Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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i 1
piety Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Club Doings
Economical Person Hai Figur
ed It Down to $28.75 Per
tl I
ttiV A
of TfcC
My dear tnadame, what could you
buy for $2875? If you are a devotee
of the soda foundtain you might
spend $2875 in buying 144 cool rasp
berry limeades during the hot sum-
gntht and 144 cups or not
in the cold winter. If vou
r .. .. ..
aire a Housewife you might figure that
$2875 will buy 575 loaves of bread.
If you are a peanut and popcorn
eater you might purchase Z87 sacks
of popcorn and 288 sacks of peanuts
from the old popcorn man on the
corner with that amount of money.
On some crisp fall evening you could
ith that sum enough roast
out of the chestnut man t
to close him out, figuring the
chestnuts at sue for a dime,
Such hundreds of dainties
le year round could be yours
75. that I shudder to think
latest suggestion which a wo
man haa made for spending that neat
little sum.
This terribly practical woman has
actually recommended that the
amount be used for the benefit of
milady's wardrobe. Do you suppose
she thought to invest it for one little
hat or one second best coat? Oh,
no. Her proposal was this: Clothe
yourself on $2875 a year. Imagine
it, my friend of the fifty-dollar hatsl
Thisaus the statement which she
J the woman the following out
fit should suffice: Two pairs of shoes,
three home made aprons, one summer
hat, one winter hat, one summer coat,
one winter coat, two home made wash
dresses, two home made house dress
es, one woolen skirt, two wash waists,
six pairs of stockings, one pair of
cotton gloves, one pair of woolen
rj'a-- three summer union suits,
thj winter union suits, two corset
coVJP, two flannelette petticoats, two
niglf dresses and one pair of cor
setsTThese articles may be purchased
Wyfou ready to make the great
sacWfte? Which shall it be, limeades
or hats, chestnuts or stockings?
were won by Miss Minnie Arkin,
Miss Florence Shames, Mr. Phil
Romoneck and Mr. Morris Sherman.
W. H. Wheeler.
MlM Nelle Moot.
At Carter Lake Club.
Mrs. Dan T. Leary gave an old
fashioned picnic and swimming party
yesterday afternoon.
Among! those who had dinner par
ttevatihe club last evening were Mr.
Charles. Laherty, Mr. J. S. Schall, Mrs.
Frank Pottle and Mr. George Drake.
Seventv-hve reservations have been
made for the cottagers' dinner this
Mrs. F. M. High entertained twelve
at a kensington this afternoon.
Mrs. A. C. Scott had eight guests
at luncheon todav.
This afternoon the children's mat
inee was held at the club
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Napp and Miss
Esther have moved into their new
The Carter Lake Women's Swim
ming and Bowling club met yesterday
afternoon. High score was won by
Mrs. W. J. Cattin. In watermelon
contest, Mrs. W. J, Hackett won first
prize and Mrs. H. L. Underwood won
second prize.
Seymour Lake Country Club.
The children of the club and their
young friends will enjoy a picnic sup-
the playgrounds 1 hursday
at 6 o clock. This will be fol-
, musical program,
hentary to Miss Wortena of
tKton. 111., Mr. and Mrs. P. J.
tentertained at dinner Wednet-
Ining, having as their guests:
ana Meeaamee
At the Country Club.
The members of the Original Cook
ing club had luncheon at the Country
club today as the guests of Mrs. Ward
Burgess. Miss Nelle Moore of Coun
cil Bluffs, who is visiting Mrs. George
Prinz, was a member of the party.
Those present were:
Luther Kountie,
W. S. Poppleton,
ueor- I'rini,
Mrs. Warren M. Rogers will enter
tain at dinner this evening, her guests
Meaara. and Meedame
W. R. MrKeen, Wilton H. Low.
Mra. Arthur Remington.
Meaara. Mesars.
Charlea T. Kountia, Harry McCormlck.
Mr. and Mrs. George Prinz will
have twelve guests at the Country
club this evening.
Mr. F. J. Burkley will entertain fif
teen golfers at the club tomorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Van
Brunt will entertain at the Country
club this evening, the guests being a
number of Council Bluffs friends.
Covers will be laid for:
Meaara. and Meadamea
B. A. Wlrkham, riarry Van Brunt.
J. J. Heaa,
Mlaa Marlon Turner.
Mr. Walter Knowlea.
Doctora Doctor
L. L. Henntnier, W. E. Wolcott.
Mr. Roger Keeline of Council
Bluffs is entertaining at the Wednes
day evening dinner-dance at the club
for Miss Mary Scott of Memphis,
Tenn., who is the guest of the Misses
Elizabeth and Meliora Davis. His
guests will be:
Mr. and Mra. Harold prltenett.
Bltaabeth Davie.
Meliora Davie.
M rears.
War Hall.
Ben Uallasher.
Mary Scott
of Memphla,
Raymond Low,
Reed Petera.
Social Gossip.
Miss Mary Scott of Memphis.
Tenn., who has been the guest of the
Misses Meliora and Elizabeth Davis
since Sunday will leave tomorrow for
Mrs. Arthur Keeline and Mrs. A. J.
Beaton and children have been at the
Keeline ranch at Gillette, Wyo., since
June 28. They expect to return to
Omaha about the 'middle of Septem
ber. . .
Mr. and Mrs. t. M. rairnem mo
tored to Des Moines with Mr. C. W.
w,,ll 1ar week-end. Mtss Betty Fair
field, who is with Mrs. Clement Chase
at the artists' colony in Woodstock,
goes to Tarrytown-on-the-Hudson the
first of August to be the guest of the
Henry Estabrooks at their summer
place. From there, she will visit Mrs.
Fairfield's sister, Mrs. Guy Howard,
at Wilton, Conn.
Miss Betty writes of the interesting
personnel of the artists' colony which
inciuucs, usi nuw, vv...v.(
Belgians, French and Italians espe
ciallv. The little Omaha miss is revel
ing in the futurist school of artists
The Secret SL Submarine
Aothar OT.Th End o! the TraJL"
rraacs,- ate.
By E. Alexander Powell
FlfktlM t Flaaaere," Tha Read to Wary.
"ayniK, 111. T a.
1 If
Bloomlnttoa UL ;
C. B. Sheeny,
Dr. Richard Condon,
T. 8. 8hehy.
Alice aheehy.
Dr. J. T. Bheehy,
Warren Sheahy.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tags had six
guests at dinner Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Vollmer
have returned from an outing of sev
eral weeks and are at their Seymour
cottage for the remainder of the summer.
At the Field Club.
Reservations for dinner this evening
have been made by R. B. Evans for
siJVsts, by f . W. Hill tor eight, and
bl led Dale for four.
Veers. C. J. Moore. Miss Bernice
Thomas and F. J. Farrington have
mncneon leservatiqns tor 1 hursday.
At Happy Hollow Club.
The Happy Hollow Women's Bowl
ing club met this afternoon,
in addition to the luncheon to be
given by Miss Gladys Robertson to-
Lieutenant Janrla Rope la detailed by the
united states naval board to Inveatlfat
and report hla flndlnia on tha Invention ot
Dr. Ralph Burke, which aervea to brim tha
aubmarlno to a atate ot perfection. Tha
lieutenant arrlvea In Valdava and la wel
comed by tha Inventor and hla daughter.
Cleo. On the trial trip of the Inventor'!
boat, a Japanea helper le aurprlaed In tha
act of examining- the mechanlam of tha
ventilating device. Hope reporta favorably
on the new device, but there are othera In
terested In It. An attempt to burglarise
Dr. Burke's laboratory falla, but later Cleo
flnda him murdered In hla bedroom. Cleo
aelle her father's boaka to get money; later
ahe flnda a note from which aha learna that
they contain the mrt r..ui. unk Hm.
antt racoa to the auctioneer' atore only to
tum it in name, uiga lvanott and uerald
Morton, two aplea In aearch of the formula,
attempt to capture Cleo when ahe calla at
the houae of Stephanakl, the anarchist. Hop
rushea to her aid; Morton ahoota at him.
but the bullet htte a homh In tha i.1lr.
which explodea. stephanakl and Cleo at
tend a ball at Mra. Delmar'a. whoae nephew
nas two oz tne mlaalng book. Mahltn, a
apy, attempta to ateal the hooka, but la die
covered by Hope; In the excitement that
louowa the booka dlaappear. Mahlln as
oapea. Hope and Cleo take a boat for an
Inland out In the bay. Tha conaplratora
follow In other boata. Mahlln and tha Jap
turn out tne island llgbt. Morton'a boat
with tha countaaa atrlkea a atray mine In
the b-ty. After a violent atorm Hope and
Cleo arrive on a atrange leland and dls
oover that the man they hunt le there. But
Mahlln and tha Japaneae also reach the up
land and put up a fight for the booka They
aacape from Hope, but return to dynamite
the i hack. , The conaplratora fall to harm
Hope and Cleo. They manage to reaoh
Sandsboro, where Dr. Owen haa one of the
book. Bach of the othera approach th
aoctor, nut he reruaea to hear them. He
arrange to meet Hope at tha hotel with th
book. Morton - peaea aa Hope .and but for
an eartnquaKe would nave poaaeaaed th
volume.. Cleo I captured by Morton and
taken in hla frlend'e aeroplane to a lonely
cabin In the mountain. She flnda there th
book for which they aearch. , Fortunately
ah get, a not to Hope, who. with Hook,
atari to their reacue. A he eroeee the
chasm In th swinging basket Mahltn ataals
up aa4 chops at th cable with an ax.
(Continued From Yesterday.)
About the time that the three were
leaving the cabin on the ledge, Mor
ton and Olga were preparing to visit
the mountains in the aeroplane. And
Olga was by no means a welcome pas
senger. ,
"I think that I'll fly up to the mesa
this afternoon and have a talk with
the Burke girl," Morton had carelessly
remarked. "She's been in the cabin
three days now and I fancy that by
this time she won't be tauite so stub
born." "And I think that I will go with
you," Olga had rejoined. "I can get
more out of the girl than you can.
"Nonsense," said Morton. "You
don't want to go along. It's no trip
for a woman. It's a nasty place to
land up there on the mesa. There's
no use in taking unnecessary risks."
"I'll take any risks that you will,'
said Olga decisively. "I have already
said that 1 am going with you.
"And I say that you're not," said
Morton. The last thing in the world
that he desired was to have Olga pres
ent during his interview with Geo, for
he knew that were the Russian wo
man to suspect his scheme of forcing
Cleo to marry him she was quite capa
ble of making things very unpleasant
indeed. And his fears were fully jus
tified by her next remark.
"You will either take me with you,"
she told him, "or I shall inform the
police of your recent activities. I
fancy that were it known that you are
'frow f'ernon.orii- Marjoriejthe kidnaper of the Burke girl, for
Wilkins of Des Moines, reservations
have been made by Mrs. Porter M.
i T " ttj"' four, Mrs. J. A. Spent c
Tind by Mrs. F. W. Smiley for
I guests.
Birthday Surprise Party.
Members of "Boleslava" gave a sur
prise party in honor of the sixty
eighth birthday of Mrs. Josephine
Jelen, a charter member, at her home
Monday evening. The guests in
V. Cermak.
Rutb Jelen of
Cedar Rapida.
A. 1
M. Hoffman
K. Uhllr,
J. Hudecek,
A. Krejcl,
A. Satrapa.
Fannie Jelen.
Beaale Paake.
F. Lapea,
Dinner for Mist Wilkins.
Miss Marjorie Wilkins will be the
guest of honor at an informal dinner
given by Miss Katherine Gould at
her home this evening. Ten young
people will be present.
Pleasures Past
Mrs. A. Alterson entertained at a
whist party at her home Monday aft-
in honor ot Mrs. t. Kengler
Martha Friedman of New
, Prizes were won by Miss
Waxman and Miss Martha
Eight tables were set for
via Levy entertained twen-
young people at a whist and
fng party at ner nome yesterday
g in honor ot ner cousin, Miss
Feinberg of Chicago. Prizes
whom everyone is searching you
would be lucky to escape with your
life. They're a hot-headed people,
these Californians, and they don't take
kindly to having their women stolen.
Come, come, my friend. You
can't 'put it over' on me, as you Amer
icans say. You're much too anxious
to see the girl alone. You wilt find it
a dangerous business to try any dou
ble dealing with me."
"Come along, then," he snarled,
making the best of the situation, for
he was perfectly aware that, were he
to persist in his refusal, Olga would
make sood her threat.
Morton had been telling the literal
truth when he asserted that the flight
to the mesa was a hazardous one, for
the stiff north wind that had sprung
up added materially to the dangers of
flying over a mountainous region.
Twice they were nearly capsized by
the treacherous air currents which
unexpectedly swept up at them from
the canyons, and it was only Morton's
skill as an aviator that saved them.
The wind increased in velocity as they
ascended, and it was only after re
peated circlings that Morton was able
to effect a landing on the mesa, which
was none too spacious for the pur
pose, even under the most favorable
weather conditions.
"There's the cabin," he said, point
ing, after he had helped Olga to
alight," but I don't see any sign of the
girl. She must be inside. We'll go
over and give her a surprise party.
"It will be a surprise party for her
if she remains stubborn," remarked
the Russian woman significantly. "A
hot iron, properly applied, is a won
derful incentive for making people
talk. I saw it used on a soldier once,
in the fortress of Peter and Paul. He
was a brave man, but it made a baby
of him."
Though her tone made even the
callous Morton wince, he made no
comment, but led the way across the
mesa. Pushing his way through the
bushes that fringed the chasm, he
stopped abruptly at sight of the basket
swinging from the cable, where Hope
had left it.
"What the devil does this mean?"
he ejaculated. "I unhooked the
basket before I left and hid it in the
bushes. Someone must have been
"I fancy it means," remarked Olga
dryly, "that your bird has flown."
"Impossible!" asserted Morton.
'She could no more escape from that
ledge without assistance than she
could escape from the moon. And
there was no way in which she could
get word to anyone."
"There's nothing to be gained by
standing here and arguing about it,"
said Olga acidly. "Suppose we go
across and see if she's still there.
(To Be Continued Tomorrow.)
and writes that a blue goat was the
only painting whose identity she could
establish. Miss Louise Dinning and
Mr. Robert Dinning are other Oma
hans at Woodstock.
Miss Dorothy Young of New York
City and her brother, Mr. Conrad
Young, are spending a week at the
0. W. Holdrege ranch in Wyoming.
On her return from the west, Miss
Young, who is a member of the Ap
palachian club, plans to leave for
North Carolina, where, with some
friends, she will spend one month in
horseback-riding through the country.
Miss Hazel Benedict will arrive
next Tuesday to be the guest of Mist
Josephine Congdon. Miss Benedict,
whose home is in East Orange, N. J.,
has been visiting other Vassar class
mates in the intervening states and
comes to Omaha from Waterloo, la.
Notes of Interest.
Mrs. D. H. Harding and children
left this afternoon to spend several
weeks in Colorado Springs and Man
itou. Mr. Andrew J. McClelland of
Pueblo, Colo., left today for his home
after a two weeks' stay with his niece,
Mrs. L. L. Goodrich.
Miss Minnie Smith of Chicago re
turned to her home today after an
extended visit with her sister, Mrs.
L. L. Goodrich.
Dr. and Mrs. I. E. Pulver expect
to leave the middle of next month
for their yearly motor trip, with Du
luth at their destination.
Mrt. Bernard Capen plans to leave
next month to spend several weeks
on the Maine coast, where the Ca
pent have a cottage.
Mitt Blanche borenson hat re
turned from a two months' stay in
Oklahoma and Texas, where the hat
been teaching and lecturing in the
summer normal schools.
Mrt. Willis Todd, who went east
early in May to be present at the
graduation of her daughter, Miss Mil
dred, from Bristol school, Washing
ton, D. C, is now in Kansas City,
where she will spend some time. Miss
Todd is still in the east and will spend
several weeks visiting school friends
before returning to Omaha.
Bridge Party for Mitt Gutter.
Mrs. J. B. Katz and Mrs. Herbert
S. Arnstein entertained at bridge this
afternoon for Miss Amy Glaser of
at. Louis, who is the guest ot Miss.
Mildred Rubel. The affair took the
form of a porch party at the Katz
home, seven tables being placed for
the game.
Informal Party.
Dr. and Mrs. L. B, foltz will enter
tain informally this evening for Mrs.
E. A. Cowherd and daughters, Mis
Julia and Mist Elizabeth Cowherd of
St. Paul, who are visiting Mrs. Cow
herd's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G.
McNichols. The visitors will leave
Monday for their home. The other
guests will be:
Meaara. and Meadamea
J. H. McNIchola, Mlaa Jeanle McNichols,
Joe McNIchola, Mr. Harvey McNIchola
Contends Another
Was Substituted
For His Daughter
Atchison, Kan., July 26. Deposi
tions were taken here today In a suit
originating in Salt Lake City, in
which John F. Greenland of that city
charges that Mabel Manning, said to
have been taken from the Soldiers'
Orphan home here in 1909, was sub
stituted for his own daughter.
The suit is directed at James Burk
hart, a wealthy mining man of Salt
Lake, and Mrs. Burkhart, who for
three years had the custody of Phyllis
Mabel Greenland, their granddaugh
ter and daughter of the plaintiff.
The child was taken by the grand
parents when but a few weeks old,
following the death of its mother.
Greenland produced witnesses here
today who made affidavit that the
child whom he claims was given him
by the Burkharts, when later he de
manded his daughter, is Mabel Man
ning, formerly a charge in the or
phan's home and adopted seven years
ago by the Burkharts. The girls are
said to be 10 years old.
Mrs. Rix Asks Damages for
Injuries in Auto Accident
Mrs. Edith Rlx, 1143 South
Twentv-ninth street, hat brought tuit
against John Liddell and his son,
frank, lor Jia.yw.oj damages tor per
sonal injuries alleged to have been in
flicted upon her January 2, 1916.
Mrs. Rix in her petition tayt the
wat riding in an automobile driven
by her husband, when Frank Liddell,
driving his father's car, ran into the
Rix machine. She asserts that sev
eral ribs were fractured, other injuries
inflicted and that she has a perma
nently curved spine as a result of the
ronetlpntlon and Sick Headache.
Dr. Klng'a New 1. 1ft lllla will relieve' you
of both, clean out the bowele and make you
feel fine. 16c. All drugglats. Adv.
Jardine Would Provide
Guard With Necessities
City Commissioner Jardine hat writ
ten Major Earl Sterncker of the Ne
braska National Guard asking for con
ditions relative to need of necessities
among the Nebraska troops. It is
the intention of Mr. Jardine to inter
est Omaha people in this matter if a
real urgency exists.
On Special Sal at th
lath and Jack.oa St.
Far Full Particular. Se Friday Evening's
Our Recant Palm Boach
In them, wa hava triad to Im
press you -with tha Quality af
our work the efforts wa maka
to give yon tha beat.
Thia tame service extendi to
all departments and appliet to
all elaaaea of work trimmer
clothing of all kinds. Let sa
keap your white clothe look
ing right When we clean them
they not only look freah and
cool they feel that tame way.
Drastat - tl.2S up
LadUs' Palm Beach, $1.60
Maa's Palm Baaeh, fl.00
Why Not Ht the Beat?
"Cootl Claaaart had Dyars.
1111-17 Jeaea St. Pkans Dmflas aas.
Branch Offlcl Mia Faraasa Street.
South Siaat 4701 Suth aath StraeL
Pheae SMtk IMS.
1, I
hi ii
1 I
No Matter If the Ice Gives Out
-You can always be ure of pure, iweet, fresh
milk and cream if you have on hand lupply of
Cottage Milk it the nchatt milk with nothing taken out a
cap tf tnd with nothing added.
Ittpatfect sterilitation make it mora taniiaty thtnbortle
aniw Thara la iin danoat of rnntaminatlon at in (he bottling.
handling tnd delivering of ordinary milk.
ail l ... aII i...ail frnm ftttfua M ilk.
nil animai gciin ua.v uwh ......... - -
That t tvh it lasts longer tnd doesn't take on tha odors of ether
food i in tha tea box if tar it it opened, as reaouy as uu.ii.iuna.
Cottage Milk it nude in tpotlata condenteriea ind hau
mora then twice tne rood vauue or doom
milk. For flavor, richness, convenience and
economy Cottage Milk it unexcelled
In Two Sizes 5 and 10c
Al all Goad Dsaiars '
fit, m ftirona rantoafefl,
rtraptMf. srurepaa
lath tat Capitol,
. . aaavaaxv
Matt Trade Specially invitei
Rooms, $1.00 and $1.(10
With Both, 91.00 and Up
Cate the Very rfest
Popular Price
, . t
White Is the Thingl
High and Low!
Audit's at Kilpatrick9 s
Attend and You Shall Hear
Whan hi Omaha 3to at
Hotel Howard
Jn. Martlf , Pre.
Three Blacks Irass Deaot.
Restaurant in Connection
1001 Hewer Car. 10th. Tel. D. 120.
WHITE BOOTS of excel
lent quality, now in great
demand - "BAKER" the
the pair. They are worth
$6.C0 the pair.
The Sale
Starts at
8:30 A. LI
Coolness, Comfort and Cor
the price and they are worth
$5.00 the pair.
Significant you never find a drug
gist, anywhere, who is out of
Tooth Povder
Pnpmnd t e Doctor of Dintml Sarfry
Sand 2e stamp today for a ganarong trial package of lthr
Or. Lyon't Perftct Tooth Powder or Danial Crtam.
I. W. Lren Sana, t;v B77 W. 17th St., N. Y. Clt,
Thursday Is the Day
You Will Not Confound These With Shoes 1 So Extensively Advertised As
Usual the Kilpatrick Sales Are "SO DIFFERENT."