THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1916. D. S. BUYS THREE DANISH ISLANDS White House Says Deal for Group East of Porto Rico is Practically Completed. WILL SIGN TREATY TODAY Washington, July 25. Official an nouncement was made at the White House today that negotiations have practically been completed for the purchase of the Danish West Indies by the United States from Denmark for $25,000,000. A treaty closing the transaction probably will be signed today and sent immediately to the senate. While details of the treaty were not given out it is understood that the United States would come into com plete possession of the islands. Word has been received from Denmark that - the treaty is practically certain of be ing ratified by the Danish Parliament. Chairman Stone of the senate for eign relations committee saw Presi dent Wilson today, but said after wards he had not discussed the pur chase of the Danish West Indies and knew nothing of the question. It is understood that the government hopes the treaty will be ratified during the present session of congress. The three islands of the Danish West Indies, St. Croix, St. Thomas and St. John, lie due east of Porto Rico and their value to the United States is strategic from a military point of view. The harbors of St Thomas and St Croix are of first im portance to the American navy and Sl Thomas itself lies in the lane of shipping from Europe to the Panama canal. Important German and French and English mail companies have coaling stations there, i The acquisition of the islands by the United States has been the sub ject of unsuccessful diplomatic ne gotiations since the civil war. REPUBLICANS AS ONE BEHIND THE . OLD PARTY FLAG . (CoattaMi rrma Faf Om.) in November.' He said that the large number in attendance and the en thusiasm shown was an Inspiration which indicated the victory which was sure to coma. He said it was -Important that the republican party should have charge of the govern ment during the reconstruction period which is sure to come at the cfose of the European war. Judge Sutton said he was strong for state-wide prohibition, and it made no difference to him whether he was talking in Custer or Douglas county he should advocate state-wide prohibition. He advocated a state reformatory for young offenders instead of put ting them fn the penitentiary with the old-timers. John L. Kennedy, candidate for the united states senate, received a spien did ovation when called to the plat form. He said it seemed good for brethren to dwell together in unity. "Our little differences of four years ago have not weakened the republican oartv. but have strengthened it. The democratic party is trying to build up a great navy.- continued Mr. Ken nedy, "but the republican party will build up a great merchant marine, which will fly the American flag and place our merchant ships upon the high teas. Assets and Liabilities. "The republican party knows the difference between assets and liabili ties,'' said Mr. Kennedy. He chal lenged any friend of the administra tion to show one act ot the admin' istration during the three years' con troversr with Mexico that had been beneficial to either the United States or Mexico. . " r ' Messages were read from Con gressman C. r. Keavis and National Committeeman R. B. Howell. Both assured the convention that the re publican party had made no mistake in the " selection of Charles E. Hughes as the standard bearer of the party, and the latter censured the democratic party bitterly for Its handling of the Mexican situation. W E. Andrews of Hastings was called to ' the platform. Ten years no Mr. Andrews presided at tne last nominating convention of the republican party, and in' reviewing that episode he said it seemed good to once more face a republican con vention in Nebraska. As solicitor of the United States treasury during two of the three years of the democratic administration he gave that party a caustic acorinc for the methods used in handling the business of -the country. . f ' ". . . ' George Seymour of . Elgin and others addressed the convention, awaiting the report of the resolutions committee. Ben S., Baker of Omaha and W. P. Warner of Dakota Uty, candi dates for congress, - addressed the convention as did also ex-Governor Aldrich and Mr. Devoe, candidate for attorney general. When Chairman Pollard finally re ported the resolutions, they were unanimously adooted and adjuorn- raent followed after announcing the meeting of the state committee. t - v.. rt 1UWI wan Shenandoah, la., July 25. (Special Telegram.) O. H. Frank, 63, a leader ilm Mftin arv4 thre. firms as Page county treasurer, was repre- T . i- . i i:t... i qoc ni scniauvc in mc icRiaiaiuic m later mayor of Shenandoah, died at 1 1 o'clock this morning after a year's illness. He is survived by his wife and live cnimren. Just Apply ThU Paste and the Hairs Will Vanish (Boudoir Secreta.) The judicious use of a delaton paste insures any woman a .clear, hairiest akin. To prepare the paste, mix little of the powdered delatone with soma water, then apply to the : objectionable hairs for 2 or 3 min utes. When the paste is removed, and : the akin washed, every trace of hair ; will have vanished. No pain attends the use of the delaton and it will not mar the most sensitive skis, but tq insure result, see that you get real delatone Advertisement ' ' Platform Adopted by Nebraska Republicans The united republicans of Nebraska. in delegate convention assembled af firm our faith in the principles of our party and pledge our allegiance to its cause in state and nation. At this great epoch in the history of our country we hold it to be the duty of all good citizens to stand firmly for the common welfare, acknowledging fealty to no country other than the United States and pay ing homage to no flag but the Stars and Stripes. The republican party has a proud record in preserving the nation s honor under Lincoln, Grant and McKinley; it will undertake as heavy responsibilities with confidence under the leadership of Chariest E. Hughes. On the strength of his oast record we draw inspiration from the leadership of our presidential stand ard bearer and find in his high ideals and conscientious devotion to duty the best guarantee of a capable, cour ageous, unselfish, far-seekinar and patriotic chief executive. Such as our nation needs now more than ever before. We endorse in its entirety the na tional platform of the republican party adopted at Chicago and espe cially approve the planks on Ameri canism, preparedness and protection. We believe the direct primary law to be a sound principle of govern ment. We are not insensible, how ever, to the imperfections which have developed in the oractieal oneratmn of the present law, and we recom mend that the law be amended in such form as will make it more in atcnH with representative government and more responsive to public will. We favor action by the next legis lature, giving the voters of the state an opportunity to pass upon the ques tion of holding a convention to revise our present constitution. We join in the demand far nn roads and pledge our best efforts for road improvement The first essential step is the creation of a state high way commision with power to out line a system of state roads and to secure their construction and proper maintenance and also to insure cor relation of trie roads under jurisdic tion of local authoritk.. Nehraakt should promptly qualify for its quota of the national gods roads appropria tions, and see to it that all state and national funds expended for road improvements are applied for the benefit of the whole state and so ex pended as to secure full value return without waste, graft or favoritism. At a part of the god roads program we favor elimination of toll bridges, so that the use of the highways from one end of the state to the other shall be free to all. We favor the develooment and ex tension of a department of journal ism in our state university into a com prehensive school, which will afford greater opportunities to vouna- men and women for efficient training in a profession of great importance to the welfare ot the public. We tavor the establishment of state custodial farms for minor offenders, which shall provide a variety of em ployment and teratment calculated to reclaim the wards of the state and to restore them to society. While recognizing the soundness of the expression, of the republican na tional plaform on he subject ;of regu lation ot transportation, we call at tention to the fact that federal con trol is only contemplated therein, after auch legislation or amendment to the constitution of the United States is enacted as may be necessary for broadening hte scope and increas- Republican Press Association Starts With Good Swing Lincoln. July 25. (Special.! Aus- picions for the republican campaign is the organisation today of the Ne braska Republican frees association by ninety.-lour republican editors of which more than fifty were present in person. The purpose as stated in the constitution is. to secure co-op erative effort for republican success in state and nation" and the plan out lined contemplates more team work and activity. The officers with execu tive committeeman from each con gressional district, all unanimously chosen are: President Victor Rosewater of The Omaha Bee. Vice President Will Owen Jones, Lincoln Journal. Treasurer A. FY Buechler, Grand Island Independent I. H. Sweet, Nebraska City Press. Vac Buresh, Omaha Pokrok Zapadu. N. A. Huse, Norfolk News.. Clark Perkins, Aurora Republican. Adam Breed, Hastings Tribune. W. W. Haskell, Ord Quit. T lira Public. 1 "I have been using Chamberlain's Tablet for indigestion for the past six months, and it affords me pleas ure to aay I have never used a rem edy that did me so much good." Mra. C. E. Riley, niton,' N. Y. Cham berlain's Tablets art obtainable everywhere. Advertisement Chlaac. Bor DIm of Leeajew. Chlcaso, Jul? U. William A. Vim, (d IS, Ie dad at hl horn hare today aa the reault of lockjaw from wound, aald to have ban Incurred whan ho wu truck down with a pair of heavy sraaa aheara at the Saddle and Cycle club about a wek aao. Nlrholea Moga, a sardonar, haa boon ord,d hald to lha grand Jury o. oliargaa of man lajjshtor. Ulray died yeetyday. ing the efficiency of the Interstate Comerce commission. We are proud of the work accomplished by the Nebraska state railway commission under an amendment to our consti tution and laws enacted by republi can legislatures. We endorse the sen timent of our candidate for president uttered while a member of the su preme court of the United States, that in the absence of federal action the states have a right to excercise authority over transportaion whithin their borders so long as they do not unnecessarily interfere with inter state commerce. The world war, with its immeas urable cost in life and treasure has emphasized the nece'ssity of maintain ing order in the world through a de termination of international contro versies by an appeal to reason instead of by an appeal to arms. To this end ye propose that immediately upon the conclusion ot the present war, the United States take the initiative by inviting the other great powers to join with our country in the establishment of a league of nations pledged to maintain peace by requiring, through use of their joint economic and mili tary forces, the submission of their non-justiciable controversies to an in ternational council of conciliation for recommendation and of their justici able controversies to a world court for determination, before they resort to war. We believe the time has come when the state as such should enter upon New Republican State Committee Chairman C. C. McNish of Omaha. Vice Chairman E. D. Beach of Lincoln. District, name and address: First, E. O. Lewis, Falls City. Second, E. M. Pollard, Nehawka. Third, Alex Laverty, Ashland. Fourth, A. W. Jefferis, M. L. Learned, P. J. Martin, Harry S. Byrne, Amos Thomas, Omaha. Fifth, John F. White. Blair. Sixth, E. A. Wiitse, Pender. Seventh, J. L. Dennis, Osmond. Eighth, S. H. Morton, Hartington. Ninth, George W. Williams, Al bion. Tenth, C. A. Smith, Tilden. Eleventh, H. C. Beebe, Osceola. Twelfth, William Husenetter, Lin wood. Thirteenth, E. D. Beach, A. M. Trimbel, Lincoln. Fourteenth, R. R. Kyd, Beatrice. Fifteenth, Roy Steele, Fairbury. Sixteenth, C J. Watson, Fairmont. Seventeenth, Clark Perkins, Aurora. Eighteenth, A. E. Cady jr, Grand Island. Ninteenth, Adam Breede, Hastings. Twentieth, H. E. Goodrich, Nel son. Twenty-first R. H. Rankin, Cam bridge. Twenty-second, F. L. Carice, Min-den. Twenty-third, A. R. Humphrey, Broken now. Twenty-fourth, O. O. Snyder, O'Neill. Twenty-fifth, W. V. Hoagland, North Platte. Twenty-sixth, A. Gatusha, McCook. Twenty-seventh, E. T. Westerfield, Scotts Bluff. Twenty-eighth, Woodruff Ball, Valentine. a constructive policy looking towards the development of agriculture in all its branches. We favor liberal ap propriations for the maintenance of our state experiment stations to the end that the many perplexing farm problems may be solved. The republican party stands unquali fiedly for carrying into effect the will of the people as expressed at the polls for the enforcement of law both con stitutional and statutory in accordance with their true intent. In case of amendments to our constitution we favor the enactment of all needed leg islation to accomplish their intended purpose. We oppose partisan politics in the conduct of state institutions and of fices, and favor high standards of effi ciency, with appointments made on the basis of qualifications rather than as political rewards. We condemn the present demo cratic administration for its weak and vacillating policies, particularly for its failure to protect American rights on the high seas and in Mexico. In do mestic as well as in foreign affairs we have paid, and are now paying, the penalties of war without enjoying the respect and influence for good which come to nations that are not "too proud to fight" While we deeply deplore the per versity of human nature which makes the display of force sometimes nec essary, we firmly believe that a cour ageous stand by President Wilson at the beginning of his administration, if consistently maintained, would have saved us much humiliation and dis tress in the unavenged loss of Ameri can Uvea and property during the past three years. We condemn the attentat of a cer tain democratic employe to foist him self upon the people of the state by the submission ot a constitutional amendment at the coming election. which contemplates as its principal object the extenson of his term in office. We view with alarm the unparal leled spectacle of a governor and a banking board surrendering them selves to the tender meries of a dem ocratic politican, making our banking system a plaything ot politics, and the granting or refusing to grant char ters tor the organization of state banks to depend upon politics. We tavor the adoption ot such pol icy by the state of Nebraska as will encourage the development of our water power, subject to such regula tion as will preserve the rights ot the people to efficient service at reason able rates. With justifiable confidence we com mend to the voters of the state the candidates of our party in both nation and state, and congratulate the coun try on the fact that the division in our ranks which four years ago opened the way for demecratic success no longer exists. We extend the very hand of fellowship to all citizens re gardless of former political affilia tions to co-operate with us in the elec tion of our national and state tickets. SDBSEA WILL SAIL AT PROPER TIME Captain Koenig Says Delay in Start Not Due to Any Cause for Alarm. IIUXATED IRON If iUrTiif' I awawaaaaaaawawa ALLIED SHIPS ON WATCH Globe-Democrat Is Up to Two Cents St. Louis, July 25. The St. Louis Globe-Democrat tomorrow will announce- an increase in the price of its to 2 cents, effective August 1. The high cost of print paper is given as the cause of the increase. Baltimore, Md., July 25. "Circum stances, conditions over which we have no control, are keeping us in Baltimore. There is no cause for alarm from any source. At the proper time we will get away; there is a time for everything." Thus did Captain Paul Koenig, com mander of the German submarine Deutschland, explain his presence in Baltimore today, when asked what is delaying the sailing. It was said today on good author ity that Count von Bernstorff, the German ambassador, and Prince von Hatzfeldt of the embassy staff will come to Baltimore tomorrow evening to be entertained with Captain Koe nig at the home of Carl A. Leuderitz, the German consul at Baltimore. Many Craft Watch for Subsea. Norfolk, Va., July 25. All kinds of small craft are being made ready here and in Hampton Roads to take the trail of the German submarine mer chantman Deutschland when it comes down from Baltimore for its dash to sea. Imaginations have been fired by the presence of allied cruisers off the Virginia capes awaiting the reap pearance of the Deutschland and ru mors that a flotilla of armed German submarines is on the way to attack the British and French patrols when their freight carrying sister starts out. One British cruiser was in sight off the capes today and several other allied ships are said to be about twen ty miles out THOMPSON-BELDEN 6CO. Die Fasluon Genter oPflie Middle Wesl I8fo Women's Underwear A lot of odd garments mostly small sizes, prices greatly reduced for a quick clearance: GAUZE VESTS, low neck, sleeveless, 50c value, 29c. GAUZE UNION SUITS, low neck, fitted knee, 85c value, now 59c. GAUZE LISLE UNION SUITS, low neck, sleeveless, fitted or wide knee, $1.25 value, now $1.00. Women's Fiber Silk Hose The ideal hot weather hose, very sheer, made with lisle garter tops, col ors gray, champagne, black, and white; CQr. pair eJtU McCall Patterns No advance in price of McCall Patterns, still selling at 10c and 15c McCall Style Book, beautifully illustrated, 5c each in addition to any pattern. Inereaaea atrenttb of delloata, nervoUH, run down paopla 209 par eent in tan daira lp manr Instaneee. 1100 forfait If It falla aa per full explanation In larva artlela aoon to In tbla papar. Aak roar doctor or J.U. ie. Sherman a HoConnall Drug Storoa always carry tt In atock. Legal Notices. HOTkXo anil aaJOMlRTa. Hotel- Marie Antoinette Broadway, 66th and 67th Sts, NEW YORK CITY. SITUATED Is tho moet eon vtmiant location In town. Mod ern ta avary detail, abaolataly reproof, within ten minute of th leading department tore, ihopa and theaters. Convenient to Pennsylvania and Grand Central Denote. Rooms With Bath $2.50 Per Day Up Suites, $4 Per Day Up ROOMS $1.50 PER DAY UP. Raataurant f Unusual Excailonc. H. Stanley Green, Managing Director. Westgate Hotel At Tho Junction On Main ind Delaware at Ninth Kansas City, Mo. 175 h 25 Rooms jfjtSk Rooms $1 fB $2 Boob J El I Has Prlvah ; Bail Ennr Rood Ha Oitsldi Exposure Absolutely fireproof PtnonaUg Managed by JAMES KETNER 7 Any Watch Repaired $1 or Cleaned for ... . S. H. CLAY SM Neville Bldf. Third Floor. 10th and Harney. Imperfect Noses Corrected, Sagging Faces Lifted, Wrinkles Removed Face Book Fra. Call or Write. u. Woodbury Treatment. 1 POSITIVELY NEVER USE PARAFFIN ONE FREE TREATMENT TO DEMON STRATE MY TREATMENT 18 PAINLESS. W. ft. BAILEY, M. D. Plaatie and Coeroetie Surgeon. 142S Glenerro St. Denver, Colo. Pbone Champa 1821. Eight. Year in Denver Profeailonal and Bank Raferenoaa. Your "Treasure Island" Yoto een own one, with boate, eanoet and what not, a veritable "treasure, .tend" with a golden tore of health, of enjoyment un der its pine crowned roof with the wind soaring through their tall tope. Ml this Ie to be had In the 80,000 ieland fairyland ot Georgian Bar. Let us tell you about Point au Baril the center for rammer hornet and cempe In this mnimerlandaK cellent hotels and good boarding houses here; swimming, ashing, canoeing, selling, motor boating, or just vagabonding. Reached by the Canadian Pacific Railway. For full Information call, phone c "rite for Tour No, V-22 THOS, J. WALL, G. A. P. O. m 8. Qk. at., Chicago r vmmnuwM ewta I leant 1 af Careless Use of Soap Spoils the Hair Soap should be used very carefully, if you want to keep your hair looking its beet Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much - alkali. Thia dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle and ruins it The best thing for steady use ia Just ordinary mulaified cocoanut oil (which ia pure and grcaseless) and is better than the most expensive soap or anything- else you can use. One or two teaspoonfuls will cleanse the hair and scalp thorough ly. Simply . moisten the hair with water and rub it in. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, which rinaea out easily, removing every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and It leaves the scalp soft, and the hair fine and silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get mulaified cocoanut oil at any pharmacy, It's very cheap, and a lew ounces win supply every wt ui w ianuiy xor monuuv Just lo Keep Our Union Tailors Busy. FREE MEANS FREE with We are soing to givz AN EXTRA PAIR OF $7 PANTS ABSOLUTELY FREE every Suit Tailored to Your Measure JUST THINK OF IT MEN! A Regular $25.00 and $30.00 Suit Tailored to Yout Measure and an Extra Pair of $7.00 Pants Free for Remember One Week Only YOUNG MEN, who are planning to get a suit or overcoat wttl find tt to yoer advantage to look at oar Urge display of patterns before baying; elsewhere. Every piece of goods in oor store GUARANTEED ALL WOOL To Erery Man Who Has Not Visited Our Storo Wo Extend a Special Invitation To Come In Whether You Buy or Not Don't Forflpf SU1T E T0 your order uvui lUlCI EXTM PAIR OF $7.00 PAiY AND PANTS FIT AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED $15 Open till io p. m. Saturday Corner 15th and Harney Sts. We Arc TAILORS Not Agents DONT FAIL TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS EXTRAORDINARY SALE ap,and f f mem- I -Adv.jL-f !