Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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Health Hints -:- Fashions -:- Woman's Work -:- Household Topics
Tftiwjs WortA Knowing
Add a little boiling water to an
omelet if you wish to keep it from
being tough. -
A range will keep black longer if
you wash it with soap and water be
fore applying the blacking.
Keep, your apices in little glass
jars, and a glance will tell you the
contents, even if not labeled.
Sprinkle all your coal with water
before using in stove or furnace; it
wilt make a hotter fire and burn
To keep lemons have some nice,
dry, clean sawdust in a box and bury
them in ft, and they will keep for
weeks, i ' .. '.
A spoonful of whipped cream is a
tasty addition to any cream soup.
Add it to the top of the cup just be
fore serving.
' Baked pigs' feet with brown bread
and cold slaw are a favorite dish in
one American family. Four fret are
washed, scraped and soaked over
night in cold water. Then they are
split in two length-wise, put into a
baking tin, skin side down, sprinkled
with pepper snd salt, given a thin
layer of finely-minced onion and
barely covered with boiling water.
Then the pan is covered and the feet
are baked an hour or an hour and a
half, with frequent bastings. They
are served on a platter covered with
tomato sauce.
Meatless Dishes for Summer
World's Farm Hotel
OppoaiM Casual Park
at 59th Street
Chss M All Theatres 'and
and Outdoor Tama
Cool and Refreshing PUca to
'If Dine I;-,-'" v.
' WtttfrnHmnMrn TJmj
RED STOUT. Maaagial Director
' a
I St Martha's School
kMntiM. ihihu. roe amis mm s is.
ABllated with St. Hrf School, really Ba
llad 10 twaatf-nre, A Mkool of ereenlied ftuej
an i
ef oatdonr playground.
(VnUAfl. SirteiiBina,
tea IB I
riul, Aataul
RIM lite aeeemd la IMr natural
laeoetiMuu fttvwtMM n r-reaeo, eerwaa. Draw
tot, SIMM (Sally Imiai). Daaelra, M. Nl U
nae wnl aWM. fm OW SeptaBna 14. Far
'Milili ttmtt eeel pier" eaureei
t i ms pimi ewAi
During the hot summer months it
would be better for all of us if we
ate less meat, but the problem of
providing a satisfying meal without
meat is a burden to most cooks. A
dinner without meat seems like a
wheel without a hub or a circle with
out a center. Yet such a dinner need
not be entirely vegetarian, for fish
and eggs will take the place of meat,
and nuts and cheese supply the same
nutritive elements as meat, and are
as beneficial to health.
Sample menus with well-balanced
food values, and a few suggestions
as to ways of compounding the novel
dishes, are given below:
Efts and Cheeaa Canapea
Craam of Almond Boup Flah Chjtleta
Cncumbera Lima Baana Lattuca Balad
Toaatad Wafera Plmanto Cheeaa
Ansal Cafca lea Craam
The canape is made of slices of
toast cut in circles, squares or tri
angles, and spread with chopped
hard-boiled egg. The egg is well salted
and then spread with grated American
cheese. The canapes are then set in
a hot oven for a tew minutes to melt
the cheese. '
The soup is made of almonds
chopped and pounded, and boiled in
milk. Cook about fifteen minutes;
thicken with a little butter and flour
rubbed together; season to taste.
For the fish cutlets use flaked or
canned fish halibut, haddock or sal
mon. Add half the quantity of thick
white sauce; season with pepper, salt,
lemon juice and onion juice; add a
small amount of chopped parsley and
cook in a double boiler until heated
through. Cool; shape into cutlets, roll
in crumbs, egg, and crumbs again;
fry a golden brown in deep, hot fat.
Serve with tartare sauce.
Another good dinner is the fol
Vfuahroom Canapaa
Craam of Aeparagua Boup
Codftah Balla
Rummer Bquaah with Oraall Peas
r String Baan Helad
Chocolate Parfalt
The mushrooms are big ones, and
each is served on a smalt round of
bread which has been previously
toasted and well buttered. The stem
of the mushroom is chopped fine with
a bit of onion, a few bread crumbs,
pepper, salt, and butter. The cup is
stuffed with this, the slice of toast
laid over it, and the whole baked for
ten minutes. Invert, and serve hot
with melted butter poured over them.
Still another nourishing menu is
this: '
flardlna Canapaa
Pea Boup
Sf and Muahroom Ttmbalea
Scalloped Tomatoea
- - Aeparagua Balad
Tapioca Craam
The timbales are made of three
chopped hard-boiled eggs and half a
pound of saute mushrooms, cut up.
The eggs ire mixed with a little white
sauce and the buttered timbale molds
are lined with this. Then the mush
rooms are mixed with the beaten
whites of eggs and well moistened
with the cream sauce, and the centers
of the timbales are filled with thir
mixture. The molds are set in a pan
of boiling water and cooked in the
oven ten minutes.
Try adding to your canned toma
toes, for scalloping, a tablespoonful
of grated cheese and a very little
scraped onion, It is a great improve
ment. Here is a satisfying menu:
(.ram of Ok-rv Houp
Halibut a la Nalaon
lolled Artlrhokra
Bralloped Potaloea
Endive Salad with Ruaalan Dreeelng
Frune and Nut Souffle with Whipped Cream
To make the halibut a la Nelson,
boil together for ten minutes four
quarts of water with one-half cupful
of vinegar, a sliced onion, parsley,
celery, cloves, and salt. Into this pul
three pounds of halibut and let it sim
mer for iiftcen minutes. When it is
rool take out the bones; separate the
fish into III kes and mix it with hali a
pound of boiled rice, three table
spoonfuls of grated cheese, two tabte
spconfuls cf butter, the yolks of four
eggs, a cupful of rich cream, a tea
spoonful of salt, and a little red pep
per. When the mixture is smooth
fold in a cupful of cream, whipped
stiff. Pour into buttered Individual
molds, having a slice of hard-boiled
egg in the bottom of each. Set molds
in a pan of boiling water to about half
the depth of the molds and cook in
the oven until set and firm. When
ready to serve, unmold and garnish
with parsley.
The Russian salad dressing is a
French dressing with mayonnaise
and chili sauce added in equal parts
until it is of a rich creamy consist
ency. A fifth good meatless menu is
Tomato Puree with Croutoi.j
Flah and Spinach Baked
Saratoga Potatoea
Battered Beeta
Ess and Oraen Pepper Salad
Cheeaa Wafera
Stuffed Pineapple 1
Add to the cooked, chopped, and
strained spinach a teaspoonful each
of flour and butter and two teaspoon-
fuls of grated cheese. Put a layer
ol this in a buttered baking dish and
on it lay fillets of white fish, covered
with cream sauce. Repeat spinach,
tish, and sauce until the dish is lull
sauce being the top layer, with
bread crumbs and bits of butter
scattered over it. Bake half an hour.
The pineapple should be a large
one with the scooped-out center
filled with its own fruit, grapefruit.
bananas, orange and cherries, the
whole sugared and served ice-cold.
Mothers Magazine.
Do You Know That--
Intelligent motherhood con
serves the nation's best crop?
Heavy eating, like heavy drink
ing, shortens life?
The registration of sickness is
even more important than the reg
istration of deaths?
The United States Public
Health Service co-operates with
state and local authorities to im
prove rural sanitation?
Many a severe cold ends in tu
berculosis? Sedentary habits shorten life?
Neglected adenoids and defec
tive teeth in childhood menace
adult health?
A low infant mortality rate in
dicates high community intelligence?
The Little Czar
s By Nell Brinkley
Copyright, 1910 International Kewi Servlc.
In 07 opinion noth
ing Is so great a aouroe
of annoyanoe to tele
phone users, nothing re
sults In so great a loss
of temper and tine; as
. the lnoonrenlenoe of
, toeing oalled, to the tel
' ephone and then having
an of floe coy or the of
fice telephone girl tell
you to.'hold. the-.wire1 '
until the oalllng party
is ready to talk. If
there's waiting ; to be
done it's the CALLING
.party's obligation to do
Jt. ' vHU
This extract Is typical of many
letters we receive asking us to pub
lish suggestions regarding the prop
er Use of the telephone.
Telephone Courtesy
r Helps Gain Good Will
Would yon call on a busy man at his office, tend in your
card, and then, when he had indicated that he could see you,
keep him waiting while you finished reading an article in a
, magasine In his outer office? ' , , '
When you finally came in, his welcome might not be as
cordial as you would like and you would be at fault '
Mt .i
It is' just as important when you telephone, that you be
ready to talk when your party answers.
It shows consideration for the other person's time. It
l' ; makes a more cordial weloome, and it gives you the advantage
: ' of having gained good will by your correct telephone usage.
A prompt and courteous greeting at the telephone helps
- to smooth the way for a successful conversation.
Oil " ;
,ak. ' (f
1W . I t
i ;
ERE is the only king who rules "by divine right." That small,
fat ruler who comes into the world royal, each the finest that
ever was, with one small fist clutched 'round his crown and the
other curled 'round his sceptre before he can lift an eyelid or such
an idle lower lip, the only czar who comes into the world to wear the
purple and silver lilies by "divine right!" NELL BRINKLEY.
Liberty of the
Human Scalp
Ever since the days of the Pilgrim
I Fathers and the Pequot war we have
j been keenly interested in the welfare
l of our scalps and the best method
of raising hair on them, lhe Indian
method of hair raising was a trifle
abrupt and radical, not to say heroic,
but the experience of its handful of
victims, who were left for dead and
survived the process, would seem to
; indicate that the final result in balu
' ness was not as complete as that
' which comes spontaneously by the
i slow tooth of time.
I We smile at Mr. A. Ward's story
; of the nearly baldheadcd man in the
western mining camp, when the
Apaches were out and the tittle set
i tlcment in hourly dread of a. mur
I derous swoop, who every night before
; he went to bed threw a skate strap
: over his few remaining hairs and
buckled it tightly under his chin.
; Death he could face, but not disfig
urement. And he has many sympa
thizers abroad in the land among the
A credit account with the HOUSE OF
L0FT1S ts worth juet. eight timee aa
much aa a charge account with the moat
liberal and largeat department atore, A
department itore charge account ia due
on the 10th, or at the moat the ISth of
the month following the purchaae. A
od over eight montha in amalt amounta
weekly or monthly, aa auita your con
venience Your credit la good with ua.
rrs D iiainl
Ring, 14k solid
told Loftia "Per
fection" Caf)
mountins rw
SI a Week. .
441 Scarf PI.,
fancy' oval deaign,
aolid rold, 1 fine dia
mond, 4 CO CA
realnearln . 9arW
tl a Month.
Opaa Dally till 1 . rov, SeturJaye till tiM
Call or write tor illuatrated Catalog
No. SSI. Phono Doaglaa 1444 and our
mm . - eiMB a. iwtm m immm
I EES BltOiaCttiatl ftatr brav Mratfl
about-to-be bald, especially in the
gentler and only ornamental sex.
"I'd rather be dead than hairless,"
has echoed scores of times in every
dermatologist's consulting room. And
the man who would invent some sure
fertilizer for raising a full crop of hair
on a bald pate would make a huger
fortune in less time than he who
would discover a cure for consump
tion. In spite, however, of the extraordi
nary value which we place upon our
hair there is no part of the body for
whose real welfare and health as
such we do less for than the scalp.
Usually the only time when we begin
to take a real and personal interest in
our scalp is when it begins to come
through our hair. Almost the entire
attention which we give to the native
covering of our heads begins in and
ends in our hair, its curl, its brilliancy
and its arrangement.
If the scalp will simply keep itself
out of sight and refrain from shed
ding scales and dandruff over our
shoulders, whic'.i don't match the
color of our clothes, we are content
to take its condition for granted and
leave it alone. Yet this is about as
rational as combing and parting a
field of wheat and neglecting the roots
from which it sprinus and the soil in
I which it grows.
A scrupulously clean, well-ventilated
and above all well-exercised scalp
is the real secret of an adequate and
enduring crop of hair.
The measures for. securing these
health rights for the scalp are neither
expensive nor elaborate nor difficult.
They are, on the contrary, within the
reach of all, and one of the reasons
which makes us so comparatively in
different to them is their very sim
plicity and the ease with which they
can be applied. It seems absurd to
expect to accomplish anything to
ward such a high and difficult task
as the prevention or even diminution
of baldness by such simple everyday
For the scrupulous cleanliness of
the scalp nothing is better than a ju
dicious combination, applied at regu
lar intervals, of those two unrivaled
and most effective antiseptics and
disinfectants ever yet discovered
saponis alba and aqua pura, in' other
words, hot water, which has been
sterilized by boiling, and pure white
soap made out of sound fats.
Keep the scalp perfectly clean and,
like the rest of your skin, it will
easily shed or take care of itself nine
tenths of the "bugs" which alight
upon it. No germicide will produce
half the massacre oi germs in the
scalp that pure soap and water will.
The right intervals of application are
in the short hair of children and men
once a week, and in the long hair of
women twice a month. The only pre
cautions observed are to "lather"
thoroughly, using the tips of the
fingers vigorously upon the scalp,
rinse very thoroughly and rub or
brush completely dry afterward as
speedily as possible.
Water applied to the head does no
harm at all and much good, both to
the hair and scalp, but if small
amounts of it are left on the head so
as to keep the scalp and deeper parts
of the hair moist tor hours it is apt
to set up a rancid fermentation in the
natural oil of the hair, giving rise to
the familiar sour or heavy smell of
seldom-washed and neglected heads
and irritating the delicate surface of
the scalp by the (butyric) acid produced.
tow mum amobk sam
Chicken with Cheese Sauce
When you wish to serve chicken in
a novel way, try boiled chicken with
cheese cream sauce.
Take a chicken trussed for boiling;
rub it over with lemon juice; place
a piece of slitted fat bacon on the
breast, tie it on; wrap the chicken
in a well-buttered cloth ; put it into a
stewpan with sufficient boiling water
to cover, with three or four sliced
onions, a bunch of herbs, about
twelve black and white peppercorns,
and enough salt to season it; bring
to the boil and simmer for forty to
sixty minutes, according to the size
of the fowl. Then take up, remove
the string and paper and dish up on
a bed of steamed rice. Garnish with
parsley and button mushrooms; serve
the chicken for dinner while hot with
cheese cream sauce. .
Cheese Cream Sauce.'- Take
four ounces of good Swiss cheese,
cut up into very fine slices, put it
into a stewpan with half a cup of
cream and one-half a cup of becha
mel sauce and a dust of paprika pep
per; stir these ingredients over the
fire until they melt, then use.
Tommorrow Moulded Rice pud
ding with cherries.