Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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Packers Have Demand for All
Stock Shipped in and Prices
Are Up.
Omaha, July . 1H.
Receipts wro: Cattle. Hons. eiK
Official Monday 4.039 4,86
Estimate Tuesday 1-3 00 I'000
Two days Ihti week 6.331 12,s6 23.224
Sam dayi laat week. .11.246 13.00s 3M"
game days 3 weeks affo 1.343 17,463 16.5
lUme daya 3 weeks ago I.MS MO M:f
Same days 4 weeks ago 7.I3I 18.721 33.4U
feme daya laat year.. 7.711 1&.773 11.160
The following table shows the receipts of
rattle, hogs and sheep at the South Omaha
live stock market for the year to date, as
compared with last year-
1 91 S. Inc. Dee.
Cattle .... I4S.64 S4M&S 95.69
Ho 3.011.811 1,791,968 227,660
Hhiep 1,110,198 1,338,440 118,232
The following table shows the average
trtca of hogi at the Omaha live stock mar
ket tor the last few daya, with comparisons.
ttate. 19 1 6 . j!9 U . 1 9 1 4 . 1913 . jlflt. 1 1 9U.
selling at f 10.00, with some around $9,36 0
9.90. A four-rarlot of choice Idahoe far
better than anything here yesterday brought
tl0.H0, the top, part 0 them going on ship
ping account. .The market was from the
sellers' viewpoint the most satisfactory In
some time, contrasting sharply ,with laat
week's dull, lower affaire.
Old sheep were fairly plentiful and ware
bought at about steady prices. Pair to
good ewes sold mainly at 87.OO07.SO, many
of the offerings being In small lota. Some
yearlings at $7.80 were mates of the ones
that took 17.76 yesterday, while on the
other hand wethers and yearlings at $7.36
re a part of the band that sold at 17.45
Representative galea:
No. Av, Pr.
1152 Idaho lambs 76 10 20
July 10. 9 70 96 8 47 $ 70) 7 24 6 St
July 11. 9 TKj I 61 $ 71 7 t" 6 37
July 12. I 61 Si I 70 8 79 7 98 I 94 7 11
Jul; 13. I 68 6 84 t 7 14 4 10
July 14. I $3 I IM II Ml 34
JuW 16. I 96H (36 I 64 8 9 T 16 36
July 16. T 02 I 96 I 76 T 16
July 17. U 7 09 I 76 8 82 7 16 C 90
July 18. Ss t 78 I 91 7 17 I 34
July 19. 9 28 7 07 I 88 7 20 $ 96
July 20. t 28 I 96 f 7 33 33
July 31. I 8014 I 97 I Tl I 87 f 27
July 23. t 2J 78 8 97 I 88 7 26 32
July 22 8fi 1 62 6 83 7 24 '
July 34. I l 80 I 14 I 77 7 38 I 33
July 25. 9 17 S 2 84 I 77 7 4T t 26
St. Louis Live fttock Market.
St. Louis, July 26. Cattle Receipts, 4,200
head; market, steady; native beef steers,
$7.00910.26; yearling aters and heifers,
$8.60010.66; cows, 5.60K.OO; stockers and
feeders, $6.2608.30: Texas and Oklahoma
steers, $6.6009.10; prime yearling steers and
neirers, iK.70jpio.25; cows and heifers, $6.00
CPB.oo; prime sieers, $9.00010.00: native
calves, 16 00 11.60,
Hogs Receipts. 7.800: market, higher:
choice pigs and lights, $9.00010.00; mixed
and butchers, $9.8010.06; good heavy, $9.96
(63 10.06; bulk, $9.70010.00.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4,000 head:
market, atrong; breeding ewes, $9.00010.00:
slaughter ewes, $6.0007.25; yearlings, $6,000
9.60; spring lambs, $7.0010.00.
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the Union stork yarde, Omaha. Neb., for
twenty-four hours, eliding at $ o'clock p. m.
July 26, 1916:
C M. A fit. P $ .. .,
Wabash 1 .. .,
Missouri Paclflo 7 1
Union Pacific 17 24 S3
C. N. W east 3 6 ....
CAN. W., west...... 10 44 1$ 1
C, St P.. M. A O S .. ..
C, B. A Q-. east I 3 ....
C, B. A Q., wast 29 19 .. 1
C, It. L A P., east..., I 10 ., ..
C, R. L A P., west - S ....
Illinois Central 1 ,. ..
Chicago Ou West 4 ,.
total receipts. ... .102 183 48 2
Cattle. Hog. Sheep,
Worrit A Co.,..,..., 242 1,201 1,810
Swift A Co 3T 1,987 1,412
Cudahy Pack Co.... 632 1,642 3.164
Armour A Co. ...... 401 1,417 2,602
Be h wart I A Co ... - 249
J. W. Murphy 962
Lincoln Pack. Co
B. O. Pack. Co....,, S
Swift (country),.., , ... x
Cudahy, from K. C... 74.
Kohr Pack. Co...... ...
P. B. Lewis ,, , 3 ,
J. B. Root A CO.... 76
J. K. Bulla 21 :
Roaeneiock Bros.... 148
r. Q. Kellogg 100
Werthelmer A Degen 108
H. P. Hamilton 27
Rothschild A Krebs , 47
Hlggtn 6
Huffman 21
Roth 17
Banner Bros..,,..,. I
John Harvey 108
Dennis A Francis..., tl
Jensen A Lungren... S ',
Pat O'Day..., ft
Other uyera 141
Totals.. .........8,613 1.499 .13,941
Cattle Receipts of cattle were eempara-
iiveiy ngni again today, about j.iov head,
and, aa on Monday, the quality laoked a
good deal of being choice. Demand was
good from all sources, and the market was
active at far aa It went at prices strong
lo iOo better. Cfeolo yearling! aold up to
$9.76, and the same figure waa paid for
some very good heavy cattle. All classes
of buyers favored the light and handy
we lent steers ana tney sola to the beet ad
vantage, while anything lacking in quality
or finish wag alow sale at very uneven
prion. Western range cattle were some.
what stronger than yesterday and some
choice 1,800'pound South Dakota beeves
landed at 19.90.
Cowl and heifer war In limited supply
and aotlve demand at unevenly stronger
price all around. The advance of the last
two days to cows and Mirer ha been 160
tec, and sne stocn snow relatively uoae aa-
van am than haaf etaera.
In sleeken and feeder the movement waa
net overly active, but desirable grade aold
to better advantage than Monday, some
choice llgntwelgttt steer selling at
Country demand 1 Improving and the tone
t the trade is much better than last weak.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
beeves, $9.600 10.11; fair to good beeves,
$9.0009.10; common to fair beeves, $8,400
9.09; good to choice yearling, $J.6O01O.otf;
fair to good yearling. $8.6O0l.c;O; common
to fair yearlings, $7.IOI-I0; food to choice
heifers, $7.3606.96; good to choice cows,
$6.7607.711 fair to good oow. $9.0006.76-,
common to fair cows, $3. 761)6. 90; good to
choice feeders, 97.lt0l.OO, fair to good
feeders, $7.0007.30; common to fair feed
ers, $4.40 07.00; good to choice stockers,
$7.4008.90; stock he If era, $6.4008.76; stock
cows, $6.3604.60; stock calves, 14.7601.60;
veal calves, $9.00011.7(1 beef bulls, stag,
etc,. $6.6007.86; Bologna hulls, 16,6004.60.
Representative sale:
' BEEF ITBBRS. '' ' '
fie.' , - Av. Pr. No, Ar. Pr.
13 46$ $4 11 14 438 $6 7$
19.. 914 4 90 13........ 139 7 14
City Live Stork Market.
Kansas Cltv. July 26. Cattle Recelnts.
9.600 head ; market steady; prime fed
steers, $9.60 0 1 0. r0 ; dreneed beef steers.
$7.60 9.26; western steer. $7. 00 9, 26:
stockers and feeders, $. 0009.16; bulla, $6.60
t.w, calves, tj.oO(j i i.oo.
llcca Recelnts. 11.000 head: market
steady; hulk of sales, $4.6O470.9O; heavy.
6O.6U09.9Q; park ere and butrhem, $9,660
9.7f; light, $9.40-9.66; pigs. I8.76.00.
sheep and Lamb Receipts. 8.600 head:
market higher; Itmbn. $9.O01O.2O; year
Jlnss. $7.6008.10: wethers. $7,2667.76:
owes, $6.7607.10.
Chicago Lire Ntock Market.
Chlcas-o. Julv 26. Cattle Recelota. 2.500
head; market steady; native brief rattle,
$C. 80010.60; western steers, l7.flQfcH.70;
Blockers and feeders, $6.0008.00; cows and
holfers. $3.a0tfHUQ; calves, $S. 600 12.00.
nojn neceipiit, i a, vu neau ; marKei
weak; bulk of sales, $9.3609,00; light, $9.30
010.06; mixed, $9.1010.10; heavy, $8. JO
10.10; rough, $9.1009.20; pigs, $7.S0(89.:6.
Sheep arid Lambs Kei-tpts, 10.000 head:
market steady to 10c higher; wethers, $.76
wb.jw; ewes,; caivts,
Cash Demand for Wheat is
Strong and Market Bnlei
Two to Three Cents Higher.
Big Earnings of Steel Sends Up
Price of Shares, Other
Stocks Following.
Sioux City Lire Mock Market.
Sioux City, la.. July 25. Cattle Receipts,
700 head; market, 10016c higher; native
steers. $6.2606.76; cows and he I fore, $b.6O0
7.60; ranners, $3.7606.30; stockers and feed
ers, $6.2606.80; calves, $6.00011.60; bulls,
slags, etc., $6.3607.26.
Hogu -Receipts, 6,000 head; market, 6c to
0c higher; heavy, $9.6009.76 mixed, 49.10
09.60; light, $8.7609.10; bulk of sales, $9.06
Sheep and Lam be Receipts, 1,009 head.
Live Stock In Sight.
Receipts of live stock at the five prin
cipal western markets yesterday:
L'attle, Hon.
Omaha . . , , ,
Chicago ....
Kansas City.
Hloux City.,.
St. Louis....
..14,200 47,800 11,600
Totals ..
Quotations of the Day on the General
Com modi ties
New Tork. July 36. Flour Unsettled.
Wheat Spot, weak; No. 1 durum, $1.29;
No. 2 hard, flJlH; No. 1 northern, Puluth,; No. 1 northern, Manitoba, $1.34
f. o. b. New Tork.
Corn Spot, barely steady; No, 3 yellow,
91 c o. l. f. New York.
Oats Spot, quiet; 47U 0 47KC
Hay Quiet; prime, $1.36; No. 1, $1.30;
No. 2, $1.0601.10; No. I, IO097tiC; ship
ping, 76066c.
Hope Quiet; stats to common to choice,
1916, 130300; 1914, 607c; Paclflo coast,
1916, 11014c; 1914, 1010a.
Hides Steady; Bogata, I2)i0$ma; cen
tral America, 39c.
Leather Firm) hemlock firsts, 27c; sec
onds, 36c.
Pork Firm; mess, $27027.60: family,
$21.00028.60; short clear, $26.00037.00.
Beef Quiet; mess, $18.00019.60; family,
Lard Kasy; middle west, $12.96 to $13 46.
Tallow Weak) city, 7 He; nominal; coun
try special, 80So; special, 8 Uo.
Butter Steady; receipts, 19,122 tubs; un
changed to Wo hi her.
Egge Firm; receipts, 18,971 eases; fresh
gathered extra line, XKQ3e; exira urais,
370370; ft rets, 36 0 26?.
Cheese Firm; receipts, 8,319 boxes; state,
freak specials, 16 lie; average fancy,
164 0Uo,
Poultry Uve, Irregular; broiler. 200
ISc; other price M $ settled. Dressed,
firm i unchanged.
Omaha, July 26, 1916.
The cash demand for wheat continued
strong today, the market ruling from 3 to
3 cents higher. X large percentage of the
samples graded No. 1 and No. 3 hard winter
and the demand for these grades of new
wheat was excellent
No. 1 hard winter wheat sold around
$.61H0I17 and the bulk of the No. 2
hard winter wheat sold at $1.16.
Corn sold from (unchanged to a half cent
Corn receipts were very light and there
was a moderately active demand for this
cereal, the yellow corn selling at a small
premium over the white and mixed corn.
Oats followed corn and wheat In the ad
vance, but the cash demand for oat was
not very active.
Receipts or oats were fair and the market
was quoted a quarter to a half cent higher.
Rye and barley sold at practically un
changed prices.
Clearances were, wheat and flour equal
to 1,460,000 bushels; corn, 149,000 bushels;
oats, 641,000 bushels.
Liverpool close: Wheat, 2d higher.
Corn : Unchanged.
primary wheat receipts were 1,614,000
bushels, and shipments 676,000 bushels,
against receipts of 1,423,000 bushels, and
shipments of 899,000 bushels last year.
Primary corn receipts were 966,000 bush
els and shipments 419.000 bushels, against
receipts of 449,000 bushels, and shipment
of 849.000 bufihels lent year,
Primary oats receipts were 793,400 bush
els, and shipments 918.000 bushels, agalnat
receipts of 629,000 bushels, and ahlpments
of 408.000 bushels laat yoar.
Wheat. Com.
Chicago 193
Minneapolis 287
Duluth 181
Omaha . 183
Kaneas City 294
St. Louis 164
Winnipeg 930 .. .. I
These sales were reported today:
Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 6 cars, $1.17t 1
car, $1.16; 4 cars, $1.16. No. 2 hard
winter: 8 cars. $1.17; 4 cars, $1.16; 11
cars, $1.16; 1 car, $1.16; 4 cars, $1.16; 1
car, $1.14. No. 3 hard winter: 4 cars.
1.13; 4 cars, $1.13; 1 car, $1.12; 2 cars,
$1.11. No. 4 hard winter: I car, $1.10; 1
car. $1.09; 6 cars, $1.09; S care, $1.08; S
cars, $1.07. Sample hard winter: 1 car,
$1.07; 2 cars, $1.06; 1 car, $1.03. No. I
durum: 1 car, $1.09; 1 car, $1.09. No. I
mixed: 1 car, $1.13. No. 1 durum mixed:
car. $1.09.
Barley No. 4: t car, 63c. No. 1 feed! t
car, 6 Sc. Sample: 1 car, 68c.
Corn No. 1 white; 1 car, 77e; I cars.
77c. No. 3 white: t cars, 77c; 1 car,
77 c. No. 3 white: S cars, 77 c. No. 4
hlte: 3-6 car, 76c. No. 3 yellow: 1
car, 7 Sc. No. 4 yellow: 1 car. 77c. No.
3 mixed: 1 car, 78c. No. 1 mixed: 3 cars.
77HC; 2 cars, 77n; 1 car, 77c; 2-8 car,
77c. no. mixed: l car, too. no. o
mixed: 1 car, 73c, 1 cars, 76c; 1 car, 74c.
Sample mixed: 1-3 car, 62c.
Oats standard: 3 cars, e. iso. s
hlte: 3 cars, 39c; 7 cars. 28o. No. 4
white: 8 2-3 cara. 8o. No. 4 mixed: 1
car, 38 He. Sample: 7 ears, 87e.
nmaha cash Prices wneat: no. i nara.
$1.1601.17; No. $ herd, $1.1101.13; No.
hard, il. 0601. 10; no. i ourum, ii.vi0
1.09 U: No. 8 durum. $1.0801.09. Corn: No.
2 white, 7777c; No. 3 white. 77771ic;
No, 4 wntte, 3B07to; no. o wnue, idw
76c; No. 6 white, 760760. No. 3 yellow,
7$0?8c; No. a yellow, 77fl4 07!c; No. 4
yellow, 7777c; No. 4 yellow, 77077c;
No, yeuow, 7B077c; no, x mixea, im
078c; No. 2 mixed, 77077fce: No. 4 mixed.
76 076c; No. 6 mixed, 76076c; No. 6
mixed, 74076c. oats: . no. x wnue. av
089t4c: standard. 89 0 S9Uc: No. 3 white.
8S029o; No. 4 white, lS038c. Barley:
Malting, 66068c; No. 1 feed, 63064. Bye:
No. 2, 90091c; No. 3. $909Oo.
Omaha Futures.
Tha wheat market ruled a trifle lower
today on profit-taking by the. longs.
Trading was quiet during me eany pan ci
tha session, but there was brisk trading
In wheat at the close.
The corn market was rainy active, nui
there was vory little trading In oats.
September wheat closed lo and Decem
ber closed o lower.
September corn ruled Ho lower and De
cember declined .
Oats closed 4ic hither on the September
and Itacemher closed unchanged.
Omaha closing prices on futures lor tnu
..1192 T 36
,.1196 f 76
,.1400 4 36
..1010 9 04
..1148 9 36
. 147
T 60
I 10
1 96
9 16
7 $0
1 60
8 76
. 4
, $41
. 464
. 411
.. 907
I $0
4 40
t 40
424 T 40
, 466
7 26
I $0
1 1419
29 1196
40 1236
14....'. ...1147
630 4 21 1 964
I 64 II 184
60 22.,,.,
4 19 I...
4 11
36 1....
BULLS. .. .
4)09 .1....
I 69 7....
I 60 10.,..
264 16 00
K'n av. Pr. No.
tixt, strs. 607 14 96 list. St re. 1000
19 st strs. 994 IT 00 49 steers .1164
13 SL sirs, 947 6 60 20 steen. .1117
22 steer .11&4 T 40 17 steers .1377
14 steers .1660 I It 1 heifer . 149
Hogs The ran wss larger than for moat
days or laai ween, arrivals oeing esumaieu
at 114 cars, or about 4,000 head. This
makes the total for the two days 12,86
heud, which is slightly smaller than laat
week a falling oft of 4,609 as compared
with two weeks ago. and lighter than for
the same days last year by 1,0 00 head.
rthlDDlng demand continued eager for any
thing desirable In the light and butcher
line, outside buyers operating freely on the
esrly trade again today. They paid prices
that were anyway a nicaei nigner, ana
wera quoted a. even more than that by a
goo many iraaers. oevorat iobus were
boue-ht as high as 19.79.
Moat of the packing hogs sold at $9,100
9.40, with the usual sprinkling of ths plain
est stuff on aown. wnue snippers- pur
chases ranged on up to $9.70, several loads
landing at this figure, which wee the day's
top. Prices srs now anyway 10016a higher
than the does of last week all aroun and
some' of the shippers show an advance of
as much as soo over saturoay s market.
Representative aalasi
No. Av. Bh. Pr. No. At.
77.. 21 169 $9 16 46.. 191
Offe Market
New York. July 86. Coffee Increased
activity and a sharp advance In prices were
feature or tno coriee mantel toaay.
Opening steady with prices 2 points lower
to l points nigner, lite inernet rose graauany
throughout the seaalon until at the cloee It
was firm and I to 10 points net higher or
at best levels of tne day. European nuy.
Ing of late positions and local commission
house suDoort of the entire list was based
on continued firmness In Hraslllan markets
and faith in the ability or Brazil to noid
d rices until the advent of peace In Europe
opens up new sources of distribution, Sep
tember advance to s.tftc, uecenmor io
ana siarctn to e.sso. sees. M.tno oaca
July, l.38o; August, 1.88c; September, 8.46c;
ucioner, s.oic; novemoer, b.dic; uecemor-r.
March, 8.18c; April. M9o; May, 3.94c; Junv
Hoot coffee steady with a fa r demand:
RIo 7s, 9o; Santos 4s, 10c. Offers from
Santos wero mostly unchanged, some belnsj
10 points higher witn s quoted at i-isc,
coat and fro I a tit London credits.
The official cables reported an advance
! 1-I2d In Rio exchans and 36 to 100 rets
ill nan (os luiures.
I 60
7 60
T 10
T $1
I 71
Bh. Pr.
239 II II 1
40 I IS
10 I 37
46 I 41
... $
7T..80I 146 14 61. .111
69. .341 II 6 36 14. .274
44.. Ill 19 I 40 41.. 121
77. .127 126 I 14 11. .Ill
S7..I4I 40 70
Sheep A heavy run of sheep and lambs
put tn its appearance toaay, receipts eeing
considerably larger than yesterday's and
the heaviest for a Tuesday sines a month
ago. Offerings s mounted to forty-eight
cars, or eomethlng like 14.000 head, and
the total eo far this week ts 11.324 head.
as against 26,991 laat week, 14,641 two
weeks ago aad 11,660 last year,
At snost other points ran were modcr
ate aad packer evidently had urgent need
of every lamb that waa here. Bayers were
out la tha yard early bidding steady to
stronger prices almost rrosa tne outset and
movement started earlier than It has la
days, a good share of the lambs having
been cashed oy iv o cioca, or snertiy after.
Prices were higher all around, although
tli market was a little uneven and opinions
as to how much higher prlcoe really were
varied a food deal. Some traders thought
everything looked 1 6 0 lie higher, while
ethers were satisfied to quota prices
16e up, the majority favoring tne former,
As was the caae yesterday, most of the
lambs were two 4a desirable, the balk
Kansas City Genera Market,
Kansas City. July Ji. Wheat No. 1
hard. 11.1601.11: No. I red. $1.110117
July, l. 1$ 01.13; September, $1.1?;
December, 11.19 01. it.
Corn No. 1 mixed, 7408Oc: No. 3
white. 9O0ltc; No. 1 yellow, 11082c
July, 10c; September, 74 c; December,
46 o.
Oats no. I wnue, o04ic; no. i mixed,
nutter creamery, zic; nrsis, sec: sec
onds, we; peeving, ii c.
Kere Firsts. ia4c.
Poultry Hens. 14c; rooster, 16; broil
ers, llo.
Cettoa Market
New York. July II. Cotton Futures
opened steady; October, ll.llo; December,
13.35c; January, jt.eoc; aiarcn, i.evo, a
13 720.
Cotton futures closed steady; October,
12.19c; December, ll.I6c; January, Il.llo
March, 13.66c: May. 13,61c.
Spot cotton quiet; middling upland, ii.ioc
Sales. 800 bales.
Liverpool. July is. cotton poc nnn
good middling, l.lld; middling, Mid; low
middling, 7.l9d. Sales, 6,009 bale.
Oma-ha llay Market,
Omaha. Neb., July 14. Hay Receipts
light; market firmer under good grade.
Ud and oralrla: Choice, aio.ftv No. l, it
010.00; No. s, 9T.ou0i.uo; no. . m.ouej
i.oo. Hid ana prairie: no. i, 11.9uov.ov
No. 1, 17.0001.00. Lowland prairie: Choice,
17.00; No. 1, 16.00; No 1, lt.OO06.OO; No.
1. 13.0004.00.
Alfalfa in.: no. 1, si.u; eienoaro.
11.00; No, I, 17.00; No. 8, 14.0004.00.
Btraw Oat, .su; wneat, ib.uu.
Minneapolis Orain Market,
Minneapolis, July 16. Wheat, July,
11. aa: September, $1.32. cash: No.
hard. 11.18 01.21: No. 1 northern.
1.2301.36; No. I northern, $1.19
Flour Unchanged.
Barley 68072c
Rye 920 93c.
Bran $17.60011.00.
Cora No, I yellow, 11081c.
Oats No. I white, !9039c
Flax Seed $1.97 01.01.
1 1 Turpentine and Boeln.
Savannah, Oa., July 1$. Turpentine
Firm. 42c; salss, 692 bbls.; receipts. 961
shipments. 20; stocks, 14,442.
Rosin Firm; sates, j.tjt mis.; receipts,
2,769; shipments, 134. Quote: A, B, C
16.60: C D. 16.16: E. $6.26: F. O. 16.40
H, L K, M. N, $6.64; WO, $4.66; WW, 7.00.
. New York Dry treads.
New York, July 1$. Cottoa goods wore
steady today with a moderate volume of
business. Yarns and dry goods were firm.
Burlaps wero higher.
Liverpool Orain Market. '
Liverpool, July 16. Wheat Spot No,
Manitoba, lis Id: No. I. lis Id.
Cor& Hpot American mixed, new, 16s Id.
J ' ': Bank Clearing.
Omaha. July 26. Clearings for Omaha
wera 68.221.664.41 and for the correspond'
ing aay last year
NEW YORK, July 26. Trading In today's
market was influenced to an unusual extent
Jjy the course of United States steel, that
stock being the pivot around which moet
other dealings revolved. Publication of the
steel quarterly statement which did not
issue until after the close of business was
preceded by a series of sluggish movements.
Steels initial quotation was at a slight ad
vance, followed by a full point decline be
fore mlddsy. This was more than re
trieved later, but the final price left the
stock unchanged.
It wss a foregone conclusion that steel
earnings would far surpass all previous
records, but the total of 181.126.048, a gain
of 120,413,424 over the preceding quarter
waa In excess of the most favorable esti
mates. The action of the directors in de
clarlnr an extra dividend of one per cent
also came as a surprise, but waa accepted
ea an Indication of extreme confidence In
future trade conditions.
Movements elsewhere In the stock mar
ket were mainly downward with slight
betterment due to short covering In the
final hour. United States industrial alco
hol waa again under pressure, declining
more than 2 points before supporting
orders effected almost complete recovery.
Motors were again disposed to yield on
slight offerings with minor recessions In
equip menu, Mexicans, shipping issues and
mats Is.
Sllscellaneous shares were mostly lower,
the few exceptions including Texas com
pany, Republic Steel, Distillers Securities
and American Hide and Leather preferred,
the latter deriving He strength from a five
percent dividend, the first return to share
holders In more than ten years.
Rails especially, the International group
were adversely affected by developmen ts
in the British political situation and do
mestic labor conditions. Reading, Union
Paclflo, Louisville and Nashville and Krie
1st preferred, were reactionary and Nickel
Plate now se Derated from the Vanderbllt
system forfeited more of the early months'
Total sale of stocks amounted to
Bonds were steady at the outset but fur
ther heavy offering of war Issues caused
later Irregularity. Total sales par value
United mates Donas were nncnangea on
Number of leadlnr sales and quotations
on tne market were:
Bales, mgn, lmw. i;ioss.
Art. 1 Open, j High. jLow. Close. Yes.
Wht." I I j
Sept 1 16 1 16 118 111 "&H
Dec. 117 119116 116 113
Sept 7$ 76 76 76 76
Deo. 42 63 68 68 62
Sept $9 39 28 18 89
Dec. 40 41 40 40 40
Chlraso closlna nrlces. furnished The Bee
ny Logan A uryan, siopk ana grain oroaers.
ait soutn iMxieemn street;
Art. I Open. High. Lo"w. Close. Yea
Wht I j i
July 1 19 1 31 111 1 18 120
Sept 1 21 1 28 119 1 19 122
Dec. 124- 1 26 122 121 126
July 8S- 14 83 88 83
Sept 76 79 78 78 78
Dec. IT- 18 66 47 66
July 41 41 41 41 43
Sept 41 43 41 41 41
Dec. 43- 41 41
July 36 10-20 24 26 28 10 26 21 31 20
Sept 24 96 26 06 24 12 24 91 26 00
Dec 24 00
July 12 90 12 90 12 76 12 76 11 96
Sept 12 90-86 19 90-12 13 82 12 $2 12 00
Ort. 13 47-90 11 96 11 12 12 12 12 17
July 18 66 11 IB 18 16 II 66 11 62
Sept IS 61-66 11 67 11 60 13 63 l3 f.6
Am. Beet Sugar.
American can....
Am. Car $t Found.
Am, Loco
Am. Smelt ft Ref.
Am. Sugar Ref. . . .
Am. Tel. xei. . . ,
Am. Zinc, L. A 8.
Anaconda Copper.
Baldwin Loco
Baltimore A Ohio.
Brook. Rapid Tr. . ,
Butte A Sup, Cop.
Cal. Petroleum.
Canadian Pacific.
Ce ntral ueatber. ..
Chesapeake ft Ohio
C, M. A St. Paul.
Chicago A North..
C. R. I- A P. By.
Chlno Copper
Colorado F. A I..
Corn Prod. Kef...
Crucible Steel
Distillers' Security.
General Electric. .,
Gt Northern pfd..
Ot. North. Ore ctfe
Illinois Central..,.
inter, con. corp....
Inspiration Copper
4,500 Ji. 33
2,100 79 78
700 104 104
S.4UU 7U',S
1,600 87
1.900 68
66 66
67 67
64 64
13 93
.... 109
600 178
1,100 66
1,100 61
2.700 96
900 128 138
1,400 20 20
177 177
64 64
Int.r. H.r..
Int. M. M. pfd. ctf. 10,000
1.000 169 U 1
400 11S 11. H llH't
tOO 15 (i Stft 3i
800 16 16 14
I 16 16
444 41
116l 1)6
24U 2Vi
46)i 40
Z00 127K 127H
1,100 tt ,7H
1,000 103i 101
,00 126 126i 126
C. Bouth.rn.
Kennacott Coppor.
Loul.. A Nuh.M.
Miami Copp.r
M.. K. T.j. pfd.
Ml.our.1 Pacific...
Montana Power....
National Laad
Nevada Copper....
N. Y. Central
N. T N. 11. H..
Norfolk ft Went...
Northern Pacific.
Paclflo Mall
Pacific Tel. A Tel..
R.y Con. Copp.r..
Rep. Iron At Steel.
Rh.t. Aria. Copper.
Southern Pacific.
Southern Railway.
Studehaher Co
Texa, Company....
wmon raemo
I'nlon Pacific pfd.. .
U. 8. Ind. Alcohol.
U. B. Steel..
U. I. Steel pfd....
Utah Copper
W'amaah pfd "B"..
Weetem Union....
Weattnah. Rlectrlo.
Total ealea for the day, SOb.000 .hares.
Mrs. W. 0. Silver, One of the
Favorites, Put Oat in
First Round.
Stilt wind and a dry course, which
made the (air green lighting fast,
gave the women entered in the state
golf tournament at the Field club a
difficult round to play yesterday.
The biggest surprise of the morn
ing was the defeat in the first round
of Mrs. Walter G. Silver, runner-up
in last year's tournament, who was
eliminated in the first round by Mrs.
Felix Despecher, playing under the
colors of the Council Bluffs Rowing
As has been expected, Miss Louise
Pound of Lincoln had little trouble
in winning her first match. She de
feated Mrs. Karl Lininger, 6 up and
4 to play.
Mrs. E. H. Sprague had a sharp
tussle with Mrs. L. S. Wernher, final
ly winning out, 2 up.
One of the features of the tourna
ment so far has been the play of
Miss Alive McKenzie, who has only
been interested in golf a few weeks.
She qualified in the third flight, and
ran away with her first round match
yesterday. She'is considered a pos
sible winner in her division.
Play will be continued at 9 o'clock
this morning. Consolation events
have been arranged for all players
who lost in their first round yester
day. Mrs. Sprague will meet with sharp
competition, playing Mrs. H. L.
Arnold of the Omaha Field club,
while Miss Pound will meet Mrs.
Felix Despecher.
Mlea Loulee Pound defeated Mr,. Karl
Llnlncer. 6 up and 4.
Mr.. FelU Deapecher defeated Mrs. w. O.
Silver, 2 up.
Mia. Mabel Meleher defeated Mra. W. H.
Pilnn, I up and 4.
Mra. J. W. Tllaon d. fated Mra. Brulnlton,
4 up and 8.
Mra. u. L. Arnold defeated Mrs. C. N.
Johnaon, 3 up and 1.
Mra. Blaine Young- defeated Mrs. Allen
Parmer, 3 up and 2.
Mrs. J. T. Stewart defeated Mrs. Howard
Goodrich. up and S.
Mra. B. H. Sprague defeated Mrs. Leila
Wernher, 2 up.
Mra. Dean Ringer beat Mra. A. M. Smith.
8 up and 4.
Mra. J. H. Parratt beat Mra. C. J. Mer
rlam. 4 up and 2.
Mra. John Beklna beat Mrs. Charlea M.
Johneon. 4 up and 3.
Mra. frank Rueaell beat Mra. P. A. Saf
fron. 3 up and 1.
Mra. w. w. Richardson beat Mrs. Ray
Ralnbolt, 2 up.
Mra. A. S. Mldlam beat Mrs. C. H. Aehton,
2 up and 1.
Mra. Brneat Sweet beat Mrs. W. B. Tafr,
( up and 4. ......
Mra. B. D. Branh beat Mrs. J. A, McAl
lister by default.
Mlaa Alice McKonale beat Mra. M. R.
Overmtre, 7 up and 6.
Mra. I.. M. Lord beat Mrs. W. H. Walker,
3 up and 2.
Mrs. C. P. S. Tobln beat Mrs. A. F. Mullen,
3 up and 2.
Mrs. 8. 10. Mathson beat Mrs. W. D.
Clark, 4 up and 3.
Mra. E. A. Ro,e beat Mrs. Charles Gran
den, 7 up and 6.
Mra. W. E. I'hltby beat Mrs. C. J. Zlo
barth, 3 up and 2.
Lindsay Wins In Eleventh.
Llndaay, Neb., July 25. (Special.) In a
close eleven-Inning contest, In which neither
side scored until the tenth. Lindsay took a
2 to 1 contest from Cornloa on the local
diamond. Score:
R. H. E.
Cornlea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 I 2 1
Lindsay 0000000001 12 3 6
Batteries: Lindsay. Redmond and Agnew;
Cornlea. Polk and Srhumacher. Struck out:
By Redmond, 12; by Polk, 16.
State Printers to
Play Golf in Omaha
Printers from all over the state of
Nebraska will be in Omaha today for
the annual Printer's golf match which
will be held this afternoon at the
Happy Hollow club. About forty
printers will take part as guests of
the Omaha Ben Franklin club. Herb
McCoy and Joe B. Redfield will act
as captains of two picked teams,
which will play for the dinners.
Scotia Wins Second
Game From Ramblers
Seotia, Neb., July 25. Scotia won
frsim h cimvhn Ramhlprs here Mon
day, 6 to 3. Score:
K&iTiDiera i Vvwwvv - - -
Scotia 0 00301020 I 10 0
n.i, TTnllanrl! THir-
yea and Ammerman. Home run: Johnson.
Tnree-Dane nm: oauiier ecu.
hits: Hansen, McAndrew. Struck out: By
Duryean, 16; by Kaufmann, 4.
Scotia plays at Ravenna Wednes
day and Thusrday of this week.
Metal Market.
N?w Tork. July 26. Metals Lead, IMG.
Spelter, unsettled; spot easy. Copper,
steady; electrolytic, 124.00 27.00. Iron,
steady and unchanged. Tin, steady; spot,
37.5038. 26.
At London; Spot copper, 98; futures,
95; electrolytic, 1123; spot tin. 166; fu
tures, 16(i 10s. Lead, 28.50. Spelter, 60.
Bastings Defeats Deweeae.
Hastings, Neb.. July 25. (Special.) Ths
Hastings Athletics defeated Deweose Mon
day in a fant game of ball, 8 to 1. Tn
feature of the game was the pitching of
Panzer for Hastings, nho struck out eight
een men.
Beebe No Chicken.
Members of tho "pioneer society" are
deeply interested In the work of Comrade
Fred Beebe with the Cleveland Indians.
Comrade Beebe must be the oldest pitcher
wearing big yard spangles, since he was
born December 31, the last day of the year.
2,000 30 lift 20
1,900 67 BHt 66
1,100 2S Uli 23
6,800 96 95 05ft
1,900 46 V4 46H rt
500 264 26 26
1,000 074 97H 974
1,800 23 234fc 23
9,100 127 1264 126fc
12,500 25 224 23
3,000 196 191 U 194
1,100 137 14 136ri 18?
28,300 107U 1024 lOlli
13.600 86 86)4 85H
300 118 118 117
200 76 76 76
BOO 27 2Mi Stin
400 n 13 93
2,900 66 66 66
Wheat Keeps on doing Higher and Dig
rroui xskxeo.
Chlcaso. July 86. Notwlthstandlnr thst
wheat at one time today touched the high
est nrlces yet this season, the market dur-
In the greater uart of the day was on th-a
decline, Influenced largely by cooler weather
in ine oiaoK rust region ana oy assertions
that ror the present the damage had dis
counted the recent btg sdvance In quota
tions. Weakness prevailed at the close
which waa lo to lo lower, with Seotem-
ber 11,19, and December at 11,21. Corn
finished o off to e up, oats down HOc
to c, and provisions varying from JOc de
ntin tn & rim at he.
It was a day of profit taktnv on a bis
scale by commission houses that had been
extremely bullish of late as to wheat, but
Had decided to regard toe advance as suf
ficient for (he time being. Breaks In value
met good hupport at Intervals, and were
followed by sham bulves that In turn en
countered Increased selling which Just be
fore tne ciose carried prices down to tne
low point of the session. Sensational re-
forts of crop damsge continued to come
rom both North and South Dakota, but
the tower temperatures In the northwest
teemed noticeably to reduoe the bullish en
thusiasm of speculators, and eventually
brought about general realising. Confusing
reports regarding the presence of black rust
In Manitoba counted also to some extent
In fsvor of the bears.
uossiD was current mat man rretsrht ratas
on the ocean was checking European de
mand for wheat. Later In the day, however.
Baltimore sent word that a carao of United
States wheat had been purchased there for
export. It waa said, too, thst domestic
miners nao mane noerai purchases of new
winter wheat In the southwest. Ort tta.
other hand, primary receipts showed a big
Increase as compared with last week as well
as wun a year ago.
Corn weakened with wheat, but country
houses and a few locals showed a desire
for the December, delivery and moat at th
strength displayed was In that future which
ciosea wo nigner. w earner conditions re
ported not propitious for the orop tended
also to prevent any decided setback. Trad
ing In oats waa not heavy and the price
trend followed the course of wheat. Coun
try Offerings were moderate and the cash
demand was not pronounced. Firmness1 in
live hog prices failed to Influence provision
dealers and prices were lower. Importan
selling Induced a dip but good support took
prlrs away from the lew levels .
Chicago Cash Prloes Wheat: No. I red,
new, ll.J6el.J; No. I red. new, $1.22
1.16 4; No. I hard. new. $1.13; No. t
hard, new, 81. IT. Corn: No, I yellow. 84 A
64c; No. 4 white, T6c. Oats: No. I
whits, 40f41o: standard, 42 943a.
Rye No. 3, new, 98e. Barley: 66974c. Seeds:
Timothy, $8.50; clover. $7014. Provlslonqs:
Pork. 82l.tOOM.60i lard, $12,10; rlba, $11.35
013 36.
Butter Unchanged.
Eggs Receipts, U.919 caves fa sHrst mm
Potatoes Receipts, II ears; vneteafeC
Poultry Alive, . higher; fowls, 1TC
springs, 21922.
St. Louis Orals, Market.
St. Louis, July tl. Wheat No. 1 red.
new, $1.30 01.14; No. I hard, new, 11.20
1.24; July, $1.17; September, $1.11.
Corn No. 2, 13c; No. 2 white, lie; Julr,
92ci September, Tlf.
nate No f, new, 40941o; No. white,
old. 4 Jo.
Jfow Tork Honor Market.
New Tork, July 21. Prim Mercantile
Paper 4 per cent
Sterling Exchange Sixty-day bills.
$4.71; demand, $4.71 13-16; cables,
$4.78 7-11
Silver Bar, 63c; Mexican dollars, 48c.
Bonds Government, steady; railroad,
Time Loans Steady; sixty days, 3Q
3 per cent; ninety days, 8 04 per cent;
six months, 494 per cent.
Call Money Steady; highest, 2 percent;
lowest, 1 per cent; ruling rate, 2 per
cent; last loan, 2 per cent; closing bid,
2 per cent; offered at 2 per cent.
U. S. r. 3s. rgg. 98K. C. So. ref. 6 98
do coupon ... 98 L. A N. un. 4s... 94
U. 8. 3s.. reg.,.100 M., K. & T. 1 4s. 74
do coupon ...100 M. P. con. 6s. ..104
TJ. & 4s. reg,..109Mont Power 6s. 97
do coupon ...110 N. T. C. deb. 6s. .112
Am. Smelt. $s.,107N. T. City 4n.l08
Am. Tel. k Tel. N. T., N. H. &
ov. 4s 108 H. cv. 6a 112
Anglo-French 6s. 96 No. Pacific 4s... 92
Atch. gen. 4s.... 92 do 3s 65
B. A O. 4s 80Ore. 8. L. ref. 4s. 91
Beth. St. ref. ls.lO0Pac. T. A T. Cs.100
Central Pacfi 1st. 88Penn. con. 4s,.104
C. A O. cv. 4s. 85 do gen. 4s...l01
C, B. A Q. t is. 97Readlng gen. 4s. 95
C., M. A Bt P. St. L. A San F.
cv. 6s 108 ref. 4s 91
C R. I. A P. Ry. So. Pac. cv. 6s.. 102
ref. 4s T3 do ref. 4s 90
C. A 8. ref. 4s. 83 So. Railway 5s.. 101
D. A R. O. c 4s 78 Union Pas, 4s... 97
do ref. 5s 70 do cv. 4s 93
Erie gen. 4s T4 U. 8. Rubber Cs..l02
Oen. Elso. 6s. ...104 U. 8. Steel 6s. ...105
Ot. No. 1st 4. 99W. Union 4s.. 95
I. u. ret. s bs -w. Ktec. cv. bs.iu
Int. M. M. 4s..l06 -Bid. Offered.
London Stock Market.
London, July 26. American securities, re
flecting Wall street, declined all around and
finished dull.
Silver Bar, 19 ll-16d per ounce.
Money 4 per cent.
Discount Rates Short bills, K05 per
cent; three months, 605 per cent
Cottoa Market.
New Tork, July 36. Cotton Opening 3
to 10 points higher the cotton market
steadily advanced during the first hour to
18-29n for October and 13,49c for January,
representing a rise ot about $3 per bale In
two daya The close was steady at a net
advance of I to I potnts.
Sugar Market.
. New Tork, July 35. Sugar Raw, quiet;
centrifugal, 6.33c,- molasses, 6.56c; refined,
quiet; fine granulated, 7.66c. Futures
opened quiet. Prices later eased off slightly
under liquidation and prices at noon were
1 to 2 points net lower.
Tired. Aching
Feet and Limbs
are promptly relieved by applying Absor
blne, Jr., the antiseptic liniment. It is sooth
ing, healing and Invigorattnig puts vim and
energy into jaded muscles. On of th many
snthttslastl users writes I "I received th
trial bottle el Absorbin, Jr., all right and
at that time was unabl to walk without a
can, just around th bouse. I used tt
freely and lnsid of two days could walk
without Umping, something J had not dont
tat two months. I went to th drug; store
and 'procured a $1.00 bottle and today ean
walk as good as over. I'll never be without
it. X am recommending tt to everyone I can,
for X am Hying witness."
Absorbin, Jr., should always b kept at
hand for emergencies.
At druggists, $1.00 and 12,00 a botUe or
sent postpaid. Liberal trial bottle for 10c
In stamps.
W. F. YOUNO, P. D. F.
104 Tempi SU, Springfield, Mass.
Extensive Alterations Throughout the Store Compelling
Readjustment of Nearly All Stocks Mean BIG PRICE
SAVINGS to Buyers in Our GREAT
New Lots of Desirable and Dependable Merchandise
Brought Forward Every Day Values Which Make
Money Spent in This Sale
One of the Best Investments Ever!
Some Interesting Grocery Prices for Wednesday's Sale
highest quality and save from 25 to 50 in the cost
You get the freshest goods,
of living:
We advise our customers to buy Flour
now Wednesday, 48-lb. sacks best high
grade Diamond H Flour, made from the
best wheat, per 48-lb. sack $135
18 lbs. Beat Pur Cane Granulated Sugar
for l-00
12 bars Laundry Queen Whit Laundry
Soap for 25c
10 bars Diamond C Soap for 25c
7 lbs. best Bulk Laundry Starch - 25c
6 cans OU or Mustard Sardines ....19c
E. C. Corn Flakes, pkg 5c
Skinner's Famous, Omaha Made, Maca
roni, Vermicelli, or Spaghette. pkg. 7Vc
8i ounce jars Pure, Fruit Preserves, 25c
16 ounce cans Condensed Soups . .SVsc
4 lbs. Fancy Japan Ric 25c
16 ounce cans Condensed Milk . ...7rjc
Tall cans Salmon 10c
Advo Jell, for dessert, pkg 7Vje
For ice tea use Diamond H Brand
it's quality and refreshing, lb 35c
Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, lb. . .20c
For lunches and sandwiches try Mac-
Laren's Peanut Butter, lb 12Vsb
Fancy Sweet Pickles, quart 20c
Fancy Sour Pickles, quart 10c
Fancy Queen Olives, quart 35c
The Best Creamery Butter, carton or
bulk, per lb 30c
Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery Butter,
per lb -2c
Good Dairy Table Butter, lb 2c
Fancy Full Cream, Yonng America, Wis
consin Cream or Brick Cheese, b...20c
The best Strictly Fresh Eggs, dot. 23c
Neufchatel Cheese, each 3c
Imported Roquefort Cheese, lb. ....65c
18 lbs. Best New Potatoes .15c
2 heads Fresh Cabbage 5c
Fancy Sweet Corn, per dot. ,.16c
6 bunches Fresh Radishes Sc
4 bunches Fresh Beets, Carrots or Tur
nips, for 5c
8 large Cucumbers 5c
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb ...5c
4 bunches Fresh Parsley ..5c
Green Beans, per lb. SVsc
8 Summer Squash for 10c
Fancy Head Lettuce, per head ....7VC
A carload of Extra Fancy Arkansas
Elberta Free Stone Peaches, packed in
bushel baskets, Wednesday, 1 CO
per bushel ?1.00
No dealers or peddlers supplied at
this price.
We recommend that you buy them not guaranteed, same as we do, and get the low
price. Size about 25o to 40c.
I II I I I ( 1 I I I I I I I I 1
Guaranteed Ripe. 3
Not guaranteed, i 1
per pound ... 1 2t per pound . . .
moving fast 360 size, per dozen fcaOC
1 ' Jjga
9 Wftii ' ?
Peaches are getting cheaper. Ask price by bushel or small basket.
Remember Every T"I IP r A OVf?T' OT"T" C C Is Guaranteed
Purchase Made at IOC DOIV.i 1 iJ 1 W1JUJ to Please,
Mm L. Lasky PraMU
'The Dream Girl"
"Casey at the Bat"
ChsNr Conklsa la
Has First FsJa. St.
IMIrCI? Coolest
If I U 9 d Biggest Futura,
'The Ordeal o?Elizabeth"
Bayfield Inn
Bayfield, Wisconsin
Cool and comfortable. Immunity from
hay fever aad respiratory trouble. Fish
ing in Lake Superior; trout stream or
inland lake. Writ for Information.
Presenting an Up-to-date Minstrel
First Jart Tho Great Westnit Howo
A Howe Geo. Yeoman's; Photoplay
10c AUMlASiun ivc