Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 14

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    2 B
IHh OMAJiA ht.MIAI Hr.Ji : AlAilM li. 1 U 1 1.
is Going On
in Society Circles
Kelly Art Located in Chicago.
From i. hii o -oit-rs ou that
the Thomas 1 Kellva have joined
the fact:'it of the Waiter Jmmv n h.ol,
which has been re hriMer.ed the Chi
cago I n s i : t w t r of Y:sw The Mu
sical leader of t huMiio. in it? cor-,
men! on The av arcenirnt. a"
"Greatly in Mi pr ! be rongiatu
lated upon hi$ latent a." intuition, lor
no two people who h.,r tonic to
Chi, ao have arou-r! n m e mtr : rf
than (i'rsp iuo uV'-trM nrcst-
Omaha, who
work, th.ti tii
unique poi:
rils usual i-v
Mt. and
difinuv t.
ejlaViu d !
t a tiii'v
la,t fcn
Mruri i
Wo war.! T
Omaha Girls Bring Children from Chicago to Visit Folks
Vl , -'ISO' ff7 n
Mr ...rcn K..Sr ga.c a .l.niirr ? iT VW XVACl.V'
Nily t thr ....! .Int. IM ore J W , - s:'' i jVSS$
nip lift klnrM wrrc ' J ' V " f I ff g
Mi '.'V! uVircn ha.l .. ,;.;' t ";":v- "T " I Vvkl LOWC
jrtv at ttir t mtr ilul atniav " ' I i I I jTHqSr I
:n I ill nf I . jjand John
,,rVvr. IJy :; ' f " i J Mkl(, !Rt;HT THE HOMK OF 11F.R l-ARKNTS. IK
l,fr ll " -tw. VFJI . in MK.s. . li AKI.ilS K. HARDIN C.
W. C. T. U. j IN OMAHA.
Nrs William Maurice Giznhch and 'Natalie"'1' fff 1 ftl
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wheeler of' It, A ' I l'i
coin, who have a collage there. ' I I nm-S tlM-mtm.- t
Mrs. Ross Towle returned Mondav xVSSI m NUl 4"BfK A A
from visiting Miss Etigrnir Patterson! -1 VTJ - vf .
and Mrs. Miriam Boyce at OkobojiJ 'l ' k ' , ' '
Mrs. Towle and Mis's Uessie Towlc, i '9 I E ' '
leave about the fifteenth for Lake V Jv I 1 ' S ' y ..''', '
Darling, Minn., for a three-weeks' . L- .", & ' J t :n0mm ,
train to join them and are now at
Uicrokec park with them for ten days,
before going to Elkhqrn Lodge in Es
ics park.
'V!l.r I'l'H
.ritiHi,. ih
Mrs, W. I. Fine had seven
guests last evening
Other dinners were Or. anil Mrs.
C. A. Hull with a party of right
guests; Mr. F. II Davi with three;
Mr. I'. T. Kountrc. Mr. and Mrs.
John Madden with four; Mr. f 'hit
'Met?, for Miss Hazel Ktnrdict of
Fast Orange. Y I., guest of MUs
loseplnne t'ongdon, a party- of six;
Mr. and Mrs. Jack cbstr t with four;
Mrs. F, M. Fairfield with four, and
Mr. and Mrs. Ross B. Towle with a
party of six.
Krauk J Nrtin.
: Couu n,-. itn.t .Vlra TttUi
L Low.
i,,rlhv Vlleov
SirlU lliox.
At Happy Hollow Country Club.
Mr. and Mrs tieorge E. Mickel en
tertained at dinner at the Happy
, Hollow club last evening as a com
pliment to Mr. ami Mrs. Edward
'Beaumont King of Taconia, Wash.,
ho are visiting Mrs. King's mother,
-rs. C. W. King, and her sister, Mrs.
L. Mickel of i lllufTs. t. ov
"Vrwerc laid for:
tiaiini. cntt M,itAin(-5 --Tfln-t
rirrtunii'iii T t. c'onil.ii.
Klin (i.Tsrwiim. li'nrt w I'l.lnir.
. . h ; -
' Mr. B. A.JV'Icox gave a dinner at
sJrlappy Hollowi. club Saturday even
in. Those present were;
v Mfsar. aiiit M.'siliun-i, --
.,15. H. Ernflht
Af founrll Illuft.
Allt,u Enrrnflghl.
. JHYancru KMrnflKhl.
'NRHin W'llriM.
Mr. Kol-rl Nolt,,
r. Mr. and Mrs. t'. C. lielden had a
.party of six at a birthday dinner last
Evening. Later they joined the
,peorge E. Mickel company.
Mr. Hrower K. McCague had reser
vations for eight guests at dinner.
Other dinners with parties of live or
less were: J. A. l.inderholni, Nortts
Brown. W. F. Dawson, I. F. l.ood
"rich, W. R. McFarland, i). E. Utile.
jjnd E. F. Leary.
!At Carter Lake Club.
.- H. B. Whitchouse will entertain
the ball team of the National Cash
Register employes at a u:,Hl o'clock
.dinner at the club tomorrow even
Mng. The visiting team w ill plav with
$he Carter lake hall team in the ait
ernoon. Reservations have been made
t3or thirty.
' Friday morning at the meeting of
-Jbe Carter Lake club women bowl
ijtrs,. Mrs. H. E. Simpson won high
.C H. T. Riepen, Mr. Tinnes and
"Mr. Holiman entertained parties of
-lour and six at the dinner dance yes
Jerday evening.
JAt the Field Club.
-'.ilr, and Mrs. A. H. Fetters enter
.Stained a dinner party at the Field club
"last evening, lovers were laid for;
JC. Or. and Mrs. B. W. Lhrl.tlc,
r Mun. and Meadtmts
aiTtthn Orr McDonald, ('harln nurmaater.
CharlaaO. MrUonald, E '. Twanilry.
Track Jumper, Frank K. liavln.
Dr. and Mrs. John Mach entertained
"al the week-end dinner-dance at the
Field club last evening:
Maura, and Uaedamta:
Chaatar Nlrman, F. Houspr.
! Mr. B. Oraan.
1 Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hunter had
sereral guests at dinner at the Field
eltlh last eveninff. I 'overs were laiit
Mr. and Mra. J. W. HolmtiuUl
Mlaaea Mlnufi,
Stalla Holmqulat, Oarulina llolrnciuipt.
Mra. Francea Axtlt.
Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Henry had ten
guests at dinner at the Field club Sat
urday evening.
" Mrs. V. B. Roney had a dinner
party for ten at the Field club. Mrs.
H. M. Goulding had seven guests and
J. J. Brown and J. J. Alexander had
small companies.
A Dutch treat party of eighteen en
joyed the dinner-dance at the Field
club last evening.
ceptioually beautiful this year. Dur
ing the qualifying and club champion
hip games a number of luncheon
parties will be given. The first one
will he when Mrs. George Macdoti
aid entertains next Wednesday, and
tie closely followed by a lunch
eon hy Mrs. John Mekius.
The membership will enjoy a sport
dinner Tuesday evening, when a large
company of golfers and their friends
will assemble to relate the exper
iences of the games which they have
played this summer.
The board of directors announce
the following list of events: August
t'. corn roast and hillside dinner, 1 lodge.
followed by moving picture show or j Mr. and Mrs. M. T
program; August 2n, home talent : son left Tuesday for
program put on by 1. P. Ringer; ' inn. Kstcs park."
Augtisi .10. patriotic night ; diniiei will J Mr. and Mrs. I'.
followed by patriotic music,
speeches bv men ot prominence; Sep
teuiber 1-', birthday partv. arrange!
by the secretary and assistants; Sep
tember N, clam bake.
Seek Cooler Climes.
Mrs. Arthur F. Smith and children
arc at Prior Lake. Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard W. C'apen
left Saturday for Ocean Point, Me.
Mr. Howard 0. Squires and son,
Judson. left Monday for a month at
i Icar Water Lake. Minn. I
Miss Mabel Harper left Thursday j
for Wequetonstng, Mich., where she.
will lie with Mrs Mary I. C'reigh at
the latter's cottage. '
Mr and Mrs. I'. II. Davis and i
daughters. Miss Elizabeth and Miss,
Meliora. leave today for Lake Placid!
in the Adirondacks. i
Mr. and Mrs H.yron f.. lUtrbank j
and son. Forrest, left Thursday for j
Halifax, N'ovia Scotia, bv wav of the -
! lakes from Detroit. !
Mr. and Mrs. Farl E. Stantield arid
Mr and Mrs. (leorge Siert motored
i to lake ( Ikoboti this week-end for a:
j week's stay at the tiatcsvvood hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. I". Will Hamilton
, .old Miss Marion Hamilton are at
Kcach Bluff. Mass.. where they have!
; their car and arc enjoying the mo-
loring about there.
Miss Marion Towle left Wednes-i
day for t In Lake. Minn , to j
join her parents and sister, who. i
with Mrs. W. II. Bucholz. have gone
lliere from Madison Lake. .
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Smith left
Wednesday for Atlantic City by way ,
of the Thousand Islands and Lake
George. They will be gone a month i
and expect to stop at the Chalfontc
while at Atlantic City. !
Mrs. Douglas B Welpton and son,
Richard, leave today for Lake Min
netonka. where they will spend five
or six weeks. Mr. Welpton v. ill go
to Canada shortly and then join Ins I
wife and son in Minnesota
On Vacation Trips. i
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Bowley are
-pending their honeymoon at Lake
( ikoboji. They left Tuesday and
will be gone three weeks.
Mr and Mrs. X. F. Harriman and
daughters, Margaret and Mary, left
Friday evening to spend the month
of August at Lake Osakis, Minn.
Miss Mar Engler has been spend
ing the last week with her brother
and sister. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Eng
ler. at Clear Lake, la. Sunday they
wil motor to Okoboji, where they
will stop a few days before returning
to Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Horton left Sat
urday morning for Duluth. They
will take the Georgian bay trip and
stop at the Isle Royale before their
return. Dr. and Mrs. L. G. Horton
will occupy .their cottage at Carter
lake during their absence.
Omahans in Eates Park.
air. anil .Mrs. I . K. Mevcns lett
1 liursuay for Llkhorn lodge in F.stes
Miss Ida Sharp went to F.stes park'
Tuesday for a month at Flkhoru !
Social Gossip.
Mrs C. A. Hull returned Friday
from a week's visit with her mother.
Mrs. F. P. Holme-., ill Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nash are ex
pected home within a day or two
from New York and Atlantic I ity.
Mr. and Mrs. ti. W. Megeath and
Miss Mary Megeath are planning a
two mouth' ti'iu to Honolulu early in
Raymond Low and Harold Prit
chett returned Sunday night from
Okoboji. where they made the run in
Mr. Low's runabout.
Miss Katharine Gould went to
Okoboji yesterday to visit Miss Mary
Clarke of York. Neb., who has a
cottage on Omaha Beach.
Miss Florence Neville left last
week for Taconia. Wash., to spend a
month as the guest of Miss Enid
Jackson, who is a school friend.
Miss Louise Dinning arrived home
Friday from New York, where she
took a course in trained nursing. Miss
Dinning spent the summer with her
brother. Robert, at Woodstock.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lyman left
Thursdav for New Haven. Conn., to
visit their son. De
ily for a short tune betorc going
with them to one of the Maine re
sorts. Mrs. E. V. Nash expects to leave
shortly for the east to be with her
daughters. Mrs. 1.. F. Crofoot and
Miss Frances Nash at their summer
homes at Northeast Harbor, Me., and
Heath. Mass.
Miss Betty Bruce and Mrs. Harold
Pntchctt expect to go up to St.
Joseph, Mich.. Monday, to spend two
weeks at the Kdgewater club with
a school ineiid. Miss Marion Sonn
tag, who has isited them here.
Return from the Lakes.
Miss Frances Wessels returned
Tuesday from Prior lake. Minnesota.
Mr. Sam t aldwcll returned Tuesday
from Prior lake, where his wile and ! Mrs. F. J'.
children arc still stooping. i the Daffydill
day afternoon
M, saniit
KtibIc mini
Smyth and
daughter, Katharine, are at Lester's
tel in Fstes park, but are expect
ing to go on to the Stanley.
Dr. and Mrs. B. B. Davis left Sun
day for Fstes park, where they are
at the Lew-iston hotel. Their son,
Herbert, went to join thctu Thursday.
Noting Women's (. hrtstiau Asso
ciation general secretary has re
signed and leaves Omaha Septem
ber 15.
College Men to Aviate.
Malcolm Baldrige. who went east
a week ago. is at present on Long i
Island at the John Davison home,!
Truhy Davison being a college male. (
Mr. Davison is organising an avia-1
tion coast guard from anions Yale i
Thirty first street. Rev. Louis A.
Arthur, rector of St. Stephen's Episco
pal church, Grand Island, will offi
ciate. (July the immediate relatives of the
families will be oresent. After the
students and eight or a dozen young I ceremony the happy couple will go to
men, including his son, Truhy, (Jueii-1 Okoboji lake for a couple of weeks,
tin Roosevelt, John Farwell and j and will then visit Chicago and east
one of the Armour boys from Chi- em points.
cago, arcs laying at the Davison
home and taking training in aviation ; For Miss Milliman.
under a government aviator. Mai-- 1",,,- tiv n,, vtin;,, r
colin Baldrige goes a little later to Logan, la. who' is the suest of Miss
Maine, and then to Canada for
three weeks' camping trip with half
a dozen other Yale men.
Alice Switzler,
from Chicago this week-end to be
the guests of Mrs. Comlock's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs Andrew Murphy,
prior to their departure for New
York, their new home.
Off for the West.
Mr. Harry McCormirk went up
Thursday to his ranch in Wyoming.
Mrs. O. Y. Kring leaves Monday
for an extended tour on the Pacific
Mrs. R. W. Council and Miss Reg
ina Council left Wednesday for Ea
ton's ranch in Wyoming.
Mrs. John F. Flack is amontr (lie
Omaha people summering at Elk-
a swimming party was horn Lodge in Estcs Park.
Seymour Lake Country Club.
Mr. J- Dean Ringer entertained
Friday evening at dinner, having:
Maaara Measra
,W. Chamber I. K. Cleva land,
JTrank A. Harriaon. William R. Patrick.
Uaeola. J. R. Beard,
With E. R. Spaulding were Misses
-"Marie Krug and Gladys Van Sant
and Lee Lowry.
Mrs. R. E. Schindel entertained for
-"Mrs. j. Childs of Atlantic, la., and
'..Mrs. S. C. Temple of Lewis, la.
II. Dining with Mr. and Mrs. George
Miller were Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Alex
wander. 'i'.The Sunday evening musicale will
"(alee the form of an old-fashioned
,t3ngfest, in which all guests will par
mtieipate. ''"Director and Mrs. James E. Bed
JJriar are the parents of a new little
.ataon:. . -
j Mr, ind" Mr R. L. Reynolds
moved to their new Seymour cottage
' this week.
The lilies' golf trophies are ex-
Ward roses.
SI K.M-.
and his fain- ! I-Nth'r Hyim.
sthtr 1 oimolly,
Imlys lirlhup,
Farewell Party.
Miss Hazel Johnson entertained
Friday afternoon for Miss Callie Fad-1
dis, who leaves Wednesday for !
Wyoming. The rooms were deco-!
rated with asparagus ferns and Mrs.
given at the Bellevtie pool Saturday
afternoon. I oday Miss Milliman will
be entertained at dinner.
News of Visitors.
Miss Julia Wappich of Keokuk. Ia.,
arrived Friday to spend several weeks
with Mr. and Mrs. William appicl-
CaUl- Fddl!i.
tlfrlruito Hylori.
Arlln,- AniiflfliiRiT,
OltulyH I'runk,'.
lUwa Orout.
Present were:
Margaret Modrman.
Ruth Oadntdj-,
lli,n W,.h
Kathertne l.nlt,
llasel l.o-o.i.
Hflcn ivtweller,
i'lara Mlnik.'rl.
Hazel Johti9(in
Pleasures Past.
Mrs, Niels feusen gave a partv- at
her home in honor of her daughter-
in-law, Mrs.
Kansas City,
S. Th'-iier,
0. Rind.
A. Itarman.
Ellen Itlllg.
Ruth Kin.
Robert Park.
Fred Johnson, and
Dorothy Johnson, of
Mo. Those present
Meml miles -t..
H. Oelford.
CI. Turk.
Oaniftta Theucr.
I. outa Kankln
Mr. and Mrs. John li. Beaton and
children leave today for Brookvale,
Colo., for the rest of this mouth.
Mrs. J. B. Porter and Miss Ger
trude Porter leave today for two or
three weeks at Grousemont, in the
1 1'iatte canyon, c olorano.
Mr I T Nrr.,. n t.. V n J I-..
l.. su,,, .l, f '. v 1. f i,,' J ' .".
"i , ,,. , "'ltor Wyoming to visit licr niece, .Mrs.
I was ine ; guesi ot .vr. warn Burgess : John E. Patrick, and Mr. Patrick
tor a lew day.- last week, leaving I 0n their ranch near Sheridan.
I "''""' , , i Mrs. B. B. Wood left Wednesday
I Mrs Justus Lowe and small son j for Denver, to be with her daughter,
arrived Monday trom Milwaukee to ; Mrs. v. H. Cranmer, and Mr. Cran
I visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. j mcr for the rest of the summer
tharles Harding j Mrs. Thomas I'lynn leaves today-
Mrs. . .. H. Robertson of San j for (ilenwood Springs. Colo., to join
l-raiicisco is the guest of her brother, Mrs. Edward Havden and Miss
Mr. G. W. Megeath. and Mrs. Me-i Onb.lin llnv.l,.,, i,,,
geath for a few days. . j the springs "since last week
Miss Oueenie pcncer of Chicago! Mrs. Frederick W. Clarke and her
arrived I hursdav on her way home daughter Miss liieennnn i..i, r..
day tor W ellcr, Colo., in the Platte
trom Wyoming and stopped over
until Saturday with Miss Lucile Ba
con, with whom she went to school
at Chevj Chase.
George Post of New Y'ork, who has
been the guest of Wallace Shepard
and Herbert Davis, motored yester
day to Okoboji for the week end and
Clarke's father,
has a summer
canyon, where Mrs.
Mr. C. F. Weller,
Mr. Frank B. T. Martin and three
sons and Mr. George E. Barker left
Sunday by motor for Cheyenne, reach
ing there luesdav after a delightful
Mrs. Charles O N Fill Rich has re
turned from Clear Lake, la., where
she was the guest of Mis. Edgar
H. Scott.
Mrs. W. J. Hyues and Mrs. N. P.
Cpdike and children returned Monday
from two or three weeks at Clear
Water lake, Minnesota.
Mr. A. W. Jefferis is expected back
Mondav from Madison lake, but Mrs.
Jefferis and family will probably re
main some time longer.
Mrs. Herman Kountze. Mrs. Ben
Gallagher, and Mrs. B. F. Crummer
are expected home today from Mack
inac, where they have been since
leaving Harbor Point.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wheeler
motored down from Okoboji Thurs
day, after a week at the lake with
Elias was surprised by
High Five club Ihurs-
riiosc present were:
! upon his return Monday expects to run. Mrs. Barker and Mrs. Martin
and small daughter left Wednesday by
1 tiKlrj,-
Garlow-Collins Wedding.
Miss Mildred Louise Collins, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. George J. S.
Collins, will be married at noon on
Monday io Mr. Laurence Thome Gar
low, soij of Mr. and Mrs, Madison T. :
Garlow of Grand Island, Neb., at the i
home of the bride s parents. 4f bouth
leave for the cast.
Mr. and Mrs. C. La Rue Munson
of Williamsport. Pa., were at the
Fontenelle last week enroute to Cali
fornia in their car. They were enter
tained by Mr. and Mrs. I-'. 11. Davis,
Mr. Munson and Mr. Davis haying
been school friends.
Mrs. William Maurice Gunlock
and daughter. Natalie, are expected
Imperfect Noses Corrected, Sauing! M AUGUST
B...a I ifiul Wi-inklai DoiiiawkH i 11 RIRTHSTON
Faces Lifted. Wrinkles Removed
Call or
I be Woodbury Traatmant
Plastic and Coametlo Suraaon
142 Glenarm St.. Dans, Colo.
Phona Champa 1821. Els-nth Tear In Danaar. sad baak nferueea.
Films Developed Free
When prints m or
riprerl. PHnta. 3c to Be.
Films left before
4 p. m.. ready the
followiriK day at 4
We give yrtu the
hifcheat quality of
w.rk and service- -our
prices are. the
lowest in the eity.
Wring us your
next roll of fiim
to be fininhed.
You will be
agreeably mr
limed with our
wok and prompt
Mail Order Filled.
The Photo Craft Shop
418 Baa Bullduif.
Westgate Hotel
At The Junction
On Main and Delaware at Ninth
Kansas City, Mo.
175 mf 25
Rooms Jtgi ai Ik, Rooms
$50 p. 2?S
Room ctfjE Room
Has jssawm
Private IPs!
Bath aii
w Cvnntiira
AbtoluMy Fireproof
Swimming Parties at Bcllevue.
Among those who have been enter
taining swimming parties at Bellevue
arc V. Karnam Smith, Conrad
Young, R. X. Robinson, H. C. Nich
olson, Miles Standish and Mrs.
to remain at Columbia uuivertty Jin
ing the coining year.
Charles Burgess ind Pcunut
Kountze returned Saturday from ;i
motor trip to Colorado. Charles and
Lewis Burgess go on to riattshmv
training camp this week. Deninan
Kountze. with Edward Daughcrt.
Eugene Neville and Douglas l'etets.
returned last Saturday from a week at
Okoboji, where they motored in the
Kountze car.
The duties of his diocese require
the return of Bishop George A
Beecher from the border where.
chaplain of the i:ifth 'ebra:ka rcgi
me tit, he has been with the trepp
since their departure a month .itii
He will probably be Mieeeeded bv tin
Rev. V. II. I'nderwood of the' M.
(abe M. E. church, funner cliapl.in1
of the Third Nebraska.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mr. E. M. Eairficld i spending .
few days in I hieago.
Mr. j. T. Stewart. d, is in I'liliai
on business thi werk
Mr. I). C. Staplfton reiiniir'i
Wednesday from ew York.
Mr. Howard Ualdnge has reuinud
trom Atlantic City and New York
Erank aMach. the violinist, ha tt
turned from Cumberland, Wis., whew
he spent a delightful hshing trip
Allen Tukey. Cedric f 'otiet ami
Leon Callalian arc at ()koh"ii ih;.
week, gues at the I). L . I'attt r m
Mrs H l Mel'arly ami Son (.f lJc
Moines are w.-iting Mrs. MtCariy -parents,
Mr. Lni Mr-. John A. Eviii.h.
until Seprember 1.
Btirdette Kirkendall arrived lion
Wednesday from Etos park and wcio
n to the iiulitarv training camp ;r
IMattbiirgh ;itunlav
Henry and Nash (a'i;in irtnmri!
Tuesday to f;r am ici ,t i v
spending the -ninni'i line ilm.
grandnmthci , M r.'., ! a'i.
Mr Harlrv M-.tlicad left .!... -dav,
with her children, tor tirand Rap
ids. Mirh . anil irmn thrrr will ti
some of the Michigan lakr reor!- in
this month.
Mr. and Mv Rnss Hyde hit !ai
week for Detroit and ( ,ro.,f J - li .
Mich., to visit her mother. M r
(ieorge Thrall, and her sister, Mr.
Albert Nebe.
M iss Alice Virginia Havis lett
Thursday for Hartsdale, X. Y.. to
spend the rest of the month with lu-i
cousin, Mrs. (leorge Christiancy, and
Mr. Christiancy.
Personal Mention.
Mrs. Ira Eorter has been called
to her sister, Mrs. Eucien York, in
Atlanta, Ga., who is seriously ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Helm of
Duluth, who have been visiting Mrs.
Helm's mother, Mrs, J. F. T warn ley,
left unexpectedly for their home Fri
day evening.
Dr. A. F. Ernst, pastor of the Lowe
Avenue Presbyterian church, and
Mrs. Ernst returned Friday from
ColoradoJ5prings. Tuesday they will
(Continued on Page Three, CKlumn8vn7)
Scottish Rite Woman's Club.
The Scottish Rite Woman's club
will have luncheon at Happy Hollow
Thursday, Mrs. Cuthbert Vincent
acting as hostess.
Wedding Anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Shanahan, 3347
South Seventeenth street, were Fri
day night guests at a surprise party
arranged by relatives and friends on
their twenty-filth wedding anni
versary, when a silver service was
presented to them, following an en
joyable evening at Mueller's hall,
South Side. Mr. Shanahan is assist
ant yardmaster for the Union Pacific.
Notes of Interest.
Miss Margaret Damm has been en
gaged as soloist for the Nebraska
State Saengcrfest, to be held at
Grand Island, August 17-20.
Jack Hughes, who went up for the
Trans-Mississippi tournament at
Minneapolis, left there Thursday for
Canada, and expects to be gone two
or three weeks.
Harry H. Culver, founder of Cul
ver City., Cal., formerly of Omaha,
and Miss Lillian Roberts of the same
place, were married last month at
Culver City, and left for the north
immediately after the ceremony.
Joseph Millard, II, and Ray Mil
lard arrived home Wednesday from
a two months' trip to Japan. The
former is here with his brother. Bur
ton M illard, and M rs. Millard, but
Ray has gone to Wisconsin to Ke
watin camp.
T. L. Combs, jeweler, past presi
dent of the American National Re
tail Jewelers' association, has gone i
to Chicago to assist National Secre- j
tary Anderson of Wisconsin on the
proposition of exhibits for the na-!
tional convention at Minneapolis, the
last week in August. i
Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Kepler and;
little Miss Gretchen left Saturday fori
an extended tour through the east.
In New York they will meet Prof, and
Mrs. W. E. Nicholl, formerly of Belle
vue college, who have been in the east
since the first of July and who expect i
Hot-t? Sure!
V-e-r-y Hot-t!
But dress "white"
and keep white.
Don't burden yourself .
with anything heavy.
Wear Panama Hats.
Palm Beach Suits.
White Shoes.
White Skirts.
Cool Serges.
And other filmy,
feathery things.
When the clothes are
soiled let us clean
'em for you cheap.
Phone Tyler 345.
A man will call
Be comfortable.
Even though hot-t!
2211-2217 Farnam.
Lowest Priced Picture Frames at
A. HOSPE CO., 1513 Douglas St.
Throw A way Your Eyeglasses
Prominent Eye Specialist on the
Witness Stand Swears He is Taking
Classes trom fattents Every Day
'EfMight Strengthened 60 hi On
j Week' a Tim in Many Inataneea.
! Buffalo, N. T. Thla ttartllnr ennonnee
mant will aound the keynote ot Joy to many
who wear glasaea. and also to thoat who
(have certain othar aye Iroubln. In a ra-
cant trial In tha Unttad Statea court at Buf
falo ona of the moat promliiant eya apa
Iclallita of New York waa callad aa an eauart
land teat'.Had that nearly every day ha took
ifiaaaaa from aoma ot hie pat tan la. Ona of
tha lawyara in the can. who had worn
Vtuaee for twenty yeara, waa eo impreaead
I with the teetlmonr of thla expert that be
decided te treat hfa own eyea and eee If he :
could rt Hd of the rlaeeee. After a period I
of three weeke treatment, much to hla
mi.mfnr, na iaia in am eelde and now
doea not fetl the need of them. One of hie
frlanda met him on the etreet and aaked
him What hurl hranvlit Bhtut ih. i.
I 'hla appearanca, aa he lookad ten yeare
! y ounce r. "tiattlng rid of flaeaea la the cause
j f It." the lawyer anawwred Whm aked
I now he hart accompllahed euch nurprlalns
I Pondera, he aeid; "It la very almple mat
ter, eo simple. In fart, that anrone rmn
low the aame method. Juat tell them to k
te any drug etore and set a tuba of t: 11
Opto; dteaolve one tablet In a quarter Kinsa
of water and bathe the eyee from thro- i,,
four tlmee dally. It can be prepaid and
uaed at home. It la abeolutely rmnnW.,
and the quick reaulta tt e-lvea la '
Note: When the above article waa alion
to a prominent olty phyalolan be aald: "Y''h,
Bon-Opto le a truly wonderful eye remp(l
I.Have uaed It very eucceaefully In my priH -tlce
on patlonte whoae eyea were etraln.
through overwork and mlaflt fleaaa. I mi
highly reoommend It In caae of wak, w.
tary. aohtna. a mart! nr. Uchlna. hnrninr
red 114a, blurred vlalon, eyea Inflamed front
expoaura to emoke. eun, duet or wind.
ine menuraciurers nave aurh ronfllt-M
Bon-Opio that they cuarenteu
trerigtnan tne eyealght 50 per rent to
week'a time In many Inatanre. or the; 1
refund the money. Since the nlnn.j ,r'
hae been publlahed th rli-mand r.i h
Opto haa been bo ifnr thar th .sh.n,,,;
M'-Connll J.'rug Stnx.- n. n,,.ii..,
kept UUiy MUIj-k tn. I-,.- 1. . a;, , ,
1 I