12 THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1916. ut "ii 'ii 14 II 40 40 GRAIN ANDPRODUCE Wheat Sales Comparatively Light at Price Declines Half to b Cent. , CORN SELLS BIT HIGHER Omaha, Jlj 10, lilt. Caah whmt waa weak today, rnlln. from 4fc to 1lSo lower. Altbou.h wheat re celpta continued very heavy, the aaloa wara comparatively light, duo to tha fact that tradera could not alree on arteee, tha eettera being unwilling to aell their atuff at lower prlcee. A few early aalea of wheat were made at II. 1H4, but tha bulk of tha No. I hard aid around 11.11. Moat ot the No. I hard wheat aold at $1.00 and tl.U. the top price for the day being 01.14. There waa a fairly active caah demand for corn and the market aold from 14 a to fee higher. Tellow com ahowed up a little better on the tablee and aold at a le premium. The demand for oate waa fairly active, but the market waa a trifle weak, ranging from 14e to Ho lower. Rye advance lc. and barley waa quoted nominally le to 2c lower, ciearancea were: Wheat and flour equal to 027,000 buehela; corn, 170,000 buabela; oata, none. ' Liverpool cloae: Wheat nnobanged; oorn unchanged to Id lower. Primary wheat .receipt were 1.160,000 buehela and ahlpmenta 101,000 buabela, agalnet reeetpte of 1,700.000 buehela and ahlpmenta of 101,000 buehela laat year. Primary oorn recelpta were 1,121,040 buehela and ahlpmenta 470,000 buehela, agatnat recelpte of 440,000 buahele and ahlp menu of (44,000 buahele laat year. Primary oata recelpta were 1.024,000 bueh ela and ahlpmenta 004.000 buehela. egelnet recelpta of 070.000 buehela and ahlpmenu) of 440,009 buehela laat year. CABLOT RECEIPTS. ,.. . Wheat Com. Oata Chicago . . , Minneapolis Duluth .... Omaha , . . , Kartaaa City St. Leula ., Winnipeg "Thee aalea were reported today: -Wheatt No. 1 hard winter, 1 car, 11.14(41 - No. hard winter: 4 ear, 1.14'; I cere, 1.11 ;1 cm 11.16; I care, 01.14; 1 car. 01.14; No. I hard winter: 1 car, 41.11; 4 care. 11.11: 1 car. 11.1014: 1 car,. 11.10: 4 cere, 11.00: 1 car, 11.07. No 4 hard winter: I caa, 01.00: 1 care. 01.07; I can, oi.ee. No. 4 durum, mixed; 1 car, 11.00. Rve No. 1: 1 car. 01c. Corn No. I white: 4 care, '70. No, 1 vellow: 1 car. 70c: 1 I-l cara. 78140. No. yellow; I car, 71Vje; I care, 7114. No. I mined: t car, 70c; t 4-1 cara, 771,0. No. 4. relied; I oar, 7414c Oata No. I while: 1 ear. Ho: ear, tlUjc, No. 4 white 4 care, Ho, Bampl white: 1 car. 1714c: 4 cara. 17c. - Omaha Caah Prlcee Wheat: No. I hard. tt.13HOl.10tt; No. I hard, I.0141.H; No. 4 hard, ll.oocjil.oo; No. I durum, 11.57 1.07U: No. 1 durum. 11.00 01.07. Corn: No. I white, 77147THc; No, I white, 77t?7714o; No. 4 white, 74677c; No. I white, 74144) 70c; No. 0 white, 7407614c; No. I yellow, ' 1114070c: No. I yellow, 7014 07114c: No. vellow. fle70Ue: No. I yellow. 7744 071c; No. t yellow, 7707114CS No. I mixed, 710 flue. No. 1 mixed. 1714071c: No. 4 mixed. 1414077c: No. I mixed, 7007014c: No. 0 mixed, 74 0 7(140. Oata: No. 1 white, 1014 O lotto: et&ndard. 1001114"; No. I white, lauailc: No 4 white. '1714 Olio, Barley: Malting, OlOOlo; Ne. 1 feed, 41 V 41c Rye: No. a, Utile: No, I, OOOllo. OMAHA FUTUK1C MARKET. Fairly Active Wheat Seaaloa, with Cora and Oata Quiet. Trading In the future market waa rather ' auleL There wea eonelderabte Intereet hows. In wheat, but the corn and oata mar. k remained oulet throughout the aeeelon, September wheat cloeed around ,114o lower and December waa on aoouc no. . nn reaction In wheat la generally lleved to be only temporary, becauee of the tact the re parte of black ruat continue to pour la and are generally being accepted. Corn waa ateady, the September oloolng unchanged and tba Pecomber ruling about 140 lower. While the condition of corn la not re tarded aa critical, many ot tha tradera aay that ralna will be needed aoon, aa tha hot wlnda are taet drying up the oorn. Oate cloeed a trlde lower on tha Septem ber and December, with little Intereet k In (baa rutarea. Omaha eloaUtg prlcee en future for thW yea. l.Sfl boxea; .114 ...400 ...117 ...101 ...100 ...170 ...011 ' July. 11.1114: September. tl.tlliOl.KH: uecember, oi.l"4. Com No. 1 red, UOII4.C' No. I White. HO00o; No. 1 get'ow, .lf.ic juty, tiO1014c; September, 7S..O; uecemner, c. Oata No. t white, 4404114o; No mixed, 11041c. Butter creamery, lie:. Brats, oec; aec- onde, 13c; packing, 1110c. . Egge Flrste, 2114c. Poultry Hena, 11c; neater. 1014c; broll- 210. .. - NEW TORK OKNKBAL MARKET. Quatattewa of the Day aw tha Leading Ceav- modltUo. New Tork. July 10. Flour Firmer: winter paten ta, 94.7400.00; winter atralghta, fi. 40O0.65. Wheat spot, Irreguler; no . 1 aurum. 1.1714; No. 1 hard, 11.11; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 11.10: No. 1 northern, Manitoba, 1.1114, f. o. b. New Tork. Corn spot, eaey; No. 2 yellow. le. 1. r. New Tork. Oata Spot, eteady- atandard, 404 O 41140. Butter Firm: recelpta, 11,044 tuba; mar ket unchanged. Bgge Firm: recelpte, 10,050. caaea; freeh gathered extra fine, 11010c; extra flrete. 11021o; Srata. il'020'c; eecor.de, IIO Ic. Cheeee Suady; receipts, market unehenged. Poultry Alive. Irreguler; broitera, zoc; fowle, 20cf- turkeye, 14010c. Dreeeed, Arm; brollere, J lt 30c; fowle, 17HOlo turkeys, 15c. Hay Quiet; prime. IMS: No. 1, 11.10; No. 1, ll.05Oi.10; No. I, 00O07Ho; shlp- ng. 7iO00c. Hopa Quiet: atata to common to enoice. 1010, 11020c; 1014, 107o; Pacific! coaat, 1111. 1101401 1014, OOlOc Hides Steady; Bogota, llOl; can al America, no,. , Leather Firm; hemlock flrete, I7c;.eec- onde, 10c. Pork Firm: ' men 1707.(n; family. 2l.00O20.00; ahort clear. $35. 0017. . Provlelons Beer, quiet; mesa, fie.uuv lo.oo: family, lii.ioeio.io. Lard Beer: middle west, I11.00O1M0. Tallow Weak: city, 7 He; country pe dal, ; apeclal, 1140. ... , , OMAHA GKMKRAL MARKET. Wholeeale Prlcee far Prod see Charged by Omaha Dealer. Butter No. 1 creamery. In cartons or tube, lOo; No. I, 17e. Poultry Broilers, 100; none, I.tto; geeee, full feathered, lOo; rooatera and atage, 014o: duke, lie: turkeys, 13c; old tome, lie; capo tie, 11c; guineas, 21c, aqua be, (Oo to 04 per dosen; plgeone, (1 per doaen. Cheeee imported Hwioo, id., eec; aomee- tlc Swlaa, lb., Itc: block Swlea, lb., lOo; Twlna, lb., 11c; triplet!, lb., 17c; daleleo, lb., 17o; Tounc America, lb 10c; blue label brick, lb., UHo; llmberger, lb., 11c; New Tork white, lb., 10c; Rocquofort, lb., 08c. Mtnsea nolle Oral Market. Minneapolis, July 14 Wheat July. 1.12 H: September. 01.11 HO Ml 14; Cash: No. 1 hard, llOltl No I northern, I1.21H 01.15U; No. 1 northern, 11.10H Oi.i'H- Flour uncnangoa. Barley-i-07'!71Ho. ' Rye OIHOOlHc ' tlran U1.iO01i.liO. Corn No. 1 yellow, 11012c. - Oa's No. 2 while, IIHOHo, Flax Seed 1.15HH1.00H. Liverpool Urala MarkaO. Liverpool. July It Wheat Spot. No. 1 Manitoba, lie lOdl No. I, lis Id. Corn Spot, American mixed, new, 10a la. Art. Wht. Sept Deo, Corn. Sept Deo, Oats. Sept LnM. 1 Ufa ,1 HO H J!5 High. ILow" 1 1IH 1 11 T0H 4T1 41 11204 110H 7BH 1H 11 it. Close. 11IH 1H14 Jl i-'hiooirt. xlnstlnt nrlnoM. turn 11 hold Tha Be by Ltt ok Bryan, atock avntt grtttt broker. ill PtAii i n Mixisosinin sii.roni.1 Lias. Art. Open. Wht. July Sept Deo. Com July Sept Deo. Oata. July . Sept Dee. Fork. July Sept Lard. July Spt - Oct. Rlba. " Julr I II 41 I II 47 Sept U 04-001 11 40 so "iy to- MH-i 4IT4- II II 11 10-11 II 11-10 I Ht.h. Low. 1 1014 i ii 3 K14 04 411-04, 1174 110 ek HIT II 00 II Tl II II 11 II II 10. II 70 It 10 111 41 ) "I loae. 1 1 1114 I 41 II II II 70 II 10 II 41 II 41 111 noli lis 17 H i II II Tl II HI 13 II II II II II CHICAGO OssVAlN AND PEOTISlONB, WrMsBt OpM 8trm mmI Cocm "Vt Vm- CMaafftX Jvrtr Notwithitundtrif thit . owlni U a rnw.i or untavoraDia tunMra- mm In lh black runt urritory, whwt pricM unlay mad a tranatant dlaplay ot trcnattb. tha market tatar weakened aa rttault of heavy elllnt baaed oo theorlea that tha eron loaaea in elsht bad been die- counted as much aa need be. Prtcea closed unsettled, I1.1ISVH (or September and i...M1s.ai.ai for December, with the mar- kut, aa whole, e off to HA Ho up, aa loin Dared with yeaterday'a nnten. tm out- i-omi tn oorn ranted from o decline to Htte advance, oaU cloeed o to H down, and provtaiona varying from ha need flvurea to aetbaok of lSUc. . 4o far aa the character of orop advlcea waa concerned, the wheat bulla had the ad vaiitaa;e throughout. At the atart demand waa enpeclally active and even etctted over a proapect that flld condition northwett m la ht become mucn woreo in anon oraer. . Moat of the report Indicated that the peat waa Inrreaalna; - In Manitoba, and there waa word from a leading authority that becauee of blight the yield la Baa katvhewan would undergo a big ahrlnk age aa compared with laat year. Damage report from North Dakota became more and more numeroua, ana portion 01 mm neeota, near the Canadian border, waa also aald to have been severely hit by h.Bfitt r-uett Advance In Dries, however. only enlarged the selling by trader, who had taken the position that even If the damage was fully aa aertous as appeared - to be the csee, the altuation not longer jus tified any further upturn at present. Htrenglh In th Winnipeg market led to something of a rally tn wheat prices here Jiist belors' lite cioas. rne son conae, luf-rtre. t horns h. was to leave Chicago quo tat lens Anally at almost th Identical level a had been th nil twenty -lour noun m fare. . Corn price receded to him extent when the wheat market turned weak. Previous, v corn tended to advance aharply. being in , .flueneed in th main by widespread lack nt imAiatare euMmMnlrrd by aatrem heat. -Oata OfAsetl off deeptte announcement that ' lei.soO buehela had been aold here tor port Country offering were said to have ahown an tnoreas. Prevtsiotis gav way under liberal sail ing by long. Thar was a noticeable ab sence of BUDoort by influsntial traders. Provisions showed no decided change. - Tber waa not much preeeur to sell. baturBaaler i ereamerr. 14 0 II fee. &4Uclpi 11,11 cas; market un eltaaiel. rot to a BssolpUs, II oaiwi market an -. hanjri. liury Allvs, lowwi fowl. He: aprlngs, . 319110 . ft. lraW tirala Msrhot. M. fttt. J sly It. Wheab-No. I red. new, l.il., no. I hard, new, 11.11 i.il: July, ll.n; gepumber, Jl.lltt, Corn N. I, 11 Ne. I whlt. Ilwlc; July, tlc; ptmler, TH H Oatsrn. I white, lvici No. white. elHo. ;,. llninr Cits Osawal lafki. Kaa-Mis City. July lt. Whnt & h&rd, ..ilgyi.zi; No- I rod, tl.2e9i.1cs UVE STOCK MARKET Small Sun of Cattle, With Prices Higher on a Good Demand, HOG RECEIPTS AEE LARGE Reealnt were! Official Monday . ... Official Tuaday . . . tsstimst Wednesday Three dara thla week 1.041 21,141 SM'2 Same daya laat week. .18.171 20,161 11,8)4 Same daya I weeks agoll,t21 ti.ilt fl,2 Same daya I weeka ago f,40v l?,2"l 14.S22 Rama day 4 weeka agol 1.3-4 12.101 1S.BI1 Same daya last year.. 1,761 Sl.llC ! Th following table ahowa the recelpU of cattle, hog and aheep at tne South Omaha lire atoca marxet for tn year to aaie, aa oomparcd with last year nm. iiB. Inn. Dee. Cattle .... 84", IM 164,211 14,100 Hng 1,010,671 1,717,461 111,094 bheep 1,120,160 1,211,17 114,721 The fotlowlna- table ahowa the average price of hog at the Omaha live stock msr ket for the last few daya. with comparlao July 10 July 11. July 12. July 13, July 14. Julr II. July II. lUljr 17. Julr II. July II. July 20. July 21, July 22,1 juiy zi 1 July 14. July IB. July to. C H. A at. Wabash . , Mo. Pao. ......... p C, A N. W., eaat. A N. W.. went.. St. P., M. A O. B. A O.. atuit... C, B. A Q., weat. ti. l. M f.t east. B, 1. A P.. weat. Illlnota Cmtral.... Chicago, Qt. Weat. . Goffs Mvrk4. New York. July I. Coffee Th market tor future waa tomewnat irregular loaay, ahowln early atrensth, followed by weak ness In th 1st afternoon, under aelllng led by Cotton xchanga hoiawa, so that final prtcea war unchanged to I point lower, with th tone eaey. Th opening waa i to points ntgner ana teptemoer later soia ud to i.bzc and uocember s.iic. repreaent- In a net advance of I to T Dot Ms on out- side buying and continued flrmn In Brail), where Eurbe I believed to be ao cumulating coffee In anticipation' of peace. Attempt t get pronto at in aavano were oniony responaioie tor tne tat set beck, which carried September on to 1.440 and December to i.euo. ssiea, i,oo nsg July, I.ISo; August, l.38o; September, 1.48c October, i,4ic; November, l.3c: Dooem- ber. I. lie; January. I.llc; February, I.Tlo; Marca. i.Tio: Aorii. 1.10 Hay. 1.10c una. I.tftc. Spot cotf, ateady: Rio 7a, tto: Ssnto 4a, 10 "Ao. Finn offer from Santoa wore Irregular, with 4a quoted at oo911o. coat and freight, London cred it. Th official cable reported a decline of 71 rela at Rio, while exchange was 1-lld mgner. - santo roturai, uncnangoa 10 to rela higher. M. Lal Llr Stoeh Market. Bt. Louis. July 28. Cattle Recelpta, ,100 head i market strong ; natlv beef a tee re, 17.009 10.11, yearling steers and heifers, 11.60910.00: cows, 16.1091.00 stockers and feeders, 11.30 91. 16; Teias and Oklahoma steers, 9i.609iO.dO; cowa Snd heifers, IB.0091.00; prim steers and neirera, i.769to.ia; nativ oaivas, f,9 11. Tt. HotsReceipts, 7,101 head: market, lower, pigs and lights, M.0001. 10; mtsed and butcnera, j,7D 9 ig.oo ; good heavy, ir.t0 91O.Q0; OU1K, If.TOff i,t. aneep ana uamDe neceipis, i.aoo neaa; market, higher; spring lambs, 17.00910.00: laughter awes, (6.6097,11; bleaching ewes, t!.99ia.ot yearlings, ffl.eo9t.0o, Chicago Llv Btoak Market. Chloago, July . Cattle RsoelDt. 11.000 neaa marsei strong: native near eatti. 17.10910.10; western atear. 11.7191.10: stockers and feeders. 6.0Q9I.0; cows and belters, l. ioot.it: caivea, 0i.iD911.vo, Hon HeeaiPts. If.oo head: market un settled, 6c off to a ahad above yesterday'e average; bulk 01 sales, ft.409t.10; light. ft.1t910.1v; mtxea, ft.ee91e.1s; heavy, ll.00 910.Httl rough. 11.0091.11: ola. 17.1091-40. Sheas and iamB Keceipta, io.oq head: market strong; wethers, Il.li9i.l61 lamb, fl.ltgll.lS. Weasel City Llv Stsek Markst. Ksnsa City, July ll.-Cattle Reoeipts, 600 head: market steady : ttrlme fed ateere. 11.76910-10; dreaaad beef steers. 17. 6091.60; wfsitrn iwisi, fhvowo.io. iivcs-wi nu feeders. I 0v9l.l(; bulla, I6.I09T.Qv; caivea, as.Dnvii.9v. rtua noscoiipisi, ,ivv neaa; maraei ateady; bulk, tl.609l.Tl; heavy, lt.li9i.lO; pacaera ana Duivnors, imvvi, (a, llgflti sneep ana lemo neceipt, 1,000 nean market higher; Iamb. 11.10910.16; year- una, t(.nvni,ii, weiner, ,.iaeT. ft. ib v., ev. Ml; ewoju. Cottssj Market. New Tork, July II, Cotton future openea steaay; uctooer, 11.11a; December, ll.llci January, 11.42c; March, H.I4o; May, istae. Future closed barely steady: October. 1 1, 1 00 ; December, 1 l.llo ; January, It. lie March, 11.61c; May, 11,81c. Spot, quiet miaaiing upiana, i.ioc: saies, too be tea. Liverpool. July If. -Cotton Soot atrons: good middling, I. lid; middling, I. lid; low miaaung, i.tia. mm, s,eos bales. ' Id Stack Market. . ' London, July II. Th feature of th tock market, which was quiet again to- ayt waa me atrengtn in unttea states Steel, due to the quarterly statement and th extra dividend. There was a sood turn-ever In thee Issues and th common advanced I point over parity. Other anarea in tn American eectton war dull stiver. ar, 10 h per ounc, Money 4 k per cent. Discount Rate Short bill, lit 91 cent; three months, 69lio. psr sent. . ' Omaha Has Market. V Omaha, July II. Upland pralii! Chnlcs. fie. to; no. 1, ft.oovio.ot; no. I, T.s9 s.vv; no. s, ft.ooo,so. Hiaiana prairie Nev 1. Il.0t9l.o0! No. I. IT OOtSI SO. U, land prairie: Cholc. 17.00; No. 1, 14.00; No. I, 14.0096.00; N. I, 11.00 9 4-00. Alfalfa 111.00; No. 1. 110.00: standard. 1100; NO. X. 7.00; No. 1, 14.00 91,00, Straw oat, ff.oo; wheat, i,oo. Omaha. July t, 1IK. !til.v HotisL SheeD. 4,11ft F,H 1,611 10,400 4.021 2,lt02 1,200 11.051 1 104 Date. J 1111. "jllll. ltl4. ll.Tliil2.'TllU. I 70 11 I I44l nit 0 u 0T4 I IIV I lit I 17 01044 I 00 e I 70 0 04 14 1 It I 01 T 00 e t 07 I II 0 07 1 701 0 I 71 471 I 01 e I 11 I 071 I 01 I 14 I 14 70 7 141 I 71 T II e I 01 I 10 I 70 I It I 01 I II e I 17 I II I 13 I 77 I 77 I ll 7 10 I l T 10 e 1 14 7 10 1 It 7 17 7 10 T II If 7 14 7 II t 47 t 17 -Sund.v RecelDte ar.d dleoeelrlon Af live etaek at the Unton Stork Yarde. oihaha, for twenty, four hours ending at I o'clock p. tn, yaa edday. . - . BHCBIFTS CARS. : Cattle. Boga. Sheep. H'r-a. I 1 I II I 41 17 , I 14 II 1 ' 1 I 44 : Total recelpta ll 141 . ., , DISPOSITION HEfAD. Cattle Hogs. Bh.ep. in l.eao 1,410 Morrla A Co.... Swift Si Co Cudahy Pack Co Armour A Co.... Schwarts & Co w. Murnhv Lincoln Pack. Co. ... , So. Omaha Perk. f?a Swift (from country). ivonr reca. uo ,. V. B. Lewie 1. B. Boot 4V Co...... H. Bu te L. F. Hues Roeenetoek Broe F. O. Kellogg Wertholmer St Degon... H. F. Hamilton Hlggln Huffman Roth ..i. ............ sleyere Oleeeberg . ,, Banner Broe, ........ John Harvey., , jenaen ft Mingren Pet O'Day Other buyora Totals III 071 III 44 I 101 1.004 1,141. 1,421 12 140 1,071 1,100 1.11s .!U::r 11 ..,. .1,111 1,101 14,411 Cattla Receipts of eattla wara compara tively light again today and tha 1.100 hud en eaie were aoout equally divided between graaaera and natlvea. proceed beef men all aeemed to be wantlnc aome cattle and .... thing that they could uee aold pretty clooo to 10O higher than yeeterday, the beat ot- lennga Doing cleaned up In good aeaaon at the atronger flguree. Beat corn fed. aver aging around 1,400 pounda brought 10.71. Fair to good klnda Bold around ll.7iao.30. Weetern graaa beef waa not particularly at tractive tn point of quality, but fair to pretty good rangers aoldVt 17.1607.76, with northern matured Mexicans at 7,0Ot)7.1O. Compared with the eloee of-laat week prlcea are arouna zecaaee miner, and tne tone to tha market he, ehown much Imnrovement Cowa and hetfere were scarce and Bold readily at atronger prices Tha advance for the week Bmounted to 10 0 40c. Demand hea broadened and competition from both ahlp- p. re and feeders buyora haa been much better this week than laat Thar. war. Quito a taw frees stock oat. tie and feeding ateero on aalo today, and a vigorous demand for them.. Prices were generally around lOo higher for anything at all ueeful and tho general market le about 104 lOo higher than It waa at the oloea of laat woes. Quotations on oattlo; O00S beeves, o.loeiO.II; fair to good beeves, 0.401)1. 10; common to fair beeves, I1.40S) 1.00; good to choice yearlings, 0.50010.00; fair to good yearlings, la.oovo.50; common to fair yearllngo, 17. 1601. 00; good to oholoe neltera, 7. 1500,10; good to choice cows, I 7407.fl: (air to good cowa. 1I.00O0.7I: common to fair eowe, II. 70O0.00; good to choice feeders, I7.I60I.OO; fair to good feedora, 17. 00O7.10; common to fair feed era, 10. 00O7.00; good to choice atookera, I7.40OI.00; atock heifers, ll.10O0.7i; stock cows. II.IIOI.IO: stock caivea. 14.7401.10 veal caivea. ll.00Oll.7l: beef bulla, atesa. etc, I0.i007.ll; Bologna bulla, MOl.io. RapraBOBtatlva aalea! BEEF STEERS. Ar. Pr. No. ..1041 It II. No. 1... I... 14.., 11... 10,., 10.., 10,., II.., II.., 10.. II.., ill ,..10li ...1111 ...1116 ...1101 ...1000 .1001 I Tl T t I 10 1 00 1 01 1 it . 1 11 11.. 10! 17.. It.. II. 11. Ar. Pr. Ill l Ii 111 r ii .. 141 ..1100 .., 001 ..1041 ..1104 ...lilt STEERS AND HEIFERS. 701 770 III 40., 17. I 10 I 11 01 HEIFERS. ,. 001 0 10 7.. ,.1100 il 00 1.. 7 cows. .. no 4 10 1. . t 11 11.. 0 00 I.. to I... , tot lot ; fit . Ill ..1000 ,.1071 ..1100 ..1010 ..1110 ,.1010 ..1140 .. 110 ..... Ml 141 .loo. 1141 I 10 7., 1171 BULLS. I 16 I.. I II 1.. I 10 1.. CALVES. I 00 1.. ... ...loot ...1670 ...lilt I Ii 00 1 10 11 1 ii 11 11 I Tl t Tl I II I 10 10 I Tl 00 I 00 I II ti Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. l 00 47.. Ill It Of I 10 It.. 120 ... I li t 21 IO..I7i lot I lit, I li 71. .113 ... I 10 Ii 00. .100 ... I 40 I 41 10.. Ill 10 t 10 I ti 77. .110 ... I Oi pen on up to 0.40, and acatterlng aalea aa high aa 40.70, tha top. Sellers were unable to beat 10. 00O0.10 on common paiikera. Ropresontauvo. Bales: . .. No. At.- 81k II. .101 ... 10. .11: 00 00.. 164 lOt 16.. 131 ... 71. .Ill lit 16. .177 ... 70.. 107 ... 14. .111 ... Sheen Early receipts oatlmatea from other markets showed that the local run waa the heavteel on the map. noma rorty- threa cars or 11 400 head arrived, making the total for the three days 13.881 bead. This la about 400 heavier than laat week. 11.500 larger than two wceKe ago, ana 4.000 head gain over tne correaponaing period a yeaf ago. - . Conditions In the lamb trade were much the same aa on Tueaday. Local recelpta were tolerably liberal, but moderate to light rune were reported eleewhere, and pack ing demand proved plenty broad enough to take care OI every ining tnat wee nere. Sellere asked higher prtcea right frt,m the Jump, and while packere made a hard flvht to Hold tn- marital aown to a ateaay Daaia they finally had to roleo their handa, move ment etarllng on a lOOIOo higher level. Trading did not begin quite eo early as It did yesterday, and was a ll'.tle more dreggy after It did get under way. Many of the lamhe offored were, as on previous days of the week, none too daelrable, and quite few of the eelee were made at 10.00 O 10.10. Twa etringa of choice stuff, of four and alx cam respectively, set 4he day's top of 110.16, the highest price paid alnce Mon day of laat week. Everything waa cleaned up long before noon. A couple more loads brought the top. 10.10, while a two-load bunch aold at 10.11,' and another atrlng at 110.10. Sheen weren't very nlentlrullv eunnlled. and aold unevenly, being quoted generally ateady. soma of the aalea looked, If any thing, atronger, while othera were weak. A pretty good kind of ewee aold at 07.250 7.00, the latter prlae being top. A few year lings at 07.10 were eteedy with yeeterday. and some good 1-year-old wethera made 18.00. Tho last end of the band of mixed yearlings and wethera, a few loada of which have been her. every day this week, brought 7.10. - Feeders were not very plentiful, but de mand did not aeem .0 eager aa on prevloua day. of the week, and trading waa a little alow on th. few here. Some that .old be fore midday war. no more than eteady. Quotatlona on aheep and larabe: Lamba, rood to choice, 10.10O10.lt; lambs, fair to good, 10. 60O10.10. iamba. feedere, 11.750 0.00; yearllnga. good to oholoe, l7.t0O!-!t; yearllnga, fair to good, 07. 0007.50; year llnga, feedera, 00.00 0 7. It; wethera, fair to choice, 00. 70O0.00; awee, good to choice. I7.00O7.00: ewee, fair to good, 5.7iO7.00; ewee, plain to oulla, I4.00O6.74; awea, feed era, I1.60O6.00; ewes, yearllnga, 7.60OI.00; wee, breeders. Is and up, I.00O7.76, No. - Wt Pr. II native lambs 64 ; 10 00 ti native ewee ......,. u v Hit Idaho lambe . 71 ; 10 li UI0 Idaho lamba 70 II li Local SOoekB and Bonds. Quotations furnlohed by Burns, Brlnker & Co., 441-11 Omaha National bank building. Omaha. Neb. : , Stocke Bid. Asked. Am. Smelt. Sec. Co. pfd. "A".-... 02V4 nk lfoatrice creamery Co. pia. ..... e xuu . Deere ft Co. pra , Falr't Cream. Co. 0 bet grant'd. Fatr't Cream. Co. I pet. pfd... 102 aooeh Mill. A Ele. Co. 7 net. Dfd. 00 Cudahy Packing Co. 7 Oct nfd.,104 105 Lincoln T. a T. com. 7 pet...., rem Lincoln Tr: Co. I pet. pfd...... 04 17 Kanaae City Ry. ft LL pfd 00 - 01 Omaha 4 C. B. Ry. A B. pfd.. 04 00 Omaha ft C. B. St. Ry. pfd 71 71 Petere Mill Co. pfd 10 lot ' Sioux City Stock Yde. pfd. (4 10 Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey. 673 025 Swift ft Company 11314 13414 Union Stock Yards t pot atock.. 00 14 101 Bonds- Argentine Nation Gold dlseount notes April, 1017 To Net IVj American Foreign Securities Co., I pet gold notes, 1010. 0744 01 Armour ft Co. 414., 1010 Oil! 01 Booth-St. Louis Oe. 1011 00 100 Benson, Nebraska Bch'l ia, 1040.107 107.15 Fremont Neb., t pet paving bonda, 1010 1024; 101.11 la. Portl'd Ce't Co. 0a, 1010-1014 00 100 Imp. Jap. Oov't 414 2d ear., 1014 74 76 ' Kaneaa City Railway Co. note... 100 14 10044 Kaneea uity ttaiiway tat ea, ivee . .ve Lincoln Tr. Co. la, 1111 1114 Montreal Tr'way I pot notea, 1017.0844 Omaha Oaa Oe. 1017: 04 Omaha ft C. B. St. Ry. la. 1111. 00 14 Pacific Q. ft Elec. ia. 1011 Ot Bulaberser ft Sons Co. 0e. 1141. 1014 100U City of Tork, Neb. O. I. is. 1010.101 H 102 Ex-Dlvldend. HEW YORK STOCKS Steel Gains a Point, Reacts and Then' Takes a yiight. FRENCH NOTES ON MARKET v VI 3 104 100 96 97 . 92 Bt. Uto Stock Market. July 10. Cattle Receipt. ' Bt. Josenh. 1,000 head; market hlffher; ateers, 16.600 10.00; cows and heifera I4.00QI1.60; caivea, 1. 00 1 1.00. H oa Recelpta, 4,000 head ; market Steady; top, 11.10; bulk of sale, l.409.6. Sheep and Lamba Recelpte, 1,600 head; market higher; lambs, 99.60010.16; awea, 4. 76 7. 1 6. . New Tork, July II. Wall street's ap parent indifference today to tha rscord breaktnr tarnlnga and eitra dividends of the United Bute Steel corporation and other highly favorab! portent was a aourre of surprise to tradera and flnanolal in le rente generally. Steel rose a full point in the flrat few minutes, relinquishing more than its gain before noon, and closed at a net gain of 11 points. Other leading atock were, If anything, leaa renponatve to conatructlve faetora. rulle. In particular, making further decllnes. On the aurface It would neem that much of the day's depression waa brought about by the ahort Interest, whone technical posi tion haa been atrengthened by recurrent feara of foreign liquidation and the lack of public Investment Jnqulry. Ueavy olTerlnga of the new French I per cent notes recently negotiated by American banker, was another Influence making for added restraint. Sales of this issue for the day approximated the large sum of 12,400,- 000, practically all at if, tne sUDacnpnon prices Anglo-French 6a were relatively ateady at the prevailing level. Lowest prices were registered "in the morning, the list making variable but In conclusive" . recoveries In the filial hour, mainly In consequence of short covering. United State Industrial Alcohol and Mex ican Petroleum, among the weakest fea tures of the morning, regained much " or their loss, with soma motors and muni tions. Rati continued backward, however, with Steel. Total aales amounted to 466, 000 ahares. . X" Resumption of dividend on the common stork of the Preaaed Steel Car company of fered additional proof of a prosperous con dition of the equipment concerns. Steel trade authorities, reviewing that lnduatry, referred to the heavy tonnage and large purchase yet to be made in thla country by Europe. Th solo Issu of the exchange market was the further ahadlng of marka. Ster ling and franc were steady but dull. An other small export of gold to Cuba was re ported. . . Speculative bond issues were slightly lower, with total sales, par vain of 4, 166,000. Panama coupon 4a were Vk per cent higher on call, with other government Is sue unchanged. I Number of sales and quotation on leading stock were: Sales. Htarh. Low. Close. Am. Beet Sugar. .. , 1,800 89 87 S 18 American (Jan..:.. a. hod ok1 oJr 'A Am. Car Foundry- 1,400 68 U 66 tt 66 H S.VUU LM SO1 1,100 14 91 12 400 109 109 108 1,800 129H 119 121 1,700 18 12 32 1,900 79 77 71 600 104 104 104 7, B00 71 68 1,700 86 86 MRS. SPRAGUE PUT 00T OFGOLF PLAY Mrs. H. L. Arnold Upsets Dope v by Defeating Country Club -r Veteran by One Hole. OTHEE FAVORITES VICTORS Am Locomotive. Am. Smelt, tfc Ref . . Am. Sugar Refining Am. Tel. A Tel Am. Z L. 4 8.... Anaconda Copper.. Atchison Bald. Locomotive.'. Baltimore oft Ohio. . Brook. Rapid. Trail. B. S. Copper.;. . . Cal. Petroleum . . . . . Canadian Pacific..., Central Leather.... Chesapeake A Ohio. C, M. at St. P Chicago & N. W. C., R. I. ft P. Ry. Chlno Copper. . . ,1 , Colo. Fuel ft Iron . . Corn Products Ref.. Crucible Steel 12,000 Distillers- Becurmas l.zoo 8,000 68 01 100 19 18 100 177 177 1,200 64 63 100 90 900 1,100 6,600 200 20 45 14 toy. 40 400 1,400 10,400 1,000 1 4844 'ieii 141. 40 1444 Brie 4,000 85 ueneral Electric. . Great No. pfd...... Ot. No. Ore ctfs... Illlnota Central. Inter. Con. Corn. . . Inaplratlon Copper. inter. Harvester Int. M. M. pfd. ctfs. 14,100 K. C. Southern.... 500 Kenneeott Copper.. 11,600 Louisville A Nean Mex. Petroleum.. Miami copper. 11 , K. T. pfd.... Mlaeouii Pacific.;. Montana Power.... National Tead. .... Nevada Copper.... New York Central. N. T N. H. 4 H.. Norfolk Weetern Northern Pacific. Pacific Mall Pacific Tel. Tel. ...... Pennayivanla 1,400 Ray Con. Copper.. 1,000 Readlnr 10,700 Kep. Iron A Steel. . 8,400 Shattuck Aria. Cop. 700 5(4 19 40li 43 1344 07 a 44 US em 80 H 041 10 is 17714 54 0014 0614 118 10 4 4344 1314 07 H 44 14 H Mrs. E. H. Sprague of the Omahs Country club, for many yean con sidered the leading woman golfer of Omaha and city champion for 1915, was defeated in the second round of the women's state golf tournament at the Omaha Field club yesterday, Mrs. H. L. Arnold, one of the younger Field club women experts,, defeating the veteran, I up. Mrs. Arnold had Mrs., Sprague 2 down and three holes to play, but Mrs. Sprague braced and took the six teenth hole in i and the seventeenth in 5. Mrs. Arnojrt did not lose nerve, however, and took the eighteenth and deciding hole handily when Mrs. Sprague sliced her drive into the trees and took two strokes to recover. In other chamoionshio round match es Miss Louise Pound, of Lincoln, the tavorite, oeieatea Mrs. t. j. jjespecn er, 5 up and 4; Mrs. John W. Tillson beat Miss Mable Melcher, 1 up, and Mrs. J. T. Stewart, 2d, beat Mrs. Blaine Young, 6 up and 5. inursday morninu Mrs. Tillotson meets Miss Pound and Mrs. Stewart playi Mrs. Arnold in the semi-finals. following are the results of- Wednesday'si play " in flights other than the championship: .'. SECOND FLIGHT. Mra. Dean Rlna-er beat Mra J. w p.rreH 1 and 6. Mra. Frank Ruaaell beat Mra. John Be kine, 5 up and 4. v Mra. W. W. Rlchardaon beat Mra. A. S. Midlam, 4 up and 1. . Mra. Erneet Sweet beat Mra. E. D. Branch, 1 up, II holee. : THIRD FLIGHT. :' Mlea Alice McKenele he.t Km r. u t.am. 5. up and 4. Mra. C. 8. Tobtn beat Mro. Dreaher, 4 up and I. ' Mra. a. A. Roae beat Mra. S. E. Mathoon. up and I. i x Mra. W. B. FhllbT beat Ure. Tr. V. r-r. S up and I. FIRST CONSOLATIONS. r : ' Mra. K. A. Llnls-er beat Mra. W. a. 811. ver. 1 up, 10 holea. Mra. Howard Goodrich beat Mra. Allen Parmer, 1 up. , 400 101 107ViT"1074 1,300 U8H 110 11. 200 3544 34 u. 1,300 104 103V4 .47(4 '8414 34 41 'iiii 14 00 01 01 Vj 101 00 It 102 44 10tt 47V4 113H 84 24 40V. 127 Vk 07 M(4 "oil 10 62 13 103 eu 1,900 103 1.100 60 1.B00 127 U 126 126 100 111 111 110 efV 160 I 10 100 11 10 lie. Dry Gesoia Marhi. 1 New Tork, July II.- Cotton goeda were quiet, but firm today. Btspl dree goods were priced for spring ot 1117 on levels rsryln from 1 te 10 cent yard higher than rail price named laat epring. Quan tities tht can be supplied by mill wilt be restrict d, Worsted yarns were steady s'.td quiet. There wsa hatter . Inquiry for burlap. Lseea snd embroider! war quiet. OH aa Savannah. Os.. July II Turpentine Msrkat, firm, 41f43e; sal, 171 bMs.; receipts, 4TI bbls.; shipments, 1.11T bbls,; locks, 14,901 bbls. Hosin Market, firm; aales, 1,411 bbls.; r. eetpts, 1.114 hbla.i shipment. 4,011 bbls.; stock, 11,177 bbls. Quote: A, B, l.00; C. D, 16.10; B. 16.10; P, O, 11.40, H, I at, M, N, 16.60; WO, 16.61; WW, 16.10, MtaJ MattMC. ,: -New Tork. July I.M tale Lead. .1I asked, spelter, steady; spot fcaat St, Louts delivery, 10t0c Copper, steady; else 1 raly tl& 14.D01T.Oo. Iran, atettdy nii vn chsngvd. Tin, quiet; spot offered at 111.91. At Lofldon copper: Hpot, ClOO; futures, C9: elevtrulytlc, llll. fu tares, 166 6s. Lead, Tin; Spot. 1166 1 (21. . Bpsltsr, III. 110 11 II 170 It 71 STOCKERS AND. FEEDERS. Ill 7 16 ' , WBSTERNS. ' r ' - NEBRASKA, 7ateera.. Ill 1 60 II steer.. 1106 1 40 4lteer..1100 I 00 II feeder. 101 T 10 4Tstr..101l I 10 Richard Phicater South Dak. Max. " 17 ateers.. Ill 1 00 11 ateers. ,1001 T 10 ltr..1016 T 60 64ateer., 111 T 00 O. W. Walts Neb. linear.. Ill 110 T steers. .1014 T II v r. r. uurnai hoo.- 14 cow... 910 110. I oows. , a 111 I II w. W. Drlsksll Wya, l4owa..v ITT I 10 loow.,, 144 I Tl 7 cowa... HI I 10 Moss Receipts of hog war tha largest of th week to data, 144 ears, or about 10,400 head being reported tn. For tne nrst half of th week the run toots up 11,140 head, being 1,700 larger than a week ago. but nearly 1,000 am tier than two week ago, and a falling oil of more than 1.000 as oemDared with the eeme days last year. Am uaual, tha ahlppers bought aome of th heat light and butcher hogs real early, oaytng price that were not mora than a nickel lower In any Instance, and an some losds looked steady. After packer started out, however, th outside buyer got some ban ss much aa a dim lower. A few of the Brat hog packer bought wer a more than I4)10e lower, but most buyer offered flat 19c tower price ngnt from th outset, and when tha bulk of th offering started to move tt was en that Hellers nausea tnai ine acnn was Inevitable and cut loo fairly free aa long packers war willing ia ouy ea mat basis, a good share of th offering Mine aold before 10 o'clock. On dowa markets it la usually tne eora men hog that get th wont of th deal. aad today wa a eseeptlen to th general rule, packers leaving tnem em airings wherever It waa pesatbi, and after the de sirable hogs wars mostly cleaned p there tvas quit a sprtnaiing oz oammoa pees era left unsold, as wall as a few pretty good hsAviaa. which were not- in tn seat ot ao- mend. By this time, of course, drovee war aiwtty well Ailed eat and buyers pro ceeded to buy what hogs were left Jest aa cheaply aa possible. This made 1st rounds low. hut while some of the later aales looked lie. and even more, lower, a pretty fair clearance wa Anally effected, only taw load belnsr unsold at midday, ' Price wer uneven, ranging from steady ta 16c lower, th general market being ttraiit ln lower. Most of the packer aold at 11.16419.10. with a aprtnkllng of the decant to good le both itavksrs end ship IiOBadoa Wool Auction. London, Julr 21. The offering at the wool auction sales today amounted to s.uuv bales, mostly crossbreds. Pine grades were teady, but other sort wer 6 to 10 per eent lower. Merino wer readily absorbed except Inferior, which were alow. Moving Pictures in Political Campaign New York, July 26. The national Association of Motion Picture History to represent $500,000,000 in capital and 22,000 theaters, announced to night that plans have been completed for a political campaign on the screens against legislation alleged to be aimed at the motion picture indus try. - The Kitchin bill now before the senate will be attacked first, it is said, as it propcsei to tax motion picture theater, more than $1,000,000 a year in addition to other taxes now imposed on the industry. The screen cam paign will be carried into every city and town in the United States, where there is a picture theater, according to a statement issued by the associ ation, ' ' ". .'' Child Labor Bill , Started for Passage Washington. July 26. Yielding to an urgent request from President Wil son, democrats ot the senate in caucus tonight determined to pass the child labor bill at this session ot congress. It will displace the shipping bill on the senate calendar, coming up as soon as the army and District of Co lumbia appropriation, have been passed. The shipping measure will follow it in order and the revenue bill will come next Majority Leader Kern outlined to the caucus the president's earnest re quest for a vote on the child labor bill before adjournment, and read a flood of telegrams trom influential citizen, throughout the country urg ing its passage. - v :. t Pastor Aked Quits Ford Peace Plan Detroit, Mich,' July , 25. Rev. Charles F. Aked, formerly of' San Francisco, this afternoon announced his resignation as chairman of the American commission to tne rora Neutral peace conference in Stock holm. . . i The announcement was made after an hour's talk with Henry Ford here in which Dr. Aked said he unsuccess fully urged a change in the peace plans...... .; ".-":' nv v .Wv .,....;.. Southern Pacific Southern Railway.. Studebaker Co Tenneesee Coppef . . Texae Company.... Union Pacific Vnlon Pacific pft.. U, B. ind. Alcohol. . IT. 8. Steel... U. 8. Steel pfd Utah Copper Wabaeh pfd. "B .. Weetern Union West. Electric 1,000 1,600 07(4 11 11H I0H lit JIS 10H 7 il ze 34 06 74 12ft ,e 40 16 7t4 Z3 10,000 117H UStt 12004 7,100 24 1114 23 000 100 103 102 11,100 13714 130K 1 19,100 107 10114 100 eon 4,100 17 10 H EN.AMELWARE 0 Special Sale al the ' UNION OUTFITTING CO., . lath and Jaekeea Sea. ... SATURDAY. JULY THE 29th For Full ramnolara See Friday Iva'o 1.000 111 117. 117 0(4 1,100 1,100 100 11,000 7074 16 14 7014 son 114 04 20 1314 .0 Mra. L. 8. Wernher beat Mra. C. N. John- eon, 1 up.' - . Ure. B O. Bruin. ton beat Mra. W. H. Flinn, T up and 4. SBOONl CONSOLATIONS. Ure. C. J. Merrtara beat Mra. A, M. Smith, I up and I. ... ' , Mra. F. A. Saffron beat Mra, C. M. John atnn, I up and I. , re. Ray Ralnbolt beat Ure. C H. Aah ton, 2 up and 1.- . ... . Mra. W. B. Tan beat Mra. 1. A. McAl lister, 4 up and I.- ' ' THIRD CONSOLATIONS.. j Mra. W. R. Overmlre beat Mra. V. H. Walker, 0 up and 0. , , Mra A. P. Mullen beat Mra. O. W. Smith, I up and I. Mra. W. Of Clark beat C. , a Oranden, " I up. Mra. C. J. Ziebarth beat Mra. Ctl. Mar ley, 1 up and 0. 'A i ..X. '- Union Giants Come To Omaha Saturday The Brandeis Stores and Chicago Union Giants will be Omaha's big at- , traction in base ball circles Saturday and Sunday at Rourke park. The lo- cals have been meeting all comers and are today the strongest semi-pro team in the middle west, having lost but one game of the seventeen played this season. : . , . Under the management of W. S. Peters, the dean of colored base ball . . .t. - i .. : c : i .i iliaguaice. wic uiiiun j,cHiie nave i- ways been considered among the ' crack colored clubs of the country 'r and one of the hardest propositions the Brandeis have to contend with. r Khode will he on tne sian tor tne Brandeis in Saturday's game, with -Burch for the Giants. Sunday Manager Bradford will use Olson and the visitors will probably uinrv Mienann , . Howard Elliott is : Bought by Cubs ; Chicago, July 26. Howard Elliott, the Oakland coat- league catcher, -comes to the Cubs as the result of a cash purchase, it was announced to- ' day at the office of the Chicago Na- ' tionals. No playerS are involved in the transaction. Elliott will join the . Cubs jn the east,: expecting to leave ; Oaklandtoday, and will act as relief "' catcher to Fischer. ,' ttffhtwrig hU Ar Mfttehed. " Chicago, July 26. Ever -Hammer of Chi- s caso and Johnny O'Loary. Canadian light- :., weight champion wero matched today to .' box twelvo rounds to a decision In Boston. August 1. They agreed to . Weigh 135 pounds. .-.-if v. " ;' - i Total sales foi the day, 466,000 shares. Nw York Money Market. Nw fork,' July Prime Mercantile pfinMi 1 iier cent. Sterling jsxenange oixiy-amy unit. H7iia' demand. U.lb; cables. 14.78. Bonds Government, tlrm; railroad, Time Lome Easter; sixty and ninety days, 1H3 per cent; six months, per cent. ' , Call Money Steady; highest, ti per cent; lowest, i per cent; ruling raie, an per cn last loan, 1 per cent; closing bid, 1 per tent; onerea m m couu t, a 9. Fc.lHUM.. K. T. 1st U. S. ref.' 2s, cou.J8' U B. SB, reg....iVV mu. au, v.rii. n.ivt U. 8. Is, ou.e.ioo Mont- Power 6s.97i U. S. 4s. reg..lwll". aoD. es.iis a IT n ..lin N. T. City 444S Ain. Smelt. Is.. 10? (ltfft) ...... .10 H Am. T. T. ov. . . aL. lflXU H. cv. s 112 Anglo-rrench s..t5No. Pac 4sV.....2H a ii-nimn ran. a . , uv, i aaw, ..,.., n a O. 4... .-.., O. B. L. ref. 4a. ..im Bethiehem Steet . Pao. T. ft T. Se.ioot; Vei l" 10(f'4Penn. eon. 4i...l4t Cent. Pac W1....1S 4renn. ,en. 14e..iui C ft O. cv. 4Vka..l514Rradln. .en. 4e..l4 n n M. a t le..l.at. L. ft 8. F. C.'. M. ft St.-P. ' ref. 4e pfd im ,a... weo. ..Jm C R I. A P. s. Pac. rer, 4a...tn.k Cb . 4." . .7H18o. Ry. la 101J C. ft 8. ref. 4(4e.ia)4y. P. 4.. ....... .14 V. ft R. O. con. U. F. w. 4a.....,14i 4. . .4 iiiu. a. nu. ...... .v.. Brie en. 4a. ..... 74 u. s. steel t in s, Gen. Elec 5e...10l u. ' -,e Qt. No. let .e.ei' -e-"nau t n r i. kHU Elec. cv. 4e...lll I. u. M. ea. . .ivo -w- 7, K. C. 8. ref. Ie..""i ma. L. ft H. un. 4a.. ..14 '4 - ,.",7" Bank Claariaaia. Omaha, July II. Bank clearlnae for Omaha to4y were 11.111,111.11, ana far tha corraaponainf aay laat year ee.eit.eee.ee. What to Avoid In Hot Weather CartltssiMU CausM Many Ills. Iced drinks. imDure yater. unripe food, and eat sparingly of meat. In hot weather excessive thirst causes many people to indulge in iced drinks and other liquids injurious to the delicate tissues of the stomach. Physicians are unanimous in declar ing that iced drinks, impure water and unripe food cause the major por tion of such distressing ills as Diarr hoea, Cholera Morbus, Typhoid, Cramps and stomach aches prevalent at this season: If you would avoid these distressing complaints begin at once the use of Duffy's Pure Halt Whiskey. It is conceded by many physicians to be a most valuable dis ease preventative. If taken in table spoonful doses in equal amounts of water or milk before meals and on retiring you can be reasonably sure of protection from disease incident to summer weather. Don't fail to have Duffy's at hand at all times. It is your nearest doctor in case of emerg ency. Follow the example of thous ands of others. "Get Duffy's and Keen Well.'' Duffy's is sold in sealed bottles only, 1.00, and is obtainable at most druggists, grocers and deal ers. If they can't supply you, write us. Useful household booklet free. The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Roches ter, N. I. ,. ' 1513 -1013 Will9avo You Money HOWARD SI . In spite of the fact that every piece of material that goes to make up a good felt mattress is costing more, arid raw material is steadily advancing, ; our EVERY DAY low." prices on mattresses - and box .springs have not been raised. Our cotton top and bottom mattress, '45 lbs., is . $2.50 Our cotton and fibre combination mattress durably made and as springy as a , j hair mattress, 45 lbs.,;, covered in ' arT .ticking, is . ' . $6.75 Our prime felt mattress,- roll edged and built in layers of sanitary felt, 45 lbs., covered in art ticking, is . . . ... .$7.50 Our felt top box springs, made to fit your bed. Prices.;. . . $9.75, $13.75, $15.00, All covered in art ticks. A. few more of those '. ; neat brass beds, $(5.95 A continuous" post, full 2-inch, 5-8-inch filling rods, brass bed, $1 1.75 AMUSEMENTS. LAST TIMES TODAY P 1 Jaaa L. Laakv Preeante " - ' MAE MURRAY in THE DREAM CIRL." A ICC CooImI Tha.t.r siiUdC Biggest Featura. ' LILLIAN WALKER "The Ordeal of Elizabeth" TODAY OE WOLFF HOPPE IN "Casey at the Bat"-; Caeeter Caaklbi aa t- - "Hla Firal Falea Stea." ,i ? BEAUTIFUL MAN AW A WHERE THE COOL BREEZES BLOW BATHING The Beat Place ta Bath, la Thla Settlou al the Cauntry. Baatfaiff, Bowlhat, Daacb.., Rtdia. Davfeaa An Maar Other Atlrectlene. Ftae Pkalc Grave Fraa Adralaalae 4a Park. lOe car far Irene Oeoaha far a4ul4a avrchaaa retina trip tickete far cHUdreai aai Maaaw.Bara, ISc :. . Advertising is the pen dulum that keept buy ing and telling in motion AMUSEMENTS. . Illlllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Complete Change Today nrriSamw WLLH. FIELDS Stortal af ' Dialect ,-- """S I ' Cemedlen - FODR niLRNCS C Comfdy EureiMsn Gjrnuiuts. IMRt MILAN fHOTO tLAT ai4 ' -- "10100 Back." Ceaipejiy Ben Surphi -11 '. I . - V: -.,: - -k 10c - ADMISSION - 20c lllllimillllllllillillliillllllllllllllllll I iiTncv TAXI I I a. "J I I ir U .ill. nnn I Bee Want Ads produc. rt.ults.