1 THE BEE: OMAHA, ' SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1916. BRINGING UP FATHER Copyright. 1W, International New Service. Drawn for The. Bee by George McManus international newa oerrice. a ' ' ; , .,- " f oWTTA II I I I II ( Y60ULV- I MIE-DOYOU SlS' VDlTTiNK S??THW-?R.' rM .TTiw' S NOTICE ANYTHING f nothing 1 JLe t-X Ok SX MONTHS in 1TTItN - ' NOTHIN4 RED N01E.- .D BETTER lbMV ADVICE'. , A RED NOSE: KJirjJ MORE THAN UJi- TAKE FOR f Tri 77V RODRKES CAPTURE .' ONE FROM JOSIES Omaha Hits Sommers Hard and Dnimmeri Drop ' Game. . HIKE TO FOUR IS SOOEB Sr. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 4. (Special Telegram.) Omaha hit Sommers hard and the left-hander was not at hit beat, but, nevertheless, he, is not en titled to be credited with a defeat by a wide margin aa that which must appear in the acore. ' ' ' The Rourkes opened the, bill by coring three runa. It seems to be a way those vilitora have of acoring a trio of runs in the opening innings and then keep up their work in the game. The first man up, Smith, hit the ball for a two-base hit, Krug sac rificed and then the next three men vp hit safely, Krueger hitting for three bases. By the way, this man Krueger bad l bad day, only getting four hits in four times at bat, two of them two base hits and one a triple. The single was evidently unintentional. - These four hits gave the Rourkes their three run lead at the 4tart . , '- Drummers) Score Four Runs. But the Drummers scored four runs in their half of the first and the home tawd began to take heart again. Krause started the pitching for Omaha and lasted until ont man was out in the first inning. - Wright, first man up, hit for three bases and came home on the throw m. sThe hit mieht by a very slight stretch on the scorer's part be called a home run. Keating doubled and Jourdan singled, then Kirkham hit safely and three runs were in, with the score in a knot On Marty Krug s error, when the ma aaer droDDed an easy cutout. Kirk' ham scored and the Drummers had a one run lead.. In the fifth the Rourkes tied the score when Smith was hit by a pitched ball, went to second when Kruk walked and scored on an error. In the sixth the score' was made 6 to 4, two hits, one of these a double by Kruea-er. two bases on balls and a fielder's choice, did the, work in that inning and the Rourkea went nicely into the lead and they were never beaded. " j.- .' v ,; .-, Add Two Mora to Total ',;iri the eighth inning '. the RourVes added two more to their, total ana then in the ninth came one more run for the visitors. The scores in the eighth came in this style: Burg hit for three bases and scored on a sacri fice and Krug scored after singling on a long hit to. center, field after he had been advanced a base on a sacri fice. The final score-came on Kriie. ger's triple into left field. ' -5 . Sioux Defeated in Batfestby Wiches Wichita, Kan., Aug. 4. Lraig, a recruit, proved effective in the pinches today and Wichita won a swatfest from Sioux City, 8 to 1. The feature of the game was fourteen put-outs by the local outfielders. Score: . - ' " " :. . . . , WICHITA- "v t, - ' Two Out of Three Smith, If...... Knit, ....... Thompson:, ef... Miller, III teger, ....... PoraythoY ft,,,, Klldulf, at...,. Bur,, Sk , Krauea, ....;. em, p.. OMAHA AB, a t H. O. A. IS a it .Totala Wright, ef.;. .... Kawtlng, m. , , .,, . Jonrdan, lb Kirkham, II Sullivan, rf. ...... HcClellaad, Sh... O. William, Sk.. aommm, p.-.. 1..;.. .as 1 BT. JOSEPH. AD.' m. , 4 4 it i ia H. O. A. a . 14 1 1 11 7 14 e 1. e- Tatale ',......... .as 4 4 Omaha ...... I 1 I at. j.Mph....4 a . B4rak..atl Br Smmm. St kv Mm. a. nanaa un si in 1 un Hnnm, 11 orr mora. 4. Hltel Off KraUM, 4 la ane-thlrd Inking. HII ajr pltrheel kail i Smilh. Maartflaa kit I l- na, nMwiunii, ant, Tn-hw hlta: Smith, Miller, Kroegor t(, Jonrdaa, B.II- f. Thra-haoe hltai Wright. Ban. Brui. Ir, WLM pitch t Hommere. Left aa baaaai St. Joaeph, S Omaha, 4. Ttawi ill. Urn plraai Camay and Miannea. Savages Come Back ' And Defeat Links Topeka, Kan.. Aug:. 4 The Sav ages came back today and by playing errorless oan aetcatea , Lincoln, J to !. t acore: . . . .i LINCOLN. AB. R Carllala, If. . Bmllh. aa. ... Thamaaon. et. Lobar, rf, Lathnara. Ik, Hiuiur. Ik. . Moraa. Ik. ... nohrar, o. " . , . Oragary, - p. . TotaH Davofa, rf, .. Cochran, lb. OoodwIQ. Ik, Enfla, it. .... Kmtar, of,... As-lar, lb, ... Uafata, aa. . Monro, ft. ... Hall, P. ..... Totals .... Lincoln Tvpaka Throa-baaa H. O. A. B. t 1 0 't S I J i ,.4 .$, II i , -1 . e t 11 I 0 I la t t I 1 0 1 1 I I .'' 14 IS "l H. O. A.' B. , 0 .; S i 4 . 1 4 4 I ." I S I 1 S 4 14.10 1 S - S , 4 t o 1 l-S ' 4 n rr "7 ! TOPEKA.' AB. R. ....... I 1 I 4 ...... S ...II I .....0 0 0 4 9 14 6 41 BROOKLYN SHOTS OCT THE PIRATES This Winning Makes It Seven Games Straight That Have ' Been Taken Over. SUPEBBAS FAST rULDERS Brooklyn, Aug. 4. Brooklyn made it aeven atraight today by taking the second game of the Pittsburgh series, 2 to 0. Johnston scored the first run when he singled and ran all the way to third on Daubert's sacrifice, which drew Baird away from that base and continued home on Hinchman's wild throw. Olson's single and Smith's triple accounted for the other run. Mowrey played a brilliant game at third. Fast fielding by the Superbas prevented the Pirates from scoring. Score: : ; PITTSBURGH. , BROOKLYN. - . AB.H.O.A.K. AB.HO.A.B. Balrd.lb 4 111 lJoh'on.ct S 1 1 0 0 Carer.cf 4 11 Dchulta.rf 4 0 1 H'h'an.io s l a Parmer.lb 111 BrhuHl.lf 14 1 McC'hy.aa 10 1 Sehmldt.o 10 1 Harmony I 0..0 Win.r 10 0 Jaouba,p 0 0 0 OLvoorUb I 0Wheat.lf 4 lC'nhaw,2b I 08tnvl.rf I OMo'rajr.lb 1 0Olaon,aa 1 OMoCartr.4 I ISmltk,p . S SIB 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 S 2 4 1 0 1 1 0 Totala.27 I 27 II 0 at. lb. Jac.kaoa. rx. rf. cor. If. Orar. I. Brmon, Lltncht. aa. Hailing, lb. Kappa, lb. Craig, p. i TotaU . AB. H. ,i Oilman, If. . . lUnrhman, lb. Wauoo. cf. . . una. lb. Connolly, lb. . K.ler, aa Llvlaaaton, rf. rroaby, a. .... Uwapar, p. .. Totala ...... nioui cur Wichita ...... ....;. .10 I flIUUX CITT. AB. R. ...11 1 11 14 14 a .....4 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 01 .1 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 I Mnrinca fiytv Lliaehl. Two-bana kltai Wataon. Mata. . Oray, Brlttan, fox 4. l'hraa.liaai. hit: Brltton. Htolan haac Radar, Doubla play : , Oray to Halting to Rappa. Struck ' out: ; By Qaapar, I;, by Craig. I. Wild pilch. Craig., Tlma: 1:11, Umplroav Colgate and Millar. m 1 I H I I 1 1 -l hit! lloraa. Two-baaa hlta: Smilh. Rohror. Racrlflca hit! Dafata. Ptruck out: By Qragory, 1: by Hall, I. Hit by pltohad ball: By Qragory, I.' Baaaa on balla: Off Qragory, 1: off Hall, 0. Poubla play: Lobar to Rokrar. Umplraa: Mullan find Kana. White Sox Stopped in ' Their Wild Career "' ", " i ' . , Chicago',' Aug. ' ' 4; Harry Harper broke .Chicago's ' yvinning streak; to drty,. when he held the locals safe while C. Williams, Bern and Russell were wild and .ineffective, Washing ton winning the second game of the double header, 8 to 3. Chicago won the first game, J to 2; it being the ninth straight victory, ' i; In the initial same it was a battle' of pitchers between Faber and John-, son. some clever bunting helped the White Sox win this game. The score: 1 WASHINGTON. CHICAGO. ' AB.H.O.A.B ' 4B.H.O.AU Hlltn.cr -4 0 0 1 IW'avar.aa 11411 Poatar.lb 4 1 I 1'l.nrilna.lk 10 4 10 Moollar.lf 10 10 ONaaa.lb I 111 I 1 Rlca.rf 4 1 0 0 0F.li.ih.cf I 1 I 0 0 Wllll'a,lb t o 0 OHchalk.c 1 1 1 I 0 0 Morgan, Ik 4. 0 I 1 OMi M'tji.lk I 0 0 I l Alna'ltb.o 4 0 4 1 OFabar.p I 0 0 I t Joh'aun.a 1 1 0 4 4 ' j Totala. 14 T 17 14. I , TotaU. II 1 14 II I Waahlngum.,. a 0 0 1 0 0 0 I 1..I Chicago .0 4 I 0 I 1 I 01 Stolan 'ban, Moallar. flacrfflca kits: Waaver, Schalk, McMullnl, K. Colllna, Dou Ma plays; Alnamlth, Poatar and WHIlama; Waavar and Noaa. Baaaa on ballai . Off Johnaoa. I; orr Pabor, I, -Barnad runa: Off Johnaoa, I: off Pabar 1. Struck out: By Johnaoa, 4: by Paber 1. Umplraa Hilda, brand and Owan. Bcora, -aacond gamal f" WASHINOTON'. ' CHICAOO. '''-. 1 - AB.H.0.A.B. ' - AB.H.O.A.B Hllan,cf 0 14 0 OJCIIns.rf t 0 I. 1 0 roaier.ao - a a a 1 I w avar.aa 0 lKC'llna,2b I tij'ckaon.lf I 0Uabold.lt 1 ONraa.lb S or.lacb.cf 4 OSchalk.c I OMoM In.lb 4 OWolfg'g.p 0 I 0 TotaU. II 0 2414 ,1 Battad for. Harmon In algbth. Plttaburgh ....0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 00 Brooklyn ...., 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 I Baaa hit: Bafrd. Thraa-naaa hits: Caray, amlth. Hacrlfloa .hit: Daubert Doubla playa: .Mowray. to Daubort, Mowray to Mc carty, Mowray to Cutahaw. Baaaa on balU: Off Harmon, 2: off Smith, 1. Hlta and aarned runa: Off Harmon, I hlta, 1 run In aayan Innlnga; off Jacoba, no tuna, no hlta In ona Innlnga. Btruck out: By Harmon. 1 Umplraa: Rlglar and Harrlaon. s i. Union Giants Will v 7,i Mif With Brandeis The Chicago Umon Giants will play a three-game series with the crack Brandeia Stores nine. Saturday and Sunday. One game will be played Saturday and a double-header Sunday, The games will bep layed at Rourke park. Sunday Manager Bradford will send Olson and Rhode, his atar hurl ers, against the Chicago colored cracks, while Burch and Simpson, two of the niftiest dusky-hued hurlers who ever stepped on the mound, will pastime for the Giants. " Elizabeth Davis Wins Country Club Golf Play . Miss Elizabeth Davis, with a net score of 86, won the Elmer Redick troohv in the eighteen-hole compe tition at the Country club Thursday. Leading net scores were as follows: Mlaa Kllaabath Davta .".41 44 II Mra. J. T. Btawart. II ,.,..,.. 47 47 1 Mm. Ulan Wharton ............. 41 46 II Mra. Ralph Patara 45 4610 Standing pj Teams WEST. LEAGUE. NAT. Lit Ad US. ' ; W.LPct. ' SUM Omaha 01 SH .SIS Brooklyn ....61 14 .130 Llnooln i.. .67 41 .SSSlPhlla 63 II .674 Daa Molnaa 44 40 .600Boaton 61 IS .171 Sioux City. 41 II .481,' New Tork...47 46 .011 Topoka ......46 62 ,44jChlcago ....46 62.461 Oanvor ... .46 63 .4611 Plttaburgh ..40 61 .436 Wichita ....46 64 .466 St. Loula. . ..44 57 .480 St. Joaaph .40 6S .417 Cincinnati ..3011.110 AMBR. LEAOUB. AMBR. ASSN. W.LPct. W.LPot Chicago . ...6S 43 .67 Kanaaa Clty.3 46 .404 ooaion do 42 ,dti indlanapolla 68 46 .& Claveland ..66 44.660 Now York... 63 44 .636 Dotrolt 64 41 .624 Waahlnglon 60 41 .510 St. Loula . .61 43 .610 Pklla. 1S7S.200 Loulavllle ...5S 46 .663 Mlnnaapolla 63 14 .630 .401 .490 .40 40 .600 ,40 51,400 .21 60 .240 Toledo St. Paul.. Columbua Milwaukee Toatarday'B Boanlta. WESTERN LEAGUE. ' Omaha, I; St, Joaeph, 4. Dea Molnaa, 8: Denver, 4. ' Lincoln, 1; Topaka, I. . hunt City; 1 : Wichita. I. ' NATIONAL LEAGUE. 4 It. Loula, 1: Philadelphia I. Chicago, 0; Naw York 2. j Cincinnati, I; Boaton, 0. Plttaburgh, 0: Brooklyn, 3. . AMERICAN LEAOUB, Waahlngton, l-l: Chicago, l-l, ' i 1 ," Boaton, 1 ; St.. Iula, 6. 1 " New York. I; Detroit, 6. ? . Philadelphia, I: Clavaland, I. ;f AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. ' . Zndlanapolla, 0: Columbua,- I.' V . Loulavllle, 7: Toledo, 1, Ullwaukaa, 1: Kanaaa City, I. . , Gamee Today. Weatarn League Omaha at Topakal Sioux City at Denver, Lincoln at St Joaeph. Daa Molnaa at Wichita. National League St. Loula at Philadel phia. Chicago at Naw York, Cincinnati at Boaton, Plttaburgh at Brooklyn, American League Waahlngton at' Chi cago, Boaton tot St. Loula. New York at Detroit, Pklladelphla at Claveland. Visiting Merchants 'WmSeBaUGame An afternoon at the ball game at Rourke park has been added to the program of entertainment the Omaha wholesalers and jobbers will provide for visiting merchants during Mer chants' Market week. 1 - ... The wholesalers and' jobbers have purchased all the boxes at Rourke park for the afternoon of August 10, the day the Rourkes return home from, their long road trip, and the ticketa will be distributed among the visiting merchants. It is expected 300 or 400 of them will attend. , Denver will be the attraction that day. ' - '-, Mayor Jim to Officiate ,' At the Wild West Show Mayor Dahtman has gone to New York city, where he will be pne of the officials at the frontier .days' show to be staged at the Sheepshead Bay speedway. ' The eastern-wild west spectacle is the same one staged in Omaha re cently by the Irwin Bros.' show, under the auspices of Ak-Sar-Ben. NEW YORK DROPS . ; GAME TO TIGERS Art Hofman of Old Chicago Oubi Back and Playing the .' Game With the Yanks. HEAT , PUTS DUBEO OUT Detroit, Mich., Aug. 4. In an er ratic contest in which only one run on either side should have scored, New York was beaten by the Tigers today, 5 to 2. It was the eighth atraight de feat ' for the easterners. Shawkey pitched a beautiful game, but two wild throws by himself and one by Bau mann cost him five tallies. Dubuc, like Shawkey, pitched well and fielded badly. He was forced to retire at the end of the eighth, the in tense heat overpowering him. Artie Hofman of the old Chicago Cubs made his debut with the Yankee togs and got two. hits, besides stealing a base. An unassisted double play by Vitt was the big feature of the fray. Score: ..- NEW YORK. ; DETROIT. " . AJJ.M.U.A.IS. AB.HU.A.E. Mlller.lf Mol'an.cf 0 P k'p'h.aa 4 Plpp.lb I Old'm.rf I Q'deon,2b I B'ann.8b 1 N'maker.c I qha'key.p I Huiien.10 o High 1 Malaal . 1 1 2 1 0 I 111 1 1 o s 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 OVItUb 1 OBuah.sa 1 iBurna.lb t OCobb.cf fl OVeacIi.lf 4 OHarper.rf I jYounc.lb, 1 bStanaf o,o I SDubucp 1 0 Bo land, p 0 0 tt-'w ford 9 0 Totali. 2 S 7 J? S i Totals. SO 4 24 U 3 Batted (or Dubuc In lfhth. Battod for Gedon In ninth. Ntw York.... 0 e 1 0 0 1 0 t Detroit i 0 0 1 0 0 t I Stolon bus: Hofmin. Sacrifice hlti; Vltt, Buah, StanasT: Sacrifice fltea: Pipp, Veach. Double playa: Pipp to PecklnpaUBh, Vltt (VUiasaiated). Baaee on balla; Off Shawkey, 1; off Dubuo, 4; off Boland, t. " "Hlta and earnel runa: Off Dubuc, 4 hlta, t run Id elrht lnntnn: off Boland. nob etn one tn- nln; off Shawkey, no runa. Struck out: By Shawkey, 1; by Dubuo, I. Umph-ea: Bvane and O'jLoufhtln. Today' sSportCaiendar Taohtlntqnadron nut of New York T. Ca, Ft. Poad bay to MatUpoinett, conuno dere'a eupn. , South oHrsey retatto at So lale City, N. J. Pole .Amamal toiiniament of Waetcheeter Pole lut apene at Newport, B. h . TeeudaA-Weetera championship twwnament pone at Chlcafo. Pennsylvania state Junior toiuMment opens at Cynwyd, Pa. Indiana state ehimplonahlp tournament opens at Indiana poll a. SlulAnnval tournament of Wisconsin Skat leafiM open at Menaeha, Sunday. Swimming National A. A. V. 440-yards ehaenpionhip at Travera' Island. N. Y. AoUnMbile-9peedway rmeet at Taooma, Waah. Wild Pitch Helps The Braves to Win ' Boston, Aug. 4. Boston won from Cincinnati today, 5 to 2. A wild pitch by Knetzer and a passed ball by Wingo netted Boston two easy runs. Evers was out of the Braves' lineup for a few days' rest, Fitzpatrick play ing second. The acore: CINCINNATI. BOSTON. AB.H.O.A.B. AJU.H U.A.B. Oroh.lb Roush.cf 4 O'Klth.rf 4 Chaao.lb 4 Neale.lt 4 Louden. lb 4 Bmmer.aa I Wlngo.e I Knetser,p I Schulta,p 0 Mitchell 1 'Flaher 1 Clarke 1 OH'vllla.aa 4 OFtti'ck.lb I 0 0Wllh't,rt 0 1 .1Maiee.lt 4 0 OK'tchy.lb I 1 d3mllh,3b I 1 19'dg'aa.ct I 1 0Bl'kb'rn,o 4 I o 1 CRudolph.s I 0 0 I : 0 0 Totala. 14 10 27 10 I 1 0 It 1 1 1 I 4 0 I 1 I 1 II I 0 0 0 1 4 Totals. 10 11412 5 Batted for Knelaer In aeventh. Batted (or Emmer In ninth. Batted for Schuls In ninth. Cincinnati ....0 1 0 0 0 0 1 01 Boaton .......0 0 0 0 0 1 I I Two-baaa hlta: Blackburn, Smith, Rouch, Maranvllle. Three-baaa hit: Smith. Stolen baaea: Konatchy. Neat. Saerlfloa hit:' Ru dolph. Doubla playa: Groh to Chaae, Ko. netchy btunaaatatad), Louden to Chaaa to Wlng0. rBaaaa on balla: Qff Schuls, I; off Rudolpht 1; off Knataor, I. Hlta and aarned runa: Off Schulf, I hlta, 1 run In two Innlnga. Struck out: By Knataor, fi; by Schuls, 1; by Rudolph. 0. Umplraa: Quigley and Byron. BOOSTER BEATS BEAR Des Moines ' Wins . Eight-to-Four Battle With Denver, Going Seven Frames. EIGHT PASSES BY FORD Denver, Colo., Aug. 4.-Des Moines won today's game . with Denver, here, 8 to 4, in seven innings. Eight passes were issued by Ford, who also allowed fifteen hits. Scores DBS MOINES. AB. R. I Hahn. ' rf Hunter, cf . . . Hartford, aa.. Haloan, 2b... .tonea, lb Braan, If,.... Spahr. e Ewoldt, lb.... Thomae, p.... Totala h. o; I Miller, rt Kelleher, aa Oakea, cf Butcher, cf Dyer, lb Shlalda, lb Lloyd, 2b Sheatak, Ford, p AB. . 4 H. O. 0 13 I II 21 S DENVER. R. 0 0 ,...2 ... 2 .... 1 I ...3 .... I 1 A E. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Total. 23 4 7 21 12 1 Called and of aaventb, darkneae. Dea Molnaa 0 2 110 1 11 Denver , 0 1 1 0 0 S 0 4 Two-baaa hlta: Hunter (I), Lloyd, Ewoldt. Baaea on balla: Off Pord, I; off Thomaa, 1. Struck out: By Ford, 4; by Thomaa, 1. Sacrifice flllea: Ford, Dyer. Sacrifice hlta: Shlelda, Hartford. Btolea baae: Jonea. Double playa: Kelleher to Lloyd to Shield., Jonaa '(unaaeiated). Wild pitch: Ford: Time: 1:20. Umplraa: Eckman and Anderaon. i , No Cracks la Brooklyn. I' Speaklhf of the cracking of several of our : vary beat pennant contendera. Manager Wit- ' bert Roblnaon of the Brooklyn Robin oplnoa that then la nothing Ilka that In the Robin family. :gRAINY people find cheer and -wholesome refreshment in Coca- . Cola for example Moeller.lt 10 0 0 1111 At Columbua: , It. H. . todlanaoolla ...II I I 1 It I 00 11 I f Columbua 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 11 I I '' Bnttertee; Dawaon and Gooeett;- Brady, .i Pioh. tMckorao and Pratt.; , . At Toledo: " R. H. B. lntevllla ......2 1 0 S 1 0 0 r 10 0 Tolle . .........0 0 0 0 04 0 0 1 I 0 0 ! Battarlaa: Perdue and Blllaga: Adama, . Strand and Walla, Swoaney. . 1 At Kanaaa City: - R. H. . ' yllwaakea .....0 S 0 I 1 O S ii kaaaaa City....! I 1 0 1 I I I I II S Bnttaaiae: Shackelford and btlhoafors Cratehar and Hargrava. ' . ' ' . . H St. Paal at allnaaapolla. aoatpeaeoj cala. AtMct the only war Goanle Mack can k vm le to provide the AthlvUe with . reralla ln4 send 'em to Nerwar. t ability to elld ownward would op at wtYi-d'a rajard. i i 4 I 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 t 4 4 1 0 0 0 1 00 t I I Oil 0 0 0 0 oooo Shanka.lt Rlca.rf 4 11 I AWII'a,lb 4 I I 0 Morgan.2b III Hanry.o I 1 11 0 Mc'H'de.aa I J I J Haroor.D I 0 0 1 1 CWI.a. loiaia.a. i a f ia ZJiana.p . , , i . .. v.Kal'lta v .v ' C1cotta,p 0 . ' 'l.ynn ' 1 . ' Danford,p 0 .. . , . . T Totala. IS It H . Batted for Iluaaall w aiith. Batted tor Clootta In eighth. ' Waahlngton.. 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 I- Calcago 4 I 10 1 0 0 0- Two-baaa hit: Mian. Three.baae 'bltl.t Jaekaon, Footer, stolen baaea: Foatar, Mor. gen, Wearer. McMullln. B. Oolllna (I). Bnanaa, ueooia. uouDla playa: McMullln tunaaaUtadl; J. Colllna. Schalk, McMullln, Schalk ta E. Colllna Baaea on balla. Off William., 1; off Harper; I: art RuaealL 1; aft Clcotte. I: art Danforth. 1. Hlta and earned runa: Off Wolfgang, I hlta, no Tuna la ona laalng; off Bens, I hlta.. S runa la onetalrd lantng; off Clootto. no hlta, no rane in two innlnga: on Wllllaraa. I hlta. a runa re inrae innlnga: off Ruaaail, l hlta. a. runa In ona and twa-thlrdo Innlngai off uantorta, a aita, s run. m on. Inning; oft Harper. I hlta. no ruaa. Struok outt Bg Ruea.ll. Ii by Clootta, li by Harper, J. Una- ptraai vwena aaa unaaaran. An Inaraaaa at II.T4I paid Want Ads for 1U Hwmt - - MAK.k. -. . . . . ' . . . . ad" mora each weekls aomething worth araggtag abouL THB BKB did it. o J t aw m mm mm w m mi -mm venm -m Jmt . 1 , , it 1 irw meP 'i lucanainea) ancouraoa aubatrtution. I , W sJjV' ' VJmr'ty' 6 I THB COCA-COLA CO.. 1 i0CW I VheMos Popxd'ai "Grand Opening is the opening of a bottle of Gund's Peerless Beer. 99 Its mellow, delicious, snappy flavor and sparkling clear-' ness are 80 entirely different and so much more satisfying than ordinary beers that dis criminating people will have no other but Fielder Its mild, creamy flavor and tang make you wonder why you ever put up with the hard, bitter taste of many other beers. And every sparkling drop has been just as good just as pure, as clean and as whole some since away back in 1854. Only the clean, scientific and careful Gund methods could possibly brew such appetizing and satisfying beer. Delivered to your home in the case or obtainable at your club, restaurant or bar. Every taste is a genuine treat John Gund Brewing Co. U Crosse, Wis. Family Trad Supplied , br Carl Forth, 716 So. 16th St, Omaha, Nab. 1320-24 Loay.nworth a. D. 621