Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    Part One
PAGES 1 TO 12.
The Omaha Sunday Bee
VOL. XLV1-NO. 8.
! .v
Tt.'s Hot Niq-hts for Little Tots
HTniiimnn n t r
A5 ii nuMtuy
Robber Holds Up Cashier of
the Bank at the Point of
Gun and Gathers Up
$1,000 in Cash.
Partner Waits for Him on Out
side and They Make Hur
ried Run to Omaha.
Two men drove up to the Farmers'
Stale bank, . lorence, at noon, one of
tliem . ent inside, "covered" Cashier
Jesse Nelson with a revolver, 'ex
$1,000 in cash, walked out of the hank
and made his escape with his coni
r nion.
The men were not masked. They
arrived at the bank at "12:05, noon.
The machine was a Cadillac touring
car. with license number 22l.
One of the men, described as 2S
j'ears old, five feet eleven inches tall
and weighing 150 pounds, went nito
the bank, leaving the other in the
A woman was at the cashier's win
dow. "Pardon me," said the robber, "1
just wanted to ask you about the bal
ance of Mr. Mencke."
He then went to the rear of the
.bank. The woman suon went out.
Covers the Cashier.
As soon a he was alone he walked
up to the cashier's window and, push
ing his revolver in tiont oi Cashier
Nelson's face, he said:
"How's this for credit? Hand oyer
all the cash you've got and he quick
i)OUt it. 1 don't want to muss up
the floor with you."
All the cash in sight, consisting ot
bank notes, gold and silver, was
quickly gathered up by the robber.
In the meantime V. K. Wall had
come out of the rear room and he, too.
covered with the revolver.
"Now, not a word out of you,"
warned the young bandit as he back
:d toward the door.
Came Toward Omaha.
He rushed to the automobile,
jumped in and the car started north
A block north of the bank the ban
dits changed their minds and turned
around, speeding back past the bank
ind down the Florence boulevard to
ward Omaha.
By this time Motorcycle Officer
W. A. Garceau had been notified. He
took up the chase and followed the
men in the car as far as Nineteenth
.and Cass streets, Omaha, where he
lost them in the dense traffic.
He speeded to the Omaha central
police station and gave the alarm
In a few minutes three automobiles
filled with officers armed with shot
guns were on the trail.
Had Made Deposit.
The Florence holdup is the first
daylight bank robbery on the records
of the Omaha police department. Nev
er before has such a daring robbery
been attempted in this city.
Just an hour or so previous to the
oldtip officials of the Florence bank
had removed $1,500 in cash from their
safe to the State Bank of Omaha.
Train Employes
Vote For Strike
Ninety to One
Warren Says if Only Half of
Progressives Vote for
Hughes, His Election
j Is Sure.
, States Carried by Republicans
1 Twfrt Vni"& Art-rt Arn IVT-i invtr
of the Electoral College.
Oetroit. Alii- 5.--I W-1 'olit i-
'otl proguostieatois of all party affilia- ;
j linns arc very busy these days in mak- !
I ing forecasts. K-moci ats profess tuj
i obtain great comfort ever the report !
that itt sit me states the piogi essn es '
are apparently not presenting a united
j front against democracy. Indeed, i
some are sanguine enough to predict i
. that they will obtain enough Mipport
from the progressive voters which,
j added to the normal democratic vote,
'will in Mire the election o Wilson,
i This contention is, however, flouted
by careful students of the political
j situation who, by virtue of their ex
perience and connection with the in
side and intimate workings ot cam
paigns, are competent to judge.
Charles B. Warren, Michigan mem
ber of the republican national com
mit tee, has made a comprehensive
sjnopsis of the situation.
Wilson Elected by Minority.
"W hile estimates are not altogether ;
1 convincing," said M r. W arren, "they ;
I are valuahic as indicating the tend-J
j ency toward one candidate or another J
as regards the party preference of the '
! mass of the individuals. In twenty-'
seven states which gave Wilson 28.1 1
I electoral votes in 191 J the combined'
I Taft and Roosevelt votes in that year j
'exceeded the vole cast for Wilson. In;
j fifteen of these states Roosevelt's vote j
was greater than that ot iatt and in
twelve Tail's was larger than Koosc-!
veil's. Had the combined Roosevelt j
and Taft votes been cast for one can- j
didate, that candidate would have re-:
ceived 279 electoral votes to Wilson's J
152 the 152 coining almost entirely j
from the solid south. Wilson's total
vote in 1912 was 6,283,054, while the j
Traffic on the Surface Lines in
Manhattan and on Staton
inland Is Abandoned j
During Evening.
(Lontinutri on Tag Two, Column One.)
New York, Aug. 5. With five
sixths of the ballots cast by the 400,-
000 employes of 225 railroad systems
throughout the country today, it was
announced that the men stood 90 to
1 for a strike. Only a few chairmen
ot the trainmen's unions had not ar
rived this forenoon and it was defi
nitely stated by officials of the tour
trainmen's brotherhoods that the
:ount would be finished on Monday,
after which the final vote would be
.onsidered and joint conferences with
the railroad representatives held.
The Weather.
Southern Publisher
And Editor Plan to
Fight in a Duel
Birmingham, Ala.. Aug. 5. -Warrants
for the arrest of Victor H. Han-,
son, publisher of the Birmingham
News, and E. V. Barrett, editor of
the Birmingham Age-Herald, were
: sworn out before the city recorder to-
day by Artie Barber, commissioner
I of public safety, who alleged that the .
two men intended to fight a duel. i
j The warrants arc the outcome of i
a controversy between the two papers,
culminating in the publication of a
card in yesterday morning's Age-!
Herald, signed bv W. 11. Jcfferies.
.business manager, which Mr. Hanson
claimed reflected on his business
Mr. Hanson wired Mr. Barrett in
Asheville, demanding that he cither
disavow or assume personal responsi
bility for the attack. 1 he Age-Herald
; published the Hanson telegram this
i morning, together with one from Mr.
Barrett, accepting full responsibility
; and offering to meet Mr. Hanson at
j any time after next Tuesday.
I Commissioner Barber also swore
j out warrants charging criminal libel ;
against Barrett, Jcfferies and C. M. I
' Stanley, news editor of the Age-Herald,
alleging publication of an article
that would tend to prowkc a breach
of the peace.
Mr. Hanson's bond was fixed at
SJ5.000. Mr. Barrett, who now is in'
! Asheville, N. C will be arrested on
his return to Birmingham. No bond !
; has been fixed in his case.
Nebraska Generally fair ;tn,J euntiiuied
Iowa Partly clouily today . not much
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday.
Hours lleg.
lmm 4 n !H
8 p. in Sft
Comparative LochI KecoriN.
llMti. 191."-. 1914 1913.
Highest yesterday !j M 'j. M
Lowf.-! osterday . . . .711 ;i 74
Mi-ati teiill'tTatllie . . . .St tlS , M.
I'rct-'ll'llMlinn . (Ml .mi ! J '
,Vm,'Tnliirc and ijri'i'ipttatiun ii parluri'M
f piti i In run'Miri I h 1 I Hun ha Kinrf Miircli 1,
nii'l cnnipnfi'il with llu-la ot tu V'-ar.-:
NVrirMl leiii'tr;.tiirc V.
Ki ifs for t h- day II
rtal xtt'hf em.'"- Maiih 1....
ormnl prM'lpita tin
DefU'liMiey for i"1 di.y
Total rainfall bini-' Mtmh 1...
if firitn'V sltn-t: ManU 1
Ki-"'t-i f-r i-wr. p-rl-d. 1115. .
jcfui"ny for ror. itimI. 1M4
KfportN from MHltou ul r. Si,
Station. '1'unp'T.i- lliKh- Ruln-
iur. t'M. fall
'hcye nn'1. rain -"4
Pavenporl. tk-ar I1 1 !" i"
T)envfr. I'MMi
tipa Jloln... rltar ' ' .00
Oudge City, cli'nr
l.andnr. clmidj . - . .
orth I'lattt.
ijcalia. I'ltiir
.,'tirld". mtii
' i ,t pt:l City, part --ait
Uk fltv. rain
I inch
1 in. h
7 inrhrj,
i irit'tu'.
4 I IK. lt
: nn hos
; Owner of Cow Killed
! By Auto Assessed ;
Dollar Damages
Sioux falls. S. I)., Aug. 5. (Spe
cial.) Alleging that the cow in the I
case was trespassing on the public;
highway, Otto Kenstcrman, living
near Hartford, escaped with an ad
verse verdict of ?1 in a damage suit!
instituted against hitu by C. A. Berry, i
a tanner and owner of the cow, which
was struck and killed by Fcnslernian's
automobile. Berry st rteil the action
for the purpose of securing a .iudg
incn' against Fenstennan for (he full
value of the animal. At the trial of
the case Fensterman's attorneys!
; brought in a counterclaim against ,
Berry tor damage done to Kenster
man's automobile by the collision j
w ith the alleged trespassing cow. The j
; members of the jury must have be-;
licved there was some justice in the
; counterclaim, tor after long and care
i ful deliberation they returned a ver-
! diet awarding Berry a judgment of'
SI against Fenstcrman. i
Attempt to Be Made to Operate
Cars on Some of the Lines
This Morning.
New York. Aug. 5. -Surface car
traffic in the borough of Manhattan
and on Slateu island was suspended
at X o'clock t.'iitghl. The New York
Railways company notified the polite
that it would attempt to resume op
erations toiiinrrnw morning, but no
attempt would be made to operate
cars on Siaten island until Monday.
Progress of Strike.
New York, Aug. 5. As the day
wore on it appeared that the strike
of the carmen was gaining headway.
Inspector Schinidlherger reported
that in many cases cars that had been
started from the barns in the early
morning were withdraw before the
noon hour, anil at that time those on
the New York Railway company's
lines hail been reduced to 467. The
strike, moreover, threatened to spread
to the lines in Slatcn Island, where
the police reported that 93 per cent
of the employes of the Richmond
Light and Power company had joined
the union and presented demands to
the company's officials.
General Organizer Fitzgerald ap
pealed to a mass meeting of strikers
today not to use violence. After the
meeting adjourned the strikers and
their sympathizers gathered upon the
Third Avenue car tracks in front of
the hall and soon stones were being
hurled at passing cars. 1'olice re
serves, however, soon scattered the
crowd. Arrests up to midaftcrnoon
numbered a dozen.
A crowd of about 1.000 persons as
sembled around a Third Avenue car,
was charged by the police and detec
tives this afternoon and a general
melee ensued, during which many
persons were clubbed. A woman was
arrested. Witnesses said that the
car had been stalled by a truck and
iliai the rrowd was merely a curious
one and peaceful until the police ap
peared. When the police charged some one
in the crowd began to throw stones
and a number were injured. One man
at least was knocked insensible. A
policeman was taken to a hospital.
A few minutes later the crowd be
gan hurling stones at another car. the
conductor of which was injured. The
(Continued on 1'iuie Four, Column Four.)
Detroit Automobile
Bandits Have Made
Good Their Escape
Detroit, Aug. 5. After a fruitless
twentv-four-hour search of all sec
tions Within a hundred miles radius
of Detroit, the police this afternoon
still were without a single clue as
to the identity or whereabouts of the
bandits who yesterday robbed the
paymaster of the Burroughs Adding
Machine company of approximately
.f.H.OOO, in daylight. It was intimated
all hopes of finding the bandits in
Detroit had been abandoned.
The police, however, have re
fused to discuss the holdup and all
information as to the progress of
the hunt has been withheld. Two sus
pects were taken into custody by de
tectives today, but were released after
thirty minutes' questioning.
The police today declare one of the
.henries they are working on is the
daring holdup was an "inside job."
They point to the fact that the rob
bery was carried out in broad day
light in a crowded street, in full
view of scores of persons without a
hitch, as evidence that the bandits
must have had a confederate ill the
Burroughs plant. Officers of the com
pany deny any intimation that any
of their employes possibly was in
volved. Krncst Martpiardt, superintendent
ol police, said late today that all clues
hail been run down and had been
found to lead nowhere.
The only exception, he said, was in
the case of four men arrested on sus
picion in Lansing, Mich. The de
tectives have been sent there, the
superintendent said, but he had little
hope in that development.
Torreon Paper Says
Villa Killed Self
to Avoid Capture
El Paso, Tex.. Aug. 5. Francisco
Villa, wounded in the right side, in. a
kirniish with the troops of General
Matias Ramos at Hacienda San Juan.
Durante, July In. ordered his men to
scatter to save themselves and then
committed suicide, after he had been
pursued into the nearby foothills, ac
cording to a story printed in La Radi
cal, a newfpapcr of Torreon, July -a
copy of which reached here today.
However, the story was not credited
at military headquarters or in Juarez.
'WM St'
LUf) fw-fiiJ
London Official Report Tells of
the Capture of 2,000 Yards
i of Trenches on the
j Somme.
French Repulse Series of Vio
lent Assaults on Thiaumont
and Floury F-"tor.
Republican Candidate for Pres
ident Leaves New York
for Detroit.
Xew York. Aug. 5. "I am enter
ing upon the trip with the greatest
zest." was the assertion made tonight
by Charles E. Hughes, republican
candidate for president, just before he
started upon the campaign journey
which will take him across the con
tinent. "It will be most gratifying to
have this opportunity of meeting the
people and I am anticipating a very
interesting scries of meetings," he
The nominee, accompanied by Mrs.
Hughes, newspaper men, secretaries
and clerks, left at 9:35 o'clock tonight
for Niagara Kails, where they will
spend Sunday. Mr. Hughes will leave
Monday morning for Detroit. Mich.,
where he will address two meetings
in the evening. San Diego, Cal., was
added to his itinerary today. It was
announced he would speak there the
afternoon of Monday, August 21, and
at Los Angeles in the evening.
Mr. Hughes inspected the new head
quarters of the republican naiional
committee, in Fifth avenue, this aft
ernoon. When shown the reporters'
room he remarked: "The seat of gov
ernment, eh?"
Guardsmen Will Be
Transferred to Reserve
Washington. Aug. 5. National
guardsmen now in federal service who
complete their required three years
ot active service will bq transferred
to the National Guard reserve of their
respective state or territories unless
they desire to continue with the col
ors for the full six years of their en
listment and if furloughed to the re
serve will be scut home at the ex
pense of the government.
This announcement was made by
the War department today.
In computing enlistments on the
new basis full allowance will be made
for time served under superseded en
listment contracts.
Gov. Capper Says Sunflower
State Will Give Candidate
100,000 Majority.
Lincoln. Aug. 5. (Special Tele
gram.) "Hughes will carry Kansas
by 100.1)00, the largest majority ever
given by my state for a republican
Thus spoke Governor Arthur Cap
per of Kansas at the Lincoln hotel
today, after filling a speaking date at
the Epworth Assembly now in ses
sion. "Hughes speech of acceptance Mon
day night struck the right chord with
us Kansans," continued Governor
Capper. "Objections have been made
that he did nol come out with enough
constructive policies, that his speech
was merely a criticism rather than an
outline of a definite program, but I
notice that the position he took on
the questions of the day were a whole
lot steadier than the wobbly way in
, w Inch llson has handled our inr-
eign affairs.
"In my state republicans and bull
mooscrs arc pretty well united on the
one big issue. William Allen White
and Henry J. Allen and most of the
other third party men have come back
into the ranks and are doing their part
for the success of the ticket. Victor
I M unlock is out on Chautauqua work,
and plans to go to China in Septem
i ber, so it won't make much difference
i what he does."
Chairman of Republican State
Central Committee Resigns
After Controversy.
The resignation of Jesse . McNish
as chairman of the republican state
central committee adddressed to the
vice chairman, Ed Beach, was placed
in the hands of the stat$ ticket candi
dates at a meeting yesterday.
The meeting bad been called by
Judge Sutton as the nominee for gov
ernor, ostensibly to make recom
mendation for the position of secrc-
j tary which was to be filled by the
: chairman. Mr. McNish last evening
'verified the fact that be had resigned,
j but declined to discuss the matter
i further than to say he did not wish to
; be the campaign manager unless satis
factory to the candidates, and that
friction with Judge Sutton bad con
1 vinced him this was impossible.
I it is understood that Mr. Sutton had
been insisting Waller U. Minor of
j Lincijjn be made secretary of the com
mittee and had called the meeting of
! the candidates fur the purpose of re
; inforcing his demand.
Prime Opening Guns.
Sixth Case of infantile
Paralysis at Mitchell
Mitchell, D., Aug. 5. (Special
Telegram. The sixth case of infan
tile paralysis was reported to the
buard of health this morning.
Hundred Trousand
Come to Fremont
Fremont, Neb., Aug. o. (Special.)
Fremont, is prepared to entertain
the biggest crowd in its history next
week during the fourth annual tractor
show. It is expected that 1 1 If 1,000 peo
ple will see the demonstrations dur-
1 mg the week.
j Henry Ford and bis party of Iwen
j ty-fivc people will arrive in the city
' Sunday morning and go directly to
: the Wolz camp on the I'ltte river,
j which has been fitted up for the Dc
i troit manufacturer and hi party. Mr.
Ford will spend the entii e week at
the tractor ,dn. Three Ford tractors
arrived Saturday by express fnnn
i Dearborn, Mich,, and will be cm exhi
bition here during the week. Wednes
day has been dcMgnated as Ford
, owners' day, whenU owtiev.s of Frrd
automobiles will beasked to meet
Opening guns of Nebraska's repub
' lican campaign will be fired from
j twin cavalcades of automobiles trav
ersing different parts of the state un
der the captaincy of John L. Kennedy,
i candidate for t'nited States senator,
land Judge A. L. Sutton, aspirant for
gubernatorial honors, the automobile
brigades to start from Omaha about
September 1. These plans for the
fall campaign, together with the se
lection of a man suitable to them for
the secretaryship of the state centra!
committee all day Saturday occupied
the attention of republican candi
dates assembled in the offices of
I Judge Sutton. 140 Ficc building. The
i candidates adjourned at 4:30 subject
to call.
Candidates for the following offices
were present at the conference: Gov
ernor, Judge A. L. Sutton; lieutenant
governor, Shumway; attorney gen
eral. De Voe; state superintendent of
public instruction, Thomas; land
commissioner, Reckman; secretary of
I ondon, ug. 5 TIt main Ger
man second Inn- system nn a front of
y.inls mirth of I'oieres on tin
Solium- ftoiit has brcu captured by
tin- Ltn'ih, it was officially an
nou .. ! by the war oi'fuf thii aftn
not n.
I he statement says
North ot I'oierrs a local attack
last night in which Australians and
troops of the ui'w army look part
was completely sin cestui. The Ger
man mam mommI line svstrm on a
front of more than ',000 yards was
captured, several hundred prisoners
remaining in our hands,
Repeated counter attacks subse
quently delivered against t1 position
raptured were repulsed, with heavy
loss to the enemy.
"Fxc pt for some mining activity
near louche ami Loos there was no
incident of importance cn the re
mainder of the Kritish front."
French Rcpuls Attack:.
Paris, Ai.g. 5. All German attacks
on the Frrm h positions last night
were repulsed, says the French of
ficial statement, issued this afternoon,
the Germans sustaining heavy lossest
torn bardm ent of the most violent
character look place over the entire
sector of Thiaumont and Fleury. The
battle lasted from u o'clock last night
until 8 this morning, the Germans
making unsuccessful t f forts, the state
ment adds, to drive the French from
the Thiaumotit work.
The statement follows.
"The niglu passed in relative quiet
on the Somme front. Between the
Avre and Aisne rivers we vsp-rseH
several patrols of the eueny and took
some prisoners.
"On the rifjht bank ut the Meuse
the cannonadmg last night was vio
lent on the entire sector between
Thirumont and Fleury. The Germans
endeavored by furious counter attacks
to drive us from the Vfik -of -Tliiati-mont,
which we hold firmly. This
fighting lasted from lJ o'clock last
night to this uorning. It resulted in
heavy losses to the enemy, and eacli
one of their endeavors was repulsed
without their being able to obtain the
slightest advantage.
Battle K ies About Fleury.
"The fighting continued with equal
spirit in the village of Fleury, but it
resulted with no appreciable change
in the situated. ,
"Ther has been intei miltent ai
tillery fightit.g in other eclors.
"On the right bank of the river, to
the east of Font-A-Mousson, after a
preparatory artillery fire, the Ger
mans delivered upon our positions in
the Facq forest an attack which re
sulted in failure under the fire of our
machine guns.
"On the SouitfM! front French scout
ing aeroplanes delivered seventeen at
tacks upon the enemy, during the
course of which .wo German ma
chines were seriously damaged and
compelled W land precipitately within
their lines. Two other German aero
planes wrc brought down in the
region of Verdun. One fell near
Abaucourt and the other not far from
( ontlnttfrl nn Titer Tour, f'ntumn Flip.)
British Position
East of Port Said
Attacked by Turks
London, Aug. 5. British positions
near Komain. cast of Fort Said, are
being attacked by 14.000 Turks, ac
cording to an official statement is
sued by the war office. The Turks
are attacking along a front of seven
to eight miles, the statement says,
and have so far been repulsed.
An official statement, issued by the
Turkish war utuce on Friday, stated
that Turkish airmen had attacked
with machine guns British positions
about twenty-live miles east of the
Suez canal.
Col. Welsh Has a Busy Time of It
Trying to Produce a Good Alibi
i ' My. ' i' r
..,iMt.'. fl"Hr
T" imiU-Htt tin' v of r
L. A. W'KI.SH,
South Dakota Troops j
Reach San Benito
Brownsville. Tex., Aug. 5. The '
First South Dakota infantry today de
trained at San Benito, according to ad
vices received here. Brigadier Gen-,
eral Jatiie.i Barker today reviewed
two provisional of state and
regular troops at Fort Brown. The'
showing made by the Iowa and Vir-(
ginia state troops was described by i
the general as magnificent, fe added
that they marched better than did
the troMps at bit katnanta after thc
had trained three months i
Forty-One Deaths
From Paralysis
, New York Aug. 5, Little change
in the epidemic of infantile paralysis
was shown in today's bulletin of the
health depar lent. During the twenty-four
hours ending at 1" a. m there
were forty-one deaths ami foS new
i in the greater city.
since the inception ot the epidemic
Line Jo. there have bet n l,H-''' deaths
and 4,S4' cases.
The lite of a weather prcdicter,
prognosticator, forecaster and pto
phet is, like that of the policeman m
the song, "not an easy one."
Colonel Luuiis Alcibiades Welsh
sat in his office, loaded up his jiiiimie
pipe and mourned the waywardness
of thunder showers.
"Oh. where in my ohuiMt-r i-h.iuer triiiuM?
Oh. wher m my ihumtT sh-jwvr tofiUht ."
My h'-art iVprflows,
Knr I nrMU:lMl it. nvry 1'Otly kimwi
Oh. whre la my ihumlr ah-vr tttlgbt."
So he might hae sung. But he
didn't. He jnst mourned and ex
plained about the thunder showers be
bad predicted for laM night. He had
a good alibi. Jh. yes. indeed.
"Conditions up the valley s w ei e
just right yesterdav tor prodmmg
thunder showers," he said. 'I surely
fell safe in pi edict mg them. Ami
then sonic unexpected disturbance
came in an chased them to some
oilier nail of the country."
G loncl Welsh pointed to the ram
and hail storms ot North Dakota'as
: a possihle place where the- "condi
tions up the alley" had wandered m
; stead of sticking to tin- job of mak
i mg thunder showeis in Omaha He
i didn't retine kindly a suggestion of
j someone that there were ram storms
j m Manitoba and in portions of India
"Were just in a weather rut here"
1 he said, further strengthening his
alibi. "And when this Missouri val
ley gets into a weather rut there's
no section of the contry that can beat
it tor sticking in it.
"No matter whether it's cold, or
heat, or dry. or rain, the Missouri val
.ley itist sticks to it until something
i iars it out. And something has to lar
mighty hard to do that, too."
"It s as hard to put vour finger on
a thunder shower as on the present
v. licteabuuts ul the Deutscbland."
Hughes Confers With
Robins and Crane
New York, Aug. 5. Charles F.
Kughes, republican candidate for
president, had a long talk at head
quarters with Raymond Robins,
chairman of the progressive .lationa!
convention, who today in a statement
issued from Chicago called upon upon
progressives to support Mr. Hughes,
The nominee expressed to Mr, Rob
ins bis gratification over the an
nouncement Mr. Hughes had conferences also
with W. Murray Crane of Massachu
setts, Preside. F J. James of the
University of Illinois and with Chair
nan Willcox ot the national commit
tee, with whom he spent much time
in considering various detaiS of the
campaign submitted to him for approval.
Ball Offers Bonus
To St, Louis Browns
St. Louts. Aug. 5. President Ball
of the M. Louis Americans today of
fered , bonus of $5,000 to the team
if it should go to nrst place for a day.
He also offered a suit of clothes to
every man on the team it they went
into first tii vision for three days.
Thurston's Condition
Is Slightly Improved
The condition of Senator John M.
Thurston late last night was reported
slightly improved. Farlier in the dav
Mr. riuuston had a severe sinking i
spell and physicians practically gave .
up hope of his recovery. They an-j
nounced then that his death might .
occur within the next twenty-four j
I hours.
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week in March
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