Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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Secretary Houston Apportions
- five Million Appropriation
Among the States.
Washington, July 26. Apportion
ment among the state of the first
year's appropriation of $5,000,000 car
ried by the new good roads act, was
announced by the Department of
Agriculture today, which has certi
fied the figures to the Treasury de
partment and state officials.
To be entitled to its share, each
state must provide an equal amount
to that put up by the Federal govern
ment Texas gets the largest share, $291,
927; New York second, $250720:
Pennsylvania third, $250,644, and
Illinois forth, $220,926.
, Before making the division, Secre
tary Houston deducted J per cent, or
$150,000, set aside by the act for ad
ministration. Then the $4,850,000 was
allotted to the states on the basis of
one-third respectively in the ratio of
area, population and rural delivery
and star mail routes.
Among other state allotments are:
..I II.IIIINew Mexico...! 1I.7S7
... 101,03
Colorado .
Mlsaourl .
Montana, .
Nebraaka .
Nerads ...
IMnrth nkntl. 71 !1
ll,iiOkihoma ... lie. ill
40. 11 Oregon ll,67
South Dakota. I0,n
Texas 101.IJT
Utah I4.IMI
Waahlnfton .. 71,144
Wyoming .... ll.lll
i i4,m;
IS. 837
The first installment is for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 1917, For the
four succeeding years the following
amounts, to bo apportioned in the
same manner, are authorized:
till ......IICDOMI?
1IU ., 16,000,000
In addition $1,000,000 is appropri
ated each year for ten yeara tor the
development of rural roads in the na
tional forest. , '
Start of Big Campaign.
The announcement by Secretary
Houston it the first step in the fed
eral government's part of (pending
$150,000,000 on good roads during the
next five Veart in co-operation with
the states. A circular will be tent tt
all the governors and state highway
authorities outlining tentative plan
of procedure. -
The $150,000,000 it to be paid, half
by the government and half by the
several states, apportioned among
the latter according to their respec
tive area, population and rural mail
route mileage.
The expenditures are authorized by
the Shackleford-Bankhead good roads
law, the first granting federal aid to
statet in road building. It was signed
July 11 by President Wilson and
government officials are preparing to
put its provisions into early opera
tion. Actual construction of some of
the roads may begin this fall and ;
tensive construction next spring is
planned, j ....... .. .
Appropriations f or the present
year, ending July 1, 1917, authorised
by congress are $5,000,000. For the'
four succeeding years they are, re-!
spectiveljr, $10.0)0,000, $15,000,000,!
$20,000,000 and $25,000,000. The law
provides, however, that no govern
ment money shall be available unless
the states spend an equal amount,
matching the government contribu
tion! dollar for dollar.
Statet Pay Maintenance.
Every cent of the federal and ttate
funds, the act provides, shall be spent
to build new roads. Maintenance
costs thereafter must be borne by
the states alone.
Rules and regulationa to put the
federal aid law, aa it it popularly
known, into prompt operation are
now being drafted by the secretary
of agriculture, upon whom devolves
practically the entire work of super
vising the government expenditures.
Immediate supervision will be by the
office of public roada and rural en
gineering, of which Logan Waller
Page it director, ,
A conference of highway, repre
sentatives of all statea and, possibly,
of organization! interested in the
good roads movement, engineering
experts and others, to discuss meas
ures for promulgating the new law
ia planned soon by Secretary Hous-'
ton.- ... ,
t Routes and construction materials
of the new roads are to be finally de
termined by the secretary of agri
culture. No public road can be built
under the law until its location, cost
and character are approved by him.
Every road project with plans, speci
fications and cost estimates mutt be
f!iven hit approval before any of the
ederal money shall be available.
There it no specific requirement that
such roads shall be permanent, but
the act declares they shall be Sub
stantial in character," the secretary
being given discretion to construe the
question of substantiability in each
separate case.
$10,000 Per Mile.
A limit of $10,000 per mile, how
ever, is the maximum fixed by the
law to prevent use of the government
funds in building costly boulevards
which would not assist in rural de
velopment Whether the roads built under the
1 Weather Everywhere
Stations. 1 1 V Stallone. St
Abilene. Tex .. 14
Amamio, Tex.. It
EHemarck, N.D. 10
Bolaa, Idaho .. It
lloaton 71
Buffalo II
Charleston, B.C. IS
r.'h.evnn, Wyo. 10
Chlcaro II
Cor. Carle., T. . 11
Davenport ..,.101
lel Rio, Tax... . .
Denver II
. la Molnea .... Is
' Do4e City .... 14
Dabuque , II
iMllulh, Minn.. II
Tjuranvo, Colo, 71
1 El Paao ....... 14
Eureka, Cat..., II
riaiataff. Aria. 71
Oalvealon , . . II
Qrand June., C. 11
' Oreen By. Wis, 12
Havre. slant. . .
Helena; Uont., 10
Hurqn. S D.... II
, Jacksonville . .. II
Kanoao City .. II
Kookak. la....ll
Knoxvlllo, Teon l
. Lander, Wyo... SO
Little Heck ... ..
Loo Anseloo ... 74
Loulavllls 4
Pemthki ...... 14
k ilea City, Xoa II
loootan. Ola.. II
beateeaserr, A. II
fcaaraaasl Mia. 14
Til New Orltaiu ,. II 10)
IINtw Tork 74 u
l Norfolk. Va. ... I! 70
North Platte II 71
73 Oklahoma,
7 1 luiaatu . . . ,
74'Peorle. 111.
St 7
, II ,C
12 Phoenix, Aria.. '.101 74
IIS 7-)
71' Pierre. S.l,
nviritteBurgh ...
Jl'Potslello. Ida
IllPorltend II 1;
i 'fueblo, Colo. ., 14 441
70'Ralelth. N.C. . . IA 71
71' Rapid City, i n 10 41
IliRoeebure, Ore.. 70 40
pliKoswell, N.M,.. 13 a
.. :
II ?!
70 c;
II ii
, 14 44
II 10
14181. Louie
.St. Paul
41 Salt Lake City.
IliKalt lleo ....
logon Franeleco,
ll'Sants. re. N.M.,
Hit. ate Marie...
74'Hherldan. Wyo.
71'ghrevepert, La.. II 71
lO.Bioux City ..... II 71
lotipokano ........ IS 41
74iTampa ........ .. T
m i atooan Ml., w. II
7Toledo .,, II 7
lliTonopeh Nov... II It
fijValentlB. Nab.. II 71
10 Waehlnarton .... M 7t
4t Willi. ion, N.D. . II II
lllwinnomuooa, M. SI OS
TIlTellow. Park .. 71 10, Aria, ...ui si
War Summary
km wool by the British. By eoxpUtlnf
bie eaeapotloa of Foileree General Halt
taw erool aa important advaatase la bie
o4TemlTO alone the Homme.
Are in en la baa rosslled la the capture of
the Important fortroao of Enlafsa froax
the Tmrka, aaeordlaoT to aa official aa
aottBoemoat today la Petrograd. The
Turks are aald to be retiring la dleerder.
oaaoon the inpceeiful eon tin usee of the
R union oaVaalTo In Tolhynla and the re
pal af a violent attaek attempted by
General Ven Hindenburs'B forces la the
Big rexiim.
law shall be main-traveled trunk lines,
connecting interstate highways, or
merely small sections scattered
throughout the states is also left to
the discretion of the secretary of
agriculture. Construction of both is
expected. At the proposed conference
of state highway representatives here
it is believed proposals tor a compre
hensive, correlative road building
scheme will be reached. The Amer
ican Highway association, the Amer
ican Automobile association and oth
er good roads organizations are in
terested in such co-ordination and
correlation of the public roads
throughout the entire nation. Devel
opment of the national road system
as a whole it the broad scheme and
aim of government officials, with the
aid of state authorities. ,
The machinery for co-operative
action is substantially as follows:
states desiring to secure their share
of the federal funds will, through
their highway commissions or de
partments, file formal application,
submitting the route and character of
roads Drooosed to the secretary ot
agriculture. Should he approve the
projects, inc. secretary ui agi h.uiiui c
will notify the state commission and
the secretary of the treasury. The
latter will then let aside the share
of the United States, which shall not
exceed 50 per cent of the cost. The
secretary of agriculture will order
payment of the federal funds upon
comoletion of the roads, and it also
authorized to make partial payments
as construction proceeds.
- States in Control.
Th ennitruetion work and labor
in each state ia to be (lone in accord
ance with ttate lawa and under imme
diate tupervition of the ttate high
way department, tubject to inspection
and approval by government engi
neers. This leaves the ttatet in con
trol of the construction, tubject only
to inture good designs.
Selection ot road routes, at wen
aa their type and atructural composi
tion, is also left primarily to the state
officials, subject to approval or rejec
tion by the secretary of agriculture.
To secure a share 01 tne leaerai
funds, state legitlaturei or countiet
mutt appropriate turns equal to the
federal allotments. The act also re
quires formation of state highway
commitsions, or a similar ttate
agency, to have charge of the ttate't
part ot the work. Four ttates, Indi
ana, South Carolina, Georgia and
Texaa, have no such eommissioni or
corresponding organizations, but to
tecure federal funda they mutt be or-'
ganized. Other ttates have no high
way commissions, but have substan
tially timilar departmenti or. agen
cies. "
Where ttatet, like Illinois, are pro
hibited by their constitution! or
otherwise prevented from acting
under the proposed contributory plan,
the act provides that the federal ap
propriations may become available
to separate counties when they shall
match the government' s contribu
tions, such roads, of course, being
built only within the contributing
Guard Against Haste. 1
To eive the states ample time to
build roads and guard against hasty
or extravagant construction, the law
also provides that unexpended fed
eral appropriations each year ahall be
available during the tuccceding year,
Willie in IB ycai o aiiutuiciiio lu otaico
which have no highway department!
shall be available for three yean, to
give the state legislatures time to cre
ate such departments.
hor enforcement of the provision
requiring the statet to maintain the
new roadt without federal assistance,
the secretary of agriculture ia author
ized to disapprove of further road
projects from tuch ttatea or their
civil subdivisions and deny further
government aid if roadt are not put
in proper condition after four
montha' notice.
Development of a federal cores of
highway engineera it one of the re
sults expected irom tne new law.
Civil service examinations will be
held August 8 for many more high
way engineers needed by the govern-.
ment. .
(Ceatiaoed Praia Pore One.)
of Tuesday said the Turkish armies
in the Erzingan region "were re
treating in disorder before the ir
resistible pressure of our troops and
were abandoning along the road can
non, rifles and munitions"
Teutonic Forces in Southern Volhy
nla Pressed Further Back.
- Petrograd, July 26. (Via London.)
The Russians are continuing their
successful drive in southern Volhynia,
pressing back the Teutonic forces
near the Slonevka river, a branch of
the Styr, which the Russians are
crossing, the war office announced
today, ureat losses have been in
flicted on the retiring hostile forces.
Heavy losses in prisoners were sus
tained also, the announcement states.
General Sakharoff capturing more
than 4,000 officers and men.
The forcet of General von Boehm
Ermolli are being attacked by the
Russians in Galicia, ten miles north
of Brody.
German forces under Marshal von
Hindenburg attacked the Russian
lines near Kemmern, twenty miles
west of Riga, and nearly succeeded in
penetrating the Russian front line, the
war office announced today, but
finally were compelled to retreat by
we vvHtcmration 01 ine nussian nre.
im KUura Maw IHaooiorr,
Than la aatalag better far yamr oaaah
or oolt tana Dr. atlafo Mew Dtooevery, la
uoe oror t roan. Qua ran teed. All 4n.
ttata. -AdrertleeineoL I
Building and Loan Associations
Gain Ten Per Cent During
Fast Tear.
St. Louis, July 26. (Special.)
Nearly 7,000 associations with a total
membership of 3,334,899 and assets
amounting to $1,484,205,875, were
reported at the opening session today
of the United States League of Lo
cal Building and Loan associations
by H. F. Cellarius, Cincinnati, secre
tary. The figures show an increase
of nearly 10 per cent in assets and
7 per cent in membership for the
Assets Double In Decade.
"The onward movement." says the
report, "has been most marked jn
the last decade, during which period
these associations have more than
doubled their assets and nearly
doubled their membership. In 1906
the total assets of the local associa
tions were $673,129,198, and the to
tal membership was 1,699,714, an in
crease in assets in ten years of $811,
076,677, and in membership, 1,635,
185. The average amount due each
member is $445.05 as against $437.42,
the amount shown last year."
Pennsylvania holds first place in
number of associations and in total
assets, while Ohio takes first rank
in total while membership is crowding
the Keystone state for first place in
assets. Ohio thowt the largest gain
in assets for the year, $22,175,828;
Pennsylvania, $21,893,720; New Jer
sey, $11,298,097; Massachusetts, $10,
761,848: Illinois, $7,818,325; Indiana,
$7,251,531; Iowa, $5,150,507; Ne
braska, $4,522,457, and New York,
Nebraaka In Eighth Place.
Nebraska holds the high rank of
eighth among the thirty-three states
represented in each, ranking next to
Indiana in the total and leading all
statet wett of the Mitsissippi river.
Nebraska's total of $41,660,870 are for
the fiscal year 1914-15, and will ex
ceed $45,000,000 in the state report for
1915-16 now being compiled.
The following table ihows the
membership and asset! of the states
reporting officially for 1915-16. The
figures under the heading, "Other
states," are consolidated estimates:
Total Total
STATBa Ifemberahlp. Aiieta.
Pennsylvania III.Mo
; S4S.1II III. 104.111
Now Jereey 111.444 14I.I0I.III
MueachuoetU 111.417 101,141,311
Illinois 111,110 11.110.111
New Tork 171,110 , 71,411,111
Indiana llfi.iti ai i?a aia
Nebraaka . 11,711 41.110.170
California ...11,711 10,441.014
Wealfaa Sl.lli t7.lll.lll
Loalolana S0.4II 11,141,410
Kantuoky 11.011 11,171.071
Dlotrlot af Columbia 17.044 ia.ibi S7i
Kanaaa SS.III 10.717,171
Mlaaonri 41.117 10,501,716
North Carolina SS.S4I 14,111,441
Wlaooaola 17,747 14.121.41
Iowa 14.141 11,117,111
Arkanaaa 11,140 10,011,011
Weohlnston ........ 10.114 1 10,011.111
Minnesota 11,100 7.101,111
Wool Vlrsiala 11.400 . 1,071,411
Mains 11,110 1,117,110
It node Ialand ...... - till 1,041,411
Connection! ,. 11.011 - , s.loi.lll
TMneaaeo ..,,..... 1.141 1,131,111
New Hampehlre .... 1,411 1,734,717
North Dakota S.II0 1,711,1(1
Oklahoma 1 147 1,710,000
Now Mono S.S10 1.I7S.10S
Montana 1,011 . 1,411,111
Texaa 1,101 1,147.101
Vermont 471 101,417
Other States IH.lll 141,011,111
Automobile Thieves Thwarted by
Boys Sleeping in Tent Near Garage
Tetale I.III.III 11,414.101,171
In addition to the aecretary't report,
there were report! from Herbert W.
Pinkham, Quincy, Matt., president of
the league, and Joseph K. Gamble,
Philadelphia, treasurer.
A number of papers are on the pro
gram for the teisiont of the league,
which will last two days. George F.
Gilmore of Omaha, firtt vice presi
dent, will be advanced to the presi
dency at the election of officers, which
will dote the convention Thursday,
"What's the matter with you guyt,"
drowsily interrogated Page Christy,
12 years old, and Howard Willard,
14 years old, who -vere sleeping in
a tent in the yard of the Christy
home, 1034 Park avenue, when they
were awakened early yesterday morn
ing by a crash and a string of pro
fanity from two men in an automobile,
when the car smashed into the wall
of a garage in the alley a few feet
The boys crawled from their cot
in the ten; and peered into the dark
ness, just in time to see the forms
of two men disappearing down the
alley. The "guys didn't wait to en-
Nice Field Marks
Second Day's Races
On Tekamah Track
Tekamah, Neb., July 26. (Special
Telegram.) A large crowd that
filled the grandstand, a nice field of
horses, and splendid weather served
to make the second day of the race
meet of the Tekamah Speed associa
tion a success. hTe day was warm.
Trotting, 1:17. puree 1100.
Great Northern, b. c, by Way land
(Ward) til
California B b. I . (Earl Beealey).. IIS
Governor V, b. g., by Governor
Francis (Smith Brothers) t 0 t
Lord Kitchener, hi. ., by Archdala
(Allen) 4 10
Time. 1:11, 1:11, 1:1114.
Paciief, 3:12; purse 1400.
Jennie FltHlmmone, b. m., by Bob
Fltialmmnne (Dennis) 1 1 1
Prlnceae Marcaret, b. tn., by Tbo
Earl (Allen Brothers) til
Lee Dale, br. a., by Arehdslo (Wall
Brothera) 4 0 t
Budtvelaor, b. by Roy Norval
(Mumford) t t t
Major Hardy, b. h., by Oh So
(Beeseloy) t t 4
R. W. K., a. I., by Billy Houston
(Elllng-ton) t t t
Time, I:14H, 2:1114. :1-
Trottlnc, 1:14; purso 1400.
Heir Reaper, bl. a., by Early Reaper
(Warren) 1 1 1
Dr.. Mayo, b. a., by Wllkeahurat
(Ward) t t t
Lord Duke, b. a., by Jack Daw
- (gchlnstock Brothers) t I t
Time, S:1SK, 1:11)4, 1:10.
Threo-quartor-mlle dash, purse $100.
Clark M, br. g by Kenneltworth. won the
race with Myloure second and Waymark
third. Time, 1:1144.
Another bie day la expected tomorrow.
Indian Uses Hearse ''
For Family Carriage
Pierre, S. D., July 26. (Special.)
An old Indian driving a hearse with
a pair of weary looking mulct draw-
i ing the tun-blistered vehicle along the
street a tew days ago, and wat not
an evidence of death nor a trip to the
cemetery. It wat only an old Indian
from Crow Creek reservation who
uses an old hearse for family car
riage, and finda it very convenient
for carrying the camp equipage in
side while his family rides in atate on
the top of the vehicle. This haa been
used at a family traveling carriage
for many yeara, tince the Indian had
only the hearse left to pick from in
a stock of "carriages" which were
flicked up ' when the reds all got a
ump, government payment many
year ago and took the, firtt oppor
tunity to tpend it.
Woman Sues for Two
Separate Accidents on Car
Miss Hazel Johnson, waitress, aski
$5,000 damages from the Omaha &
Council Bluffs Street Railway com
pany, asserting that the wat Injured
twice in two teparate accidents,
through negligence of the company.
Miss Johnson says in her petition
that on May 25, 1916, she attempted
to get off a street car on Park avenue,
near Poppleton, and wat thrown from
the step when the car started too
soon. She further alleges that on
May 30 she was the victim of a timi
lar accident when getting off a car
at Twenty-fourth and Franklin
lighten tht boys as to "what was the
matter with them," out Kept on run
An excited crowd of oviamad
neighbors collected at the scene of
the crash, among them being H. P.
Devalon'a. 1024 Park avenue, who dis
covered that the abandoned machine
in the alley belonged to him.
The car had been stolen from Mr.
Devalon i garage by the two men
who in their haste to make their get
away drove the machine into the
wall of another garage. The sound
of the boys' voices in the tent put
the automobile thieves to flight. The
car was considerably damaged.
Subsea Attacks
British Warship
Off the Orkneys
Berlin, July 26. (By Wireless to
Sayville.) A German submarine at
tacked a British dreadnought off the
Orkney islands on July 20 and ob
tained two hits with torpedoes, the
German admirahty announced today.
The admirality statement says:
"A German submarine on July 20,
off the British naval base of Sculpa
Flow, Orkney islands, attacked a
British dreadnought and obtained two
torpedo hits.
London, July 26 With reference
to the Oerman statement that a sub
marine had torpedoed a British dread
nought off the Orkncv islands July
20 the British admirality stated that
the actual tacts were as fellows:
"A small auxiliary off the north of
Scotland was attacked by an enemy
submarine on the date mentioned. It
was not hit.
British Biplane
Is Shot Down by
German Subsea
Berlin, Jury 26. (Via London.)
A British biplane was shot down by
a German submarine at a point north
Of leebrugge, Belgium, on Monday
says an oitictai statement issued by
the German admiralty today. Two of
ficers in the machine were captured.
Bank Bobbed and
Cashier Slugged
Indianapolis, Ind.. July 26. Two
armed men today held up and robbed
the East Tenth street State bank
and escaped in an automobile with
$I,Uli. Harry B. Tillman, cash er.
fought the bandits, but was struck
on the head with a revolver and over
Youna Enaineer of Threshinn
Outfit Crushed to Death
Springfield. Neb.. July 26. (Special
Telegram.) Herman Riderhagen. an
engineer of a threshing outfit, backed
his engine in a creek and was crushed
to death. His home was Reno. Okla.
He was about 28 years old and a
stranger In this community. An ac'
cidentinaurance policy for $500 was
found in his coat.
The National Capital.
WedaMdar. Jaly , 19U.
The Senate.
Smtttor Kara vav notlc of caucus d-
olaton to oomlder child labor bill abfora ad-
RMumed debate on army appropriation
The Houto,
Masts Thursday.
I No sMtion.
Real Food
For Real Boys
mutt taste good and, more important, con
tain true nourishment for their growing
bodies and rapidly developing brains.
is crisp granules of whole wheat and malted
barley well balanced in nourishment, easy
to digest and delicious a wonderful energiz
er for boys and girls and grown-ups. .
t ' -'. ... ... , . ' : . ' ".
"There's a Reason"
Grocers avatywlvsra aaU Cistii Nula,
l Hie Fa&liion Gnfer Tfte Middle WesJ -
Established ISfo
New Felt Hats
All the Rage
Light shades in felts
are preferred just now,
and very charming are
the colorings shown.
New Shapes
In white, pink, delft
blue, green, rose, tan,
pink, chartreuse, helio,
Prices $1.79, $1.95,
$2.50, $3.95.
Millinary Department
Second Floor.
A fine fur felt shape, in a delicate shade of pink, in
combination with a black panne velvet upper brim,
makes this one of the most desirable of early fall hats
for street or sport wear.
Middies, 75c each
A tale of Misses' Middy
Blouses In 14 and 16-year
sizes only. They come in all
white galatea, also pink and
blue sport stripes.
Regular 96c values, Thurs
day, 75J each.
Sale' of Waists
Slightly mussed and
soiled waists, broken
Clearing Sale of Sport and
Awning Stripe Skirts
Thursday the popular hot weather sport stripe skirts
will be included in the great July Sale.
Striped Gabardines in
white and blue, sold at
dIy50:.Th!If!".... $5-00
Novelty Stripes, in black
and white, rose and white,
blue and tan; sold CO CA
at ?5, Thursday
Duck Skirts, in navy and
tan, sold at $7.50 tt? 7C
Thursday, at .. v0'3
Golfine Skirts, in tan,
rose, blue, gold and peach
shades; sold at $6.50 and
$7.50; Thurs- 1 7C
day, at..
No alterations, exchanges, or ra turns lor craclit cm Sal Skirts.
Voluntary 1
Trusts I
ESTABLISHED during your
life-time, you can watch
such a trust in operation, correct
any unsatisfactory features that
may develop, or revoke the trust
entirely if you find you are not
pleased with it 4 We invite
discussion of Voluntary Trusts.
Try a Colorado
Only $17.50 for Round Trip
Tickets on sale daily to Sept. 30.
With long return limit. "Rocky Mountain Limited"
and other fast trains on convenient schedules daily.
Automatic Block Signals
Finest Modern All-Steel Equipment
Superb Dining Car Service
Tickets, reservations snd literature on request
J. S. McNally, 0. P. A.
14th and Farnam Stfc W. O. W. Bldf. '
, Most Modern and Sanitary Brewery in the West
Family Trade Supplied by WM. JETTER, Distributor. s
2502 N St Telephone Douglas 4231. South 863 or 863.
Experienced Advertisers Always Use THE LSS