4 B TTTE OMAHA SUNDAY RKK: AUGUST 6, 1916. MASTER BUTCHERS HERETOMORROW Start Five Days' Meeting by Visiting Samson's Show at the Den. BUSINESS STARTS TUESDAY Thr I'mtrd Master Huuhn's sociation will he the pursl ot the h oal otjlamration tor thr tuvt I'm days ii f lilts week, ami .1 lull pii(i,iin lias been planned for their mtrium merit and rditicatiiMi. Thrv will .it n c tomorrow, most of thrm on .1 special train from 1 lueapo over thr Hurling lion. In the evening these 111e.it spe ciahsts will ga.-e with entu.il eye 011 the TmH" at tlie Pen. while the wives ot the Omaha dealers' eiiteitam their wives. Tuesrlav moriiiPK Inismess begins when V. K. Kutiel. the local presi dent and Mavor Pahlman welcome them to the city. The dav will be devoted to business Wednesday will include a business session, a visit to the stuck cards, a luncheon by Everett Huekmglum end a theater party. Government Expert Here. One of the best numbers oil the pro gram will be .1 lectin e and demon uratiou on tubei culosi 111 cattle, In Dr. George IV Moss, ot the Uurc.iti of Animal Industry Wasliniglon, who will talk to ibe butchers Thursday morning. Thursday afternoon they will have an opportunity of seeing the parks and boulevards of Omaha, and Thursday evening the Koine will ferve the annual banrjuet The Kridav morning session will he devoted to any imtmisbed business and reports, the election of officers and the selection of the nest meeting place. I. 1. Cameron the secretary of the I'nited Master Butchers' oi Omaha, estimates that about .15(1 delegates and their wives will visit 111 Omaha during the week. The Omaha Bu tchers in the organization number about fiftv. with V. F. Kuncl. presi dent; Charles Blind, vice president; Frank Bongardl. treasurer, and .1. J. Cameron, secretary. To Meet at the Rome. The association originally planned to make headquarters at llie Hotel Castle but the strike oi the building trades workmen stopped the progress of the new extension and headquar ters were transferred lo the Hotel Rome where all the meetings will be held in the ball room. A detailed program of papers to be read and the subjects to be dis cussed can not be given until the arrival of the national officers tomor row, hut attention will be given to the consideration of trade customs, ways of economical distribution, fair and unfair competition, .and the fos tering of proper legislation. Auburn Blind Man Has Three Diplomas From State School Stella, Neb.. Aug. 5. (Special.) Prof. C. A. Jones of Auburn, is the only student who lias ever finished all the courses from a Nebraska state institution. He has had three diplo mas from the State School for the Blind at Nebraska City. The diplc mas arc ior eacn tnc literary, musical, and industrial courses, respectively. Prof. Jones lost the sight of one eye when four years old, from a tiny particle of sawdust getting into it, the inflammation from this eve seriously affecting the other, but while one eye is lost to him forever, the sight of the other has considerably improved within the last few years. Frof. Jones spent fifteen years in the schools for the blind at Vinton, la., and Nebraska City. The industrial course embraces piano tuning, carpet weaving, the making of fly nets, hammocks, brooms, etc. When in school, he devoted from four "to six hours a dav to piano prac tice. and after he was graduated from the institute at Nebraska City, he spent two years teaching. Improvements Are Made by New Beaton This Little Girl's Midnight Thanks Brought Big Lift for Poor Babies Vh.Mhrth is otih J.' months old now , mi won't she he a 1 a i-lnng hr.iutv when he i-, J J iis ohl: I'hen ln will he a iiirrn I v .utorntnenl ot vhkmv. .1 lclnit.ir.ie to whom .ill wilt !o honor I ikr the pi iivom's ot old, Hiaheth w '.! ioniMnr beauty ami jji.tO' with rvimlnf-s oi hra't H i nutat lues will he cnli-trd m thr imum- ot poor, ilumh aniniaK ami lu'lph"--. thildien It i. a! to cntmr thr Ktir-'S sbo will tol!ow in her mother'-, footsteps an. I become an cut I: n Mastu- put mi member of thr Humane society In the name ot little Ili.iheth her mother, Mts J. De Forest Ru-hard. nave $d to The Hee's tux milk ami ice turn! last week One night when it was "eedingly warm little Miabeth ailed f-n a "ti'mk ot ".iter " Mrs Kit hards brought it to her. noting the damp forehead ami the little nightrnbr wet with per spnatton. despite all efforts to keep the pret ions daughter eomtoi table "( ih, mamma, she coord. 1 )is is cool and nice!" Mrs. Richards' heart wa touched at thr thought of so many little ones to whom pm e drinks and the ice with which to cool it would be unavailable were it not tor the con It ilmt ions p l'lic Hoe tund and the gcneiou itt followed. LIGHT COMPANY TO SPEND ONE MILLION To Construct New Building to House Hugo Turbine Engine. TUNNEL TO THE RIVER The biggest building project in pro gress in Omaha at present, especial lv when all the equipment to be in- tailed is included, is the big addi tion to the Omaha Kleciric Light and IVwer company plant at the foot of Jones street. 'ullv SWO.OOO is to be expended here in the structure ami the equipment. Ibe addition is lo luue a hune 20,000 horsepower turbine. The building itself is to cost nearly $IJ0,- 0(H), while the digitus and other equipment to be installed will bring the figure well up toward the mil lion mark. A costly bit of construction in con nection with this new addition will he the huge tunnel which will prob ably be no less than l.M) feet long, j eight feet wide and eighteen feel deep. This tunnel will bring the wa- ! tcr supply 111 from the river lor the i turbine. Though the excavation work is now only tinder way and a little work is being done in laying concrete bases, it is expected the iob shall be com pleted by October or November. The Phoenix Construction company has the contract. The Busy Bees Their Own Page, V 1 ' 4 . Elix4both Richards i H ou pt what ' KRK it is the Inst Sunday in August, which remind us that there ts but one mugful month left of the long -.umtner vacation of the Hiisy Hees. " Mow about the resolutions you hoys and girls made at the close of st hool? Have you t arried out the plans you made for the most profitable manner in which to spend your idle hours, or have rmitted the moment, to glide swiftly b . putting off for tomorrow on could ha r d me trda .' I. el's hope vni haven't, hut il you hae, here i a warning word ami you have vet a month in which to redeem the pledge, you made to yourself. The Husv (lee election of King and Queen ,s scheduled for the end of this month, the new rulers to he announced the tirst Sunday in September. j MeRin to think about it. hovs and girls, and decide who has earned the honor land whom it best befits. Send in vour votes earlv. as at nearly every election heretofore some votes remained uncounted because they arrived too late, As you all know, the King is selected from the hoys on the Red side and the new (Jueen is chosen from the Pine side. This week, the prize book goes to Marie Deyinnev of the Pod si tie. Kdith Kenvon and Kdtla I orneer ot the lilue suit won honorable mention. Little Stories by Little Folk ONE OF THE BRIGHT LITTLE BUSY BEES. ( I'ne Story. I First Experience with Candy. Marie I'evmuev. A;ed 1.1 Years. i K. I I. No. 1. Box 117, HIair, Neb. Red Side, j 1 am in the eighth grade at school. My teacher's name is Mi.ss Hrvey. I like her very much. She is good to us. 1 thought as long as I was going ; ttt join I would write a story about my sister and I making our first tatty candy. Well, of course, mamma, pap i and my two brothers were gone. We iked taffy candy it a t well, and we decided lo make some. We first found the receipt and afferwaids filled it out. We then put if on the stove to What Women Are Doing in the World World Realty Co. Mum as to What It Proposes to Do Prances Willard Women's Chris tian Tempeiance union will meet on Wednesday afternoon at I o'clock at the home of MisW. C. King. 2711 Noith Twenty-second street. Mrs. A. N. Katon will have charge of the pro grain. The annual meeting of the Omaha Women's Christian Temperance union will be held Wednesday after noon at 2:M) at the Young Men's Christian association. Election of of ficers and reports of department su perintendents are scheduled for this meeting. Members ot the 11. T. club of the Railway Mail Service met July 28 at the home of Mrs. J. H, Cramer. Plans were made for pioviding the children of a certain poor family with school clthes for the fall. The women of the club have under construction sev eral comforters which will he given to worthy people before cold weather. The club will have its next meeting .August at the home ot Mrs. I. 1.. Crandell, .H25 North Pifty-seventh avenue. The Penson P. E. O. sisterhood will hold a special meeting on Mon day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the l In. me of Mrs. N. II. Tyson, when ar-prog- j rangemcnts for the opening meeting Really I will be made. Rte Hrnvnn Wnm 1.,' .-1..k ....... ' : Ii. n I. I ,. Much Speculation is now i ress as to what the World company expects to do at Twenty- sixth, ana rarnam streets, where- the rntnnanv itist bnitrrtit tlin v.ntlm comer of Mrs. h-ssio K. Shc-nl.rr.l ' .K ' "'"i ."PfCMi moolniR Imi- Althougl. an old residence building "ay "',. 'hcn the dme of open- stands on tlie srouiid. Iliis is no Ion- : " 's "", " ' "" cp'cniner h. i ne Kcr classed as residence property. I l.'r,K,'""'i y ratitiert and are ready Some tntercstniR dcvclopnicnl may he - 1,1 K' looked for there within the next six! months perhaps or a year. ! Hie election of otiicers tor the the World Kcaltv company. a -iN'nth u!e Women s I hnstian Tun. though a new company, is a company I pcram e union, which was announced that does things with dispatch when j lo lake place at tlie meeting Thurs it obtains a piece of ground. This is i (lay at the home of Mrs, V. Y. Wi the company now building the mo-! doe. has been postponed n..i,i tiou picture theater building near I'ii-1 meeting for this purpose w ill be tctiith and rarnam streets where tlie , called soon. Mrs. William Kerry is World-Herald was formerly located. the presidem Neither Sam H. Goldberg, piesi- ! dent, nor W R. UeKarland. secretary j n,c Uuin(.,s Mu.-5 ,,.,, , of the World Realty company. nieet at the court house ruesdav fr , make any announcement as yet as to jj un,:i ,- . . We Lake We loot the car and rode as far as we could, then we walked on the railroad tracks until we reached the place. We all went into the .dressing rooms and then put on our bathing suits, hen we all went in the water. As 1 could not swim I did not go in as far in the water but slaved closer to the dock. Any how while I was standing and view ing the lake I happened to slip and down in the water I wenl. "Help! help! save mrl," I cried, hut the girls only laughed; at lasi one of the other girls came up and helped nie. Well, anyhow, I felt better later on. .Alter hcnig in the water tor mute She said, "Why did yoi: go out them without askiuj; me?" Kdith answered "I was hungry foi some ch-ch-cher ries " Her mother said, "Kdith, to night vou have to go to bed at six o'clock." Kdith cried and cried. At night she was Mck. Her mother nl lor (he ih ctor. lie a-ked her wh.il she had been eating. She said. cheines." and began I" cry again The doctor told her not to cry. and didn't like a month. I'diili wa When she lohl her m. alter tins didn't It' e lo he si 'jo Hot t. s I ..nr.-.. I! U . , in bed about was able to llier she would because she in bed. Cro.-het. d side l-'wir.g. I and i:-. I" : cro !.. uiuch e thread . like to sew and V,V hr-. -.- two utiic car.ary birds ,t w; -, 't i'w in, I1.- -'ti'.-s very prettily, lie i i-ep 'j.ni .it'iis- the cage :;' t'i.. ;in.c !! he is singing. I ,-i!l .-'-use wilh a lew riddles: What lave vou everybody? I'o.md as a:i apple, thin a.- knite. .Ti-e- this riddle and I'll be your l 5 Horace Hale Holcomb and down til -t-n was an hill; tmnonnw diil not know what "cool awhile we went back In the dressing "'"I and pull" meant. So we cooled it In putting the pan in cold water. Alter it was cooled we look a knife and took a taste of it. Oh! My! Hut it was sticky. We couldn't hardly get it down our throMs. They had left us home with the hired man and we offered him some, but he would not take any. He said he had the toothache any way. We did not like it so very well, so we thought we would throw it away. The worst of all was that we could not get it out of the pan. So we took the butcher knife and tried to dig it out. We couldn't get il out that way, so we took the hammer and pouudcri it. We couldn't get it out that way, so we took some paper and matches and burnt it out. When we got it out we discovered two holes in the pan that we had pounded into it. We were mighty glad when we got it out. We then took the spade and dug a hole in the ground by the old cellar and buried it. We did-not tell our parents until about three years ago. Don't you think that we were naughty girls? I think so. I hope Mr. Waste Basket is out calling on one of his friends when you receive my story. This is a true story. room and put on our clothes again .My! hut the lunch was good. 1 don t remember all the things we had, but, just a few. We had biscuits, salad, cocoa and candy. After lunch all of us had a dish of ice cream. One thing I thought was awfully nice; was: Near each plate was a litte; canoe about four inches long, and it : had tlie word "Omaha" on it. In side was candy. After lunch we; went out boating and stayed quite j a while. Then we thought that we bad better get home. So every one 'mother. Then I So I saved Iht row . I Ii is is a true could reach the life of the spar- ton . Children's Play. Hv Kieka Hreilbarlh. Aged IJ Yc.u-. Ilox .'45. render. Neb. Hlue Side. I will write about the cliaill.liKpia w e had in Pender. 1 1 started on Mon day and ended on Friday I'he last day was band day or children's day, for we gave a play. We had as follows: Patriots. Columbia and Kncle Sain. School children and teachers and I'oluiuhia's tram hearers. We had a splendid , 1(11 Wliol word of live letters if you take awav tw. I'n the lull spite ot all star. . What yestei-d; will be: What was the What is wale Wh.-U is il a never can have ladv? These are all easy. I suppose you can give the answers without guess ing. I would like lo join the Liberty Hi'rd club because I like to protect birds. icsiill ot the llood'r r : gentleman has not, bill may give to a A Fawn and Tiger. Bv Kugenia Blake. Age 111, South An turn, ,cr walked on the tracks until we reached : V'. "',, , ',, '. "1 'V K , " (i'.'n , i n in i in 1 1 la , I. hi. e all were dressed in different wavs like the ear. When we got on the car we sang all the way home. I think it was one of the best times we ever had, although 1 didn't tell all of it. (Honorable Mention.) How I Saved a Bird. By Edda Comeer, Aged 12 Years. 3510 Valley Street, Omaha, Neb. Blue Side. One day not long ago I was told suffragettes. Eats Too Many Cherries. By Florence Browitt. Aged 1' Years. 18.'1 Fifth Avenue, Kearney, Neb. Red Side. Edith is a little girl six years of age. Sometimes she is naughty. Now you know, Edith likes cherries. When her mother lets her she will eat all she can. This dav Edith's R. F. I). .1. Red Side. As this is the first lime 1 have writ- 1 hone to receive a prize. I am 10 vears old and would like to join the" Red side. I am sending a story: A fawn met a little tiger, and said. "What hue stripes you have!" Ibe tittle tiger said, "What line spots you have!" The fawn said. "It would be very pleasant ii you and I were to gether as friends. We might titer., roam through the woods as we liked and alwavs he so happy" "1 should like that.'"' said the tiger. So the two touched noses and then went out tor a long walk. It was breakfast time. The fawn saw some line grass in the meadow. Said he to himself: "One should see his friend satis'i ed beiorc he satisties his own hunger. Will you have some of this grass lor vour nrcaKiasi. i ne ujo to iro out and call mv brother to din ner. I was standing by a telephone j uioiuer sam sue commit nave any, pole calling for him. He did not ans-1 cherries. swer, so I looked all around to see ifl Edith was out by the cherry tree 1 could tell where he was. and she was eating as last as she could i As 1 was standing there. I saw a Kdith happened to see her mother smelled the crass, but he could not sparrow had been caught in a hole i coming. She hid. Edith thought she I eat it, for it w as against his natural which was in the pole. j wasn't quite high enough, so she ' way of eating. He said. "1 am sorry, I tried to reach it, but in vain. I j climbed to the top of the tree and I but I can't cat it. friend." The fawn roitlft lint trrt it Tlmri. Imnn.np.l tn.l still IT r r nmtl.pr -ill,,, I I,.,.- i., .caiM Ii n initrlit find something that Last Summer one of IllV friend's I be some buckets nearhv 1 ran tn oct i the house Thai nitrht cl, .,f it,- : t he titter won d like better, so he ran mother invited many girls and my- j them for the sparrow was suffering. I worst punishment she ever had. Her ' to ask his mother. He went to ask self to a swimming party at Carter I took the buckets and piled them die ! mother asked her so many questions 1 311(1 shc 10,(1 m,n 1,ot 10 relu!'n to 1 ' ! the tiger as he would kill her fawn. (Honorable Mention.) An Enjoyable Outing. By Edith Kenyon. 3222 (.'tuning St., Umaha, .eb. Blue Side. Stories of Nebraska History By A. E. Sheldon So thev ran to satcty. mcr ditches were dug to carry the water from the streams and spread it out upon the fields. Under this sys tem the waters of the Platte, the Re publican, the Loud, the Niobrara and other streams were led out upon the j oerat. of Alma, w what thev expect to do with the ne ly acquired ground at Tweuty-si.xth street. & Laier Owners Realty Men Active For i arm Loan Bank A number of extensive improve meftts have been made at the Beaton & Laier furniture store since the purchase of the controlling interest by ueorge V. Laier ana .Mrs. A. J Beaton three weeks ago. The sales room formerly occupied by Magee's has been added to the Beaton & Laier establishment and the entire sales floor has been re decorated, including installation of a modern system of Brascolite light ing fixtures. An interior decorating department has been added to the store. This department is under the.management of F. E. Blind, formerly of Fuchs, Son & Blind. An expansion sale, with a discount on everything except a few ton tracted lines, will be launched Mon day. Krug Park is Popular Those Hot Evenings That hot -weather is a valuable as set to the parks is being demon strated daily at the popular Krug park. With the thermometer striv ing to reach a new record daily the attendance seems to increase. Dancing continues to be the stellar attraction, with the large open air pavilion the scene of much merri ment nightly. Preisman's orchestra furnishes the music for the dancers. A daily change of music with all the late successes being added, has con tributed largely to the success of the dance pavilion. Roller skating and the free open air theater are also well patronized nightly. Contract Let for New Home for 0. H. Barmettler O. H. Barmettler, who recently pur chased a residence lot at Thirty eighth and Webster streets, has let a contract for the construction of a fine residence on this lot. Frank Almquist has the contract. F. A. Henninger is the architect. The real estate men of Omaha are not the least of those who are mak ing a concerted fight for a federal land bank for Omaha. It happens that one of the leading real estate men of the city has been chosen as chairman of the general committee ot various commercial and civic organi zations to make the fight. This is Frank H. Myers, former president of the Omaha Real F.statc exchange, and himself heavily engaged in the farm loan business, so that he is thoroughly familiar with all the details of farm loan work, and with the amount and nature of the farm loan business con ducted in Omaha and in the state. The central working committer or executive committee to work with Mr. Myers consists of F. A. Brogan. T. C." Byrne. Luther Drake, John L. Mc Cague, C (.'. Kosewater and A. 1". Strykcr. . Double Shifts at Work On New Movie Theater Two shifts are now employed on the construction of the Motion pic ture theater building at 1410-14 F"ar nam street, the building being built for the World Realty company. Grant Parsons, the contractor, has just put on some extra shifts so that he can work day and night from now on. 'J he roof is being put on. It is the ex pectation that this structure shall be completed in time for the movie peo ple to get into it and play to Ak-Sar-Ben crowds in ttie fall. Contract is Let for the Remodeling of City Hall R. Butke has been awarded the general contract for remodeling the old city hall. T. Balfc has the con tract for the plumbing, and the Ameri can Electric company has the elec tric contract. The cost will aggre gate about $52.51X1. To buy or sell advantageously, use them for results. pastor of the I'nited Brethi en church, will he the speaker. The women of Park Vale Presbyterian church will serve luncheon. lieorge A luster Woman's Relief Corps will hold its regular meeting Tuesday at 2:30 o'clock in Memorial hall at the court house. Miller Park Mothers' circle will hold its annual picnic Wednesday in Miller park. I'he members will meet at 2 o'clock for the business meet ing, after which there will be many games for which prizes are offered. A picnic supper will be served at 0:30 o'clock. I he Benson Woman's I hristian lenipcranee union met at the hoim oi Mrs. E. I. Fuller Friday afternoon for election of otiicers. Mis. M. 1), Yicno was re-elected president, Mrs. I. 11. Stephens vice president, with these additional vice presidents: Mrs .1. W. Welch, Mrs. K. C. Fuller. Mrs. I. J. Peterson and Mrs. J. M. Bailey; corresponding secretary, Mrs. J. M. hailey; recording secretary, Mrs. E .1. Whistler, treasurer. (By ipecliil permission of iho author. The R wtll published .-hMUcrs from the Ills tory of Nebraska, by A. 1-: Mhetiion. trom week to week.) NEBRASKA AS A STATE. (CONTINUEn FROM I, AST Sl'NDAV.) Farmers' Co-operative Unions In IW2 a new farmers' movement start ed m Nebraska. This vas a union of farmers to market their own crops. There was complaint that the large elevator companies made too great profits in handling what the farm ers grew. As a result of this move ment there arc now several hundred farmers elevators in the state and a large part of the crop is sent to maiket through them, Governor John H. Mickey -In 1902 John H. Mickey, republican, of Os ceola, was elected governor and re elected in 1904. His term saw a ris ing tide of prosperity, increased rain- tall, higher prices, rise in value ol land vears and placing improvements to and large increase in manufactures in the extent of $1,000 unon it. About land, making great fields of grass and grain where before little had been raised. By the dry farming method it was found that plowing and cultivat ing tnc lanu witnout a crop one year I es by hank falure. woimi insure a lair crop tlie next year, even though the seasons were drv. The Merry March Hare. Rv Nola Kerns. Aged 11 Years. ; ' Phillips, Xcb. Blue Side. Alvin was playing out in the yard . one day when a big breeze came along and without saying by your lief" whizzed him this way and ...Uirll him lliat u-iv until he was as elected governor. as a:77v as a ,. ,HK. Finally the Big Breeze set him down in a large field where the grass was so tall he could not see the direction of his home. Just then merry March hare ".ia..i;ni.t .,i . came, along ami cxciaimen. .a .. ' - I ... .e. pining liquor ,.,,, , , ,.,, i;,,!,. ilov;- being selected by delegates in eon- ' vetitions. Governor Ashton C. Shallenberger; ' Bank Guaranty; Daylight Saloons , in ivuo rtslilon I. Shallenberger. dem- , During his two-vcar term the Wi' lature passed an act providing for a bank guaranty fund to insure people depositing money in banks from loss- An act called the sellers to close their places Iron, 8 tiatierers; wnais w ,o g. , ... ,. , p. m. to a. m an act requiring cor- , ""' R i . " .'. ' ,' is 3" March hare nor.ji,c ... ., ..i .. i nut t ie merry value all the railroad property in the j l,ol,te aml V,-eas.a"t, "lat ".' T ' state and an act providing 'for the "ot flouht 1,,s k"''1""5' so he told election of the people's choice for ' w,'at ,,lc Bl8 Brcc" , ,lonc' United States se.iao.r .., i i "Don't vou care, said the merry March hare. Mount me and hold question of ' fast to my ears, I'll leap you home - ,, ., i.. I I-,,..,.." 411 9 hoard' Nebraska The Return of the Rain; Good Times -A return of the rainfall brought fine crops and better times to the wdiolc state and especially to the western part. At the same time there was a great revival of business in the United States. The factories and mines long closed were filled with busy workers. So many work men were needed that America could not supply them all and more than 1.000,000 a year came from Europe to enjoy the good times and high wages The Kinkaid Homestead Act On June 29, W04, a new homestead act took effect in Nebraska called the Kin kaid act from Congressman Kinkaid of O'Neill, who introduced it in con gress. 1 his act gave settlers on cer- passed, tain parts of the remainine nnblie Countv Orjtion The land in Nebraska a homestead of 040 I countv onlion. or nrrmitl iiii? all il.,- It's lean vear vou know." All ahtard acres by living on the same for five voters of each county to determine , With thai the merry March hare whether they would have saloons in leaped and jumped and .Mvin soon that county or not. became the ex- : found himself in his own yard and the citing political issue at this time, hare had disappeared. liovernor Chester H. Aldrichln 1911) Ihester II. Aldrich. repuhlic or uavm city, was elected govern County option was the battleground ot tnc campaign and the result was the election of a governor in favor of county option and a legislature opposed to it. Initiative and Referendum Among 8.000.000 acres of sandy and rouzl land remained to be taken under this act. At many land offices there was a great rush for this last United States land in Nebraska and in 1912 there were only 832750 acres to be taken. Reclamation Act In 1906 the rec lamation act, championed by Presi dent Roosevelt, made an important Z: Building Permits For Year Run Far Over Last Seasori change affecting western Nebraska. the important acts of the legislature c i.cier mis act a ciaiu was ouill across ! or ivii were tne lollowing: An act the rocky canyon ol the North Platte j providing for the initiative and ref- river near Casper, Wyo., making a here. F'armers in Nebraska found t great lake. The surplus water from and Mrs. E. J. Crews Empress Bill for Week Looks Good Chuck Haas and his educated ropes, who comes to the Kmpross theater with the show opening today, is a cowboy from Southern California, or rather was one until vaudeville lured him before the footlights. As a rope spinner his equal has never been seen in this city, and his droll line of talk while doing same is a complete act in itself. Three comedians and har mony singers of credit also open on the same bill. Krish, Howard and Too- land. "The Aristicrat and the Big Kyed Coon" is presented by Quigg and Mckerson. it is a novelty must cal act. I ho bill is closed by I nov elty white marble posing act seined by the Three Westons. pre- ToItU Nffd Attention. Yur rulil -.'.it. Or. Helln fine -Tr-llon-It tut I'Mrjcni. Milt dcrmf. slopn thr cough, only All druggists. Atlv. prices for their produce more 4han doubled and at the same time they were raising larger crops than they had ever grown before. Alfalfa, Winter Wheat, Sugar Beets Three new crops, allfalt'a. winter wheat and sugar beets, began to be largely experimented with tor many vears in a small wav. The state be came awake to their value at this time and their cultivation spread from (arm to farm and from county to countv. Since then thev have brought millions of dollars to the people of the state and have greatly changed methods of farming. Their influence has only just begun. The Cream Separator Another great change which has come into Nebraska tanning in the lat twenty years has been brought about largely by the cream separator, by which the mil'; fresh from the cows is .sepa rated into cream and skimmed milk, the cream going to butter factories, while the milk is fed upon the farm. Dairy farming, which was almost un known in the early years of Nebras ka settlement, is thus becoming one of the chief industries of Nebraska farming. Rise in Price of Land During this period land has risen very rapidly in price, in eastern Nebraska from $25 and ?30 an acre to $11)0 and $150 an acre and in western Nebraska from $1.25 an acre to $10. $20 and even $50 an acre. Towns everywhere have grown rapidly. New railroads have been built and for the first time in Nebraska history there has been a large and constant development of factories. Irrigation and Dry farming Two new methods of tanning were fol lowed which greatly helped the state. These were irrigation and dry farm ing, or summer tillage, as the latter is sometimes called. Under the for- this lake is brought down across the table lands of western Nebraska. Al ready over 100,000 acres have been placed under irrigation by settlers un der this aci. Taxes and State Expenses For endum, permitting the voters to adopt or reject laws; an act providing for the commission torm ot government of cities; an act to forbid the selling of seed of any kind having weed seeds therein; an act stopping the tax ation ot real estate mortgages; an act Building permits in July ran nearly $30,000 higher than in July a year agu Tbis in spite of the fact that there were but U7 issued in July this year against lt4 in July a year ago. Tin figures for July, 1915. were $55b,780 and for July, l'M6, $584,075. Already the building permits for the seven months of the year are run nine tar ahead of the first seven months of last year, and last year's tn nrntrrt flip v;itr in V'tlit-jtl i many years the state ot Nebraska i ers and lakes, and an act to secure li- j o'ia'"K was a recoru-nreaher. i nc had been running in debt to pav its i braries for the country districts. ; first scven "'n'iths of this year reveal expenses. 1 his was because expenses were constantly growing ' larger ana and the grand assessment roll was becoming smaller. (The i democrat, of Kails Citv. was chosen: av its;braries for the country districts. : ,,rst scven n" JnI inii 'ear reval state! Governor John H. Morehead; the!870 Permits issued, aggregating Sh owing ' Campaign of 1912 At the election : 897.522. and the first seven months of sment i November 5. 1912, John . Morehead i Iast car rev J Pcrmits issued. aggregating $3,015,810. grand assessment roll is the list of all the property in the state made by the assessors on which taxes are levied.) During the hard times, after the panic of 1893, the value of property went down. Many people, in order to avoid paying taxes, did not give in to the assessor all that they had. Many taxes were unpaid. To pay its ex penses the state issued more than $1,000,000 in warrants beyond its in come from taxes. To provide more money the legislature of 1903 passed a new revenue law, the aim of which was to compel everyone to give in all his property for taxation arfd to raise more money for state expenses. In 1905 the legislature passed another act, laving a special tax to pay off the $1,000,000 of warrants which the state owed. This has now all been paid. Governor George L. Sheldon; Rail road Regulation; Direct Primaries George L. Sheldon, republican, of Ne- hawka, was elected governor in 190o and held the office two years. Dur ing his term the thirty years' railroad struggle in Nebraska reached some definite results. Free passes on the railroads were abolished, passenger fare reduced to 2 cents a mile and a commission of three persons created to regulate the relations of the people to the railroads in the state. A direct primary law was also passed, under which candidates for office must be named by all the voters instead of governor. I lie chiet feature of the campaign was the spectacular split in the republican parly between the supporters of President Taft and of ex-l'resident Roosevelt. A new party, named the progressive party, was or ganized, which supported Mr. Roose velt. In Nebraska tlie progressive party and the republican party united on most of their candidate, but there was much strife and contention in bringing this about and Woodrow Wilson, democratic candidate for president, carried the state by a plu rality of 37.000 over Theodore Roose velt and a still larger plurality over 'President Taft. The new legislature chosen, which met January 6, 1913, had fifty-five democrats and forty five republicans in the bouse, eight een republicans and fifteen democrats in the senate. At this election five important amendments were made to greatest changes in that document since it was framed in 1875. Thc new amendments provide for enactment of laws by the people through the ini tiative and referendum, for elections once in two years instead of every year, for a board of.coutrol to manage the state prison, asylums and other institutions, for a home rule by cities, tor increasing the salaries of members of the legislature from $M)0 to JfiOO and limiting the time for introducing bills to the first twenty days uf each session. (CONTINUED NEXT SUNDAY.) Luther League of the Zion Church to Have Lawn Social The Luther leaRiie nf the Zion Eng lish Lutheran church, Thirty-sixth street and Lafayette avenue, will give a lawn social mi the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Swanson, 4(U5 Izard street, on Tuesday evening, August 8. A mu sical program will he rendered, after which refreshments will he served, consisting of ice cream, cake, etc. The Luther league is composed of (ihout lljn members of the church, Roy Helsing being president; Amelia Ud quist, secretary; Paul Borchman, I treasurer, and Christian Larson, tinancial secretary. Feature Film Exchange Opened by J. E. Schlank ,1. E Schlank, who recently sold the Hipp theater to Hugo E. Bilz, will now engage in the feature film busi ness on a state right basis. Mr. Schlank has organized the Fine Arts Feature Film company and opened an office at 2Ut Hrandeis Theater building. The new company will operate in Iowa and Nebraska. At the present time Mr. Schlank has se cured the rights for these two statet' for "Where Are Yotir Children?" and "The Little Girl Next Door," two pictures soon to be released and laid to be exceptional production. J