THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1916. IS FOR RENTHOUSES REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Miscellaneous Ili.oO 6-R., 3815 N. 20th St.. mod., ex cept heat barn. $: H.0O 7-R., nil California St., modern flat 135.00 4-R. Apmt.. "The Harrold," 17th and Jeckaon SI. 9X1. OS l-R. Apmt.. 1101 Farnam St is.01 1S-R., no 8. 30th St.. modern. 31.00 -R till Lafayette Ave., modern. 1:5.00 7-R., 4101 Lefeyett. At., modem. 161.50 7-R. flat 111 I.. Kth St. modem Janitor aervloe. i 155.00 l-R., ill North Slat at. Dundee, new, modern. 10.00 S-R., ill North tlat St. Dundee, new, modern. GEORGE & COMPANY, Phon- D. 7. Ml City Nat'l Bunk Bldg. $43 1213 Howard, 11 room, mod. I2T.60 Burt, 4-room nw apt $1S 2)S3 Oraoa, roorai, (unite.. 113,101(06 N. 20th. 4 roomi. $12.1 2121 California, I room. RI NOW ALT, BrandcU Tha. Btdf. BUNGALOW, more than complete; vt.ry , thlnf you will txpact and mora, too; Ml . bath, bookcaaM; mirror dooru, buffot, th Iat word In a beautiful bungalow, on block to ear, iuy term, Phono Bomod 121, Trull tnger. HOUSE 11 rooms, fall lot, M.I0I. t brick attached noaofto, 911.900; inoomo 11 tot; it foot bouiM noar Ford far lory, 11,100. Othor bargains, noar business. O. P. tobblns, 1610 Chicago. UODERN Cottago; ( rooms, corner lot stool garage, fruit; flowers all hedged in, on oar Una. Reasonable for cash. Owner leaving elty. Douglas 1781. NSW bungalow, l-room, all mod., 00-ft lot snath front bargain, on:r t-i.Ttf, noar 46th and Charles. Csll owner. Red lltl. 111.60 5 -room Hat UH No. 10th St. $18.00 8-room, 1008 No. SUb 8t $27. 60 l-room. 1481 Davenport St H. A. WOLF, (14 Wars Blk. Doug. 8061. ROOK house In good neighborhood, 1411 Charles St, modern except hsat Call Walnut 1111 for particulars. KOUNTZB PLACE restricted district real- dsnos for sole. r. v. Kniost loll . nth. S433 FRANKLIN St., 11 rms., all mod., $10; 17)4 So. 17th St., I rms, all mod., $11.60. BIRKETT ft COMPANY, ' 428 Beo Bldg. Dong. 611. BUT my brand new oak finish all modern bungalow tor iz.ifto on your own terms. oood location, uougtas .. f 1,160 buys brick cottage on fins lot 142$ horwooa Ave.; tiou xor w. Ajsavenworu. C lot Douglas II4T. 111 S. 27TU; modern, 7 rooms, $22.60. 1410 Charles St., 6 rooms, bath. $11. JOHN N. FRBNZER, Douglas 644. HOUSES FOR' RENT. CREIQH, SONS ft CO. 101 BED BLDG., DOUG. IftS. FOUR HOUSES Walking dietaries. to 1$ . rooms. Flret Truet Co., Doug. 1161. FOR RENT Ap't and Flats West THREE rooms snd bath, near 1611 Har ney. Very desirable. Only $1$. . Ernest Sweet New Hamilton. P. 1471. 6 LARGE, room apt. modern except best, id floor, to small family, $16; near 16th snd Dsvenport. Walnut 416. $20 6-ROOM lower flat, all modern, on oar llqe, leol ijeavenworin pu war. 801 So. 16 -r. mod. 1406 So. 11 -lot 1 61 100, 1916 S. It St. 100-ft. lot D. 696T. 16 6-ROOM upper flat bath, gas, water, on car lino. 1604 Leavenworth. Har. 1118. ST. CLAIR, 24th snd Harney, I and 4-room apartments Call Harney 647. North. CHOICE APARTMENT $17.604 rooms and bath on main floor; oak floors and finish; all conveniences, including janitor service. - $)164 rooms snd bath, semi-basement; Janitor service and other conveniences, Nathan Apts.. Sherman and Willis Ares, SCOTT ft HILL CO.. Douglas 100$. ' MODERN Apt., 7 room, $26; near poitof flce. O. P. Stebbins, 1610 Chicago. MiscellancQus. An Increase of 18,748 paid Want Ads for the first six months of 1114 about 1,000 ads mors each week Is something worth bjrjtgglng about THE BEE did It FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Turner Park District 7 rooms, all modern, In good condition, nicely decorated, largo yard and ihade trees. Rental $S6. For particulars, call THE BYRON REED CO., D6ug. JI7. Ill S. lTth St Stores. MODERN .tore. 16th St., near pootofftce. ' 7I par mo. Q. P. Btebblnn. leio cntcago. STORK ROOMS at lSllt-iail Farnam 8t Thoa. r. Hall, 481 Rame Bldr. D 0. CHOICE office apace, Balrd bids ., Douglas. McCague Inv. Co. Offices and Desk Room. Indisputable evldenc. of great reaulta to Be. Want Ad UHri: 25.748 more paid Want Ad. flret six montha of ISIS over name period 1816. No other Omaha paper can boaat at anything near auoh tlguron. DBSIRAHLiC office room. In ther .modeled . Crounoe block. 11 N. Kth St, ( Bostof floe. lit to lift per month. Conrad Toung. Ill Brandela Theater. Doug. 117 L, DBSIRABLej etudlo location In Wead Bldg.. ISth and Parnam, and In Baldridge Bids 10th and Farnam. Kemai roeaonaoie. F. D. WEAD, WEAD BLDG. D. 171. AvRMrm room (for dantlati. centrally lo- catod, nth St Wrlcht Laaburr, p. 111. OFFICE room with 'phon. and recaption .- room for lady., P I8S. 9maha Baa. MOVING AND STORAGE FfRKPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separata locked rooma, for noueenold good, and pianos; moving, packing and .nipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., II & llth St Pouglaa em. (iiqbe Van and Storage Ca Far isl moras eenrto. try a rg. l-horeo, padded van Storage, II health. Batlataetlon guaranteed. W. anov. oa QUICKER, CHEAPER AND SAFBlt ' ' phono Tyler IIP or Douglaa sill. GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Packing, . storage and mov ing. Ill N. llth St ?hon. Douglas l or warmer ..... METROPOLITAN VAN AND .. I . STORAGE CO. sLMfni attantion iivn to orders for movtnc, packing or storage; office at Ray mond rurniturs uo., 101s ana nw ard 8t Phons D. 6624. FIDELITY . svTc-i 'EE Phone Douglaa III for complete list of Vacant houna and apart manias alao for storas. moving. ISth and Jackaon Sta, n 1 Van maggaru an hour. Van and StaraM Go. Morlng. naoklng. Moras, and ahlpplng. Phon. Ooog. IPS, .J. CREED 1147 Cs. MoTlna. Backing and storsgs. Farnam Bt Douglas 4146. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished House and Plats. WANTED TO RENT Immediately ; good 1 or l-room boose with garage. In West Farnam district or Dundee. Must be first class place. Give full InXormatlon, Address O 117. Bee. WANTED Apartment I or rooms; will tng to pay good price If oloss In and west of 26th Ave. Phons Harney 4147, Furnished Houses and Flats. WANTED Well furnished cottage bungalow; modern. Bos 4618, Bee, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Weal CATHEDRAL DISTRICT ROMS. Living room, den, dining room, kitchen all finished In oak, three large bed rooms houss Is equipped with two baths. Large basement Lot IOzlOS corner, south front Pries too reasonabls to mention. GALLAGHER ft NELSON. 444 Brandels Bldg. - Douglas 1181. DANDY 1-r. home, only half block So, Far nam ear line. Pries reduoed from $4,660 u 11.660. Has larse rooms and reoot hall first floor, and 4 nice large bedrooms and bath second floor. Has beautiful shads; siso fruit grape arbor, etc. Has full basement solid brick foundation. .' Built by owner for home. Don't overlook this. osDoras, 701 umana Hat. us. mag. r D. 1474. WEARNB PARK- BARGAIN New bunga- low. t-r. and bath, built by day labor and ' of the best of material; oak flniah. with . oak floors; rooms largs ana wen arranged has a number of special featuree; hlgl rsds fixture!, full basement, furnace; dandy east front lot; only I bike, to car. prlc cut to $1,060. Easy tsrms. RASP BROS., Doug. 1461. WEST FARNAM CORNER. ' Modem 8-room bungalow, with corner , vacant Room to build two brick fiats. fx P. BOBTW1CK ft BOM. .Mil Lincoln ulvd. 11-room houss, strletiy modern, with hot wster 1 Dooglss mi North. MILLER PARK. $800 DOWN $16 A MONTH. - This brand-new 6-room strictly modern bangalow. Just finished; osk finish and oak floors throughout; largs lot south front, psved street, does to car and echool. Why pay rent when you can buy a brand-new bungalow the same as rent PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. 6th Floor Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. North. VERSITY I have three or four modern up-to-date houses, two to three blocks from St John's church, which I must sell. Also bungalows at 100$ N. 14th St. and 1601 Hickory at Phono Douglaa 107 or Harney 6i. CLOSE IN RENTAL PROPERTY. Hear 18th snd Clark, two houses, stssdy renters, 1J70 a year rental, may be In crsssed; only $1,661. GEORGE G. WALLACE. 114 Ksellns Bldg. REAL ESTATEInTcabnents 132 FEET ON DODGE $30 FRONT FOOT Northwest corner ITth and Dodge, two streets, two alleys. Othsr Dodge etreet frontage Is held at $60 to $100 front foot Nonresident ownsr makes this pries for e,u.ek aale. GLOVER & SPAIN, Doug. ISS1. US-IS City Nafl Bank Bldg. POULTRY AND PET STOCK T1 V o O x. of C 1 ' "v oecrei the ouDmannc By E. Alexander Powell Author .1 Tk. Baa) at tk Trail." "Fif atlas fa rUnaV.,- TV. Raas la Olary." Vrn St Fraaoa," Ma. Caprrlgkl, ItlS, ar t. AJaiaadar I avail ELEVENTH INSTALLMENT. PIOEONB par tar better than chloaana; alwara panned upi little apao. naeaea w surti frM book .splalna all. Uajaatlc Squab Co.. 11. Adel, la FRESH aquatic planta for your flah globe, ISO. Will Keep rum neaiinr. au OCISLER BIRD CO. FOR SALE On. mat. trench Toy Poodle, full blood: bouae broue, uoug. efi Horses Live Stock Vehicles BETTER THAN IS PER CENT NET. Flue preeaed brlok flata, loeated West Far nam dlatrlot, that will ehew better than IS per cent n.t ground value Inoreaalng II per cent a year. Owner leaving olty, will aaci-lflca. OALLAOHER NELSON. Ut Brandela Bldg. Doug. Mil. For Sle Wagon umbrellaa. II. S. Wagner, 111 N. llth. AUTOMOBILES FOF SALE IS TOUR money earning all It Is worth T Invested In Home Builders you are guar anteed T per cent Why take lessT Tou oan Invest any amount any time. The plan Is elmple. Ask about It HOME BUILDERS, INC., 17th and Douglas Sts. Phons Dg. 6011. WM. COLFAX. 704 Kesllne Bldg. Real estate, olty property, largo ranches s specialty. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'ty FOR SALE Itlllll. taoaa thro. .IrMtaT near new Ford building; aplandld manu facturing elta. Addraaa, B-.ll. Bea, REAL ESTATE WANTED South. i-ROOM bungalow, brand new. all modern. aak floors tbrougbout; oak union la u. log and dining room.; larga. light whit, nasal badrooma; good location; rootrloted addition. A bargain at M.1M. Baay BENSON & CARMICHAEL, 141 Paston Blk. Dons, ltll. SAFETY riRaTI. FOR RELIABLE AND SAFE FIRB AND TORNADO INSURANCE SEE CNEIL'S R. B. INS. AOBNCT. 114 Brandela Theater Bldg. Tyler 1414. Have Buyer for high grade, down town, wall loeated lnvestmsnt property. Ws msks a specialty of this cists of real estate. For prompt and effective service, do your real estate builness with t, Hiatt . Company, 144-7-1 Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg, Tyler 40. WANTED 6 or 4-room oottage In north- Miscellaneous. 5-Room Bungalow, One Acre. S27S Down-425 Monthly. Just completed, room for bath; half acre young fruit ; closs to paved read. Phono Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Man Tills. ORlco opsn svenlngs T till I. Hastings & Heyden, llT Harney St 11,100 mortgage, bearing 7 per oeut eerot- annually; secured oy property vaiuea at 14,000. Talmag.-JLoomis inv. Co., w.u.w Bldg. I PER CENT to I per cat on heat clean ally realdenoa. la amount. ll,sso up; alas farm loan.. Reaaonabl. eommlaslona. PETERS TRUST CO., till Farnam St ROOMS, bath and gas; ground 100x117 near boulevard; fruit and ahada; chicken house. 11.750.00. W. H. GATES, (47 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. 1114. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. Attar looking at HINNB LUSA 101 dlt farant buyers decided that It waa the oast Eroposltlon on in. maraai ana tney .eked their judgment by BUYINO Iota. If YOU will oom. out today you will understand way otnara ara oaying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO-, Trior III. T4I Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg. FOR SALE. dandy vaoant lota, H bloek to o Una: oat to 11.00. eaab for qulok aala, CALKIN B A CO., Douglaa 1111 City Nat Bank Bldg. CUMING near llth St. II or 44 feet: moat be eold to clo.. .elate, u. a. urimmei, 141 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. FOR bargains In lota la all part, of the olty Bee p. J. Tebblna, SOS umana Dai. Bk. Phone p. 1111. . ' Miscellaneous. LOT Henderson, near 10th. ISOO: bargain; aoay Urma. Q. r. Btabmna, Ills uaioago. REAL ESTATsE Suburbaji Benson, Acre Benson Half in Fruit. 1900 $10 Cash $10 Month. Cherrlss. aooles. nears. peaches, rasp berries, blackberries, grapes, about 100 currants. Will be oared for this year and next free. Office open evenings 7 till t p. in. Phons Tyler to. Hastings & Heyden. 1614 Harney St START TOUR HOME IN BENSON I BUT THIS LOT I IIS.M down snd 810.M per month: pries $160.00; sue, 60x118; located on Locust Bt, between Clark and Burn ham, sot far from school and ear line. Oeo, R. Wright Bee office. Omaha. LYNNWOOD Oo oat to Lynnwood today and Bee the beautiful lota wa are selling from ltll to 1100. A. P. TUKEY & SON, Phon. Dong. III. 1107-1 W. O. W. Bldg, Dundee. DUNDEE ana alaaning porch, strictly sd la good oondlttoa. Prlo. 14,400; Urma, LooaUd IM N. 41th St NORRIS & NORRIS, Bldg. Phon. Ponglaa 4IT0. affiacellaneoua. One acre and 2-room liouse $100 cash. $12 rer month Loeated just west of Benson ; has good, rich, level sarden land, running water, soms trees, only a short distance to psved road ana jitney service, irics, v i.zuu. Phone Tyler 60 snd ask for Mr. Lowrey. Office opsn svenlngs 1 till t. Hastings & Heyden. 1414 Harney Bt. NINE-ACRE BARGAIN. Close In and well Improved, eonslitlng of a good 4-room house, barn and other outbuildings: S sores In grapes, 1 aers In berries. 1 seres In alfalfa; located In the north part of Omaha, about one mile from city oar Una, An unusual bargain at $6,600. Basy terms. BHULER ft CART, D. $074. 104 Ksellns Bldg. i.ot nsiar muni el oal baeh at Carter lake. Fins placs for summer oottage. rnons Doug. 2604. SUMMER RESORTS FOR RENT A very desirable summsr cot tuste. comnletsly furnished, beautiful Iocs tion; Clear Lake, la., for a part or the whole of September. For particulars write B, 8. Belby, Austin, slinn. REAL ESTATE Exchanges THE wonderful lucrsass In BEE Want Ads oan bo traced to only one sooros. Oood results at less oost than any other Omsha paper. 2S748 MORE PAID WANT ADS the first sis months of lSlt than In the asms perioa in it it, WANTED- To exchange desirable resldsras proportlss in Orand Island, and Nebrassa lands sil c.ear. weit seeurea nrst mort gages and cash, for a good brick busl ness property in a grvwing and well tabllshed city in Nebraska. U. & Land and Loan company. Box so oran Islsnd. Neb FARMS, rsnches city property, scrssge and Investmsnts for sale and exchange. Morgan, ii uuming nx. toug. , KQU1TT tn gooa 1-r. bouse for cottage worth $1,100- vol rax ios arter is a. hotel and furniture at Dallas, a D. exchange D 470T. Toland ft Trumbull. CAN sell or sxohsngs anything you have to oner u. j inan, wci--agus mag, REAL ESTATE Other Cities PUBLIC BALE Ths old school houss build tng. Including all out buildings, will be sold at either publto or private sals, on Aug. llth, lilt, at 1:10 p. m. For full . particulars write to B. H. Runge, Secre tary, Charier oak, Iowa. rn part W. L. 8ELBY SON. Doug. 111. FINANCIAL Resl Estate Loans snd Mortgages. MONEY TO LOAN ON Apartment houeea, double bnck hooeee, slngl. houssa, bualnea. properly and farm land, at I per oent I V per oent A I pr ot W. H. THOMAS. Ill Keellne Bldg. Douglas 1I4L NO OTHER Omaha nswBpapar Is making anvwh.r. Boar tb. Inoreaee la Ita Want- Ad oolumna aa THE BEE. 11,741 MORE PAID WANT-ADS the first all month. at 111! than la th. nam. period af 1111. To, Reaaoa: Bast Price Beet Reaulta. ACTO clearing house. D, PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN COMPANY. KEELINE BUILDING. OMAHA homos. Eaat Nebraska farms. OKBHFB REAI ESTATE CO.. 1011 Omaha Nat'l. Phone Douglaa I71S. MONEY raachea gages. to loan on Improved fartna and Wa alao buy good farm mort- kioko inv. co.. umana. REAL ESTATE loana, six psr cent D. B. BUCK St CO., Ill Omaha Nat. Bank. NO DELAY. W. T. GRAHAM. BEE BLDG. CITY and farm loana, I. 6 Vs. I per oent J. H. uumont ft Co.. 4is a.eelin. aids. MONEY on hand for city and farm loana. H. W, Binder, City National Bank Bldg. cent LOANS LOANS 1 Per THUS. L. MCQAKRT. Keellne Bldg, Red 4144. GARVIN BR0S.N.t,,4B.?rBh,.,. 5 pet. MONEY HARRISON a MORTOST IIS Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Wead. 1100 to 110.000 made nromotly. F. D. wead Bldg.. istn adn Farnam ata. Stocks snd Bonds. HAVE two modern cotugea, nearly new, In council muds; will eicnange xor otoca In Omaha ft council Blurra Ry. Co.. other good corporation. Address "F," Bsa, council Blulte, la. Abstracts ot Title Guarantee Abstract Co. Ws can bring down your abstract on short notice. R. 7. Patterson Bldg. D. 1147 Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co.", 106 So. 17th St.. ground floor. Bonded by Mass. Bonding ft ins. Co. Kerr REED ABSTRACT CO., old,t abstract of. flea In Nebraska. 101 Brandels Theater. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. SEND FOR LIST descriptive of ths level disc a sou terms, good crops, plenty raw. wyman waterman, uoiyoite, uoio. CoioiHdu land excursions, ex pent s paid. C. La, Hstnaway, Florence. Wen, riorenes m, Iowa Lands. 140 ACRES well lmoroved farm, west Iowa. at ioo per aers; an tuiaois; roiling isna; 46,000 will handle deal. THOS. CAMPBELL, KEELINE BLDQ, Missouri Landa. 430-ACRE MISSOURI FARM. FOR SALE To settls an estate! Ons of the bsit stock farms In Johnson eovnty, MlHourt. 1V4 miles northwest of Warrens- burg; sest of state Normal; 300 aerss In permanent blue-grsss paiture, 160 aerss corn, wheat and hay land, balance timber; well-watered, 4 barns for stock ana nay, 1.000-buihel oorncrlb. l-room house, build- Ings In good repslr, farm well fenesd with wovsn and barbed wire and hedge. $71 per acre; no trades. RIEOER-MOORE REALTY CO 110 Rlalto Bid. Kansss City, Ms. CHEAP FARMS Any slss. easy ternis. In tbs beautiful Osarks of Dent county. H W. 8. Frank. 101 Neville Blo.-k. Omaha. FOR SALS OR TRADE My equity In splendid 80-acre farm in northwest mo. tor qrug stocn. Aaarsss i ees, Nebrablca Lands. FARM NEAR OMAHA FOR SALE. 146 seres with fstr improvements; 10 miles from Omaha postofflcs; 4 miles from Florence: IM miles from R. R. sta tion; 11 aores In alfalfa, about 10 acres In crept, balance timbered pasture with running water. Only $110 per aers; $7,000 c,g,h. bslancs Ions Urns at 6 pet A splen did upland farm for dairying or hog raising and the cheapest lsnd near this unlimited market Don't delay If you want this bargain. J. H. DUMONT ft CO., Tel. Doug. 690. 416-411 Keellne Bldg. LAND NEAR OMAHA FOR BALE. KiU. A. very choice land, just N. W. of Rftiuon: belongs to bsnk; must sell. A bargain for soms ons. See me for price and terms. J. A. ABBOTT, Room 4. Patterson Blk.. City. HIGHLY improved 160-scrs farm in NE Nebraska for sals. Ownsr will consider good bouse in Omaha part paymsnt Easy tsrms. Sickness and old ags reasons for selling. Alton Savings Bsnk, Alton. lows, FOR SALE -flection about 40 acres broke wslt good grass isna, ; is muss irom county seat Price $1.60 ;sr aers. H, C. Rainier, Taylor. Nel NEBRASKA land from 14.00 to $116 aers; best bargains In stats. W. T. Smith, Co., 414 City Nafl Bk. Bldg. South Dakota Landa. FOR SALE CORN AND ALFALFA LANDS, LYMAN COUNTY, BOUTH DA ICDTA. 110 TO $76 AN ACRE. COR NELIUS MoGREEVY, PRESHO, SOUTH DAKOTA. Wisconsin Landa. WISCONSIN'S flnsst grating and dairying lands; any slss tract from 40 acres to 7,000; otay soil, well located near rail roads: at orices ranging from $7.10 to $30 an acre; stats your requirements, we esn mass any terms w eui. row num. Dslry Belt Lang uo.. jwsn, wis. SET literature and maps on ths c bsa pest MM isna in uuiuju omianpj. BAKER A TILLOTSON, ith and Douslss Sts., Omsha. Done till, Miscellaneous. ARB YOU GOING TO BUT LAND 7 if avi- set a oooy of our Journal first. It has lands, elty property and stocks of goods sdvsrtised from nearly every state. Bo that you ean find Just what yon wish In Its columns. Established 14 years, reaching 76,000 readers. Send 16e for ons yssrs subscription, or $1 for five years. FARM AND REAL ESTATE JOURNAL, TRAER. IOWA ArnRAatc- uT to 6-A tracts on csr tins. Easy tsrms. C. R. Combs, 111 Brandels Tbs. Bldg. Doug. 1014. An Increase of 26,741 psld Wsnt Ads for tha f rit i t months or ii aneut i, ads more tmvli week Is noma thing worth bragging sbout. . Till. BUS am 1U OVERLANDS, FORDS. DETROITER Mil MODELS, GOOD SERVICEABLE CARS FOR lltl AMD UP. WILLYS-OVERLAND! INC, till Farnam St Doug. Ilia, BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Almost any make rosditsr, speedster and touring ears. Six Fords, a snap. Will sell thess oars at almost any pries, as ws must have ths space. O W. FRANCIS AUTO CO, 1114 Farnam, Doug. 18$. Must sell all our sseond-hsnd automo biles within II days. Ws have several makes snd an giving better values than anyone else, Johnson-Danf orth Co. llll-ll-ll N. llth St $100 REWARD For arrest and conviction of thlsf who steak, year oar while Insured by K1LLT. ELLIS ft THOMPSON. 111-14 City Net, Bk. Bldg. Doug lilt. LlAUtsatlavnt .T-rvlai Ui.nat la .4s.tlsM. bV the United Ststes naval board to Investigate snd report hie findings on the Invention of Dr. nsipn tsume, which eervoe to bring tne euo marlne to s state of perfection. The lieu unant srrfves In Vsldsvls and Is welcome J iy me inventor snd hie daughter, cieo. un he trial Irln of tha invaniftr'i boat. S Japanese helper le surprised tn the act ot examining the mechanism of the ventilating devise. Hope reports fsversbly on the new device but there are others Interested In It. An suempt to burgle rlis Dr. nurse s laboratory falls, but leter Cleo finds him murdered In hli harlrnnm. Plan stills her fMher's books to get money; later she finds s nois rrom wnioh she learns tnst tney con tain ths aeoret formula. With Hops she races to the auctioneer's store only to find it In flames Olga Ivanoff and Oersld Mor ton, two spies In search of the formuls, at tempt to capture Cleo when she calls st the houee of Stephanekl. the anarchist, Hope rushes to her aid: Morton shoots st him but ths bullet hits a bomb in the cells r, which siplodes Stephanekl and Cleo at tend a ball at Mrs Del mar's whose nephiw iwo or ins missing docks. Hsnun, s sttemnts to tn books, but Is dis covered by Hope; In the eaoltement that follows the books disappear. Mshlln cspei. Hops snd Cleo tsks a boat for an Isisnd cut In the bay. Thi conspirators fol low In other boats. Mahlin and the Jap turn out tne leiand light Morton's boat witn the countess strike, a strsv mln In the bav. After a violent storm Hops snd Cleo srrtvs on a strange Island and discover that thi nan they hunt Is there. But Mshlln and the Japanese also resch the Islsnd snd put up s fight for the books. They escsps from mpe but return srd dynsmlte the shack. The conspirators fsll to hsrm Hope and Cleo. Ihey manage to reach Sandsboro, where Dr. Owjn has ons of ths books Each of ths others approaoh ths doctor, but he refuses to hear them. He arranges to meet Hop at ths hotel with ths book. Morton pes as Hops snd but for sn sarthqutke would have possessed the volume. Cleo Is csptund dv Morton ana taken In his friend s aero Disne to a lonslv cabin In tm mountains. She finds there the book for which thiv search. Fortunately she gets a note to nope, who, with Hook, stsrts to ths rescue, As he crossea the chasm In ths swinging bsaket Mahlin steals up and chops at th uaoio wun to save H and Is greeted to mm. Tney return to the valley but ara followed by Mahlin and the Jap who at tempt to oapturs Cleo. Shs owing herself over the canyon. Olrs snd Morton are dashed to earth In the aeroplane 1101 Farnam. Saion roadster, 1111 1116 Model 81. Overland 1114 Oakland touring 1114 Bulck roadster 1110. 1176 roadster.. 460 400 400 FOR SALE Packard 'Twin 81s," latest model; In Al condition, new tires; will make. great sacrifice. J. W. Bmlth Motor Co., Box 111, Csdsr Rapids la. WE will trade you a new Ford for your" eld one. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO.. tltb and Harney. Doug. ltll. USED CAR BARGAINS AT MURPHY-O'BRIEN AUTO CO.. 1614-18-1S Farnam St FOR SALE Cheap If taken at once, Touring car, 1111 model, Been 1,400 miles. TeL Bellevue 41. a Meti driven A NEW 44 -ton Republic truck for sale st a big discount "1, umana Bee, uouncu Bluffs, la. BARGAIN Light, flvs-paseenger csr; trio lights. Csll Hsrney 1167. Auto Repairing and Painting. $100 rswsrd for magneto we can't repair. Colls repaired Baysdorfer, 110 N. I8th. NEB. Auto Rsdlstor Repslr Service and prices right in B. llth Bt P. 7iw. Auto Tires and Supplies. DON'T throw away old tires. We make one new tire irom 1 oia ones ana save you to ner cent I in 1 vulcanising Co.. 111 Dav- onport Bt. Omsha, Neb. Douglas 1914. AUTO TIRES REBUILT, $1.00 TO $6.00. DUO TIRE CO.. 1411 CHICAGO ST. lOxl-IN.. $T.7I; in proportion, nam street IftxtH. $1.71. Other sites Duplex Tire Co., 1611 Far- Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLBT-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bar gain in used maehlnssv. viotor Roos. "The Motorcycle Man. 1701 Leavenworth. FOR SALE Ons 1114 Harley Davidson. twin, two-speed; excellent shape. Address lock box I7, Hosnviue, web. 1116 RACYCLE Two-speed coaster brake been run about sixty miles. Box 4817, Bee. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Niels C Chiistlsnsen and wife to Isaac C. Miller, Frederick street. 146 feet west of Thirtieth street 41.4x16.1; Thirty-seventh street 170 feet north of Dodge, east aids, 111.6x110 $ Alice L. Daliell and husband to Lata O. Cathsrwood, Thirty-fourth street; 174 feet north of Arbor street west side, 48x111 1,160 Cstherine A. Collins snd husband to B. D. O' Sullivan j southeast corner Thirty-fourth and W street. South Omaha, 138x1114 Ill Charles F. Davis and wlfs to Roy B. Murray; southeast oorner Twenty first street and Hector boulevard, Irregular dlse Jamas P. Myers and wife to John F. Rohwor: northwest corner Twenty- flfth and Tsylor streets, 11x90.... 1,100 H. F. Johns and wife to Ousels N. King; Ohio street, 10 feet west of Eighteenth street; north side, US' 100 Orovs Wharton Construction Co., to Elbert O. Jensen et al. ; Charles street 171 feet west of Military avenue, south side, 16x140 Oeorge J. Mortis and wife to Barbara Hlnterlong; Davenport street, 100 feet east of Fifty-first strsst. south aslSav . 1 lUn Josepa Barker and wlfs to Warren S. rraiuts; Firtietn strsst io Test north of Ames svsnue, west side. 40x141 140 Grover ft Layman Realty Co., to Jamss Carr; Fifty-fourth street, 111 fast south of Sprauge street east slds, 80x111 X. 110 Joseph Bsrker and wlfs to Bdwsrd caokley; wortmngtotr street, ioo feet east of Tenth strsst, south slds, 40x117.1 Susie Morrison and husband to De- wayne B. Shepperd ; Thlrty-stith north of Sprague street west side, 100x114 600 Settles for $2,500 For Husband's Death Frances Louise Cowger was swarded $2,500 in county court in set ttement of her claim asainst the Hod tren Construction comDanv for the death of her husband, William Cow ger, who fell from a scaffold at the new ford building a tew weeks ago. Under the compensation act she would have received $10 s week for 350 weeks, but ihe preferred to take the smaller lump sum. Four Seek Divorces in The District Court Lettie Hudson filed suit against William Hudson, asking a divorce on the around of cruelty and noniupport. Estelle Warder asked a divorce irom Georsre Warder on the ground of neglect Henry W. Thornton asks di vorce from Nfary E. Thornton for cruelty. Reese F. Dofosi asks di vorce from Cecil Bofosi on the ground of infidelity. PERSONAL MENTION Miss Helen Patterson leaves today for her new home in Denver, after a week spent with ( Mrs. Robert Doherty. Miss Emma Huneker, who has spent the last ten months with their sister, Mrs. C S. Lobmgier, in Shang hai, China, will arrive Sunday morn ing to visit a short time with Mrs. C. C. Belden. know the title of the book or who wrote i. I.'eei. my chief reason for bidding it in was because it had be longed to my old friend. Doctor Burke. They wrapped it up for me at the auction rooms and I did not take the trouble to unwrap it before slipping it into my pocket when I started on the trip. All I can tell you sbout it is that it was quite a small book and, from its condition, evi dently an old one. It is indeed a great sorrow to me, Miss Burke, that you should have suffered so great loss thrnnori mv rareleSSneSS." "I'm afraid, dear," said Hope, as, having taken leave of, Romero, they were riding down the trail which led to the railway, "that this puts an end to our hope of finding the secret, at l-.t nr the nresent. If we only knew the title of the book that Romero lost we could obtain a dupli rat rnnv. hut. aa we don't know it the only alternative we have left is tc apply the key to all the philosophical works we can find In the hope that we may eventuality itrike the right one. It may take us a long time, though." "I won't have you worry any more about that old book," said Cleo. "You told me the other day that I would h verv rich when the secret was found but I am already very rich in having your love, dear heart. Be lieve me, Jarvis, secret or no lecret, 1 am pericciiy tumcni. "If vou count mv love as wealth. said Hope, "then you are quite the richest person in the world, for I know that no one ever loved a woman th an aza. Hook appear, tn time j .a much as I love you. And if I can't .'.".S b,Hc,T.h?.ar.thh:rr 9 you many luxuries, dear, I can at leasi maac you vrrv, vciy'. ' . i. . : I .1. ... it waa wun BinaiiiK ucano, mvit' fore, that, the loss of the book already forgotten, they boarded the train for San Francisco. A a rhrv entered the hotel Cleo was chatting gayly about her plans for the wedding, which was to take place the first ot the following ween. "Of course, she was saying, "now that the secret of the submarine is probably lost forever, we will have to live on your pay, Jarvis, so' we must have a very simple wedding. - I'm aoini to be married in a dove-gray suit do you think you will like me in s dove-gray suit, larvis?" "Like you?" he repeated; "why, dearest, you're the world and the sun snd the moon and tne stars to me you re , "Beg psrdon, Lieutenant Hope, l. . J . 1- - -T--1. ,(!.... I,.,.'. , inicrruuieu uic ncir., uui HAY ASK FOR DELAY IN RAISING RATES Freight Rate and Traffio Men May Aak Commerce Com. mission to Postpone Date. THIRTY ATTEND MEETING Oontbrag From Teatoraar.) So I have my father's word for it." she concluded, "that the formula is hidden in the philosophy and that it can be deciphered by reading every seventh word on page sixty-two. And I believe, Mr, Romero, that the phil osophy which you bought at Daw ion s auction rooms contains the secret." My dear child." said Romero, who had listened to the long recital with the utmost sympathy and Interest, "you must prepare yourself for a freat disappointment It is true that bought a philosophical work at the sale of your father s library but un fortunately, I have lost it. Hope and Cleo, their high hopes thus suddenly destroyed, uttered ex clamations of discouragement and despair. "It was a small book." continued the naturalist, "so last week, just ss I was starting on a csmoini trio. I slipped it into my pocket, intending to read it that night in camp. But when night came it was gone. It had evidently taiien out ot my pocket somewhere on the trail. To have searched for it in the mountains would have been a hopeless tssk, even had I realized its value, which, of course, 1 did not "Do you remember the title of the book?" Hope asked eagerly. "Who was the author? Or the publisher?" "It sounds absurd, I know." con fessed the naturalist "but I im't Discussion of the possibility of ask ing the Interstate Commerce commis sion to postpone the date of effec tiveness of the advanced freight rate ordered by thaf body for Nebraska recently, occupied most of the morn ing session of the freight rata men and traffic men from Nebraska towns and Missouri river cities st ths. Com mercial club. Thirty traffic men are taking part in the conference. When the Inter state Commerce commission declared Nebraska rates, ss ordered by the Ne braska commission two years ago. discriminatory and ordered them ad vanced to s scale somewhere near where they stood before the reduc tion it wss ordered that the advanced rate become effective September 25 of this year. This is an exceptionally snort period ot time, when it is con sidered what must be done in the way of rearranging the schedules, printing tne taritts and getting them properly distributed thirty days before they are to become effective. Aid to Railroads. Thus It would be considered in ac commodation not only to tht ship pers, out to tne railroad men them selves, if the date of effectiveness could be postponed to allow mors time for the readinstment ihe conference will last all af to day, and oerhaos even lonarer. inaries t. faeth of Kansas City, mo., is cnairman. 1 hose in attendance are: Charla. . Faeth. J. C. Canutes. SL B. Sangster of Kanaa. Cltr, Mo. w. a. Knapp, c. aj. causa, o. J. Moore, '. B. Taekabarrr of Sioux Cltv. la. H. A. Searle. F. D. Hmokla. T. 1. Toe. land. Oeorge E. Wllllamaon ot Oranell Biurrs, ia. W. J. c. Kenron. Louie Hotter ml Joseph, Mo. w, b. wmtten of Llnooln, Neb. W. H. Toung of Fremont. Nob. A. U. Conner.. S. C Joheaea aa OvaaS w. k D.Bolt, J. W. Burgee, of Bm trios. ieeo. Richard A. Blak. of Hastings, Hah. J. S. Bradr, C. D. Blaine, P. P. aforru. , J, MoVann, Dan Callus ot Omaha. Nek. Henry T. Clarke. Jr.: H. O. Tavlor. both ot Llnooln, members of Nebraska Stat. Railway eommlaslon Landlee and Charlea H. K.laey of Norfolk, special delivery letter for you. It came in this morning." Glancing with some surprise at the superscription, which wss in a dash ing feminine hand, Hope tore open the envelooe and drew out the sheet of crested snd scented note paper. At first he glanced curiously at the closely written sheet: then, ss though he could not credit the evidence of his eyes, he read it again. As the signi ficance of the message dawned upon him he turned deathly pale; the hand holding the letter dropped lifelessly to his side; a horse exclamation es caDed him. Motionless, as though carved from stone, he stared! before him with unseeing eyes, the image ot a man completely crusnea. (X Ba Ceatlnaoa Taesdr.) CITY GETS BIG SDH FOR ITSOLD JUNK Delay Brings In Three Times as Much as Was Offered in the Bid. AND STILL SOMS IS LEFT The protests of Commissioner! Jar- dine and Parks, followed by a per sonal investigation by the two coun cilmen, resulted in the city receiving three times as much money as it would hsve obtained had the council accepted the bid of T. F. Balfe, a plumber, for the "junk" old eleva tors, smoke consumer!, boilers- stored in the basement of the city hall. At the morning aession of the city council Mr. Balfe submitted a bid of $310 for the elevators and other so- called "junk" in the basement, which it is necessary to dispose of. Commissioner Withnell moved thst the bid be accepted, a motion, how. ever, that was strenuously objected to by Parks and Jardine. Decide or Delay. The two commissioners declared that an investigation should be made before any action was taken on the bid. The council took recess, snd in the afternoon Parks and Jardine re ported, advising that the bid be re lected. bhortly afterward tne elevators alone were sold to the Otis Elevator comoanv for $1,091. The council now believes that the remainder of the "junk" will bring a tidy sum. Two Report Loss of Their Cash Accounts by Theft J. W. Peters, 104 South Twenty fourth street, was held up by four men at Twenty-fourth and Davenport streets, late Thursday night and robbed of $1, he reported to the police. ' J. W. Woodson, a guest at a room ing house, tolerated a strange bedfel low Thursday night. This morning both the strange bedfellow and Wood son's available supply of cash, $20, were gone. Omaha Heirs Receive Good Part of the Under Estate Omaha heirs received $175,000 of the estate of the late John Linder, liquor dealer, killed by falling down an elevator shaft in hia establishment The report of the administrator was approved by County Judge Crawford. Oscar J. Linder and Jeannette Lin-der-Duemmer are the two principal heirs. Among the assets of the es tate is $44,068 worth of whisky in bond. The remainder of ths estate will be administered in the courts of Pottawattamie county, Iowa. The Bee's Fund for Free Milk and Ice Mrs. Q. W. Ahlquist, a charity worker, contributed to The Bee'i fund, saying: "Your fund is an im mense help to me in my work, for whenever I report a worthy cast it' is Immediately and efficiently cared for from The Bee s fund. The editor of an out-of-town pa. per sends in a contribution, declar Ing that "responses ought to corns in by the wholesale." The terrific heat is making calls on ths fund vary numerous. But so fsr, every worthy esse has received ample help snd scores of poor bsbies and little children are glowing with health, thanks to the contributors. , The need Is still greet WILL YOU do a bit? Send or bring a contribu tion to The Bee office. Prevlomlr acknowledged B4S4.SS an. O. W. AhlQolet I 90 "Ia HU Han." S.SS Price of Milk is Boosted Because of The Short Supply Short pastures, lack of dairy cows snd the high cost of feed are given as reasons for an advance' in the price of milk announced by a number of dairies. The Alamito Sanitary dairy, one of the largest, was the first to announce the increase. The Alamito raised the firice from 8 cents to 9 cents a quart or milk. Cream will henceforth cost 8 to 10 cents for a half pint. All of the other dairies in the city are expected to advance their prices shortly. The last increase in the milk price was three years ago, when it was raised from 7 to 8 cents. "I presume milk will never be cheaper," said Milk Inspector Claude Bosse, "now that it has reached th price, Divorce Decree Modified, Children Given to Mother The divorce decree granted some time ago to Elzie Harrington from Marv Pearl Harrington was modified Lon representations that the father was not caring for the children properly, The court gives the custody of Fred die and Robert Harrington to their mother. Beaulah is given to the grandmother and Glen is left in the custody of his second cousin, Julia Her. Twelve-Car Special Will Run to the Tractor Show The Union Pacific will carry twelve-car special train out of Omaha Sunday afternoon, bound irom at, Louis to the tractor ahow at Fre mont The passengers will include many of- the tractor sslesmen and demonstrators moving from St Louis to Fremont Several Omaha heavy hardware men are expected to join ne party nere. Happy Hollow Court Contests to Start By Saturday Noon The drawings for the annual tennis tournament at Happy Hollow club were held Thursday night and follow- ig pairings resulted in the singles: In the preliminsry round, the first half of the drawing: D. M. Edgerly plsys J. M. Guild. Billy Bullsrd plays Morton Rhodes, tl. L). rrankturt plays A. l ioomis, Lswrence McCague plays C. R. Howe). In second half of the drawing, (pre liminsry round): Roy Durkee plays C C Saddler , C. A. Abrahamson plays H. A. Langdon, Edwin Harte plays Frsnk Buieta, Bryce Crawford, l. -t D...1 cu:.u.. II., ie;a & .u, .jit.iiv. In .the first round matches, the first hslf: Lyman McConnell plays George Rssmussen, R. E. Sunderland playa A. P. Brown, Robert McCague plays Esrl Burkett Ralph West plays Dr. Rodney Bliss, Ward Brown plays Walter Byrne. In the second half of the first round matches: E. S. Folsom playa W. R. Watson, F. J. Jumper playa ? John Brownlee, W. H. Smails plays Ezra Millard, J. Starett plays Harry Koch, Ed Daugherty playa W. H. Guild, H. busman plays Koy nayward. Plav will start Saturday noon, and preliminary matches will be played or defaulted by Sunday night - The committee desires that as many of the first round matches be played during that time as possible, and must be concluded by Monday night Entries for doubles to be in by Monday night ' Rock Island Clan Scorns Meat Trust Whether the government mveitl-1 gstes the Beef trait or lets it go with out investigation is one thing thst does not worry the passenger and freight officers of the Rock Island these hot days. They are independent of the meat trust whether prices go ud or down. A delicious odor ot I hickory-smoked hama and bacons re-1 called the days of the old stone smoke house, for the men in the omce have clubbed together and order their I meats together from a farmer out in I the state who understands butchering I and believes that smoke from the I wood is better than smoke from thai barrel for curing meats. The railroad' I era are also convinced of thia and ther I are saving money by getting just what I they want Drain Park Cake to Recover Wedding Ring Kansas City, Mo, Aug. 4. A lake I in the city park here is being drained of more than one-halt million gal lons of water today to recover a wedding ring lost there by Mrs. Hugh Foster. Several days ago while skip ping stones across the surface of the .water Mrs. Foster hurled her ring off her finger. ' Final Arouments Made . On the Road Bonds Case Final arguments in the Douglas county road bonds case were made before Judge Leslie. County Attor ney Magney declared that progress of the community would stop if all big I improvement projects were to be held I up on technicalitiei as the road bonds I are now being held. Judge Leslie I will render a decision in a tew days. Cyclone Davis Goes to Give The Minnesota Fish a Treat Elmer J. Davia has gone to try safe movinar tactics on the fish of Minne sota. He has gone to Big Sand lake,1 wnere ne nas oeen auccessiui lor usj last two yeara and where he hopes to repeat his former triumphs. Cy clone is some pike catcher, but does, not ignore the bass. : , : .