THE OMAHA BEE A Great Woman' Ptper Two Women' Pages Every Day. The Omaha Daily Bee THE WEATHER RAIN VOL. XL VI NO. 42 OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 4,1916 TEN PAGES. On Tr(n, at HoM, Mew Stan 1, etn., 5o. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. SEEKING A PLAN TO PREVENT THE PROPOSED STRIKE Government Officials Suggest Intervention if Eailroad Managers and Men Cannot Agree. $UT UP TO PRESIDENT Wilson and Chambers Meet and Go Over Proposition, Dis cussing the Phases. WOULD AVERT WALKOUT Washington, Aug. 3. While the strike vote of 400,000 railroad em ployes was being counted in New Yrk, every agency of the federal gov ernment affected by the situation was preparing today to do all possible to avert a final break between the rail roads and men. William L. Chambers, commissioner of the board of mediation and concil iation, was in communication ' with President Wilson during the day, though board officials pointed out that nothing of a formal character could be done until the railroad man agers and representatives of the em ployes resume negotiations next week. Meeting for Today. A call was issued for a meeting tomorrow morning of the senate com merce committee, to decide whether hearings would be held on Chairman Newlands' resolution proposing an in vestigation by the Interstate Com merce commission of hours and labor on railroads, and urging the.employ ers and employes to postpone a settle ment of their differences until a re port can be made. Hours of labor .... 1 e .t- !: . of the threatened strike. The Chamber of Commerce of the United States, which yesterday ap pealed to President Wilson for fed eral intervention to prevent a strike, is urging action on the resolution. The chamber is considering calling a conference of representatives of com mercial organizations to impress on the congress the necessity of taking some immediate step. Hanger on Board. The president today designated G. W. W. Hanger, assistant commis sioner of the board of mediation and conciliation, as a member of the board. . The law stipulates that there shall be three members, but Judge Martin LKnapp, chairman, andWil !iam L. ChTmbers, commissioner, nave served alone because an official of the department of labor, designated as the third member when the board was formed, was not qualified for the PlJudge Knapp and Mr. Chamfers asked the president to increase the membership, because the work of the board already .has1 become great and the threatened railroad strike has added to the necessity of having another member. Administration officials said every thing possible would be done to avert a strike. If all other steps fail, it is probable President Wilson will make a personal appeal to the railroad man agers and the employes, urging them to effect a settlement in the interest of the public. The question may be dis- CUSseo ai lomorruw s tauiuci lutciiug. Denmark Likely To Accept Offer Made by Uncle Sam Copenhagen, Aug. 3. It is regarded as probable that the Rigsdad will ac cept the offer of the United States to purchase the Danish West Indies, in spite of opposition from several quar ters, including the socialist who de mand that the negroes in the island be given the vote immediately. The. offer for the islands is $25,000, 000 and the cessation of all American rights in Greenland to Denmark. mm The Weather . For Nebraska Partly cloudy, with local thundershowers; somewhat cooler Friday. For Iowa Unsettled; partly cloudy; continued warm. Temperatures at Omaha Yesterday. Hour. Dev. 7 a. m 80 8 a. m 84 t a. m., 86 Vkn 10-r. m.w....... 88 1 p. m 95 . 3 p. ra....,.... 96 5 p. m 95 4 p. m 94 K p. m 98 6 p. m 94 7 p. pi 92 8 p. m 89 Comparatlre hocml Record. 1918. 1916. 1914. 1911. Highest yeiterday . . 98 66 88 101 Lowest y eater day ... 78 B2 ' ' t)8 73 Mean temperature ..87 69 77 . 87 Jt'rciplutlon ...... .02 T .00 .00 . Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal: . . Normal temperature , 78 Exoesi tor the day 11 Total exceei elnce March 1 208 Normal precipitation 11 Inch , Deficiency for the day... 091 neh Total rainfall since March 1. .. ,10.87 Inches Deficiency since March 1 7.97 Inches Kxceas for cor. period, 1915.... 1,07 inches Deficiency for cor period. 1914.. 3.78 inches Beport From Stations at 7 P. M. Temper- Hlfh- Raln ature. est fall. Cheyenne, rain 88 8 .01 Davenport, cloudy 80 84 ,24 Denver, rain 78 88 T Des Moines, clear 88 88 T jodre city, clear 98 101 ,ao Lander, cloudy 80 90 .00 North Platte, clear ....... 98 .00 Omaha, clear 92 98 .02 fueblo, cloudy 88 . 94 .02 Rapid City, rain 78 94 . .01 Bait Lake City, cloudy.... 88 93 .00, Bunt Ft, cloudy i 78 81 ',00 Sheridan, cloudy -88- 96 . 00 gtous City, clear 93 94 .00 Valentine, clear 92 94 .00 3C in41ctes trace of precipitation. -. U A. WELSH. Meteorologist, CASEMENT HANGED FOR HM TREASON Mocking, Jeering Crowd leath ers About Prison at Hour Set for Execution. HE MEETS DEATH CALMLY London, Aug. 3.-Roger Casement, former British knight and consul, was hanged at 9 o'clock this morning in Pentonville jail for high treason. He yvas convicted of conspiring to cause an armed revolt in Ireland and with having' sought German aid tothat end. , Two hours before, the execution a crowd of men, women and children gathered before the prison gates. Twenty minutes before Casement mounted the scaffold the great prison bell commenced to toll. The sound was greeted with cheers from the crowd, mingled with some groans. At 9 o'clock the crowd had swollen to such proportions that it extended for two blocks from the prison front. At one minute after 9 a single stroke of the big bell announced that the 'trap had been sprung. It was the signal for a mocking, jeering yell from the crowd, which suddenly died away into dead silence. Meets Death Calmly. Casement met his death with calm courage, according to eye witnesses. Earlier in the morning two priests of the Roman Catholic church admin istered the rites in the cell of the condemned man, and shortly after ward a little procession preceded by the clergymen, with Casement fol lowing, a warder on either -side, pro ceeded toward the execution shed, only five yards away. The priests re cited the litany of the dying, Case ment responding in low tones: "Lord, have jneTcy on my soul." As .the party reached the shed where the gallows was erected the special executioner, a hair dresser named Ellis, approached Casement and quickly pinioned him. The two chaplains, the under sheriff of Lon don and the under sheriff of Mid dlesex, then took up their positions in front of the scaffold. Casement mounted the gallows steps firmly and commended his spirit to God as he stepped on the trap. A moment later the lever was pulled. Immediately the trap was sprung the prison engineer and physician descended into the nit where, after the application of the usual tests Case ment was pronounced dead at nine minutes after nine.. According to the custom in the case of prisoners hanged for crimes similar to that of Casement, his body will be buried in DEUTSCHLAND FAR OUT ON THE WIDE ATLANTiEAN German f. ' .Merchantman Eva.f i , , -?,,u'fulness of Its EniV and Sails ALy From U. S. 1 GERMAN PRISONERS CARRYING THEIR WOUNDED This ia a picture of German soldier carrying one of their wounded after bejng taken prisoners in the Somme battle. $ASSES OUT AT NIGHT Submerges a Mile From the Coast and, Hid From View, Pullrfor Home. DASH WITHOUT INCIDENT . (Continued on Page Two, Column Three.) Moosefs Discuss Means to Continue Party Organization Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 3. When representatives of the progressive party, who disapprove the action of the national committee in endorsing Charles E. Hughes for president, met here at noon today, tc consider the advisability of calling another con vention to nominate a candidate for president, sentiment of leaders was di vided in regard to what action should be taken. - A majority of those present favored putting a third ticket in the field, but several influential leaders doubted the wisdom of the action. Every representative agreed, however, that it would be desirable to take some ac tion which would oeroetuate the progressive party as a national politi cal organization. The conference was called to order by Edwin M. Lee of Indianapolis, progressive state chairman for In diana. Matthew Hale of Massa chusetts, acting chairman of the pro gressive national committee, was chosen to preside at the conference, and J. A. Hopkins of New Jersey was elected secretary. Chairman Hale was applauded when he said: "We have come here with two ideas. We wish to show that we do not approve of the action of the reactionary wing of the national com mittee in Chicago, June 26, in endors ing flugnes tor president, and to take some action to perpetuate the pro gressive party. ' German Gunboat Sunk in Duel With Belgian Gunboat Havre, Aug. 3. (12:16 a. m.) The sinking of the German gunboat Graf von Gotzen in a duel with the Bel gian gunboat Netta, on Lake Tan ganyka, is announced in an official statement issued bv the Beleian war office.- The text follows: "Lieutenant Colonel Moulaert tele graphs that while cruising off the Ger man shores of Lake Tanganyka, the Belgian gunboat Netta, commanded by Lieutenant Lenaerts, surprised, on July 28, the German gunboat Graf von Gotzen landing troops. The Netta engaged it and it sank in fifteen min utes, after vainly trying to escape. The Netta then scattered, by its fire, enemy troops and porters, who had just been landed. It is not known whether the crew of the Graf von Gotzen were saved. The Belgians had no losses." Prices of Gasoline Will be Lower Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 3. All grades of Pennsylvania crude oil with the exception of Ragland, were re duced 10 cents a barrel at the opening of the market today and Ragland was reduced 5 cents. The new prices are Pennsylvania crude, $2.40; Mercer black. Coming and Newcastle, $1.90; Cabell, $1.92; Somerset, $1.75, and Ragland, 75 cents. Refiners said that the next move in the market would be reduced quotations for gasoline. , . . J, Norfolk, Va., Aug. ,3. Somewhere out in the Atlantic today the German merchant submarine Deutschland and allied warships were believed to be playing hidc-and-seck as tl)e undersea boat sped homeward after passing out the Virginia capes last night. The Deutschland submberged a mile off the coast shortly before 9 o'clock and so far as known here was unob served by the allied warship patrol guarding the capes against its escape. One of the last acts of Captain Koenig and his crew, according to Captain Hinch of the tug Timmins, which acted as its convoy from Balti more to the capes, was to stand on the deck of the submersible and give three rousing cheers for America and the American people. The final dash was virtually without incident, eighteen ot tne miles up the Chesapeake bay, at the crossing of the Old Point and Cape Henry channels, the submarine began to gain speed and soon was hurrying toward the Atlantic. With only a slight de lay after reaching the canes, it dashed into the sea and submerged. Only one warship, a United states torpedo destroyer, was sighted by the sub mersible in its entire trip from Bal timore. At Cape Henry today one two-funnel warship was visible lying out be yond the three-mile limit. Borland Insists That Meat Trust Is Still Active Washington, Aug.- 3. Representa-" tive Borland of Missouri renewed his charges of a beef trust in the house today and demanded action on his resolution proposing an investiga tion of meat prices by the Federal Trade commission. He asserted that packers were " dividing enormous dividends while they charged con sumers war prices and had tried to stifle the proposal for an inquiry be cause they feared publicity. The Borland resolution, he pointed out now, had been before the judi ciary committee for six months, dur ing which live stock prices had been going steadily upward. Mrs. Chamberlain And Mr. Carnegie - Married at London London, Aug. 3. Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain, widow of the late Brit ish statesman, and the Rev. William Hartley Carnegie, rector of St. Mar garet's and canon of Westminster, were married at Westminster Abbey at 8 o'clock this evening. The cere mony was very simple and quiet. Mrs. Chamberlain, before her mar riage, was Miss Mary Endicott of Massachusetts, daughter of the late William C. Endicott, secretary of war in President Cleveland's cabinet. She married Joseph Chamberlain when he was colonial secretary under the late marquis of Salisbury. Railroads Will Not Take Explosives Into Jersey City rsfv Chv NT Aner TI,. --if rnan, ntprtncr Torcoir Pit,, Un..i. -.".O j.aj vnj nave agreed not to bring in high explosives into ineir terminals nere and will not resist the edict nf thp ritv rnmmiKinn requiring an inspection of every freight train entering the city, it was announced today by Frank Hague, di rector of the public safety. The rail roads asked the director today to meet representatives in a conference to discuss tne situation. Davis Elected Vice Chancellor by the Pythian Knights Portland, Ore., Aug. 3. Charles S. Davis of Denver, was elected supreme vice chancellor of the Knights of Pythias today after the supreme lodge had spent more than three hours in hearing speeches .nominating four candidates for the office, which leads automatically to the highest office within the gift of the order. One Zeppelin Raider Disabled London, Aug. 3. Six German air ships took j)art in the raid on the eastern counties of England this morning, according to an official an nouncement issued thil afternoon, which says that eighty bombs are reported to have been dropped. Nine horses were killed and three horses were injured, the statement adds. Ymuidep, Holland, Aug. 3. (Via London.) The L-ll, one of the Zep pelins which flew along the Dutch coast, was apparently damaged. Its motors were working badly and the ship had a heavy list. The Dutch coast guards fired on it and they be lieve it was hit '--"-".ii-MyH-fr.$ rtvyj yj i'WiT ifc'WlT . ' ,wll ft iW i 1 IS it- " It 5a "Wttwe 9itiM Woomoi wr rtotf som; 3i97Ti-e im V STATE MERCHANTS . BUYING, HEAVILY This Gives Railroads Full Oar to Bring Grain to the Metropolis. GRAIN IS MOVING EARLIER Threshing is going on rapidly and all the railroads are running as heavy traffic as their equipment will allow. One feature which will help the movement of the crops, in the opinion of E. P. Hennessey oi the Rock Is land, is that western merchants are buying heavily for the fall and winter seasons and this brings many loaded freight cars into the west which can be filled with eastbound grain. The Union Pacific says that it still has cars enough for the grain movement. The Missouri Pacific has sent out cards to its agents and regular cus tomers urging that cars should be loaded as soon after receipt "as pos sible and requesting consignors not to order cars for delivery before they need them. , W. W. Johnston, freight agent of the Burlington, says that the railroads are going to be rushed, but he antici pates no such problem as all the rail roads were called on to handle last year, when the weather during the harvest season was so wet that very little wheat was shipped until Septem ber and October and began to con flict With the movement of the new corn. Winnipeg Officials Deny Extensive Damage by Rust Winnipeg, Man., Aug. 3. Asser tions by private grain experts that black rust and blights have caused serious damage to the wheat crops of Manitoba and Saskatchewan, are denied in official statements issued by the respective provincial governments. While the unofficial reports declared the wheat crop virtually was wioed out in some districts, the Manitoba department of agriculture, in a state ment says today bub 16 per cent of the spring wheat area is affected. The Saskatchewan government has denied all reports of black rust, but says there is some red rust in a few south ern districts, where inconsequential damage has been done. The Manitoba government says the affected fields are mostly in the Red river valley and its affluents, between Winnipeg and the international boun dary, an area sixty miles deep and ex tending west as far as Morden. Every where else in the province excellent conditions are said to exist. Even taking into consideration the unofficial reports, there is every pros pect of a god average yield for the entire territory, local grain men say. Man Accidentally ,. , Killed at Genng Gering, Nebc, Aug. 3. (Special.) A. O. Eolev. a machine erector em ployed by the Great Western Sugar company here, died at 5 o'clock yes terday afternoon as the result of an internal nemorrnage wnicn lie sus tained earlier in the afternoon while unloading a car of twelve-inch cast iron pipe. One of the pipes rolled off on the ground and then bounced and rolled over Mr. Epley. The pipe was for use in the addition to the sugar plant which is being built here. The Union Pacific has constructed about four miles of siding duriig the summer in connection with the ex tensions to the factory. Literacy Test Law 1 Probably Rejected Oklahoma City, Okla., Aug. 3. Es timates of the majority polled against the proposed literacy test amendment voted on Monday last in thirty-seven of the seventy-seven counties of the state today ranged trom 4.UUU to H.UOO. No county so far has reported its of ficial vote. ADSTRIANS TAKE ITALIAN SDBSEA Giacinto Pullino and Crew Cap tured in Upper Adriatio and Brought to Pola. DROP SHELLS ON DURAZZO Vienna, Aug. 2. (Via London, Aug. 3.) The Italian submarine Giacinto PuUino has been captured by the Aus trians in the north Adriatic and brought to Pola, according to an of ficial announcement. The submarine was almost undamaged and its entire, crew of twenty-one were taken pris oner. The details of the capture have not been made public. Austrians Bombard Bisceglie.' Rome, Aug. 3. (Via Paris.) An official statement, issued today, says that two Austrian destroyers shelled Bisceglie, an Italian seaport on the Adriatic, near Bari. The statement follows: "Two enemy destroyers shelled Bis ceglie, a district which possesses no defenses. Six persons were wounded, two of them women, seriously. The material damage was slight. "Nine Italian aeroplanes bombard er Durazzo this morning with great effect. A large number of bombs fell on wharves, buildings and the aero drome. Al the machines returned ex cept one, which broke down and had to land in enemy territory." Seventeen Known Deaths from High yVater in Tennessee Middlesboro, Ky., Aug. 3. Members of a rescue party who returned from Tazewell, Tenn., this afternoon re ported that seventeen persons are known to have lost their lives in the vicinity of Tazewell as a result of a cloudburst. last night. Some persons still have ifiot been accounted for and it is believed that the death list will reach thirty. Tazewell, Tenn., Aug. 3. Nine per sons are known to be dead and thirty or more are reported missing as a result of a cloud burst on Barren creek, in Claidborne county last night. The property loss is heavy. The territory deluged by the tor rential rain extended a mile in width and six miles in length. An unconfirmed report states that about twenty miles of the Middles boro branch of the Southern railway is under water and that one or more railroad trestles were carried away by the water. The known dead are Robert John son, his wife and two children; Mrs. Wiley and two children and . Rush Hargeson and wife. The home of Crockett Edmund son was destroyed. No trace of the family has been found. ' Farm Loan Board Will Meet Aug. 7 Washington, Aug. 3. Secretary McAdoo, chairman ex-officio of the new farm loan board, today notified the four appointive members of their confirmation by the senate and called a meeting here August 7, when the work of organizing the new system will be inaugurated. The board will start hearings throughout the country for the pur pose of dividing the United States into twelve federal land bank districts. President Wilson in the meantime will have named an executive head of the board to be known as the farm loan commissioner. Herbert Quick and George W. Norris are spoken of for the place. Actual operation of the farm loan system probably will not be begun before next spring. Colpetzer Estate is Appraised at $192,560 Thelreport to coUnty court of Anan Raymond, appraiser of the estate of the late Frank Colpetzer, president of the Chicago Lumber company, values the estate at $192,560. WAITING FOR THE WORD FROM MEXICO Washington Ready to Iron Ou Mexican Matters When Car ranza Names Oommission. POWER 0T THE BODY Washington, Aug. 3. The final word from General Carranza necess arry to initiate organization of the joint commission for settlement of border disputes is expected to reach Washington in a day or so and offi cials say the commission's delibera tions may begin within a week or ten days. Official announcement in Mexico City today that Mexican commission ers had been selected was taken as a sign that the American suggestion broadening he-scepe-of subjects (0 be considered at the conference prob abljMiad been accepted. ' . , Likely Acceptable. While no formal comment was made at the department there was nothing to indicate that the three commissioners named, Messrs. Ca brera, Bonillas and Pani, would not be entirely acceptable to department officials. President Wilson has a score of men under consideration for ap pointment as the American represent atives, but it is understood he has not attempted so far to make a choice. There are many indications that a high army officer would be one of those selected by the president be cause of the military anture of the matters to be considered. Major Gen eral Goethals has been mentioned. Other men under consideration in clude members of the United States supreme court and men in financial circles. Won't Discuss Matter. Department officials have refused to discuss what matters in addition to the military situation on the border they desire the commission to treat It is known, however, that the pos sibility of arranging financial aid for the defacto government has been talked over. r The commission's power will be only that of recommendation. What ever plan it may propose, either for settling the border situation for with drawal of American troops from Mex ico or for any other purpose must be ratified before it is in any way bind ing upon either government. . Several Villista Leaders Captured Chihuahua City, Mex Aug. 3 Several important Villista leaders have been captured or have surren dered to government troops within the last few days, General Jacinto Trevino announced today. Among the prisoners taKen at Cerro Gordo and brought here today were Gabriel Valldivieso, a former Villa general; Gregono Caso, formerly a Villa lieu tenant colonel, and two so-call.d lieu tenants. General Hilario Rodriguez reported from La Mancha that he had received the surrender of Laiareo Avalos, who held a general's commisssion under Villa, together with fifty-one men, While Tprin Xfnrolaa " l onel, with forty-five' men, also has given nimseu up. Colonel Jesus Leal, chief of staff to General Trevino, left today for n inspection trip to Saltillo, Torreon and Mo'ntere -. treliminary to the re disposition of some of the forces of the army of the northeast. Hughes Cannot Address Women's Convention Colorado Springs, Colo., Aug. 3. That Charles E. Hughes, nominee of the republican party for president, will be unable to deliver an address before the national conference of the woman's party, to be held in this city next iMiek, was the announcement made in a message received today from Miss Alice Paul, suffrage leader in New York city. Mr. Hughes, in declining the invitation of the Na tional Woman's party, it was said, ex pressed sincere regret at his inability to address the conference and stated that his numerous engagements would make it impossible. , FRENCH MAKING GAINS TO NORTH OF VERDUN FORTS Paris Official Report An nounces Substantial Pro : gross to the South of 1 1 Fleury. ' i FIGHTS NORTH OF SOMME German Offioial Report Ad, mits Loss of Trenches at Two Points. RUSS EVADE GAS ATTACKS Paris, Aug. 3. North of the River Somme several German attempts last night against the French position at Monacu farm were repulsed, it was officially announced by the French war office this afternoon. The French troops organized their new positions , between Monacu farm and Hem wood. South of the Somme a German counter attack at Estrees failed. Several violent German counter at tacks on the trenches' taken by the French yesterday on the right bank of the Meuse, the statement adds, were everywhere stopped by the screen of infantry fire. In this region, which is north of the fortress of Verdun, the French made substantial progress to the south of Fleury. Since the first of August the French have captured 1,100 Germans on this bank. On the left bank of the Meuse an intense artillery duel continues, but there has been no infantry action. In the Somme sector, Sergeant Chainat of the French aviation corps, brought down two German machines, which makes a total of eight brought down by this aviator. Germans Admit Reverses. " Berlin, Aug. 3. (Via London.)- French troops have penetrated the German lines on Monacu farm in the region of the River Somme, and have taken a trench section to the north of that position, says the official state ment given out today by the German army headquarters. In the region north" of the fortress of Verdun, the announcement says the French have recaptured a trench section which they had lost in the Laufet wood. ; . Russians Evade Gas Attacks. Petrograd, Aug. 3. (Via London.)' "On the night of Augugst 2, in the Russian statement issued today, "the enemy launched gas attacks on both sides of the railway. The attack opened at 1 o'clock in the morning and the gas was released six times with intervals between the waves. The gas attacks finished at 6 o'clock in the morning. "The use of gas was discovered in good time, with the result that the Germans, who wee following the gas attacks, were, on attempting to ad vance, met with rifle r.nd machine gun fire and suffered severe losses. "The enemy did not even succeed in getting outside of his own wire en tanglements and rapidly returned to his trenches. ' r British Official Report . London, Aug. 3."During the night we continued the work of consolidat ing the ground which we had gained and in opening up communication trenches," saya the British official statement, issued today. "Our guns were active and the enemy'i r.rtillery retaliated briskly during- the evening along our front from Maltz farm to Longueval, also on the woods of Ma metz, Fricourt and Becourt and the village of Pozieres. His fire slackened off at dawn. The enemy exploded a small mine near Souchez. It caused no casualties and did little damage." Fresh Bush Fires ' Threaten Towns in ; Northern Ontario Toronto, Ont, Aug. 3. Refugees who arrived here today1 stated that a bush fire of alarming proportions was threatening Timko, twenty-six miles from Englehart. Englehart itself is in danger from another bush fire and the people there are ready for a sudden departure by train if forced to give up their homes. The men are well organized to fight fire "and they will endeavor to keep the flames from the houses. Fires are reported also at Osborne, Bushell and Otto, some forty miles from Englehart, and at Boston Creek a serious fire is raging. , All of these fires have sprung up since the rain. Many persons have left the threatened places and are at North Bay. Temiskaning and north ern Ontario railroad men report a bad fire at McCool. Ambitious Men and Women Who have a keen sense of what the future may have in store for them, should make use of the "Situa tion Wanted" column olj The Bee. A little ad inserted In' thla column stating what your qualif ica tions are and the posi- . ' tion you think you i -could fill would find -more good openings - than days of endless foot travel The char ce for ArlvprtkW 4n this column is very low call. at xne uee ana you will get as? sistance in writing your Ad without anjjr ea' charge