THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1916. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATEK VICTOR EOSEWATER, EDITOR '! THK BEE HJBL1SHINO COMPANY. PROPRIETOR. Eatand it Omaha poatofftaa aa aaeond-elaaa mattar. i, VI ! I TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. By Carrier pr month Dmilf and Sunday Dallr without Sunday 15 "" Evening and Sunday Cental without Sunday 26c... Sunday Bat only 20c. By Mall par yaar. I09 4.00 e.0 4.00 t.0 i a d kvu wm in advenee. 110.00. Sand notice change 'of addreaa or Irrwularlty in da. Bary to Omaha Bee. Circulation Department. REMITTANCE, emit by draft, expreca or poital order. Only J-eent atempa Uken In payment of email accounte. Peraonal cneeaa, ueeat on Omaha and eaatern erenanae, not accepted. OFFICES. ' Omaha The Bee Building-. South Omaha 118 N atreet. Council Bluffa 14 North Main atreet. Lincoln fit Little Building. Chiaaio 111 People'e Cai Building. New York Room 101. 28 Fifth annua. BL Louie 11 New Bank of Commerce. Weaaingtoa 721 Fourteenth atreet, N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. AdMreee eommunleatlone relating to newa and editorial matter to Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. JULY CIRCULATION. 57,569 Daily Sunday 52,382 Dwtfht Wnilama, circulation manager of The Bee PaMlaaias aompany, being duly aworn. ear, that the average circulation for the month of July, 1111, waa 17X1 daily and 82.182 Sunday. DWIOHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager. Buueerihed la my preeenea and ewern to beforj ma thia Id day a Augu.t, 1111. ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Public. Subeeribor taring lb illy tamporarilT alaraM hav Th Baa mailed U them. Ad drag will ho gluaieel aa eftam a repeated. . Daily undwiehei of rain and lunshine are 'i reyal (are for King Corn I t! ' Mr. Hughes certainly gave the democratl - something stirring to talk about These art dog days, which may account for the ease with which the dachshund evaded the lion. . f Omaha is neither the hottest nor the dryest place on the map, which fact may console you i some. ' . .' f Of course if Mr. Kughei had wanted to please the democratl or to avoid their displeasure, he would not have said it. "t It would seem that all petitions for clemency for Roger Casement were politely received and promptly pigeon-holed. On provision, of the Reavis honest container J bill should require that the bottom of the box ;j be placed little further from the top. ; For some inexplicable reason, no one in either Omaha or Council Bluffs hat proposed a tunnel under the Missouri river Instead of a free bridge over it I ' Lincoln has the center of the stage with a voluntary midsummer reduction of 10 per cent in the price of ice served consumers there. How about M - y Captain Koehig showed his good sense by .' doing just opposite to the plans laid out for him j by the experts. His next stopping place will :t very likely be Bremen. President Wilson lets it be known that he has not changed his position on votes for women or, '! rather, that he has not changed it since the last change, about a year ago. , 1 What is the urgent need for more 'men on the 2 border, that the army reserves are being called out? Does our great and good friend Carransa require more of an object lesson than he has re- icelvedr . , , Senator Borah promisei to "pi up" the sen. ! rate's program by not observing the agreement ' reached by the democrats in caucus. This la not j very pretty, hut what can democrats expect of a j republican insurgent f ' S The print paper-makers fay they were com' ' pelted to double prices in order to meet an in : creased demand) if that rule were applied all the i way down the line, the newspaper publishers 4 would not mind so- much. -" It will be remembered that the World-Herald i opposed the nationalizing of the parcel post pre i viously handled go-ai-you-pleaie by the express j companies just as itrenuously as it now opposes i nationalizing the regulation of other railroad ' traffic.",.. . ..J.. , The Nebraska democratic platform proposes ': to make educational offices elective by the lame I nonpartisan ballot scheme as the judicial offices. But why choose state and county superintendents , at all by popular vote? Why ahoutd not these ad ? ministrative positions be made appointive the i same as the city superintendents, at the same time conforming to the short ballot movement We Approve Brooklyn Timaa Just Where They Are Standing. No one with ordinary intelligence should have any difficulty in ascertaining where candidates on the republican ticket are standing on the question of railroad regulation and control. The republican position is denned in the party platforms, national and state, and these platforms are entirely con sistent and harmonious. The declaration of the republican national convention is as follows: . Interstate and intrastate transportation have become so interwoven that the attempt to apply two, and often several, sets of laws to its regu lation has produced conflicts of authority, em barrassment in operation and inconvenience and expense to the public. The entire trans portation system of the country has become essentially national. We, therefore, favor such action by legislation, or, if necessary, through an amendment to the constitution of the United States, as will result in placing it under com plete federal control. ihe plattorm promulgated by the republican state convention declares, "We endorse in its en-. tirety the national platform of the republican party adopted at Chicago," adding this statement with reference to the state railway commission and the progress marked by its work: While recognizing the soundness of the ex pression of the republican national platform on the subject of regulation of transportation, we call attention to the fact that federal control is only contemplated therein, after such legisla tion or amendment-to the. constitution of the United States is enacted as may be necessary for broadening the acooe and increasing the efficiency of the Interstate Commerce commis sion. We are proud of the work accomplished by the Nebraska State Railway commission un der an amendment to our constitution and laws enacted by republican legislature!. We en dorse the sentiment of bur candidate for presi dent uttered while a member of the supreme court of the United States, that in the absence of federal action the states have a right to exer cise authority over transportation within their Doraera so ions; as they do not unnecessarily interfere with interstate commerce. If those interested will study and digest these platform declarations rather than take democratic versions of thenv twisted for partisan purposes they will have no trouble in understanding what is meant Some one who has remembered the Dreyfus case and Zola's "J'accuse" philippic has organized a society oi democrats under the 'name of Ap orovins Americana. The ilogan of the society is "We approve!" We suppose their list of approbations will include the following: We approve the selection Of William Jennings uryan as secretary oi state. We approve his resit-nation. We approve the stand of Mr. Wilson in oppo sition to a national aetense program in ivi. we approve nia aaaresses in lavor of a na' tional defense orosram in 1916. We approve his capture of Vera Cruz with the object of enforcing a salute to the American flag. We approve his withdrawal of our forces from Vera Cruz with the American flag: unsaluied. We approve his insistence that Huerta must not be President of Mexico. . W approve his recent announcement that. mere must oe no interference with Mexico. . We approve his support of Pancho Villai We approve his pursuit of Pancho Villa. We approve his notification of Germany that submarine attacks on merchant ships must cease. We approve his declaration during the sub marine controversy that we are too proud to fight approve nig snaxen nil. Wt approve his admonitory finew.' We aoorove him when be aHvanree mA mIun he backs up, when he goes up and when he comes down, vertically and horizontally and diagonally, in straight lines and curved lines, in circles and, elliptically and parabolically. Our appro bation is flexible and adjustable, mobile and double-join ted. "Them's our sentiments,' and the backswooda -teaman, " and if they don't suit Uiey kin be frwaj, ,' , '. ..... Great Britain and Neutral Commerce. Premier Asquith sayi the post bellum eco nomic warfare planned by the Quadruple Entente Allies is not to' be waged against neutrals. Just why he should announce a policy so obvious is not; clear, unless it be to reassure his countrymen who are looking beyond the war, and in some way see the possible effects of the boycott now practiced under the enemy trading act. The pre mier admits that the war has opened English eyes to the extent of the economic penetration by Germany in its effort to conquer the com merce of the world. Seven years ago Winston Churchill, speaking to the Lloyd-George budget, called attention to the fact that Germany was far better organised, industrially and socially, than England, and urged his countrymen to emulate and possibly overtake "our great and friendly rival." England has had one great advantage, that of an immense accumulation of capital, invested in foreign securities. This gave London absolute control of the money market of the world, while the extent of the British banking system practi cally put the control of credit into the same hands. Germany offset thii to tome extent by using the national credit to tupport commercial transactions. London, will .very likely be the money market of the world after the war is over, but credit; will be released to some extent by the entrance of American banken into the foreign field. This will narrow the field in which the Allies may effectively operate under their pro posed plan for restricting enemy commerce, but will not prevent its application so far aa they can make it effective. . l ' Premier Asquith'a explanation of the purpose of the Allies is a bland acknowledgement that the truth of Churchill's criticism Is now felt. But, how will he square hia pacific purpoae with the blacklist? And what will he do with neutrals, who are also ambitious to develop Industrie! and extend their commerce? Thought Nugget for the Day. Criticisms never hurt anybody. It talse tney ' U . .. un. ..... n ,1 n (T in TT1 3 n I V (.ell I null jruu uiuee T ju ,v .... 'o character and if true they show a man his weak points ana forewarn mm against lanure. yvui. E. Gladstone. Hughes' Americanism. The New York World and certain other demo cratic papers take Mr. Hughes severely to task because he doea not specifically denounce the so called "hyphenates" in his speech of acceptance, On this slim peg they hang high bones of win ning support for Mr. Wilion, and the emphaiis the opposition is grving it shows how desperately they are driven for an issue. To make their point, these partisan critics have overlooked every public utterance of Mr. Hughes since hii candidacy was broached. Hii commencement talk at Washington, while he wai yet unnominated and still a member of the su preme bench, was an unqualified declaration of Americanism, aound and patriotic In its every syllable. In Jiia speech of acceptance, almost in his opening sentence, he declared for "America first, and American efficient." This epigrammatic utterance was amplified as he proceeded, and deal ing specifically with the objective raised by the World and its coadjutors, he declared "Utterly intolerable is the use of our loil for alien in trigue." . None who reads the ipeech of Mr. Hughei dealing with the issues before the country, ap proaching the topic with an open mind, can fail to be impressed with its evidence of devotion to the highest of patriotic standards. Delay Proves Coitly Always. The Missouri Pacific now comes with a plea that to make the improvements required by the city will cost 20 per cent more at preaent price! than when they were ordered. Who is to blame for that? The city acted well within its rights in ordering the railroad company to construct viaducta over unprotected grade crossings. This waa met by the railroad with all sorts of objec tions, requiring finally resort to the courts, al though similar casea for a quarter of a century had been invariably won by the city. Since the final decision of the court the railroad company has still delayed, 'haggling over details, and at last coming forward with a substitute plan, put ting off the aettlement from time to time. All the while the cost of construction material was advancing. The delay has already coat the Mis souri Pacific considerable sum of money, and may at any moment cost it much more, for the danger of a dreadful accident at one of iti un protected crossings is always present Well, that surely it good one I The accu. sation that The Bee has changed its tun com ing from a democratic newspaper (misbranded "Independent") that hai been on all sides of nearly everything, and apeaks now aa the cham pion, of a president with chameleon mind I ITOHAV One Year Ago Today in the War. Germans made their final assault on Warsaw outer ions. fart of Ivangorod fortress captured py Ausiro- Germans. French repulsed German assaults in Argonne region. British reply to American protest against blockade made public. Oerman note on tne frye insisted sinning oi ship was legal and accepted commission plan to name damages. Thia Day in Omaha Thirty Years Ago. At a meeting of the joint committee of the fair and exposition association for the purpose of making arrangements for the forthcoming inter state exposition the following were present: Messrs. Lininger, H. T. Clarke, Garneau, Kich, Kitchen, N. B. Falconer. I. A. Wakefield, I. W. Miner, Max Meyer, Fred Grey. "Der Deutsche Club von Omaha," an asso ciation for the purpose of promoting social inter- J OCX PCUTCHC Wftgf course among the German residents of Omaha, was organized and the following officera were elected: C. B. Schmidt, president; J. P. Lund and Bruno Tzschuck. vice presidents: Louis Kaapke and George Heimrod, secretaries, and Max Meyer, treasurer. The board of appraisers, appointed to condemn property for the new treignt depot oi tne union Pacific, have reported condemnations of lots 2 and 3 in block 178, fronting north on Jackson between Seventh and bighth. I his is known as tne oia Davis nrooertv. on which waa the first mill ever started in Nebraska. The present owner is John H. Green. I. A. Loveren has removed his real estate of fice from 1504 Farnam to 113 North Sixteenth. A. W. Cowan & Co.. auctioneers, have opened a stock auction at the yards of E. Estabrook on Tenth, between Davenport and Capitol avenue. The Omaha Maennerchor has elected tne toi- lowing officers for the ensuing year: J. Spoerl, president; J. Fuchs, vice president; John Baumer, aecretary and treasurer. Today in History. 1814 Fort Erie was besieged by the British. 1830 The town of Chicago was surveyed and platted. 1841 Congresi appropriated $50,000 for the conitruction of Fort Wayne, near Detroit 1858 Opening of railway and docka at Cher bourg in present of emperor and empress of the French and Queen Victoria and prince consort 1866 Ihe Diet at Augsburg recognized tne dissolution of the Germanic confederation. 1870 Prussians defeated French at Weissen- burg, in first serious engagement of the Franco Prussian war. 1885 Funeral services in Westminster Abbey for General U. S. Grant, attended by members of the royal family. 1891 fwentv-htth annual national encamp ment of the Grand -Army of the Republic opened in Detroit. 1894 China declared war against Japan. 1903 Cardinal Sarto was elected pope, taking the name of Pius X. 1908 Count Zeppelin s airship, after journey ing from Lake Constance to Mayence, was de stroyed by a hurricane. This Is the Day We Celebrate. The late Dr. S. K. Spalding was born sixty- nine years ago today. He was a native of Penn sylvania and a graduate in medicine from the col lege of Physicians and Surgeons at Keokuk and Bellevue Medical College, a union veteran and also a member of the Omaha school board, health commissioner and state health inspector. .. t. Howell, insurance and coal, is lust 56 yeara old today. He was born in Canada and first broke into politics as city councilman, being elected several times to the state lenate. Princess Mane Jose, who is sharing the exile of her parents, the king and queen of the Belgians, born in ttrussels sixteen years ago today. Jesse W. Keno, inventor of the moving stair way, born at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., fifty-five years ago today. narry Lauder, tne worid-tampus Scottish en tertainer, born at Portobello. Scotland, forty-six years ago today. Kt. Kev. Daniel T. Huntington, Episcopal mis sionary bishop of Nanking, China, born at Nor wich, Conn., forty-eight years ago today. Ebenezer J. Hill, representative in congress of the Fourth Connecticut district, born at Red ding, Conn., seventy-one years ago today. 2 mil Suffragist CUlm Rifht to SmlW. Omaha, Aug. . To the Editor of The Bee: Let me thank jron for patting in that picture of Mra. Jiggs along with Mr. Jiggs and letting her have a "imile," too, for ihe certainly had a amtle - coming for appearing in the tame lime of the paper containing the announcement of Mr. Hughei hi favor of vote for women. We lott oar campaign for the luftrage amendment in Nebraska, but we have won, or will win, juit the nme, became onr work in Nebraska and New Jersey and other states, where we suffered defeat, la what is bringing around the men who will eventually give us the suffrage by an amendment to the federal constitution. So X say Mrs. Jiggs and all the women have a right to smile. SUFFRAGIST. Whert They All Are Now. John Dick a Howe, manv vcars with the au&rter- m aster' i office of the Department of the Missouri, it in the Rovernment offices at the Presidio. San frtneisco. Dr. W. S. Slabaugh, well remembered in South Omaha, it now Dracticinar in Los Ansrelet. Cal. Until recently he had been practicing in one of the tmaii towns near Lot Angeles, but has now moved in. Walter Phelps, formerly a prominent building contractor in Omaha, now lives at Seattle, where he is in business. Will S. Rogers, son of Milton Rogers, one of our Omaha pioneers and brother of Herbert M. Rogers, is treasurer of the Scott Paper company of Philadelphia. . Timely Jottings and Reminders. Today is the centennial anniversary of the birth of the late Russell Sage. The second anniversary of Great Britain's declaration of war will be observed today throughout the British empire. The Congregational church of West Barns table. Mass., today will begin a celebration of the 300th anniversary of its organization. The general conference of Christian workers will open at East Northfield, Mass., today and continue in session until August 20. The democratic state committee of New York will meet in New York City today to decide upon the date and place for holding the state platform conference. A monument is to be unveiled at Barnstable. Mass., today in honor of the memory of Lemuel Shaw, who served as chief justice of the Massa chusetts sui;eme court 1830-1860. Story-ettt of the Day. A party of engineers were tracing a township tint across some farm lands in Illinois. As chance would have it. the line oassed directlv throutrh a large barn having double doors on each side of it, and they found they could continue their measure ments through the barn by opening the doors and thus avoiding the dreaded detour. The owner watchd their progress with considerable inter est, but made no comment until they had reached tne urtner side ot tne Darn, when he asked: Thet a railroad ye-all aurvein1 fer?" "Certainly," replied the chief, with a humor ous twinkle in his eve. ' The farmer meditated a bit as he closed the barn doors behind them, when he remarked some what aggressively: "I hain't got no objections ter havin' er railroad on my farm, but I'll be darned ef I'm going ter open and shet them doors for yer train to go through r Youth t Compan ion v r"' .: .. . - , ,.,;,....,... Denies Charge and Impugn Motive. Irvington, Neb., Aug. 8. To the Editor of The Bee: I noticed an article in your paper a few days ago signed by Frank B. Hibbard and several other in relation to court proceedings of one kind or another now pending in which it Is claimed that X am interested, and In which an attack was made upon the character of the hotel op erated by me at Irvington. In the first place, the charges made openly and by in ference that the hotel operated by me is used for immoral purposes is absolutely untrue and is known to be untrue by the parties who made such charges. I have a hotel license to operate thia ho tel, and the hotel is conduced, I might say, along very much better lines than probably any hotel in the eity of Omaha. I have a great number of friends in Omaha who know that I and my wife are first-class cooks, and I have made a specialty of serving a chicken dinner, together with home-grown vegeta bles and fruits, and have endeavored to in duce my friends to patronise me. The sole objection these people have is that my frinds do come out to Irvington and that sometimes automobile parties come out in the late evening, and some automobile par tie stop on early trips in the morning to eat at my hotel. There never has been any disturbance by any of my guests or myself. Th only trouble that has ever been kicked up has been brought about through the malicious interference by my enemies with my customers at points and place off of and away from the hotel and the hotel property. In regard to all these lawsuits it seems to m the proper place to have these cases tried is In the court room before the judge, and It begins to look as- if these articles are being published to influence the court when it come to pass upon the matter. Such conduct I consider entirely reprehensible, and it seems to me that a good cause would not require any such conduct upon the part of the one urging it. A large number of people live in and about Irvington and so far a I know the only persons who have any objection or complaint to make is this gang of four or five, none of whom live anywhere near th hotel, and a majority of whom do not live near the village, but who have assumed to themselves the right to regulate, regardless of law, my business, as well as constituting themselves th custodians for the community. GEORGE BRENNER, Suburban Hotel. EDITORIAL SNAPSHOTS. Washington Post: Seasonable maxim: "A hit in time saves the nine." Wall Street Journal: Driving of the Allies is good, but the putting is yet to come. San Francisco Chronicle: Mexico is now at peace with all her enemies save those at home. l- New lOreans States: So far, no substi tute for gasoline has been discovered cheaper than shoe leather. Boston Transcript: The Italians seem to be In possession once more of all the most desirable telegraph offices. Kansas City Star: Those waves which Britannia rules don't extend as far as 60 feet below the surface, apparently. Wall Street Jnurnal n ....ui. evePT fortv-4lvs narann. I .V. !; l States, which leaves ngti pedestrians for For. Boston Hrall Xf. .... h. i lesson from thm mntttl .... . iii.i. - "".. i ua wur uiiiiLiat, but this country is learning a lot of them. cwvannan news: villa must have been alive all the time, for there-is nothing in his behavior to indicate that he has been born again. Boston Transerint: Rut Mn t-h. TTniaui States renounce all rights in Greenland without the consent of old Doe Cook, th gum -drop king? Philadelphia Inquirer: That judge, who SaVB that Mriaatriana h.u. ...t J-l... , " hi i tan is uii th streets with automobiles propounds a ueory instead of stating a fact new some sun: There is said to he dan ger of an Iniuranea onta' a..!?. n not som on indue the book-agents to act upon meir maniioio grievances 7 New York Sun: The theary that the DeutSChland is a nntt.ntis.1 t. least as sound as Mr. Bryan's theory that umvw m poienuai army of a million men. New York Sun: Ought not the treasury department at one to equip collectors of the ports with diving suits 7 Boston Transcript: "Britain will win the Sr In a few mnnthi " T1 - --i - "vj u-ucurjje. This will be news to Russia and France. wasnington Post: It having been definite ly established that ....iiiiB ytrejpuB srerms. we r n th j - - - - jeissuu (u our oeroic politicians. Waahintrtaii Pa. , " e.viuEsi, warm a writer, are taking un th vie tht hav discarded. If tVi. Hni. . v ---a- . wy wcri WJC' " nwer ao anyming very wicked. wmwi u oraani- aation has recently adopted the slogan '.'The mui in Doiiziea " lev . i j vsJops it own humor. Boston Herald! Thl . s. fifty German tn . i nexlnff Beleium and Pnlansf ahn a. wvh oi eonnaence in tn Allies. Washington Star Th Mm,Kii... i nation la dnintr ..., -..iki. . . " th progressives feel th parable of the prrcirau on nas lis modern application. New York Sun: Fiv Virginians who jainaa uia mi litis nhii. - i wr called out, now want to b discharged. " "j bigs i unci aam is tn best kind uhm v ooiige. I of THE DAY IS DONE. Henry W. Longfellow. Th day 1 don, and the darkness Pall from the wing of night ' A a feather te wafted downward From an eagle In hi flight X th light of the village Gleam through th rain and th mist And a feeling of sadness comes o'er ms, That my soul can not resist feeling ef sadness and longing, That la not akin to pain, And resembles sorrow only A th mist resemble the rain. Dome, read to m some poem. Borne simple and heartfelt lay, That shall sooth this restless feeling. And banish the . thoughts of day. . Not from the grand old masters. Not from the bards sub time. Whose distant footstep echo Through th corridor ef time. For. Ilk strain of martial mast. Their mighty thoughts suggest Life's endlfss toll and endeavor, ' And tonight X long for rest. Head from some humbler poet, Whoa songs gushed from his heart. A showers from the cloud of summer, ur tears rrom tn eyelids start Who through long day of labor, And night devoid of ease. Still heard In his soul th muslo Of wonderful melodies. Such songs hav power to quiet The restless pulse of care. And come like the benediction That follow after prayer. . Then read from the treasured volume, The poem of thy choice; And lend to the rhyme of the poet Th beauty of thy vole. , And the night shall he tilled with muslo, And the care that In feat tbe day Shall fold their tents, like the Arabs, And as silently steal away, . SMILE-STIMULATORS. "Are your men ambitious?" 4'Oh. very. Every man around the place Is willing to do anybody's work but his own." loutsvllle Courier-Journal. "Can vou tell me what a smile Is?" asked a gentleman of a little gtrl. ' res, sir: us tne wnisper ox a laugn. Answers. Teacher Johnny, can you tell me what a hypocrite 1st j Johnnv--Yes. ma'am. It's a Dirv wnai comes to school with a smile on his face. Brooklyn Citizen. room waste paper, mum? ianaiaay no. ni nun i written any thing on It yet. Judge. Willis (ready for school) Mamma, they are hoisting up a safe down the street. Mother wen. be careful not to wane on the safe side. Boston Transcript. "Look at m!" exclaimed the burglar. "Look at what?" asked the pocketbook snatcher. Them black an' white stripes tnat ail the style! I kin remember when they put em on us we tnousnt we was aisaracea: Washington Star. MY HANK HAS qoKE ON HIS VS -TILL HE BEGINS V) THINK C01DREP POSTAL CARPS ARE OUST AS 00t! 56 "What" the matter with you?" "My business has slumped." "Bah! Tou look so gloomy X thought it might have been the horn team." Kansas City Journal. Edith Haven't you and Jack been en gaged long enough to get married? Ethel Too long! He hasn't got a cent Jett. Boston Transcript. "We sold our pup." "What did you sell him for?" "Why, er he bit hole in th carpet." Punch Bowl. 'What Is your head clerk working on- some abstruse chemical problem?" Tou might say so, yes. He's trying te compound a red, white and blue drink for the soda fountain. "Chicago Journal. Artist (pointing to hts very successful picture. A Donkey)-'What do you really think or it, anyway? Enthusiastic Lady Lovely I And you have put so much of yourself into it, too. New York Times. Mrs. Onagg (with a reputation) Doctor, I fear my husband's mind Is affected. Is there any sure test? Doctor Tell him that you'll never apeaks to him again. If he laughs he's sane. Boston Transcript. "That fashionable Mr. Flubdub has for divorce." "What's the charge against her hus band?" "Neglect of her bulldog and failure support the same, I believe." Pittsburgh FosL First Office Boy Where wus I yester day? At me grandmother's funeral! Second O. B. And was It Interesting? First O. B. Well, say. Lye seen one granamoiners iunerai oar worse u golf I Puck. PAINS IN SIDE AND BACK How Mrs. Kelly Suffered and How She was Cured. Burlington, Wis. "I was very irreg ular, and bad pains in my side and back, but alter taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound Tablets and using two bottles of the Sanative Wash I nm fully convinced that I em entirely cured of these trou bles, and feel better all over. I know your remedies have done me worlds of good and I hope every suffering woman will give them s trial." Mrs. Anna Kelly, 710 Chestnut Street, Burling ton, Wis. The many convincing testimonials con stantly published in the newspapers ought to be proof enough to women who suffer from those distressing ills pecu liar to their sex that Lydia E. Pinkham 's Vegetable Compound is the medicine they need. This good old root and herb remedy baa proved unequalled for these dread ful ills; it contains what is needed to restore woman's health and strength. If there is any peculiarity la your case requiring special ad vice, write tbe Lydla 15. Pink ham Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass, for free advice. FRECKLES Don't Hide Them With a Veil; Remove Them With the Othine Prescription. This prescription for the removal of freckles was written by a prominent physi cian and 1 usually so successful In removing freckles and giving a clear beautiful com plexion that It 1 sold by any druggist un der guaraats to refund th money If It fall. Don't hid your freckle unW a veil! get aa eune ot thtne and remove them, Even th first few application sbeuld she a. wonderful Improvement, soma of the light r freckle vanishing entirely. Be sure to ask Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. or any druggist for double strength othine; It is this that Is sold on the money back guarantee. Advertisement. Record of the Brambach Grand Pianos Highest quality, broad in tone, large in durability, short in size, small in price You pay just $465. Easy Terms We have bargains in new and used upright pianos, $135 up. $5 Per Month A. HOSPE CO. 1513-15 Douglas Street. Things I Do Not Claim I am not one of those "Great Surgical Specialists1' who operates on every case because they know not the first principle of medical treatment. I have no power to look at you and tell all that ails you without consultation or examination as some doctors elsim. I claim no greater skill than some other doctors I know, who practice hon estly and keep themselves posted. I have no great dis coveries, and I do not perform miracles, as most adver tising quacks tell you. THINGS I DO CLAIM: I claim, after nearly 20 years of very active practice, to be able to diagnose and treat your case as well as any other Omaha doctor, no matter what he may charge you. I claim to treat by medicine and other means most of the eases that the "Great Surgeons" say only an operation will help, especially tn diseases and disorders of women. IT IS A CRIME THE MANY NEEDLESS OPERATIONS UPON WOMEN. I claim that when you pay your doctor bill that rou pay double what you should on account of th book account of th dead-beat. I have no dead-beats or book accounts, as I do a strictly cash business, but only charge half of what the others charge. Con sultation and medicine for SI. 00. Examination or office treatment, $2.00. Surgery prices half also, arranged In advance. You women who have been told you need an operation are invited to call, medicine and treatment will cure many of you. Ask any of those I hav treated. Special ear diseases of women. DR. J. C. WOODWARD 301 Roe Bulldiag. 16th nad Farnam. Phon Tyler 260. Office hours: to 8. 1p.m. Wednesday. 10 to 12 Sunday. Unbeatable Exterminator of Rata, nice and Bugs Uaed lha World Over - Used by U.S.Qovwnmamt Th Old Kallmbf Tttf Nnr Falls - 15 c. 25c. Af Druggist THE RECOGNIZED STANDARD -AVOID SUBSTITUTES Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really successful.