Htn Attvr. AU'l"ii
V(tl1irtl l.llrrti H.t.hniunn Mt'i'HU"
ti (1
Viltnr KrHtir-ld tUtlcl, Witltfn
Kruii.i- KlUnli.ih Urt-Kory. 1ii'"l
Kibr1 U, mil row t.n y. iifiis hi
HrlHrt Crank Mjtorn-. IUi"li'.k
Thuorj-irs K M unn, Wivurlv
Irl., .Uy Nnlii-ll. milt'll View
WilUr.1 lUrrv WUuli, NVhuwha
Ma MH.Ire-tl Mlcuinh. I.lii.oln
l,Kwrnii t M'Kwa, Miuiiln
ttuth A Thftittaon, Myrarufe.
MttrK'triM U alhr. 1,1m uln
.ImtK Amelia H-lnuii. Klrnwomt
liillttvri Frank, VVall-m
Mary MUren t'art'fr, Wi'oi'ing Water,
Ittiih Mary klt, t.tiimln
I'onald l,owH Hwnifiiiir, Horwyn.
Hi ruta Mlrimti Limit man, Hirlii Utw.
i lyrta W. CurrJ, Lincoln,
t 'la r once Ita niomt, J'ahm ra
I'tlT Yon hk urn Htirna, (Jfnfvii
Maria Ioula lav(a, I'aliuor
Marjnrl Kllacn ('unwell. Klnnvoixt
Irvtiif Lyon Wimrt, Lim-nin.
Krancla (VfVnnor, Klrnn)nt
Allan C Atiilin-tn, Hrlalow
JartK CarllalP, WhIhio
Kmni Jana Mai1t, Creta
Hanry Criti Hurhnop, Ui o.
Tart Harold llur hoop, Waco
Margarat MnClnan. Fremont.
Notes From Beatrice
And Gage County
Rcatricr, Neb., Aug. 5. (Special.)
Word has been rrci'ived here to tlu
effect thai V. M. Mall, a (ormer resi
dent of OaKC county, who was sent
up (or a life term in the Minnesota
state prison on December 17, 1'HO,
for the murder of his nieces husband,
walked out of the penitentiary last
Tuesday a free man. having hern
pardoned. Mall is now 78 years of
age. and has '.orn in feeble health for
some time. Me was engaged in farm
itig four miles cast of Diller for nun)
years, and after the death of his wile
lie went to Minnesota where the
shooting occurred.
Mrs. Mary C. Currier died last eve
ning at a loial hospital aged 64 years.
She is survived by her husband and
four sons.
The tiage County Live Stock
Ilreeders' association was organiml
here yesterday Jjy the election of
these officers: president, Kirk
Griggs; vice president, George Suiter;
treasurer, R. W, Grant; secretary, ()
H. l.iebers. Nearly 100 farmers at
tended the meeting.
Mrs, Adelia Kins, wife of lames
King, for the last thirteen vmr a
resident of Beatrice, died at the home
of her daughter, Mrs, William Gra
ham in this city vesterdav. aed 81
years. She is survived by her hus
band, who is 90, and four children.
The body will be taken to Lena, III..
Monday for interment.
Kennedy and Suttoon
Speak at Shubert Picnic
Falls Citv. Neb.. Aiiir 4. f.Wr!! )
Shubert is Laving a combined
cnautauqua and picnic the last two
davs which drew ftnriallu l,m
crowds. The principal speakers were
John I.. Kennedy, republican candi
date for I'nited States senator, and
Abraham L. Sutton, republican can
didate for governor.
Girl Has Jaw Broken.
Falls City. Neb., Aug. 5. (Special.)
-Mi Itsi Hnrria 1,. I,..-
brnlien hv th l,9n,tl .-.( II-....
. - w .. Vj ...v t,u.v V. m v IliVIld 33
with which she was draining water
rum a wen. as :ne Ducket reached
the Ion. thr bnnHt t;
grasp and as she undertook to catch
it. it struck her on the chin, breaking
the jaw bone and knocking two teeth
louac several lucnes were required
to close the wound.
Killed Under Engine.
Fremont. 'eb 4r s i(H:.n
Whiled riving an engine to a
inresning ouuit across a small bridge
near Clarkson, Joseph X. Xavorkal
lost his life when the structure gave
way. He was pinned beneath the en
gine and was instantly killed.
Canned Beans Kills.
Fremont. Vb Ar 5,c
Poison from eating canned baked
Deans resulted in tne death at a local
hospital of Mrs. Phillip Klein, 30
vears old. The hneKaH
children were taken ill, but recovered.
I. .h. iu:
) I I'll .1:1: 1 l ! Hi 1 1 r ("cIiiiik
j .( 1 Klll!l!lr .ibout
I ,H .1 11 ; . w I nit- c , 1 , : ir w .1 111 bed
It u .tr. i'ini.inii''l 1 1 lie
1 lnunbei I a 111 K-n.iKr, i I'omparii! i civ
new innriil litlililnli;, was !crl
led to the ground and about $4,01X1
worth oi danute ilolh- 10 the building
and slotk. Mr. t haiiibrrlain, sr..
who slept in the ollire of the build
ing, was taken out of the ruins cut
and bruised, but imt seriously in
juied by the tailing cement blocks.
Main street was litleud with, tiling
timbers and broken plaic lass. The
roof iif the gatanc was hurled ocr
the Stockmen's hotel, damaging the
root and destroying the bam. It
hnallv descended on the Hippach Vo
house, which it demolished.
Trees, crops and farm houses and
buildings in the path of the storm
seemed to have feutiered 11101 e or less,
the hail doing considerable damage.
Damage was done by the wind in
the Jones lumber yard. About $-.000
worth of lumber was scattered over
the yard and much of it splintered.
A piece of 2x8 wan hurled half a
block from the garage and buried
neai ly three feet into the middle of
Maui street. 1 lie telephone system
is out of commission.
Board of Equalization
Continues Session
(From a HuifT I'orrt'aponttent )
Lincoln, Au. 5. (Special.)- -The
State Hoard ot Assessment continued
it session ;is a hoard of equalization
this morning, the first objection to
raises made hy the hoard roming from
officials of Custer county, w ho ob
jected to the 15 cr cent raise in real
estate tacked on hv the hoard. They
appeared to think that the raise was
unwarranted because of the quantity
of very poor laud in that county.
Officials of Jefferson county also
appeared before the hoard and en
deavored to show it that the 5 per
cent raise made on real estate was
too high.
H, 7411 mors paid Want Ad first nix
monihn 1 0 1 A thn tn m period ot Hid
ntiirly 1.000 nmro (hlIi wu Why men
tion roaults wltli I his kltwi of tfvUt'iica 7
New System of
Fat Reduction
4 I'!"' ''i
, , e, v,
v 4 a"1""1 (x.
i A
. t. T kTVO
1 Mr. F. E. Blind, formerly of
Tueh-L Son A Blind of this city, hu
J1een placed in charge of the new
("decanting department or. tne en
"lanred Beaton & Laier atore. Mr.
ireiuid has just returned from an east
ern trip, where he gained man; new
ideal in the decorating line. Adv.
Stomach Troubles
Here's a new way for nil fat people
to laugh tOKfther at that old bum boo
Obesity. The naylnic that "there Is
nothing new under the sun'' does not
now apply to fat people anv more.
Here ti omethlnir new for them a
new aennatlon, a new pleasure, a new
and graceful figure, easily found bv
anvona who Is paaainK beyond the
imita of alimneBs. Evervone has
heart! of the Marmola Prescription;
that harmless combination of fat
defying elements disoovered by one of
our foremost physicians. Now, from
the earn hich authority, there comes
another Idea the idea of condensing
these same pure, harmless Ingredients
Into a pleasant little tablet. Taken
after eatlnr and at bed-time, they
help the stomach to dispose of all tho
fatty foods, converting them Into com
pact, solid flesh, muscle and energy,
without dieting or exercise. Marmola
Prescription Tablets regulate the en
tire system do for you what bodily
exertion and self-denial can not do.
and the fat, once routed. Is gone for
good. Tou can prove all this at a
trifling Cost. Marmola Prescription
Tablets are sold by all druggists or
sent post paid by the Marmola Co.,
H64 Woodward Ave.. Detroit. Mich. A
large case sufficient to bring lasting
results is but 7&c.
and all other summer complaints
can be prevented and relieved by
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
the one remedy
that has been
used with con
tinued success;
the standard of
purity and excel
lence since 1860.
When traveling use a little Duffy's
Pure Malt Whisker hi Tur drinking
water. It often saves aiuch dlstresi oc
casioned by the change.
most druiciatse grocers and dealers.
11.00. If thty can't supply you, writs us.
Useful household booklet free.
The Daffy Melt WMekey Co.,
Recheetcr, N. Y.
Any Watch Repaired $1
or Cleaned for ... . 1
KM Nrriil. BM,. Third Flow.
lth u4 Hanuy.
(Highest Award)
at Ike Panama
Pacific IxpoMtion'
was fruited to
Superiority of Educational Merit
This new creation answers with
final authority all kinds ot puzzling
questions toch as "How is Pruemytl
pronounced?" "Where is I'tan
(lent " "What ifl a continuous voy
aijet" "What is nhmriUerf" ' 'What
is tehiu coalt" "Howistr pro
nounced?" ami thousands of others.
Mora than 400,000 Vocabulary Terms.
30,000 Geographical Subjects. 12,000
Kerapbical Entries. Over COM Illus
trations. 1700 Pares. The only dicUon
arj Mttk ttw dftieed pact a stroke ol
Write for tperi
men rap, il
lustnUio&a, .U..
Ftee, a tat of
Pottol M.p. II
you oaois tail
SmfkM. aW
ti tmlhiiir.l I rum I'm 4- Our. I
("lief aain t h..rgr. ami made m-v
rial arrests
Automobiles and Omnibuses,
I 'i h in?) were nude l many
ni l he laitfe Inmuiial and lui-inras in
htuti.n.i in ilir Inwer part nt the eily
t n'livcv their eiiiplnyes fimn iheit
li' tnes i he 11 i 'th i is a lid T rrs in
auli'MiMl'd- and oitnidui-es. .,'id main
ol the c mphi rs m cupird i oums lirr
the nifiht mar Midway or elevated
hues in order to leaeh their wmk un
time. t
1 he street taihvay Iiiif imulved
muliide the New Vwrk Railways emu
paiiy, the Secuiid Avenue line. Third
Avenue Kailw ay company, and two
lines in the Hroux.
The strike to foree a demand for
ree.initinn trf the union and increased
waes began to lake etfett on the
main lines of the New York Railways
company as early aa It) o'clock last
night, when the, first meeting of the
c mi due tors and mot or men voted to
quit work. One thousand men took
a similar vote at a meeting early
this morning. Employes of the Sec
ond Avenue line, who had presented
no demands' to the company, struck
tn sympathy. Two hundred employes
of the surface lines in (J nee ns borough
voted to quit early today. The Brook
lyn lities are not involved.
Some minor disorders attended the
declaration of the strike in Manhat
tan ami a few arrests were liiade of
strikers who attempted to interfere
with the operation of cars. So tar
as known no one was injured during
the night:
The officials of the New York Rail
ways company asserted that only a
small percentage of their employes
had voted to quit work and sought
the protection of the police for the
others. The officials Siinl that 'JO per
cent of the men were willing to wink
anil that with police protection the
surface car lines could be operated.
The police commissioner offered to
put a policeman on every car.
H. H. Norcross, Beatrice
Banker, Dies Suddenly
Hcalricc, Neh., Auk. 5. (Special
Telegram I II. II. Xorcross. for
mam years inlrresteil in banks al
Adams, llealrice and Filly, owner of
a line of grain elevators in this sec
tion id the slate, and prominently
iilnitihfil uitli lii i, ,.;,....;
ol (iagc county, died suddenly last:
infill ai nis nome nere 01 apoplexy,
aged sixty-three- years. Jie had ,fe'
.1 resident of the county for forty
years. A widow and three children
(('atlilliinril rnitil Piltr On.) J
-tale. Kdt-.m Waite, I 'in ted States
Mtiator, John ,. Kennedy
Three Were Absent.
I andidates unable to attend the
meeting were: Regents, Seymour and
I'a-M'ti; railwaj coinmiSMnner. ( lark;
stale trcaMirct. Reynolds.
"1 'tiditiutis throughout the state
;p-d iuh"!i point i the election of
lepublican candidate-." said Judge.
Nitton. who returned but a few days
stK" from a trip throughout eastern
stales, where he made a close study
ol political barometers,
To Tour in Autos.
"ll has been agree'! that the better
way of reaching the people in Ne
braska 1-. by automobile and about
September 1. John L. Kennedy, with
one-halt nt the state candidates, and
myself at the head of the other party,
will formally open a campaign that
will reach every nook and cranny of
the state. Mr. Kennedy's party will
be covering one part ot the state while
the candidates in our automobile par
ty will be holding meetings in another
distnet. ur routes will then cross,
so that every landidate will have the
Mpportuniu of meeting the voters."
Judge Sutton left Omaha yesterday
afternoon for Newman (.rove, where
he will address the chautauqua gath
ering at 1 o'clock this afternoon. All
churches of the town have postponed
their meetings for this discussion of
the moral questions o'" the campaign.
Judge Sutton speaks at m open-air
meeting at Albion Monday night, and
on August 1(1 makes an address at the
Frontier da s celebration at Silver
(reek to old soldiers and pioneers
He speaks the utne day at Centra'
( My at 4 o'clock. On August IJ h
makes an address at the Old Settle. -picnic
ar I'nion and on August b'
talks at Nebraska City.
Maywpod District Fair
Erects New Buildings
.Maywood. Neb.. Aug. 5. (Spe
cial.) Considerable activity is being
manifested by the Southwest Ne
braska Fair association management.
The buildings which were biult last
year were thought to be large enough
for all needs, but they were all Jul
and many departments were found
entirely inadequate for their needs
The barns and grandstand are being
doubled in size, other departments
will be enlarged if possible to do so
The fair last vear was a decided ?uc
ces in spite of much bad weather and
everything points to a mfnuch largei
and better exhibit.
Doctor Says Nuxated Iron Will
Increase Strength of Delicate
People 200 in Ten Days
taMci of ordinary nun
Minos PT rtnv afK'r in-all- for two wel(i
Tlwn tf-ut mp'ngth Mpaln an1 f fur
voursplf how miKll 'MJ li.v BAlnM. I
iiuvu trt'n .f m-rvmis, run-down P
. who w.'re Hillnif all Urn tirn lilil
ttiid -vfri trinl their utr-ngth and ndur
hih'd and ennn-ly B-t rid of thetr syttip
toiuN of diNi't'i'fi"- ,lvf,r atld ,lier rout.l.
in fn.m t.'-i) to fourtet-n days1 lime iiini'ly
. 1.1...- ... ii... nrnmr frirm ind thin.
Kurop. iid: If you w-r. to mke n ar- ;;Rth haii ln aomM VMtn bom doctor
liiHl blood tit on all people who .ire til "fl" tn na 1 oMalnln- Hny b-n-
Ulk as uu pit-n autiu- an i""
In many lnUnc- Iron har nuffrrd
untold ajronT for yrnr dor tori nr for nerv
uu nrjknrfn, dlomarh, IWer or kldnoy dls
panf or ft me other ailment whim their reial
Ironhle wni lark of Iron In th blood.
Iliw to tU.
Ni' w York, S. T. In a refenf rtlficoiirne
lr I-; Srtur, a well-known Ppeciitltft who
ftudli'd widely both In thl eouritry mux
ynu 1
uld probably l irfaily asioninhfd at
' 1 it a t x pedinRly Iarg numoer wiw kick
Iron and who are 111 for no oilier reamm than
th lai-k of iron. Th nuniii-nt trun 1 itun-
iilled all their multitude of danfte.rouf Jtymi'
1 ti.iin dlKiipi)ar. Without Iron th hlood at
1 ours limes the power lo rhanite food Into
, IHIntt tmsiw and. th-Tcfore, notiunff you
i eat do--, you uny good; you don't (jet the
, ittrength out of It. Your foud merely pai.sea
t hroujili your ayaLcni liko corn through a
mill with lh rollero ao wide apart that the
' mill t-an't ttrlnd. Aw result of thta eon
I tiuunuH blond and nerve jtiarvation, people
! berotne generally weakened, nervous and
i hII run down and fr.-iucnily develop nil
! mi Ms of conditions. on.- l too thin; another
j is burrt"ned with unhealthy fat; some are bo
wettlt they ran hardly walk; some ihlnk they
Lam dysppfcla, kldm-y or liver trouble;
some iiin"t (deep at niKht, otht-ra are alepy
1 mid tlrt d uli day: sotric fusiy and IrrltaMs;
1 e.une skinny and blood !. but ail lark
physical power and endurance. In Ktn-h
iiS' S. It is worse than foolishness 10 take
stimulating medlrlnea or narrotlo drills,
1 whi'h only whip up iur fagging vital
ptiwera for the moment, maybe at the x
penns of your llf later on. No mattr
what anyone tell you. If you ars not strong
1 nnd widt you owe 11 to yourself to make th"
1 following test- K how long you ran
wm-k or how far jnu can whik wnnoui on
wonders wrong"' hv new renicoiea, oui
when you i.iiiit down to hard farts thero
n nothing like Rood old Iron to put eolor
in your i h-k aii't good, sound, hpaithy
flesh on ) our hones, U 1" also a great
nerve, and stoma-h etrnnglhener and ths
best hlood builder In the world. The only
trouble win that the old forms of inorganio
Iron like tinriure of tron. Iron acetate, etc.,
often ruined probe's teeth, upset their
xiomarhs and were not assimilated and for
these reasons they freguontly did more harm
than good Hut with ihe discovery of tii
nwr forms of organlp Iron al! this has
been ov.'r.-ouir Mixiited Iron, for example,
la pieman! lo tnke, dos not injure the
teelh and le nlmust immediately beneficial
No TK The inn nufac turers of Nuxated
tron have mieh unbounded confidence in its
ootenrv that the authorize the announce
,,.,,( lhat th-y will forfait (101 00 to any
CharHal-l- Institution if they cannot tak
anv man or woman under sixty who ta:k.i
iron an.l Iiicpmm atrt-ngth 20ft P-r
cent or over t" four weeke' time, provided
they have no serious organic IrouMe. Also
thev will refund your money in any rase in
which Nuxated Iron does not at least dnu
bi vour strength In ten days' time It is
dispensed tn this city by Hherman & Mc
Connll I'rug Htores and H other dru);-
Large German Sausage
Factory Destroyed by Fire
1 '"rn -itpouiience of Tin; Ansocla teil I'reni
t openhagen, July 10. According
to the Kieler Zeitnng, Heine's sau
sage and meat curing factory in ilal
herstadt, one of the largest concerns
of the kind in Germany ami recently
engaged in carrying out army con
tracts, was burned down late in June.
Some Yield of Oats.
Heatrice, Nth., Aug. . -(Special.)
Henry I'fingster, living near He
witt, today finished threshing twenty
nine acres of ...its from which lie re
ceived a yield of sixty-one bushels to
the acre. This is the heaviest yield
yet reported in thus county. . j
We will take your old plass shades in trade, giving you
shades tinted to match your own decorations at a small
additional charpre tor tinting.
I additional cnarge ror tminiK. j
This is an exceptional offer and one you should not overlook, as
it allows you to net shades that will harmonize with your decorations
at a very small expense. .
It will add to the beauty of the home, besides increasing its
sale value.
Better Call Monday
1907 Farnam St. Doug. 2448
August Store Hours 8:30 A. M. to 5 P'. M., Saturdays 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M.
Here's News of Vital Interest To All Thrifty Home Lovers
The Beatonfe Laier Expansion Sale
Everything In This Mammoth Store
Whitlall Rugi and Way So g fen Bcdipringt only excepted
Reduced From 10 to 20
With the advent some three weeks since of Mr. Geo. W. Laier as President
and general manager of this fast growing store, come many marked steps in ad
vance and to begin with a sale affording
The Opportunity of a Life Time
To Choose From Unrivaled
Displays of Up-to-the-Minute
Furniture, Carpets, Draperies and Stoves
The Choicest Products of America's Leading Manufacturers
Savings of 10 & 20 to 1s & 12
We might fill every page of every Sunday paper in Omaha with descriptive matter regard
ing the thousands of unusual values in fine Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Draperies, Stoves, Ranges,
Refrigerators, etc., etc., and then not even begin to do justice to the merits of this sale. Suffice
it to say, if you have a single home furnishing need, present or future, you'll profit greatly sup
plying it now at Beaton & Laier's.
This sale is the more noteworthy, owing to the fact that it occurs in the face of steadily ad
vancing prices. In many instances the values offered cannot be duplicated at anything like the
low prices in force during this great sale.
Us 4t5t7 So.MStM w
3S3 Omaho Home-Furnishing Headquarters
1 Phone P-335.U K2S