THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1916. PREVENTIVE HINTS ; FOR DREAD DISEASE V. S. Publiq Health . Service '; Reviews Infantile Paralysia . ' '"" Situation. SUGOESPQyB ARB : MADE : The United "State public ' health Service hu tht;following to offer in the way of uggetions for the preven tion of infantile paralysis: ' ; To control the present epidemic of infantile parilysii the chain of in fection between persons harboring germs of the disease-and the well members of the community should be broken. Infantile paralysis is prob ably caused by-a very minute organ ism found in the nasal, mouth and -bowel discharges of those who have 'the disease or who are -carrier of ,-the germ without themseivea suiier 'ing from- the ailment. -AH of the steps in the spread of the infection are not known but if this germ can be prevented from passing from the 'infected to the well person, the disease will cease. ' I Infantile paralysis is not a disease Jof recent origin. Sporadic or scat tered cases have occurred throughout the country for many years, but it is only during the last decade that the 'infection has assumed epidemic pro portions in the United States. The present epidemic in New York city; on account of its magnitude and viru lence, has awakened the residents of many communities to the danger of the importation; of th diseases into their own, witht'. This danger ."-real, but if due precautions are exercised it is believed that the epidemic will. I lubside. -" r -f, 'Authorities' tfefcw:, :; i The actual control of the present .epidemic mastvpe reft o- the city, rstate snd. federal ptalth authorities. (These orgaiitio's . jwitt. properly quarantine and care' for affected per- sons, prescribe aaaltary measures and limit as majr be. necessary the travel Jof individuals in order to protect .'neighboring district from, the infec tion. Individual and communities, however, can do much toward their '. own protection. ! , Polimyelitis , i ' probably spread ' directly or indirectly, through , the ; medium of infective secretion... Ao f count therefore must be taken by communitiet of every- mean by t which such secretions: kfe disjemi- . nated. Promiscuous expectoration should be controlled. ; The common drinking cup affords a method for ' the interchange of material of this nature and ahould therefore be abolished. Rigid cleanliness of glasses 'afumrerisilr at soda fountains, in saloon and other public places Women's Golf Tournament is Now On 5TRTPJES' ARE QUITE THETHOT " iQvV A JA Se "MA PIAYA DMtY MAX?) - .,, , , ... j FRENCH AVIATOR FLIES OVER BERLIN Lieutenant Who Dropped Proc lamations Into German Capital Captured. TAKEN NEAR BUSS LINE -should 'be 1 tntui utl.-f Hesfaol jand other vermin, by coming in con' Mict with infective secretions, may . possibly convey them to our food .and thur arrecttv bring (bout the at- ' velopment;; of - disease. Therefore ; eliminate insects. Street and house dust bear a definite relation to the spread of many infection and it is inot : unreasonable to oresume that Jthey may be a lactor in the , semination of. infantile' "Tiaralyjis; Maintain trttSHr cle?Mjnea .? of streets, yards nd alley1 irr order' to prevent uie Dreeaing ot insect and 5 other vermin. See that all garbage ' and watte are probably eared for and collected at regular and frequent in tervals, uuard all food supplies, es , upeeially milk and other perishable .' nrodueta. DleBiv .trouble! of hil- idren arising from the' ingestion of '-food of questionable quality- may Mower resistance. Assemblies of chil - dren in infected locatitiea are to be discouraged. If not actually forbid' den. While the above measure are in a sense general, and applicable to many epidemic diseases, tneir Im ; portance should not be overlooked. I Preventive Meuurea. . Individual preventive measure may ' be thus (ummariaed: - Summon a physician at once and -immediately notify the health officer ' of the presence of the disease. If the disease is present in the com- inunity, medical aid should be (ought -t whenever a child i lick,' no mat vter how light the illness; many case oi innntiio, paralysis begin with i 1 slight indisposition. . Should the HI' ness prove to be infantile paralysis .isolate the patient, place a competent person in charge, and reduce all com , munication with the lick room to ( : minimum. Hosbita) care a orefer able, not 'only for the child.' out in in order to better safeguard against tne spread ot the disease. The sick i room should 'be well- ventilated, and screened. Nasal and mouth secre , tions ahould be received in t rcioths, - placed in a paper bag, and burned. The clothing of the-child, -the bed . linen, and the excretion should be ' disinfected in the same manner-as for typhoid fever, that,-is by boiling, the long continued ' application ot - per cent carbolic, or other , well recognized disinfectant. The same is true for duties and drinking vej ..sell. Nurses should exercise the "same precaution n'renrds cleatili mess of hand in carina for infantile ; paralysis patient aa for those af- -uictea witn otner infections diseases. A child may convey, the disease to C other even after a lapse of several weeks. For this reason quarantine - ahould be maintained for a consid- - erable period, usually from ix to -eight weeks, and the above precau- tions should be adhered to during . ims time, uisintecuon ot tne room . following recovery is advisable. -'; IMS 1016.'- r For over ten year THE MIDWEST LIFE, throngh it Home Office and its (gency force, hu served the peo ple or Nebraska and Kansas. It hu stood for the beat then was in life tn alliance. During this period it has laid broad foundation alone the right . iinea lor lis present as well as iutur .growth end prosperity. Its guiding : principle ha been lair treatment to its noncvholdnra and tha nubile. In all these yean it has not been sued by a single- aolieyholder. This i indicates that it baa not. only given good service to its policyholders, but . also satisfactory service. It has sold tnera satisfaction along with Insur ance. Sample policies and premium raws lunusaea on request. THE MIDWEST LIFE ': , " . ZSNEU. rraUwt. " , CiuuraatMf Ct Ufa Inraaace. GEORGE CJtOCKtR, Caaani Anal. mm i r Postal Savings Show Enormous Increase During Last Year : New York. Tulv 24. June records for postal saving deposits were eclipsed last month when a net gain of -more than $3,800,000 was rolled up, quadrupling the net increase for June, 1915, according to figures made fublic at the New York postoffice. he gains were general throughout the country, notably in the smaller in dustrial centers. Postmasters at tribute their increase, it' was stated, to the country-wide prosperity of waire camera and to the legislation of Mey-18 last,- which increased the limit on deposits trom siuu to i,uuu a month. Among the cities showing the larg est gains for June are: . . Now York. ,.62l, 111 Nwrk. N. J. I 10,1)7 Brooklyn .... 22,au&;Ht. Louli.... 59.1 33 Dttrolt ie;,t(Knmu Clty.t S1.012 Chlouo ..... HMHIL01 Aneoltl.. IS. 106 Hoaton l,aviHHn vranuuco PltlKbureh .. Sl.SOIjJertoy City... J3.5S0 Clvelmn4 -f , TiJfillCoMimbui,. O.. l:.7A4 Ourralo 4k.. t n,H-, mo j,... PhludaliiaU - 7,MSn Ditto..., tlm (nilnl " UMV JW HWS ,,V jwn accepting deposits in the United States, Alaska, Forto Rico and Hawaii and the number of depositors approximated 603,000 .with $86,000,000 standing to their credit. Eight of fices, New York, Brooklyn, Chicago, Boston, Detroit, nttsDurgn, san Francisco and Portland, Ore., have passed the $1,000,000 mark and these eight hold approximately 42 per cent of al( deposits. i Many Omahans Visit in , The capital or Nation Washington. July 24. (Special Telegram.) Washington hat had an unusual number ot Umana .visitors the last two day. Among those from the Gate City were J. F. L. Halle, Mr. t. M. ILttinger, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Thomas, stopping at the Wil- lard; Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lemon and Dr. Thomas White, stopping at the Dris coll. Others from Nebraska now in the citv are Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wal lace of Oakland, Mr, and Mrs. E. C. Houston-of Tekamah. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond u. Young of Omaha, who have been visiting Congressman Lo beck for the last ten days, Mrs. Young being the daughter of the representative from the Second dis trict,, left today for Atlantic City. The National Capital. Foreclosure and Sale of Missouri " Pacific Is Ordered New York, July 24. A decree of foreclosure and sale was signed in the filJerat district court here today against the Missouri Pacific Railway company and Benjamin F. Bush, as ancillary receiver, in the suit ot the Bankers' Trust company, as trustee because of defaults in interest pay ments on gold bonds which were due September 1, 1915, and, February 1, 1916. The court held that the principal together with the interest amounting to $39,363,881.25 was due and payable, and ordered a public sale of 317,550 shares of the capital stock of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railway company, the collateral se curity. E. Hen ryLaCombe was appointed special master to conduct the sale. The decree stipulates that the stock ris to be sold in one parcel and -hat no 'bid of less than flVUU.UUU be accepted. Bidders must deposit with the special master previous to the sale either $760,000 in cash or by certified check, or $1,520,000 of 4 per cent gold bonds of the Missouri Pacific Railway company. Cutting Affray at ; . ' Dance Near Archer 5 Central City, July 24. (Special.) Late Gilmont and Eswald Leffelbein of Archer have been placed under $300 to appear in county court, the first named to answer the charge of assault with intent to do great bodily harm and the latter that of, carrying concealed weapons. The trouble oc curred at a public dance given at Archer Thursday evening. Huff re- received a severe cut across the left cheek. It is stated that in his en deavor to wrest the knife from Gil mont the latter received a bad cut across the leg. Gilmont's hearing is set for July 28 and that of Leffel bein tor the J 1st. Paris, July 24. Lieutenant Marchal of the French aviation corps last month left French soil and flew over the German capital, upon which he dropped proclamations, and then con tinued his flight, intending to land with the Russian lines. He was forced to descend, however, in Poland and was taken prisoner by the Germans. The proclamations dropped by Lieutenant Marchal on Berlin stated that though it was possible, the avia tor renamed from bombardina ine open town and "thus kill the women and innocent children. Lieutenant Marchal made a' con tinuous flight of about 807 mites, most of which he traveled in darkness. Official Story ot Trip. The official communication given out today telling of Aviator Marchal' achievement, said On lune 20 at 930 o clock lr. the evening, Sub-Lieutenant Marchal aa- cended at nancy on ooara a mcupon monoplane of a special type, taking with him a supply of fuel sufficient to last fourteen hours. Hi mission was to cross Germany at a low altitude in order to drop proclamations on the capital, Berlin, and then to descend in Kussia. "This audacious flight was accom plished point by point, and after fly ing all night Lieutenant Marchal was compelled to descend at 8:30 o clock in the morning of June 21 near Chelra, Russian Poland, at least 100 kilome ter (62 miles) from the Russian lines. He was made prisoner. ' "The proclamation which Lieuten ant Marchal dropped on Berlin began with the word " 'We could bombard the open town of Berlin and thus kill the women and im.ocent children, but we are con tent to throw only the following pro clamation,' etc. "Lieutenant Marchal was interned at Salzerbach, whence he forwarded to France a postal card with these de tails " 'I was made prisoner at 8 o clock on the morning of the 21st at Chelm. ine Austrian omcers uia nui unict that I had accomplished my task, but the proof later arrived, and they were obliged to bow to the reality. '"It was the failure of the spark plugs which stopped me, and I de scended to cnange two oi mem ami to start the motor again. Unfortu nately it v.ould have been necessary to change two more plugs, and at this moment I was taken prisoner. You may judge of my chagrin. "Aviator Marchal in the course of his journey covered in continuous flight a distance ot aDout i,juu Kilo meters, (807 miles), most of which he traveled during the night." William D. Travis, ! Aged Artis W is Dead Burlington ,N. J., July 24. William D. Travis, one of the last of the fa- mou civil war artists, died at his home here today 'iter an illness ol several months. He was 77 years old. ASQOITH ASKS FOR TWO BILLIONS MORE Latest Credit Eequested Will Increase British War Debt to Fourteen Billion Dollars. COST INCREASING DAILY London, July 24. Premier Ascjuith j today asked the House of Commons for a vote of credit of 450,000,000 This vote it the largest asked by the government since the beginning of the war, and will bring the total voted this year to 1,050,000.000 and the total since the beginning of the war to 2,832,000,000 (approximately $14,- 160,000,000). In moving the vote of credit the premier said the recent expenditure out of the vote of credit was ap proximately 5,000,000 daily. The 6.000,000 daily referred to By Reginald McKenna, the chancellor of the exchequer, represented all the out going, the premier said. All the expenditure from April 1 to last Saturday was 559,000,000. Mr. Asauith said that the navy, army and munitions cost 379,000, 000, the loans of Great Britain's allies 157,000,000 and food, supplies, rail ways, etc., 23,000,000. The average daily expenditure on the war, said he, was dt4,you,uw. The premier said he hoped the ex penditure for the army and navy would not exceed the present level in the near futuy. The munitions cost i . . . .1. - . . remained oxaiiunary, si mc iiiki level yet reached, he added, and might increase. Russia Goes Ahead Buying Munitions of Peace Here New York, July 23. Russian agents are in New yorK witn autnority to buy enormous quantities of materials for construction of new public utili ties, W. Aisenman, chief of the Rus sian trade division of the National Association of Manufacturer an nounced tonight. The new projects, he said, include water works, gas works, electric light plants, electric railroads, harbors, breakwaters, pier, gram elevators and central markets with refricerating and cold storage plants, at an estimated cost of $300,-000,000. FIBRE SUIT CASES War Summary Successful, Prosper ous going manufactur ing institution now en larging its business de sires a few competent, capable, honest sales men. See us today. Sal ary and commission. ALFALFA BUTTER CO., 11th and Capitol Ave. . Mdr, Ml 14, 11.. The Svaato. Senator Pas urns hnui of teeatloBil duoatlontl bill. Contlnuad aiHUMlon of army aoDroDrU- tint bill. IM Sim Met hi MMion. iimu Tuwdar. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC ; Persons authorized to solicit advertising for the Official Labor Day Program will carry credentials given under tha seal of the Central Labor Union and signed by the president of that body, the chairman of the Labor Day Committee and the members of the sub-committee handling the program. Examine the credentials. Authorized by LABOR DAY COMMITTEE J. J. KERRIGAN, Chairman. JOHN POUAN, Secretary. 1 LONDON EEPOKTS important dYnUT Itloed by th British In tMr flirht for Poller), the precant focatl point ot thlr attack In th Homme rrrion- A larsje portion f tha town t now Id Britlitb hand. General Sir Doairlas Half report! ralne of fraund near High wood and In the Tlolnltf of Qulllemont, on the Brltlah left flank. The repufoe of Verman eoun ter atacka between High wood and tiuli lemont 1 reported. PARIS AN NO IN CM the wntlniwuea of bad weather along- the French front, In the Homme region, and a ceaaatlon for the tUne being of active operntioni there. PETKOGRAD DISPATCHF-H Mr Field Marshal Voa HlndenburgV force In the Riga region have been driven back twelve mllee. Petrograd also offMnll retxirltt contlaved fain on the eoulhern front, announcing that Kuaiian forre have ptuhed bunk the Turks to within fifteen miles of Krsfngan. A TTRKISH OPTiriAL com mnnl ration an nounces the defeat of a British cavalry force east of fluei. ! A FRKM'H AVIATOR, according to an I official anouncement In Parts, has flown i across German and drnpprd presenta tions In Berlin. Motor trouble forced the ' aviator to earth In Poland when within t sixty -two atlles of his objective, the Bus- j Ian lines. He was captured. He had flown 807 miles from Nancy, bis starting point, entirety by night. Don't Disregard Your Cold. ! Few of us realize the danger of coughs and colds; don't take the risk; take Dr King's New Discovery. Guaranteed. All druggists. Advertisement. BRITISH CAPTURE ni nm nn nnrainm.' (Contlnned From Fags One.) Guillemont. In the neighborhood of Pozieres we secured important ad vantages in spite of the stubborn de fense of the enemy, and a large por tion of the village is now in our hands. Here we have captured two guns and sixty more prisoners." Bad Weather Along Somme. Paris, July 24. Bad weather pre vailed along the Somme front in northern France and last night passed quietly with the French troops there, the war office announced today. In a raid near Vailly, north of the Aisnc, German trenches were pene trated and some prisoners taken. On the Verdun front, east of the feuse, there were small local en gagements, in the course of which the French took, thirty prisoners, mak ing the total taken prisoners during the last ten days in this district 800. Sublieutenant Chaput of the avia tion corps brought down his eighth hostile aeroplane near Fresnes, in the Woevre region. Bee Want Ads produce results. 'k 0 iPSl , dZJrmmocr tit I mm sum MKL mi .ft r . i r illawflaaer' n r- r r-rsvC.aaTKiim BwawawaarrBkw r- - --"--- --- - - .,. ?w 77, mmmsmsmM etcomt vtooductsvv miimmmmm&mm (BamaaaaaaaaamaBaaaawawai i V&S8Elifa$' Js: In the Stockinet Covering Here is the pick of the world's greatest ham production the choicest few of all trait Armour pre pares yearly. Buy a wnou star nam. Smoked in juice-retaining Stockinet, it cooks better and comes to your taue witn the true ham flavor intensified. You don't know how good bam can be until you've tried Star. . C Bm. t. k VTA fcl Ugh quality a Star Ham. Botn r Aimcor mi iabm Product baeaad by bao Mtaiy c4 In r Jl 1 1. . , I fas art of AMMOUB Cttrins. .cotwaiar , BoM. lata, am. Omaka, . oa. sna a lltk aa OH 9. lOSil, .1 W. WUkls. Q, Tal. So. 1740. .' iMk f TM Sin M VwDHkt'lWktM (& dii Oar stock of fibre suit esses is extensive. We have them with and without straps, all nicely lined. Some with shirt and waist pockets. Good locks and fastenings, strong corners and reinforced edges. Our prices are all voa could pos sibly ask, and range 81.25-81.75-82.25 83.50 Eu. prices are nil yuu cuuiu jjud- m Isibly ask, and range I 81.25 Sl.75-S2.25 I 83.50 Eu. J Wa Llk. Small Repair Jobs. I Freling & Steinle I I "Omaha's BmI B.fff.1. ,BuUda." I 1803 Farnam St I THOMPSON -BELDEN 6 CO, - The Faskion Gnfer ofllie Middle Wesl -' Established 1886. Bungalow & Middy Aprons Black and white, also gray and white stripes, as well as black and white fig ured percales, made with belt at waist line; a special value at 59 each. Black Sateen Aprons For the office or store open on side, one large pocket, 50t each. All Kinds of APRONS A Special Showing Tuesday of Aprons for the Heme, Office or Store Wear. r Cover-All Aprons In percale and gingham; stripes, checks and figures, in light and dark colors 85tf each. Gingham Aprons Blue and white checked gingham aprons, 25 inches long, with pocket, 29 ea. Blue and white checked gingham aprons, 36 inches long, good full apron, 40d each. Tea Aprons White Tea Aprons, in medium or short length bib trimmed embroidery 65 each. WOMEN SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO YOU Muiy- women are taicinff treatment for disewei and disorders peculiar to their .kx. I am turinc many of them and benefiting othera. My eases are helped without surg ery. Cash fees, but small; Covtultatioo, $1.00. Examination or Office Treatment, $2. DR. J. C. WOODWARD, 301 Rosa Building, Omaha-Mediclne Free We are licensed byMr.Edison to demonstrate and sell his new invention EWEDISOM ' which re-creates all forms of music with such perfection that the Edison Re-Creation cannot be detectedlf rom the original. Come to us and hear ' examples of this new art Already there are more than one thousand different selections available and other selections are being issued every week. THE EDISON SHOP s SHULTZ BROS., 313 South 15th Street Phone Douglas 4622. MlkWertut of the Pari Opera, Famed Belgian Coloratura-Soprano, is but one of many grett artist who hare proved by direct compari son that Edison's new ait re-creates all forms of music so exactly that the Re-Creation cannot be detected from the original. Hear Edison's Re-Crea-tion of die voice of Alice Verleti then hear the great Belgian artist herself when she is on tour. mwf l p' L 1111 IIMt )h 4V j. 1 HLtfJ O Vast o n