THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1916. Nebraska HDGHES PRAISED BY STATE MOOSE Progressives Endorse Repub lican Nominee for President, Sntton and Kennedy. MORROW IS CHAIRMAN LINCOLN, NEB., July 25. (Spe cial Telegram) The progressive siate convention proceeded to do business this afternoon by electing H. W. Morrow of Douglas county chairman and D. Hanson of Dodge secretary. The state committee selected F. P. Corrick again to serve as state chair man with W. C. Crooks of Lincoln; John Lewis of Omaha; J. F. Hanson of Fremont; M. F. Stanley of Au rora; W. H. Miller of Bloomington, and J. P. Gibbons of Kearney, as the executive committee. , The resolution committee, consist ing of A. H. Bigelow of Omaha, L. D. Day of Douglas and W. C. Crooks of Lincoln, brought in resolutions endorsing the national platform of the progressive party, declared loy alty to the principles of the platform of 1912 and 1914 and endorsed the republican nominees in the following resolutions: We regret the chain of events which ban denied to the American people, in these daya of grave portent to the future of our nation and the welfare of 1U people, the leadership of that foremost American who borne aloft our party banner four years ago but believe with him that our nation's need Is paramount to the need of any political party and we therefore endorse the action of our national committee In urgrlnff all those who have heretofore fought for progressive principles to unite In an enthuaiastlc and loyal support of the can didacy of Charles Evan Hughes; recognis ing In him a true American of great attain ments of highest character and of unfal tering patriotism. We declare the election of Hughes the vital need of the hour for reasons of the truest Americanism the broadest national ism the security of our national dignity and the perpetuity of our governmental Ideals and the pledge the earnest coopera tion of the progressives here assembled and our personal lnfluenco among our fel low citizens to the success of hia campaign. We commend the action of our progres sive state central committee In nominating Abraham Xi. Sutton for governor and John h. Kennedy for United States senator as bat adopted to the ends above declared and under existing circumstances to ihe best Interest of the people of our own state. Recognition of their ability and confidence In their character urgent their support by all citizens who had interests of good government apd the common welfare at heart. We call upon all good progressives to re main loyal to the principles for which our party came Into existence and to the party rganlzation which while for reasons of national safety Is temporarily supporting candidates of another party Is nevertheless till the party of progress In America and the recently adopted platform of which Is and must be the proper program for true progressives in all parties. , Body of Poet is Placed in Vault After Short Service Indianapolis, Ind., July 25. The funeral of James Whitcomb Riley, the Indiana poet, was held at his home o-i Lockerbie street toi?v. The sim ple services were attended by relat ives and a few intimate friends. The funeral was private, but the placing of the body in a vault in Crown Hill cemetery here was pub lic. Large crowds assembled near the vault. The body was placed in the vault pending arrangements for its final disposition. The vault was decorated with flowers of brilliant colors which the poet liked best. Beautiful rugs were spread on the floor. A short prayer at the cemetery concluded the services. Extra Dividend On Steel Common New York, July 25. The United States Steel corporation today de clared an extra dividend of 1 per cent on its common stock in addition to the regular quarterly dividend of 1J4 per cent. The total earnings of the corpora tion for the quarter ended June 30 last were $81,126,048, according to the ' quarterly report. The regular quarterly dividend of 1 '.t per cent on the preferred stock also was declared. The figures for the quarter will break all records of previous earnings, comparing with total earnings for the quarter ended March 31 last, of $60, 713,624, the previous high record. The net income for the quarter end ed June 30 was $71,380,222 and the surplus $47,964,575. These figures compare with net income of $51,218, 559 and surplus of $32,854,172 at the end of the previous quarter. In announcing the distribution of " X extra dividend of 1 per cent on the ; million stock the .directors issued i le statement that during the last uarter the plants and properties of lie corporation were operated at i naximum capacity, production as well is earnings exceeding those of any previous quarter. "Its several subsidiary companies," the statement continued, "have many extensions and improvements under way, calling for expenditure of large sums of money. These improvements arc mainly for the purpose of diver s'fying products and increasing eco nomic efficiency; "Unfilled orders on hand June 30, 1916, amounted to 9,640,458 tons,' which will occupy the mills for sev eral months. New business is coming in at a satisfactory rate, many con tracts being entered for delivery of materials throughout 1917." Ridley is Enjoined from Acting as Elk Organizer A large number of men who be lieve they are members in good stand ing of the order of Elks will be com pelled to undergo a new initiation to the order, -iS a result of a decision in Dnugla. county district court. Judge Day granted a permanent in junction prohibiting Robert Vance Ridley from acting as an organizer .for the order of Elks, and holds that Ridley, who organized several lodges in the state, had no official standing. The injunction was issued upon complaint of James W. Scott, district deputy for Nebraska of the Order of Elks. Coug-h Ud Cold, An Danircroui. Internal throat and cheat trouble, pro due Inflammation. To reduce Inflammation, looaen cough, destroy cold jrermn, ue Dr. Kins' New Dlacoverr. All drug-gUta. Adv. How Petition for Compensation Must State Particulars (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, July 25. (Special.) "A petition for compensation under the workmen's compensation act should set out the injury in its extent and character, and the judgment should conform thereto, determining plainly the extent and character of the in jury, whether the disability is total or partial, and whether temporary or permanent; it should state definitely the time for which periodical pay ments must be made." This is the ppinion of the Nebraska supreme court in a suit for dam ages brought by George L. Hanley against the Union Stock Yards com pany, in which judgment was secured in the Lancaster county district court. Later the defendant made application to the court for an order relieving it from the payment of any further compensation to Hanley. The court denied the application and the defend ant appealed. Notes from Beatrice And Gage County Beatrice, Neb., July 25. (Special.) Clarence Fisher, the young Pickrell farmer who was dragged some dis tance yesterday by a mowing machine when his team ran away, is in a criti cal condition as an examination at a local hospital shows that one of the sickle guards penetrated his right lung. His right ankle was almost sev ered and the muscles of his right arm at the elbow were also cut off. The young man is 22 years of age and the son of Henry Fisher, an old resident of the Pickrell vicinity. Elgin Wilcox yesterday began suit in the district court for a divorce from Claude Arthur Wilcox. The plaintiff charges extreme cruelty and non support. The couple was married in Beatrice in February, 1913. Albert Morris, a pioneer of the Firth vicinity, died at a local hospital yesterday, where he was operated upon. The deceased was 59 years of age. Mrs. Helen Gatlagher, formerly of this city, died Sunday evening at Hastings and the body was brought here yesterday for interment. The deceased was 74 years of age and the mother of Mrs. John McKernan of this city. The funeral was held this morning at 9 o'clock from St. Joseph's Catholic church. IEAD ASKS ABOUT LANDGANK HERE Wires Lobeck How Omaha Men Can Do Most to Locate Institution in City. LINCOLN GUMS CARDS Hail Does Great Damage Near Sutherland Suterland, Neb., July 25. (Special Telegrah.) A heavy hail storm did extensive damage to crops and build ings in this vicinity last night. In several places the ground was cov ered to a depth of six inches and many of the hail stones were six inches in diameter. The total amount of the damage has not been esti mated. High Land Cut Off Road Boosters Here for Lunch President Lindburg of the High Land Cutt Off Highway association, and the remnant of his crowd of road boosters, who drove to Omaha Mori day from Polk, Central City and other towns on the cut off, were en tertained at luncheon at the Commer cial club rooms at noon. The Com mercial club was host. Roads and short cuts were talked throughout the luncheon. Many of the cars had started home in the morning, so that only a remnant of the crowd was left for the luncheon. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Nelson O. Pike, president of the Portland, Ore., Rotary club. Is visiting In Omaha whits on his way home after 'attending the International conoventlon of Rotary clubs at Cincinnati. A baby Bon was born to Rev. and Mrs. A. T. Lorimer, 1312 North Thirty-sixth street, Sunday afternoon. Rev. Lorimer Is pastor of the Zlon English Lutheran ihurch. Ward Faber and William Sheets, well known Omaha musictans, left Monday evening for Chicago, where thoy have been engaged as cabaret entertainers la the Hotel Plaza. Mrs. H. Hagood of Kansas City Is In Omaha visiting her mother, Mrs. Victoria Darnell, 809 South Nineteenth street. Mrs Hagood will remain here several weeks and wilt then go to California for a tw months' visit with relatives. fir. O. Myers of the staff of police sur geons, has left his duties for a two weeks' vacation with his family at David Cftv. Dr. Myers will return to Omaha and hie work early in August. (from a Staff Correspondent.) Washington, July 25. (Special Telegram.) ' How can a committee do most to assist you in locating a federal bank in Omaha?" was a ques tion received by telegraph from Fred D. Wead, chairman, addressed to Congressman Lobeck today. What ever answer the congressman makes to the telegram may not tell the situation exactly as it now exists regarding the location of a land bank in the Gate City. before Senator Hitchcock left for Nebraska he filed applications for a federal laud bank or a "rural credit bank" with Secretary McAdoo, from both Lincoln and Omaha, incidentally stating that in view of two cities in his state being candidates for such location he could do nothing more than be neutral. So much for Mr. Hitchcock. What State Must Expect The members of the house feel that they cannot do more than Senator Hitchcock has done, and while they have pronounced views on the sub ject, do not hesitate to say that if the state has two candidates tor the location of a farm loan bank, then the state has no right to expect anything but what it will undoubtedly get. It was charged against Bryan that his championship of Lincoln as a branch of he federal reserve bank against Omaha made the selection of either one impossible. Bryan does not appear in the farm loan -bank equation, but the result promises much the same. If the judgment of the individual members of the delegation in con gress from Nebraska could decide the location of the farm loan bank it would be in favor of Omaha. Lin coln has once more gummed the cards. Everybody for Hughes. E. C. Houston and wife of Tekama, Dr. J. E. Wallace and wife of Oak land and Judge foster ot umana were capital visitors today. Mr. Houston said he had traveled as far east as Montreal and had talked to many people and as a result of those conversations believed that Hughes would be the next president When Judge Foster was told how the acting-police judge of Omaha was fining automobilists for ignoring speed regulations, he quietly said, "I have been doing that for some time." No Water in Pool at Riverview Because . Of Too Small Pipe There were several hundred disap pointed bathers, or rather, would-be bathers, at Riverview park Monday evening. Ihe evening was warm and large numbers of Omahans trekked out to the pool at Riverview to take a dip in the reported cooling waters there. But alas, there wasn't enough water in the pool, and those who had pinned their hopes on River view as a refresher either visited other bathing resorts or retreated to the friendly bath tub. The water had been ordered shut off by Joe Hummel, park commis sioner, following complaints from consumers in" the neighborhood that they were unable to get water while the pool was being filled. There is only a four-irich main in the district in which the park is located, a fact that results in the consumers, they complained, being left "high and dry" while the pool is getting its quota of water. ' Twenty-second Street Residents Make Complaint Residents in the neighborhood of Twenty-second and Grace streets are complaining that the sewers along Twenty-second street have not been flushed recently, a fact, they add, that has resulted in much annoying dust. The city engineer explained that dur ing a dry spell the flushings of the neighborhood ordinarily do not carry away all the dust 'and accumulations. The sewer inspector will be ordered 1 to investigate the complaints. BRIEF CITY NEWS "Towm.rnri'B for Hiwrting Cod." Klerlric rM. 7.1M Hun..u-tirm.. Co Have Kool Print It Now Br ion Prww. lUII'kMnit U'hlt IMnnioniU. . ttdholm Nffklnv a Divorce ISthfl Prink htu tirutiKhi uult for cllvoivt, ugutnit Hurry M Hrihk Hiwr "When the Hoy Conw Home" Ar. Klitx'HltiiK tnllMnrv halinil huiir hy Kvan Wit lUiim, Vlt-loi record Ni 64.E94. it Orchard A VVIItii'lni'it "Turin) ' Mlf rrtigriini," olHHmfled ' lion todtty ll mv'iir.t hi The lo en-tu-alvHy Kind out what th vartoua movlnic nlrture irx-alera ofOr Steal the Krhmil Auto O. A. UennVli re port to the imtlm (hHt un nuto belonKln: to the Hoard of Kilumttun whb ntnlen Mm dny evfiiinK from Slxltft'lith ureet ami Cap Mol avenue. Iuve Omaha tn the cool of the vaniti :t0 p. n.. arrive t'hlt-agu 8:60 nest ui.irtv n via the "Milwaukee" thirteen hour and no extra fare "Milwaukee" aervlce (oaken travel a UWlaht TliktMa. 131) Kar 11 m St, Plume Uounlaa 2H3 lea Cream Social The Young IVuple'a society of Our Saviour's Luilnnin rhurrtv corner of Hamilton and Twenty sixth streets, will give Itx annual Ice .-ream wwlal Thursday evenlnK H the lawn, corner Twenty-seventh and Caldwell at reel. Want Money for Had herk Anton Ru mery of Dodgu, Neb., ha been detained b the aulhorltlea on complaint of t'lyde Kt lerdliiK. I'axlon hotel, who aeeerie that !' rail while Kuinery was In the city he made htm the recipient of a Jio check that was merely "a scrap of paper" Bound Over on Cnttln Charge Leroy Buah, colored chanted with cutting Officer Ryan when the luttiir arrested him at Tenth street and Capitol avenue Sunday night, wax arraigned In police couM before Judge Charles Kufost and hound over to the dis trict court with bonds tlxed at 1760. Dnrhed on Complaint Mabel Nicholson, Eleventh street and Capitol avenue, ha been arrested on complaint of Pele Hrown. who anserta "h picked hi poriteia of $40 Pete, with threata of violence, recovered 120. but Mabel insisted she would battle to the death for the rest, so Pete had hei pinched. To Convene at Rome The national con vention of the Master Butcher of America Is to be held at the Hotel Rome Instead of at the Hotel Castle, ae originally planned The dates are August ? to 11. It was be cause the Cantle Hotel Annex cannot be ;mnpli'ted as soon as had been planned thai the change of headquarters (or this conven tion was made m'ceHHiiry Beats Man Who Ntopa Auto W. C Heu oert, 1244 South Fifteenth street, charged with aesautllng Phil Miner. 1919 Dodgi ittreet, was lined $5 and coats In pullr court. Miner 1st a young; fellow and. accord tng to the pollco. had stnppod from the side walk In front of Heuberl's machine. Ton-ins the latter to bring his car to an abrupi stop. Ileuberl then alighted ftom (he auh i nd attacked Miner, beating him severely Federal Aid to Prevent Spread of Infantile Paralysis NEW YORK, July 25. Efforts of the federal health service to prevent, if possible, the spreading of infantile paralysis to cities, and towns outside of New York, were strengthened to day when an order was issued that no child 16 years of age or under be permitted to leave New York with out a certificate from the federal sur geon. To obtain federal certificates chil dren first must get certificates from the New York health department, showing there have been no cases of infantile paralysis in the house in which they have lived during the last six months. They also must pass an examination by federal surgeons. The number of deaths and new J cases increased during the twenty- tour hours ending at 111 o clock this morning. During that time thirty eight deaths and 150 new cases were reported from the five boroughs of the city. Commercial Club To Fight for Lower Insurance Rates Lower fire insurance rates are due in Omaha, thinks the executive com mittee of the Commercial club. The club bases its opinion on the fact that the city's fire department has been motorized. The committee was given to understand that lower insurance rates would be contingent upon the motorization of the fire department. "Now we are motorized," says the club. "Now where arc the lower rates?" The committee expects to take the matter up with the National Board of Undrewriters. Stomach Trouble and Constipation. "I will cheerfully say that Cham berlain's Tablets are the most satis factory remedy for stomach trou bles and constipation that I have sold in thirty-four years' drug store ser vice," writes S. H. Murphy, druggist, Wellsburg, N. Y. Obtainable every where. Advertisement. None So Deaf as Those Who Will Not Hear "Not one word, if you please not one word will I listen to against cof fee!" That is the attitude of many good people, even after they have reason to suspect that coffee hurts them. True, some persons seem able for a time to use coffee without apparent harm, but sooner or later it doe inter fere with the health and comfort of many users. For a sure, easy test suppose you leave on conee and use POSTUM . This famous food-drink is made of prime wheat, roasted with a bit of wholesome molasses. It has a flavor much like that of the higher grades of mild Java coffee, but is absolutely free from the drug, caffeine, in coffee, or any other harmful substance free from all coffee troubles. Postum is delicious and comes in two forms. The original Postum Cereal must be boiled. Instant Pottum ia a soluble powder made in the cup by adding hot water. The flavor is the same and the cost about equal. Both kinds are good for young and old, and satisfy the craving for a hot, aromatic, meal-time beverage. "There's a Reason" for POSTUM Sop by Mail While You Are Out of town. . Pro-Inventory Sales Offer Excellent Economies. COMING-The Pre-Inventory Sale From the Main Floor Shoe Store The Most Reliable Jj A Makes y A? in this jht Q Coun- jry I are the sort of shoes we sell in this department, and so when we announce a pre-in-ventory sale at radically re duced prices every woman will be on the tip-toe of ex pectancy to share and save on the best footwear that her money can buy. Complete Details in Wed nesday's Papers. Ice Cream Day Wednesday Delicious, wholesome ice cream at small prices. No better made. Quarts 20tf Pints 10 Pompeian Room. Knit Underwear and Hosiery Women's Union Suits Silk tap, lisle bodies, reinforced cuff knee; ill white and pink and white. Reg ular and extra sizes, worth to $1-25, at 85t Women's Lisle Union Suits, in the Nushape, cuff and umbrella styles all sizes, worth to 69c, at 50: Women's Fine Cotton Vests, Swiss ribbed, regular and extra sizes,', worth to 18c, each Genuine T rosknit Union Suits for boys. Irregulars of 50c qual ity, all sizes, at 35 Misses' & Girls' Vests, high neck, wing sleeves, cuff knee pants to match. 15c quality, at ....11 Women's Pure Dye Thread Silk Hose, fashioned high snliced soles. heels, double garter tops. All col ors. Some silk to the top. Worth to 1100, at 59, Women's Mercerized Lisle Hose, in black and white. Full seamless, spliced heels and toes. All fiber silk boot hose, in black only. 25c nnalitv, very special 15; Hosiery . Women's Lisle and Fiber Boot Hose, in black, white and colon. Seamless, double heels and toes,, for ; 25 Women's Silk Boot Hose, some colors and black and white. Full fashioned, garter tops, double heels, toes and soles. Very spe cial for 504 Children's Silk Lisle Hose, colors and black and white. Spliced soles, heels and toes 25r Remarkably Good Rugs Very Much Under Regular WEDNESDAY WILL BE A REAL opportunity day in the Rug Store. It will give to everyone the chance to buy splendid wearing and excellent appearing rugs at very much less than the usual prices. 9xl2-feet Axminster Rugs (centers), .egularly $25.00; MC flf. special at ylDeUU 9xl2-feet Axminster Rugs (seam less), regularly f 27.50, at 9xl2-feet Axminster Rugs (Sanford Beauvis seamless), regularly $35.00, at. ......... . 30x60-inch Leamington Chenille Rugs, worth $5.00, at Third Floor. 1 $18.98 $27.50 $1.98 Colorado's Rockies Rivals the Swiss Alps The altitudes are just as great, the views from the summit just as inspiring, and the ascents present problems to test the most hardy climber this is the testimony of Swiss mountain climbers, many of whom visit Colorado every year for the purpose of studying these peaks and their formations, together with the glaoiers and glacial moraines so much in evidence in the "Switzerland of America." The United States Department of the Interior states that nowhere else in America can glaciers and their workings be studied to better advantage than the Colorado Rockies. In Rocky Mountain National Park and beautiful Estes Park there are over sixty peaks rising above 12,000 feet and a number in the neighborhood of 14,000 feet. These are but one of the attractions in this section of Colorado. Hotels and cottages located at the very feet of these highest peaks pro vide accommodations of the best at rates most reasonable. Union Pacific System is the only double-trWked route between Omaha and Colorado." Its line is Sherman gravel ballasted and protected by automatic electric block safety signals all the way. Three splendidly equipped electric lighted trains leave Omaha Union Station daily at convenient hours. For literature and information concerning Colorado as a vacation resort, including routes, rates and sleeping car reser vations, apply to L Beindorff, C. P. & T. A. 1324 Farnam Street. Omaha, Nebraska. i'hone Douglas 4000. Maltless Alcohol free fcuwtararaaaOt A BRANNEW BEVERAGE Making an entirely new and novel beverage from the choicest American ; cereals, WITHOUT MALT, without fermentation, without susrar, not brewed, containing NO ALCOHOL, being tax-free; not a "beer," "near beer" or "temperance beer," with a flavor and taste of its own and being in a class of its own. For sal at all drag stores, hotels, restaurants, soda fountains and soft drink establishments. ' Omaha Beverage Company LP Vanll WILLIAM JETTER, ZSOZ N St.. ' IMUflai 4231. ly Trad 9umllc wj 6002 to 6016 South 30th Stroat. SOUTH SIDE STATION. - OMAHA, NEB;. Phono South 1267. - .