THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1916. Wedding at Schuyler of Interest to Omaha SIXTH NEBRASKA Warren Cundiff Is I n ' n i! . I liiven a rromoiion i Warren K. Cundiff, assistant gen- j oral passenger agent at Kansas City, was yesterday appointed assistant general passenger agent of the Union I Pacific at Denver to fill the vacancy created by the death of Robert i. I Ruble. Cundiff was with the Union : Pacific here a number of years and was local secretary of the Western Passenger association in Omaha, tie was junior assistant general passenger agent here before going to Kansas City. J. Oscar Goodsell. city passenger agent at Chicago, succeeds Cundiff at Kansas City. South Dakota Spring Wheat Yield is Low Mitchell, S. D., Aug. 3. (Special.) Firs t threshing reports of this vic inity coincide with earlier estimates. Loss tos pring wheat from black rust is even greater thin predicted. Re turns from five fields of wheat at vavrious places give the best yield at seven bushels per acre and the low est at five. The quality does not ex ceed No. 2 in any case, and part of it is little better than bran. Three fields of oats yielded thirty, forty and fifty bushels per acre, respectively. In Chicago Mayor William Thompson re voked the llcenst-a of twenty-two aaloona, tn the flrat atop of a new campaign to enforce the Sunday dosing law. wmi3CSHyBt. -LiijiM,m.gj.iwjBit,.w' ''HMwiute?''''! 9 WHEN lunch or supper seems a long time off and you're hungry, eat Uneeda Biscuit. Just enough to satisfy to keep you Jjoing till meal time but so light and crisp and flaky that they won't spoil your appetite. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY EtlaJiSS lEtimatfatfHCk mtaw a - t 11 n "TELEPHONE 1614 DOUGLAS Bast Booka for Summer Read lag at Reduced Prices. Main Floor 1 HI illlUHI lllllllfllll la 1 li-fT" TT"'' "-TI It ll.Jmnti Ask to ... tha "Special" Saw ing Machine Fri day and Smtur. day, $12.98. IMPORT A NT.. During the month of August this store will MITMM VIX MSXllA Qn gaturday nighU at g jn8tead 0f 9 P. M. Big Basement Bargains for a Busy Friday Mid-Summer Sale of Most Wanted Merchandise 1 ,000 Women's, Misses' and Juniors' White and Colored Summer Dresses Street dresses, porch dresses and house dresses. Hundreds of dlffer- I ent styles to cnoose irora, ail gooa moueis, an gooa wasn maienais in a great variety. , The greatest lot of dresses ever ottered tor so small a price. Regular $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. and up to $1.69 values, at 68 Any-Girls' Dress in the Basement, Friday at 68c Any White Dreta or Any Colored Dre.. Hundreds to choose from, agea 2 to 6 and 8 to 14 years. All ri?ht up-to-date styles and wanted materials. Former prices 11.00, $1.25 and to $1.60; salo price Friday, choice for .....086 68 About 300 Children's Dreuea, ages 2 to 6 years. All good styles and materials; 39c to 59c values, your choice Friday for only ....256 Rompers and Dreaiaa, many different styles. Ages 2 to 6 years. 25c and 29c values, at. . "174 Nebraska STATE BOARD fill LET FIGURES RIDE Equalization Board Will Make No Change in Valuation of Personal Property. ASSESSORS' WORK GOES (From a Staff Correapondsnt.) Lincoln, Aug. 3. (Sppecial Tele gram.) The State Board of Equaliza tion concluded at its meeting this afternoon to not make any changes in the valuation of personal property as reported by county assessors. There will be some changes made in real estate valuations in a few coun ties, but until the changes are made there will be nothing to report by the board. 0 W CLARENCE A. DAVIS. port street, Omaha. Mr. Davis i9 a graduate of the Beaver City High school of the class of 1910, of the Wesleyan university of the class of 1913, and of the Harvard Law school class of 1916. He has a position with the law firm of DeBord, Fradenburg & Van Orsdel of Omaha. His father is Thomas M. Davis, president of the First State bank of Beaver City, who is well known in business and Masonic circles throughout the state. Mrs. Davis is a graduate of the state university, and has been at the head of the Fremont public library for the past two years. PEACE MEETINGS HELD IHJERMANY Torty Gatherings in Larger Cities of Empire, But No Precise Statements. GENERALITIES THE RULE Berlin, Aug. 3. Meetings of the national committee for securing an honorable peace were held in about forty of the larger cities of Germany last night, but at none of the meet ings (lid the moderates give any pre cise statement concerni.iB the con ditions of peace, as the moderates would like to see them. The speak ers usually, dwelt on generalities, rarely going beyond the chancellor's declaration with regard to peace. Prof. Adolph Haruack was a speaker at the Berlin meeting. He made no surprising statements re garding the aims of the war. which he specified as the thrusting back of Russia from eastern ''"urope, where it was an intruder, to the east where it had its mission, and - termination of the situation on the west, where England was the uncontnled ruler of the sea and Belgium -s vassal. Prof. Harnac , warned his auditors against expecting, or demanding too much from the results of the war, as Germany must ramember the lot pf its confederates as well as its own success. He appealed to his hearers to have confidence in the administra tion, which he said had done its ut most to prevent the war and the at titude of which toward certain neu trals, history wald some day justify. Busch Heirs Ask To Handle Estate St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 3. A petition was filed today for the removal of Public Administrator Newell as ad ministrator of a $2,000,000 portion of the estate of Mrs. Anna Busch, sister-in-law of the late Adolphus Busch, who died last April. The petition was filed by her son and grandson. They claim that the property is in no danger of being wasted, and ask that the estate be placed jn their hands. Ford Party to Arrive In Fremont on Sunday George F. Wolz," president of the Fremont Commercial club, has re ceived a telegram from Detroit stat ing that the Henry Ford party will leave the Michigan metropolis Sat urday morning and arrive in Fremont for the tractor show Sunday. In the party will be Henry Ford, his son, Ebsel; E. R. Bryant, secretary of Henry Ford & Son, Inc., and G. E. Sorenson, superintendent of shops. Hundred Shrapnel Shells Explode on Schooner Elsey New York, Aug. 3. One hundred shrapnel shells exploded during a fire on the four-masted schooner George W. Elsey in Erie basin late today. The only person injured, however, was a fireman who was struck on the arm by, a shell fragment. Fourteen men working on the schooner jumped overboard and swam to safety when the bombardment began. Culls From the Wire Joseph Carrara, better known aa Johnny Dundee, a purlllst, waa . arrested on a charge of homicide In New York after an automobile he was driving had killed a 13-year-old boy. Senate and house confereea agreed on the military academy appropriation bill, substituting for the senate amendment ap propriating 11,000,000 for new buildings, a provision for a commission of three offtcere to Investigate and report on building re quirements at West Point. Easiest Way to Remove Ugly Hairy Growths (Beauty Culture.) Here is a method for removing hair or fuzz that is unfailing and is quite inexpensive: Mix, a thick paste with some powdered delatone and water and spread on hairy surface. After 2 or 3 minutes, rub it off, wash the skin and every trace of hair has vanished. No, harm or inconvenience results from this treatment, but be careful to get genuine delatone. Adv. ELECTS OFFICERS Formation is Completed and is Mostly of Veterans of the Spanish War. IS OFFERED TO GOVERNOR The Sixth Nebraska Voluntcec in fantry, which was organized and tendered to the governor of Nebraska, and by the governor to the president, made up almost exclusively of Spanish-American war veterans, has com pleted its formation and elected offi cers as follows: Colonel John O. Msher, Lincoln. Lieutenant Colonel Walter K. Steele, Omaha. Regimental Adjutant Fred K. Fero, Omahtt. Major Surgeon John O. Marrlan, Brain am. Assistant Surgeon Dr. N. O. Reynold. Lincoln. Captain Quartermaster Charles E. Fos ter, Omaha. Captain Commissary A. W. Shilling, North Platte. Chaplain Harry Klein, Omaha. ROSTER OF COMPANIES. First Battalion Major. Leonard H. War ner, Geneva, Company A, Lincoln Roscoe C. Onman, captain; C. h. Rudstrom, first .lieutenant; J. L. Nlms, second lieutenant. 1 Company B, Omaha Frank Wlppennan, captain; C. B. Nye. first lieutenant; S. J. Bonavlev, second lieutenant. Company C, Omaha David Mortpn, cap tain; Philip Rlsch. first lieutenant; Justin Refregiter, second lieutenant. Companq 1, Omaha Henry Shrode, cap tain; Fred Klshmacher, flrat lieutenant; L. P. Rogers, second lieutenant. SECOND BATTALION. Major August Wanner, Company E, Columbus, August Wagner, captain; A, L, Rollln, first lieutenant; A. H. Post, second lieutenant. Company F, Geneva A. S. Pcttlt, captain; A. E. Holt, first lieutenant; Sylvester Eaton; second lieutenant. Company Q, Merna W. H. Seabrooke, captain; Horace Kennedy, first lieutenant. Company H, Staple ton Leon H. Davis, captain. THIRD BATTALION. Major Allen Q. Fisher, Company I, Chadron Allen Q. Fisher, captain. Company K, Alliance J. B. Miller, cap tain; Donald Oraham, ftrst lieutenant; C. O'Brien, second lieutenant. Company L, Grand Island K. A. MrRae, captain; Don Hannaford, first lieutenant; J. L. Holladsworth, second lieutenant. Company M, North Platte W. A. Brown, captain; L. I. Tucker, first lieutenant; O. K. Garrison, second lieutenant. Dysentery in Alabama. "My little 4-year-old boy had a severe attack of dysentery. We gave him Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and believe it saved his life ," says William H. Strib ling, Carbon Hill, Ala. Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement. Corns C;me Off Like Banana Peel Wonderful, SimpU "Gett-lt" New Fails to Remove Any Corn Easily. "Wouldn't it Jar you! Here. I've heen going along for years, with one desperate corn after another, trylnjj to get rid of.them with salves that eat off the toes, tapes that Besltatet Use Snre "Gnta-Tt. for Those Corns and Save lour Life and Tour Toes stick to the stocking, bandages and plasters that make a package of the toes, trying blood-bringing rasors and scissors. Then I tried 'Gets-H' Just once and yov ought to have seen that corn come off just like a banana peel." It's simple, wonderful. It's the new way, painless, applied In two sec onds, never hurts healthy flesh or Irri tates. Nothing to press on the corn. Never falls. Quit the old Way for once anyway and try "Oets-It" tonight. For corns, cal louses, warts and bunions. '"Gets-It" Is sold everywhere, 25c a bottle, or sent direct by K. Lawrence & Co., Chica go, 111. Sold and recommended as the. world's best corn remedy by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Onepackage proves it 25c at all druggists. EXPERT BLAMES ACHING FEET FOR INEFFICIENCY One of the great efficiency experts believes bad feet are a prime cause of Inefficiency In the pursuit of the dally bread. "I examine a man mentally and physically," he says, "and If I find he has bad feet 1 report against him. I know that bad fret lower a person's effectiveness." If you are suffer ing from hot, tender, aching feet you can't do your best work. Fortunately there. Is no longer any excuse for suffering feet. A 26-cent package of Wa-Ne-Ta will give you foot comfort. When you get homo In the evening, drop two or three of these tablets In a pan of hot water and soak your feet In it for a few minutes. You'll he nurprlscd how the pain vanishes. It will hood relieve you of all foot troubles. Delightful for us In bath. Leaves skin soft and naniary. ir your druggist hasn't Wa-Ne-Ta, send uh 10 cents and we will mail you prepaid a sample package. L. C. Landon Co., South Bend, Ind. Advertisement, Discolored or Spotty ' Skin Easily Peeled Off Dr. Frank F. Burhorn -The Chiropractic 414-418 Rose Bid, Phone D. 5347 I make s specialty in adjusting tha causa of aute and chronic diseases. In vent i (ration costs nothing, and means health and happiness. Chiropractic deals directly with the cause of ill health. Domestics Dress Prints, Ginghams Th. Genuine "Everett," "Clastic" and "Blua Ball" Chariot., in all the new fall designs. Lengths to 20 yards, per yard SH6 40-Inch Beautiful Printed Voile., cleanup of our 15c, 19c and 25c grades. Full bolts and short lengths. Friday, yd 10 Ht Leader Voile., all neat printings; 27 inches wide. To close quickly, per yard, at 7M6 36-in. Beit Grade Drat. Percale, full standard make. All indigo, light blue and grays, fast colors. Special Friday, yd 8H Mill Remnant, of 36 and 40-inch White Good., Sheer Cri.p Organ die., Dainty Sheer, Clingy White Voile, and Fancy Waitting.. 15c and 19c values, Friday, yd., 8HC Embroidered Swls. and Organdie, all the latest woven, colored em broidered effects fast colors. Values to 19c. Specially priced, per yard, at 90 36-inch Bleached Mu.lin, good grade, soft finish. Off the bolt Friday, per yard 7J6C Pure Indigo Dye, Fast Color Apron Gingham, in all the want ed small, medium and large checks and broken effects. Spe cial, per yard 6WC Wash Goods White and Colored Special for Friday Colored Sport Stripe, for Skirts, Suits and Middies, 36 ins. wide; 35c values, per yard 10 40-inch Printed Voile., in Stfipe and floral combinations, Persian designs, black and white stripes, florals, etc. 40 inches wide. 25c values, Friday, yard 15C White Dre.. Novelty, in large plaids, lace stripes, dotted effects, etc; 27 inches wide. Regular 15c value, special, yard 106 All-Linen Towels 15c These are all-linen- huck towels, with fancy borders. Regular 20c values, each 156 Table Cloths, 49c Full bleached, linen finished dam ask; two yards long. Friday, each for 49 Crash, 9c Full bleached, heavy quality household crash, with fancy bor ders, per yard 9 Extra Special Towels, 19c About 225 Dozen Full Bleached and Fancy Colored Turki.h Tow el., large size and extra heavy; 25c and 29c values, at 19C Housefurnishing Hardware Items Queen of the Tub Laundry Soap, a .beautful white, transparent soap containing only the purest of oils and no alkali. Special, 10 bars for -294 Rubber Hose A high grade, 4-ply warranted rubber hose, -in. 9c value. .64 i-in. 4-ply Warranted Ho.a, 10c value, per foot. 74 Very Heavy Grade H-n. S-ply Red Cover Ho.e, worth 11 He, at ,7HV Lawn Sprays , Solid Bra.. Fountain Sprays 594 Bo.toa Pattern Noae Nozzle. at ..........394 Notions In the Basement 50c Notion Boxes, special. .104 12-yd. Bolt. Bias Tape, each. .44 8-yd. Bolta Engli.h Twilled and Linen Tape, at .44 Pin. and Safety Pin., special, 8 cards for .54 C. M. C. Crochet Cotton, ball, 64 Ho.a Supporter., spl., pair. . .64 Wash Edging, sale pr., yd., IK 4 Fa.t Colored Darning Cotton per spool, at .14 200-yd. Spool. Machine Thread for .:.2M4 Large Piece, of Elastic, Friday, two for ......54 Wooden Coat Hanger., 2 for 54 100-yd. Spool, of Sewing Silk for 3K4 Washable In.ide Belting, special, per yard 54 Good Strong Wire Hair Pin., per pkg., at . . ..14 Falconer Mustered Out of U, S. Service (From a Staff Correspondent) Lincoln, Aug. 3. (Special.) Major A. B. Falconer of Omaha, has been mustered out of the federal service as quartermaster of the mobilization camp at Lincoln. Major Falconer has been busy since the troops left for the border cleaning up matters left in his charge, and has now completed most of the work, the rest being turned over to Captain T. W. Jaycox, jr., who has been at guard headquar ters since the troops left. First Lieutenant R. R. Heald, adju tant of the third battalion of the fourth infantry, who was rejected be cause of the condition of his teeth, has had that trouble fixed up and left this morning to join his regi ment on the border. Adjutant General Hall has gone to Washington on duty connected with his work as disbursing officer for the Nebraska guard. He will look after other matters of importance con nected with the guard before return ing. Great Demand for Motor Car Numbers (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Aug. 3. (Special.) As the seaso draws toward the middle, there appears to be no decrease in the num ber of applications for automobile numbers at the office of Secretary of State Pool. During the month of July, 5,841 automobile numbers were sent out of the office, and 250 motorcycle numbers. This makes the total reg istration of automobiles at 86,690, and of motorcycles, 3,509. The expense of operating the auto mobile department for the past month was $974.63. The secretary's office also collected during the month $50,117.52, while the total expense of operating the de partment was $616.83, which makes -a profit to the state of $49,490.69 for the month. Arrested for Theft 4 Of an AutomobUe (From a SUlt Correspondent.) Lincoln, Aug. 3. (Special.) Fol lowing instructions received from the police at Sioux City, the Lincoln police arrested W. T. Gordon as he was leaving an automobile garage in this city this morning, where he had left an automobile answering the de scription of one stolen from Sioux City yesterday, and which was said to be headed in the direction of Lincoln. Theautomobile was the property of L. Koolish, and when arrested Gordon confessed to having taken the ma chine. Secretary $ool Drinking Buttermilk Out of a Jug (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Aug. 3. (Special.) Secre tary of State Charles Wesley Pool has taken to.buttermilk, and each morning a farmer friend comes To the office and leaves a jug of the invigorator and takes back with him another empty jug in exchange. Child Dies of Appendicitis. Stella, Neb., Aug. 3. (Special.) Catherine, the 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morris, resid ing southwest of Stella, died in a hos pital at St. Joseph, Tuesday, of appen dicitis. Burial will be in the Prairie Union cemetery this afternoon. Last Saturday the child was taken to St. Joseph, where an operation was per formed, v Campaign in Hamilton. Aurora, Neb., Aug. 3. (Special.) County Chairman F. E. Edgerton of the republican county central commit tee has called a meeting of the entire committee for August 14, 1916, at 130 p. m. in the court house. It is planned, to make this the beginning of the campaign in Hamilton county. Eoys Are Struck By Lightning. Aurora, Neb., Aug. 3. (Special.) A large barn on the farm of J. D. Ferguson, fourteen miles northwest of Aurora, was struck by lightning Monday night and burned to the ground. The loss is estimated at about $1,800. Some grain was stored in the barn and was burned. Oil Fees for July. (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Aug. 3. (Special.) Oil fees for the month of July were about $300 heavier than for the month of Jun-: which were the greatest in the history of the department. The fees of the oil department amounted to $11,700, which indicates a heavy con sumption of gasoline, and that it is on the increase. The Best Laxative. To keep the bowels regular the best laxative is" outdoor exercise. Drink a full glass of water an hour before breakfast and cat an abundance of fruit and vegetables, also establish a regular habit and be sure that your bowels move once each day. When a medicine is needed take Chamber lain's Tablets. They are pleasant to take ana mua ana gentle in ettect. Obtainable everywhere. Adv. 2B,748 more paid Want Ada flrat six eoonth. 1916 than In same period of 1B16 nearly 1,00. more each week. Why men tion results wila this kind of evldene.? MRS. CLARENCE DAVIS, . Nee Florence Wells. Schuyler, Neb., Aug. 3. (Special.) Clarence A. Davis, only son of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Davis of Beaver City, and Miss Florence Wells, daughter of Judge and Mrs. G. H. Wells of Schuyler, were married at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the Holy Trinity church in this city, Rev. E. A. Moore being the officiating clergy man. Miss Clara Wells, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and- James H. Mickey, son of former Governor- J. H. Mickey of Osceola, was best man. Mr. and Mrs. Davis left for a wedding trip in Colorado. On their return they will be at home at 3312 Daven- Mayor of Wymore Will Run for State Senator by Petition Beatrice, Neb., Aug. 3. (Special.) Mayor Rawlings of Wymore has an nounced that he would make the race for state senator from Gage and Paw nee counties on the republican ticket by petition in opposition to Adam Mc Mullen, the regular republican nomi nee, and Julius Neuman, democratic candidate. He expects to circulate his petitions for signatures in both countries soon. A committee from the Beatrice Commercial club will attend the con ference to be held at Omaha this month at which the new freight rates will be considered. Emile C. Brauen of Chicago is in the city conferring with G. W. Stein meyer relative to a hydor-electric plant which Mr. Steinmeyer expects to build at Barneston. Captain Eaton and Lieutenant Yule of the adjutant general's department were in the city yesterday collecting the accoutrements of Company C at the armory, which are to be turned into the adjutant general. They went from here to Wymore. Mrs. Ula Jackson, a pioneer of this city, was stricken with paralysis yes terday and is in a critical condition. Medical Men Meet , To Outline Fight On Dread Disease New York, Aug. 3. A series of in vestigations with the object of solv ing problems which have arisen from the epidemic of infantile paralysis in this city will be begun here tomorrow by several of the leadng pathologists and bacteriologists of the country. Dr. Simon Flexner of the Rockefeller In stitute for Medical Research prob ably will be present. It is planned to discuss thoroughly the nature of the epidemic and its progress. Then the doctors will be organized into committees to divide the work of investigation. It was announced tonight that thus far thirty-eight persons, classed as adults, all over fifteen years, have had the disease. One of the deaths report ed today was the 4-year-old daughter of Dr. Thomas C. Chalmers, an at tending physician in the Queensboro hospital, where several cases have been treated. Here's a Soldier Who Cursed the Flag Montgomery, Ala., Aug. 3. Private Harry Goldberg of the Alabama Na tional Guard vas ordered court mar tialed today on a charge of disobey ing an officer. The charge grew out of his punish ment nearly two weeks ago by being tied to the ground when accused of cursing the American flag, the presi dent, the nation and the officers. The officers who ordered this punishment were publicly reprimanded today by Brigadier General Bricken for exceed ing their authority. Farmer Drowned in Pond Near Tekamah Tecumeh, Neb., Aug. 3. (Special Telegram.) John Reckewey, a farm er of Elk Creek, was drowned in a small pond near this town last night and his body found today. He was a victim of epilepsy fits, and had been fishing, and, in a fit, fell into the pond. Reckewey was 52 years old and is sur vived by his widow and nme children. Soldiers' Home Notes Or an d Island, Neb., Aug. 1. (Special.) Rev. M. Jackson at the Flrat Baptist church of Grand Inland, occupied the pulpit at th Home chapel on Sunday afternoon and Rave a iplendld addreai to an attentive audience. Mra. William Madden haa returned from a five weeks' absence from Burkett. All but eight of the ninety-four cots In the West hospital are occupied at present, but the physicians' reports ars encourag in. The new uniforms will be Issued at 1 o'clock today to those who had their meas urements taken last April. peorgo Waters has returned to Burkett from his recent vacation furlough. Charles Corwln started yesterday to can vass the Home mem bets with the view of ascertaining the number who would attend the reunion at Central City, which begins August 7. Tents will be provided for mem bers and their wives who attend, and a good cook has been secured. Mrs. Thompson of Have lock, who has boin visiting tor a short time wlih hr mother, Mrs. Rldgley, haa returned to her home. The freckling, discoloring or roughening to which most skins are subject at this season may readily he gotten rid of. Mer colized wax, spread lightly over the face bnfore rotfrlng and removed In the morning with floap and watnr, completely peels off the disfigured nkln. Get an ounce, of the wax at tiny druKKlKt's- There's no more effective way nf banlnhlng tan, freckles or other cutaneous deferls. Little skin parti cles come off each dny, so thi procens Itself doesn't even lempontrlly mar the complexion 1 one soon aciuiren a uranu new, spot- lcin, girlishly beautiful faee. wr liKl's raUBPd ny wcatner, worry or ill ness are best treated by a Imple solution of powdered saxolite, one ounce, d Involved ini one-half pint witch hastcl. Bathing iho face In this produces a truly marvelous trans formation. Advertisement. Shoes Specially Priced Infants' Patent Leather Strap Slippar., light turn soles. Sizes 2 to 5, at 796 Mis.a.' and Children's Patent and White Canva. Mary Jana Slip par., white Elkskin soles. Sizes 6 to 2. Friday, pair 98t Odd. and End. in Children's Barefoot Sandal., about 200 pairJ Values to 98c, at Z5C Women'. White Canva. Sport Ox fords, leather trimmed; white soles and heels. Special. .81.89 Men'. White Canva. Oxford., nlain or tan leather trimmed. Rubber soles and heels. . .$1.19 Odd. and End. of Women'. Pump, and Oxford. 256 Underwear Women'. Gauze Sleevele. Ve.U, worth to 10c, sale price, each, 561 Children'. Ve.t. and Pant., odd lots and sizes. Worth to 16c, sale price, at 8HC Women'. Fine Cotton Union Suit., cuff and lace knee styles; all sizes; worth to 60c, special Friday, at v 29c Hosiery Women's Cotton Seamless White Feet Ho.iery, worth 10c, special per pair .8Wt Children'. Half Ho.a, in fancy colored stripes. All sizes; 15c quality, per pair. ...... .126 Handkerchiefs Women'. White and Colored Border Handkerchief.! regular price 5c, sale price, each..2HC Maltless Alcohol free A Brannev Beverage On Tap and In bothes Omaha Beverage Company 6002 to 6016 South 30th St. Phone South 1267. SOUTH SIDE STATION, OMAHA, NEB.