THE BEE, OMAHA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1916. FOR RENT Buinei Pr'p'ty Stores. POR RENT Desirable etora room and ce mented baaenient 37xfi0 at 49th and Dodge lite. ; location especially good for hard ware, bakery or electrician; rent reason able. Louie Bommer, 4sa pods. Bt. MODERN atore. lltb St., near poatoftlce, 7e par mo. Ct. P. Btebblne. 1.10 Chicago. STORK ROOMS at SSM-ISU Farnarn St. Thoe. F. Hall. 421 Ramga Bid., P. 740. CHOICE office apace, Balrd blda., 17ta and Douglaa inv. iw. Offices ind Desk Room. WEAD BLDO.. 18th and Farnara; large, de alrabla auita, excellent Ught, aplandld lo cation, at nominal rent. Baldrlge Bldg.. Sotb and Farnato. two fin. rooma, facing Kamam St. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg. Douglaa lvi DESIRABLE office rooma In ther eraodeled Crounat block. Hi N. lath St.. (oppoilta noatotfloe). II to 116 par month. Conrad - J - . - . n.n. 1(1,1 TQUng, 111 pranwoe -- tndlaputabla evidence of great reeulta to Bee Want Ad ueeri: H.7e more paid Want Ada firet six montha of 1811 over me period 191a. No other Omaha paper can pq . m-jwmm OFFICE ROOM (for dentlat). centrally lo cated, Hth St. Wrtnht Leabury, O. HI. OFFICII room with 'pbona and reception room for lady. P S. Omaha Bee. MOVING AND STORAGE Separate locked rooma, for household gooda and planoa; moving, packing and hipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 101 a lltb St Douglaa 1U. uiobe Van and Storage Co. Far rami movng aervloa try ua. 7rge l-aoree, padded vane. Storage. IS melt. SatUMOtlon guaranieeu. tw QUICKER, CHEAPER AND SAFEil. GORDON VAN UU FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Packing, storage and mot l. all N. 11th St rhone Douglaa l4 or Webatar e. "METROPOLITAN VAN ANU STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to order, for moving, packing or atoraga; offlca at Ray mond Furniture Co. 1SU and 1611 How ard Bt rnone u. eoa. FIDELITY 8REKBNvI& FREE Pbona Douglaa ill for complete llat of vacant houaea and apart ment alao for atoraga, moving, lltb and Jackaon Bta. TiK A Van ud two men Maggard rr hour. an and Storage Co. Moving, packing, atoraga and ahlpplng. Phone Pong. H. J PT-BWfi Eipreae Co. Moving, . Kj. liEjJZlU packing and atoraga. 1WI Farnam 8t Douglaa 11. WANTED TO RENT REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. BUT my brand new oak flnlab all modern bungalow for lz,3o on your own terma. tiood location. Douglaa Ilia. II, J50 buya brick cottage en fine lot, 1413 Sherwood Ave.;.30 for w. jbeavenwortn St. lot Douglaa 1147. TWO 6-roora bungalowa, at a bargain; mod- ern. Webeter 4221. South. FIELD CLUB HOME FOR SALE. X tr.etly modern borne with t room. bth and sleoplnff porch, oak finish and very convenience. Eeet front lot, 62x1.6 feet, one-helf block north of Wool worth avenue and In the chotceet part of the Field club district. Price 17,300. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 411-11 Keellne Bid. Phone Doug. FIHST-CLASa inortcace, 1 94.0. V eeml- annual tntereet, on tine sew uunaee reei denoe, absolutely Rood. For quick cash will eell at discount e per cent. Addrea K 467. Omaha Bee. Jl.fiOO mortface, beating 7 per sent a'emi- annualljr; secured or property vaiuea a. ,4,000. Talmave-Loomli Inv. Co., W.O.W. Bid 6 PER CENT to $ per oent on best olaaa ety resiaennea in tmounu ii,vev up, aiao farm loans. Reasonable comralselona. PETERS TRUST CO., 1831 Farnam ML "BUNGALOW BARGAIN II poo For a five-room bunyalow, naar Ranicom Park, one year old. oak finish In Uvlnr room and dining room. Lot Box lit. This Is a raal bargain for some one that hasn't much money and wants a real nice place. Owner must sell soon. D. V. SHOLES CO., D. II. City National. (JEW BTJNOALOW HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. Large living room, dining room, kitchen, two bed rooma and bath all on one floor: oak llnlah and oak floora; bullt-ln book oaaea; large attle; full baeement; aotith front lot, paved atreet Located 21m Mar tha St SCOTT AND HILL CO. Doug. 1001. Oround Fir. McCague Bldg. I-ROOM bungalow, brand new, all modern, oak floora throughout; oak flnleh In liv ing and dining rooma; large, light, white enamel hadrooma; good location: reatrtoted addition. A bargain at 11,160. Eaay terma, BENSON & CARMICHAEL, 42 Paiton Blk. Doug, Its! SAFETY FIRST. FOB RELIABLE AND SAFE FIRE AND TORNADO INSURANCE BEE CNBIL'S It E. INS. AOENCT, 124 Brandeta Theater Bldg. Tyler 1014. 2308 So. 11 s-r. mod. 240S So. 11 lot 85X100. 1911 S. 21 St 100-f(. lot. D. HIT. Miscellaneous. Turner Park District 7 rooma.. all modern. In good condition, nicely decorated, large yard and shade trees. . RantaU f 3t. For particulars, call THE BYRON REED CO., Doug. 7. 812 8. mn Ht. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. Unfurnished House and FlatsT WANTED TO RENT Immediately; good 7 er 8 -room house with garage. In West Farnam district or Dundee. Must be t first olaaa place. Give full Information, Address O 117. Bee. WANTED To rent by September 1, strict ly modern 7-room house, either In Dundee or West Farnam district, by reliable party. Address 8 479. Bee. WANTED- New bungalow In Dundee or Hanscom Park district; must be strictly up-to-date; new or good furnace. Phone Harney 4.47. After, looking at MINNE LU8A 800 dif ferent buyers decided that It was the best proposition on the market and they backed their judgment by BUYING lota. II YOU will come out today you will understand why others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO-, Tyler 117. 741 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. FOR SALE. S dandy vacant lota, block to oar una; out to ii.vuo casn tor quicc sai. CALKINS A CO., Douglaa 1818 City Nat Bank Bldg. WANTED Apart men 5 or 4 rooms; wlll Ing to pay good price If close In and west of 28th Ave. Phone Harney 4347. Furnished Houses and Flats. FOR bargains 'tn lots' tn-all parts ot the city see P. J. Tebblns, Qb Omaha Hat. bx. rnone u. sis a, BT MARRIED COUPLE Small apartment well furnished, close In, desirable nelgh borhood, walking distance- Box 4fl68, Bee. WANTED Well furnished cottage or bungalow; modern. Box 4698 Bee. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Wanted Some Want Ads in ex- ehanne for lots of answers. Phone The Bee. West. Near Creighton College 14,6007 -room, strictly modern house; full two stories and attic; In excellent condition; on the boulevard, near Call fornla. Wa want an offer; cash or terms. Glover & Spain, Douglaa iili. Ill-JO City National CREIGHTON UNI- VERSITY I have three er four modern up-to date houses, two to three blocks from St. John's church, which I must sell. Alao bungalows at IOCS' N. 14th St and 3603 Hickory St. Phone- Douglaa 107 or Harney 4549. .DANDY T-r. home, only half block So. Far nam car line. Price reduced from ti,60 to 18,660. Baa I large rooms and recpt. hall first floor, and 4 nice large bedrooms and bath second floor. Has beautiful shade; also fruit, grape arbor, etc. Has full basement, solid brick foundation. Built by owner for home. Don't overlook this. Osborne, 701 Omaha. Nat. Bit. Bldg. D. 147. ACRE BENSON. HALF IN FRUIT. IM0J10 CASH, flft MONTH. Cherries, apples, pears, peaches, rasp berries, blackberries, grapes, about 100 cur rants. Will be cared for this year and next free. Office open evenings, 7 till .1 p. m. Phone Tyler 60. HASTINGS HBYDEN, 14 Harney Bt FINE HOME. At 140 North 41 Bt street, near Daven port; aeven rooms; very nice; east front lot 60x1.6, for $6.000. 00. W. H. GATES, 447 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. D. 1204. WEST FARNAM CORNER. Modern l-roora bungalow, with corner vacant Room t6 build two brick flats. 8. r. BUBTWIUK ft BON. i5T5 Lincoln ulvd. 11-room bouse, strictly modern, with hot water heat Douglas 1816. North. 4035 BROWN STREET The man with $100 cash to pay down as the first payment will make money If he buys this place. This is an extra large let 130x120, so you have plenty of ground for garden and chickens. Houss has $ rooms and Is located near school, stores and oar. House la now vacant, so immediate possession can be glvsn. Call us for price. CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY, Douglas 800. 60S Bee Bldg. 6-ROOM COTTAGE STRICTLY MODERN, ONLY $!,000. Reception hall, living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor; two bed rooms and bath on second floor; cemented base ment good furnace; everything In good reoalr: well located on naved street: 160ft North 114th St Owner has put the price down to make a quick sale. SCOTT AND HILL CO. Doug. 100S. Ground Fir. McCague Bldg. KOUNTZE PLACE. " Five-room strictly modern bungalow, just one block from Kountsa park; on paved street; full cement basement, fur nace heat; nice lot; price, $3,000. Can show this property at any time. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 6th Floor Omaha Natl. Alt Bldg. D. mi. $100 DOWN BALANCE $10 PER MONTH. Five-room strictly modern cottage, near 28th and Plnkney. Can be aold on the above terms. Price $1, too less than the the house oan bunt ror. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 6th floor Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. D. 1TI1 MILLER PARK. $100 DOWN $36 A MONTH. This brand-new 6-room strictly modern bungalow, just finished; oak finish and oak floors throughout; large' lot south front, pavad atreet close to car . and school. Why pay rent when yon can buy a brand-new bungalow the same aa rent? PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Ith Floor Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. D. 17H. FOR SALE. 142$ EVANS Inquire within strictly modern t-reom house; full base ment: lot eoxiBs; u not som or Bentenv bar 1 will rent very reasonably to reliable party wasting lease for one year or more. CLOSE IN RENTAL PROPERTY. Near ISth and Clark, two bousos, steady renters, $270 a year rental, may be la creased; only $1,660. GEORGE O. WALLACE. 614 Keellne Bldg. NEW bungalow, 6-room, all mod., 60 -ft. lot south front bargain, only $2,760, near 46th ana Charles, call owner. Red 1IS1. ROOM house In good neighbor hood. $420 Charles St., modern except heat Call Walnut S1SI for particulars KUUNTZK PLACE restricted district resi dence for sale. F. V. Knleat, $616 N. lata. CUMING near 20th St., S2 or 44 feet; must be aold to close estatei - v. &. unmmii, 849 Om. Nat. Bk.. Bldg, Miscellaneous. LOT Manderson. near $0th, $100; bargain; eaay tarmac O. P. Btebbins, loto Chicago. REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. StAlfr OUR HOME IN BENSON! BUT THIS LOTI 111.00 down and 110.0.0. per montk; price 1260.00: ana. 60X121; located on ixicuat St., between Clark and Burnfaam, vot far from aeaool and car Una. OH, R. Wright. Bee gffltie, Omaha. LYNNW00D Go out to Lynnwood today and sea the beautiful lota we are aelllng from , $4 60 to 6600. ' A. P. TUKEY & SON, Phone Doug. 69. 16078 W. O. W. Bldg. Dundee. DUNDEE T rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modern, and In good condition. Price $4,600; terms. Located 706 N. 49th Bt NORRIS & NORRIS, 404 Baa Bldg. Phone Douglas 437$, Miscellaneous. NINE-ACRE BARGAIN. Close In and well Improved, consisting f a good 6-room house, barn and other outbuildings; 2 acres in grapes, 1 acre In berries, 8 acres tn alfalfa; located In the north part of Omaha, about one mile from city oar line. An unusual bargain at $6,600. Easy terms. . SHULER ft CART. D. $074. 204 Keellne Bldg. LOT near munlclnal bitch at Carter lake. Fine place tor summer cottage, rnone DOUg. 36g. REAL ESTATE Exchanges THE wonderful Increase In BEE Want Ads can be traced to only one source. Good results at less cost than any other Omaha paper. 25.748 MORE PAID WANT ADS the first six months of 1216 than tn ths same period In 1016. WANTED To exchange desirable residence properties in urana xaiana, and jNenraaKa lanas ati clear, well securea nrsc mort gages and cash, for a good brick busi ness Drouerty in a gruwlng and well es tablished city In Nebraska. U. S. Land and Loan Company, Box 404 Orand island, imsd ' FARMS, ranches city property, acreage and tnveetmenta rar .sais ana excnange. Morgan, nil Cuming St Doug. 3466. EQUITY ' in aooa 9-r. house for cottaie worth $2,300. Colfax 1062 after 10 a. m. NOTICE, Wilt trade good auto for lot 1b guud location, call Doug. 8310. HOTEL and furniture at Dallas. 8. D. exchange D 707. Toland fc Trumbull. CAN sell or exchange anything you nave to oner. u. J. canan. Mccacua mag. REAL ESTATE Investments 1TDLE money la a menace.- Keep your mon ey, whether much or little, actively at work. Heme Buuaers guarantees i pet. on your money. Investigate the plan, and begin an Investment. Glad to tell you alt about It. HOME BUILDERS, INC., 17th and Douglaa Bta. Phone P. 60 11. FOUR 7-r. frame dwellings, 18th and Cor. by, renting $1,080; owner leaving, wants 9,ooo. J. Li. earner, neeune jaiag, WW. COLFAX, 70$ Keellne Bldg. Real estate, city property, lrge ranches a specialty. REAL ESTATE-Othr Citie. PUBLIC SALE The old school house build' Ing, Including all out buildings, will be aold at either publlo or private 'sale, on Aug-. 13th, 1IU, at 1:30 p. m. For full particulars write wan jaunge. aeons- RfcAL ESTATE B'nes. Pr'ty FOR SALE 184x11$. faces three streets near new Ford building; splendid manur faoturlng site. Address. B-411. Bee. REAL ESTATE- WANTED WANTBD I or l-room oottage In north. ern part W. L. SELST BON. Douit. 1610 Horse Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. Wafon umbrella., ti ll. Waf nor, 101 M. lltb. FINANCIAL Real Estate Loans and Mortgages. MONEY TO LOAN ON Apartment houaea, double brick bouesa, single houses, business property and farm lands at $ per cent H per cent pr ot W. H. THOMAS, 1)1 Keellne Bldg Douglaa 14$. PRIVATE MONEY. 8HOPEN ft COMPANY. KICK LINE BUILDINO. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farma. OKBBrS KLAb KB 1 Aim (JW., 101$ Omaha Nat'l Phone Douglaa 171$. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches We also buy good farm mort- gagea. Kloke Inv. Co.. Omaaa. REAL ESTATE loana. six per cent' 'See D. B. MUUK ft W,, $1$ Omaha Nat. Bank. "NO DELAY. W. T. GRAHAM, BEE BLDG. CITY and farm loans, 6. t, I per oent J. H Dumont ft Co., 414 Keellne Bldg. MONEY on hand for city and farm loana. H. W. Binder, City National Bant Bldg. 66 H P" cent LOANS THOS. L. MoOARRT. Keellne Bldg. Red 4.44. nXnX PPAQ $4$ Omaha 'Nat'l Bank Bldg. ft nnf MONEY HARRISON ft MORTON. v )Jyf 910 Omaha Nat- Bank Bldg. $100 to 'i'lO.OOO made promptly. F. D- Wead. weaa uiag., mn aan rarnem oul Stocks and Bonds, Our Nebraska farm mortgagna are not af fected ay European1 wars or panlca. Amounts $41$ to $30,000. We collect all Interest and principal free of charge; $0 years In the Nebraska farm field without a loss Is our record. KLOKE INVESTMENT COMFJ.NT. SOI Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Abstracts of Title, inarant.a.a Abstract Co. We can bring VJ Ual all LCC down your abstract on short notice. R. 7, Patterson Bldg. D. 3047 I.-,, Title, Ouarantee and Abstract Co., JYcrr got go. 17th St., ground floor. Bonded by Mass. Bonding ft Ins. co. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract of- flce in Nebraska. xo Branoeis Theater. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands, 80 ACRES, north west Arkansas, Improved; 10 acres orchard: 60 in cultivation; price $1,700; $1,000 down. Ed Weld, Green Forest, Ark. Colorado Lands. Colorado land excursions, expena s paid. O. L. Nethsway, Florence. Neo. Florence lis. Iowa Lands. 140 ACRES well Improved farm, west Iowa, at $100 per acre; all tillable; roiling ian; $6,000 will handle deal. THOS. CAMPBELL. KEBLINH BLDO. Missouri Lands. dlHEAP FARMS Any else, easy terms, In the heautlful Oaarks of Dent county, at. W. S. Frank. 201 Neville Block. Omaha FOR SALE OR TRADE My equity In splendid $0-acrs farm In northwest mo. for drug stock. Address T 881, Bee. Nebraska Lands. LAND NEAR OMAHA FOR SALE. 66 Vj A. very choice land, just N. of Benson; belongs to bsnk; must aelL A bargain for some one. See me for prloe and terms. J. A. ABBOTT. Room 4, Patterson Blk., City. AUTOMOBILES FOF SALE USED CAR BAROAINB AT ItUKPHT-O'BlUKN AUTO CO., lfU-ll-ll ramam St FOR SALE Cheap If taken at once, a Mete Touring car, 1111 model. Been driven l.aOO mllea. T.l. BetleTue l. BAROAIN LlsM ftve.paaeengor car; elec tric llfhta. Call Harney 11,7. Auto Repairing and Painting." 1101 reward (or maftieto we oan't repair. Oolla repaired. Bavedorter. IIP N. lltb. NEB. Aoto Radlalor Repair Service and rUht 111 B. lltb Bt. P. 1110. Auto Tires and Supplier DON'T tnrow away old tlrea. We make on. n.w tire from t aid one. and aava you I. par oent I In 1 Vuloanlatnc Co., 1111 Dev. enport SL. Omaha. Neb. Douglaa 111. AUTO T1REB RKBU1I.T. 11.11 TO 16 M. DUO TIRE CO., 1111 CHICAOO BT. Motorcycle and Bicycles. HARUilY-DAVlDSON MOTORCY OLBS. Bar. aln la thMd raacblMee. Vt.tor Rooa, "Tbe lotoroyle Uan." IT.I tAavenwortb FOR IALB On. 1IH Hafiiy bavldaon, twin, twopeedi exoellent ahapa. Addrea, Look Box IT, Ruahvllla, Neb. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS HIGHLY improved 160-acre farm In NB Nebraska for sale. Owner will consider good house In Omaha part payment. Easy terms. Sickness and old age reasons for selling. ' Alton Savings Bank. Alton, low. FOR SALE Best largo body high grade medium priced land m iveDraaka; very little money required. C. Bradley, Wol bach, Nkb. NEBRASKA land from $$.00 to $116 par acre; Best Bargains in state, w. 1. smita, Co., $14 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Wisconsin Lands. WISCONSIN'S finest grazing and-dairying lands; any size tract from 40 acres to 7,000; clay soil, well located near rail roads; at prices ranging from $7.10 to $10 an acre; state your requirements, wa can make any terms to suit your needs. Dairy Belt Land Co., Owen. Wis. OET literature and maps on the cheapest good land in united states. BAKER A TILLOTSON. 14th and Douglas Sts.. Omaha. Dong, lilt. Miscellaneous. ARE YOU GOING TO BUT LANDlT If so, get a copy of our Journal first It has lands, city property and stocks of goods advertised from nearly every state. So that you can find Just what you wish In Its columns. Established 19 years, reaching 78,000 readers. Send 3 Bo for one year's subscription, or $1 for five years. FARM AND REAL ESTATE JOURNAL, TRAER, IOWA. ACREAGE V to 6-A. tracts on car line. Easy terms. J. R. combs, ill Brandsts Thea. Bldg. Doug. 8116. POULTRY AND PET STOCK PIGEONS pay far better than chickens; always penned up; little space needed to start; free book explains alL Majestlo Squab Co.. Dept. 91. Adel, la. FRESH aquatic plants for your fish globe. 20c. Will keep fish healthy. MAX GB1SLER BIRD CO. ANGORA kittens, white and black, 4I$4 Farnam. Phone Walnut 2387, AUTOMOBILES FOF SALE OVERLANDS, FORDS, DETROITER 111! MODELS. GOOD SERVJC CAR! FOR Hit AND UP. WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC, lit! Farnam It Dons. Itla. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Almost any make roadster, epaedstor and touring cars, fila Fords, a snap. Will sell these cars at almost any price, as we must havs the apace. O W. FRANCIS AUTO CO- Farnam. Dong. HI. Must sell all our second-hand autamo bliss within SO days. Ws have several makes and are giving better vaiuea Uwa anyone else. Johnson-Danf orth Co. IHI-II-II N. lltb It $100 REWARD For arrest and conviction of thief who ateait, your car while insured by KILLY. ELLIS A THOUPSOM. 11-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug Ult, NO OTHER Omana newspaper la making anywhere near the increase in Its Want Ad columns aa THE BEE. $I,T4I MORE PAID WANT-ADS the first sU montha ot Wit than In the same period ot 1916. . . The Reason: , Best Price Best Results. AUTO CLEARING HOITflrf S:o Farnam, D. $110, Saxon roadster, 191$ $178 1914 Cadillac touring o 1114 Oakland touring 400 i nit jauicit roadster.,.., 490 FOR SALE One 1114 Ford touring car,-! oonaiuon; maue oner. A. R. KELLET, .1101 Paiton Blk. Doug. $.04. Truetee in BenK ruptey. FOR SALE Packard "Twin Six." latest mndel: In Al condition, new tlresi will make great eacrlffc. j. w. Smith Motor Co., Boa 168, Cedar Rapids la. WE will trade you a new Ford for your old one. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO., 20th and Uariipy. Doug. $2(1. The Secret & Submarine Author ef Ths Eo4 el the Trail rraace,- ate the By & Alexander Powell "Flghtlag Flanders." The Read to Glory" Vlve to copyright, I SIS, by K. Alexander i aw wu Ella Lohn, at al., to Antonle Marty nomlcs, X street. South Omaha, 10 feet east of Twenty-eighth street, TOxlJO $1,800 Max Belster and wife to John Theta. at al.. Thirty-third street, south of I street. South Omaha, west stde, $0al$9 1.IBI Mason O. Znrbe and wife to Mary Crystal, Eighteenth street, 3S feet north of Missouri avenue. 40x130... 1,100 John M. Dougherty and wife to Chartes J. Murray, Franklin atreet, $0 feet west ef Forty-eighth street, south side, ISOxUO 1.IT6 Adolph Brown and wife to James F. Prendergaat, Burt atrset, $14 feet west of Twenty-sixth street, $7 a 116 $,000 Jalla Cramer and husband to O-.-e W. Neble, Twenty-fifth atret, 100 feet north of Hickory street, west side, 40x114 I Katharine C Filter and husband to Lillian C Ellle, Underwood avenue, $6$ feet weat of Forty-eighth street, sonta side, 60xl$$ 1 Lillian 0. Ellis and husband to Kath erlno C Filter, Dewey avenue, lit feet east of Twenty-eighth street, south side, 16x1)3 1 Robert W. Tork to Fred D. Weed, southeaat cornsr Thirty-fourth and B lor, do streets, 40x12? 1 William H. Clark and wife to Fred W. . Kurbls, Twsnty-flfth strset, 180 feet 1 south ef J street, wst slds, $0x160. 1,160 Flora Hoffman to Omaha Loan and Building association. Twenty-seventh strait, 11$ H feet north of Plnkney street, west slda, 40x1 BT 1 William J. Brlent and wife to Joseph H. Ovaraker, northwest comer Thir tieth and Larlmore streets, 47x1.6. . 1 Max Strange and wife to Henry Seb bert and wife, V street. South Oma ha, $00 feet west of Thirty-sixth street, south side, 60x111 1,00 Harry E. Long and wife to William J. Keane, Forty-first street, 106 feet south of Pago street, weat side, ,60x 110 . 1 Jorgen Jargensan and wife to Julius F. Bernhardt, at al.. southeast cor ner Thlrtv-flfth and Arbor streets, $3xl$$ l.-W Two-Cent Rate Case Is Resumed Before Referee F. H. Gaines C D. Perdnn, chief engineer of the southwestern portion of the Missouri Ptdfie railroad, gave testimony for fixing the physical valuation of the nrnntrtv in Nehraska. I. A. v. R.enneay, attorney ror me railroad, questioned him in the hear ing of the oassencer rate case before Referee Frank H. Gaines when it was resumed Wednesday after ten days' recess The road secured a temporary in junction several months ago against the operation ot tne state s -cent rare law, and now is seeking to have the injunction made permanent on the ground ttiat a .-cent rate on ine Mis souri Pacific does not even pay pas senger expenses. Mr. Kennedy and the chief engineer constituted the forces on the side of the railroad. State Railway Commis sioner Hall, the commission s expert, U. G. Powell and Mr. Roe, assistant to the attorney general, presented the state's side of the case. Mr. Perdun has gone over every foot of the railroad in Nebraska on foot, on handcar, on horseback and otherwise and had elaborate charts and books to show the physical status of the property. Light Company to Spend Million to Enlarge Its Plant Excavating, pile driving and the laying of concrete bases is in progress for the big addition to the Omaha Electric Light and Power company is to build to its present station at the foot of Jones street on the river. Building permits totalling $117,000 were taken out this morning. The Phoenix Construction company is do ing the work. Buildinar. machinery, equipment and all, are to cost in the neighborhood of $900,000. The addition being: built is to be 60 by AO feet Though it is to have but one floor it will be in neignt eauivalant to three or four-story building. The construction is to be ot brick- ana concrete, a nuge run nel, perhaps ISO feet in length, is to be extended from the house to the river to bring in the water supply. The tunnel is to be eight feet wide and eighteen feet deep. The new structure is to house a 20,000-horsepower turbine. It is ex pected that the structure win be com pleted by October or November. Trust Company Protests On Water Board Charges The Peters Trust company has pro tested to the water board against pay ing for the' standpipes installed on its orooerty. The water board ordered that the trust company, as well as other concerns who have raised the same objections, must pay up or the water will be shut off. The shutting off of the standoioe water supply in some cases would effect the entire building, it Is said. Residents Kick on Paying Curb -and Gutter Charges Residents on Florence boulevard, from Grand avenue to the city limits, filed a petition with the city council protesting against the assessment for curbing and guttering against their property. The total amount charged up against the Florence boulevard residents In the district trom which the protest was filed is approximately $li!,uuu. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Rev. B. t, Hull will spend his vacation at Alexandria, in the lake region oi Hin nesota. ELEVENTH INSTALLMENT. "rrn.sU Ll.Vt.nant .T.rut. un... a.11.rf VtV tha Untt4 Stat.a naval board to tnvaattirat. and rapert hta (Indln.a on th invention ot Dr. Ralph Burk., which arva to brim tha aub marina to a atata of prfotton. Th. lieu tenant arrival tn Valdavla and la wlcom.d by th. Inventor and hta dauahter, Cleo. On th. trial trip of the Inventor', boat, a Japan... helper la eurprlaed In the aot ot evamlnltif the meohanlem of tha ventilating devlee. Rope reporta favorably on th, new device but there are other. Interested In It. An attempt to burtlarli. Dr. Burke'a laboratory fall,, but later Cleo find, him In hi, bedroom. Cleo !! her father'a booka to set money; later ehe find, a not. from whloh aha learna that they con- win me eecrei lormuia, v lin Hope ane racea to tha auctioneer' atore onlv to find It In flamoe. Olaa Ivanoft and Oerald Mor ton, two aples In eearch of the formula, at tempt to capture Cleo when aha calla at the ht-uee of Bteph.mekl. the anarchist Hop, ruehea to her aid: Morton ehoota at him but the bullet hit. a bomb In tha teller, which explode, Itephanakl and Cleo et t.nd a ball at Mr. Delmar'e who,, nephjw haa two of tha mlaalnt book,. Mahlln, a epy. attempta to ateal tha booka, but le dis covered by Hope; In tha eicltement that follows the book, disappear. Mahlln cepe,. Hope and Cleo taks a boat for an l.iand rut In the bay. Th eonaplraton fol low In other boata. Mahlln and tha Jap turn out the Island Morton's boat with the countess strikes a atray mine In the bay. After a violent storm Hope and Cleo arrive on a atran.e Island and discover that th. man they hunt la than. But Mahlln and tha Japanese alio reach tha leland and put up a fight tor th. booka. They eacape from HYpa but return and dynamite the shack. The conspirators fall to harm Hope and Cleo. They manage to reach Sandsboro, where nr. Owen haa one of tha booka Kaon of tha othere approach the doctor, but he refuses to hear them. He arranges to meet Hop,, at the hotel with tha book. Morton pose, aa Hope and but for an earthquake would have possessed the volume. Cleo is capturod by Morton and taken in his friend's asro plane to a lonely cabin In the mountalna. She flnda there the book for which th.v nearoh. Fortunately aha get. a note te Hope, who, with Hook, atarta to the rescue. Aa ha crosses the chasm In tha awtnglng basket Mahlln steala up and chops at the cable with an aie. Hook appeara In time to save Hope. Ha raaohea the other aide and la greeted by Cleo: aha awears her love to him. They return to tha valley but are followed by Mahlln and th. Jap who at tempt lo capture Cleo. She awlnga herself over the canyon. Olga and Morton are daehed to earth In tha aeroplane (Con tinned From Testerday.) "larvii, I feel as though I were sinking." "It's all right, dearest," he an swered, reassuringly. "There's noth ing to be worried about. Stand per fectly still and I'll get you out alt right." But despite his confident tone he was worried, terribly worried, for he appreciated that their plight was a desperate one. "Don't come any farther, Hook," he called to the seaman, who had started after them. "We're in trouble. Get back at once or you'll be In trouble yourself." "What's the matter, lootenant?" shouted Hook, as, obeying Hope's order, he regained the bank. "Are you in quicksand?" "I'm afraid so," Hope answered. "We can't move and we seem to be slowly sinking." "What shall I do?" the sailor shouted. "Shall I get some branches?" "I don't think they'll do any good, Hook," came the answer. "WeTe in too deep. The only way to get us out is with a rope. You'd better hurry down the valley and see if you can find help. You may run across a cowboy with a lariat. But you'll have to hurry or you'll be too la.te . . But to himself Hope said: "He can never make It We will have sunk long before he can get back with help. God what a death to die in quicksand." 'Keep cheered up. Miss Geo, and you, too, lootenant," called Hook, as he started off on a lumbering run. "I'll be back with a rope before you know I've started." Suddenly Cleo's young voice rang out. "Hook, Hookl" she called "Wait a minute. I have an idea," for all at P0ST0FF1GE KEEPS DP RECORD GAINS Receipts for Month of July Show an Increase of Nine Per Oent. FEW OTHER CITIES HOLD UP July, the final month of John C. Wharton's administration as post master of Omaha, kept up the record of increases that have been an index of the city's growth for several years. The receipts for July were 9 per cent greater than the receipts for the same month last year, the figures be ing as follows: July, mi nr.Mt.ti July, mi ni,ii. no once there had come to her the recol lection of how the day before she had saved herself from Mahlin and Sat suma. "Listen to me, Hook," she com manded. "There is no time to find a rope we would he dead before vou could get back with one. But you can get a grapevine a long one, such as I swung across the gulch on there are lots of them in the forest I saw them this morning. But you must hurry, Hook . . hurry . . or you will be too late." Nodding his comprehension of her plan, the sailor turned and ran toward the forest. "It is a SDlendid idea, dear." said Hope. "It never occurred to me. If we are saved it will be due to vou. "I hope that he will get back in time, she remarked, as matter-of- factly as though there depended upon his return nothing more important than a social engagement, but terror was gnawing at her heart, for she could teel herself slowlv sinking. The time dragged by. The seconds passed like minutes, and the minutes seemed like hours. Thoueh tormented by myriads of insects, they dared not stir for fear of hastening the end. Al ready the black ooze was above their hips and was slowly, inexorably creeping higher. "Dear heart," said Cleo, after a long pause, "if if Hook should not get back in time, I want to go down hold ing your hand. I shall not be fright ened of death, then." You dear, brave girl, groaned Hope: "this is all mv fault. I seem to have brought you nothing but misery and trouble. "You have brought me nothing but happiness, dear," said Cleo. "And death holds few terrors so long as you are beside me. "But we are not going to die," she exclaimed a moment later, "There's Hook and he has the grapevine. Her auick eve had detected the seaman as he emerged from the for est and he had. as she said, the grapevine; a monster creeper as thick as a cable and almost as strong. Veil turing as far into the marsh as he could with safetv. Hook coiled the giant vine and threw it as a cowboy throws a lariat. "Take hold of it. Cleo." Hone di rected. "and hanr tiaht. When I count three Hook is to pull for all he is worth and you must kick, strug gle, do everything you can to loosen yourself." The seaman, wraoning the vine around him like the anchor in a tug- of-war. SDat on his single hand, and. when Hope gave the signal, threw every ounce of his 300 pounds into his pull, while at the same time Cleo struggled frantically to free herself. Slowly, sullenly, reluctantly, the marsh monster released its prey and Hook dragged her to the banks and safety. To extract' Hope was not, so easv. for. owinar to his greater weight he had sunk into the bog almost to his armpits, but at last, after repeated attempts, Hook and Geo succeeded in effectine his rescue. Late that afternoon a mob of cheer ing townsmen surged up the main streets ot Santa tutana Dearmg on its shoulders a wearv. very mud. stained but very beautiful girl and two equally weary and mud-stained men. Cleo Burke, whose mysterious disappearance had aroused the whole countryside, whose pictures and de scription were on the walls of every police station and post office in the state, had oeen louno. BOOKS SHOWS FOR VARIED TASTES Auditorium Manager Returns from New York and. Tells What to Look For. FROM OPERA TO MOVIES (To B Continued Tomorrow.) ROBBERS FAIL TO CRACK BANK SAFE Break Way Into Vault of Oon servative, But Safe With stands Explosives. BANK FUNDS NOT TOUCHED Increa 110.(11. l Very few cities in the country can show such steady and large increase in postoffice receipts as Omaha. And this is the most reliable barometer of business conditions that is known. State Rate Men in Conference On New Interstate Euling Traffic Manaarer MeVann of the Commercial club held a short confer ence at noon with State Railway Commissioners Hall and Powell, and other rate men, with regard to what steps shall bs taken in the matter of the recent ruling of the Interstate Commerce commission knocking out the Nebraska freight 3tes as they had been fixed by the State Railway commission two years ago. The state commissioners were in Omaha in con nection with the Missouri Pacific pas senger rate hearing at the federal court rooms, and MeVann called the short conference at the Commercial club rooms at noon only incidentally. Ha hopes to call a larger conference in a few days, when the commission ers and freight rate experts from the Missouri river towns and other towns affected by the ruling of the Inter state Commerce commission csn be present Had Choice of Supporting Wife or Going to Pen Emil Yohler, arraigned before Judge Willis G. Sears, charged with wife desertion, was given his choice between the penitentiary and return ing to work and supporting Mrs. Yohler. He decided to support his wife, and was released on condition that tie get back his job as cook for the Union Pacific and conduct himself as a proper husband should. After gaining entrance to the large vault by blowing the lock and spindle off with a charge of nitroglycerine, bank robbers who visited the Conser vative Savings and Loan association, 1614 Harney street, early yesterday morning, made three unsuccessful at temps to "crack" the small, armor, plate safe within the vault. Fallinsr to exercise enouorh veD-r, man's skill in opening the safe, which contained several thousand dollars in money and securities, the robbers ruled several tin boxes in the vault, obtaining about $500 worth of valua bles, belonging mostly to employes of ine institution, coining oi value dc longing to the association was taken, The robbers obviously were "peter men" and used "soup" (nitroglycer ine) in their attempts to crack the sate. iftry opened the vault with single explosioi.. Break Into Vault. The robbers took a small, electric fan Into the vault with them to aid in cooling things off a bit while thev were working. Large pieces of burlap were tound wrapped about the safe, precaution taken by professional yegg men to deaden the sound of the ex plosion and make it safer for them selves. The vault, filled with smoke, was discovered open by Ld King, janitor, when he arrived at work at 6 o'clock. Entrance to the building wa. ef fected by crawling up onto the one story part of the buildinsr. breakim a window in the office of Hastings & Heyden, on the second floor, and then walking down into the banking room Orphans Guests of Hummel At Auto Ride and Picnic The children in St. James' orphan age at Benson were the guests of Joe Hummel, park commissioner, at an all-day outing. The children were taken for automobile drives over the park system, after which a picnic dm ner was served at Kiverview park u the evening. Burglars Get a Hundred in Cash and Three Diamond Rings Burglars gamed entrance to the residence of l Mrs. A, Backes, 622 South Nineteenth street by opening a front door that was unlocked, and stole 51 IB and three diamond rings, Attractions for the most varied tastes and divertisement for the most exacting of critics are promised pa trons of the Auditorium by Manager Franke, who has returned from New York with announcement of bookings for next season. . ' . The Chicago English opera eom- piny will fill an engagement at the Auditorium October 21, 22 and 23. The famous Diaghiless Ballet Russe ' with the Russian dancer. Lejinski, is booked for December 16. The San Carlo ooera company will hold the boards January 24 to 27, inclusive. The attraction for Washingtons birthday is . Yvette Guilbert, the , French singer. Omahans will have an opportunity to hear the New York symphony or chestra March 30. All of the above bookings are posi tive. Some of the other attractions Man ager Franke is figuring on for next season are: The film sneetacle featuring An- ; nette Kellerman. which is said to have) cost the producers, the William K. fox company, ?i,uuu,uuu. a morion picture exhibit, to be held here some time during the winter. This ex hibit, similar to the one held n Chi- ' cago, is to be represented by exhibi- . tors from the entire middle west. The New York Hippodrome show,, which is expected to go on tour this winter. The Tsintr Tau- orchestra, a Ger man organization, caotured by the Japanese, and which has been interned in tne cast since wc curupcaii war started. It is planned to place the German musicians under bonds and take them on tour, the concerts to be plaved under the ausnices of the Ger man Red Cross societies. ' Many Omaha Men to Go to Training Gamp AtPlattsbnrg, N.Y, A special Pullman on the North western next Tuesday will carry most of the twenty-five young Omaha busi ness men who have volunteered to sacrifice their vacation time for the sake of the military training at the flattsburg camp in Mew York state. In Chicaso a soecial train will be made up from similar parties from Kansas City, St. Louis, Minneapolis, St. Paul and other western cities. The movement has received the en dorsement of many prominent busM ness firms in Omi.ha, and the young men who will go will be on lull pay for their entire absence. The original plan was to open a training camp at Fort Benjamin Harrison near Chi cago, but' the mobilisation of the Na tional Guard required the services of so many regular army officers that it was decided to send the men to Plattsburg. ; Those from Omaha who have sig nified their intention of going. and will leave Tuesday morning if not before are: Charles W. Burgess, Lewis H. Burgess, Bernard A. smytn, cugene E. Coyle, Dana Van Dusen, Richard W. Oxtabv. Walter L. Stillman. Con J. Smythe, jr.; Ray M. Higgins, Ar thur Ringwalt, Drexel J. Sibbernsen. H. G. Wade, John u uitz, josepn j. Frasrr. Donald I. Burke. Oriaen Williams. Bourdette F. - Kirkendall, Lyman Wallace, Emil A. Ericspn, John Leo Cutright, Alfred G. Smith, Henry Pascale, J. Frank Mead, Ru dolph H. Von Kessel. ' The camo will be held from Au gust 10 to September 6. . if Here is Lad Who Can . Eat All the Candy His Heart Desires Up at Clarkson Memorial hospital is a youngster whose lot, in at least one particular, might be the envy of almost any small boy. Floyd is his name, and he is 4 years old. Disease has deformed hia throat and palate, and he is unable to awal low. Ail ms nourishment must o given him through a tube into hit stomach. " But although he cannot swallow, his sense of taste is very acute, and he likes candy inordinantly. Inas much aa he can't injure his stomach no matter how much candy he takes into his mouth, he is allowed an al most unlimited supply. . Stick candy is his favorite variety, and he eats it and spits it out He is a great favorite among th nurses, and "runs the roost" with a high hand. Hearing of Road ' Bond Case Resumed Hearing of the Douglas county i j .... i i . roaa oona injunction case naa oeen resumed by Judges Leslie John Paul Breen, representing D, C. Patterson and others opposed to the bond issue is attacking the valid ity of the election, and practically every highway Improvement law ever passed in Nebraska has been dragged into the case by one side or - the other. ' - Breen's argumei.t occupied tb en' tire session Wednesday. Find Big Wheat Crop In Dry Farming Area S. B. Howard of the Burlington has returned from a short trio to Sidney, Cheyenne county. , He says that all the country south ' of the Platte is looking fine and that in tbe southwest part of the state the wheat on the dry farming ranches is the best quality and quantity in the history of that section. He tells of one man, with one helper, who ploughed, planted and cultivated enough wheat land to thresh-12,000 bushels. He did all his work with tractor-drawn machinery. Sloan'a Liniment Relieve. OnngeMte. Aa eoon aa yon apply Sloan'. LlntraMt th. oon.estlen dleappeara and yean" pat. la eona. Bodily warmtk l rraarwaA. tl. An drugslataAdvwtlMaai. '4