THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1916 5 Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Club Doings OMAHA WOMEN PLAY FINEIHTODRNEY Even Their Flow of Language is as Good as That of the Men. Timely Fashion Hint ' By LA RECCMTEUSE. ' HUSBANDS WATCHING PLAY By MELLIFICIA July 25. A Mere Man has elicited from an other Mere Man in my vicinity a startling fact in regard to women golfers. Said Second Mere Man to First Mere Man: "How's the flow of language out at the women's golf tournament compare with that at a man's tournament?" Said First Mere Man to Second Mere Man: "Why, say, you know the more those women hate each other the more affectionate they get. They go around calling every one 'dearie,' and when they get into dis putes they call each other 'dearie' harder than ever." First Mere Man stated that the women of Omaha and its environs, who form a majority of the golfers at the Field club, are playing pretty good golf. To be correct, I should say that he conceded as much, for this is the way he said it: "Oh, they flutter around a good deal, but they're playing pretty good gclf." Isn't it cruel of people to put the drawbacks first? Numerous husbands have been seen skulking around the golf links. Some come to admire, some to laugh and some to crow. Ernest Sweet was there to see his wife play. The First Mere Man drew a big laugh among the women folks when he made the very rash statement that one of the golfers was garbed in a purple Mother Hubbard! Wasn't that just like a man? Mrs. John W. Tilt son, who has played a great deal with John W., boasts that she can beat him. That is the proper spirit for a woman to show. "Never say die I" I mmJt$iCskikittJi' ' - . V' Csasassaaassssasssnsi i small (laugiiters ot lialtimorc, Md., arrived unexpectedly this morning to spend several weeks w ith her par ents, Mr, and Mrs. Kred lladra. Mrs. Rosenthal was formerly Miss Martha I Miss Florence Dow; Miss Uuth Hurst of Louisville, Ky., who is the gue.t of Miss Eloise Green; Miss Katherine Lynch of Madison, Neb., whose hostess is Miss Evelyn Han croft, and Miss Marjorie Reese of Lincoln, who motored to Omaha Sat urday for a stay with Miss Helen Xieman, and who will return to her Hadra. home this evening. Resides these ! C. F. McGrew will leave Wednes hostesses and their guests those in- ! day for Los Angeles and after a short ! stay there will return to vonung, I where he will be joined by his son, K. G. McGrew, from C'hieago, for a ' fishing and hunting trip in the moun tains. : Dr. Kmest Kelly and his father, Mr. John Kelly, have gone for a ten days' trout tislung trip in .Saratoga, V yo. evening after visiting several weens journed to the grill room, where they with Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Rutledge. enjoyed cards and dancing. Mrs. Herbert Rosenthal and two! 1 hose present were: Mrs. I'aul W. Halrd, district auporlnt.n- Mm. I.iIa Rheyno. afl.lHlant tllitrlct su pertnlarHlent. Mri. II Ponnclly, sfrrMary. Mr MtirnarM Stivl., trrnsur! eluded in the party were: Mlaapa Mtsai-s Mary Cleveland. Port WIp". Katherine Corey, Kilt en Uuliitrr, Krancea Cleveland, Mar; l.p!t'. Louise Wleae, Mary Newton. Meadamea Kllen Wniten, Mary Hlley, KCN Hanaon, Mary I.ons, Mary Connor, Mary Klnaell. Mary Sutton. Anna Hoyer. Franrea Kratfoy, l,etlt!a Wright, Meailainew Rom Smith, .Vlary Avery, Margaret rilgrlm, Anna Zellar, Rose Bernard, Mary Chrlslopheraon, Mary Anderson, Tlello Thompson, Hadle Ulhson, Agnes Hug. aaa I Miss Jessie Rosenstock entertained ' two tallies at bridge this afternoon , for Miss Amy Glaser of St. Louis, ! who is the guest of Miss Mildred I Rube!. A very charming midsummer hat is shown here. The hat itself is of white chip straw. White georgette crepe forms a border on the brim and drops from the edge about two inches. Huge white satin roses are arranged in wreath effect around the top of the crown and a band of gros grain ribbon lends a finishing touch. Dinner and Dance for Guests. Miss Marjorie Wilkins of Des Moines and Mr. George B. Post of New York will be honor guests of Mr. Wallace Shepard at a prettily ap pointed dinner which Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Shepard are giving at their home this evening. A color scheme of pink will be carried out with can dles, roses and tulle. Following the dinner the party will dance at Happy Hollow. Those present will be: , M isses Mlasea Marjorie Wilkins ot Gertrude Porter, Des Moines, Reglna Conneil, Katherine Gould, Helen Straight, Clare Louise Wright Marion Towle. of Chicago, Messrs. Messrs. George Post of Philip Downs, New York. Guy Beckett, Herbert Davie. Foy Porter. Robert Edwards, At Happy Hollow Club. The Misses Helen Streight and Katherine Gould entertained twenty five guests at luncheon today for Miss Marjorie Wilkins of Des Moines, who is the guest of Miss Gould. The guests were seated at one large round table with a big basket of daisies for a centerpiece. Mrs. Porter M. Garrett gave an in formal luncheon at Happy Hollow club today, her guests being a few neighbors. The party occupied two small tables adorned with bowls of garden flowers. Covers were laid for twelve. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Jumper will en tertain at the dinner dance at Happy Hollow club this evening. Garden flowers will be used on the table. Those present -will be: Messrs and Mesdams A. H. Fetters, John House John McDonald, Arthur Cole. Robert Craig, Mrs. Don T. Lee entertained the fourteen girls of the Kodawicka group of Campfire girls, who are un der the sponsorship of Miss Nel'.e Ryan, at the matinee dance at Happy Hollow this afternoon. Mr. Dwight Evans will be host a: a dinner given this evening compli mentary to Miss Elizabeth Jones of Chicago, who is a guest at the K. K. Evans home. A basket of garden flowers will adorn the dinner table at which covers will be placed for: Misses Misses Elisabeth Jones, Margaretha Grlmmcl, Helen Garvin, Caroline Uolmqulst. Messrs. Messrs. Waltman Walters, Carlisle Allen, Philip Gllmore, Dwight Evans. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sunderland will i entertain at the dinner-dance at Hap- i py Hollow this evening for Miss Mar- j giret Hodge and Miss F. A. Page of Minnesota, who are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sunderland at their home I in Fairacres. The guests will be ! seated at one large and one small table. On the large table marguerites and blue corn flowers with place cards ornamented with blue flowers will be used, and on the small table white marguerites with coreopsis will be matched with yellow flowered place i cards. Covers will be laid for: Messrs. and Mesdames J. A. Sunderland, J. R. Webster, J. H. Dumont, F. E. White. Misses Misses Margaret Hodge of F. A. Page of Kinneaota, Minnesota, Helen Sunderland. Messrs. Messrs. Dean Page Sunderland.John E. Sunderland. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McFarland will have as their guests at the Happy Hollow club this evening: Messrs. and Mesdames Turner McAllister of W. C. Ross. Alameda, Cal. ; Mr. Benjamin McAllaster of Oakland, Cal. Mrs. A. G. Edwarde Misses Misses Mildred McFarland, Ross. Additional dinner reservations at Happy Hollow for this evening have been made by Mrs. Mary E. G. Van Gieson for seven guests; by Dr. Palmer Findley for seven; by H. V. Smith for seven; by A. W. Friend for three, and by P. F. Peterson for six. A table of young girls were the guests of Miss Gladys Petersen at luncheon today. Those present were: Misses Misses Bessie How., Ruth Lynch, Amy Howe, Helen Lynch, Lois Needham, Clare Berentsen, Frances McKenna, Frances Hettinger, Alice Peterson, Mamie Hettinger. Miss Catherine Hastings was hos tess to ten of her friends this noon at Happy Hollow club, preceding the matinee dansant. A group of visiting girls was the occasion for a party at the Happy Hollow matinee dansant this after noon, given by Miss Jean Dow. The out-of-town guests were Miss Louise Grant of Kansas City, who is visiting At Carter Lake Club. Mrs. R. E. Fisher entertained seven at luncheon today. ,! Bridge for Miss Glaser. Swimming and Bowling club had luncheon at the club today. This eve ning their husbands and families will join them for dinner, and reservations have been made for sixty. The Department Managers of th" I Rrandeis Stores and their wives win Personal Mention have dinner at the club this evening.! Mrs. E. L. Harper and Miss Pearl I Reservations have been made lor j Harper ot Carthage, 111., are visiting' sixty. (Mrs. Harper's two sons and one1 Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Mason will have ; daughter in Omaha, Mr. H. H. Har- j thirty guests tonight. nc, Mr. C. H. Harper and Miss Lillic Mr. and Mrs. William Holzman will Harper, for several weeks. nave nve ainner guests tnis evening At the Country Club. Reservations for dinner at the Country club this evening have been made by M. G. Colpetzer for a party of four. Ilreathlng Heeomea Kasler. After a few doaes of Pr. Hen'a Flne-Tar-ll,my. inflammation Is arrested, you cough loss and breathe easier. Only 2E,c. All druggists. Advertisement. Tomorrow evening will be tlu weekly cottagers' dinner at Carter Lake club. Notes of Interest. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Shackleford left last night for Chicago, where they will stop for ten days before going to New York for a vacation of six weeks. Miss Jane Rutledge returned to her home in Sparta, Wis., last Banquet at Hotel Loyal. The officers of the district conven tion of the Degree of Honor and the members of the convention commit tee entertained at a banquet at the Hotel Loyal yesterday evening, the guest of honor being Mrs. Katie A. Stewart, mother of Mrs. Paul W. I Baird, district superintendent. Ward j roses were used on the table. Fol-1 lowing the banquet the guests ad- J "Snutfene" for Hay Fever. You can stop that sneeslns, and seura clear Head and Eyes, by tha uaa of Cook's Hay Fever Relief. It is applied to both tha nose and ayas, and is of benefit to thousands who ara now using it. it is a remedy of Merit, and ean ba obtained at all Drug Storas, or will b msiled to you dirset upon raeeipt of 1 1. 00. Writs for Pamphlet. COOK CHEMICAL COMPANY, Caspar, Wyosniag, U. S. A. seriously over the question ot motherhood It used to mean such aitony and sacrifice, that one could easily overlook the pleasure and honor of children In the home but "Mother! Friend" has changed the view of thousands of women from that of dlstresa to ft pleasant anticipation of tho happiness of being t mother. By nternal application "MotWs ins namra in tna friend derful transformation of the physical aysttra In aaa and com fort. Qat Mothers rnami" at any druggist. An Intensely Intonating book as) srnooa win na maihM rrae t appelant moinars,. Address Dr.nn.ia newniator Ije . .1 . aiibbib, ua son Motn in. r v I MM at HI jm rm -"SS BBS Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Onepackaga proves it 25c at all druggists. W 1 Vtf2, J 10 Cooking Lessons 54 Excellent Tested Recipes bound in convenient form for use in your kitchen will be mailed FREE if you send your name and address. The cooking lessons explain how you can always have "good luck" in your baking through choosing the right materials, mixing them, regulat ing the heat of your oven, etc. Addreu JAQUES MFG. CO, CHICAGO if Store Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 5 P. M. Saturday Till 9 P. M.i Burgess-Wash Gompahy. Tuesday, July 25, 1916. "eye ryb odys an-ORB- STORE NEWS FOR WEDNESDAY. Phone Douglas 137. SEVEN STIRRING Hoor Sales Wednesday IN THE JULY CLEARAWAY MOVEMENT A CLEARAWAY of good, desirable, trustworthy merchandise in lots too small to last more than one hour but in every instance the values border on the sensational. It's unusual for Burgess-Nash to offer merchandise this way, but we are determined to clear our decks of all small lots and broken lines before inventory, August 1, that we may start the new season with practically a new stock throughout, and this is the way we have planned to do it. NOTE Items listed under any given hour will be sold at that price during that hour only. No mail or phone orders accepted. xNtme sum w ueaiera, anu we reserve me ngnt to limit quantities to eacn customer. This HOUR I This HOUR I This HOUR This HOUR II This HOUR II This HOUR II This HOUR 9 to 10 A. M. 10 to 11 A. M. 11 to 12 A. M. 12 to 1 P. M. 1 to 2 P. M. 2 to 3 P. M. 3 to 4 P. M. Boys' $3.50 Hals, 50c Boys' straw, washable or silk hats, in a variety of styles, were to $3.50, Wednesday 9 to 10 A. M. only (Fourth Cfa Floor) at OUC Table Tumblers, lc Pressed glass table tum blers, plain or colonial shapes, Wednesday from 9 to 10 a. m. only (Pi wn Stairs Store) very special at, each. . . Telephone Stands, $3.45 Solid oak telephone stand, stool slides under stand, fumed finish, Vednesday 9 to 10 A. M. only (Third Floor) at. . . lc $3.45 50c Silverware, 29c 29c Sterling silver deposit water pitchers, fruit howls, comports, butter dishes, sugar bowls, etc., Wednesday 9 to 10 A. M. only (Mam Floor) 25c Earrings, 10c Seed pearl earrings with Mack edge, regular 25c values, special Wednes day from 9 to 10 a. m. only (Main 1 A Floor) at Ivt Children's Pants, 2c Children's good quality white cotton knee pants, most all sizes in the as s. ment, 9 to 10 a. m. only (Downstairs O Store) choice ' Women's Gowns, $1 A splendid assortment of women's fine nainsook gowns, daintily trimmed with lace insertions and edges, 9 to 10 a. m. (Second d1 nn Floor) at....P1,UV' $3.80 Blouses, $1.75 A good selection of lin gerie blouses, well made, splendid fitting; were $3.50, Wednesday 9 to 10 a. m. (Sec- 7C end Floor).. pls J $2.50 Bathing Suits, $1.49 Men's two-piece bathing suits in both athletic and wing sleeve styles, were to $2.50. Wednesday 9 to 10 a. m. d1 AQ (Main Flo'r) V 1 etJ7 Wash Fabrics, H Waist, skirt, dress and apron lengths of voiles, tissues, crepes, etc., were 19c to 39c; Wednesday 9 to 10 a. m. (Down- a.. Price $1.95 Men's Panama Hats, for $1.98 Choice of ny man's Panama hat in our hat department, including values up to $7.50, Wed nesday, 1U to 11 a. m.. (fourth floor).., Khaki Pants, $1.00 Men's and boys' good sturdy khaki pants in sizes 30 to 44, special for Wednesday, 10 to 11 a. m. (Down-Stairs tf Store) choice P 1 50c Crepe de Chine 36c Silk and cotton crepe de chine, 36 inches wide, all the favored colors, regu lar SOc quality, 10 to 11 a. m. (Main 02, Floor) yard OOC 15c Cluny Edges, 8c A selection of real linen cluny lace edges and in sertions, 1 to 3 inches wide, were 15c Wednes day, 10 to U a. m. C (Main Floor) OC SOc Parlor Brooms, 25c Parlor bruoms, made of the best quality broom corn, 4-sewed, were 50c, Wednesday, 11 to 11 a. m. (Down-Stairs OP Store) at sfasjC 25c Jewelry, 5c Including men's cuff links, scarf pins, fobs, women's brooches, etc., regularly priced 25c, Wednesday, 10 to 11 a. m. (Main Floor) choice Women's Pants, 5c Women's white cotton knee pants, well made, and a splendid value, Wednesday from 10 to 11 a. m., (Dow .1- C Stairs Store) at.... JC $1.50 Record Albums for 98c Record Albums, well made and very t'.esirable to keep your records in good condition; ' were $1.50, 10 to 11 a. QC m. (4th Floor).. VUG $3.95 Blouses, $1.98 Summer blouses made of voiles, batistes, handker chief linens and organ dies, were $3.95, Wed nesday, 10 to 11 a. in. (Second d 1 QQ Floor) M 1 'IO Hose, 3 pairs, $1.00 Men's silk hose in tan, navy, champagne, grey and black, double sole, heel and toe; 50c quality, 10 to 11 a. m. (Main Floor) O pairs flJI for S 5c at $1.95 Panama Hats, $1.95 Choice of any boys' Pa nama hat in hat depart' ment, including values to $6.50, Wednesday, 11 to i m. only (4th Floor) Men's $10 Suits, $6.98 Your choice of any man's fancy palm beach or cool cloth suit, were. $10.00, Wednesday, 11 to 12 only, (Fourth tfJC QC Floor) at ... pO.70 $1.50 Boas at 79c Maline boas in all the pretty colors, very at tractive; regular $1.50 value, Wednesday, 11 to 12 only. (Main "TO Floor) at 1C $16.50 Sewing Machine for $11.95 Arrow make sewing ma chine, two-drawer style, regular $16.50 value, spe cial Wednesday, 11 to 12 only (Down-stairs store) only. , $11.95 75c to $1.25 White Goods, 39c A big selection of our fancy novelty white goods, all new goods; were 75c to $1.25, Wed nesday, 11 to 12 only, (Main Floor) QQ yard OaC Umbrellas at 59c Full size, fast color, rain proof umbrellas, black American taffeta, cith:r men's or women's, Wed nesday, 11 to 12 only, (Main Floor) 59c Brassieres at 98c Allover cluny lace bras sieres, usually $1.50, spe cially priced for Wednes day, from 11 to 12 only, (Second Foor) Stamped Gowns, 29c An assortment of night gowns, all stamped and made up, ready for em broidering, including val ues to $1.50, 11 to 12 only, (3rd Floor) OQ choice 7C Handkerchiefs, 8 for $1.00 Men's fine quality all linen handkerchiefs, full size, neat quarter-inch hem, Wednesday, II to 12 only O (Main Fl.) O for. Children's $1.45 Rocker, SOc Children's rockers, made of good quality bamboo, formerly priced $1.45; Wednesday, 11 to 12 only (Fourth CA Floor) OUC $1.25 10c Floor) . . . $1 Crepe de Chine, $1.29 In all the new shades, full 42 ina. wide, spe cially priced Wed., 12 to 1 p. m. only d y OQ main Fl., yd.,P 1 tU Men's Hats, SOc Choice of any man'a straw hat in our big hat department, including values to $6. Wednes day 12 to 1 only. (4th floor) f-A choice Jll Rompers, 3 for $1.00 Boys' rompers and beach style wash suits; ages 2Va to 8 yrs., were $1, Wednesday 12 to 1 p. m. (Fourth O 1 floor) at. .O for V $2.25 Hammocks, $1.25 Made of heavy cotton fabrics, wide pillow and valance, large assortm't of patterns, 12 to 1 p. m. only (Down-Stairs store) for... Pretty Necklaces, 10c Pretty novelty bead necklaces, all colors, graduated or long coat effects; were to $1; 12 to 1 p. m. only (Main floor) each at .1 -9K C Ml. fl o 16-button length, double S,1?1 M,n. tip silk gloves, black and colors; including Kay ser's $1.25 to $1.50; also embroidered silk gloves, $1.75 to $2.00 values; 12 to 1 p. m only (Main . Q Floor) D7C $10 Talking Machines for $5.00 Talking machines, well made, complete with all late improvements, were $10; Wednesday 12 to 1 p. m. only tfjc ff (4th floor) J)OsUU $5 Blouses at $2.50 1 Dainty lingerie blouses, all new summer models; a splendid value Wed., from 12 to 1 p. m. only (second itO CA floor) iJaS.OU Men's Union Suits, 39c Men's balbriggan ilet mesh union suits, regu lar COc quality, Wednes day 12 to 1 p. m. only (Down-Stairs OQ store) at Ja7C 10c Cups, Saucers, 6c White semi-porcelain cups and saucers, plain or fancy shapes, were 10c, Wednesday 12 to 1 p. m. (Down- ( Stairs Store) ea., OC Rag Rugs, 23c Old fashioned hit and miss pattern rag rugs, very attractive, size 18 x36; Wednesday, 12 to 1 p. m. only 0 (Third Floor) . . MOC 79c $1.00 Black Silk, 7 Be Black silk messaline, rich lustrous finish, 36 inches wide; regular $1 quality, Wednesday 1 to i p. m. (Main Floor) at Man's $3 Pants, $1.95 Men's fancy Palm Beach outing pants, including $3 values; Wednesday from 1 to 2 p. m. only, (Fourth d1 QC Floor) iP 1 .JO 50c Auto Caps, 39c Selection of auto caps in black and white checks, with plain white or col ored drape, Wednesday 1 to 2 p. m. only OQ (Main Fl'r.) Oi7C Belts, 6 for Sc Plain or embroidered wash belts, with detach able pearl buckles; go Wednesday 1 to 2 p. m. only (Main J? V for XV Women's 10c Vests, 6c Women's vests, low neck & sleeveless, white cot ton, full taped; special Wednesday 1 to I p. m. 6c Floor) choice. . , Children's Hats, $1.00 $1 Children's lingerie hats, daintily trimmed with bows and flowers; spe cial Wednesday 1 to p. m. only (Second Floor) choice. , . Pound Paper, 17c "Burnasco" pound paper 95 Bheets to a pound, very good quality; spe cial Wednesday 1 to 2 p. m. only (Main Floor) per pound, 17(J Palm Beach Shirts, 39c Men's good quality palm beach shirts, with dou ble military pockets, spe cial Wednesday 1 to 2 p. m. only (Down- QQ Stairs Store).. OUC Rag Rugs, 29c Rag ruga in pretty hit and miss patterns, size 22Vix36, very specially priced Wednesday, 1 to 2 p. m. only (Third Floor).. 78c Tooth Paste and and Brush, 39c One tube Pebeco Tooth paste, regularly SOc, and one regular 26o tooth brush; 75c com bination, Wednesday, 1 to i p. m. only (Main Floor). 29c 39c Burgess-Nash Co. Everybody's Store 16th and Harney. Boys' $5 Suits, $2.95 Boys' Norfolk suits, with 2 pain of knickerbocker pants, sizes 8 to 16 yrs., were $5.00; Wednesday 2 to 3 p. in. only (4th Floor) at, djO QE choice p.Ci.7J Boys' Wash Suits, 95c Choice of any boys' wash suits, formerly priced at $2 and $2.60, ages 2tt to 8; Wednes day 2 tot S p. m. only (Fourth QC Floor) HOC $1.75 Silk Georgette for $1.29 All colors of silk Georgette crepe, 40 ins. wide, a very special val. at $1.75; Wednesday 2 to 3 p. m. only (Main Floor) at ttjl OQ yard P lasts Silk Girdles, 10c Pretty silk girdles in all colors, also patent lea ther belts; were to 69c; Wednesday 2 to 3 p. m. only (Main 1 A Floor) choice.. 1UC Women's SOc Union Suits, 29c Low neck and sleeveless, lace trimmed bottoms; white cotton, regular SOc values, Wednesday 2 to 3 p. m. only OA (Main Floor).. aa7C Women's Corsets, $1.98 The broken lines of high grade corsets, including values to $7; Wednes day 2 to 3 p. m. only (Second $1 QQ Floor) at.. J 1 sa70 Women's $12.50 Coats for $5.00 General utlfity coats made of splendid wear ing serge and noveity checks; were $12.50 to $18.50; Wednesday 2 to 3 p. m. only tje AA (2d Floor) ipOaUU $10 Blouses, $8.98 A splendid selection of lingerie blouses, for merly $10 to $16.50, in one lot Wednesday from 2 to 3 p. m. only (Sec ond Floor) dc Q(j choice iPUsevO Big Assortment Toilet Soaps, Cake, 6c Including such well known brands as Jap Rose, Palmolive, Phy sicians' and Surgeons' soap, S a y m a n's and many other kinds, Wed nesday 2 to 3 p. m. only (Main Floor), choice OC $1.80 Pumps, $1.00 All the ankle tie and Mary Jane pumps in pat ent colt and dull leather, were $1.50 to $3.00. Wed nesday, 3 to 4 p.m. 1 (Down-Stairs Str.) $ 1 Men's $10 Suits, $8.95 Men's good suits, well made and perfect fitting, sizes iZ to 42, were $10, Wednesday, 3 to 4 p. m. only. (Down-nt. Stairs Store) P37U Mea's Wool Suits for $13.68 Choice of any man's , or skelton lined wool suits, were to $25, Wed nesday, 3 to 4 p. m. BStf $13.65 Soap, 10 Bars, 29 Cudahy's peari white laundry soap, specially priced Wednesday, 3 to 4 p.m., only (Down-Stairs Store) 1Q bar, $1.00 Hand Bags, 39e Leather hand bags, fitted with coin purse and mir ror, formerly o $1.00, Wednesday, 3 to 4 p. m. only (Main OQ. Floor) at J9C $1 Alarm Clocks, 69s Alarm clocks that are good time keepers, loud alarms, regular $1 value, Wednesday, 3 to 4 p. m. only (Main JQ Floor) choice .... 07 C 19c Ribbons, Yd., 10c Pretty ribbons in stripes, checks and flowered ef fects, 5 and 5K inches wide, 19c values, Wed nesday, 3 to 4 p. m. only (Main Floor) 1 A yard 1UC Women's Bratsieras, 2Sc Made of good quality ' muslin, hook front, em broidery trimmed, per fect fitting,. Wednesday, 3 to 4 p. m. only (Second OC Floor) s&OC $25.00 Tailored Suits, $10.00 Women's tailored suits reduced from the regular Burgess-Nash stock, all sizes and late models, were $25 and $30 values, Wednesday, 3 to 4 p. m. only (Second 01 A Floor) at alU SOc Bathing Caps, Special at 25c A splendid selection of bathing; caps, all tha favored fancy and plain styles, were 50c, Wed nesday 3 to 4 p. m only (Main Floor), e choice.