THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1916, HOTELS eUVOT HOTEL. 1STH AND JACKSON OMAHA. NEB. Hakim special aummer ratee from II. SO to 17.00 per week, with hot and cold running water. H. WE1NBR. Prop. MOVING AND STORAGE Separate locked won for boueebolS. toodi and plaooe: moving, packing and oSfiaA VAN AND STORAGE) CO.. ll a Hth St Douglai 411. Globe Van and Storage Co. For rani mora aarvloo try ya. .".arse t-horaa, padd.d 'ana. Storase. It mutt 8tttTon "VaVairi QtUCKSlR, CHEAPER AND.18JrB''' yaont y " v GUKDUM VAN 00. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE! Faoklng. atorago and mov tn. til N. 11th St. 'bona poagiae a, or - ""metropolitan VAN ANJJ STORAGE CO. Oaratnl attention liven to orders tor aMivlng. packing or etoraaa: office at Ray mond f FuVnlmr? Co.. Hit and lilt How- Phono Douglaa til for complete Uat of vaoant houeea and apart, montai a Lao for atoraga. moving. Itth and Jacneon at. f. J Van and two mm Maggara rr hour. van an Storaga Co. Moving, packing, atoraga and ahlpplng. Phono Pong. 1414. t n UL'L II Bpreee Co. movioi. J. j. REjCjIJ packing and atoraga. 1147 Farnam St Douglaa MM. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished House and Flats. WANTED TO RENT Immediately; good 7 or l-room houa. with garage. In W... Tarnam dlatrlct or Dundee. Mint be a flrat olaaa place. Give full InOrraetlou. Addreaa IT HI. pea. WANTED New bungalow In Dundee or Hanacom Park dlatrlcti muat be atrlotly up-to-date: new or good furnace. Phone Harney 4I4T. WANTED Apartment. 6 or 0 rooma; wlll lng to pay good price If close In and weat oi itBin v. yw.m WANT I or 6-room cottage, good condition, aouth or weat Rent muat be reasonable. Box 4718, Bee. Furnished Houses and Flats. WANTED Well furnlahed cottage or bungalow; modern. Box 4608, Bee. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. DANDT 7-r. home, only half block So. Far nam ear line. Price reduced from 4.6bO to 11,660. Haa t large rooma and recpt. hall flrat floor, and 4 nice large bedroome and bath aeoond floor. Haa beautiful ehadei alao fruit grapo arbor. etc. Haa full baaement aolld brick foundation. Built by owner for homo. Don't overlook tnla. Oeborne. 701 Omaha Nat Bit Bldg. D. lt Near Creighton College 14.600 7-room, atrlctly modern houae; full two etortee and attic; In excellent condition: on the boulevard, near Cali fornia. Wo want an offer; caah or terma. Glover & Spain, Douilaa siet l-20 City National. " WTJST KARNAM CORNER. Modem t-roora bungalow, with corner vacant Room to build two brick flata. g. P BOSTWICK A SON. lili LINCOLN ULVy. U-room bouee. atrlotly modern, with hot water neal. Douglaa ll. North. New Cottage bargain Plvo rooma and bath, modern except heat; full cemented cellar; tw.o rooma fin ished In oak; bullt-ln kitchen cabinet: hot water boiler with gas heater; paving all paid; near 2th and Parker trice only $3 600- 1260 caah, balance 120 each month. Why rent when you can get a home on these tarmat TBBBBNS co. 806 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Phone P. 212. " KUUNTZUi PLACE. Fiv rooms and combination sleeping "porch and sun room. Strictly modern, oak toish and oak floors, bullt-ta fire place, colonnade openlngu, built-in book cue and buftet. On paved street, close to car, half block west of park. Entire attic is plastered. PATNB INVESTMENT COMPANY, 6th floor Omaha Nat. Bank Bldtj. P. 17E1. CLOSE IN RENTAL PROPERTY- Near 18th and Clark, two hounos, steady renters, 1276 m year rental, may be In creased; only $2,650. GEORGE Q. WALLACE. 614 feline Bldg. NEW bungalow, 6 -room, all mod., bo-fU lot, south front, bargain, on.:- 92,760, near bin ana i.otrio. u""'l' . 7-ROOM house In good neighborhood, 242 Charles St., modern eicept heat. Call walnut aidi ior pwuc""" KOUNTZH PLACE resuioled district resi dence for sale. F. V. Knieat. 3615 N. 18th BUT my brand new oak finish all modern bungalow .for 12,260 on your own terms. Good location, Douglas jl,260 buys brick cottage on fine lot, 1423 Sherwood Ave.; fHUO for W. Leavenworth St. lot. Douglas 2H7. TWO 6-room bungalows, at a bargain, mod ern. Webster Wii. , South. FIELD CLUB HOME FOR SALE. V strictly modern horns with 8 rooms, bath and sleeping porch, oak finish and every convenience. East front lot, 52x138 f..t oim-half block north of Wool worth avenue and In the choicest part of the Field club district, rrics i,auu. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 41-1 Keellne "Idg. Phone Doug. 690. "BUNGALOW BARGAIN tu.Boft Fori a five-room bungalow, near Hanscom Park, one year old, oak finish in living room and dining room. Lot 6 Ox 133. This is a real bargain for some one that hasn't much money and wants a real nice piace, uwntr wui, van uuu. D. V. SHOLES CO., p. 4,, City National i-HuOM bungalow, brand new. alt modern, OB. UWW1. anamal badrooma; good location, restricted addition. A Bargain at ....... uuv terma. BriNSON & CARMICHAEL, 142 Paiton Blk. Doug 1722. SAKK'l'Y 1'lKSl. COR KKL1ABUC AND SAKE KIKB AMD TUKNADU 1M8UHANUB 0NB1L'B K. hi. & INS. AOENOT, 634 Urandeis Ttleatel Uldg. Tyler 1024. 2U0s Bo. 16 tt-r. moo. 2406 So. 11 lot 35jtlU0. 1016 8. 29 St. luu-ft. lot. REAL ESTATE UnimproTed North. CUMINO near lith'st., SI or 44 feet; muat be aold to eloae aetata. C. A. Orlmmel, 4 Om Nat Bit Bldg. r)H bargalna In loU In all carta of the city aae f. J. Tebblna, o, umaha Hat 8k. Phone D. till. Miscellaneous. LOT Mandoraon, near loth. 1600; bargain! aaay terma. o. r. gtabblna, nil Chloago. Wanted Some Want Ada in ex change for lots of answers. Phone The Bee. Miscellaneous. REAL ESTATE Suburbs Benson. ACRE BENSON. HALF IN FRUIT. 1800110 CASH, S10 MONTH. Cherries, applii, pears, peaches, rasp berries, bUckberrles, grapes, about 100 our rants. Will be cared for this year and next free. Office open evenings, T till p. m. Phone Tyler 80. HASTINGS ft HETDEN, 114 Harney St START YOUR HOME IN BENSON! BUT THIS LOT1 110.00 down end 110.00 per month: price 1X60.60: sue, 80x128; located on Locust St., between Clark and Bumhara. sot far from school and car line. Geo. ft. Wright, Bee office. Omaha, LYNNWOOD Go out to Lynnwood today and oa. the beautiful lota we are selling from 146, to 1600. A. P. TUKEY & SON, Phona Doug. 692. 1607-1 W. O. W. Bldg. Dundee. NEW DUNDEE HOUSE FOR SALE DO YOU WANT A HOME IN DUNDEE? 4917 California St. la Just recently com pleted and all ready to occupy. Be the first to live In this beautiful 7-room strictly modern home. Oak floors above and all oak finish be low. Screens, fireplace, sidewalks, shade trees. One of the finest locations In Dundee.' Only H block to car line. Owner has cut price from 88,600 to 88,300 for quick sale. House open so you can Inspect it Close the door when you come out. Or call me up at either addresses below and I will meet you or take you out to see the prop erty. ARTHUR C. CROSSMAN, 804 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas 6107, or 4938 Webster St Walnut .. Cut this put for reference. Do It Nowl DUNDEE 7 rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modern, and In good condition. Price 84,600; terms. Located 708 N. 48th St NORMS & NORRIS, 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4J7. DUNDEE. Six rooms and sleeping porch; strictly modern home, near 60th and Webster, in Dundee; oak finish on first floor and hard pine on second; large lot, south front, paved street, one block to car line. Owner leaving city has reduced the price from $4,800 to 14,000. If looking for a Dundee home see this at ones. PATNH INVESTMENT COMPANY. 6th Floor Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. D. 1781 DUNDEE, choice location; will build a well- built home to your order, watch my housts under construction. Phone Benson 122. Trullinger. - Miscellaneous. NINE-ACRE BARGAIN. Close In and well Improved, consisting of a good 6-room house, barn and other outbuildings; acres in grapes, 1 acre In berries, 8 acres In alfalfa; located In the north part of Omaha, about one mite from , city car line. An unusual bargain at 86,500. Easy terms. BHULER & CART, D. 5074. 204 Keellne Bldg. LOT near municipal bacb at Carter lake. Fine place for summer cottage. Phone Doug. 25t)il. REAL ESTATE Exchanges THE wonderful Increase In BEE Want Ads oan be traced to only one souroe. Good results at less oost than any other Omaha paper. 25,748 MORE PAID WaNT ADS the first six months of 1816 than In the same period In 1818. WANTED To exchange desirable residence properties In Grand Island, and Nebraska lands all clear, well secured first mort gages and cash, for a good brick busi ness property In a gruwlng and well es tablished city in Nebraska. U. 8. Land and Loan Company, Box 604 Grand Island, Neb 30-ROOlai apt house to exchange for land; rental $040; clear; will assume mortgage. J. L. Barber. Keetine Bldg. Ty. 1710. FARMS, ranches city property, acreage and Investments for sale and exchange. Morgan. 1814 pumlng St. Doug. Mb. EQUITY in goon J-r. house for cottage; worth lH.aflU- JQKax idh ari-er m a. at- HuTEL and furniture at Dallas, 8. D.; exchange O 1707. Toiana -iTumouii. CAN. sell or oxthange anything you have to oiler. C. J. (Janan, McCagus Bldg. REAL ESTATE Investments MORTGAGES are the best security. Share holders in Home Builders are protected ' by mortgages on Omaha property, new houses. Shareholders are guaranteed 7 per cent dividends Jan. 1st and July 1st Ask about ttiij plan. HuMfai BUILDERS, INC. 17th and -Douglai St. Phone Doug. 6018. Real estate, vlty property, large ranches a sptcia l',y. REAL ESTATE Other Cities PUBLIC SALE The old sttDuol house build ing. Including sll out buildings, will be sold at either public or private sale, on Aug. 12th, 1916, at i.'du p. in. For full particulars write to B. H. Kunge, Secre tary, Charter Oak, Iowa. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr"ty FINANCIAL Real Eitate toans nd Mortgages. KSAL EGTATE" loana. ,1a par oenL u. ai. buck 4fe vu., 111 Omaha Nat. Ban. NO DELAY, W. T. GRAHAM. bus umu. CITT and farm loana. I. ila. I per rant. J. H Dumont Co., 411 Keellne Bldg. MONKr on hand tor eltjr and farm loana H W. Binder. City national nana mag. LOANS I Per cent LOAtJi THOS. L. HeOARRY. Keellne Bldg. Red 4344, fl A PVTM DDAC S4S Omaha VJXiiV f Ail OJJWO.N.f, B,k Bldg. C nnt. MONET HARRISON SSSfW. " h"-"- 111 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg 100 to 110.000 made promptly. F. D Waad. mni. ism aon rarnam via Stocks and Bonds. HAVE two modern cottagea, nearly new. In Council Blufli; will aiohnnge for atoek In Omaha A Council Bluffa Ry. Co., or oth.r good corporation. Addraaa "F," Bee. Council Bluffa, la. Abstracts ot Title llbrantaa Abetract Co. W. can bring JUtUttllLCe aown ,our h.tniot on ahort notice. R. t, Palteraon Bldg I). J4T U ay Title, Ouarantae and Abetract Co., IYCU tot go. irth 8t ground floor. Bonded by Maaa. Bonding ft In.. Co. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldeat abetract of- flea In Nebraaka. XOg Brandela Theater, FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. 130 IMPROVED and unimproved farms to seleot from in the shallow water district of N. B. Colorado, wheat averaging 80 to 46 bu.j eorn, 26 to 46; oat 80 to 76 bu. per acre, splendid alfalfa country. Good level roads, good churches and schools, three large elevators In town and number of SO to 100-aars corn fields In the Swed ish and German settlements with Improve ment as good as Iowa or eastern Nebraaka farms, f IS to 146 an acre; smalt cash pay ment, balance S years or crop payment plan. We "break 40 acres and put In crop free for eaoh man that buys before Sept 1, 19H. Write for booklet and excursion rates. Platte Valley Land Co., Fourth Floor Keellne Building. Omaha. Neb. SEND FOR LIST descrlptlv of the level black soli farms, good crops, plenty rain. Lyman Waterman, Holyoke, Colo. Coioiado land excursions, ex pens s paid. C. L. Nethaway. Florence. Neb. Florence 111. Jowa Lands. 140 ACRES well Improved farm, west Iowa, at 1100 per acre; all tillable; rolling land; 16,000 will handle deal. THOS. CAMPBELL, KEBLINB BLDG. Missouri Lands. 430-ACRB MISSOURI FARM. FOR BALE To settle an estate: One of the best stock farms In Johnson county, Missouri, t miles northwest of Warrens burg; seat of state Normal; 100 acres In permanent blue-grass pasture, 160 acres corn, wheat and hay land, balance timber; well-watered, 4 barns for stock and hay, 1,000-bushel comer! b, 8-room house, build ings In good repair, farm well fenced with woven and barbed wire and hedge. 176 per acre; no trades. RIEGER-MOORE REALTY CO.. fl Rial to Bid. Kansas City, Mo. CHEAP FARMS Any slse. easy terms, In the beautiful Osarks of Dent county. Mo. W. S Frank. 201 Neville Block. Omaha. FOR SALE OR .TRADE My equity In splendid 80-acre farm In northwest Mo. for drug stock. Address T 681. Bee. .Nebraska Lands. FOR SALE 100 a., close to two good towns. 38 miles of Omaha; 80 head of cattle; some choice milch cows; four head of horses; 60 head of hogs; farm machinery; all crops; must leave this climate at once. Can take good automobile; must be like new; oan give good terma. Price 9160 per acre. Land alons worth the money. Don't write, but come. B, B, Connerley, Water loo, Neb. FOR SALE CORN AND ALFALFA LANDS, LTMAN COUHTr, OUUTH DA KOTA. 110 TO 171 AN ACRE. COR NELIUS McQRffiEVT, PRE8HO, SOUTH DAKOTA. WISCONSIN'S finest grazing and dairying lanae, avw - 7,000; day soli, well located near rail roads; at prices ranging from 87.50 to 980 an acre; state your requirements, we can make any terms to suit your needs. unify nn uwii w m""i " i'uk 6aLi!' iiitiViaal faces three streets; near new Kurd building; apiendld manu facturing sitv. AddrwM. B-ll, Bee. REAL ESTATE WANTED BRAND NEW Bungalow 6-r. and bath, oak finish, has a number of special fea tures; best of plumbing, furnace, dandy aouth front lot, 2 blocks to cur, only 15 minutes ride down town. Price I2.U60, 300 cash. Rasp Bros., Douglas . Turner Park District 7 rooms, all modern, in good condition, nicely decorated, large yard and shade trees. , Rental 636, Fur particulars, call THE BYRON REED CO., Doug. 87. ' 212 8. 17th St. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. After looking at M1NNB LUSA 800 dif ferent buyers decided that It was the best Cposl tlon on the market and they ked their judgment by BUYING lots. If YOU will ooms out today you will understand why others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO-, Tyler 18J. Tit Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. tOR SALE. I dandr vacant lota, block to ear bh: out to il.000 caab for quick aala, CALKINS A CO.. Peogua 111. Clur Mat. Bask Bids. Have Buyer for high grade, down town, welt located investment property. We make a specialty of this class of real eitate. For prompt and effective aervlce, do your real estate business with Hiatt Company, 246-7-9 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. WANTED 6 or 6-room cottugs In north ern vart. W. L. BttLBY ft SON. Doug. U10 Horsea Live Stock -Vehicles For Sale. Wagon umbrellas. 81.00. Wagner, 801 N. tfth. FINANCIAL Real Estate Loans and Mortgage.. MONEY TU LOAN ON Apartment houses, double brick houses. single houses, business property and farni lands at 6 per cent, 6 per oent pr ct. W. H. THOMAS, 828 Keellne Bldg. Douglas 1848. H.600 mortgage, bearing 7 per cent semi annually; secured by property valued at 84,000. Talmage-Loomls lov. Co., W.O.W. Bldg 6 PER CENT to I per cent on boat class oity reeldenoes In amounts 88,009 op; aio farm loans. Reasonabi commissions. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1888 Farnam St PRIVATE MONET. 8HOPEN ft COMPANY. Kfc KLINE BUILDINO. OMAHA homes. East Nebraaka farms. O'KUEPB REAL ESTATE CO., 1010 Omaha Nat l. Phone Douglas 8716. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches, we also buy good tana mort gage. Kloke lov, Co., Omaha, LAND NEAR OMAHA FOR BALE. 66 "A A. very choice land, just N. W. of Benson; belongs to bank; must sell. A bargain for soms one. See me for ptiae and terms. J. A. ABBOTT. Room 4, Patterson Blk., City. HIGHLY improved 160 -acre farm In NE Nebraska lor saie. uwner win consiuer good bouse In Omaha part payment. Easy terms. Sickness and old age reasons for selling. Alton Savings Bank, Alton. Iowa. FOR SALE Section about 40 acres broke; well, good grsss land,; n mnes irom county seat Price 98.60 ;er acre. H. C. Rainier, Tayior, weo. NEBRASKA land from 98.00 to 116 per acre; best bargains in state, w. t. amun, Co., 814 City Nat'l Bk, Bldg. North Dakota Lands. ALFALFA LAND Buy It under our "Half Earnings" or 'Pay as you make it plan. Diversified farming, atook, corn and hog raising pay for the land In a few years' time. Hackney Land Credit Co., Hack ney EWgStPauLMlntt; South Dakota Lands. Wisconsin Lands. QET literature and mapa on the chfaapeat good iana in unuea Btaiaa. BAKER ft TILLOTSON. lth and Douglas Sta., Omaha. Doug 1168. Miscellaneous. ACREAGE hi to 6-A. tracts on car line. Easy terms, u. K. uomns. ii oranaois Thea. Bldg. Doug. 8016. POULTRY AND PET STOCK PIGEONS pay far better than chickens; always pennea up; nine apaoe nwatta w start; free book explains alt Majeetlo Bquao jo uept. si. Aoei, mm. FRESH aquatic plants for youi fish globe, SOo Will Keep iisn neauny. juaa OEI8LER BIRD CO. FOR SALE One male Irrench Toy Poodle, full blood; house Drone, uoug. oii. AUTOMOBILES FOF SALE OVERLANDS, FORDS. DETROITER 1111 MODELS. GOOD SERVICEABLE CARS FOB ill, AMD UP. WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC, Mil traruam St. Doug. silt. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Almost any make roadster, speedster and touring cars. BU Fords, a snap. Will sell these cars at almost any prlos, as we roust have the space. O W. FRANCIS AUTO CO.. 2216 Farnam. Doug. 6R8. AUTOMOBILES FOF SALE USED OAR BARGAINS AT UUItPHT-O'BRIBN AUTO CO., UH-ll-ll Partiam It FOR 8A LB Cheap If takn at enca, a Mats Touring oar, 1118 inodaL Baan 4rlvaa 1.40, mllaa. Tel. Bellavu. 41, BAROAIN Light ava-pauangar can alac- trio llghta. Call Haraay IIST Auto Repairing grid Painting. tl.O reward tor magnaio wa can't repair. Colla repaired. Bayadorfer. H N. llth. N&B. Auto Radiator Repair flarvlea and prloaa right. Ill 8. llth St. D 7t. 1114 FORD touring car. fine condition. "Price MIS. Call Tyler 888. . Auto Tires and Supplies. 60N'T throw away old tires. We make one new tiro from 8 old ones and save you 88 per cent. 8 In 1 Vulcanising Co., 1818 Dav enport St.. Omaha, Neb. Douglas 8814. AUTO TIRES REBUILT, 88.50 TO 11.00. DUO TIRE CO.. Mil CHICAGO ST. Motorcycles and Bicycles, HAhl.air.DAVlDtJON UOTORC YlXfeid. Bar gain In used msoblnes. Victor Rooe, "Tot Mitoryrci. Man." 1701 Iaavenworth. FOR SALE One 1H Harley l&avldson. twin, two-speed; excellent shape. Address LrocK tsox fir, Ruenviue. Men, 1818 RACTCLE Two-speed coaster brake; been run about slity miles. Bos 4817. Bee. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Oaorg. C. Pelronnett and wlfa to Duran w. Hopklna, aouthweat cor ner Twenty. ft rat and Spruoc afreets. IMII Emma V. McNeill and hoaband to Harvey 3. Orove, Lafayette are nue, 300 feet eaat of Forty-third avenue, north aide, 10x111 1 Charlea W. Bailey and wife to Jennie L. Rewey, Lynn avenue, 100 feet north of Allleon avenue, aaat side, iOa.121 Tit Bella Q. Bvana and huaband to Leroy L. Wade. Thlrty-flrat atraet, 100 feet aouth Poppleton avanue. waat aide. 60xH0 1 Charlea R. Btout and wife to H. F. Johna. Ohio atraet. 10 feet waat of Eighteenth atreet, north aide, 1444a 100 1 Loula O. Kendla and wife to Harold Clifford. Thlrty.fourfh atraet 101 feet north of Davenport atraet, weat aide, (OilSS ITS Loutee Janaen and huaband to alary Center, Fourteenth atraet, 10 feet north of Fowler avenue, waat aide, 110x111 1 William 3. MeCaulay and wlfa t Johanna Jeppeeen, Blllaon avenue, 117 feet weat of Twenty-fifth ava nue, aouth aide, 50x111 ,j 1.T00 Ben Handler and wife to Johanna Borghoff, northeaat eorner Twenty aeventh and Caldwell atreeta. 10x117. 1 Albert Liggett and wlfa to Ethan C Woleott. Evan, atraet, S5T feet eaat of Twenty-fifth .treat, aouth Side, 40.11H10 SO Barney Falh and wife to John O, Vlaaard, aouthweat corner Ninth and Bancroft atreeta, 11x66 lit ELEVENTH INSTALLMENT. yajopel. Unlted Btataa naval board to tnveatlgat. and .,. ni. iinainga on tne invention ox ur, Ralph Burke, which aervea to bring the aub marlna to a atata of perfection. The lleu li nan t arrlvaa la Valdavla and I, welcomed .1 tha tnvantor and hi. daughter, Cleo. On the trial trip of the Inventor'a boat, a Japaneae halner I. .umiua in , .t m examining the meohantem ot the ventilating , . opo reporta raveraniy on tne new drvlee but there are oth.r. laiereated In tt. An attempt to burglarlie Dr. Burlte'a laboratory falla, but later Cleo find, hlra murdered In hla bedroom. Cleo eella hr fathOra bOOka to .t mAn.v, lat.P .h. flnrf. a note from which aha learna that they con- . mm rormuia. wttD Mope ane race, to the auctloneer'e atore only to find It In flamea. Olga Ivanoff and Oerald Mor ton, two aplea In aearch of the formula, at tempt to capture Cleo when ehe call, at the houae of 8t.phan.kl. the anarohlet. Hope rf'haa to her aid: Morton ahoota at him but the bullet hit, a bomb In the cellar, which explode. Stepnenak! and Cleo at tend a ball at Mrs Dolmar'a whoae nephJW hea two of the mlaalng booke. Mahlln. a apy. attempta to ataal the bonka. but la ola covered by Hopes In the excitement that followa the books dlaappear. Mahlln -capea. Hope and Cleo lake a boat for an land rut In the bay. Thi oonaplratora fol low lit other koala. Mahlln and the Jap turn out the leland light. Morton', boat with the count... etrlkee a atray mine In the bay. After a violent etorm Hope and Cleo arrive on a arrange l.lend and dl.oovar that th man they hunt la there. But Mahlln and ! '0 r'cn the laland and put - .ieu. .or inm nooaa. rney earape rrom CO but return .nrf rivn..i. -t.-i- The ooneplratora fall to harm Hope and Cleo. They manage to reach Bandaboro, where Dr. Owon haa one ot the book. Each of the Jthere approach the doctor, but he refuaea . fear them. He arrange, to meet Hop. at the hotel with the book. Morton poeae aa Hope and but tor an earthquake would have poaaeaaed the volume. Cleo ta capturod . Mm u.K.n m ma rriena e aero lane tO . n-hln 1. .k- ..I She finda there the book for which thav aearch. Fortunately ,he lata a note to Hope, who, with Hook, atarta to the reacue. t'J". Sr;""' th" "haam In the awlnglng baaket Mahlln atealo up and ohopa at tha cable with an axe. Hook appear. In time to aava Hope. He reachea the other aide and la greeted by Cleo; aha aweare her love to him. They return to the valley but are followed by Mahlln and the Jap who at tempt to capture Cleo. She awlnga heraelf over the canyon. Olga and Morton are daahed to earth In the aeroplane (Oorjtlnned From Yesterday.) Muat aell all our a.cond-nand eutumo blloa wliaiu 10 deye. Wa have acv.ral make, and are giving belter valura than a.iyorie elae. Johnson-Danforth Co. 1(21-11-13 N. lth at. $100 REWARD For arrvst and conviction of thief who SUalL your car while insured by KILLY. ULIAH ft ruOilFSON, 118-14 City Nat. bk. Uidg Doug 2H18. NO OTHUH umuns i.wtiaper is making anywhere neat the increase In Its Want Ad colu rum TUK U&bi. i.6,748 UOKB PAID WANT-ADS the first sis montbs oi J818 than In the same period of lwil. The Reason; Best Price -Best Results, AUTO CLEARING HOUSB. 3108 Farnam. D, 1810. Saxon roadsur, 1116 ,8878 1814 Cadltlao touring , 860 1814 Oakland touting 400 1814 Bulck roadster... , 400 FOR BALE Packard "Twin Six," latest model; In Al condition, new tires; will make great sacrifice. 3, W, Smith Motor Co., Boa 848, Cedar Rapids la. W8 will trads you a new Ford for your old ens. INDUSTRIAL QARArOB CO., 16th and Harney. Dong; 888L Army Officers Have Laugh at Judge Who Sentences to Army Whenever District Judge Sesri gives a young offender a suspended jail sentence on condition that he "join the army or navy," a loud laugh goes up from the recruiting stations of these two branches of Uncle Sam's fighting service. Looked at carelessly, this geems a good solution of the problem. It is better, isn't it, to have a young man in the army or navy than in jail. He'll be earning his own living, defending his country and "making a man" of himself. But. to sentence a man to "join the army or navy" is about as sensible as to sentence him to accept a position in a bank." He has just about as much chance of getting into the bank as into the army or navy. In the first place, only about one applicant in three is able to pass the pnysical examination. ina, m mc second place, conviction or even ar rest on a charge of any seriousness at all is an effectual bar to enlistment. "The armv and navy are not main tained to reform bad eggs," said on man. "A trood moral character is as much a riquisite as a good physique. Judges would do well to inform them selves on the subject. 1.0. Special to Be ' In Omaha August 12 A special train of traffic officials and representatives of the road la now traveling over the Illinois Central lines. Every point on the llnea will be visited during the excursion. Omaha will be the last city to be visited by this special. The train comes to Omaha from Fort Dodge, August 12! It arrives at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. The traffic men will remain here until 6:30 that night be fore returning to Chicago, the head nuartera of the road. The local terminal will be inspected and a trip will be made to the South Side station. Every important city In which an Illinois Central office is located is represented on the special train. H. G. Powell, division freight agent, is tne umana man mining mi trip. Twenty Per Cent More to Build Missouri Pacific Now It would cost 20 per cent more to reproduce the Missouri Pacific rail road lines in Nebraska today than it would have fost in 1909, according to statements of Chief Engineer Ferritin of that road at the hearing of the road's passenger rate case befor Referee Frank H. Gaines in the fed eral buildinff. "Aside from the increased cost of materials," he said, "the cost of labor has gone up and the efficiency of labor has gone down. Harte to Build Pump Station at Walnut Hill John H. Harte is the low bidder for the job of constructing the big Wal nut Hill numDinu station for the Metropolitan Water District of Oma ha. The contract mav be awarded most any time. The award has been delayed for some time because so many of the members of the water board were out of the city that it was impossible to get a quorum. Qr.ha Girl is Awarded Scholarship at Chicago Elizabeth J. Hart. 2959 Farnam street, has been awarded a year's scholarship in the University of Chi cago for excellence in her freshman work. She is a graduate of the Cen tral High school, and a year ago was honored with the entrance scholar ship to the Chicago school. Two Plea- Quilty to . Robbery and Are Held Warner Kinsman and Tom Belson a-h rharared with the robbery of O. K, Ganther, Kansas farmer, were ar raigned in police court, pleaded guilty, and were Douna over to inc aisinci court, with bonds fixed at $1,000 each. The Secret t Submarine By E. Alexander Powell A"aer W Tie Ka. al tka Trail," "Flgkttof at Flandare," -Th. Ilawl . QlatT .". "a rraaae." etc Cevrrlgnt. iai, ky E. Aleaawfar I mralL The repeated failures of Mahlin and Satsuma to gain possession of the secret of the submarine finally drove their employers to exasperation, and harsh measures were decided upon. The spies were summoned before the black council, the executive body of the secret service of their1 govern ment The meeting was held in the council chamber amid black trappings and ghastly reminders of the fate that awaited treachery or failure. A grave assembly of masked figures lis tened coldly while their chief, the only one whose identity was not hid den behind a black mask, questioned Mahlin and Satsuma regarding their activities in pursuit of the much-de sired secret. Their explanations failed to satisfy. The decision of the council was announced cold-blooded ly and emphatically by the chief. hey msut secure the secret within the next four weeks or death would be the penalty 1 Upon their return to San Francisco Hope found awaiting him at his hotel an official envelope bearing the fa miliar heading of the Navy depart ment, ine letter It contained, which was marked "Strictly Confidential," was signed by an official high in the bureau ot naval intelligence, 'As you are perhaps aware." the letter concluded, "there exists at the moment between the United States and a certain power whose name it is unnecessary to mention a situation of the utmost gravity. This power u convinced that we have permitted our navy to deteriorate to such an ex tent that hostilities could be inaugur ated against us with a reasonable chance of success. It is no exaggera tion, therefore, to assert that the dis covery of Dr. Burke's formula may save this nation from invasion. Under these circumstances there is no need for me to urge you to prosecute the search with the utmost energy. The safety of the United States may well depend upon your success." We mustn t lose a minute in con tinuing the search," said Cleo decis ively, when Hope showed her the let ter' "But I thought we were to be mar ried this week, dearest," he de murred. "The wedding can wait for a few days," she answered. "There is too much at stake tor us to think ot any thing but the discovery of the secret." "But it will only tslte a few hours for us to obtain a license and find a clergyman," urged Hope. "Surely we can wait that long." "You don't think I'm going to be married without a wedding gown and a trosseau, do you?" she demanded. "Because, if you do you are sadly mistaken. I only expect to be mar ried once and I've set my heart on having the things that other girls have. Our happiness can wait for a few days, dearest," she added persua sively, "Our country comes first. "You're perfectly . right, dear," agreed Hope, secretly applauding her patriotic stand. "We will take up the search again at once. There are only five books stilt to find and the miss ing philosophy must be one of them." Whose name is on the list?" she asked. "Joaquin Romero." he answered. "Not the poet and naturalist?" she cagcriy inquired. "The same." "The man who writes those won derful poems about the forest and the flowers and the birds? "That's the man." "He has a cabin, I understand, in the High Sierras. He lives there so that he can study nature at first hand. "We will pay a visit to Mr. Ro mero," she announced. "I love his poems and have always wanted to meet him. To reach Romero's Sierran home took them a day by train and another day on horseback, but when at last they reached it they understood why the famous poet-naturalist had chosen such a remote location, for the long, low building of logs which he modestly referred to as his "cabin" was shaded by a magnificent group of giant redwoods, and its tlower smothered veranda commanded I panorama of forest, mountain and stream unequaled in alt the world. Nor did they need to be assured of the identity of the tall, eagle-faced old man with the keen blue eyes and the mane of snowy hair who greeted them on the veranda, for hit features had long been familiar to them through newspapers and magazines. "Mr. Romero," said Hope, "I am Lieutenant Hope of the navy, and this is Miss Cleo Burke." "No relation, I suppose, of Dr. Ralph Buke, the inventor, who died re cently?" inquired the naturalist "He was my father, sir," said Cleo Droudly. "Bless my soul," exclaimed Romero. "I knew your father well. Miss Burke, and admired him deejply. If I can be of service to his daughter I shall consider it a privilege. "I have reason to believe, Mr. Ro mero," said Cleo, "that you can be of very great service, indeed, and ane proceeded to tell him the story of her father's mysterious death, of the lost formula and of bow much depended on its recovery, of the clue given in the letter which she discovered In her father' desk, of the discouragements and perils which they had encountered in their search tor tne dooks, ana finally of the message contained in the book which she had found in the cabin on the ledge. (Ta B. Cantlaaed Tomorrow.) Two Men Arrested While in Act of , Eobbing Stranger Two men were arrested last night as they were in the act of robbing O. H. Gunther of Arkansas, Kan., and they admitted that they were guilty of various holdups which have een staged in this city recently, many of them in proximity to the po lice station. They gave their names as William Kinsler and Thomas Daw- m. Gilbert Smith of Little Sioux was robbed a short time before by two men who answered the description of Kinsler and Dawson. J. R. Peck, 1707 Cass street, was held up by a colored man and wo man, both of which were armed, and relieved of $9. Priest Sues Man Whom He Alleges TalkedAboutHim Rerenae a Roumanian, Victor Mace- lar, made certain slanderous remarks about a priest of the Roumanian or thodox church in Omaha, the priest, Gerasim L, Hagiu, has brought suit for damages m the sum ot 3,uuu. The priest charges tnat juaceiar, talking to third parties in the native . Am mnanv .inrriijt remarks tongue, iiwus ",V . . . . . about him, particularly attacking his record as a priest ot v.uui.u m Paul, Minn. Dies in Basement Of City Workhouse r.n... P.rr.11 a aalnon sorter, dird yesterday in the basement of the city workhouse, wniie suiiering irom delirium tremens. He was arrested July 31 and has been suffering ever since. His cries were so loud that he kept the rest of the prisoners awake, so he was placed in the base ment, where he died. Lester Murphv Sued for Divorce, Charge is Cruelty Lester Murphy, who a few weeks ago was indicted at Faplllion on a charge of stealing chickens, has now been sued for divorce by his wife. She asks the restoration of her maiden name, Crouch. The couple were mar ried August 15, 1912. Murphy was formerly an employe of the county treasurer's office. The Bee's Fund for Free Milk and Ice Hot weather is back again, and hot ter than ever. Little children and babies suffer for the want of fresh, pure, cool milk. Circumstances of many arc such that they cannot have milk and ice to keep it pure and wholesome un less some of the prosperous people of Omaha and vicinity give of their abundance to help the unfortunate. This they are doing. Will you do a bit Even a dime win help. Pnvionalr acknowledged (4SSJ0 A Krlend 1.0S Beaea Campbell 1.00 Total S4S4.S0 Object to Paying Oost of Curbing A group of some fifty resident! on north Florence boulevard, swooped down on the city council to object to the payment of $12,000 for curbing and guttering placed along the Flor ence boulevard from Grand avenue north to the city limits. In years gone by the cost of curb' ing and guttering along boulevards was carried ty tne city. Hut last win ter the legislature passed an act mak ing it lawful to assess the expense on abutting property. The North Side citizens do not be lieve it can be done, however, and they have chartered legal talent to aid them in protesting. The council laid the matter over for two weeks. Burt County is to Build Court House at Tekamah A handsome new court house is to be built soon at Tekamah, Neb. The old one is very meager and inade quate and Burt county and Tekamah have long felt the need of a better county building. Plans for the struc ture are on tile with the Umaha build ers' exchange, and several Omaha con cerns expect to bid for the contract Rose & Peterson are the architects. F. O. Lundstrom, county clerk of Burt county, ig to receive Dias, wnicn are to be in by August 15 at noon. Ex-Senator Thurston to Leave Hospital Saturday John M. Thurston will be able to leave St Joseph hospital by Saturday, unless an unexpected turn or the worse occurs. The ex-senator has been improving rapidly within the last tew days, and appears to be on tne road to complete recovery. M'GILTON TELLS OF THE LAW LEAGUE Returns With Honor of Being Eleoted President Has 4,600 Members. OTHER OMAHA MEN THERE Bringing with him the honor of be ing elected Its president, E. G. Mc Gilton is back from the meeting uf the Commercial Law League ot America at Atlantic City. Amorsg others there from Nebraska were H. H. Baldrige, Raymond Young and Henry Thompson of Omaha and C. M. Skiles of David City. Speaking about th growth of the league and its work Mr, McCilton says: " The league was organized at De troit in 1895 and has since met an- nually, once In Omaha. It now has 4,500 members, to which each state and each of the provinces of Canada contributes its proportion. I attcnde.t ' the first meeting as a charter member, and have attended nearly every meet ing since. Uniform Legislation. The objects of its organization were to promote uniformity of legis lation affecting commercial law; to elevate the standard and tniurote the practice of commercial law; to en courage honorable dealing among lawyers, and to foster a feeling of fraternity and mutual confidence. At the time and tor a long tune preced ing, the method by which controver sies arising out of commerce were handled were very unsatisfactory. During the last fifty years our com merce has grown to mammoth pro portions, running well in the billions, at least 90 per cent being transacted' upon credit. In the normal conduct of this business the agencies that, have to do with it are imbued with the spirit of honesty and fair dealing, but as alt healthy, normal life is likewise attended with disease and decay, so men in the business world are not all sound morally nor guided- by the highest ideals of business ethics. Hence the wide field for an organiza tion such a the Commercial I w league. Results satisfactory. The results sained bv the organiza tion have been most satisfactory. The league compels members to adhere to its schedule of fees for business ad justed without litigation, and when litigation ensues to conduct it upon reasonable terms. It is now possible for a merchant of the Atlantic sea board to entrust to a member of the league residing in California his legal business, with assurance that it will receive efficient attention. The league haa no use for the in competent or dishonest lawyer and is doing a great work, together with the American Bar association, in purging tne protession ot tne duck sneep ot its fold. To that end the league lends its aid to state and local bar associa tions in their endeavors to raise the standard of the profession. The league likewise takes a great interest in legis lation, both state and national, affect ing the commerce of the country. It has special committee upon bank ruptcy legislation, upon legislation in general and upon grievances growing out of complaints lor overcharges or dishonesty. Most of our important litigation comes from our enormous commerce, and lawyer generally are beginning to realize that the great productive field of litigation is now and will be In the commercial system of the country." Lillian Strong Has Eesigned as Head OfLocalY.W.O.A. Miss Lilly M. Strong ha resigned as general secretary of the local aa. sociation, effective September 15. Miss Strong will go to Ypsilantl, Mich., her home, for a rest before resuming her work in another center. - Miss Etta L, Pickering, a graduate of the National Training school and now connected with the ban Antonio as sociation. will succeed Miss Strnnar. A special car over the Milwaukee road Thursday, August 10, will carry Omaha, Council Bluffa and Lincoln .delegates to the Young Womeni Christian association conference at Lake Geneva. Miss Helen Laurance, educational secretary, is in charge of the Omaha group, which includes from the high scnooi set Misses Jessie fucker, Mar vel Bliss, Eleanor Carpenter and Mil dred Rhoades; from the Business Wo- men's clul) Miss Mable Kendle and Miss Helen Avery; Miss Louise Cur tis, another association secretary; Miss Esther Johnson of the juvenile court; Misses Katherine Davis, Judith L-inuoorg ana nmuy zvorer. . Kansas City Man is Overcome by Heat Jame O'Neill of Kansas City was overcome at Fifteenth and Farnam street by the heat He was attended by Dr. Charles F. Shook, who as serts . that his condition is serious. O'Neill fell to the pavement without warning and sustained a severe cut on the forehead where he struck the curb. Omaha Professor Will Take Position in Chicago Dr. O. T. Schultz, 3716 Hawthorne avenue, professor of pathology in the university oi neorasica, nas oeen ap pointed director of the Nelson Mor ris Institute of Medical Research at Chicago. Dr. and Mrs. Schultz will make their home on the south side near the University of Chicago, with which institution the doctor will also be connected. , Police Round Up Many "Vags" wno Are Allowed to "Beat It" Vagrants to the number of 172 have been arrested by the police within the last two days. With all kinds of la bor demanded in the harvest fields the local court is loath to be lenient witn tne idlers and gave the majority of them the choice to beat it or serve in the city workhouse for thirty days. majority oeat it. ,. Una Vp Your Torpid Liver. . To kaap your liver aotlv. uaa Dr. Klng'e New Idfe Pllla. They Insure noott dlMnl tun and relieve conetlpnttm. At druaKieta. Advertisement ' 'A .?,v '