Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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j If nana anaiac,. vuunuwuo
Strong and Makes Another
Advance or 4 to B cents.
Omaha. August I. 1111.
Th wheat marks! waa vary atrong again
today and advanced from 4 to So over yee--terdar'a
prlcea. Thara waa an excellent
demand for all ktnde of wheat and recelpta
continued very heavy.
No. 1 bard aold around ll.t801.ISH and
the bulk, of the No. I hard wheat aold at
bout the aama prlcea aa the No. 1 wheat
There were quite a few can of No. I hard
wheat aold and the batter aamplee aold
around II.
There waa only a few eara of corn on the
floor and there waa a good demand for thte
cereal at advanced prlcea.
Oete recelpta were food and the demand
for thte cereal continued quite active.
The caeh oata market waa alao atrong
and aold from IrHUe higher. Corn aold
e114o higher, rye advanced a cent and
barley waa quoted nomlnelly unchanged.
Clearance were: Wbeat and flour equal
to 1,081.600 buehele; corn, 111.000 buihela:
oale. 11,000 buahela. t
Liverpool cloee: Wheat Id to Id oigaer.
Corn, steady to Id higher.
Primary wheat receiota were 1,180,000
buehela, and shipments. 071.000 bushels,
against receipts of 732,000 bushels and ehlp-
inenta of bushels last year.
, Primary corn recelpta were 171.000 bushels.
' and ehlpmente 411,000 bushels, against re
ceipts of 629,000 bushets, and shipments of
ill. 000 bushels laat year.
Primary oats receipts were 1,084.000 bush
els, and shipments 8X2.000 bushels, agalne
, receipts of 202,000 bushels, and shlpmsnts
; of 110,000 buahela last year.
Wheat. Corn. ' Oats
Chicago.....; 124 111 220
Omaha 278 II 42
Kansas City ..,.210 12 12
tt. Louis Ill 27 71
These sales were reported today:
Wheat No. 1 hard winter: I cars, 11.1114;
I can, 11.11: I cars, 1.I7Vj; I cars, 11.27.
Xo. I hard winter: 1 cars. ILtlli: 11 cars.
11.21: I care, 11.171a: 4 cars, 11.27. No. I
hart winter: I cars, 11.18: I cars, 11.1714;
4 oars, 11.17; I car, 11.21; cars, 11.21; I
cans, 11.24; I can, 11.21; cars. 11.12; I
ran, 11.21. No, 4 hard winter: I ears.
1.11; 4 can, 11.10; 1 car, 11.11; I oara,
ll.lli t cars, 11.11: 4 can, 11.17; U car,
ft II; 1 car, 11.10. Simple hard winter:
1 car, 11.11; 1 car, 11.10; 1 car. 11.01; 1
ear. 11.07. No. I spring: 1 oar, II. Hi,.
No. S durum: tear, 11.20. No. I durum; 1
nan, 11.11. No. I mlied: 1 oar, 11.17. No.
I durum, mlaod: 1 oar, 11.11. No. 4 mlsad:
I ear, 11.11.
Corn No. white: I cars, IIHc No. I
white: I can, 71c; I can, 77 0. No, I
white: I car, lie. No. I yellow: 1 ear, 7le.
No. I yellowi t can, 71c; 1 car, .10. No.
yellow: t cars, 74c No. I mlsed: 1 oar,
77e; It, can, 77o. No. I mlsed: 1 car,
71c. No. I mlsed: 1 ear, 71 1,0.
Oata No. I white: i eara, 40c; I oara.
IIHc: I can, lHc. No. 4 white: I can.
lie. Sample white: 1 car, 8)0 ; 1 car, 18410:
I cart, IIHC; 1 car, Htto: 1 oar, 37 Ho;
I I I can, fl7c
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. hard
ll.leHt1.28H; No. 8 hard, II.IIOI 21: No
hard, ll.Hvl.lll No. I spring, SI.S44jl.ll:
No. I spring, tl.liei.IIV.: No. 2 durum.
11.1401.11; No. I durum, 11.11101.11. Corn:
No. I white, 7IHl78t,c: No. I white, 7714
71; No. 4 white, 7777Vic: No. I white,
7H77c: No. white, 71144)710: No. 1
yellow, IMtf7to: No. I yellow, 78 HO 71c;
No. 4 yellow, 7107114c; No. I yellow. 770
7714c: No. I yellow, 7114 071c: No, I mlsed.
77H07lc; No. I mixed, 77077c: No. 4
mlsed, 7114 0 77c; No. I mlsed. 74H07ll4o:
Na. I mlied. 74011140. Oats: No, 1 white,
t,041c; standard, 40Vi4014o; No. I
white, MHO40c; No. 4 white, am C sir.
Barley: malting, IICMSe; No. 1 feed. I0
Ho. Rye: No. I, 17011c; No. I, Ill7c
Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee
. by Logan dc Bryan, stock and grain brokers,
111 South Btsteomh street: ,
Wheat Advances Three Cents aa September
Omaha. Aug. I, Ills.
Trading In futures waa not very active to
day and moat of the trading waa In wheat.
The wheat market opened strong and ad
vanced about lo on September and 10 on
liecember and May, but later reacted and
lMA-.raetlr!elly unchanged.
'. 7 Black rust continues to be th main
feature of the wheat market and reports
fnm some Canadlaa points say the farmers
ara stacking their wheat, the yield being
so small that it would not pay the cost of
: ihrashliur.
Weather conditions an com In Nebraska
and Iowa ara somewhat Improved, but Kan
aaa Is still In the grip of the heat wave and
only scattered ratna . have been reported.
Corn ruled steady and oats were strong, ad
vancing fco on September and o on the
Omaha closing prlcea on futures for this
Art I Opsn. High. Ik""' Close. I Tea,
1 1414!
1 II- S
1 1114
1 IT4i!
i 11
I 14
74 '
Chlceeo etoatne arlces. furntohed The Bee
py lgsn a nryan, sicca ana gram oroaen,
III South Sixteenth street:
High. Low, Close. I Tes.
. Dec.
" Dee,
1 It
1 II
1 le-TH,
I 48
1 12 II
111 31-20:
I II 11
' II 07
t 14
I 1)14
i 4l2,
II 11-77
11 IT
11 40
II 10
II 10-12!
11ll 1 11
1I8 I It
7I1 71.
7r 4814
7114 , ' '
II 57
111 41
11 10
II 11
II 07
II 71-72
II 41
11 11
H it
81 40
11 Ik
IS 7
is ifc-j
it to
Crap Reports, Stmt rritm Vp, But Utw
Ttwy DecliM.
Ch.Cs.iro, Aug. Htftvy re Hi
proflti sn wht ctfd today a more thai,
an oiTaftt tnr reports of a virtual crop fa dura
In a. larfa nctton of Manitoba and Saakat
han. The market, which waa influenced
aino by reaaaurlnf later advices from Can
aria, loat all of an eifcrly advance and clod
weak at . to H 0 Jl net dorllne. with Sep
tember at fi.zy), ana uecemoer, 91.9..
Tarn nnuned mvhu aown; oat up
iUtfU. and aalna of te to lltto.
Fifteen cent a buahel advance on wheat
In three dayi proved too treat a tempta
tion lo be wtthatood by a majority of the
rails, even though the latest upturns had
been based on explicit damese reports from
ens of the beat known eiperts In the trade.
He had sent word this morn In from Ka ta
re n. Seek., that the wheat crop from Bran
doit, Man., to Oxbow, Haak., wa a virtual
failure. Rust, he said, was In every field.
nd was extending toward Kate van. Thla
announcement brought about exulted onsets
of freeh buying and a consequent aavane
In nrtcea. Then the load put on tne mar
ket by profit taking- on a hugs scale began
to take effect and there was a suuoeeslon
of downward awing In value, accelerated by
an authoritative denial of yesterday's ra-
Jort that black ruat was preaent at Moose
aw, Bask., andby comprehensive official
statements from Winnipeg, tending to show
that damage reports had been extravagant.
Whether or not tne racis aaa oeei
istPHtohed a to the harm wrought In Cane
dlan wheat fields, many speculators here
. seemed to nave aaopieo ine view tec 111
the session that tne crop asmsge, a
.. ticket Influence, had been sufficiently dls
rounled, at least for the time being. In
this connection It was pointed out that ex
port sales In all positions today were only
, buahela.
- Corn awayed with wheat, on the whole,
though the market ruled comparatively firm,
wtng to Increasing reports that corn fields
flrlna In Kansas and In central Illinois.
Oats developed Independent strength, owing
tnanlty to utiravoraois crop report iruin m
northwest. There were aiso oeansn eau
mates current as to the total domestic yield,
" is. Mtmti&red with a month ago.
Baring to fill relief orders for Belgium
.rave the provision market a lift IjOwot quo-
tatlona OB nogs weie ignwrua.
RVtansrtBinna everued hiahsr. owing to light-
mom of offerings. There was considerable
astern net ling, however, en December lard.
Fata tw Higher; mcelpta, 11 cara; Vir
ginia barreled, "'
(v.oc; Miasourl and Kansas, Ohloa, ?.
l!'ettMry AHva, utieaanged; towla, XTCJ
. 11 c; spnogsiitF'ic.
- Uwtfcl OfsOa Market. ;'(
Uvervool. Au. Wheat pot, ' No,
Venltobe. U ltd; No. 1 not quoted: Ho, a
t. si wtvaiera. winter, lis a. "
Qrm6U Amerlcaa mixed, new, 20s id.
Cuban Sugar Is Low, Prices
Going Off Six Points Dur
ing the Session. .
New Tork. Aug. I. Irregularity was the
dominant characteristic today of Ihe mar
ket, which, like the sessions of the early
week waa largely, If not wholly, under con
trol of trading elements. That faction again
made the most of the uncertainty now
prevailing In the railroad world and va
rious lines of Industry to depress prices.
and the net result waa moderately favorable
to that side of the account.
There were further gross declines of I to
points In leading motor shares, while
sugars and petroleums were materially af
fected by adverse trade conditions, nuban
Amerlcan (Sugar regtatered an extreme loss
of f points, with b for Cuba Cane, 4 for
South Porto Rico and 2 for 'American
Weakness of oils, which wag most pro
nounced In the I -point decline of Texas
Company, Wss naturally ascribed to the
price adjustment now going on In Ihe oil
Industry. Mexican Petroleum lost a point,
with two for the preferred stocks.
Munitions ana equipments were not ma
terially altered aside from another (-point
recession in Bethlehem Steel and moderate
pressure upon Cruotbte and Lackawanna
Steels. United States Steel traversed an
sxtremety nsrrow radius, hut hardened
with others of Its class on short covering.
snipping issues as a group were consist
ently firm to strong and Infused vitality to
tne later dealings wnen tne more severe
losses of the forenoon were laraetr re
trieved, Miscellaneous specialties like Amer
ican Wool, Harvester. Pullman and the ao.
called merchandise Issues were 1 to I points
lower. 1
Halts were extremely variable. Union Pa
eifla leading In an advancing movement
wnicn was retarded by recess Ions In Cane.
dlan Pacific, Chicago A Northwestern, Erie
ursi preterrea ana nt. Feui. Heaviness of
the latter was exnlalned by the Dtibiicatian
of June earnings, showing a net decrease
of 1921,000. Total sales of stocls amounted
to 360,000 shares.
Bonds were Irregular with occasional
pressure against Analo-French ta and anm
of the more epeculatlvo lasusa In the lntr.
national group. Total sales of bends, par
value, were IJ.166,000.
united States bonds were unchanvMrf nn
call. . '
U lark r ... ri...
m. uec. sugar.,; ia,3uu S7
American Can 1,70ft S4
Omaha, Aug. I, llll.
nnceipis were: larns. nogs, anrep Mondsr i.m 8,038 ii.iki
Ofnrlal Wednesday ' LSI" 1M1I e'3T
osunieie inursaajr ., x.ttuv is,.ou e.oirv
Kour days this weeltl.817 47.711 41.4II
Same days last weeK. 10.171 12.131 41.2HI
,m. days I wesks arell.131 12.141 18.417
Name days 1 weeks agoll.7K7 8&.31I 28.268
Same days 4 weeks age 1.714 10,114 IS, 17!
8a me dsys Isat year.. 11.141 28,l:i 41.118
The follawlne table shew, the renelnte of
rattle, hogs and sheep et the South Omaha
live etock market for the year to data, aa
compared with last yssr:
1,1 a ISIS Inn TM.
Cattle .... 187.408 870.088 17.140
MOSS 1.102.886 1.142.07A 2.A.8SA
Sheep 1,111.704 1.2S6.I88 11,121
The fotlowtnS teble ihnm the ev.rae.
prlcee of hogs at the Omaha live stock mar.
ket for the last few days, with comparison,.
Am. Car, at Fndry. 1.800 87U
Am. Locomotive... 1,000 48
Am. Bme t. Jr Refa. l.soo fts
Am, Sugar Refg... 1,000 10IU
Am. i. at t
Am. Z . L. A B
Anaconda Copper..
Baldwin Loco
Baltimore Ohio,
100 12V
1,100 82
1,100 78
i.aoo 1024
2,000 72
Brook. Rapid Trans,
R. A R. Copper. . . ,
IVt l
14 US
5114 IIVj
74k 8U
2 13 3
108(4 101
12114 121 '4
11 H 11
784, 78 4
101 102U
70S 1l
. I4!4 U
81 H 14
4,800 178 1711, 171
200 84 u, 84 4 64
100 tOi 8144 81 44
300 1844 1414 I4U
M 12441 1? 111
100 47 U
Oal. Petroleum
Canadian Pacific,
Central Leather...
Chess. A Ohio..,,
. St. P....
Chi. N. W.....
C. R. I. A P
Chlno Copper. , ... , ,
C. P. A I." ,
Corn Prod. Refc. .
Crucible Steel 10. 1H 18
Ulst. Becuntles....
Uenersl Bllectrlc.,,
Ot. Northern pfd..
ut No. ore ctfs..
Illinois Central,,..
Int. Con. Corp...,
Inspiration Copper.
nt. narv., n. j . .
2,101 Wfr 4V,' tl
18 'a
1,100 18H 1744
200 1814
V)t 11714 77
Int. M. M. pfd. clfs. 1,200 II IH4
v. l:. b
Kennecott Copper.
i,. as in ,
Mns. Petroleum.,
Miami Copper.
81., K. A t. Pfd..
Missouri Paclflo...
Montana Power...
Nstlonal Lead.,,,
Nevada Copper, , . ,
N. T. Central
N. T., N. H. A H.
Norfolk A Wesl...
Northern Psclfle,.
Pac fla Mali
Pennsylvania n...
flay Con, Copper..
Rep. Iron A Steel
MhattuoK Ans. t.p.
Southern Pacific.
Southern Railway.
Studebaker Co.....
Tennessee Copper..
Texes Company...
union facino ..
Union Pacific pfd. ,
IT. 8. Ind. Alcohol
U. S. St.el. 18.000 18
u. b, Hteei pra.,,, i,,vu ii'
Ulah Copper loo 77
weoaan ptn. t.,ww so
Western Union
Westlngh. Klsotrle
4 4L
1,(00 4314 4314
1.400 It , 14 K
1,000 II II lbi
1.800 4114 47 S 41
1,000 113 111 '4 11314
7. 2414
1,000 41 44 44
300 12714 127 12814
1, en. e. ST e. u
'ioi '
103 101 103
11 88 11
131 128 128
1,100 103
I 400
1,800 111 110
100 IS
1.200 II
1,700 12
1,700 13
00 41
l,0t 1714 17
800 11 II
1,100 113 121 113
1,201 21 14 18
1,100 111 117 181
7.200 188 137 138
101 81 82 82
1.000 108 104 106
800 181
1,800 111
Total galas for the day, ll,70l shares.
Wear York Money Mark el.
N Near Tork, Aug. I, Mercantile Paper
1 94 Per cent.
Sterling Bschenge 40-day bllle, 14.71;
demand, 14.7111-11; eablee, 14.717-11.
Silver Bar, 44440; nsxiosn nouare, ,.o.
Bonds Government, steadyi railroad, Ir
Time Loans oiesuy; sw nays, . per cm,
II days, 8 041 per cent) I months, 80
4 per cent.
Cell Mon,y-tsady high, ! per cent;
lew, 1 per cent; ruling rate, 1 per cent;
laat loan. 1 per cent; closing bid, 1 per
cent; offered at 1 per cent.
U. 0. ret. Is, reg.llL. A N. un. B4...I4
ft a ... 2.. ..OU.8814M.. K. A T. 1st
il. S. Is, reg.,.100 4e 71
U. B. le, cou....l07 "Mo.pac.con. ss.107
u. B. 4S, reg. . 1 .... ft moiii. row.
.it a nou 11IN. T. C. deb. le. 11114
Am. Smsll. ls..,107N. T. City 4s
Am. T. A T. or. (HIS) 187
lit. I01UN. Y.. NT. M. A H.
Anglo-French H..IS cv. Is.... 115
Atchison gsn. 4s,. 12 No. Pae. 4; Jl
ft tl O. 4S VV7k"o. rtu. .
Bethlshem Bteel O. S. L. ref. 4s.. 11
ref. Is. 100'Pso. T. A T. 6s. 100
Cent. Pac. 1st. ..II "Penn; con. 4s.104
C A O. cv. 4s..l6 Penn. gen. 4e..l07
C. B. A Q. It, 4s.l7R.sdlng gen. 4s. .41
c u. a st; p. "si. l. a a r.
cv. Is". 107 ref. 4e.,. 11
6, B. I. r. By. Pac. cv I;;.l03l
C A S. ref. 4s.llSo. Ry. 1 107
D.AR. o., P. 4s... Mj
Brie gen. 40....7I V. P. cv, 4s 83V,
(Jen. Bloc. Is 1IU- B. Rub. 6S....107 4
I. M. M. 4Te... l0t.iWestlnghouse
K. C. D. rei. -iw.
Bid. Offered.
Butter No. 1 oreanury, In oartons ar tuba.
"poultry Bioilro, Iftcf hens, HHoj geese,
full feathered, 10c; roosters and stags, 10Ho;
ducks. 13Qi turaeys, inn; ura wnm, -.
capons, tlo; guineas, Ste; squabs. SOe to le.ftO
DSr aoaeni pifjevu. 11 v tnrs mv.s.
Cheeseltn ported Swiss, lb., lie; domeetlc
Swiss, lb., 14c; block Swiss, lb., 11c: twins.
lb., 170, triPieiS, ill., llUi OBIBICl, IU., 4U,
Toun America, lb., lie; blue label brick, lb.,
lIHo; Umberger. lb., lie; New Tork white,
lb,. lOo, Rocquefort, lb,, a
Beef Cuts Ribs: No. U lie; No. S, Ho:
No. 1, 1-t.U' I-olns; No. 1, II fee; No. S,
20cj No . 17Wu Chucks: No. 1. UHoi
No. t. 1-c; No. I, 10 So. Rounds: No. 1,
1714c; No. I, lc; No; 1, Ho. Plate;
No. I IO01 No. 1. tAoi N 1, lo.
Coffea Market. .
New Tork, Au. I. Coffee Rather a
smulter Inoreese In the world's visible sup
ply for the month ot July than had been
looked for failed to stimulate buying In
the market for coffee futures and after
opening unchanged to 1 polni higher, prices
eaaed off In the late trading. Stiles for the
day amounted to only 1.600 hags. Septem
ber contracts eased off from I 41c to 1.3 so
under small offerings, while December de
clined from l.l4o to l.llo and the market
closed at a net loss of I to points for the
day. August, 8.-10; sepiemoer i.seo; ucto
ber. 1.41c: November, 1.48c; December,
l..0c; January, I.Mo; February, M5c;
Blarcn, l.ivo; April, s.7o; May, s.tsc; june,
1.16c: July. 1. 10c. Spot coffee waa again r-
Dorted In fair demand with vrlcea un
changed at IHo for Rio Ts and lOo for
Santos 4a Cost and freight offers were un
changed. The official cables reported a de
cline of Tl rels at Rio. but Rle exchange on
London waa 1-lld higher and Santos futures
were unchanged to SI rels higher. Braalllan
port receipts, 17,000 bags; Jundlahy, 42,100
bags. Rio eleared 4,000 bags and Victoria
10,000 bags tor New Tork. Sao Paulo tem
peratures tanged from 41 to 14. The world's
risible Increased 171,110 bags during July,
against 1,100.-01 last year, making the vis
Ible as of August 1, 1,107,704 bags against
i,tii,u last year. ; ,
CeeuwmpiiWa ml Cette.
Hew Orleans, Aug. 1. The world's con.
sumption of American cotton during the
year ending July 11 waa 14.113,000 bales, an
Increase of 171,000 bales over the preceding
season and a new record, according; to a
statement today by H. Q. Heater, secre.
tary of the New Orleans Cotton exchange.
The former record tor consumption, made
thrs yean ago, waa m.timoo bales.
M A li II
Wabash ..........
I MlaantiH Pa I flit
I Union Pacific
. iv. w east,.,.
. A N. W mmt . .
C St. P.. M. A O. .
C, B. A Q east...
C, B. st Q.. west.,.
C, R, 1, A P., east.
C B. t. A P., west..
Illtnlls Central ....
Chicago at. West,.
Good Run of Cattle on Advance
in Price . Over Yesterday
and Last "Week.
Jul, IS
July to.:
July 31.
July 21.
July II
July 14.
July 16.
July 38
July 17
July II
July 21
July 10
July II.
AUg. 1 .
Aug. 1.
AUg. 3
1 11
I 11
I 80;
' 5' I
1 11
t 87
t 28
I 11
a si
I 28
I !4l
I 00
I I8l
1 S7I
I tl
I 87
I 71
I It
8 71
I 17;
I It I 12
I 101 I 14
I I 141
I 711
I l I II
I 11 I II
381 I 63
I 141
I 41
I in
I 11
I 41
I 211
I 04
I 11 7 20 1 11
7 II I 13
I 17 I 17
I II 7 16 I II
I 13 I It
I 77 I II I 11
I 77 T 47 I II
I II 7 17 I 41
4 7 68 I 16
I II e I 14
I 67 7 44 4 47
I II 7 17 e
III T 73 I 81
I 13 7 76 I 14
I 41 7 86 I 68
7 13 I Tl
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
u, .,uh yarns, uraana, tor twenty,
four hour, ending at I p. in. yestsrday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. K'ra.
- 136
. ;:::: !:::::
. 4
66 ,
'S ::::: :
Total recelpta,.,. IK 110 21 ''. t
Morris A Co..... 3l 1,731 134
Swift A Co 181 1,171 ,S77
Cudahy Packing Co., 633 1,131 t9Z
Armour J0 207 1,171 101
Schwartt A Co 660
J. W. Murphy 1,605 ,,.
Morrell It , . ;
f.tnfnln Pajilrlna n.
a. v. racking Co
Swift, from country ,
Cudahy, from country ,
rv. n. vansant UO,.,
tf It T .ss av I a
J. B. Root A Co.'.,."
Ftosonstock Bros. , ,., ,
F. Q. Kellogg
Warthalmttv A n.H-
Sullivan Bros
Rothschild A Krebs..
Huffman ,
Olassberg ',. '. ,
taatter, jnnes ft 0,,,.
rlinn.r RM.
John Harvey ,.
uennis Francis...,
Jflnien A I.iinn .
Tt 1,771 H.M7 6,171
Cattls Receipts wsro of fair nronortlons
for a Thursday. 101 loads, about 1,100 head,
and the quality was about what It has been
all week. The. four day's supply has bsen
nearly 1,000 heavier than for the asms pe
rtort last week, but demand has been broader
and the general market In much better
shape. Prices today ruled steady to itronf
for both cornfed and Western gratis beeves,
choice yearlings selling up to $10.10, and
very choice grass beeves at 91.10. Native
cattls are right around 16&36o higher than
they were last week, and the bulk ot the
western rangers show around a lOAlto ad
vance. There wsro not a great many cows and
heifers here today, but prices were firmly
held and under a broAd demand the market
showed a lfiiff20u sdvknco this week, prac
tically all grades sharing In tie Improve
ment. Demand for stock cattls and feeding steers
keeps up well and anything at all desirable
In this line found a ready sals at prlcea
fully 16c better than last week.
quotations on cattls: Uood to choice
oeeves. is.sue .e.ou; fair to good beeves.
IS. 7601. 40; common to fair beeves, 17.60$
11.76; good to choice yearlings, 11.(0(910.16;
fair to good yearlings, I8.uoffl0.o0: common
to fair yearlings. Is. 76 4) 7.76; good to choice
grass beeves. I8.OUOI.1U; fair to good grass
beeves, $7. 1607.76, ooraraoQ to fair grass
beeves, ltt.60tj7.C0; good to choice heifers.
is.ieayi.tu; good to choice cows, 16.000
7.16; fair to good cows, 10.00(91.10;
common to fair cows, $1.76(96.71; good to
choice feeders. I7.60ai.16: fair to nnA
feeders, 17.0097.10; common to fair feeders.
s.vuVf.uu; gooo to cnoico Blockers. 17.00(9
-.16; stock heifers, 16.7606.76; stock cows.
16.60(91.60; stock calves, 6.76tS1.60; veal
calvee, l.00n,oo; beef bulls, stags, etc
t.164r7 16: Buloxna bulla. $6.60tftt.ll.
Representative sales t
No, Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
......... 030 II 60 ; 4 76S 6 71
' 1........ gU I 16 1 10 1 60
1 lis I 71 11 at 7 00
HO t 16 1 ,.1C40 I 00
It 1201 1 10 1 10.6 1 00
140 1 06 11 ..1077 I 60
le. 117 I 10
110 I 16 11 1061 I 00
19 '41 I 20 711 I
II....... Ill I 66 V
I........ Ill I 16 1 HQ 16
1 700 I 16 4 737 I 60
1 470 T 00 1 ISO T 60
I 631 T 76
I. . 711 I 10 I........ 404 6 10
1 490 I 00 1 631 7 16
1. ...... .110 7 60
I... 410 7 60 1 100 I 60
1. ....... 130 10 00 I 226 10 60
166 11 Si 1 JIB U 60
HofsAnothar heavy hog supply was en
deck this morning, receipts ot 206 ears, or
13.600 head, being the largest In two weeks
with the exception of yesterday. Pour
days' total Is the largest In many week, the
supply footing up 47,720 head, as against
21,336 last week, 12,144 two weeks ago and
31,421 a year gao. .
Most of the other markets reported fresh
declines this morning and feeling among
locsl buyers was bearish. Shippers bought
1 near eeny nogs as ruuen as 100 lower, best
lights and butchers stopping at 11.40.
Packers also came out with fully lie lower
bids and succeeded In buying some hogs
that way. Most sellers refused to grant
the 10a concessions that were demanded,
pricing their droves steady, or nearly ao.
and packers, who evidently wanted the hogs
naniy enougn, soon raised their hands, buy
ing the bulk of the offerings at 60 lower
ngures, and toward the close paying prlcea
that were steady with yesterday. A few
late shipping orders helped out the close
materially, order buyers being In the trade
from start to nnish.
After first rounds movement waa active
and practically everything had' changed
hands before 1:10. Packer droves were
bought largely at a spread ot 11.1001.00,
and they paid above even money for some
of the better stuff, while outside buyers
gave aa high aa 11.40 for kinds that Just
suited them. General market was any
where from steady to a dime Inwes. or on
the average about 60 down. In tho last
four days values havs depreciated about
46c, niost of the hogs last Saturday having
soia at fi.sucf f.o, wita tops at 11.70.
Hspreaantativt sales:
No. Av. fih. Pr.
41. .140 120 II 10
71. .181 10 I 16
61.. 244 lit). I 16
I 06
I 10
No, Av. Sh. W
61. .Ill 120 II 70
la. 321
10.. 101
76. .Ill
17.4 201
74. .111
61., 241
14.. 100
I 10
... I Oft
120 I 10
40 I II
Sheep Tho total reeefpti of ihesp and
lambs were very fair for a Thursday, some
twenty-fivo cars, or f.0 head, being re
ported In. Actual offerings were, however,
moderate, nine cars going direct to packers.
Ho tar this week arrivals have been 41,601
head, being aVmoat 7.000 smaller than laat
week and 4.009 abort of a year ago. but
larcer than two weeks ago by MOO bead.
fitronaer nncee were In force all aroued
the loop again thla morning, and on a llo
upturn here la nine reacnen me nigneet prices
over recorded at tlua point at thla time of
year, bulk of the ranga offerings selling at
1 1 1.00.
Three or four cars of natives were of
fered, two bunches reachlns 110.76 and soirie
selling arotfnd 110.60. Htnce last week's
close range lambs have advanced anyway
36c. Monday and Tumi ay runs were neavy
and only a small upturn wsa noted, but the
last two days prlcee have norea a run
quarter gain on mora moderate receipts.
There were practically no reeaer lames
here, packers agsln taking the few cuIIh.
Feeding lambs are strong to a little higher
than last week. Offerings were almost too
It a-lit to make a market even at the start
of the week, and since Tuesday none have
been available. This weeks top oi 19.65 Is
a record for the yards.
Quotations on sheen and lambs: Lambs,
good to choice, 110.76911.00, lambs, fair
to good, i.o.oowiO'.Tb. lam us, reeoers, B.Yt
BO. 66: year lnss. good to fnolce, 17.760
1.36: yearlings, fair to good, $7.0007.76;
yearlings, feeders. 6.607.-0; wethers, fair
to choice,, ewes, goou to cnoice,
17.0007.60: ewes, fair to good, 16.7607.00;
ewes, plain to culls, 14 006.76; ewes, feed
ers, 14.6006.00; ewes, yearlings,
1.00; swea. breeders, 2s and up, 16.0001.00.
No. A v. Pr.
81 nstlve lamba i io &o
6 culls 61 I 60
7 natlva ewes 112 7 26
2 cull ewes .13 4 60
170 Idaho fat lambs 71 11 00
St. Louis Live Stock Market.
St. Louis, Aug. 2. Cattle Receipts, 3.600,
steady to 10c higher. .Native beef strum,
$7.000 10.16 ; yearlings, steers and heifers,
11.60010.00; cows, $6.6808.00; stock era and
feeders, $6.3008. 26; Texas and Oklahoma
steers, $6.00010.00; cows and heifers, 16.00
0 8.00; prime yearlings, steers ana neiiern,
$8.76010.26; native calves, 16.1011,76.
Hoas Receipts. 13,300; steady to c lower.
Pigs and lights, $1.6009.80; mixed and
butchers, 11.8000.77; good, heavy, 11.700
9.77 bulk, $9.6009.76.
Bhsep Receipts. 4.000; steady to 26c
higher. Spring lambs, $7.00010.36; slaugh
ter ewes, $6.0007.26; bleating ewes, $9,000
10,00; yoarllngs, $6.0001.60.
Kansas Citr Live Htock Market.
Kansas City, Aug. 8. Cattle Receipts.
S.400 head, Including 600 southerns; market
10 to 26c higher; prime fed steers, $1,600
10 10: rlrnuird beef steers. 97.6009.26: wettt-
em steers, $7.0009.00; southern steers, S.O0
08.60; cows, $4. 6007.6V: neirers, e.uvtt?
1.60; stockers and foeders, $6.0008.00; bulls,
$6.2608.76; calves, t. 60011. 00,
Han RacelDts. 7.000 head: market 10c
higher; bulk of sales. 19.4009.96; heavy,
$9.6001.70; packers, $9.6009.70; light, $9.36
01.60; pigS, 9H.OUQB.ttU,
Sheep Receipts, 2,700 head; market 10 to
11.41 hirhur? iiinhi. 110.26011.00: yearlings
$7.7601.36; wethers. $7.6008.00; ewes, $7.00
07.00; gtocKers ana leeaers. t.wyi.i.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
.a.a -l-i.tll Dapalnla AAfl
mega)!?, AUg. v-cavviv" . .v - . -,
head; native beef steers, $0.70010.86; west
ern steers, $0.0608.40; stockers and feeders,
$6.0007.90; cows ana neiiers, fa-ovm-.'.',
calves, $8.60012.00.
HOgS HSCeipiB, d-.VVV HOBil. lissa. w "
to 6c lower; bulk of sal'-. $9.6009.76; light.; mixea, s.vvv.v, ic,v,,
09.06; rougn, i?..o3b.bu; pik. ,..
at r . .. . I . - la AAA sismrl' murkut
a ,h.,-. 7f rfl) 'S! awes. 13.600
7.16;' lambs, $7.26011.16.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
St. Joseph. Mo., Aug. $. Cattle- Re
ceipts, 1,600 head; market steady to 10c
higher; steers, $6.6001.76; cows and heifers,
$4.0001.00; calves, $6.00011.00.
Hogs Receipts, 1.600 head; market open
ing 6c higher; top, $1.66; bulk of sales, IS. 30
Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1,600 head;
market lOo to 16c higher; lambs. $10,000
10.76; owes, $7.0007.60.
Sioux City Live Stock Market.
Sioux City, Aug. I. Cattle Receipts,
1,000; market, steady; native steers, $6,600
9.16; cows and heifers, $6.6007.26; canners,
Hogs Receipts, 4.000; market, steady;
heavy, $9.2009.60; mixed, $8.7009.30; light.
$1.6008.70; bulk or sales, 9s.8u0v.iiD.
Sheep Receipts, 200.
Live Stock In Sight.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha , 2,600 18,600 6,600
St, Louis 8,600 12.300 4,000
Sioux city 1.000 4.000 200
Chicago 2,000 23.000 13,000
Kansas City 2.400 7,000 2,700
St. Joseph 3,400 7,600 2,700
Totals 14,900 18,900 28,900
Cotton Market.
Hew Tork, Aug. I. Cotton Futures
opened firm; October, 13.16c; December,
ll.ilo; January. 11.10c; March, 14.11o;
May, 14.140.
Spot cotton steady; middling uplands,
11.16c. No sales.
Liverpool, Aug. I. Cotton Spot strong;
good middling, 1.66d; middling-, 1.40d; low
middling, .24d; sales, 1,000 bales, 1,000 for
speoulatton and, export.
London stock Market.
London, Aug. 1. Money and discount
rates were eaay today. Shipping shares were
quieter and mostly easier. American secu
rities ruled quiet and closed steady.
Silver Bar, 20ftd per ounce.
Money 44 per cent.
Discount Rates Short bills, 4H04K par
cent; three months, 404 per cent.
- London Money Market.
London. Aug. 1. Apart from some activ
ity and Improvement in Russian mining
shares, the stock market waa uninteresting
today. American securities were neglected.
Money and discount rates were steady.
Money 44 per cent. i
Discount Rates Short hills, SK05 per
cent; three months' bills, IH0o per cent
Sliver Bar, lOlfcd per ounos.
Metal Market.
New Tork, Aug, I. Metals Lead, $6.00
asked. Spelter weak; spot Bast St. Louis
delivery, $8,031. Copper ftrm; electrolytic,
$26.00027.00. Iron steady and unchanged.
Tin quiet and steady; spot offered at $38.26.
At London: Spot copper, 107: futures,
l$161 16s; lead, 21 10s; spelter, 17,
Kansas City Grain Market.
Kansas City, Aug. 1. Wheat September,
$1.16; December, $1.38)4; -day, $1.320
Corn August, T7 H 9 77 Ho ; September,
l7Ho; December, 70 Ho-
Dry Bonds Market.
New York. Aug. I. Cotton goods were
strong today with pries advances reported
on sheetings, drills and print cloths. Yarns
were Arm and high. Dress goods of a staple
character were advanced from le to 6c a
yard over the opening spring prices named
last week. Raw silk was higher. Jute ad
vanced one pound sterling- a ton, while bur
laps went up another shilling a hundred
yards at Calcutta.
Turpentine and Rosin,
Savannah. Oa.. Aug. $. Turpentine Arm,
42Ue: sales. 232 bbls.l receipts, 604 bbls.;
shipment-!, 123 bbls; stock, 14,671 bbls.
Rosin -Firm; sales, 1,00 ddis; receipts.
1,182 bbls.; shipments, 2.924 bbls.; stocks,
61,131 bbls. Quote: A B. $6.10; C D, $6.00;
B. $0.10: F, $6.30; O, $1.16; H I K M N
WO. II.60; WW, $6.76. I
- Sugar Market
Mw Tork. A uk. 1. Sugar, dull: centri
fugal, $4.14; molasses, 16.37; refined, quiet; j
fine nraulated, $7.66. With the continuation
of yesterday's Belling movement In futures, j
prompted by tne easier ruung in -ne epui
market and the poor demand for both raw
and refined, prices eased off and et noon
were 14 to II points net lower.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
Minneapolis, Aug. 3. Wheat September.
$1.14 H i December, $1.14 ; cash. No. 1
hard, $1.11; No. 1 northern. $1.360
1.11; No. I northern, $1.3101.34; No.
I wheat, $1.1401.11.
Corn No. , I yellow, 81013c.
Oats No. 1 white, 4O04Oe. '
Wanted 30,000 Hen
For Harvest Work on
Immense Crops of
Western Canada
WifN S1.M Per Day and Board
Cheap Railway Rates
From Boundary Points
Employment bureaus t Winnipec
Regina, North Portal, Saskatoon, Ft
Frances. Kinn Gate. B. C: Coutta,
Calgary, Alb. . No conscription
absolutely aa military int.rferenee.
For all particulars apply to the fol
lowing Canadia'n Government Agent
Room 4, Be Bldf ., Omaha, N.b,
Traffic Experts from Many
Cities to Confer at Com
mercial Club.
A conference of fi eight rate experts,
or traffic men from various Missouri
river cities, together with Fremont,
Lincoln, Grand Island and Hastings,
is to be held at the Commercial club
rooms at 10 o'clock this morning
The hearing is called by Manager E.
J." McVann of the traffic .bureau of
the Commercial club with regard to
the next move to be made in regard
to Nebraska freight rates since, the
Interstate Commerce commission has
ruled out the lower rates established
two years ago by the Nebraska state
railway commission.
The rates will have to be readjust
ed and this must be done quickly. The
advanced rates ordered bv the Inter
state Commerce commission must go
into effect September 25, according to
the order. That means that the rail
roads will have to publish their new
schedule and get it properly distrib-'
uted by August 25. This is a legal
requirement, and at the same time it
is held to be practically impossible.
Rate men from the following places
have accepted the invitation to attend
the conference: Kansas City, St. Jo
seph, Atchison, Council Bluffs, Sioux
City, Fremont, Lincoln, Grand Island
and Hastings.
Hiatt Asks $10,000 for
Being Hit by an Auto
Alleging that he was permanently
injured and disfinured when Peter T.
Barber's automobile struck him at
Forty-second and Dodge streetsMay
20, Jesse L. Hiatt has Brought suit
against the former for the sum of
$10,500 damages.
Three Are Fined for the
Violation of Traffic Rules
Three violators of the traffic regu
lations were haled before the police
magistrate, who quickly hewed them
to the ground with fines of $2.50
each. '
Prlcea on the Leading Commodities
Traded In.
New Tork, Aug-. 3. Flour firmly - held.
Wheat Spot, easy: No. 1 durum, 81.40;
No. 3 hard, 11.13; No. 1 northern, Duluth.
11.60, and No. 1 northern, Manitoba, 11.48,
f. o. b.. New Tork.
Corn Spot, steady; No. 3 yellow, 8714c,
a I. f., New Tork.
Oats Spot, firmer; No. 8 white, 4848ttc.
Hay Steady; No. 3, IEceil.00.
Hops Steady.
Hides Firm.
Leather Firm.
Provlslone Pork, firm; family, 121.0041
29.00. Beef, firm. Lard, firm; middle west,
Tallow Steedy; city, 7c, nominal.
Butter Steedy; receipts, 12,721 tubs;
creamery extras, 30o; firsts, 28192140; seo
onds, 2627..c
Kges Irregular: receipts, 11,211 cases;
fresh gsthered, extra fine, 81932c; extra
firsts. 280SOc; firsts. !6tit28c
Cheese Firm; receipts, 4.123 boxes; state,
fresh, specials, 16c; same, average fancy,
Poultry Live, firm; broilers, 11924c;
Three Days, Starting Today
Vaudeville and Photoplays
Musical Premier Entertainers
Reed and St John Trio
Billy Broad
The Wandering Minstrel
Willison and Sherwood
Comedy Singing and Talking
Delton Marewa Delton
Comedy Equilibrists.
Cool, Clean, Comfortable.
mm ICC Performances
lYlUSEi Daily, 1-3-7-9.
Kathlyn Williams
Valiants of Virginia
. Billie Burke in
The Fugitive Witness
June Caprice
Caprice of the Mountains.
TODAY JeM L. Uiky Prumta
Marl Doro in "Caramon Ground. Th H
tory of young girl's rtrnration I
through lovo for ft young judgo.
Mary Pickford as
The Mast Beautiful Amusement Park ta
ths Middle Wsat
Bathing Boating
v Dancing
Riding Device and Othsr Attrme-r-
' ' tioam '. ,
Band Concerto and Motion Pic-
turot Errjr Evening.
Frto ndniUtlon to park. lQe cara far far
adult, round-trip ttckats for daildran, ISc
fowti, 10c; turlfaya,-16011c. Pretued, firm;
broilcra, 11030c; fowl, 17tf32v; turkvya,
Judge Day Fearful
For the Court House
Judge George Day of the district
court is not particular if some of the
lawyers in Omaha want to blow them
elves up with dynamite, but he wishes
them to spare the courthouse, be
cause it is a beautiful building.
Attorney Richard L. Horton
Wednesday wanted to throw a stick
of dynamite out of the window during
the process of a hearing in Judge
Dav's court.
"What for?" asked Judge Day.
"Just to" show that it won't ex
plode," replied the lawyer, who was
trying to prove the dynamite stored
by the Dupont Powder company in
a plant at rforence was not danger-'
ous. as alleged.
"Wait a minute," commanded the
judge. "Not that I am interested in
the future of certain of our lawyers,
but because I admire this beautiful
court house, I ask you to refrain..
Don't throw it."
The lawyer put the stick back in
his pocket.
The case was the one in which John
O'Rourke asked an injunction to pre
vent Grant L. Fox from storing dy
namite in the Florence plant of the
E. I. Dupont de Nemouis Powder
company. The judge overruled
S'Rourke's application because dyna
ite is a well-known commercial
product and not dangerous in the way
O'Rourke alleged.
So City Council Appropriates
All Money Needed to Re
model City Hall
Because no agreement could be
reached with the water board the city
council has appropriated an addi
tional $17,500 to be applied toward re
modeling the city halL
When the decision was first reached
to remodel the municipal building it
was planned to have the city and the
metropolitan water district share the
expense proportionately. Since then
the city dads have tried to come to an
agreement with the water board, but
without avail. A long session on the
matter was held Wednesday.
The commissioners, however, be
came weary of the delay and at a
council meeting decided to appropri
ate the additional $17,500 themselves.
As a result the water district will have
to accept such offices in the city hall
as the council designates. If the water
board shared, the expense it could se
lect its quarters. ,
Contracts for the remodeling- were
let at the council meeting. R. Butke
was awarded a contract of $40,000
for remodeling, the American Elec
trical works a contract for $1,245.11
on electrical work and T. F. Balfe a
contract of $11,299 on plumbing.
Shall they be determined by
Industrial Warfare or
Federal Inquiry?
To the American Public: ;
Do you believe in arbitration or indus
trial warfare? .'
The train employes on all the railroads
have voted whether they will give their leaders
authority to tie up the commerce of the
country to enforce their demands for a 100
million dollar wage increase.
The railroads are in the public service
.your service. This army of employes is in
the public service your service. :
You pay for rail transportation 3 billion
dollar a year, and 44 cents out of every
dollar from you goes to the employes,
On all the Western railroads in 1915, seventy-five per cent of the
train employes earned these wages (lowest, highest'and average
of all) at shown by the pay rolls .
PasseBfaa Freitht Yard
Ranae Averse ftaate Average Ranee 'Averata
1053 751 ngl 418 '
2078 13 1 7 2059 1181 1552 873
854 961 874 862
1719 9 67 1961 1135 1821 1107
Freight Yard
$1737 $1218
1624 1292
973 832
1000 1026
The average yearly wage payments to til Western train em
ployes (including those who worked only part of the year) as
shown by the 1915 payrolls were
Engineers $2038
Conducteri ..... 1772
Firemei ...... 1218
Brakemeo. . . . .. . 921
A 100 million dollar wage increase for
men in freight and yard service (less than -one-fifth
of all employes) is equal to a 5 per
cent advance in all freight rates.
The managers of the railroads, as trustees
for the public, have no right to place this
burden on the cosfof transportation to you
without a clear mandate from a public tri
. bunal speaking for you.
The railroads have proposed the settle
ment of this controversy either under the .
existing national arbitration law, or by refer-
ence to the Interstate Commerce Commis
sion. This offer has been refused by the
employes' representatives.
Shall a nation-wide strike or an
investigation under the Gov
ernment determine this issue?
National Conference Committee of the Railways
ELISHA LEE, CAarrmsam.
r. 8L aXBRIUHT. Cea'l Heaaf-r.
AllaaUe taeel Lies llallreea.
U aUU, tea'f Daaaier.
Cealtal at Ueerale eUilw.,.
U i 8UNIH8. Cea'l afaaeser,
K leek. New Useaa
a. a. cuaraan.
. swelkere Kelhre.
a. a. corrtR, UeeV
Weeeae Kslli. .
V. 8LCsUiy. 4mL
Smjvi seek leave! Rallreea.
eV . KMUIS4X4. bal Mseeaae,
, Creel ftenaera aeihnt
C KVIftli, teal afeaeaar
rallaaaleale a aeeStes. aaUaas
B. V. VKICK. 4ML a. fna.M.
Csssisssss a U4ue HsUws.
a. S. 41HEIU, Ami as ftec-teen,
II. Leels a Sea Frsertene BaUreaeL
C W. aoUNS, Ceal Meaaaer,'
AtcbUoa. lopeka a seals le aalltrsf,
SL. . McMASmt, Cee't Meaaaer.
Wkeeltas. sad Lake trie Haiireaa,
k JJ. HAHaK, ftoe-rnuaeas,
Nerfolk eaa Vastera Hailwer.
JAMks KimfcLL, Ceal Meaaaer,
Deaer Hie Uraade Kailreed.
a. H. acBOYER. Meaeal ClarrVaa,
Peaas7faeie Uaee West.'
. l. seuuon. yiCT-evuUiia.
Seakverd Air Uaa KaUwij.
Sw J. STUNK, 4-ka-fVesideai.
Bete Heilreed.
C 8. 4ID. riee-Ma a Ceal
SaaaH Cealrel Uaee.