THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1916. Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -.- Entertainments -:- Club Doings - ANCIENT HOMES TELL OF THEOLDEN DAY Old Mansion of the Early Days Given Over to be Boarding House. BUSINESS OBOWDS IT OUT MELLIFICIA, July 24. Did the fate of old mansions ever trike you as romantic? As I walked down a certain street of Omaha the other day I saw beautiful old brick houses, the kind that instinctively make one think of old-established families, completely surrounded by cheap modern houses running over with ' tternly women and unkempt chiK ' town has its quota of just s ises. I like to imagine them I oust have been in their prime. :y must have bubbled over and gayety. What stately -th snowy hair and bobbing t have presided at the pol . rd in the paneled dining hall! a great ball would be given polished floors would be r the dancers. The stately '. the snowy hair would array I m her crackling robes of silk, tne , ung daughters would be brushed and powdered and dressed demurely. Then the great heavily carved front door would swing back and hacks and big old-fashioned car riages would drive up to the porte cochere with a grand flourish, there to give up a stream of bustling berib obned and frock-coated freight. . Oh, the stories that these old hous es could tell of people and plans. What events they have seen ,or what! skeletons lurk in their dim, dusty closets. But here they are stranded high and dry by the onrushing flood of the busy city's life and society. All over Omaha and any fairly old city you can see these sad old wrecks, suggesting volumes, of past history, but moldering, milkweed and vacant, too antiquated and misplaced for the rich, too expensive and un wholesome for the poor. r Young Folks Take the Palm for Keeping Wedding Plans Secret The palm for two things planning the most original wedding and being the most secretive individuals in this city undoubtedly belong to Mr. Lumir Buresh and Miss Elizabeth Doud, two of the most popular young people in the college set, who were married Saturday evening. You certainly can tell them your deepest secret for they know how to keep secrets from parents, sisters and brothers and dearest friends, even. Of course all their friends knew the young people were engaged and that Mr. Buresh was building a lovely little home in Minne l.usa addition ior his bride. The cozy little place was completed, it was being furnished and the bride was preparing her wed ding gown, so Mamma Doud and Mamma Buresh thought it was time to get their own new gowns ready for the wedding, which they did. Saturday evening, the younger Mr Buresh invited his parents to come with him and Miss ,Doud to inspect the new home. . Attired as they were, the parents- stepped into the waiting machine and whirled .out to the new little nest. , . ". rt..-.. . While they 'were inspecting (the lower floor, Miss Doud slipped up stairs and donned her bridal gown and just as she was descending the staircase; a regular bride, the door bell rang! and in walked the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Doud and her sister, Mary,- summoned on a Similar mission W inspect the house, and Dr. and Mr: David R. Kerr, old friends of the family. ' Amid exclamations of astonish ment, surprise and ; dismay (when Mamma Doud and Mamma Buresh bethought,.themselves of the beautiful Wedding gowns in planning). Dr. Kerr married the young people, who left w k'Ni MRS. LUMIR BURESH. that same evening for a wedding trip to Kansas City and Excelsior Springs. The marriage is the culmination of a romance started in high school days wheitMr. Buresh was editor and Miss Doud, assistant editor of the Regis ter. Since then Miss Doud attended the University of Nebraska and was dn-the secretarial staff of the Young Women' Christian association, while Mr. Buresh attended the University of . Michigan and is now associated with his father, Vaclav Buresh, in the Ppkrpk Publishing company. Marion Towle since her return from the east, will leave tomorrow evening for her hone. Tea for Miss Claser. Miss Mildred Rubel was hostess at tea this afternoon for her guest, Miss Amy Glaser of St. Louis. Farewell Party at Parish House. Mrs. W. O. Henry was honor guest at a large reception given this after noon at the parish house of the First Presbyterian church by the church women. Dr. and Mrs. Henry will ' leave next luesday tor tneir new home in Los Angeles. Picnic Postponed. On account of the death of Conrad G. Fisher, whose .funeral will take place Tuesday afternoon, the picnic of V. S. Grant Women's Relief corps which was to have been held Tues day will be held a week from Tuesday. Stork Special. A soh was born this morning Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rees, jr, Luncheon at the University Club. The Misses Marion and Naomi Towle entertained at luncheon at the University tlub, today for Mr. George Post of New' York, who is the guest of Mr. Herbert Davis. Covers were laid for , MlMM Naomi Towle, Marlon Towle. Mesera. -Wallace Shepherd, Leonard Ooee. Dr, Connell Gives Advice to Swimmers Health Commissioner Connell of fers this word of advice to bathers at public swimming places: "Do not swallow the water. The chances are there may be no ill ef fects, but there is alway. a danger of contamination. You run a risk when you swalolw the waler when many are in bathing. Put colon in your ears before you enter the water, this precaution protecting the ear drums from irritation." The increasing popularity of Mu nicipal beach, Kiverview and Spring lake swimming pools prompts the health commissioner to give this mat ter some thought. Particularly at Riverview pool does his advice apply. Dr. Connell is colecting a lot of data on the subject of swimming pool sanitation. Upon his suggestions the pools at Riverview and Spring Lake parks are cleaned and the water clari fied by chlorine gas. The water is replaced at intervals. Mrs. N. M. Bassett and Mrs. J. R. Freeland left Friday for Chicago and a trip up the lakes. Mrs. Despecher Catches Huge Carp at Lake Manawa ; A fourteen-pound German carp was caught Sunday at Lake Manawa by Mrs. Felix Despecher. Mrs. Despech'" er was fishing from the deck of her houseboat at the Council Bluffs Row-'; ing association. - Mrs. Desperher's catch is thought to be the biggest -of any kind captured from the waters of Lake Manawa. , mm Retina Connell. Gthel Andrewe of Camden. N. J. ; . Meeere. Georve Post, Herbert Davla, At the Country Club. The E. A. Wickham's of Council Bluffs had a party of twelve at the. Country club last evening,. Parties of six dining together were with J. T. Stewart, Henry Doorly and M. G. Colpetzer. The D. A: Baurn's" had seven guests. Other parties were the guests of Barton Millard,. Dr...Lerdy Crummer, H. J. "Connell, O.'T. East man, J. T. Brady and A. A. McCord. Joe Baker, aiid Mrs, W. H. Wheeler have dinner reservations for six and seven respectively at the club this evening. Mrs. George Prinz will entertain fourteen at the club on Wednesday. Mrs. Frank Lowrey'and Miss Helen Lowrey of Norfolk." Mr. Grant '"Peters celebrated his birthday at dinner Saturday evening with Mr. C. Nagle, Mr. W. M. Whar ton, Mr. Al Hanson and Miss Fran ces Conley. , Others who entertained at Saturday evening dinner at the club were: Mr, R. B. Johnson, Miss Helen Howell, Dr: L: A. Dermody, Mr. Al Lierk, Mr. Charles Mullin and Mr. Mark Miller. At Happy Hollow Club. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wilcox "and the Misses Berhice and Virginia Wil cox had as their guests at supper yes terday evening,- Mr. and Mrs. James Gilmore and Mr. and Mrs. T .W. Al len. Mr. George Michel had a party of seven and A R. Wells and M. M. Robertson each (had six. ..- Those entertaining smalt parties it Happy Hollow club Sunday evening were: H. D. Brown and Lee Leslie with five guests each; F. H. Garvin, C. C. Sadler, R. W. Hayword, W, L Selby, each with four; and J. F. Flack, J. T. Brownlee, W. R, Watson, Joseph Porter, W. R. Adair, W. H. Garratt, H. G. Streight, E. Millard, G. W. Up dike, W. C. Lyle, L. L. Hamlin, H. N. Wood, C. S. Stebbins, E. L. Hol- land, George Carter and R. Collar with smaller numbers of guests. W. C. Ramsey has dinner reserva tions for six at the club this evening. Luncheon reservations for tomor row have been made by W. S. Peter son and P. M. Garrett each for twelve guests, and by B. R. Hastings for ten. Miss Florence Dow has a matinee reservation for seventeen tomorrow, and Mrs. Don Lee for fourteen. For the Tuesday evening dinner dance F. J. Jumper has reserved places for twelve guests, R. R. Evans for eight, W. R. McFarland for ten, and R. E. Sunderland for sixteen. Mrs. G. M. Durkee entertained ten at luncheon at Happy Hollow club today. At Carter Lake Club. . Mrs. F. I. Ellick had as her guests Sunday Mr. G. C. Ellick, Mr. R. C. Anstcad and Miss Margaret Leake of Fremont. Miss Leake is Fremont's best woman swimmer. She has dem onstrated her ability during; her stay with Mrs. Ellick by swimming across Carter lake. Flower and Jewell Alexander, Clarke Cheney and Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Patten supped together Sunday even ing. Mrs. A. H. Schwarick entertained at dinner Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bannon, Miss Beulah Vaughn, Miss Margaret Bannon, Mr. R. L. Acker, all of Sioux City, and ;Mrs. J. Madigan. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Zipfel entertain ed Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schifferle and Mr. W. H. Alouser of Jacksonville, Fla. Mrs. H. F. Rowland and son, George, of Wadena, la., are visiting Mrs. Rowland's sister, Mrs. O. C. Ho man, at the "Alcove." Mrs. A. L: Meager has returned to her home in Sioux City after a week spent with Mrs. A. L. Sorenson. Mr. Max E. Smith and family are visiting at the W. F. Guild cottage this week. Mr. Gus Renz and family have taken Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Mitchell's cottage for two weeks. Sunday morning Mr. Carl Nagle and Mr. Grant Peters entertained twelve guests at breakfast after sail ing and swimming. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Sorenson mo tored to Atlantic, li., Sunday, to visit Mrs. Sorenson's brother and sister, Dr. fcd Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Henry Hiller entertained at luncheon and bridge Saturday. Her guests were: Meedamea - Meedamee Charlee Klrachbaum, Fred Hadra. Fred Adler, . Harry Unveraagt, Victor Roaewater, ' N. P. Fell. Nate Mantel, Tu. tt-:. -I..,. j- j iic uuiiai tan ciuu nau uinncr at me tmu nouse aaturaay evening. Twenty-eight members were present. Mrs. C. M. Smith entertained at dinner Mrs. Henry Allan, Mr. and At the Field Club. Miss Gertrude porter entertained at 1 o'clock luncheon today at the Field club for her house guest, Mi3S Clare Louise Wright, of Chicago. Pink Killarney roses and bachelors' buttons were used in one large and several small baskets on the tables. Covers were, laid for sixteen guests. Tomorrow evening Mrs. W. E. Shep herd will entertain for Miss Wright. The usual Sunday evening supper crowd was seen at the Field club last evening. About one f-hundred were present. . " . Today fifty women golfers ', had luncheon at-the club house. Mrs. E. A. Higgihs has a luncheon reservation for four. Tuesday. Enochs-Stafford Wedding. Mr. J. H. Stafford of the South Side announces the marriage of his daughter, Mildred Lucile, to Harry J. Enochs, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Enochs of Kansas City, Mo. The marriage took place Saturday after noon, July 22, at 4 o'clock at the home of the bridegroom's parents, the Rev. Harry Sheldon of the Congregational church performing the ceremony. After a wedding trip in the south the young people will be at home with Mr. Enochs' parents until the com pletion of their own residence. Mrs. Enochs is a graduate of Sa cred Heart convent. The marriage Comes as a great surprise to rela tives and friends, because no one sus pected that the purpose of Miss Staf ford's recent visit to Kasas City was her marriage to Mr. Enochs. Notes of Interest. Mr. and; Mrs. H. J. McCarthy are stopping at; 'he Hotel Traymore in Atlantic City for two weeks. Mr. Leonard Goss of San Francisco arrived Friday to visit his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Goss. Miss Ethel Andrews of Camden, N. J., who has been the guest of Miss In and Out of the Bea Hive. Mrs. E. N. Secord is spending the remainder of the summer at Winni peg, Manitoba. ' . Mrs. Ralph W. Emerson returned Sunday from a visit of two months with friends ' in Boston and Provi dence. R. I TOR Nadine Face Powder (l Cr n Box,, Only) Keepe Tha Complexion Beautiful bolt and velret7. Money back If not en. tlrelypleaeed. Nadine la pure and harm lata, Adherea until waehed off. Prevent! eunbum and, feturn of diacoloratlona, A million detichted ueere prove Ita value. Wh, Pink, Brunette, White. By TolUt Count,,, .r M.ll. SO,, Natl al Toilet Omaanr. Parla, Tom. Sold Br Leadlnf Toilet Counter! tn Omaka. Families Vith Babies, Read- THE TORONTO DAtLYsEW! LESS REASON TO FEAR INFANTILE PARALYSIS Ptotturizmg KiJf tht Germs. Says President of Kantai State Board of Health, and All Toronto' Milk Must be Paitturised 1 1 A certain amount of reassurance I rlto. Topeko. Kaneaa. prefiient at for parents foaitaf the tnrec'xued I Ntnsas estate Board of Health epidemic of loifantle paralysis u mi"" "Tna,ntue do rouno in pno loiravv-ins comrau j riteeUon'te The Dally News from Mi Charles K. Potter, Toronto, chan meet Of the publicity Committee o (ha International Milk Dealera' A oclettlqos:- , v?'t View of'hei-Wiir eerlous -Aotlle Walyeta etidethfb In New York, I Thought thai iou mlsbt be. Interested' In the fullovtnt statement that I have Just received. statement comes fre.nL Dr. Chae". UeM peraJyiis la due to'I specific virus caused e ntoroixj uncovered oy f iexnei' la Ills Heat of pasteurising would deetroy microbes, therefore disease oan not be spread by milk mat it pan ' teurlaed.' I "In. view of the fact that Toron to's milk Wply la pasteurised u dr tor-law irotruUttn thetnatter,DI thouiht that your Toronto readeW might appreeUteJtho awurice'thai, on mgrriBO a statement ttTee," Order from your grocer, one of our drivers, or Telephone Douglas 409. ParenttShonld not Overlook the warntnir and, likewise the (rood news contained in the clipping? 'from tht Toron to News. Pasteurized MILK r From Alamtto Dairy it safer than ordinary nw milk. If you hava a baby yon owe it. to the little one and to your self to use tht safest milk you tan buy. ( - Afamito Perfect Pasteurized Milk ' Does not endanger the lives of the little onee by- carry : Ing Infantile - Paralyaii to them Ask Your Doctor . He Knows i . , THE "MILK-WHITE" DAIRY It ie le y -A 'a r It s ..s - :i AH Se -4 rt ,i A DREXEL'S $1.00 Shoe Sale People who in the past have attended these sales know ex actly what they mean to them. They know that every shoe comes from the regular Drexel stock and is a regular Drexel quality throughout Naturally" "at these greatly reduced prices we cannot charge, deliver or exchange any of these bar gains. Get in early tomorrow and see for yourself. $1.00 Bargains For Women : 300 pairs Women's Patent Colt, '.Gun Metal Pumps and Oxfords; regular price $3, $4, $6 and $6, go at $1 200 pairs Women's White ' Canvas and Nubuck High and low' shoes ; regular price $3, $4 and $5, go at 81 200 pairs Women's Ooze Calf Oxfords and Pumps; regu lar price $4 & S5, go at $1 FOR MEN 200 pairs $4, $5 and 18 Pat ent leather Oxfords, go at 81.05. Men's Black and Tan Rubber Sole Oxfords, at 20 off. DREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 Farnam St. 2C Retail Merchants --Attention, Heaise! Omaha's Wholesalers and Manufacturers want you and your family as their guests dmv ing the week of August 7 to 12. We want to get acquainted with you. We want you to know the vast resources of the Omaha market better, too. It is always mutually beneficial for wholesalers and retailers to know eachr other personally, and so we hope to see all our old friends, and many new ones here during Market Week. A market buying trip never was more imper- -ative than this year. You know what, condi- tions have been in the world of merchandised the last few months and what they are now. , " The country was never more prosperous-' " there neyeriiwas a greater demand former?!'', chandise. ; The question of supply; is serious; but we have planned carefully to take1 care of your requirements if you will buy. early. You Should Come to Omaha During' MERCHANTS' FALL MARKET WEEK August 7 to August 12, 1916 Many Splendid Entertainments Planned A Market Week without social diversions would be very incomplete so we have planned a series of en tertainments for you and your family which we believe never were equalled by any other market in the west. Brief ly they are as follows : Two noon luncheons at Omaha's leading hotels. At each of these a noted Eastern business man will analyze conditions as they exist today, and as they probably will develop for the next few months. An evening dancing party at the Field club one of Omaha's prettiest country clubs. Cool breezes, fine refreshments and splendid music with a perfect dan cing floor. A novel entertainment at the Auditorium, including a series of educational motion picture films of both the cotton and woolen industries which will both educate and delight you. A dance with light refreshments will follow. ( I An afternoon in big league baseball an opportunity to ... see professional baseball at its best, and a. diversion"'-' that every true "fan" will hail with delight. You and your family will all enjoy these affairs so arrange now to be our guests during Market Week. AN AUTO TRUCK GIVEN AWAY This association has purchased a Republic Auto Deliv ery Truck from Andrew Murphy & Sons, Omaha agents, and will give it away, on Wednesday evening, August 9. This truck will carry 1,500 pounds,;and will make some merchant a very happy ma:;;;erti"emb'er, there is not one cent of expense involved, in this some retailer will receive this truck absolutely free a gift of the asso ciation. Competition is limited to retailers living outside of Omaha, Council Bluffs and suburbs, and only one member of a family is eligible to compete for this fine gift. . We want to see you and your family during Merchants' Market Week Omaha Wholesalers' & Mfes Ass'n. ; , i ! I '4 II