THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. AUGUST 5, 1916. 8 Nebraska WILL INCREASE LAKDVALUATIOH If Changes Made State Will Bo Raised $3,971,355 Over Assessors' Figures. FIGURES B7 COUNTIES Prom Our Near Neighbors (From m Staff CorrespondflVjt.) Lincoln, Aug. 4. (Special) If all changes as made by the State Board of Equalization stand as already made, the valuation of lands will be in creased $3,971,355 over the assessors' figures as returned to the board. In counties where the board has made a raise the county oricials have heen notified to appear and show cause why the raise shonVd not stand, but it is not expected that there will be very much of a change from the figures made by the boajd. -. Following are the' counties, giving mc average vernation per acre ot each county for 15J5 and 1916. the chance as made by the board and the per centage of raise or fall, the latter be ing marKej witn an asterisk: Equal HIS. ...111.13 County. Adams . . . Antelopo Banner .., Blaine Boone Box JJulte Boyd ..... Brawn Buffalo . Burt Butler Cass Cedar Chase .... Cherry . . . Cheyenne . Clay Colfax .... Cuming . . Custer . . , Dakota ... Dawes Dawson . , Deuel (.56 . . .! , t.76 . 1.7 , 5 46 1.62 6.23 16.36 , 1(61 14.76 12.00 , 1.22 .67 -1.15 14.64 16.(7 . 16.62 2.74 12.16 .13 .6.08 1.66 Dixon 10.19 Dodge 16.72 Dundy 1.00 Fillmore Franklin Frontier Furnaa . Gage . . . Garden . Garfield Gosper . . Grant ... Greeley . Holt Hamilton Harlan .. Hayes . . , Hitchcock 1.72 Holt 2.18 Hooker . . . Howard . . Jefferson . . Johnson ... Kearney . . . Kleth Koya Paha Kimball ... Knox Lancaster . Lincoln ... Logan Loup Madison 11.66 McPherson 66 Merrick . 6.78 Morri'l 1.24 13.03 6.83 3.03 6.00 12.69 .81 1.33 4.70 .61 6.68 10.90 )65 115 63 7.89 11.62 13.18 8.36 1.32 1.S4 1.16 6.61 14.66 1.41 .86 1.07 Nance 9.99 Nemaha 14.66 Nuckolls 10.06 Otoe 14.2! Pawnee ....... 13..06 Perkins 1.66 Phelps 7.68 Pierce 8.88 Platte 13.68 PolC 14.60 Red Willow ... 3.32 Richardson .... 13.64 Rock 130 Saline ..14-66 Sarpy 16.00 launders 15.37 Scott's Bluff .. 4.63 Seward 16.61 Sheridan ... 1.05 Sherman 6-71 sioux n Stanton M2.59 Thayer 10.76 Thomas 63 Thurston ....... 13.60 Valley 6.32 Washington ... 16.01 Wayne 14.65 Webster 1.46 Wheeler 1.46 Tork 16.81 Arthur 65 Increased, acreage, 1,697.213. Proposed increases, 98,228,565. Proposed decreases, 94,257,210. Total Increases over assessed figures, $3,-971,355. 1916. 111.22 6.96 1.16 .93 1.73 1.27 6.36 1.64 6.04 16.27 14.46 16.60 11.37 1.34 .74 2.12 14.64 . 16.66 ' 17.33 . 2.79 12.13 1.17 6.53 1.90 10.13 16.60 ni 13.30 6.84 8.17 4.94 12.49 .70 1.41 4.50 .60 6.68 10.35 16.74 . 9.93 1.32 2.64 2.24 70 7.68 11.68 13.24 8.93 1.37 1.66 1.16 7.60 16.60 1.61 1.13 1.20 14.55 .66 9.74 1.33 9.96 16.52 10.30 17.36 13.10 1.77 7.69 10.30 14.56 17.46 . 3.35 13.66 1.60 - 16 18 16.00 15.72 4.97 16.37 1.06 6.79 .71 13.24 11.30 .63 16.88 6.62 18.62 14.63 " 1.66 1.66 16.06 lied. Pet. 111.78 . 6 7.30 5 .99 15 9.60 10 1.33 6 i'.ii '" 6.64 10 16.46 5 16.18 6 16.00 6 12.60 10 t ".ii 15" 2.00 6 14.11 6 16.00 4 16.60 10 3.21 It 6.08 li"" 12.15 20 16.00 '4 13.76 li" .78 10 1.55 10 4.71 6 .80 331-3 'io.85 i io "i'.ii ii - 2.46 10 .77 10 8.23 10 12.26 6 13.89 6 "i'.ii i ' ' i'.ii io "i.76 io 1.08 6 'ij.Yo io 'io.22 -6 1.47 10. 'ii'ii 'i ii.Vi i "i'.ii ii 16.72 "io 1.68 10 14.00 10 " ii" 6.30 10 .85 30 ".''' 10.' " 16.07 . 5 16.76 1 " "i'.ii 10" 1.83 10 Railroad Cannot Force Wires Raised (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Aug. 4 (Special.) The right of a railroad company to force a telephone or electric light company to raise its wires over crossings of the road when the former had prior rights, has been declared against the railway companies by the State Rail way commission, in a controversy be tween the Northwestern Railroad company and the electric light com pany at Bristow, owned by the city . It appears that the city council g tve the railroad company the right to run a spur through its streets. After the spur was run the railway company complained that the wires of the, city electric plant were not strung, high enough to meet the law and demanded that the same be raised. The city appealed to the commis sion, which declares that where the rajls of the company were l:iid after the wire company had strung its wires that the expense of raising the wires must be born by the railway company. , Mrt. .Chris LossiJ Columbus, Neb., Aug. 4. (Special Telegram.) Mrs. Chris Lossi. aeed 55, died at her home this morning at 6 o'clock, death being caused by lung trouble, atter an illness erf two weeks. The deceased was- born in Switzer land and is a pioneer of Platte county. Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon. ( Joseph Speitzer. Joseph Speitzer, aged 77, died at St. Mary's hospital in this city last evening, death bemgr caused by com plications of diseases. Mr. Speitzer was a pioneer resident of Platte county, coming here when the coun try was new and going through many hardships. His guneral was held this afternoon and .his body was laid be side that of his- wife in the Catholic cemetery. , - Holdrege Chautauqua Pays Out Holdrege, Neb., Aug. 4 (Special.) This year's chautauqua has closed with receipts amounting to $2,843, an ample sum to allow the Commercial club and chautauqua management to come out without a loss. The largest attendance was at the Helen Keller attraction, when 1,800 people were present. She was allowed the re ceipts for the day, amounting to $455. Next year's session will be held for the first time in the large audi-i torium building - ! WMplag- Water. Mrt. P. W. Fowler hu returned from t'nlt &t Rock Iilund, III. Mlu Florence Dohner of Lincoln vtalted over 8undiy with her friend, Mies Ktvth erlne Olbeon. Nele 8nell of Weeelnffton Spring. 8, D pent the week vieltlnt friend and rela tive! In this vicinity. I. N. Hunter Is . on a trip to " Rooki county, Kaneaa, to look after the threshing of wheat on his farms. Henry Mogensen and Miss Anna Hart have purchased tho East Main street gro cery of Adolph Moransen. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wolcott left the first of the week for a two weeks' trip to Yellow tone National park. O. M. Card and family have returned to their home In Beatrice after several weeks visiting at the E. E. Day home. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sperry ar on a three weeks' trip to Three Forks, Mont., to visit Mr. Sperry' sister, Mrs. W. A. Park. E. C. Glberson lias sold his farm four miles southeast of town and expects to move to town. The land sold (or flu par acre, The annual fraternal picnic will be held Thursday, August 1?. Among the attrac tions are a speech by Judge A. L. Sutton and an aeroplane flight,, by Captain Mc Millan of the Nebraska national guard. on the lawn of Mrs. Boy Kgbert, Wednei day evening. Miss Etta Lowell, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Bronson, left Tuesday for uear iake, la. Mrs. Helen Kennedy accompanied her cousin, Gladys Kennedy, home, Wednesday, for a week s visit. Mrs. Holdsworth Is enjoying a visit from Mr. and Mrs. J. Turk and Mis Turk, of Omaha, this week. Mrs. Cond.on went to Omaha Thursday to visit her daughter, who Is 111 a hospital recovering from an operation for appen dlcltts. Miss Gladys Kennedy of Pafj Neb., wan in gueai or. ner uncies, . v. w Kennedy, this week. Mrs. Harry Petsrson returned Monday from a two weeks' visit with her parent In western Nebraska. Misses Gertrude and Ethel Ingram left Tuesday for Clear Lake, la., whore they will spend two week. Mrs. Clare, Hosts of Mecklln, 8. D turned to her home, Wednesday, after a visit with her mother, Mrs. Bronson. Mrs. Mary HemDitead and Donald Pol lark of .Tl Irian, lolned Mrs. A. Gardiner, and Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, who left Saturday for a week in canaaa. Atoc. Mlu Villa Gapen of Murray la hers visit ing friends. , Miss Eva Hensley was her from Berlin several days this week. Mrs. E. O. Spencer and sons of Talmage wsra visiting here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Mohr, sr., of Syracuse, were here the first of tha week. John Peckham and family are here from Chappel for a visit with relative. Thomas Burn and family have returned from a visit with Shelby relatives. W. A. Rose and family left last weak for California to spend several months. Mr. and Mrs. John Everett and daughter, Leona, were visiting at Elmwood Sunday. Miss Mlnta Beckord, who has been visit ing here, left for her home at Utlca Thurs day. A. Zlmmerer, Adolph and Miss Mary were over from Nebraska City the first of the week. Miss Sylvia Holstrum of Havelock Is spending the week with Miss Clara Mar- quardt. Mrs. J. M. Palmer and children of Ne hawka are spending the week with Avoca relatives. Elkhorn. . Mrs. J. Bull, sr., Is quits 111. Mrs. A. Gaeth Is til with tonsllttls. Mrs. Charles Deerson has been ill, ths last week. Mrs. Zwlebel of Faplllioit visited the Seefus horns. Miss Marguerite Richardson Is Indis posed this week. Mrs. Van. A 1st entertained the T. N. club Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. HV Tallon and sons moved Saturday to South Omaha. Mrs. P. G. Hofeldt entertained Mr. J. D. Mickey at dinner Thursday. " Mr. and Mr. Harry Clark entertained J. N Wyatt at supper Sunday evening. Emil Sachs Is delivering oats to the ajevator here direct from tha thrasbar. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gibbons and tvephew, Robert Betts, Visited In South Omaha Wednesday. ' Mrs. Bartlett and tittle grand -daughter of Council Bluffs are visiting at t'Aa Cham berlain home this week. John Seefus and daughter, Ma Robert Warren, motored to Scotia Satuirtay to visit Mr. Seefus' son, Phillip and Dean. Bruno Korner sustained a avere cut on the side of hi head when the auto he was driving upset with hm Thursday night. ( Valley. , J. R. Ramsey and his son, Cecil, made a business trip to Beatrice, Monday and Tuesday. . A flying squadron vlst'red Valley Thursday afternoon IB the tmterests of "Dry Nebraska. Mrs. E. Erway went, to Omaha Thurs day to be the guost of Mrs. Joe Mc-Cleneghan. Instead of the reAvlar monthly meeting the Ladles' aid served Ice cream and cake PapUllon. Mis Nina Rhodes has rsturned Omaha. Miss Marie Sandler Is visiting friends at Tilden, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Gatewood ar visit ing a daughter at Chapman, Neb. Mrs. McHenry and her daughter. Lottie of Omaha, are visiting the family of F. A. Roach. Wendel Megal and Adam Moore have returned this week from ah outing In the northern part of the state. Mr. and Mrs. H. Sprague, who has been visiting relatives at Sterling and Soneham, Colo., rsturned home this week mucn re freshed. Misses Ellsa and Edna Wilson, Lottie and Josie Wln snd Mrs. James T. Begley and other have pitched camp on the bank of the Platte and are having a delightful time bathing and fishing. Mr. and Mr. Thomas Arbuthnot of Glendale. Cal.. are visiting their son, Samuel Arbuthnot of PapUllon, and will spend several weeks calling on old friends In Sarpy county. They were early settlers of this county, moving to California twelve years ago. Mr. John Weber, ased St. and Mrs. Dor cas Slaybaugh, aged 66. gave their friends a sudden surprise by inviting them to their weeping on rnaay evening oi irk ween. About 100 resoonded and the bride and grsom Immediately started on a trip to Iowa and Illinois to visit old friends. Rev. Fred J. Tower of Albany, N. T., and hi brother, Lavern of College View, Tex., were called here on account of the serious condition or their mother, wno also resides at College View, Tex., and while visiting her son. Charles of PapUllon, be came afflicted with cancer and underwent an operation in a hospital at Omtt. She Inrlngton. Mr. and Mrs. Spring visited their son at Benson, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Vestal and family motored to Kennard Sunday. A daughter was born to Mr, and Mrs. Roy Magee Wednesday. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, jr., Thursday. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Hock man Thursday. Dorothy and Dagma Westergaard visited friend in Dundoe Bunaay, Mr. and Mrs. Jensen of Florence visited at the Duln home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. 8. R. Brewster left Satur day for a month's visit In California. Mlrtle Snider of Omaha visited at the Sundell home a few day thl week. Mr. and Mr. John Blrlck and family visited relatives In Benson Saturday. Rose Jacobson, Amy Hazard and Dag ma Westergaard returned Friday from Peru, where they have been attending school this summer. About twenty slrl friends of Miss Emma Sundell gave a miscellaneous shower Thursday afternoon. Watermelons, Ice cream and cake were served. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chris tophersen and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Knight, Mr. Andrew ChrtstoDherson, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Hall, Elmer and Harry Chris tophersen and Emma and Anna Sundell motored to Corning, la., Saturday to visit at the Fred Hall home. They returned Monday even ing. Bids Received for Printing Booklets (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, kaa. 4. (Special.) Bids were received this morning by Com missioner T5. A. Walrath for the print ing of the pamphlet containing the arguments for and against the two constitutional amendments. The bids were: Woodruff Bank Note company, Lincoln, $221.81 per page; frtate Journal company, $185 per page; Office Equipment company. Lincoln. $125 per page; Llatlin and comreny, University Place, $124 per pagf;; North and company, Lincoln, $12X40 per page. The contract was let to the latter coanpanv and will be ' composed of about 260,000 copies. The cost to the parties presenting '(he arguments, which must cover the cost of the paper' and the printing, according to Secretary fool, will be $99.40 per page. The only argument in at the present time is that fur nished by the dry federation in favor of the prohibition amendment, and will cover about six pages. Completes Plans for Music for the Fair (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Aug. 4. (Special.) Secre tary Mellor of the State Fair board has completer plans for music for the fair and contracts have been made with the following musical organiza tions to be present during the fair and furnish the music: George Green's band of Omaha, Nebraska State band of Lincoln, Ains worth, Scotts Bluff, Superior and Verdon City bands. The Kilties from Canada and the LeBaron-Wheatley grand opera singers of Lincoln, re inforced by the best talent that can be secured. In addition to these the St. Paul oratorio corus, led by Prof. Carl Frederick Stecklebei g, will give two concerts. - . Legacy for Tecurmeh , Circus Performer Tecumseh, Neb., "Aug. 4. (Spe cial.) The Tecumseh city authorities have received a letter from the, regis ter of heirs of Windsor, Can?, ask ing the whereabouts of Arthur Forbes, formerly of Tecumseh. The letter states the; register has some thing of importance for Forbes. Forbes has ben a circus performer for miny years. He was reared to man's estate in Tecumseh, his father, John Forbea of University place, being in business here for many years. When the Campbell circus was organized in Fairbury years ago Forbes was one of the performers, and he, has followed the life since, traveliig at times with some of the best . aggregations of the country. Last fall he was in Tecumseh and worWd at the blacksmith trade for a time, and from, here went to Brook for the same purpose. Friends aay he is now with the Heinz Carnival company, which is showing in Wis consin cities. According to the best information that can be secured here, an aunt of Forbes died in Canada, leaving him $2,500. A brother, Rob ert Forbes, runs a rooming house in Lincoln; one sister, Mrs. C. A. Phe lan, resides in this county, and another sister. Mrs. Jasper L. Mc- Brien, for years a resident of Lin coln, is now living in the east. Philbin Appears Before State Board (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Aug. 4. (Special.) The war in Greeley county was transferred for an hour to the office of Governor Morehead this morning when P. H. Philbin, county assessor, accompanied bya friend, appeared before the board of equalization to give the assessor's side of the controversy between the county board and county assessor. All members of the county board had appeared before the board a few days ago. Philbin's friend, who would not give his name, said the trouble between Philbin and the board grew out of the failure of the board's attempts "to run Philbin." According to the state board there is only about $11,000 difference in the real estate valuation as reported by County Assessor Philbin and the re ports sent in by the county board. Frisco Contractors For an Open Shop San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 3. The General Contractors' association, which is part of the San Francisco Building Trade Employers' associa tion, voted today for an open-shop policy. It was said also that other em ployers' associations were taking a vote on the open-shop question. P. H. McCarthy, president of the Building Trades Labor council, as serted that only a small number of building contractors were affiliated with the General Contractors' asso ciation. He said he did not look for any open-shop or lockout troubles in the building trades. The Chamber of Commerce has an nounced it has a fund of $600,000 available in its open-shop fight. Holdrege Will Give Feast To School Garden Club - vhvvi.i.; For the purpose of creating inter est in one of the most practical courses offered high school itudents, the HnlHreore fnmn.r.ig! l.k :. planning an elaborate banquet for memners oi tne local School Garden ers' club, comprising sixty-one mem bers., who Stirrrssfllllv rnmntt. .u. prescribed course. Silver and gold medals will be awarded. Vegetable sales by seven members of the club total thus far $60.42. Fraud Order Is Placed Against Three Concerns Washington, Aug. 4. As a result of an investigation, which is conducted at the request of the Associated Ad vertising C lubs of the World in their campaign for "truth in advertising," the Postoffice department today is sued a fraud order against the Inter national Automobile league, inc., the International Automobile Tire com pany of Buffalo, N. Y., and A. C. Bid well, president of both concerns. The request for investigation was made to the Postoffice department by Merle Sidener of Indianapolis, chair man of the national vigilance com mittee of the advertising clubs. Post office department records show Bid well had been indicted by a federal grand jury in Rochester, N. Y., charged with using the mails to further a scheme to defraud, and that he and two of his agents have been indicted by the grand jury at Fayette county, Pennsylvania, on a charge of conspiracy to defraud. Hearings on the complaints cov ered forty-six days and brought out testimony that Hidwell and his agents, soliciting members for the league at $10 each, represented that the league had contracts with manufacturers of standard motor car accessories which enabled the league to sell them to members at dealers and manufactur ers' prices. Manufacturers of such products testified that the league had no such contracts and it was said that inferior accessories were offered in stead. The fraud order is based upon series of other acts held to be illegal and with intent to defraud. Postof fice officials say the promoters of the scheme realized a fortune. . Police Inspect Cars Looking for Some Explosives Jesrsey City, N. J., Aug. 4. City authorities tonight sent lui policemen to inspect all trains entering Jersey Citv. for munitions and explosives, be cause of the refusal of one railroad to stoD shipments through the city. accordance with a resolution adopted by the city commissioners after the disastrous fire and explosion on Black Tom island, Sunday. The Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania Erie, and Delaware, Lackawanna & Western railroads agreed not to ship explosives to Jersey City. The Central Railroad of New Jersey, however, served notice that it would hold the city liable for all damages asid losses due to the entorcement ot the order. High Court Hears . Manchester Pleas (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Aug. 4. (Special Tele gram.) The supreme judges are en joying their vacations hearing the lawyers orate back and forth in the various suits covering the attempt of certain officials to oust Mrs. Emma B. Manchester as supreme guardian of the Woodmen circle. Many suits covering injunctions and restraining orders have been heard, but today Arthur Mullen and Hallek Rose of (Jmaha, tor Mrs. Manchester, and Attorney Brogan and another Omaha attorney, for the opposition, discussed another phase of the controversy. The opposition to Mrs. Manchester is seeking to secure a modification of the former order, which enjoined the plaintiffs from interfering with Mrs. Manchester pending final hear ing of the case. Four of the seven judges sat in the case, Chief Justice Morrissey and Associate Judges Fawcett, Barnes and bedgewick. Former Holdreae Man Dies in Californi i Will fi OT4 Nph.. Alia. 4. fSneciat.') The body of William A. Middleton, u,. irnniun r.iirnan man in rarnraaKa. urhn died rerenllv ill California, is expected nere tomorrow ror Diiriai Following his removal trom noia- rmna (Wtn vpars affn with his fam ily, Mr. Middleton located at Mc Cnnlr whr the rlereafleH was a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen and Udd fellows lodges. , Culls From the Wire in a Imb n from a nt(11nT lutomnblli that was being filmed In Baltimore, David DIctor, HO yeart old, a moving picture actor, uit&ined a fracture of the skull and died a few hours later. Judges oi tne district courts inrouKnnui the Mexican republic have been named. Court In the federal dlntrlct were opened. The others will be opened as aoon as pos sible. Prnvlsrinnal President Carranaa today la- sued orders to the' governors of all Mexican states, instructing them to practice rigid economy and to- keep their expenditures within their incomes. Phif-asM notice are trying to Indue Mrs. 7.nrU Marlon Buffalo, wife of a gypay fh Colorado Springs, to return here to testify against her father, Joseph Marino, chief of a gypsy tribe in Los Angeles, accused of swindling. Tuniv nrTnn women and children on their way from Tslng Tau. t'htna, to their i i rimr-man v muled from New York. They are traveling under safe conduct pass- tnants. t i.t.nih ssirurk and burned a summer cottage on the Harblion ranch, near Grand Lake, -oio., aim r'JV,. v'"B Anna. VoBDUrgh. a ChtCBKO school teacher. one of-th occupants. Mlns Vonburgh was badly DUrnea nu mci erated. u Thomu Hammond, 70 years old. widow of the founder of Hammond, Ind., died Thursday.' She was aald to be one of the wealthiest women In Indiana, and was prominent in philanthropic work, Three chil dren aurvlv. Mr. Hammond died two years ago. Tn New Tork the Indictments charging John Burke, former nianagr of the com m lunar y department of the Panama canal, and Jonn Brandon of Colon with con Dlring with Jacob U Halaa, a tobacco mer chant of Colon, to defraud the United State" in purchases of supplies, were quashed.. ( TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT Every Kiad Prica Vary Law ' Over five hundred machine to elect from. Rent applied on purchase. , Central Typewriter : Exchange, Inc. 1995 Farnam St. Phona Deuglas 4121. Notes From Beatrice And Gage County Beatrice, Neh., Aug. 4. (Special.) Dr. E. E. Sweeney of Filley came near losing his life yesterday when his car ran off a small bridge and upset, two mile south of Filley. Dr. Sweeney was 'caught under the car and severely cut and bruised, but man aged to free himself. He was taken to Filley where he was given medical attention. The car was not damaged and was later driven back to Filley. John Hecker, 22 years of age, and a son of Henry Hecker of the Pick rell vicinity, sustained three broken ribs and internal injuries when a team attached to a wagon load of wheat ran over him. Announcement has heen received in this city of the death of Albert Malmo of the signal corps of Fremont, which occurred at San Antonio, Tex., from wounds received in a fight with Mexi can bandits. Malmo was about 40 aWdtaaL. i . iij uiica years of age and formerly worked in Beatrice as a newspaper man. The seven people who were injured in two automobile accidents here Wednesday, and who are in local hos pitals, are recovering from their in juries. An automobile belonging to a man named Nelson of Wymore was stolen Wednesday night from in front of the Paddock hotel. It was found yester day in a draw three miles north of Beatrice, where it had run into a ditch and turned over. It was damaged to the extent of $150. Insanity Complaint Against C. E. Reed Holdrege, Neb., Aug. 4. (Special ) W. H. Tanner, formerly of At lanta, now residing in Omaha, filed an affidavit of insanity while in the city yesterday, against his father-in-law, Charles E. Keed of Atlanta, an inmate at Ingleside for two years, beginning in June, 1908. Following a hearing in the matter, the physi cian present, Dr. D. S. Palmer, rec ommended that the man he held in custody for another mouth, during which time he will make further ex amination of his condition.; Mr. Reed was at one time publisher of the Arapahoe Mirror. Mr. Reed is mak ing a strong fight for his liberty and talks rationally of his experience with the authorities. His one delusion it that he can hear himself think. , Swanberg-Carlson. Holdrege, Neb., Aug. 4. (Special.) Oscar Swanberg, mail carrier on route five out of Holdrege the past five years, and Mis Anna. .Carlson were married last night at the home of the bride. 2M48 mors paid Want Ads first six months 1916 than In asms period of 19164 nsarly 1,000 rnnrc sanh week. Why men tion results with this kind of evidence? Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. "TELEPHONE 1614 DOUGLAS" Store Closes Saturday at 6 P. M. During . August Store Closes Saturday , at 6 P. M. , During . ' August Don't Hesitate! will buy you a suit here from all the broken lots of the finest makes in this country. We can not mention the names, but they represent the cream of ; the clothing manufacturers in America. Suits Worth up to $25, Yours on Saturday at $10.00 You never had the oppor- funlfv invent, a ton Hnllnr bill to better advantage. . " : ONCE A YEAR YOU HAVE THIS OPPORTUNITY-i-YOU, SHOULD RUN OVER HERE AS QUICKLY AS YOU CAN ON SATURDAY TO' TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT. Outing Trousers Underpriced ; White Serges, for tennis and summer dresses neat hairline stripes worth up' to 157.00 priced this way $2.50 and $3.00 Trousers Specialfor Saturday. . $3.50 and $4.00 Trousers Special for Saturday $4.50 and $5.00 Trousers Special for Saturday $6.00 and $7.00 Trousers Special for Saturday. . . . . . $3.50 and $4.00 White Flannel for Saturday . : $1.98 $2.50 $3.50 $4.98 $2.50 $2.50 Palm Beach Trousers . Special for Saturday...... $2.50 Part Linen Trousers Special for Saturday $1.50 White Duck Trousers Special for Saturday , $5.00 and $6.00 Golf Pants for Saturday $1.75 $1.50 $1.00 $3.75 Palm Beach Suita that sold up to $7.50 at. . .$3.98 Hart Schaffner & Marx Dixie Weave and Mohair Suits, worth $15.00, at. .-. . .$10 Other Mohair Suits that sold at $12.50, now , .$7.50 $10.00 Mohair Suits will be sold here at . , . . . , . . . . . . . . ; . .$5.00 Golf Suits that sold up to $20.00 at $10.00 '. - "Second Floor, Men's Building RIDE UP ON THE ESCALATOR. ' Unrestricted Choice of Any Straw Hat QCc Sold at $2, $2.50 and $3, in Men's Store OD A SATURDAY OFFERING that will bring men In here by the hun dredsyou can get a "topper" here at a price lower than you ever paid for such quality look at the items we don't have to say more to con vince you that SATURDAY IS THE DAY FOR YOU TO BUY. $2, $2.50 and $3 Straw Hats; choice of the entire stock on Saturday. . . , 85i Men's Straw Hats at 45c " Any Straw Hat in this stock that has sold at 65c, $1.00 and $1.50, S&t urday . c 45 Boys' 65c Straw Hats at 25c All the boys' and children's Straw Hats, at .25e Panamas, Bangkoks and Leghorn Hats Any Panama in the entire I Any Leghorn hat for men, I Any Bangkok Hat for men stock Saturday . .. .$1.65 I Saturday $1.65 I Saturday ..$1.65 Main Floor, Runway, Men's Building. . , ' i. Men's Summer Shirts Clearing Them Out, at . . . DON'T STOP TO ARGUE with yourself, whether you need them or not a few more shirts in your summer ward robe at this price will not be a tax upon your pocketbook and will surely make you more comfortable. About 1,600 Men's Shirts Broken lots that will sell at about one-half the usual selling price. Band collars, de tachable collars, soft and laundered cuffs. The materials are fancy striped madras, soisette and repp cloth Usually sold to fi.zo ; very special Saturday 60 Doian Man's Alhlalie Union Suits In striped madraa, nainsook and soisette; for hot ?Q weather wear. Values to $1.60, at Oa7C About 300 Munsing Union Suita "Run of the mill" quality in silk lisle and fine Egyptian cotton. Sold in the regular way at $2.00 to $2.50; QO Saturday, at. . . '. IO C 25 doaan Man's Leather Belts All sizes. Q Formerly 35c; Saturday. , , laC w 55c 55t Silk and Washable Silk Ties that have been selling to 29c; Special... 19c A Special Lot of Men's Fin Linen Mesh Underwear Shirts and drawers that sold to $2.25 each; JQ on sale Saturday, garment 0C About 250 Dosen Silk and Silk Fiber Hosa All the desirable shades. "Kun oi the mill qual ity; worth to 89c, at. . ... ............. , 25c Men's Shoes Speeding Out Men's Oxfords Russia calf, dull lea ther and patent colt. $3.50 t0 QC to $4.00 values. tP&.OJ 800 pairs boys' Oxfords: sizes from 3U to fi : Ttna. sia calf, "patent colt, dull leather;' $3.50 ( 1 P I to $4.00 values; Saturday. , , ,:y,ld Man's Store.