Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1916, SCHOOL NUMBER, Image 11

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JULY 24, 1916.
lniyv ni j n ;i mn j a a ah
An Important Question Which
Must Soon Be Answered
in Many Homes.
Vacation is about half gone. Many
students who intend to go on with
their education this fall have not yet
decided definitely to what school they
will go.
So much depends on the decision of
this question that it is given much
consideration and long study in most
Parents realize that upon the wise
decision of this question the welfare
of their children may depend..
It is not merely a question of the
"getting through" of the young man
or young woman. It goes far beyond
that. It affects his or her whole fu
ture well being and may decide
whether he or she is to be a great
success or whether failure and dis
couragement is to attend throughout
all the years of life in the world.
Responsibility on Parent.
Responsibility rests upon the parent
and it is more than mere financial re
sponsibility. A decision in a financial
matter may be wise or unwise and the
my loss is financial and that is soon
aeh other better, and the student profit
by the personal example of teacher and
professors; they Imbibe from them their
hl(h Idealg oi Ufa and life's work.
What the Profeaaor Mar Do.
Through auch contact wtee and consci
entious professors can see Into the char
acter and tendencies of students. By words
and Ideas dropped Into that fallow soul
soil they are able to develop a character
of strength and to give It a firm founda
tion early In life, so that It has ample
opportunity and the best conditions for full
and complete development.
N. 8. i
But a decision In Mitch a niifHnn If It
be unwise has cumulative results of evlt.
And, on the other hand, if It h win it ha
equally cumulative results of good and the
student goes on from honor to honor and
his life is a success.
Naturally and from the nature of the af
fair it Is utterly impossible for each parent
to visit each and every school separately. If
this were possible even It would not be pos
sible to form a concrete Idea of each school's
qualifications as a place of education for any
given prospective student.
There are so many separate features of'
the school that must be taken Into the
consideration of the subject in arriving at a
wise decision. No person could form an
Idea of any one school without remaining In
tt while It Is in active operation for several
Points to Be Considered.
It would be necessary to decide first upon
us scholastic attainments, upon the thor
oughness and conscientiousness of Its teach
ing forceB, upon the standard, whether it be
high or low, that Is required of the student.
Then the moral tone of the Institution Is
of highest Importance. It exerts a subtle In
fluenco upon those who attend and who are
destined to spend four of the most formative
years of their lives in an Institution of
learning, years when the moral fiber Is In
Its most important stage of development,
and when it will form Itself with strength
anoV resisting power to vll If the examples
upon , which It models Itself are good, and
when, on the other hand, It will become
weak and flabby If It Is formed In a weak
and flabby mold.
Educators today agree that more to due
to environment than to heredity. Heredity
both In diseases of the body and of the
mind and soul haa but a small part to
play. Children of the worst possible an
cestry, taken at an early age, before their
habits and tastes have been formed and
i laced in good environment, become our
eading men and women.
Others of good ancestry, allowed to grow
up on the street and as corner loafers, be
come mere weaklings.
Importance of Moral Tone.
o me muni ione or me college to which
j airi are sent is or an im
portance second only to the Importance of
the educational tone. Secondary, did we
iay? 80 some would hold. But there to
ample ground for considering it not sec
ondary, but of primary importance. For,
of what use Is a sound education if the
moral fiber is not strong? Mere book
learning Is not of supreme Importance.
Neither Is the great gain securod from a
college education. Some of those who come
through with flying colors and highest
marks in their studies, but who have neg
lected entirely the college life, the wbole
uome mingling with their fellows in classes
and In the activities of college life, have
degenerated later to mere ciphers and book
worms, not getting out of life anything near
iv hat they ought to get and would get If
thpy had developed a sound moral fiber.
A third important pan of the college to
he chosen for the prospective student Is
the personal piemen t. and this must be
uarefully considered by parents.
Upon this In founded the argument of
the small colleges. Where the student body
Is umall therti Is. perhaps, more of a
tendency for the students to get Into per
sonal contact with the tearhors. It Is
here that teachers and students get to know
Oeings and Comings of Students ef Nebraska-
School of Business.
Miss Gardner of the school faculty went
to Wheatland, Mo., for a two weeks' vaca
tion. Miss Gladys Stocum has been elected com
mercial teacher In the high school at Mc
Cook, Neb.
R. H. McCue has accepted a position tn
the National Bank of Commerce of Lincoln.
Miss Mtnti Hubbell, commercial Instructor
In the State Normal school at Springfield,
S. D., has enrolled for review work.
Miss Flora Waldorf, commercial instructor
in tho Fremont, Neb., high school, spent
the week .In Lincoln. The students and
faculty sa her at the school on several
occasions during the week.
Ivan Mitchell, who has been In charge
of the comnnrcifcl and atnletic work in tnn
high school at Rawlins, Wyo for the last
two years, has accepted a position as as
sistant In the registrar's office at the uni
versity. Mr. Mitchell completed his work
lr the normal department of this schoo
about three years ago.
V. W. R-isrtll, one of our former students,
was a call)' at the school. Mr. Russell Is
now employed in a drug store at Potter,
Miss Zola Lambert of Falrbury, Neb,, was
renewing acquaintances among the faculty
and students at the college Saturday.
Miss Flora J. McKentle has returned to
her student duties after a brief vacation
spent with "home folks" at Colome, 8. D.
Among recent enrolments are Floyd Love
lace of Sedalla, Mo.; R. M. Kldd of Edgar,
Neb., and Mieses Helena Carroll, Blossom
Petro, Florence Jones and Beth StulU of
Lircoln, Neb
Among tht visitors of the week vera
termer Co'inty Superintendent Ferris of Jef
ferson county, W. B. Flanlkan of El Paso
Tex., and Attorney F. E. Edgerton of
Aurora, Neb.
Russians Report
Advance Against .
Teutons and Turks
Fetrograd, July 23. Fierce en
gagements have taken place south of
Riga and Russian troops have pene
trated the German first line at sev
eral points, says the official state
ment issued by the war office tonight.
In the Caucasus the forces of
Grand Duke Nicholas have occupied
Ardasa, about thirteen miles north
west of Gumuskhaneh on the Chit
river. The statement says:
"On the left wing of the Riga posi
tions, there have been several fierce
engagements with the enemy. Our
troops penetrated the enemy's first
line works at several points. The ar
tillery on both sides is engaged
"On the left bank of the Lipa near
the village of Zweniatchi, east of
Gorohuva our patrols successfully
raided a German post, capturing its
entire force, consisting of an officer
and forty-two men.
"Our troops in the Caucasus con
tinuing their offensive, have occupied
Ardasa, twenty versts (about thirteen
miles) northwest of Gumushkaneh,
capturing sixteen officers and 260
Turkish soldiers and three machine
guns. The prisoners include the com
mander of the Twenty-ninth regi
ment." Medals Awarded in
Florence W. C. T. U. Contest
The Florence Women's Christian
Temperance union held a Frances
Willard medal contest Friday eve
ning at the First Christian church.
Twenty-sixth and Harney streets.
In the silver medal contest for the
best recitation Miss Eloise Bunnell
won from five other competitors.
iota and Indiana At.. Kansas City. Me.
Italy school of the kind in the wait. Elec
trical, steam, fas, auto, tractor engineer
ing. Two and three months, yetr and two-rear
courses. Day and nliht sessions. Enroll any time.
'Ml either phone, or writs for Information.
Nebraska Wesley an
- V
For information and free
bulletins, address
University Place, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Allies Cite Lincoln's Action
During Oivil War as Prece
dent for Their Course.
Washington, July 22. Anticipating
protests to the State H r?narfmfi frnm
firms and corporations named in the
British blacklist, Sir Cecil Spring-Rice
had another conference today with
Acting Secretary Polk in which the
subject was informally discussed.
Probably it will be left to the London
foreign office to develnn tin-
of the British government officially,
but the informal conferences1 in Wash
ington are expected to go far towards
clarifying the position of each side and
"'""a w onuncu iicuiiaiiuns mat
may follow.
Why Not Communicated.
It is said here that the British gov- AiA a. : . it.-
blacklist to Ambassador Page because
uic auujett was regarded as one purely
....... in it. MUCH,, me oracr
being directed to British merchants.
T U ...... k- 1 1 .1 . . r.... ..
uiuitciicu ine mailer ouicially
to Mr. Pair, mto-lif k..n 1..
Bw uii tartcii as
an admission of the right of other
isuvcrnmenis to conern themselves in
its operations.
As in the case of the allied block
ade, precedents established by the
Unit.rl Stat. Aurintr :...l
. s vi. ii wi arc
coming up again to be used for justifi-
"! iiics nave iouna tnat I innln a A........ i Ifil
. u,llwll, uu fiugUSl 1U, 10O1,
issued a proclamation declaring that
an lumiiicrcmi intercourse Detween
the Stat in iticnr.i.iin J
""'"-"n"1 nu mius
l tt 8tte ,nrou8n 'he Ports of
the United States is unlawful and will
remain unlawful until such insurrec
tions shall cease."
The Act of Congress.
This Was fnllnwart k., ..... C
. . " ui con
gress of May 26, 1862, authorizing the
s,ir,lgrv nf Id. ...... .-
v.. w.s iicaeury to reiuse
clearance to ships where their cargoes
Wnat.V.r thir i..i....'LI. J-
ualtllalulc uestina-
tion, were intended for points or
places in the possession or under the
control of insurrectionists against the
United States.
In the Rrtrich ! .1 a
. lu nicsc two act8
are found ample warrant for the pres-
I lJ i " c Drl"SI government in
lOrninrlinir ttm ...k .
... v Buvjd lu iregi or
trade with persons regarded as ene
mies of their country. In pursuance
of this determination, it is pointed out,
the effort has been made to discrim
inate in favor of any German firm in
the United States that has been en
gaged solely in its usual line of busi
ness, if that has been of a general
Some of the oldest and largest of
the German banking firms in New
York consequently do not figure in
the blacklist, even though one of them
is known hy the British authorities to
have purchased the nickel which has
been loaded on the German submarine
Deutschland at Baltimore, because
that was in the line of their business.
But where firms are known to be
actually under German control; where
the profits of their business go to
Germany, or where Germanic firms or
American firms acting as agents have
gone out of their regular lines of busi
ness to deal with Germany, British
merchants have been prohibited from
dealing with them.
British authorities here contend no
legitimate American firm or corpora
tion will be injured by the blacklist
nor German firms in the United States
which have confined their operations
to their own line of business.
Second Iowa Infantry
Has Left Camp Dodge
Des Moines, la., July 23. The sec
ond Iowa infantry entrained yester-
( day, and the first section felt at
7 o clock, two others following at
short intervals. They are routed
over the Burlington. The squadron
of cavalry is expected to leave tomor
row. By Tuesday, Colonel Morgan
said, all the Iowa troops wilt have
been moved.
Agree to End Strike
Of Garment Workers
New York, July 23. Sixty thou
sand garment workers of this city,
locked out or on strike for more than
three months, will return to work
this week if an agreemtn reached
today by representatives of the em
ployers and the union is ratified by a
referendum vote of the workers,
! which probably will be taken to
Announcement to this effect was
made by Louis Levy, attorney for the
manufacturers. The union, according
to Levy, gained its principal de
mands in modified form. They in
clude a wage increase of 5 per cent,
a forty-nine hour week, the preferen
tial employment of union over non
union workers and a minimum piece
work wage.
Although one of the longest strikes
on record, there has been no violence.
It is estimated that the money loss to
the workers, employers and the city
generally is in excess of $50,000,000.
International Acadamy
of Music
1802 Faroam St. OMAHA.
I A lf ta thormif hlr qulppd to pnpan ttu-aj-a
ww dsnt u tntcr upon th praetlo of Utt
Hw. fami It? eompoMd of Iwding lawytrs ind
Judfta tatuitr olauai msat from I la II a, ta.
Extra diiM batWMB 4 and In, a Nait PMtloa
twins ftoptamter 15, tot full lafomiatioa
kddrt X. D. XUltoa, Dwa. BxwuUva oOcaa
718 Commsre Building,
The Molzer Violin School
New Location, 1213 O Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Entrance Through Walt's Music Store
and Take Elevator to Third Floor.
Best Equipped Violin
School in the West,,,
For Further Information Apply Augutt Molzer, Director.
(Mmbr of North Cantral Association)
A Strong, Growing, Class A Christian
College. Over 140 per cent In
crease in Student Enroll
ment in past three years
offering French
and both collegiate
and full prepara
tory courses. New
Gymnasium and
Girls' Hall shown
herein. Strong
faculty. Conserva
tory under direc
tion of corps of
artists. Large Do
mestic Science De
partment Atmos
phere strictly
Christian. Excel-
Unt AmwintilrjM
, mi, v lr
for students of limited means. Average annual expenses, $176. Mod
ern buildings and beautiful campus. For catalog, address,
E. A. WATKINS, President, ALBANY, MO.
I fa I i V U 1 ' ' .'t
t '117 i
Immaculate Conception
Immaculate Conception Academy prepare! for eo11i. Accredits to TTnivaralty
of Nebraska and to the Cathollo Unvaralty. Normal Courat approved br the Itata
Board of Education to rrani Bacneior of education Defrea; normal Hcnooi uipiora,
Proftiitonal Lift Cartlftflate. All gradaa of City Statt Certificate and Elementary
State Certificate, Commercial. Preparatory, Primary Depart men ta, Muala, Art. Dra
matic Art. Don-iMtlo Science, under the direction of oompatent teachere. Ideal
location, combining advantages of proximity to city, with quiet urroundlnge of
country. All department lurntenea wna every meaern improvement in ticnung,
heating, ventilation and eanltary requirements. An extanalvo eatnpua alforda ovary
facility ror outdoor sporia ana exercise, mo menu! iv in n nuawia
School openi September I. For particular adareai meter superior,
Immaculate Conception Academy. Hatting s, Neb.
ll ,
1 1 Aeaaianw
elf Hlatk .kr ''
Strong Conservatory of Muele with
equipment among the beet in th Weet
Normal Course, loading to various car-
Household Economics.
Public School Music, Violin, etc
Clout, Wholesome Athletics.
Loyal Student Body.
Ideal College Life.
Eaponses very moderate
Dormitories for hoth men aad women.
Located 1m a An city where work la
obtainable and when men of prominenoe
in state aad nation ar often heard.
College Opens September 12th. For Catalog aad free bulletins, addrtss President R. D. CRONE Hasting., Neb, Dept. A.
Erowmiell Hall
Fifty-Third Year
Boarding and Day School for Young Women and Girls.
Elementary Department for Little Boys and Girls.
Preparation for all Colleges of the North Central Associa
tion and for Bryn Mawr, Mount Holyoke, Radcliffe, Smith, Vas
sar and Wellesley.
Advanced Work for High School Graduates.
Exceptional advantages in Household Arts, Piano, Violin
and Voice. Gymnasium and Sports.
The Rt. Rev. A. L. Williams, D. D.
President. '
Miss Euphemia Johnson
Bellevue College
SEVENTY-ONE PER CENT of the 21,459 names
in the 1915 Who's Who in America are collage men.
lege men.
Eighteen of the twenty-seven presidents of the
United States have been students in American colleges,
and fifteen have been graduates.
Do You Want a Four-Year College Couree?
Bellevua. has a faculty of trained Instructors, each a spe
cialist in his department, and offers courses leading to th
degrees of A. B. and B. S.
Do You Want to Study Engineering?
Bellevue offers you the first two years of your technical
course and the benefit of college training in other branches
besides. Bellevue credits accepted everywhere.
Do You Want to Study Law?
The University of Nebraska Law School requires on year of
college work for entrance. Bellevue can give you this year
at a nominal cost and offers, you courses in Sociology, Eco
nomics, Political Science (including Government and Poli
tics) and history.
Do You Want to Study Medicine?
The University of Nebraska College of Medicine requires
two years of college work for entrance. Bellevue can give
you these two years and offers you courses in Chemistry
(Inorganic, Organic and Volumetric), Physics, Biology (in
cluding Zoology, Anatomy and Botany), and Bacteriology.
Do You Want to Study Physical Training?
Bellevue has a fine new $25,000 gym, with trained physical
directors for men and women. Special courses in indoor
work. Main floor 64x84 feet. Plunge 20x68 feet Special
woman swimming teacher for women.
Do You Want to Study Normal Work?
Under the authority of the state, Bellevue grants one, two
and four-year state certificates to prospective teacher and
secures you a position in addition.
Do You Want to Study Domestic Science?
Bellevue has a specialist at the head of this department and
offers two and four-year courses. Excellent opportunity
for girls to learn to teach Domestic Science.
Do You Want to Study Music, Art,
or Expression?
Bellevue has experts at the head of these departments, who
reputation guarantees the character of their work. Special ;
summer course in public speaking during th month of
Education Spells Sueceta Bellevue College offers you a
college education at the cost of $200 a year if you live near
enough to go home at the week-end, $260 s year if you live
on the campus entirely and $60 if you live at home. A col
lege education may mean success or failure
Can You Afford to Miss This Opportunity?
For further information address '. " :!
The Registrar, Bellevue College, SIbraska: