Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 13

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The Omaha Sunday Bee
Omaha Friends Will Miss Them Greatly
Calendar of Club Doings
i K. (.). sisterhood of Benson, Mrs. N. H.
Tyson, hostess, 2 p. m.
Business Women's council, luncheon and prayer
meeting, court house, 11 to J o'clock.
Women's Relict Corps, (iemge A. Custer
branch, Memorial hall, 2:M p. m.
Society of American Widows, (ounse Mock,
1 :M p. in.
Miller I'ark Mother's circle, annual picnic. Mil
ler park, 2 p. in.
Woman's Christian Temperance urnon. Omaha
branch, annual meeting. Young Men's Chris
tian association. p. in.
Woman's Christian Temperance union, Frances
Willard branch, Mrs. W C. King, hostess,
2 p. m.
Nebraska Humane soeict. Omaha National
bank building, p. m
Society of American Widows. Crounse block.
7:M p. ni.
GIYK me both a democratic and republican
A dignified woman appeared at a poll
ing place, during a recent election, ami
made this request.
"Rut the law provides that ymi can
have only one ballot. You cannot vote both tickets,"
a clerk of the election board politch told her.
" 1 hat makes no difference," she said. "I have
friends on both the republican and democratic side,
ami I won't vote unless I can vote i'or all of them."
"Then it will be impossible tor you to vote," the
dignified lady was politely informed by the clerk.
"Well, if you won't do a little favor like that for
me. I won't vote." declared the lady wrathtulh.
t iivi'ng each member of the election board an in
dividual glare designed to carry reproach, she left
the polling booths without casting a ballot for her
favorite candidates on either ticket.
This is the kind of story they tell about women
in the suffrage states, to belittle the feminine voters.
Votes-for-women enthusiasts will have to put
up with it good-naturedly. There is the other al
ternative. They can devote themselves to acquiring
political information so that they will not be caught
"Well, but the man should have explained that
it was permissible to write in the name of the can
didates of the other party," you say.
Yes, he should have, but he was a man and one
opposed to woman suffrage no doubt, so he did not
Hop to explain.
Charges that machine methods and steam rolling
were apparent during the recent biennial convention
of the General Federation of Women's clubs are
made in the current issue of the official organ of the
clubwomen, The General Federation of Women's
Clubs Magazine.
"At the opening of the convention, the delegate
were unsuspecting. The carefully constructed and
smoothly operating machinery of the outgoing ad
ministration was thinly veiled by a diversified pro
gram, with appealing addresses and conferences in
terspersed between the short business sessions,"
writes a delegate.
"Manipulation in the conduct of the business ses
sions of the convention became more and more ap
parent as various obstacles confronted the machine,
this necessitating more and more steam. The gen
erative capacity of the boiler proved quite equal
to all emergencies and withstood the pressure most
wonderfully well. All minor obstacles were crushed
or thrust aside, but when it came to announcing the
election returns, which were withheld until the last
possible moment before final adjournment, the real
sentiment of the majority was expressed in the vote
for president. The machine candidate was defeated
by a vote in favor of the opponent of more than
four to one.
V.'Thus did the machine defeat its purpose. 'I he
methods used in ait cndeavoi to control the entire
proceedings : by changing time and place tor the
conduct of business; by taking up important issues
piece meal; by side-tracking discussions; by crowd
ing addresses, conferences, luncheons and receptions
upon the delegates anil b hurrying through the
business sessions, in some instances calling only
for affirmative vole and refusing to put the nega
tive, and again refusing to recognize the personal
privilege of those who had the temerity to vote
"no" to explain that vote, made in response to a
skillfully put appeal from the chair for an aflirma
t jvc vote; all this, and more, niusi have so antagon
izcd many of the delegaies that at least three-fourths
of them finally decided that il was advisable to elect
a new president who was in no way a part of the
program that had been so carefully planned in ad
vance by those in authority.
"The manipulation of the machine to insure the
election of an outgoing director as auditor proved
more successful, but resulted in severe reproach.
'T wo names appeared on the printed ticket as can
didates for auditor, both evidently picked by the
machine. At the opening of the session on the
morning of election day a telegram was read from
one of the nominees, declining to run. Despite the
fact that her name was printed on the ticket and vot
ing was already in progress, quick action was taken
accepting the resignation from the ticket. Delegates
who arose to protest were not given a hearing. No
opportunity was gicu to place any other name in
nomination, thus leaving the chosen one a clear
Several resolutions adopted by the General Fed
eration show the trend of the organization's activi
ties. It was resolved to undertake a country-wide
survey of motion picture entertainments; that club
women should form local censorship committees
and that the Federation should co-operate with lilm
manufacturers to secure a higher moral standard
and a larger supply of appropriate films for children.
The creation of a Woman's division of labor in the
federal department ; opposition f o the literacy test
in the federal immigration bili; study of the domes
tic servant problem; endorsement of the principle of
civil pensions; co-operation with boards of health,
and endorsement of modern methods of prison man
agement, including the establishment of a proba
tion system in the United States courts, arc included
in ihe number.
The immigrant problem is the subject of the fol
lowing resolution; "Whereas, There arc in this
country more than 1.1,000.(100 persons of foreign
birth, many of whom speak other languages, fal
low un-American standards ot living and do not
possess American citizenship.
"Iiej.t resolved. That we make sp ial effort to he.
of assistance to the foreign-born women, in bringing
them into touch with American life; that we pledge
ourselves to co-operate with the public schools to
supply the needs of the foreign-born; and recom
mend that special naturalization services be made
a part of the Independence day celebration; and co
operate with the labor department and employment
offices to prevent the exploitation of the immigrant
m industrv "
Mrs. McVann and Daughter Are Going to Colorado
for a Season Before Removing to Chicago for Good
in mwffi'nil ititinr i
-f ;
j- ,
r. y-Wfi tip'.' I' 'f ' "?"r
- , f-i
Letting the Light Into Our Public Kitchens
l.ux Fiat I "Let tliere lie Unlit!" was tli- InM Mrp
in llic creation, ami il is llic lusl step in I lie ri'Rcii
iTalitm also. If llic lie;!;; is . . 1 1 i - 1 1 1 r 1 1 c- 1 "ii ami kept
shining in llic dark places licliiml diniiiK looms ami
restaurants, botlt in llic sense of pitiless publicity
and floodiiiK with sunlight, safety ami cleanliness
arc assured.
Another thing which will greatly improve con
ditions is the carrying out and widening of the scope
of the physical examination of cooks, helpers,
waiters, and food handlers generally, initiated muiio
months ago hy the New York city hoard of health.
This will protect the public againsi a leal and serious
present danger, as shown hy the fact that something
like 15 per cent of all thoc examined hillierlo have
shown signs of some form of communicable disease,
ranging trom tuberculosis and typhoid to catarrh
and skin diseases, f the employe must he in go,, (I
physical condition to secure a position, this auto
matieally places upon the emphoer a counter obli
gation to provide conditions wlikli w ill protect and
preserve this health and vigor required. And as
fresh air. good light and spotless cleanliness are
just as good for food as yhcy are for the cooks,
the community would he douhlv the gainer.
Incidentally, it may he remarked that one of our
most disquieting discoveries ill the past decade or
so has been that a go,,d many of those who re
cover from typhoid tevcr still harbor, and continue
to harbor for years, colonies of typhoid bacilli in
their bodies, most commonly in the gall bladder or
near the kidneys. If these typhoid carriers are care,
less or uncleanly about their toilets, s,, that their
hands become soiled and infected, auv lo.ul which
they handle may convcv the disease. Something
the same is true, though m a much more limited de
gree, of the bacilli of diphtheria and piohablv infan
tile paralysis. And, of course, the germs o a com
mon cold tan be sneccd over to-al mst as easily
as over people, ami with llic .anie i liarniinglv certain
Although the,,- health standards and .cniiui
men is might at lii si sight appear to be somct lung
of a hardship upon tin- uorkcis. as a matter of iait
they aie just ihe r, vcr-c I i r-1 . because the gnat
majority of all the disqualifying detects and di-case-conditious
are readilv .arable, most of them quite
promptly so. and all lhat is necessary is to postpone
To Prevent the "Blues"
" Hliics" arise . it lu i troniluerot scltnshnc-. Il
the former, lake a do-c of medicine ; if the kilter, take
yourself sc.'l"ioii,l to task Look within; don't Irv
to !md out win ou'ie not b.ippv. bin why ou're
miserable. Is it that you expect loo much liom lilt- r
The happiest man i, be who is ((intent with little
from the pre-cul ami ini. much from the tiituic.
tin nut into the world and instead of comparing
your misfortunes with othei people's siiccism-- ie
alie your own blessing, in hie as contrasted .x tin
some other poor thing's downright bad luck
Ihili'l Ihmk so much about what you haw'i'l got
a, what vou do posse,. Ibis is the wav nol to
ihink: "Here am I. 'n .III 411 years ot age. Not
many men haw woiked as hard as I I (latter my
self I've got my lair share of brains, and I'm only
earning a : u dolko, l( week, while that absolute
young idiot, Joins, who's newr (lone a dav woik
in all Ins life, has iilo'c ;cy than he knows win. I
!( do with."
W'oll. what il Join s , belter mf than you: There's
nothing m. lhat to make you unhappy. Instead,
think how good doTs been p, pw you your lair
share ol hi am ami j our health
the examination f,. a Pw ccks in pa,, n ,m,c,,.
iulK In the set. nid plai c. the nist-tuig upon licallh
staudaids has ai.-. , been p.uiid In gicatlv m:
prow working ( Iition,. And, Imall-., llic v.e'ghl
le, I of all, the K I health of an I, ,,l,n,
u..(-th al ha, I lo.c time, a, much htm '.e, ,on,,!v
as It I, lo hi, employer or to the general public.
whi.h m,i,ts up t lor it, on n juote, lion
hwtithiug winch iai,es the hnnne,, ,. L,.,,k
in g. piep.nuig and rung loo, I p, the h wl ot a
skilled, organized tr.t'h, wnh w.i-c. tea, on
aide horn, and (ivdicd working i Iili.iii.. t, going
to be of great and lasting beiieln lo the public
Iinidcnlalb, . in idea, of the ai ( liuei l in c ot
kitchen, and serving n ate ludlv in need ot
revision As hgieni,, have been poinling out for
year,, the ideal ,,rd pi. .per place to, ., restaurant
or publn dining i..,,,,; ,, ,,, ,). ,,, ,,( -, h,n,mg,
instead ot at the botiom; nexi lo the r... iu,tca,
ol down in the cellar It wa, only a comhm.cimi
ot indecent economy -!u;.iflitx . and a survival ot
our caw dwelling b.,S:t, that put ibcm in their
piescnt po, in, ni in the tirsi place.
W ith modem water supply and eleialor sen ice.
Ibere is no practical reason win their normal por
tion should uoi be rcwr, cd, and fin. in, arc no;
inciely llic hesl ,,l an and light and ncauhncs, Mi
llie kitchen, sculleries and senmg r ,. (mi! a,o
a complete riddance am! bbei.ttion ot the ret of tin
house Horn all smells ot (ooking and too.l picpa
l at ion.
Nol a lew modem and progtciw hotels haw
already placed their dining roou , n: the top st un,
much to their own ,.,! , fact inn and to the comloit
and ple.(,u'e of their patrons, hew tenures, ill tact,
aboiii a bond arc more widely comnienled upon and
more pleasantly reuicmlivrcd by its guests than a
sixth or tenth storv dining room, with its freedom
from cooking smells and its air and light and view
Social Calendar
(.allow ( .dims ed.luig
Afternoon purlv !.n Mis, Mildied (llney of
1 in tic-. lis. M,,, I ii., llokc. hostess.
"t .chl I lay " at t oiinlrv , bib
(nulla Women' Il ,cm anion's monthly
loin uameiil al Sinnioui I. do- (ountly club.
I'.iiu al Nappy Hollow l"i Kalberuie Lynch
ot llon W mi and loi hillh I lur-l of l.ouis
v ilh Isi gm n lo Jln.i . I loi.i and Louise
I, s,
l!i ni,: pun i, on. i:l al tlx 1'ield ill'
Manuel and ilium I ihiiio .0 llappv llnlluw
( bib
I 1 1 1 . 1 1 e ( dam e a! e'. mmn l.aki . bib.
I mn hi t ll.qqo Hollow , b,li pa (isilmg
.oil.g, gill-. lo, I ! u. links, hostess.
Itlnnel dances at ( oiuilry and h l( Id i lulls.
I lame ,il llans.oin pal k paMhon. M A t '. cltlh.
( .ii 1 1 i I ak- kcn.iugl ind nialuiei dLisant.
WyUiCll's lllin he II I .O lei 1 ake club.
I inn licou lor S(olli,h blue oinaii's club at
Happy Hollow. Mi, (ulhiieit uicent, hos
tess I luiche.ui lol M.iling inlhgc girls at Happy
Hollow. Mis, I'.culah I lalk. Ilosle,-.
llinnei d,on e al llappv Hollow dub.
Ilnitici dame al Seyinniir I ake club.
llmiiei daine, at (ountiy. Field, Happy Hol
low, ( artel Lake and S y uioiir Lake clubs.
v.u oliv
U" many "w Into mmcn arc t Jir re m town i
At Mis, i .in iiikim's luncheon at tin? Happy
llntlmv i luU the uther day only two
iif-t-s vmiM lay claim M the Mninty, le-
Initantc cohu-. Kvrry nr is nut-ot-dnors
n, ihr hlistrring .nn ami ht vin1. pbying
tennis. MvimmniR. mntnrniK. even trainpinRy'
l hi rrsult tiiat r cryone has acquire! cithef
trow n or
, oul'l he
a ruddy red complexion, hufu
alnni5t hotter than these V?!hr$,
tor they indicate a delicate and usually clar kin.
How .horkinc; the athletic worn.- of today
w ould have appeared titty or a hundrt jycars ago.
Then RirU modestly peeled their la. In applica
tion., c.i buttermilk dried in t!u ' .'.n. I y, even
when vu were mall. diiln't your mother -orry hf-'
cau;e on always forgnt tn put on your sunhonmrt
.h-n vou raced out to ': And didn't your grand-ru-.i
hrr r . ','hrn I was a i w e took some care
,.l hut r.nnplexion and had pretty, white skins."
Rut. oh. dear me. hat-, and sunhonnets were so much
in the way. wreiM they? Mayhap, though, you i;eer inclined he a t'-tnhoy. Alack-a-day,
how luiu"- have changed!
The July tournament of the Onuha WomeiM
iioit a'u iation has at ia-i heen set for "l ueday.
s hct'ore announced, thi- third even! ut the season
will In- held at Seymour Lake touuiry cluV The
pi Mprant i- nine lndes handicap, nn da! plav. v itli a
special cent in the .shape of an api'Toadim' and
puttuiq tuntest.
Speaking ol Rolt. reminds
and cai nn al of sports
t mnitrv ch
dV -o, irtv
iheir initlifnl servitors' hv L'ivmR them .1 grand,
koi id timr and a splendid "teed" dames i.t Rolf for
the ialdies have !e-n arranged with special prize..
pi-i-i.uii of sp,,r; under the direction of jovial
I'r.ilutton 'Mti. tr dih Miller will he a urcat attrac
Mnii I he cluh v ill serve a special meal to the
ho . alter the events, A r ran peine in s for the fete
h.r.e luen under the direction of a number of society
."iiien, pr 'inineut annuiR them. Mrs. . T. Hums
')Iher who have taken an active part in the prepara
tii.n are Mrs. Hari.m Millard. Mrs (ieorpc Rcdick.
Mr- M ( I'eters ami Miss tiladvs t'rters. it will
he interest mg to re h mail of the crumbs of
Uimvvlcd.Lie which ha. e fallen from their masters'
null table have he 1 n a-smol.ited hy the hoys. tVr
liaps the 1. uriers of ilie bac will outdo their elders.
I'eople do not plan parties very far in advance
these d.n - If !! nur iriend about a day's
prett likely to have the date open.
Thaf is the rt'aoii that the social calendar is almost
larpe parties, is
clubs. Picnics are
I met a director of
annual outing
ni- the candies a; the
rh i to be Rieii Monday. On thai
iH'iide will sIimw their yppreciatiou tor
ntice, ht
a blank, I .iitei tainnK iit. even v
informal and done largely al the
freuuent and uutisuallv cniovable.
of tiie ciiuntT v club
ferreil to drie to the club
eating the things that Mr
eat at the cate. Society
concoction of French ch
made article nnee in a w h
tt .tt debutantes did
to ,,,ok.
t on ma think it ery f
tin is the h,tlcon nine
ant! men. w hen 11 1 1 on, ve n 1 1
and e'-ei y nr.- hi re
lor comiort ami reire-bmg 1
the other day who pre
nd picnic on the grounds.
A. prepared, rather than
surfeited with delicious
eis n c like the home-
! i mn so long ageJ
t feel ashamed of an ability
' nne
to mention that
i ,11 lor society maids
nal bre is the order
tiierf and everyfiere
i t ar.'t you imagine
summe r
tercd ia'
their ii' is
nea.c f 1
fne'td-hip wi!! ht
culniriaie in elabora
Coming !i!l and mtt"
eh.T'-mg -laugl'tei- o
;"ig u:h iaoi upon a
I with her i.ilher m 1
niarce :
fur vomig iiiei.'ls. who -tre pcnding the
,1' mountain r -o; s, -r rolling along slud
t:s w in-re i'o i'uiiUit i e automobiles pok?
;s a'id rai-e their raucous voices to disturb
mldlng roiiiat'cc"' l'rob.,!d- more than
this Mimmcr which
iciety i' em during
1- porch goss;p that
in Jniaha m o-ior is
ung man who is aso
mess, Wh,. knows;
A most inti!e;mg event was described m an
eastern paper iht ot tier day, so ml cresting that I
want to pass it or, V1 nn It makes you feel de
bcn us chdls m. aii! down our spme to think ot
sue!'. ,t part. u remember the little girl who al
ways tell t!:nl!ed when she saw brass buttons, don't
ou.- Wi II. does,;": ,-,s thvdl vou?
"ITc ."nil win. attended the hall 011 hoard the
nged by tap;am Ilngh Rodman,
and l.ieuunam t ommander 1 lark II.
I. I S. V. will long re, aiu memories of
;-g spectacle, for such it u,i The hull,
ks and lighting top-. ,u the battleship
d in thousands of white electric lights,
unlgc and conning tower glittered in
w e
,!nte ,
" t the top of the gangway spm
am! ii as .111 uncann but amusing figure mechanical!) :io,l is
tend 'is great gloved hand to each
ire mmmiTarcu ami carpcieu gangway suggested a
staircase rather than an entrance lo a battleship."
d a diver s suit,
sight to sec thtt
helmet and cx
arriving guest
Additional Society News on Next Paga