Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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Health, Hints -:- Fashions -.- Woman's Work -:- Household Topics
Getting Too Fat?
Try This Reduco
People who don't grow too fat ire lite
fcrttnute exception. But if you find the
fct iccumulattrif or already cumberioffle, you
will be wise to follow thii lugecftion, which
h endorsed by thousands of people who
know. Ask your druggist (or if you pre
fer write to the Marraola Co., 864 Wood-
ward Ave., Detroit, Mich.) for a large case
of Mannola Prescription Tablets. 75c U
the price the world over. By doing this yon
will be eafe front harmful draft and be able
to reduce two, three or four pounds a wed;
without dieting or exercise.
n 8
Car Wear Jmmhmn Blvd.
S Success of
A comfortable,
home-like hotel
in the business cen
ter of the city offer
ing every convenience
nd every service.
The best food is
served in the
New Kaiierhof
Restaurant at
moderate prices.
4S0 Rooms $1.60 up
With Bath $2.00 up
Tested Recipes
(All measurements are level unles
otherwise specified.)
Escalloped Chicken.
Divide a fowl into joints and boil
till the meat leaves the bone. Sepa
rate meat from bones and chop the
meat in small pieces. Thicken the
water in which ' the chicken was
cooked with flour and season to taste
with butter and salt. Fill a baking
dish with alternate layers of bread
crumbs and chicken, slices of cooked
Kotatoes and a few slices of onion,
aving crumbs on top. Four the gravy
over the. top, add a few small bits of
butter, and bake until nicely browned.
There should be enough gravy thor
oughly to moisten the mixture in the
dish. Serve with a garnish of parsley.
Cucumber Sauce.
One-quarter teaspoonful beef ex
tract, two large cucumbers, one-quarter
teaspoonful celery salt, one pint
stiffly whipped cream, dash of pap
rika, dash of white pepper, one-quarter
teaspoonful sugar.
Pare cucumbers and cover them
with slightly salted water for one
hour. Grate them and add seasonings.
Then fold the cream (whipped solid)
into the mixture. Serve with fish.
Peach Relish.
Stone free-stone peaches and fill
the cavities with a mixture of chopped
cabbage, green tomatoes, grated
horseradish and a little mustard. Put
the halves together with a string or
with toothpicks. Pack in sterilized
fruit jars and cover with a boiling
syrup made of two pounds of brown
sugar to one quart of vinegar. This
is very nice with cold meats.
Brussels Sprouts Salad.
Dress cold cooked Brussels sprouts
with French dressing to which a little
tabasco sauce has been added. Pile
on lettuce leaves and sprinkle with
chopped chives.
9MMIUI Cake.
Three tfla.poonfuli baking- powd.r, on.
and on. half cupful, .ugar, on. eupful
.wet milk, two tableapoonfuli butt.r, on.
taeepoonful Union .strict and thr.. .age.
Bake in layer tins. The whites of
six eggs may be used, if a white cake
is preferred, instead of the three
whole eggs. Put together as follows
Botl.d trotting-, thro, bananas, rind and
julc. or on. lemon.
Put common boiled frosting be
tween each layer and place over the
frosting bananas cut in thin slices, the
slices joining each other closely.
Sprinkle each layer with a little lemnn
juice and grated peel, and stir a little
of the grated peel into the frosting
used over the top of the cake.
Mothers Magazine.
These Are the Signs
of Good Health
Has Your Baby
All of Them?
-j .Ha be good appetite a clear pink
Skin bright,-' wid. - open eyee alert,'
' springy rausclas a contented little face?
Doe be gain each week in weight
doei he sleep quietly with eyas and
month tightly closed t
. . If hs hasn't one and all of these things ,
look out. Something ia wrong with
Dim. Ana una times in ten tint some
thing fa Us food. Your baby cant (row may and strong If be doesn't
have the right food. Mors your baby, if 70a can, M yon can't, "an
him co
(A Cetoplete Food Net Milk Modifier)
Don't give him taw cow milk.
Cow's milk" needa a calfe four
stomachs to digest it. "Cow's milk,
as ordinarily marketed ia unfit for
human consumption," aayi the
U. 8. Government f
Bat there b something in cow's
milk that is good for your baby, If
that something la modified and
purified so that It is aa light, as
satisfying and aa pure as mother'e
milk its It That ia what is don
for you in Nettle's Food. ,
It comes to you reduced to a pow
der in an air-tight can. Von add .
only water boil one minute and
it I ready with just the right amount
of fan, proteids, and carbohydrate
that will make healthy baby. 1
Semf Htm coupon Sr a FJCSff TWef
aoaaga of 13 rbedmg. and a Soak aeeer
aeorae by aaeeuiiafe.
"We're Engaged" By mil BrMief
7 7 Copyright, 1916, International Newa Vervlee,
KrTWINKLE, twinkle,., little, star,
i- How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky!"
104 Wo.lw.rteB.iUtM. Now York
: Pleeae .end ne FKKI year Seek and
trial package,
Name, ...... , , ...
if t
a p
You arrive
Chicago in
the new
The Great Lakes and
Atlantic Coast Region
hat innumerable attractions to offer
the vacationist ,
Juno I to Sopt. 30
via the Chicago a North Western
RV. to Chicago1 and choice oi routes
therefrom to all important points east
Round Trip from Omaha
Detroit, Mich., S3S.10
Boston, Matt. ' $54.60 to 69.10
New York, N. V. . 65.80 to 69.10
Niagara Falls, N. Y. 42.45 to 44.45
Toronto, Ont 40.10 to 44.45
Montreal, Quo. 45.20 to 55.65
Atlantic. City, N. I. 67.30
Portland, Me. 62.90 to 69.10
Buffalo, N. Y. ; 42.45 to 44.45
Return Until 60 days, sot to exceed October
II, 1910. Favorable stop-over privileges.
Direct connections with hat trains on all
Chicago &
North Western Ry
T 1401-1403 Farnera Street, Omaha, Neb.
Advice to Lovelorn
By Beatrice Fairfax
Must Choose for Herself.
Dear Mum Fairfax: A dear frlnd of mlnfl
la Kelvins attention, from a man thr..
y.ars h.r ..ntor. 8h. I. al.o going out at
the earn. tlm. with anolhor young man.
The first can gW. h.r averythlng, whtl.
tho oth.r hn. nothing that .h. care,
for him. Th. first I. quiet and respectable,
from very fin. popl and ha. a vary good
bualnee., but la rather backward. The on.
.h. favor. I. an ordinary worklngman of
good appaerance. Sh. teem, to be moceJ
particular about th. way th.y drew than
anything .I... DAISY.
The girl you picture does not seem
to me to be very admirable or worth
the serious consideration of a fine
man. I am a little inclined to be sorry
for the man who gets her as a wife.
She ought to give up her false ideals
as to what it worth while. Her rea
sons for caring for the second man
do not seem to be worthy evidently
it is merely a case of emotional ap
peal, which is one of the things re
quired for a happy marriage, but by
no means the only one. If she were
a fine enough girl she would prob
ably respond to the quiet, hard-working
man who comes from good stock.
As it is, she seems to like the "sport,"
who spends his salary on clothes. She
had better go into her own motives
seriously and then try to make s sane,
weii-oaiancea choice.
Why This Indoelaloaf
' Dear Mlu Fairfax: I am IS, and met
man four my a.nlor who la of good
caliber and haa a lucrative bualn...; he
haa tak.a m. about froqu.ntly. About
w.ek ago he told ma that h. lovod me
and a.k.d m. to marry him. I have known
him two month. How can 1 prov. that
he love m.T I told him that h. had not
knowo m. long .nouga to conjtdar mar
riage. H. la going on a bualneaa trip of
about four month..- l love him. and my
people think highly of him. FANNIE.
You haven't any problem, and your
common sense ought to tell you so.
Since you love the man, your people
approve of him and he has declared
his feelings for you honorably and
openly, you no more reason to want
to put him to any test than he has
to take the same attitude toward you.
Kiit't ntat'tra no" WB 7 area BrVe.
, High Altitude, free free. Hay Fever.
' Hotel Capacity 14. '
Superior IS-Hole OeU Coarse SOW yard.
Beet Radiating Cuter la Mis.
Boakia Of llee. 11 SO Broadway, New York.
Ala Maalevoe. N. H.
Pretty Girl vs. the Clever One
"Jack Smith doesn't, care what a
girl has in her head, provided she has
a pretty face - outside it," said my
young friend Mary to me, petulantly.
"He and the men in his set like to
be Seen out with pretty girls and
however much they like a clever one,
they won t invite her to any of their
club dances unless she is a good
looker, too."
My feminine impulse was to feel in
dignant at Jack and Lis low standard
at just that juncture. And then I re
membered a few simple biological
facts. i '
Nature meant the masculine half of
creation to furnish the race with
power and strength and the fighting
qualities. And in its scheme oi
things the feminine, was intended to
stand for sweetness and beauty and
dependence arid the home-making
Modern society has made this clear
demarcation impossible. Woman goes
out into the world and fights, and so
inevitably cultivates powers and re
sistances that approach the mascu
line. She needs them for modern so
cial conditions. .
But when man admires mere cling
ing dependent feminine beauty he is
only expressing a world-old instinct,
and it is stilly for women to get
righteously indignant about or to try
to combat nature. There is a sim
pler way to meet the situation. It is
by compromise and not an inglori'
ous compromise at all.
. The pretty, girl cannot be clever
unless she has the actual equipment
of brain. But the clever girl ought to
be clever enough to contrive a cer
tain amount of prettiness.
Oh, yes, she can 1 Unless a woman
is handicapped by a squint or a hair
lip, or a broken nose, or some definite
physical deformity, she can manage
to have a little of the beauty that is
her feminine heritage.
Almost no woman . need have a
hideous complexion if she regulates
her diet and uses plenty of soap and
water. No woman need be fat and
ungainly if ihi can look a potato or
a chocolate "sundae" in the face and
deny it then arid there.
No woman need have dull and star-
ingeyes if she will regulate properly
the light by which she reads, her out
put ot tears, her exercise, and a few
other precautionary measures. -. No
woman need be a frump and dowdy
if she brings s little thought to bear
on the purchase of her clothes.
Recently 1 attended a meeting at
which there were present some forty
brilliant and successful women. Four
of them were pleasing to the eye. The
other thirty-six had reacted so
strongly from the extravagances of
ths present style' that with shiny
noses, unkempt hair,' hat "perched
high on unbecoming and hard pom
padours or sliding back off low and
untidy chignons, they all managed
to look like caricatures.
Half of those women might easily
have been pleasant to look upon if
their respect for their mental make
up had not been so great that they
had put down any attention to their
physical selves as actual "make-up."
. 1 he clever girl is too likely to react
from the merely physical. She des
pises the charms nature gave her and
bewails the fact that those charms
Why riot be honest with our
selves? We all love beauty. A won
derful sunset, a perfect flower, a
beautiful child, a glorious painting,
an exquisite .song all these things
appeal to the senses, and none of us
are ashamed to acknowledge the ap
peal. The clever girl who ignores her
physical assets shows a lack of men
tal balance. No man worth know
ing is going actually to prefer' a
stupid little beauty to a clever, sane,
attractive looking woman. Perhaps
the pretty girls whom Mary despises
are companionable and sympathetic,
if not brilliant.
Charm and beauty are always at
tainable in some degree and they
are worth striving for.
Good Habits
One of the best habits that a young
man can form is that of saving a cer
tain par; f nis earnings regularly.
From the very first, when he has made
arrangements with father and mother
in the home, or with his landlady, as
to what he shall pay into the house
for his keep, he should make it the
rule of his life to put something, be it
ever so little, away from his weekly
or monthly wages. It's a fine thing
to be able to wear a necKtie tnat is
artistic in its coloring, a vest tl it is
beautiful in its construction, or a
suit that is nobby and a hat that is
up to date. But better than all these
is the consciousness of a hank account,
however small it may be, and the feel
ing of satisfaction that comes trom
the knowledse that if he is taken ill
he will not altogether be dependent
upon his fraternal society, his family,
his friends or the cold charity of the
It is a certain and sure fact that not
every one in this world can be ncn.
Neither does every one want to De
rich, but every man can, if he will,
form such a habit of thrift that when
trouble overtakes him. as it must
overtake all, he will be able to ward
off much of its unpleasantness. It is
a truth that goes without disputation,
many of the bitter things that come
to us alone: with out troubles are
caused by the knowledge of the truth
that had it not been tor extravagance
in the past trouble of today would
have been of less moment and more
easy to bear.
It s a good thing tor a man to nave
friends upon whom he can depend in
moments of adversity. "A friend in
need is a friend indeed," is true. But
the best friend that a young man can
have when the storm strikes his me
is a bank account that nas grown irom
small to large amounts, saved from his
salary by the habit of thrift that he
has formed.
Money saving is reflex in its influ
ence. It not alone gives a man cour
age in time of trouble, but it also j
weaves into his character habits of
thoughtfulness, forehandedness, sta
bility and strength, without which no
man can go through life successfully.
Doubtless, it is a good thing, or
rather a pleasant thing, for a young
man to be able to dress in the way
that a cultivated taste may demand.
But there is a better thing than that,
to be able to know that when hard
times come he can still continue to
dress neatly and tastefully without
feeling any loss of confidence that
comes through unkemptness in dress
and consciousness of the fact that he
is not keeping up to his former
No man ever regrets having
formed the habit of saving, though
many regret that they never did form
the habit. "If I only had," is the sad
wail that is heard trom many lips,
while the words, "I am glad that I
did," are rarely heard in this day of
extravagence, outside show and exal
tation of the things that are the tasn
ion for the hour and soon pass away.
It s going to take a strong char
acter to form the habit ot saving
money from a small income, yet it
can be done. There are so many
allurements and attractions for a
young man nowadays that it will take
all of his strength of purpose to live
to the motto, 1 am going to save
now, so that in the years to come
I shall have something to show for
my industry.
And men can save money on a
small salary if they will. It is ad
mitted, of course, that there are times
when man with a family, children and
sickness must go in debt, must for
the time live beyond his means. But
the fact that he has formed the habit
of thrift will tide him over many
a hard place, and give others confi
dence in his ability to get out of debt
if once he has been compelled to go
into it. Among the many good thingw
that may be said ot a young man
there is none better than to say to
him: "He is a man of sobriety, in
dustry and thrift. These things
make more readily tor success than
one may imagine.
But greater than the money that
a voungeman can save is the char
acter that he is establishing. "Miser
liness, stinginess, greed are to be ab
horred, but prudence and carefulness
in expenditure are graces which cul
tivated make of a man a power in
the community and give to him a
character which commends itself to
all. ... .
cXElff I BKCME AK:5tE SffiMl
Moulded Rice with' Cherries.
Canned fruits are inexpensive and
are useful in a variety of desserts and
many of them are fresh in taste as
well as appearance; canned white
cherries with a mold of rice makes a
delicious hot or cold sweet. -
Put two cups of rice into cold wa
ter and bring it to a boil, then strain
it and rinse it in, cold water and re
turn it to the stewpan. Put with it
half s cup of granulated sugar, half
a split vanilla pod, the finely cut peel
of one lemon, three tablespoonfuls of
butter and two cups of milk; bring it
to s boiL Then simmer gently until
all the grain are tender, adding a little
more milk during the cooking, if need
ed. When cooked, remove the lemon
peel and pod, turn out the rice In a
bowl and when it is a little cool mix
it with three well beaten yolks of eggs
and a teaspoonful of vanilla essence.
Mix well and fill up a ring mold that
has been well buttered; bake in a
quick oven about thirty minutes, and
when cooked turn out and fill up the
center with white cherries. Serve with
whipped cream. jr
(Tomorrow Dainty Sandwiches.)
Marvelour Story of
the Palisades
"What makes the tops of the Pal
lisades along the Hudson so level?
How manv millions of people must
have looked across from the trains
of the New York Central and been
struck bv the remarkable levelness,
as if a giant scraper had gone over I
F. W. C."
The Palisades are one of the won
ders of the world, a fact that is not
sufficiently appreciated by the mil
lions of people who dwell within a
few miles of them, and do not need
to take a railroad journey in order
to see the spectacle of nature s
powers which they present. Perhaps
it may serve to stimulate interest in
our wonderful Palisades if the fact
is mentioned that the moon has
something similar to them, at least
in appearance.
Near the western border of the
great lunar plain called the Mare
Nubium there is a straight, lofty,
smooth-topped rock wall, as unique
in the scenery of the moon as the
Palisades of the Hudson are in that
of the earth. It faces the east, just
as the Palisades do, and, I have no
doubt, it would present to an ob
server looking at it from the plain
an appearance strikingly like the
battlemented front of New Jersey
seen from the eastern shore of the
Another interesting fact is that
both of these phenomena, though
situated in two different worlds, a
quarter of a million miles apart, may
have had a similar origin. The Pal
isades attain a height of 550 feet;
the rock wall of the Mare Nubium
is, according to some estimates, of
about the same height, but accord
ing to others twice as high.
The Palisades are about fifteen
miles in length, while their lunar
analogue is sixty miles long. In one
respect they widely differ; the Pal
isades have behind them a deep val
ley, while the wall on the moon is
backed by a long, gradual slope.
About the details of the formation
of the lunar wall we know nothing,
but the history of the Palisades has
been 'plainly written in geological
language. The material of which
they consist was thrust up in a molten
state during what is known as the
Triassic Period, which is the first
division of Mesozoic Time, following
immediately after the close of Pal
aeozoic Time, whose most important
period was the Carboniferous Age,
during which the principal coal beds
were laid down.
Thus we see that the hard trap
rock of the Palisades, though hoary
with age, is younger (possibly hy
millions of years) than the brittle
coal which snaps and glows in our
grates and furnaces, and sometimes
preserves the grain and veining of the
wood and leaves out of which it was
If you will visit the top of the Pal
isades, carrying a bit of anthracite
in your pocket, and will place the coal
on the summit of one of the huge,
gray, basaltic columns, which seem
to rise out of the very centre of the
earth and to be as ancient as the
globe itself, you will be amazed by
the thought .that the coal is the pat-,
riarch and the rock the infant 1 . .
But I have not yet told you why
the top of the Palisades is so level.
The manner of their formation offers
the explanation. At or before the
beginning of the Triassic Period a
large body of shallow water lay
nearly parallel with the (then more
distant) coast of the Atlantic, from
what is now the upper end of the
Palisade range, through New Jersey
and southeastern Pennsylvania, down
into the heart of Virginia. It oc
cupied' a valley, or a series of valleys,
formed SJ)y the crumpling up of the
Appalachian Mountains.
As ages passed deposits of sand
and gravel were formed by the water,
and a slow subsidence of the crust
of the globe beneath took place, while
the deposit above increased to thou
sands of feet in thickness. The final
result was a fracturing of the deep
seated strata that formed the bottom
and sides of the original trough, and
molten rock was thrust up by the
strain through the fissures.
The upwelling lava pushed aside
the red sandstone, into which the
deposits laid down by the water had
been changed, and left the marks of
its heat on all sides. But as it rose
it cooled into hard dikes and crystal
lized into huge columnar columns,
and the greatest of these formations
became the Palisades.
The top of the wall-like mass thus
formed was nearly level because the
lava pushed its way through a long
fissure, between the tilted strata of
sandstone, which was probably sev
eral hundred feet broad, when pried
open, and the upheaving force was
nearly uniform from one end to the
other. Ft was like a semi-liquid wave.
It broke down precipitously on the
side toward which it moved in fol
lowing the slope of the inclined fis
sure, because it is the nature of cool-,
ing basalt, or trap rock, to form in
to columns standing at right angles
to the direction of flow, .and the front
of the mass would, consequently,
have a nearly vertical face. In the
great glacial age the top of the Pal
isades was planed over by the ice,
but this only smoothed out relatively
small irregularities. '
The main features of the architec
ture of the Palisades were determined
as soon as they cooled. If we were
as imaginative as the ancient Greeks
we would probably say that the Pal
isades were upheaved by a giant
trying to break up out of his prison
in th: earth.
Revenge is sweet until you taste it.
In most cases it is better to keep
that honest opinion a profound secret
. And there is always room for the
sprinter who keeps ahead of the pro
cession. When a man is as liberal with his
wife as he is with a strange hotel
waiter, marriage is seldom a failure-
When a man starts out to beat the
other fellow's game he will find plenty
who are anxious to give him a chance.
A becoming hat will often do more
toward making a girl's face attractive
than a double application of kalso
mine. .