Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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Entered at Omaha poatafflce - wond-clsss mstur.
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ErenRif and Bandar Jfc -"
Xvmlnf without Sandar '
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Send notice of chenae of addr.. or hrwularttr In de-
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takan In payment of amall accounu. Pcrional cnecM,
eieept oa Omaha and eaatern eaehante, not accepted.
OmaW The Boo Building.
South Omaha 2S18 N street
Council Bluff a 14 North Main street.
Lincoln 424 Little Buildlni.
Chlearo SIS People' I Gai Building.
New York Room 801, 28( Fifth avenue.
St. Loula 101 New Bank of Commerce.
Washington 72S Fourteenth street, N. W.
Addraaa communications relatinsr to newa and editorial
matter to Omaha Bee. Editorial Department.
57,957 Daily Sunday 52,877
' Dwlrht WlllUma. circulation manager of The Baa
Plhllehint eampeay, nein duly aworn. eara that tha
a'eraie circulation for tha month, at June, Hit, waa
IT.S47 dallr and Sl.817 Sunday. , ,
DWICHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manater.
Subaerlbed In mr presence and aworn to before ma
thla d day of July. 1016.
" ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Futile.
Subscriber tearing tha city temporarily
should hara Tha Baa mailed to th.rn. Act-
dress will bo changed as of tan aa requested.
Loop-Holet in tht CempetiMtion Law.
State Labor Commissioner Coffey rightfully
protests against the interpretation which the Lin
coln school board would put upon our Nebraska
workmen's compensation law by contending that
it does not cover accidental injuries sustained by
public janitor. The law speciflcally Includes
governmental agencies, but the Lincoln school
board would seek to escape under the clause ex
cepting non-profit-making associations. It cer
tainly would be an anomaty for the state to set
up a standard of justice as between private em
ployers and employes, and then try (o shirk
similar responsibilities of its own through a loop
hole of legal technicality,
Yet the idea that a janitor takes employment
in a public school at his own accident risk, where
as he would be entitled to compensation if he
were working in a private business house, is no
more anomalous than some actual contradictions
of the Nebraska law. Why, for example, should
an employe enjoy its benefits while working for a
concern employing numerous co-wbrkers but lose
those benefits when compelled to hire out to an
employer with less than five workers? Why,
again, should the widow and children of a work
man killed in a threshing machine, for example,
have no consideration as coming under the char
acter of agricultural labor, while the widow and
children of a man killed in a packing house are
conceded full rights? Why, again, should society
assume the burden of industrial accidents and re
fuse to assume the burden of accidents of domes
tic employments?
Plainly, our conception of social justice legis
lation needs broadening out 10 as to smooth some
of these rough places. ' '
,' Republican harmony; carries the pep that
makes for victory.
The city planning board's verdict on that hide
ous Welcome Arch is overdue. ,
Now hear the platform i conventions "point
with pride" and also '"severely denounce I" -
'. - Reports from Chihuahua Once more promise
an early capture of Fancho Villa. . promises are
Chihuahua's. long suit i
- St .
" ' Turks are reported near the Sues canal. Just
now the British water wagon Is particularly at
tractive to the Sons of Allah.
' The massacre at San Francisco also 'empha
sizes the urgency1 of preparedness against the
common enemy of anarchy at home. .,
'' The president of the Nickel Plate road also
began his railroad career as a telegraph operator,
No other occupation down the line more quickly
reveals the live, wires. , ; '
! T With so many of the democratic office-holders,
officing there, "falling down" it is not surprising
i that the state house shows sign of acquiring the
falling habit,' too. ""i,":'"''-""''","J'" ..v..-'-;
' ' My, what a compliment to Mr. Bryan for the
senator to find a two-line sentence fit to be
quoted in his personal newspaper organ among
; the opinion of other democrats I
- - '
- At any rate, credit the public library author!
..& for not repeating last fear? foolish mistake
:-oj closing down that Institijtipn .during the sum'
tner month from Saturday noon until Monday
morning...... -' ' 'i ;i '
If the' controversy a to which of the pocket
of the taxpayer shall yield the money to pay for
the water in the municipal bathing beach I only
kept up long enough, the coming of cold weather
may settle if for us.
,i 'v
Great Britain's war bill I bow fanning close
to $30,000,000 a day, and the eleventh credit vote
will be sought in Parliament this week, bringing
the total for the war up to $13,000,000,000. The
cost, tike the war, I gigantic, but it measures the
price of national salvation.
. And now 'we are told that the percentage of
water plant revenue produced by a 3-mill tax
levy if not a Urge as it ought to be. If memory
serves ur 6n of the promise made during the
agitation for purchase was that municipal owner
hip would immediately do away with the water
tax altogether. Tempore mutanturl ' '
' r. . ' .. . ff wi . , . . .
v And How it is an unnamed "progressive re
publican" who has been pressed into the service
to contribute a bit of fulsome laudation of our
democratic senator lor publication In the sena
tor's own personal organ. Wat the writer ever
' a republican? Or, Is' he a 'masquerading 'demo
crat? Or, is he, one of those versatile literary
fictionists on the senator's payroll? ,
Nebraska Press Comment
Fremont Tribune:, If this hot weather con.
tinues, disappointed democrats can at least think
pleasantly ot one feature oi tne appointment ot
Omaha's new postmaster. His name is Fanning.
Osceola Record: All this talk of repealing; the
firimary law becomes tiresome. No one cares
or a change in the primary law, but those who
can no longer .control nominations -and wish to
o back toi tne boss ridden convention system,
he Record is strictly against any move in that
direction. ' ' " -" - ' " " '
' Columbus Telegram: Careful estimate show
that the Deoble of Nebraska spend several million
dollars per year with the big mail order houses
which sell things to eat and wear. Every dollar
of this money ought to be spent with home mer
chants. The suggestiorr-of The Telegram-is to
the effect that Nebraska merchants would be in
bettor position to ask people to buy, eat and wear
things here -at home it the merchant themselves
would practice what they preach, and quit send
ing insurance money to New York and London. -
Tekamah Herald:. Some of the state paper
are making sarcastic remarks about the democrat
paying $850 per year to the city of Lincoln for
the water used at the state house. It seems to
us that an explanation is ' necessary. Fifteen
thousand gallons a day is too much, especially for
democratic state omciais who never acquired tne
reputation of being fond Of water. , We would hot
blame them much for not using the Lincoln brand
of brine solution,' if they could obtain any other
substitute, to slake their thirst. : The question i
-what was the i5,ugu gallons per day used for.
Beatrice Express: The is but little consols
lion for the Nebraska democracy In the interview
given out by ex-Secretary, of-State Bryan at
Omaha. "1 do not care to advise the state con
vention," said the -ex-leader of. his party in this
jute. "The -wets carried the primary and upon
tnem rests tne responsiDiuty ot writing the plat
form and lavinit out; lheline of the camDaurn."
Not a word abceH, Mr. Hitchcock, Mr. Neville or
any of the other democratic candidate for Jtate
or congressional offices. , It, appear! that this is
me of the yeartv when Mr. Bryan, .bavins been
-mitten on one cheek, will refuse to turn his
..ither cheek in the direction of his assailants.
Passing of Two Great Men.
Two men who wrought for humanity in dif
ferent fields, but who saw the world through eyes
not dimmed by material things, have just gone
on ahead. James Whitcomb Riley won a poet'
bay because he sang the homely songs of the
people In phrase and meter that touched the
heart William Ramsay gained eminence because
he could look through matter and visualize some
thing beyond the mere substance he held in his
hand.' In response to his imagination, a new
world has opened to science, and man i given to
understand something closer to the truth than he
ever before approached. , Who will presume to
put a value on the real service of either of these
men? The one soothed the rest of a weary world
the other excited its desire for further endeavor,
but both served. Riley's song will be familiar
to million who never will read Ramsay's con
clusions, but those million will be the better
housed tnd fed because the chemist wrought his
work of inquiry. Each served well in his own
work, and the world is sdvantsged because they
England's Reply on Mail Question.
The outline of the note from Great Britain in
reply to the complaint of the United State
against Interception of neutral mails, as sent
from London, I disappointing. It might have
been expected that Foreign Minister Grey would
put the best possible face on the offensive policy
adopted by his majesty' government, but the
evasion of the real issue, and the pretense of sur
prise at the character of specific complaints made
is not convincing. The main fact la that the Brit
Ish have been taking neutral mails from neutral
ship, and holding it for inspection. This assump
tion of oversight of the relation between the
citiien of neutral countries, a well as their in
tercourse with nation at whom Great Britain
happen to be at war I intolerable."
Conventions of Geneva and The Hague, which
provide for the passage of mail in war time, have
been set aside or ignored. Contraband, actual Or
conditional, li defined for mail a well as for
merchandise, but this definition has' gone by the
board along with other restriction imposed by
agreement between the great power of the world.
Thi I because the Scandinavian countries and
Holland have persisted In their rights of com
munication with countries with whom they are
on friendly footing:,; United State trade .with
Germany and Austria hat been reduced to nearly
nothing. In fact, the British attitude since the
establishment of its constructive blockade has
been domineering as to neutrals, and is not im
proved by recent act.
Remonstrance by the United States, has not
been fairly met,' previous note from -Minister
Grey being of the tame nature a the present. A
more determined stand by our government is
necessary, If we are not to be reduced to the con
dition of the Scandinavian countries, and be put
on ration by England.
,, Rural Credits Pretension.
President Wilson has signed the rural credits
bill, passed by the present congress, saying as he
did so: ' . e ..!.
- I look forward to the benefits of this bill, not
with extravagant expectations, but with con
fident expectation that it will be of very wide
reaching benefit, and incidentally it will be of
advantage to the Investing community, for I
can imagine no more satisfactory or solid in
vestments than this system will afford those
who have money to use.
Inasmuch a the measure provides only for
machinery to loan money on first mortgage on
unincumbered land, and for but SO per cent of the
value, the exact benefit the farmer la going to
derive is not clear. Some argument ha been made
that it will have the effect of lowering the inter
est rate to the farmer. This remain to be seen.
The farm loan bank are to be permitted to issue
debenture bonds, guaranteed by the bank but
not by the government, based on the first mort
gage loan of the bank, but these bonds must
carry a rate of interest sufficiently high to make
them attractive to investors, or their sale will be
slow. The only co-operation permitted to the
farmer under law takes the form of organising
branches of the regional bank. , The short time
loan, needed for handling crops or in a live stock
deal, is not known to the farm loan bank, which
is to be exclusively a land loan affair.
The president I justified in hi expectation that
the farm loan bank will provide a safe, solid and
profitable investment for those that have money,
but it remains to be seen how It is going to help
the farmer, who is a borrower and not a lender?
War's necessity, force another change in the
Russian cabinet . All the allies a well a the cen
tral power have "changed hone In the middle
of the stream," preferring fresh mount to the
worn tut and inefficient. . " "
As long as human heart throb with the
homely joys of simple live, the spirit and the
songs of Jim Riley will brighten the long road,
His spirit, like a blessing, brightens as its take
its flight.- ' ; ':-,:-! .- . . '
i iohav
Thought Nugget for the Day.
The real difference between men is energy. A
strong will, a settled purpose, an invincible de
termination, can accomplish almost anything; and
in this lies the distinction between great men and
little men. Andrew Fuller.
One Year Ago Today in the War.
Russians began preparations for evacuating
Warsaw. -
American steamship Leelanaw sunk by Ger
man submarine off coast of Scotland.
British took town of Nasiriyeh, on the Euph
rates, after shelling by gunboat.
Austrians gained important strategic position
south of Sokal, in northern Galicia, on eastern
bank of Bug river.
Today in Omaha Thirty Years Ago.
Thomas T. Blackmore left with his sister. Ida,
for an extended visit to northern watering places.
Rev. Thomas McKaig and daughter have gone
to Lacona, la.
The women of the Central Woman s t-hris-
tian Temperance union and the Omaha Temper-
nwa CMeTaav
ance union gave a book festival at their rooms,
Fifteenth street and Capital avenue, for the pur
pose of furnishing a library for the county jail.
Admission to the festival one book.
I. S. Collins has commenced work on his new
building on Twelfth street, between Farnam and
Harney street. It will be of brick, four stories
above the basement and thirty-three feet front by
sixty-six feet deep. Weidman & Co., will occupy
the building with their commission business. The
plans were drawn by Ueves Bros.
laptain Frederick A. Masn, father ot t. w.
and F. A. Nash of this city, died at St. Francis,
Canada, from a paralytic stroke.
L. bherh. who owns tne shell ot a house on
Sixteenth and Webster streets, desires to erect a
new block, and has given notice to the tenants.
R. C. Patterson purchased of L. I. Iaylor
four lot on the corner of Farnam and Grove for
$6,700 for hi residence and property in that
vicinity advanced 50 per cent right away.
Wherever Fatteraon makes an investment it is
known that property is either very cheap or some
new development is to come.
Today in History.
1759 The French surrendered Fort Niagara
'o the English.
1814 Battle of Bridtrewater. or Lundv's Lane
Canada, one of the most destructive of the war
of 1812.
1816 A patent was granted to Cyrus Shep-
lerd and J. lhorpe of launton, Mass., tor an up
right power loom.
1822 Cornerstone laid for the first Roman
Catholic church in Brooklyn.
1834 Samuel T. Coleridge, famous English
poet and writer, died. Born October 21, 1772.
1846 Louis Bonaparte, ex-king of Holland and
father of Napoleon III, died at Leghorn, Italy.
3orn at Ajaccio in 1778.
'' 1866 Ulysses S. Grant was Commissioned
general of the United States army.
1870 The king of Prussia issued a proclama
tion promising, as results of the war with France,
a durable peace and the liberty and unity of Germany.
1878 British parliament voted the Duke of
Connaught $50,000 a year on his marriage with
Princess Louise Margaret of Prussia.
1891 Smokeless powder was used for the first
time in thi country in experiments at Sandy
nook-, . j. i : - . , ,
1894 Hostilities began between China and
1907 Japan assumed control of Korea.
This is the Day We Celebrate.
Carl E. Herring, attorney at law, was borr
uly 25, 1863, at Lowville, Wis., studied law at
he National university law school and at George
town university law school in Washington. He
las been practicing law in Omaha since 1893.
Carroll S. Montgomery is celebrating his
nxty-fifth birthday. He was born in Juno, Wis.
tnd is a graduate of the University of Wiscon
lin. He was with the law firm of Groff & Mont
gomery from 1879 to 1887, and was general coun
sel for the Transmississiooi exposition.
Arthur J. Cooley, who deals in cordage and
"wine as vice president ot achermerhorn Bros,
ompany, is an Omaha boy celebrating his forty
ourth birthday today.
Rt. Hon. Arthur J. Balfour, former British
premier, born in Scotland, sixty-eight years ago
oday. V
Duke of Roxhurghe, who married Miss Goelet
of New York Uty, born forty years ago today,
- David Belasco, celebrated dramatist and
theatrical manager, born in San Francisco, fifty
teven years ago today.
Frank J. Sprague, noted electrical engineer
-tnd member ot the naval advisory board, born at
Mitford, Conn., fifty-nine years ago today.
Nat C. Goodwin, one of America s most popular
ictors, born in Boston, fifty-nine years ago today.
Andrew MacK, noted tor his stage imper
sonations of romantic Irish characters, born in
loston, fifty-three years ago today.
' John K. Tener. former governor of Pennsvl
-ania and now president of the National base ball
eague, born in County lyrone, Ireland, fifty
hree year ago today.
''William C. De Mille. author of several success.
ul plays, born at Washington, N. C, thirty-eight
years ago today.
Timely Jotting and Reminder.
The National Dental association wilt begin
'ts annual convention in Louisville todav.
. Director of the United States Steel Corpor
ation meet today to declare dividends and pass on
the report for the second quarter of the year.
The annual national conference of the
Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary societies
of the Methodist tpiscopal church will meet to
day at Ucean urove, N. J.
The Pitman Grove Camp Meetinar association
one of the oldest organizations of its kind in the
country, will begin its forty-sixth annual session
today at f itman, N. J.
Four hundred delegates are expected at Mar
tin' Ferry, O., today for the opening of the an
nual state convention of the Daughters and Sons
of Liberty" of Ohio.
The National Association of Window Glass
Manufacturers is to meet at Atlantic City today
for its annual convention.
The annual national convention of the Fed
eration of American Motorcyclists i to open at
rrovioence rooty ana win continue in session
until the end of the weelcv
Peter Van Vlissinxen. a former prominent real
estate broker of Chicago who was sentenced to
prison for forgeries amounting to over $1,000,000,
is to be given his freedom today, having served
ncariy ciKm years oi nia sentence.
Storyette of the Day.
Little Willie felt indisposed, and the family
doctor ordered mm to take a powder.
"Come on, dear," said mother coaxinirlv when
the powder arrived, "take this; it will make you
quite well at once.
"Don't want toT wailed Willie, backing awa
from the teaspoon. . "Don't want anv medicine I1
. "Oh, Willie," his mother said reproachfully, as
he drew the amall boy near to her, "you've never
heard me complain about a little powder, have
"No, and neither would I," was young Wil
liam's startling reply, "if I could just put it on
my race as you oo. out I nave to swallow it I
Philadelphia Ledger.
The Fullerton Post. John R. Dopf, editor.
has installed an Intertrpe and appeared In a
brand new drcse laat week.
F. C. Wilson, wbo recentlr purchased
the Cortland Newa, has sold It to E. D.
Master, who will have charge of the paper
in the future.
Miss Chattie Coleman, editor of the
Stroniiburg Hcadliaht, is making a tour of
the mountains of Colorado in her automobile.
with a party of friends.
The Geona Leader began the thirtr-eighth
year of its existence last week. Fred K.
Young, its present proprietor, has been at
the helm for twenty-live years.
The editors of Nebraska and western
Iowa have been invited to be the guests of
King Ak-Sar-Ben at the annual frolic for
newspaper men at the Den on the evening
of September 4.
Genoa Leader: It now costs a man SS
cents to get hta hair cut over In Platte,
countr. the raise taking effect last Monday
morning. It looks to us as though It will
be a darned site cheaper to let it grow, like
dgar Howard does.
C. A. Sweet, jr., has sold the Palmyra
Items to W. C. Giffen. The new proprietor
has announced that the subscription price
will be advanced at once to S1.60 a year.
Mr. Sweet, who has had charge of the paper
since he was IS years old, waa known as the
youngest editor in Nebraska.
Tekamah Herald: Editor Faesett of the
Herman Record is the victim of a boycott
because he has been a leading factor in
putting out the saloon at that place. Boy
cotting a newspaper is like playing with
dynamite It is sure to react on the per
petrators. The newspaper holds within He
pages the power to either wrack or make a
town, and regardless of persona grievances
jhould be respected and supported.
Aurora Republican: Thia ts the season
of the year when Ross Hammond of tha
Fremont Tribune forgets hie accustomed
consideration for less favored newspaper
workers and writes long paragraphs in his
"Random Shots" column about the joys of
camp life in the northern woods. Such liter
ature is what turns good ettisens into howl
ing anarchists, and Ross ought to cut it out
in the interest of good government.
Boiton Transcript: Mr. Rdfleld report,
that the high coit of living in 1916 wa re
duced "1 per cent, net' but didn't he mean
"1 per cent, nltf"
Pitta burgh Ditpatch: Looking over Sec
retary Lane'i defcnie of the admlnUtration
polictei, it mutt be admitted he writes very
entertainingly about oar national narks.
Indianapolis News: With all the existing
complications, and more likely to arise at
any moment, isn't it rather risky for the
president to postpone his notification until
congress adjourns T Ht may never And it
Louisville Courier-Journal: A psycholo
gist says the best age for a girl to marry Is
U. A majority of girls will take advantage
jf the psychological moment rather than the
psychologist's advice and marry when the
'ight man proposes. ,
Springfield Republican i With some 100.
700 national guardsmen on the border, along
with 60,000 regulars and 5,000 reserves. It
hould be possible for Uncle Sam to keep
the peace and at the same time impress the
Mexicans with the fact that he means busi
ness. It is also to be recognized that no
better training for the militiamen of the
country could be devised.
Springfield Republican: The Pennsyl
vania railroad announces that it has an army
of 60,000 loyal employes willing to man
he freight locomotives and trains east of
Pittsburgh if the union employes decide
to go on strike for an eight-hour day and
pay and a half for overtime. The shopmen
are said to be especially prompt in volun
teering. If this sort of amateur train run
ning Is really to be undertaken It is a good
thing that it Is not to be tried on passenger
trains. .
New York World: The man who wrote
he section of the Clayton law prohibiting a
railroad from transacting business of any
kind with a corporation In which Its officers
are financially interested to the extent of
160,000 or more knew what he waa doing.
It was expected to break up the practice of
railroad officials organising inside companies
for the purpose of selling securities and
-upplies to themselves as representatives of
he railroads. A determined effort is now
Ticking to have this clause suspended. It
is one feature of the Clayton act that ought
to stand forever.
Brooklyn Eagle: It Is an essentially in
olent threat. It Justifies the resentment of
he United States, and we shall be surprised
f such resentment is not quickly voiced by
he Washington administration.
New York Times: Quite the most tact
less, foolish, and unnecessary act of the
Birtlsh government during the war, unless
tur observation has been much at fault, is
.he drawing up of a blacklist of some four
wore business firms and individuals hi this
country, with whom British subjects, under
the British trading with tha enemy act, are
forbidden to trade.
St, Louis Globe-Democrat : Whether we
have any remedy that would not be worse
than tht disease or not, it la certain that
the State department will suffer from no
lack of verbal ammunition In attacking the
latest British enlargement of the so-called
"tradlng-with-thc-enemy" inhibitions. Black
listing American firms because - of the
antecedents of some of the members is a
qrross insult to tha United States. Our citi
zens are our ettisens, no matter where they
were born or to what flag they once owed
Chicago Tribune: These restrictions take
the aspect of acts against a belligerent. The
assurance that our interests are being dealt
with aa considerately and generously as the
situation will permit does not take the sting
-jut of the proceedings. Our own authori
ties In international law say that the ease
calls for reprisal. We do not believe that
the United States wishes to act aa if It
were a spoiled child and we believe it has
endeavored to adjust Itself to abnormal con
ditions, but Great Britain shows a lack of
. intelligence In extending the blacklist to
America. f . ,
Boston Transcript: Investigation of the
eases of firms and individuals on the British
blacklist proves that in many oases they are
native American cltlsens, and that their only
offense is that In tha past their business has
been largely with Germany. But it Is not
with Germany now, because they eannot
deal with that country. Why should they
be penalised for that? It does not appear
likely that the British government can
maintain the attitude which It seems to
have assumed so hastily.
Miss Jeanette Rankin of Missoula la the
first Montana woman to seek a congres
sional nomination.
Elisabeth Cochrane ("Nellie Bly) waa
the first woman to make a trip around th
world, onattejaded.
Elisabeth BlaekweU, in 1S4S, received the
first medical diploma granted to a woman
In the United States.
Marilta M. Bicker of Dover, N. B.. was
the first American woman to attempt to vote
at a regular election.
Dr. Mary Walker was the first woman
physician in the world to hold a commission
aa assistant army surgeon.
The first woman Journalist in the south
was Eliaa Jane Nicholson, who in 1874 be
came literary editor of a New Orleans news
paper. A permanent school aamp la to be opened
In Connecticut "to train and harden women
for efflcieht, active service in time of epi
demics. Ares, strikes, riots and war. In
cidentally, It will equip women for house
work and make then mora proficient in
everyday Ufa.
Mtss Lucille Pugh of North Carolina, new
practicing law la New York, earns a salary
of tSO.OOO a year. She began her business
life as a stenographer at the North Caro
lina Normal sMillega at Greensboro, aad her
first paid position waa as assistant to the
professor under whom she studied.
"Vou have completely upset my train of
thought!" exclaimed the Irascible mn.
"I shouldn't call anything so esslly upset
a train," commented his wife. "It's more
like a canoe."- Washington Star.
our dance records will outlast (he beet
hardwood dancing floor ever built.' "New
York World.
"I can stay minutes under wnter.",
"I knew a fellow who Mtuyed ten min
utes." "You're joking with ine. How could he
keep his breath '"
"He didn't. That's why he stayed no
long. Philadelphia Ledger.
"The girl who washes our dlxhes tells mi
she Is going to work In a munition factory."
"Think she will do well at It?"
"Oh, yp: 'her duty Is to break Iron things
to ill shtitis for shrapnel." I.tfe.
"We've learned a lot from the present
"Yes, Indeed. Everything except what
It's all about.' Detroit Kree Pretw.
"Do you know the difference between the
man who falls and the man who succeeds?"
"I think the main difference In that one
Is down on his luck whlln the other hunts
It up." Baltimore American.
Mrs. Flatbush How do you manage to
keep a cook so long?
Mrs. Bensonhurst Oh. I gt her to stay
until my husband can raisn some money to
pay her. Yonkers Statesman.
"I want a slogan," said the manufacturer
of phonograph records. "Something that
will convey the Idea that our records never
wear out."
The advertising man lit a fresh ctgaret
and thought for eight seconds by the clock.
"How will this do?" he asked. "'One of
Baltimore Sun.
Here's to the renular man.
Here's to his valor and brawn,
The regular, regular army man
With his Ijon- and sinew on!
The veteran wise and true.
And the big-boned youngster, too;
The regulars, most of 'em deep In dreams
Of the battles that dies In a mist of glee me,
And years of tht sorrow, the ache and care.
The long carunulgns, and the danger there!
Here's to his courtage und skill,
Heie's to his dutyand zeal;
Here's to the force of his manly will,
The dead-true aim of his steel!
The regular army man,
The first to ride to the crest
' 1 "V id nvilrli when war begins
With a brave heart pounding his hairy breast
,t..u uiujvii ihul is made of grlnsl
Here's to the regular man.
And over and over to him
The man who has seen and known,
The man who Is skin and bone,
But utltler the surface that's hard and grim,
Soft and tender and broad and sweet,
A. father and husband that's hard to beat,
Soldier and citizen, hero and knight.
Ready In cold and ready In heat,
To spring to the saddle and fight!
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