THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1916. 11 Brief City News TswaMBd' for Bportlnf Goods." HT Root Prtat It New Beacon Pre. Eleetrta Fa. S7.SQ BurffaM-Grmden Ce. Half Karat Whit Diamond! SIS Edholm. "Today'a Movie Program," classi fied section today. It appears In The Bee exclusively. Find out what the various moving; picture theaters offer. Don't ApoloRiie for your office lo cation. An office in The Bee building the building that la known to all needs no apology. Gets Big Judgment J. A. Kroon secured a Judgment of 110,266 against David C. Dodds, who, with the defunct Ralston Furniture com ipany, signed a promissory note to Kroon. Sunday School Picnic The Diets Memorial M. B. church will hold its annual Sunday school plcnlo at film wood park Saturday afternoon. Spe cial cars will leave the church for the park at 1:10. Macomber to 8rk The United Chrlstaln league Is to hold Its third meeting at the North Presbyterian church, Twenty-fourth and Wirt street, next Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Judge Macomber and other Bpeaan-era win wui dm uio uiccuug. Lane In Kay See C. J. Lane, gen eral freight agent of the Union Pa cific, is In Kansas City, where he was summoned to testify In the Missouri river rate case, which Is now under Investigation by the Interstate Com- Buys Canadian Cattle W. C. Fleury or omana ana Herman, nod., ten over the Rock Island for Toronto, Ont, where he recently bought a large con eltnment of registered shorthorn cat tle. While In Toronto, Mr. Fleury will make arrangements for tneir snip ment to his ranch at Herman., Complainant Is Fined Lena May M. colored, had Eliza Mayfleld. also colored, haled Into police court for an assault with a knife said to have taken place at 2631 want street. Tne hearing developed that Lena was the iu that should have been on trial. and she was lined $25 and costs. Ellis was discharged. Railroad Stock Dividends Drop Chleaaro. Auar. 3. Dividends were declared on a smaller percentage ' of railway ttocks in 1915- than during any year since 1904 and the average rate nf dividend was the lowest since 1905, says the Railway Age Gazette today, in analyzing the statistics ot tne in terstate Commerce commission for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1916. Dividend were declared on 60.45 . r - . i: :i stocks and the average rate declared O h . mn,r Q3V8 The highest average rate of dividend, 5.4.5 per cent, was acciarcu uuuug im on 67.65 per cent of all the railway stock, which was the highest per centage of stock on which dividend was declared , during the last eleven years. ' . In the Silent Drama "I to-3 rt ava -a -w.A I.MAffnW Vl A ft ftr I It T j.rano a "uecj . - ----- - at the Strand is the Mm debut of Juntj Caprice in "Caprice of the Mountains." This ltttto mis h" never been either In plcturee or on the stae before, .but she more than make good, thanka to careful direction and excellent supporting 4 cast ; and 'Wonderful photography. , Hipp "Common Ground," a Jetie L. Laaky production, nae avmn oiociru . -m photoplay In which Marie Doro will be een at the Hipp todar and tomorrow.- Thla drama wu written especially for the itar by Marian Fairfax and produced under the direction of William C. DeMlUe. Bmpreae The atory of "Paaturea Green," m two-act American Mutual drama, with Alfred Voaburgh and Vivian Rtch, to be een at the Em pres. theater tor the last, day of the week, is one of romance, ad venture and unexpected situation put Into a distinctly unique and worth while photo play by Carl M. LeVlneas. Hinajt A romance of the south, called Th Valiant of Virginia," Is the feature for today and Saturday. Kathlyn Williams, the Sellg 'tar, carries the stellar role. The com-, Romance. ' Stoekade for Writing Article. Coiumbua. N. M., Aug. I. Hugh Clark, a rrttit of the Second Massachusetts Infan try, was placed in the stockade tonight for writing and sending to a home newspaper an article in ne acousea nis company of ficers of neglecting the men.' , v 1 SOOTH SIDE AFFAIRS New High School Building Is Attracting Considerable Attention. Or PECULIAR U SHAPE The new South Central school building that is being rushed to com pletion on the old school lot t Twenyt-fifth and M streets, opposite engine house No. 5. is attracting at tention. The peculiar U shape of the building is drawing compliments. Everyone seems to want to know who the designer of the new shaped school building is. Superintendent of Buildings Finlay--son. the d signer, has spent much time on the grounds directing the. construction work. A gam ot about twenyt-fivemen are at work and it is hoped that the work will be com pleted before the opening of the fall school term, teptemrer 1. Assistant Superintendent of Build in ks W. Watson, is directing . men on other South Side public school buildings. Remodeling, painting and varnishing constitute tne, most ot im Drovements bein made on ou. build inns. The Daintins of the interior of the big auditorium wili be post poned until aiier ihe school has opened, the reason being that there is more than en nigh work at the pres ent time. The roofing will be re placed before the opening of the school term, however. Kids Are Entertained. Superintendent Patrick Sheehy of the Cudahy packing plant was there in all the glory of his genial spirit when soma Z0U boistrous and nun firrv "settle .nent' kids arrived at the plant a little after noon and proceded to gorge themselves of any edibles available. North Side women resoonded D- ciouslv to the task of narshalling the children to the plant. Miss Morgan, who is in charge of the settlement, watched o;er the entire visit The settlement will be maintained up un til the first week in Seotember when school opes at .he West Side build ing where headquarters i.:e. Hogs Still Surprise. Hoe values droDoed another nickel yesterday, according to a review of the market. 1 he Day s run an.-antea to a few ' jndreu less thsn vesterdav, but held .t at the high figure o' 13,- 500 head. Highest prices ot the day were around while packers bought the larger part of their sup o!v at $8.25. Much iaterest is manifest as to whether the market will hold as well during the rest of ihe month as it has the first 'our days. All records of previous years for the same days nave been broken and stockmen differ as to whether the supply can hold up. Auto Hits Boy. A speeding automobile, whose num ber the police say is Neb. 25528, struck and knocked to the pavement Charles Willuhn, 14-year-old school boy living at Twenty-seventh and I streets, while the latter was turning the corner at Twenty-fifth and 1 streets on his bicycle at 9:10 o'clock. The automobile drove right ahead, leaving the boy.-;in the. street. A wo man was driving the machine. Methodists Hold Conference. The quarterly conference of of ficials of the Grace Methodist church was held last evening at the church at Twenty-fifth and E streets. The financial committee reported finances of the institution in good condition. Dr, U. G. Brown, district superinten dent, presided. Two Fined $25. I. Perelman, 4927 South Twenty sixth street, was brought into court this, morning by License Inspector Tony Hoffman, who charged that the man had been operating a pawn shop without a license. Charles Kiseman, assistant license inspector, appeared also as a witness and Perelman was fined $25 and costs. Because Camicl Vlamuieh, Bel gian, took a notion to declare war on the world last evening at 7:45 o'clock, he was fined $25 and costs by Judge Reed. Burt Spierman, 5126 South Fortieth street, testified that Vlamineh, armed with a 22-caliber rifle and a box of cartridges, had lodged himself in a bunch of weeds at Forty-secon i and Q streets and began shooting at anything and everything that hove in sight. One of the bullets penetrated a window in the Spierman home and the latter called in officers. . Any ata. Many a man that swelter now In how clothes would be enjoying I hn hot day In one of our Palm Heart! eiilta if they sot null. It they know the difference. There' lota of nice, Reasonable sooda going cheap here how. Let ua enow you. JOHN PLTNN CO. Mafic Oty GoailB. Brown Park Mineral Sprlns allower hatha. 60c, day and night. Trunks to and from depot. 69c Call Rapid Auto Exp. So. 3153. ' Mrs. Anna Bourne, representative of the Associated Charltlaa In th South Side, Is on her vacation. She la to ba sons on week and a north stde member of th charities Is lllllns her place. ' - 1 Principal Edmund Huwalt or' the South High school. Is expected to arrive m the South side to make bis permanent residence here. His contract with the city schools opened August 1. It In announced that be would arrive In the city thla morning. The lawn social given by a Sunday school class of the Grace Methodist church was well attended last evening. The cburoh lawn was crowded to capacity. Rev. Albert N. Porter, pastor of the Unttajl Presbyterian church, will preach the vesper service sermon to congregation of South Side churchea Sunday evening at ,the First rh-tstlan church at Twenty-fifth and H street. Mrs. -A. tl. Carlson, 1708 H street. 1 spending the summer with relative at Hroadwater, Neb. She has been gone a month and will stay ui.'.ll September 1 Strike of New York , Garment Workers Has Been Settled New York, Aug. 3. The garment workers' stri". which has virtually paralyzed the women's suit and cloak industry in this city for nearly four months, was settled tonight at a gen eral meeting of the strike committee. The announcement was made after the result of balloting at twenty-nine halls, at which strikers were assenv bled, had been determined. The vote " was taken on the question of ratifying the amended agreement drawn up two weeks ago between representatives of the strikers and manufacturers, the original terms of which previously had been rejected by the strikers. : Mexican Hnipers Hhoot at (J Hard. Douglas. Arls., Aug. S. Mexican snipers, lying In ths brush snout two miles wsat of,' Agua Prleta and several hundred yarda ' south of the International boundary are re ported to have fired a number of shot at member of the border patrol of the Second Montana Infantry Tuesday night. Bee Want Ads produce results. f? Dr. Frank F. Burhorn The Chiropractor 414-418 Row BIdf., Phone D. 5347. I make ft ipectaltr In adjuitins the huh of acutt and chronic disease!. In vtatigatlon ?oit nothing, and meant na)th and happinctf. Chiropractic dealt directly with the cauee of ill health. I .ERA!. WATERS CIGARS We, sell 125,000 items, in drugs, chemicals, perfumes, toilet articles, paints, varnishes, cigars and mineral water. Ask us for the article that is "new" or "rare." We probably have it. That is where we save you time. Get our price, that is where we save you money. Mineral Waters Our stores have been for more than 25 years headquarters for Mineral Water. We obtain these direct from the Springs or from Importers. 5-gallon Jug Excelsior Springs Crystal Llthla Water $2.00 5-gal. Jug Waukesha Water, $2.00 5-gal. Jug Excelsior Springs Salt Sea Water, for $2.25 5-gal. Jug Colfax Water. ... $2.00 Case of 50 qts. Ballardvale Water tor $8.00 Case of 60 qts. Manltou Water for $8.00 Case of 50 qts. Excelsior Springs Sulpho-Sallne or Regent " Water, for $8.00 Case of 50 qts. Kalak Water. .$12 Case of 50 qts. Hauterlve French Vichy Water, for ..-$10 Free delivery of full cases, do ens or single 'bottles. Standard Cigars by the Box Cigars by the box our specialty. Standard brands In prime condition. Box of 50 Flor de Murat Londres, for.... $2.90 Box of 25 10c Cubanoids. . . .$1.60 Box of 50 La Haroa, every Satur day for $2.50 Box of 60 Manila Media Regalias, for $1.25 Box of 100 Bine Point Tobies (Stogies) for $1.65 Box ot 26 Reynaldo, 15c site for $2.50 Box of 50 El Paxos .-.$5.50 Box of 60 Tom Moore C. 0.. .$3.00 Box of 60 Robert Burns C. Keg., for... $3.00 Bor of 50 Henry Ueorge. . . .11.65 Box of 60 10c Roi-Tan $3.00 Box of 25 I6c Kelp 12.75 Box of 26 Carmens $1.25 Box of 25 Cuba Roma $1.25 Box of 60 Black and White. .$2.50 Box of 50 Yankee Consul .... 1 1 .65 Box of 50 El Teano........$4,00 Box of 25 Lady Curzon $2.00 Box of 50 Koyal Sovereign Brevas, for $375 The Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Omaha's Leading Prescription Stores. ; Corner 16th and Dodge. . Corner 16th ' i Harney. . - Beautiful New Store Corner 19th and Farnam. Corner 24th and Farnam. iNsfof ur 8tore w'' close Saturday evening at 6 o'clock. !llOlC Please do your shopping early in the Day. Burgess-Mash Company: 1 Friday, August 4, 1916. , ' EXTRA SPECIAL: ; Women's White Felt Hats, Usually to $2.98, for $1.00 "bvibykJoyIs stork STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY. Phone Douglas 137. THERE are ten different styles all clean, new goods, just the sort of hat you want for present season wear. The regular price was to $2.98, Saturday at $1.00. Bur-Nah C Meb Floor. .. Here's a Clearaway of BLOUSES That Is of Great Importance TWO big groups of dainty summery blouses, in a great range of styles offered Saturday at decided price re ductions. , Voile and Batiste BLOUSES That Were $5 and $5.95, Now at $3,50 Including hand embroidered, lace and organdie trim med, made with long sleeves. The colors are rose, pink, blue and lavender, also white. . Voile and Batiste BLOUSES That Were $6.50, Now at $4.95 Beautiful new creations with jabot, lace and organdie trimmings, long sleeves, rose, white and yellow. Very Special. . ' tWf .ss-Nash Co. Sacond Floor. The Final Mark "Down on Women's French Kid Pumps SATURDAY will reach the final mark-down on -all. women's fine French kid pumps and colonials in our stock. The offering includes , the new: shades of gray, ivory, champagne, brown and bronze. Women's $6 Pumps $3.45 45 A XaWlA 1W Mouse brown and cham pagne kid pumps, were , $.00, Saturday, pair, .... .. All the $7.00, $8.00 and pumps, Saturday at $4.85. $3 $9.00' Choice of all ffO 1 C I Choice of all 49 CC I Choice of all till1, the $4 pumps, vO.lO the $5 ptjmps, fiO.VO the f 6 pumps, Vt'tO Burs s-Nssh Co. nScond Floor. i Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose Were $3, Saturday $1.50 1 1 11 i i ii For Saturday -A Final Clearaway of Suits and Dresses HERE'S your one great opportunity disregarding all former prices we have placed reductions upon reduction, making values far beyond the most en- musiasuc anticipation. ... . . PALM BEACH SUITS At$5.00 That Were to $19.50 THE accepted hot weather suitf of Palm Beach or Silver Bloom cloth, several styles, all sizes, every one hew this Final Clearaway Price for Saturday is $5.00. summer. EXTRA fine quality, black pure thread, all silk hose of the famous "Onyx" dye, full fashioned, full regular made, were $3, for $1,50 Woman's 7Se to f 1.00 Ho., 59c Black pure thread silk hoBe in "Burson" seamless, were 75c to $1.00, Saturday at 59. Burii-Nh Co. Main Flo.r. Clearaway of Women's Silk Underwear Saturday 3 Groups INCLUDING Venetian and Italian Silk Vests, Bloomers i and Union Suits. Silk Underwear to $2.98, at $1.50 Low neck and sleeveless silk vests, crotcheted or band tops, plain or embroidered, also knee length bloomers. Silk Underwear to $4.50, at $1.95 Low neck and sleeveless vests, band tops, hand em broidered, also silk union suits, in plain and envelope chemise, ' , Silk Underwear to $8.00, at $2.50 Low neck and sleeveless union suits, novelty styles, lace insertions, tango union suits, bloomers, brocaded, etc. BurgsNash Co Main Floor. Special for Saturday From The August Furniture Sale $6.50 Steel Bed, $4.45 White enamel finish,' with continuous two-' inch posts and five filling rods in head and foot board, was $6.50, Saturday sale price, $4.45 This Maga zine rack, '. $1.55 Solid oak, in the popular fumed finish, has 4 shelves and is substantially built. August sale price, $1.55. $12.50 Reed Rocker, $8.45 Woven of best imported reed and finished in a rich nut brown. A large comfortable chair with loose cushion, tap estry Beat, $8.45. Burisss-Nash C ThW Floor. WASH DRESSES At$5.00 That Were to $19.50 ONE big group, including dresses of voiles, linens and other summery materials in a wide variety of attractive styles. Were to $19.50, in the Clearaway Saturday, at $5.00. Burfoas-Nasa. Cs. 5ecsad Flow. v.. Cabinet of Writ ing Paper at 29 c Including 48 sheets of paper i. and 48 envelopes, white linen finished, a big 60c box for 29f .. Bur fees -Nash Ca Mala FWoe. Refrigerators AUTOMATIC refrigerator, nat ural finish, mineral wool in sulated, . white enameled food chamber with three adjustable shelves, Ice capacity 76 .rounds, 132.60 value, $22.50. Ice capacity 180 pounds, 188.00 value, 3i.5o. r Ice capacity 160 pounds, 144.60 value, 835.00. '' "' , .' ' Illinois fop icing type refrig erators, .white enameled food chamber, Ice capacity 86 , lbs.j $16.60 value, $11.50. Ice capacity 116 lbs., $21.60 value, $15.00. Ic Cheats - 4 Were $6.96, now $4.50 -; Were $7.96, now 95.95 aV Were $9.60, now $7.50 ,' ' Hammock Made of heavy-cotton fabric with wide pillow, full sixe were iz.ze, 'now Were $2.75, now Were $3.60, now Were $6.00, now Garden Hos K-inch, 6-ply guaranteed gar den hose, complete with coupling, special at $3.95. Molded garden hose, Goodyear make, K-inch size, best for long service, 15c value, per foot, 12 Sternau Holdfast Bath Spray, 39c Complete with tubing, metal and rubber ends, fits any faucet and an ideal spray. Burs MS.Naeh Co. Dawn Stair. Star.. Bl.iBD pr 82.95 Filial Clearaway of Women's Wash Skirts at 1-2 Price THE size range is incomplete, ,but there are many styles to choose from. Styles for sport, street and general wear, fashioned with fancy pockets, in gabardines, linens, pique, palm beach, Rajahs and Busier stripes, , Y' X. -. $2.95 Skirts, now.. $1.48 $3.95 Skirts, now.. $1.98 $5.00 Skirts, now.. $2.50 Burg a-Nih C.o SttwtJ Floor. $ 5.95 Skirts, now. . $2.98 $ 7.50,Skirts, now.. $3.75 $10.00 Skirts, now.'. $5.00 August Sale of FURS Affording Savings of 15 to 25 Under Present. Market Prices THE practical nature of this sale' is at once apparent to shrewd women. It's really not only economy, but the very best sort of an investment to buy your furs now and share-in the extraordinary savings. Back of Evory Pi.e. of Fur Sold Is the Burg sn-Nua GuarantM (. Quality, Authwntisity of Stylo anl Thoroughly Satisfactory Waar. . Furs Stored Till November 1st We will carefully store the furs you select during this sale until November 1st upon receipt of 26 per cent ot their value. Thus you may secure first choice from our large stock, have the advantage of th low prices without making the full payment until they are actually needed. , v Hudson Sear Coats, $85.00 to 8 400.00 Marmot Fur Coats, $69.50 Water Mink Coats, $75.00 to $115.00 Silver Pointed Fox Sets, $100.00 to $150.00 ' Cross Fox Sets, $100.00 to $175.00 , Red Fox Sets, $35.00 to $80.00 Black Fox Muffs, $15.00 to $45.00 - , ,..' Blue Fox Muffs, $45.00 to $65.00 1 Black Lynx Muffs, 918.50 to $50.00 Black Fox. Neck Pieces, $12.50 to $40.00 ' White Fox Neck Pieces, $35.00 to $40.00 Bed Fox Neck Pieces, $10.00 to $50.00 BurgMS-Nush Co. Scwiel PI r. A Remarkable Clearaway :of Women's and Misses' " Coats, Suits, Dresses and Skirts It's our policy to not carry over merchandise from one season to an other, and in order to effect a decisive clearaway we offer what we believe are the season's most remarkable values in ready-to-wear. "Nine groups: Women's Coate That War to $10.00, Now at 75c Women's Suit That War to $15.00, ' Now at $5.00 Women's Silk Dresses That W.ra to $19.60, Now at $7.95 Women's Serge and Silk Dresses That War. to $15.00, Now at , $5.00 Women's Palm Beach Suits . That War to $15.00, Now at , $5.95 Women's Palm Beach Skirts That Ware to $6.00, Now at - $3.95 Women's Wash Dresses That War to $6.00, Now at $3.95 Misses' Wash Dresses That Were to $3.00, ow at 50c Girls' Wash Dresses That W.r. to $1.00, Now at e 59c .':rA':'' ?'" $ .1 t It iff' 1 1 IN t Up- . jut .-rt!