9 MOVlNu AND STORAGE FIRKPROOF WAREHOUSE. - Separate locked rooms, (or household goods end pianos; moving, packing and hipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., JH & th St Douglas list. Globe Van and Storage Co. For reel movng service try us. 7arge l-horee, padded vans. Storage, tt mith. Satisfaction guaranteed. We move ou QUICKER, CHEAPER AND 8AFEU. Phone Tyler 0 or Douglas 48. GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WARBHOUSH Packing, atorag and mov ing. HP N. lXtb St. "hone Douglaa iU or Webster s9t. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to orders for moving, packing or storage; office at Ray mond Furniture Co., 1518 and 161 How ard St. Phone D, S624. "LT nfT TTV RENTAL A1 A SERVICE, AVJJAJ Phone Douglas 288 for complete Hat of vacant bouses and apart meats: also for storage, moving. lth and Jackson Sts. Maggard Vmn and two Van and Storage Co. Moving, packing, storage and chipping. Phona Ooug. 1491. Jp P TPPTi Eapreea Co. Moving, . tj. IXEjEjIJ packing and atoraaa. 1107 Paniam St. Douglaa UN REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. 3625 CALIFORNIA ST., CATHEDRAL DISTRICT A new attractive, well-built house. Lot . il ft. front Near some of the best homes In Omaha, has large living room, fireplace, attractive dining room with built-in buffet, convenient kitchen and four good bed' rooms. All oak floors and the very beat of construction throughout Price $6,600, And we will make good terms. GEORGE & COMPANY, Phone D. 76. B02 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. DANDT 7-r. home, only half block So Far nam Car Line. Price reduced from f 4,650 to 15.660 Has 3 large rooms and recpt hall first floor, and 4 nice large bed rooms and bath second floor. Has beautiful shade; also fruit grape arbor, etc. Has full basement solid brick foundation. Built by owner for home. Don't overlook this. Oaborne, 701 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. D. 1474. WILL sell yon bargain tn a modern bungalow, with garage and good lot for 98,500; 1,00Q cash. W. T. SMITH CO., D. 1S1I. 114 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. sTfl LINCOLN BLVD. 11 -room bouse, strictly modern, with hot water beat Douglas 118. WEST Farnam residence, best St., at 121 N. Soto Ave.: oak finish, t baths; Hi, 006 Terms easy Douglas .2047. WEPT FARNAM CORNER. Modern f-room bungalow, wltb cornar vacant Room to build two brick xlau. B. P BOSTWICK A SON. BARGAIN AT $1,800. West end, house and lot, 8101 Daven port Call 142 Lincoln Blvd. Harney 1718, North. A GOOD BUT. - , MODERN HOUSE. 92,0001800 CASH. This la Tour oonortunlty. located block north of Lake on 28th Ave. We have a good 4-room house, modern In ev ery respect, built only a few years, that we are offering for less than the cost of house alone. This lot la small, but have 81 feet adjoining that we can get for $860, which will make a fine proposition. Will sell the lot aaparately. This la a snap and won't last many days. Better aee this place at once, HIATT COMPANY, Formerly Hlatt-Fairfleld Co.. . 245-7-0 Omaha Nat Bank. Tyler 80. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED South. FIELD CLUB BARGAIN 8 -room house, facing 35th Street, with hot water heat; all oak finish downstairs, with beautiful fireplace, four stry bed rooms and sleeping porch upstairs; attic flntahed off in two nice rooms. Lot 6.x 116. Price $6,600. Real Eatatc Loam and Mortgagee- - -,rtf MONBY HARRISON MORTON J ptt. lid Omaha Nat Bank Bldg D. V. SHOLES CO., D. 40. 915-16 City National. I-ROOM bungalow, brand new, all modern. oak floors throughout; oak finish In liv ing and dining rooms; large, light, white enamel bedrooms; good location; restricted addition. A bargain at 98.160. Easy terms. BENSON & CARM1CHAEL, 642 Paxton Blk. Doug. 1721. 1078 8. 16TH 7-r. mod., newly painted, pa pered and varnished; street paved; $24.60. Berks A Musil. D. 5047. Miscellaneous SIX large rooms, new and modern, oak finish, large living room, three big bed rooms, near car, pretty street. In Benson. Can make low price and very easy terms. Phone Benson 122, Trulllnger. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. After looking at M1NNE LUSA 800 dif ferent buyers decided that It was the beat propoaitlon oo the market and they backed their judgment by BUTINO lots. If TOU will come out today you will understand why others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO-, Tyler 187. 742 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. ONE dollar down. One dollar per week. High, beautiful lots. $876 to $875. Near Fontenelle Park. Close to car line. SHULER & CARY, 104 Keellne Bldg. FOR bargalna In lot. In all parts of th. city see P. J. Tebblna, (06 Omaha Nat. Bk. Phone D. FOR SALE. I dandy vacant lots, Vfc block to oar line; out to $1,000 caab for quick sals, CALKINS A CO.. Douglaa 1819 City Nat Bank Bldg MINNE LUSA Nice lot on Tltua Ave., near 24th St., can be bought at a bargain; this lot must be eold; see me quick. C A. Grimm el. 849 Om. Nat Bk.'Bldg. REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. ACRE BENSON. 1900 $10 CASH, $10 MONTH. Apples, peaches, cherries, pears, rasp berries, blackberries, grapes, currants; close to paved road. Last acre In fruit In this beautiful addition. Phone Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Lowrey. HASTINGS & HEY DEN, 1614 Harney Street. START TOUR HOME IN BENSON I BUT THIS LOTI $10.00 down and $10.00 per month; price $260.00' size, ovxizs; locaiea on ijocusi St., between Clark and Burn ham, not far from school and car line. Geo. R. Wright, Bee office. Omaha. LYNNWOOD Oo out to Lynnwood today and see the beautiful lots we are aelUng from 9460 to $600. A. P. TUKEY & SON. Phone Doug. 692. 1607-8 W. O. W. Bldg, Dundee. DUNDEE BARGAIN. Corner, on paved street water, sewer, neiuhborhod well built ud with moder ate-priced homes, only $760 for abort time. GEORGE G. WALLACE, 014 Recline. BUNGALOW FACING KOUNTZEPARK, $617 No. lth St We are offering the biggest bargain In a, modern, new and up-to-date bungalow anywhere In the city; very neatly ar ranged, finished in oak and nicely dec orated, wltb built-in buttst in the dining room; nice lot overlooking the park, with Iron fence, flowers, shrubbery, eto. This property has oost the owner better than 98,760. If sold Immediately the price hi 43,000. Investigate at once if you want a bargain. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 861. 019-20 City National. BUY FROM OWNER. One of the nicest homes on the "Pret tiest Mile," beautiful east front, lot 76z 192, not Including 10 ft of boulevard; large oak and elm trees, roses and other shrubs and nice hedge; strictly modern 8 -room house, built 7 yeara ago, with iutl floored attto, full cemented basement large living room, vestibule, dining room, butler's pantry, refrigerator room and coat Closet near door downstairs; up stairs, 4 bedrooms with closets and bath room ; quarter sawed oak floors and wood work downstairs; hot water heating plant double garage, with oemented driveway. 4310 Florence Boulevard. Colfax 468. VACANT LOTS ON EASY TERMS. 66-ft front near 42d and Grand Ave.; 120 ft front 4 lots. In North Omaha, 1 blk. to car; ft lots, northeast corner 26th and Arbor; $10 down, balance monthly. TRAVER BROS., Doug. 6866. 70S Omaha Nat'l Bank. KOUNTZE PLACE. 6 rooms and combination sleeping - porch and sun room. Strictly modern, oak finish and oak floors. Built-in fire place, colonnade openings and built-in book case and buffet On paved street 1 blocks trom car line. Less than H 1 block from park. The entire attic la plastered, which will give ample space for two more rooms with but very little coat. If dealred. Would be glad to show you this property before buying. PATNB INVESTMENT COMPANT, OMAHA NAT. BANK BUILDING. D. 1781. TURNER PARK DISTRICT 7 rooms, all modern, In good condition, nicely decorated, large yard and shade trees. Rental $36. For particulars, call THE BYRON REED CO., Doug. 197 213 S. 17th St. $2,950 BUNGALOW New and right up-to-date, oak finish, modern In every way; south front lot in Boulevard park addition. Terms can be arranged or good lot taken as first pay ment. See us at once. RASP BROS., 106 McCague Bldg. Douglaa 1668. JUST COMPLETED. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Largs living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor; three large bed rooms and bath on aecond floor; oak finish and oaK rioora; bunt-In book cases and buffet; floor drain; good loca tion. 3029 Nicholas St. Easy terms. SCOTT AND HILL CO., Doug. 1003. Qround Fl. McCague Bldg DUNDEE T rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modern, end in good condition. Price $1,600; terms. Located 4107 N, 49th SL NORRIS & NORRIS, 40B B Bldg. Phone Douglas 4370. BEAUTIFUL modern oak-finish bungalow. Just new. Price $2,660, on very easy terms. Doug. 8302. NEW bungalow, 6 -room, all modern, 60-foot lot south front t bargain, only 92.760, near 4ltb and Charles. Call owner, Red 1811. KOUNTZE PLACE restricted district real donee for sale. T V Knlest $610 N. 18th. South. SAFETY FIRST. FOR RELIABLE AND SAFE FIRE AND TORNADO INSURANCE SEE O'NEIL'S R. E. A INS. AGENCY. 4,4 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Tyler 1034. DUNDEE BARGAIN. 4828 Capitol Ave,, 6-r., house, corner lot 60x119. W. H. GATES, 647 Omaha Nat B. Bldg. D. 1294, DUNDEE 6 -room modern bungalow. Built by us $9,760. On easy terms. W. U SELBY A SONS. Phone Doug. II Miscellaneous. LOT near municipal beach at Carter lake. Fine place for summer cottage, rnone Doug. 2596. REAL ESTATE Exchanges THE wonderful increase In BEE Want Ads can be traced to only one source. Good results at less cost than any other Omaha paper. 25.748 MORE PAID WANT ADS the first sU months of 1916 than In the aame period In 1916. 4,480 ACRES In Cheyenne county, Colo rado, near Wild hone, for- aale or change for North, South Dakota, Minne sota or Canada lands. Mpls. Rental Co., 306 Palace Bldg., Mpls., Minn, FARMS, Ranches, Residences, Apartments, merchandise stocks, income of all kinds. Can match any deal of merit. J. A. ABBOTT. 4 Patterson Blk., Omaha FARMS, ranches, city property, acreage and Investments for sale and exchange. Morgan, 1916 Cuming St. Doug. 246S. 20-ROOM apt. house to exchange for land; rental 9640; clear; will assume mortgage. J. L. Barber, Keellne Bldg. Ty. 1710. HOTEL and furniture at Dallas, S. D. ; exchange D 6707. Toland A Trumbull. CAN sell or exchange anything you nave to offer. O. J. (Janan. Mcuague tsiog, EQUITY In good 9-r. house for cottage; worth $8,800. uoirax moa arter iu a. m. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'ty FOR SALE 64x132, faces three streets near new Ford building; splendid manu f&cturlng site. Address. B-411. Bee. REAL ESTATE Investment DOWN TOWN INVESTMENT. 66x112 ft, with block of three 10-room houses; Income $86.26 per month. Price $8,000. These houses are In good repair and the price la mighty cheap. Ask for full Information. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 416-18 Keellne Bldg. Phone Doug- 690- YOU can Inveat any amount any time in Home Builders. Start a savings and In vestment where you have a guarantee or 7 ner cent, cash dividends nam Janu ary 1 and July 1. Glad to talk with you. HOME BUILDERS, INC., 17th and Douglaa Sts. Phone Doug. 6018. WM. COLFAX. 706 Keellne Bldg. Rea,l estate, city property, large ranches a specialty. FINANCIAL Real Estate Loans and Mortgage. MONEY TO LOAN ON Apartment houses, double brick houses. single houses, business property and farm lauds at & per cent i'i per cent 6 pr ot. W. H. THOMAS, 228 Keellne Bldg. Douglaa 1643. 5 PER CENT to 6 per cent on beat class city residences In amounts 83,000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO., 1S22 Far nam St $2,600 mortgage bearing 6' per cent semi- annual, sec. by prop, valued at $6,600. Tal-mage-Loomls Inv. Co., W, O. W. Bldg. PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN A COMPANY. KEELINE BUILDING. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE RKAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat'l. Phone Douglas 271b. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches We also buy good farm mort gages. Kloke Inv. Co., Omaha. REAL ESTATE loans, six per cent See U, B, BUCK ft CO., 912 Omaha Nat. Bank. NO DELAY, W. T. GRAHAM, BEE BLDG. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H, W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. CITY and farm loans, 6, 6, 6 per cent j. m uumoni at v;o., lis Keellne Bldg. LOANS 656 Per cent LOANS THOS. L. MCGARRT, Keellne Bldg. Red 4844. CITY loans a specialty. Lowest rates. First THlSt (JO., V. HGl. 303 So. 13th St. GARVIN BROS, 245 Omaha Nat'l Bunk Bldg. FINANCIAL $100 to $10,000 mtte promptly. F. l. Weed Wead Bid.. Hlh adn Farnam ate. Stocks and Bonds. HIGH-CLASS investment, amply secured, dollars double five years, sums f&oo, $6,000. Arthur Chase. 604 Bee. Omaha, Abstracts ot Title. nilQrontiOO Abstract Co. We can bring VJ Ual Oil tec down your abstract on short notice. R. 7, Patterson Bldg. D. 2947 IT ovn Title. Guarantee snd Abstract Co.. i?M, 906 So. 17th St., ground floor. Bonded by Mass. Bonding ins CO. RKKD ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract of- ftce in Nebraska, ids tsranatts t neater. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. Colorado land excursions, axpont a paid. 57 L. Nelnswyv a ,nr.r,f Neb rtnrenoe lis Iowa Lands. 140 ACRES well Improved farm, west Iowa, at 9100 per acre; all tillable; rolling land; 96,000 will handle deal. THOS. CAMPBELL, KEELINB BLDG. Kansas Lands. FOR BALE Good stock and grain farm. 995 per wore; near State university, Law rence Morse her, Lawrence, Kan. Missouri Lands. CHEAP FARMS Any slse. easy terms. In tne beautiful uzarka or Dent county mo. W. fi Frank, 201 Neville Block, Omaha. Nebraska Lands. 1,160 ACRES, good stock and farm land. 156 under plow; 160 piowame; bgs pas ture; fair Improvements; well and spring. 816 acre; terms or cash. J. V. Hill, owner. Llsco, Garden county. Neb. HIGHLY improved 160 -acre farm In NE Nebraska tor sate, uwner win consider good house In Omaha part payment. Easy terms. Sickness and old age reasons for selling. Alton Savings Bank. Alton, Iowa Oklahoma Lands. 160-A. ALLOTMENT. Washita river bottom alfalfa farm. All In cultivation, 45 a. In alfalfa I consider It the choicest traot of land In Oklahoma. Fenced and cross fenced with hog fence. Located I mile from ChtckaahfL, a city of 13,000, With schools and college advantages, which, you will find by investigating, are unsur passed In Oklahoma. 1 am In the hard ware business, not real estate, and have rvmntly concluded to sell my farm, I will not consider trades. Prefer to deal di rect with purchaser, H. T. HAMPTON, Chlckasha, Okl Wisconsin Lands. GET literature and maps on the cheapest good land in United states, BAKER TILLOTSON. 16th nd Douglas Sts., Omaha. Doug. 1189. Wyoming Lands. 1.120-ACRE cattle ranch In eastern Wy oming; 500 acres under irrigation; 160 acres In alfalfa. If Interested, address H. Fischer, 401 City Nat B, Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Miscellaneous. ACREAGE L to 6-A. tracts on car tine. Easy terms, u. n. comas, bii jjranaeis The a. Bldg. Doug. 3916. Horses -Live Stock Vehicles ForSale, Wagon umbrellas, $1.00. Wagner, 801 N. 16tfc. POULTRY AND PET STOCK PIGEONS nay far better than chickens: always penned up; little space needed to start; free book explains all. Majestlo Bouab Co., Dept. 91, Adel, la. Prkhh aquatic plants for your fish globe. a oc. win Keep 1Mb neaitny. uaa GEISLER BIRD CO. ' AUTOMOBILES FOF SALE OVERLANDS, FORDS. DETROITER lll MODBLS. GOOD SERVICKABLB CARS FOR 116. AND UP, WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC, 1 Farnam It. EKrai. 111. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Almost any make roadster, speedster and touring oars. Six Fords, a snap. Will sell these oars at almost any price, as we must nave me space. O W. FRANCIS AUTO CO., 2216 Farnam. Doug. (89. FOR SALE Mitchell, six cylinder. 60 ho. touring car, ivi moaei. Has run less than 6,000 miles and guaranteed me chanically sound in every particular, orlgl nal cost with extra equipment $1,985, will sell for $800 cash. A. R. Kinney, Ravenna, Neb. Must aeil all our second-hand automo bile within 90 daya We have several makes and are giving better values than anyone else. Johnson-Danforth Co. 1629-31-31 N. llth St $100 REWARD For arrest and oonvictlon of thief who steals your car while insured by KILLY. ELLIS & THOMPSON, 019-14 City Nat, Bk. Bldg. Doug 9819, NO OTHER Omaha newspaper la making anywhere near the increase in its Want Ad columns as THE BEE. 96,748 MORE PAID WANT-ADS the first six months of 1916 than tn the same period of 1919. The Reason: Best Prate Best Results. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 209 Farnam. Doua. 3910. 1914 Ford Touring $300 1916 Ford Touring 860 1016 Saxon Touring 900 1916 Imperial Touring 850 USED CAR BARGAINS AT MURPHY-O'BRIEN AUTO CO.. 1814-16-18 Farnam St WE will trade you a new Ford for your old one. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO., 2Qth gnd Harney. Doug. 6291. GOOD light touring car, eleetrlo lights. cneap. can Harney 2067 Sunday. Carlisle, 4ZP first Natl uanK Bldg. FORD touring car for sale cheap. 1424 Sao- ler. Colfax 4193. Auto Repairing and Painting. 9100 reward for magneto ws can't repair .vum .pyncM. muting r, aiw pi. lain, NEB. Auto Radiator Repair Service and prices ngnt us a. lgta at. d. 7890. Auto Tires and Supplies. A CHANCE TO BUT New High Grade Standard Make TIRES BELOW WHOLESALE PRICE CORD TIRES. 90x8, $8 66; 80x2, $11.90; 82x8 $12.60; $4x4, $19.00; 94x4, 96x44, The above tires are new, clean stork. Black tread and originally sold with a B.uuu-mue guarantee. Brand new guaranteed Goodrich tires 28x4. $16.60; 84x4. 916.96: 87x4U. 12140- aafety, 924.90; 97x8, 927.90: safety tread. If you want anything in the Ure line aee us. Wa have the stock and oan give ZWELBEL BROS., 9618 Farnam. Doug. 96 T. DON'T throw away old tires. We make ens new tire from 9 old ones and save you 90 par cm. 4 in i vulcanizing uo., J&ilJ LaV enport St., Omaha. Neb. Douglaa 2914, AUTO TIRES REBUILT, $2.00 TO $r..00 DUO TIRE CO., llilJ CHICAGO ST, REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ft u j il IU - MB li U II jb l MHMTMUT iTTif -f "lmi " ' 'Pffr ' The Secret thfe Submarine By E. Alexander Powell Author al "Th. Eait ot th. Trail." "Ftfhttai In Flantfara," "Th, Raid to Glory," "VW. I. Franca," ate. Copyright. IBlSby K. Alaaandar f .wall. TENTH INSTALLMENT. BUILT FOR A HOME Six-room house, size 24x38. with full basement and floored attic, stair to attic; three bedrooms, one of them full width of house, with 2 large closets, bath, linen closet, and sleeping porch 8x14; dining room, kitchen, pantry and vestibule on first floor; hardwood floors throughout; walls and ceilings in all rooms decorated; house wired with 2 and 3-way control switches; beautiful electric fix tures; also gas in kitchen and bathroom, and piped to all rooms: clothes chute, shower bath, fruit cellar and many other conveniences ; 75-barrel cistern ; water piped to base ment; furnace heat, with Mueller & Johnson Kound Oak furnace; special ventilating pipes. LOT 50x150, ON PAVED STREET south front, shade and fruit trees, shrubbery and flowers; near three car lines and good stores, and within one block of Florence boulevard. This is located in a strictly first- class neighborhood where all property is well improved and maintained. George li. Wright, zsw Ugaen bt., Colfax 8850. Motorcycles and Bicycle. HAKLUY-DAVIUHON UOTOHCYCLttS. bar- Sain ID uaed maohln... victor Root, . a. UntorrvH. Man " tavwnwortl. FOR BALE! Indian twin, guaranteed In food condition, IB,. Irvln Draae, byona. Neb, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Nellie Burns Eastman and husband to Emma W. Holyoke, Fortieth, 100 feet north of Smile, west side, 100x180 $9,000 Nells C. Christiansen and wife to Isaao Miller, Ersklne, IbO feet east of Forty-second, south side. 60x120 1 John F. Flack and wife to Vernon C. Nichols, Forty-fourth, 187.7 feet north of Pratt west side, 40x194.9 1 Bernard Petru and wife to Frank V. Rosmajs and wife, Dupont, 100 feet east of Twenty-ninth, south aide, 00x198 600 Elisabeth K. Bay mil ler and husband to Peter Krough, Florence Boulevard, 99 feet north of Kansas Ave., 44 xlfiS 1 Hiram A. Smith and wife to Robert W. Tork, southeast corner Thirty fourth and Blondo, 40x127.9 1 James Byrne to Christ R. Rahm, southesst cornar Fifty-fourth and Ft. Omaha Ave., 800x357 8,125 Charles W. Martin and wife to Charlie Pedersen, southwest corner Twenty eight Ave. and Titus Avenue, 48.8 xUO . 800 Ruth Stedman to Andrew Ring, Bur dette, 800 feet west of Forty-third, north aide, 60x120 1 Alex Green berg and wife at al. to Abe Kaplan, Twentieth, 182 feet south of Graea street, east side, 44x140 1,800 David 8. Condtt and wife to Jacob P. Kirk, Fortieth, 80 feet south of Plnkney, wast aide. 80x134 400 Andrew Nlelson to Samuel Kesselman, southwest corner Thirty-third and DavenoorL 68x96 1.4 B0 Johanna Lynoh to Nells E. t raver, Seventeenth, 411.27 feet south of boulevard, east aide. 48x127 1 Robert P. Grant and wife to Orville 8. Lake, Webster Ave., 240 feat west of Twenty-fourth. south side, 40x188 4.000 Immanuel Baptist church to Peter C. Cramer, Twenty-fifth, 904.9 north of Fort, east aide, 60x128 TOO John W. Parsons and wife to Rhode Grabowakl et al., northeast corner MoKtnley and Hawley, Benson, 196x260 1 R. B. Blyths and wife to Lottie En gel, southeast corner Thirty-fourth Ave. and Pratt, 60x124.4 i Robert A. Flnley and wife to J. H. McMUllan, Burdette, 166 feet west of Sixteenth, north side, 40x116 l City Dads Not to Meet With Club On The Light Rates A communication from the Com mercial club's electric light commit tee was read at the meeting of the city council, advising that the report and data on electric light rates were being prepared and would be submit ted m the near future. The city representatives will not meet with the Commercial club com mittee in compiling the data on the rates, the decision being that the lat ter will have to make its recommen dations and then present them at a meeting of the council. Holdup Men Put In a Good Night Holdup men plied their lucrative trade Monday night witn good re sults. The following victims recited their plaints to the police: Ira Pitts said lie was held up at Tenth and Douglas streets by two men, who re lieved him of 990. W. T. Fretdor of Richmond, Vs., was robbed of 821 by three men at Sixteenth and Cuming streets, he reported. R. B. Moss lost $17. tO when two ncgroea accosted him at Tenth and Dodge itrct-u. A, J. Ebenbeth of Fairfield, N'-b., re ported that he was robbed of 982 by a cou ple of men at Thirteenth and Dodge streets. New York Merchant Will Talk to Omaha Retailers Edward D. Page, one of the big wholesale dry goods men of New York, is to speak to the retailers of Omaha's trade territory in Oma ha during merchants' market week, which starts August 8. Mr. Page was for many years of the Falkner Page firm of dry goods commission merchants in New York. He is a director of several New York banks, and is in the closest possible touch with commercial activities in New York and throughout the country. He will talk on the financial situation as it affects the retailer. Oreroamot ConjfloAtlon, ln11r,tkm. Dr. Klnff'a New Life PHI. will overcome your eonatlparlon, btltoueneee and Indlree. Hon. Take a dose tonight. Only tie. All druifgl.te. Advertisement. Free Milk and Ice The Bee's Fund for It ia miffhtv oleasant to feel that you have given something to help the poor. Particularly pleasant I. it, wncn those you have helped are helpless little children and babies. Thrice pleasant it is when you know that EVERY CENT you give will actually buy milk or ice for the very poor, at u the case witn ine Bee's fund. Get your share of thia pleasa.it feel- Send in a dime, a dollar or J W before it slips your memory. Frevtoualy acknowledged S367.BG mg. NO II. F. A., (iretaa. Neb. C. B. Liver A. M. L B (10 B 00 Total W" HO LAWYER MOST GIVE CLIENT HER HOME Judge Sears Orders Joseph Burger and Glenn Moran to Deed Property Back. OBTAINED AS A LEGAL FEB Joseph O. Burger, attorney, and H. Glenn Moran, who assists Burger In legal practice, although himself not admitted to the bar, were ordered by Judge Willis G. Sears to return to Miss Lela Douglas her home, which Miss Douglas avers was wrongfully obtained from her by Burger and Moran as a fee for legal services. Burecr and Moran got a divorce for Miss Douglas, then Mrs. Alexander, and held that she deeded to them the property, now valued at more than $2,000, but then heavily en cumbered, as a portion of their fee Burger deeded his share of the Drooertv to Moran and his wife, in consideration of a mortgage for $850, given him. Judge Sears held that Burger and Moran had received ample compen sation for their work, that they were not entitled to hold the property, and that the deed had been fraudulently obtained from Miss Douglas. He ordered Burger and Moran to deed back the property to her with in ten days, and specifies that unless they do so his decision in the case shall be recorded with the register ot deeds, in lieu ot any other deeds. Turn Down Application For South Side License The city commissioners believe that there are enough saloons on the South Side at the present time, the application of Edward Olivecki for a license being turned down at the council meeting. Olivecki wanted to open up a saloon at 2412 U street, Faihions. There are fashions in medicine as well as in millinery. The old time cathartic pills with their harsh dras tic effects have gone out. and it is high time that they had. In their place we have the mild laxativea and gentle cathartics of which Chamber lain s Tablets is one of the most pop ular. When the proper dose is taken the effect of thesa tbalets is so agreeable and so natural that you do not realize that it has been nroducerl by a medicine. Chamberlain's Tablets also strengthen the stomach and im prove the digestion. Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement. ON YOUR FEET ALL DAY? TRY THIS HOME EASER Thousands of people who are on their feet all day suffer terrible tortures because their feet ache, burn, chftf3 and grow tender. Thia is inn waj a saleswoman in a big depart ment store hits solvud the oroblem of ban ing her feet always in good condition. Brie buys a 26-cent package of Wa-Ne-Ta and In the evening on arriving home she removes her shoes and stockings and for a few de llghtful minutes allows them to soak In a pan of warm water in which two or three Wa-Ne-Ta tablets have been dissolved. Then she puts on fresh hosiery-and shoes and her evnlng Is comfortable. All the burnt nar throbbing, aching aenaatlons are gone out oi ner isei. u you are irounied again try this. Wa-Ns-Ta added to ths bath water Is cleansing and purifying, removing impurities and banishing body odors. Tou can git Wa-Ne-Ta at all drug stores for it cents or we will mall you a sample package pre paid to your address if you will send us iu ctntn to cover cost or parking and ship ping. It. Q, Landon Co., South Bend, Ind. 8 Y NOP 18. Lieutenant Jarvls Hope In detailed by the United Htatoa naval board to Investigate and report his findings on the Invention of Dr. Ralph Burke, which servi-s to bring the submarine to a state of perfection. The neiHonant arrives in Valdava Rtvl Is wel comed by the Inventor and his daughter, ! Cleo On the trial trip of the inventor's l't. a Japanese helper Is surprised In ths1 act of examining thn mechanism of the veniHatliig di'vlce. Hop reports favorably on tho new devli;, but there aro others In terested In It. An attempt to burglarise nr. Burke's laboratory fails, but later Cleo Hint" him murdered in his bedroom. Cleo units h-r father's books to got money; later che fhuts a note from which she teams that they contain Ihe aecrot formula. With Hope ehe rae.'i, to the auctioneers store only to find It In flames. Olga Ivanoff and Herald Morion, two hiIs In seart-h of the formula. attempt to rupture t'lt-o when dhe calls at house of Ktei -hanskl. the ntian rush! Iu her aid: Morion .hoot, at htm. but the hllllot hit. a liomh In lh. r.ll.r whl.-h explodoa Stephen. kl and Cleo at. ttTMl h ball at Mre. Ieltnar'e, whoae nephew he. two of the ml.elne: bonke. Mehtln. a iny. etlrmpt. to .teal the book, but le die ,'overed by Hobe: In the excitement thnt follow, the book, disappear. Mahtln ee capee. Hope and Cleo take a boat for an l.land out In the bay. The oonaplratera follow In other boat.. Mahlln and the Jap turn out the l.land light. Morton'e boat with the counteaa etrlkee a atray mine In the bey. After a violent eiorm Hope and ?leo arrive on a etrnn.e l.land and dl 'ovr that the man lliey hunt 1. there. But Mnhlln and tlje JnpHiie.se ntnn reach the Is land end put up a flaht for the books. They ipo from Hone, but return to dynamite the i hack. The conspirator, fell to harm Hope and rieo. They manaae to reach Sandeboro. where rr. Owen he. one ot the books. Each of the others approach the tor. but he refUHOS to hear them. He arranges to meet Hope at the hotel with the book. Morton poees ae Hopo and but for i earthoueke would have noeeeKeed the lume. Cleo Is oeptured by Morton and t nra.sninff their hanrla. abln tn the mountalne. She finds there the hook for which they enarrh. Fortunately she gete a note to Hope, who, with Hook, starts to their resrue. As he crosses the ohuem In the awlnklnK baeket Mahlln steals up and chops at the cable with an ax. (Continued From Yesterday.) "1 think there was," she said after a moment's reflection. "Yes, I am cer tain of it. Daddy would sometimes read aloud from it in the evenings. But 1 haven't the least idea what its title was or who wrote it." Then 1 m afraid that we still have a long search ahead of us. There are still books for ns to trace; the philos ophy may be the last one that we find." "I've more good news for vou." said Cleo. "I noticed that this work on metallurgy is in two volumes, and as 1 telt sure that Mr. Fatten must have bought them both, I searched the cab in and discovered the other volume lying under the bunk. There is noth ing in it, though; I've gone through it carefully. 1 nad plenty of time for reading here, she added, laughing. "You poor child," said Hope, kiss ing her upturned lips, "it makes me shudder to think of the perils through which you have passed." "It has been worth all the perils. dear," Cleo answered softly, "because they have given me you. Now that we have each other I don't care if we never find the secret of the subma- old seaman grasped in his horny palm. "I shan't forget it. . You came just in the nick of time." "P'raps it wuz just as well that I come along when I did," Hook ad mitted. "Two more strokes o' that ... .. A ' J i l . . Buvi j,ju u uccii a guncr, luuicnani. And it wo; a forclmit thing that before .... -fh .L - T 1! t ten me nutci, i siippea my six shooter in my pocket. I wui out o' breath from climbin' the mountain and my aim was a icetie unsteady, out I made the feller vamoose just the same." "Who was he?" asked Hope. "It wuz Satsuma's side-pardner, Mahlin." "Mahlin, eh?" repeated Hope; "I thought it might be Morton. The next tunc j meet cutter oi tnose gentle men," he added grimly, "there's going to be a reckoning." "Waal, Miss Cleo," said Hook, turn ing to the girl, "it certainly does my heart good to find you safe and sound. We wuz pretty much worried about you fer a time. "You're a perfect dear, Hook," she said, putting her hands affectionately on the old salt's burly shoulders. "You : saved my life when you carried me out of Stephanski's cellar just before the bombs exploded, and now you have saved Mr. Hope's life. If it were not for you neither of us would be here and that is why I am going to tell you a very great secret. Mr. Hope and I are engaged." Whoopl whoop-ee! he shouted, I wish vou both, you, lootenant, and you, Miss Cleo, all the health and happiness and good luck in the world. I'm a good-fer-noth', no-account old sailor, but when your paw died. Miss Cleo, I sez to myself, sez I, 'Dr. Burke took care o' you when you wuz down and out, Hook Barnacle, and now he's gone it s up to you to look after his daughter.' I ain't made a very good gardeen, Miss Cleo, but I done the best 1 knew how." Standing on tiptoe, so that her lipa were level with Hope's ear, Cleo whis pered something to him. Then, with flaming face, she fled from the cabin. "She says, Hook," said Hope, "that if we ever have a boy his middle name shall be Barnacle." The book which contained the key to the code being too bulky to be car ried easily, Hope contented himself with cutting oft that portion of the book which contained the annotation. "I ought to leave some word for this fellow Patten," he remarked. It's hardly fair to cut up his book and not let him know who did It." So he scrawled in pencil on the in side of the front cover: "Mr. Patten I have taken the lib erty of cutting out a message which 1 found in this book. If you will com municate with me at the Shaftsbury hotel, Santa Eulalia, I shall be glad to reimburse you. "JARVIS HOPE." "Now," he remarked, "we must be starting. We have three or four hours of hard walking ahead of us and we must be out of the mountains be fore it gets dark." Though Mahlin's ax-strokes had materially weakened the cable, it was still strong enough to support one person at a time, Cleo, Hook and Hope making the passage across the chasm in the basket in torn. Then, turning their backs on the spot where they had found so much peril and so much of happiness, they set out on the long and arduous trip down the mountains. . (To Be Continued Tomorrow.) Sent to Workhouse for Beating His Better Half James Furdick, 1007 Atlat street, was sentenced to forty-five dayi In the workhouse for beating his wife and cutting her clothing. He was re cently sentenced to three months in Chicago on a similar charge, but nne. Again there fell a silence in the cabin, 'I'm afraid we must be going, sweetheart," said Hope at last, "or Hook will think that something has haDDened to us. We've keot the Door old fellow waiting over there for near ly an hour. And he saved my lite, too." "It only makes us square then, loo tenant, boomed a familiar voice at the cabin door. I ain t fergot how you saved me from that shark down in Pago-Pago bay." Good gracious, tiookl exclaimed Hope in surprise, "how did you get across the chasm? "Wall. I got sorter tired a waitm fer you two young folks to finish your reunion, so I took a look around and what should I find, hidden away, nice as you please, in the bushes, but the basket? bo 1 hauls bacK tne block, hooks on the basket, and sails acrosi as easy as though I wuz on one o them mere roiier-coasters. Chicago on a "You saved my life, Hook, said gained his release from jail and iol Hope, holding out his hand, which the 1 lowed his wife, Grace, to Omaha. gtfUfsienMiatmin iw'nTiiiii rn i ALAMTO MILK fThe average milkman works from 3 A. M. until late in the evening he also works Sundays when other people rest and play. The dairyman must pay good wages to get this kind of service and if he maintains the quality of his milk he must get good prices for it Anyone will recognize this fact and yet average customers think more about the price they pay for milk than about any other article they buy. i fThe housewife readily pays twenty-five cents to a dollar extra for a good grade of silk, or her husband thinks nothing of treat ing his friends to "two-for-a-quarter," but when it comes to buying the best milk and paying what it is worth, judged from a cost basis, safety and sani tary conditions of production and food value, ob jections are immediately made. Our Motto is "Quality FirstService Second Price Last" Order Alamito Milk from your grocer, one of our drivers, or telephone ALAMITO DOUGLAS 409. THE "MILK-WHITE" DAIRY