THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JULY 24. 1916. 1 . Mount St. Mary's Seminary 1 15th and Cattellar Streets, Omaha, Nebraska. ACCREDITED BY STATE UNIVERSITY " Day and Boarding School for Young Ladles, conducted by the Sisters of Mercy, an institution which aims at the most thorough education, a school not only for a fine education, but for culture and religious training. The education afforded trains young ladies to become useful and accomplished members of the home circle and of society. ...... The location of St. Mary's Academy is one of the most desirable in the Gate City; at the same time being within easy reach of the center of the city and its transportation facilities. Academic, Normal and Preparatory Courses, Music ad Art, receive special attention. Graded Course in both Music and Art Departments lead to Diplomas and Gold Medals. ; ' Students under personal supervision of Sisters at all times. Sanitary surroundings, beautiful, well-kept grounds, well venti lated buildings, good, wholesome, well-prepared food, contribute to the physical welfare of the students. Uniforms may be purchased in the city. School reopens the Eleventh of September. For illustrated catalogue and further in formation apply to Directress. v NERASKA'S "UNI" ONE OF GREATEST Faculty, Number of Students and Buildings Put It in the Pirst Bank. GREAT GROWTH IN DECADE When the great educational insti tutions of this country are named, the list is not .complete without the name of the University of Nebraska. It has grown from a small institu tion a few years ago to one of the greatest both in standard of its fac ulty and the number of its students and buildings. It has doubled the size of its cam pus and number of Its buildings in the last decade. Nebraska ii iuatly proud of Its lUti uni versity. No other state can look down upon It In tha matter of equipment, high eten dardi of acholarehlp, number of studenta or any of the othr standard, by which groat educational Institution are measured. Within tha laat decada It has at least doubled Ita oaoaclty and Its faculty and tha number of students la conalantly Increas ing until today they number Into tha thou sands, lut faculty U mada up of tha men who xperienced Advertisers Always Use THE BEE ) yj i' 1 V9 1 J If in i SYNODICAL COLLEGE, ""on, Missouri A FULLY ACCREDITED JUNIOR COLLEGE FOR GIRU. A distinctly college for pjrlrle. Ita purvoea It to prepare or Ufa. Tha highest aim U tha development of eharaeter and the impartation of eultura. Many of tha moat prominent and useful women In tha Stat, tralnad and educated at Synodic.! Collasa, attaat to Ha mora than 40 years of sueeaaaful hiatory. 7 Literary Faculty composed of A. B. ana A M. Graduates of tha leading Institutions of tha country, teachers qualified be yond question Bat only In scholarship but m Christian character and Influence and by successful experience. Special cranes la Flana, Voice, Violin, Art, Domestic Art, Domestic Science, Oratory and Fhyaical Culture under Specialists trained by the Hectare la their Departments. -. All student activities. Literary, Social and Athletic, Sourish and an enoouragsd under tha proper limitations. - Far eautlluSy Illustrate CataUfisa Addrwsi JOHN JAMES, President art famed throughout tha country and nme ot them ail over th worm, noma or mem art tha author of taxtbooka that ara In uaa In many of the eastern Institution. No unlverelty baa finer building and few have mora building than the Untvenlty of Ntbraitka. It include! schools and college, a fol low i The graduating; college, the college or arte and iclencea, the teacher' college, tha col lege oi agriculture, tne college or engineer lna. the colleae of law. the college of medi cine, the college of pharmacy, the achool of commerce, the achool of fine arte, the school of agriculture and the teachers' college high school. 1 It la thoroughly co-educational and as open to women as to men. which is a point In which it diners from most or tne oiar uni vanities, some of which ara entirely closed to women, and others of which allow to take only certain courses. BBOWNELL HALL. Famona School for Girls Entering L'pos Its Fifty-Third Yew. During the civil war, In 1188, Brownell hall was established In the than village of Omaha. Ita founder. Bishop Talbot, designee it to be a church school for girls. Much of the money required to found It was raised In the Episcopal diocese of Connecticut, and In recognition of thla fact It was named In honor of Thomas Church Brownell, third bishop of Connecticut. It Is primarily a boarding and day sohool for stria and youna women, but haa also an elementary department for little boys nt vlrls. It nreoares Its students for all colleges of the North Central association and lor tsryn wawr, mi. nmgwa, cllffe, Welles ley, Vassar, and Smith woman's collages. It offers exceptional advantages In house hold arts, piano, violin and voice. Miss Buphemla Johnson Is tha principal and Bishop Williams la president. FOB THE BOY. Wsntwarth Military Academy Called ' School "Where Boys Do Things." loeatd at Lexington, Mo forty-three miiw i rum ' academy, where the practical as well as the theoretical siae is iausm- rield maneuvers, flag signaling, field tele graph, telephone bridge building and so on ara taught to the youths In a practical manner. . , ., . Tha achool Is noted for scholastic hon ors. Graduate are admitted without ex amination to the leading colleges and uni versities. Llneola Business College. A nimmw normal course Is being given at the Lincoln Business college for training commercial teachers. . . This Is a thoroughly high grade school offering complete in all commercial tranche, it has been established thirty two years. Orchestra Instrnettone. The Omaha School of Orchestral Instru ment, of which Henry Cox is the director. Is offering a special summer course in this branch of musical education. Full particu lars will be given to anyone communicating In writing with the school which Is located In tha Patterson block. ' Dress Design, ; the Philadelphia Cartoon school teaches dross design In twenty lessons both In corre spondsnce and day classes. Education on Credit. The Chllllcoths Business college, Chilli oothe, Mo., offer to trust student for tui tion and board and even pay their railroad far. It teaches bookkeeping, etenotypy, stenography, banking, auditing, telegraphy. It has four buildings and 1,400 students annually. - "DAS OKCTSOME8 HAW. Bearding House Where N Language Is Spoken bnt German. Madison, Wis., July SI. No language ex cept Uerman Is allowed In "Das Deutsche Haus," a boarding and rooming bouse where some fifty students and Instructors at the summer session of th University of Wis consin are taking their meals this summer. Only German songs are sung, only German magaslnes and books are on tha shelves, and many German dishes are served. "Das Deutsches Haua' with Its Germanic atmosphere, la maintained for students who expect to teach German and need practice In speaking It a chance to live In a Ger man family where English 1 not spoken at all. Correctness of diction Is Insured by the presence of a Oerman instructor at each of the dining tables. Nineteen states are represented among the fifty students, both men and women, at the tables. They corns from Rhode Island and California and many places between. Twenty-five other applied for place at th tables but there was no room for them. Seventeen young woman have rooms In tha house this summer. "Das Deutsches Haus" was started by the Oermanlstlsoh Oesellsehaft, German club of th university, during the summer ses sion of 1114 In the lodge of the Delta Gam ma sorority. In tha fall money was do nated by Milwaukee people for th furnish ing of a permanent houss, and th German boarding and rooming house Is run dur ing the winter term as well as summer ses sion. It manager and chaperon 1 Mis Anna Esslnger of th German department, and It is self-supporting. Among those who live In the house this summer are: Helen C. Blcknelt, Omaha; Mary B. Cody, Sioux City, la.; Ethel Tay lor, Sioux City, la. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. An Academy With Many Adnatafe Lo cated at Hastings, Neb. This academy 1 accredited to the Univer sity of Nebraska and to the Catholic unlver alty. Its normal course Is approved by the State Board of Education to grant the bachelor of education degree. - It has also commercial, preparatory and primary departments, music, art, dramatic art and domestic science, Its location combines the advantage of nearness to the city with the quiet of coun try surroundings. The extensive campus affords splendid facilities for outdoor sports. Th new term open September I. NEBBAHKA MILITABT. Splendid Academy for th Education of Beys . Is Located at Llneola. Colonel B. D. Hayward, president of th Nebraska Military academy at Lincoln, is one of the best known men In his line of work In the country and the Institution of which he is the head stand at th top. It develop the boy In an all-around man ner, bringing out his capabilities to th best advantage. This Is done because of th long experlenoe of the faculty with boys and Its thorough understanding of boy natures. It prepares boys either for college or tor business. gymnasium building and girls' hall. .It offers especially good opportunities for students of limited means, the average an nual expense being only flff. The University of Nebraska The University of -Nebraska includes the following colleges and schools: St. Vraaetg Academy. The Slater of the St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration conduct a achool for girls at Columbus, Neb., whloh Is of great? merit. Boys under 12 years are admitted also, Course .ire given In academic, commer cial and elementary department, music, physical eultura, class drawing, painting In oil and water, elocution and all kinds of naadl work. Doane College. Forty-four vears of successful existence Is the record of Doane college, Crete, Neb. All college courses are taught. Also full course in music, two-year professional courses and two and four-year teachers' course. Th Molier Vlelln school to now settled In Its new location, lilt O street, Lincoln, Neb. "Best equipped violin school In the west," 1 Ita slogan. August Molser la president. Palmer College)., A co-educational Institution of high merit Is Palmer college and muslo conservatory at Albany, Mo. It has recently added a now FREMONT COLLEGE. , A Big School of High Meals nd Beautifully Located at Fremont. A prettier campus than that of Fremont collage, Fremont, Neb., would be hard to find. It la a level stretch of greensward within Quick walking distance of the center of this prosperous city and yt th apaeiou, airy ground ar as thoroughly away from the business of the town that they might be In the country. The buildings are numerous and up-to-date and the college offers eighteen courses as shown by the large Illustrated catalog. "Ton as a pupil are taught to save time, says the president, t"to be economical and tt.u. th riAwnr ntl fores Iff ht to gather the kernels of truth as found In books, and to as sociate these facts with tfts living iruin about you. Our duty Is to develop you by thorough, systematlo teaching; your duty is to prepare yourself In the subjsct matter. We are to find out through a process of closs questioning th trueness of our Inves tigation, to eliminate all error and stimu late you to further mental activity. "Our reserve fund Is merit, good work, economy of time, hont effort, perfect de velopment of true manhood and womanhood and the elimination through acholasttclsm, of vice and all its allies. W have no time for frlvolty, basing, or useless expenditure of energy of any kind. We realise that stu dents enter, and parents send their children her to be Instructed, not only In books, but In the broader and better cultured walks of life courtesy, gentility, honest effort, true Industry, high motive, protection of virtue and th leg Itlm ate rights of other. Believ ing this responsibility to be just and right, we, as a school, utilise every moment In advancing, promoting and cultivating the highest and best attributes in th human oul." - ' - - A BIG SCHOOL. College ef St. Thona Is Under Direction of Arehblihop Ireland. A residence hall built at a cost of 1130,000 has been added to the equipment of this cot leg, located at St. Paul, Minn. It 1s a Catholic military college, classed "A" by the War department. It has a large and well trained faculty of priest and layman. j , Collegiate, academic, commercial and pre paratory department, th latter for boy not prepared to enter the other departments, constitute its courses. Last year 70 students from sixteen state wore registered. Very Bev. H. Moynlhan la president. SYNODICAL COLLEGE. Fully Accredited Junior College for Girls at Fulton, Mo. More than forty yaars of successful his tory are the record of Synodleal college. Special courses are offered in piano, voice, violin. Srt, domestic art, domestic science, oratory and physical culture, under spe cialists who are master. - Th. college U. excellently houaed In ae eral up-to-date bulldlnga and Its Co lege activities are conducted under aupervlslon which gives the young Idea Proper acope and atlll keeps tha youthful aplrlt within If proper limitations. John James ti prealdent of th. college. Hillsdale College. Tha fall term of Hillsdale collage, Hills dale. Mich., opena September II. It leaches ?h. liberal irtt. mwlo, fine arte. horn, cconomlca. oratory and ewreealon. ILh bustneac and shorthand course, and fhrls tlan workers' curaa. BMtlme rinylng. Th. local branch of the Chrlatencen School of Pwuter Mucus , at m Cuming ctrcet. Th..;" established l Chi cagoln 10I by Ax.l Chrlst.nsen. "Caw of Baa llme." Ragtime piano playing la taught to from ten to twenty leseona. , Hadley fiehooL roureea In votcc, piano, violin, ' etc., nr. oft."? by the Hadiey School of Mualo. Inc.. It which Orant Hadley 1. dlror. I l Chi cago. Organising and coaching, eompanie. for Urocum work la a apeolalty. Spalding College. ' "Whar. your boy et a thoruogli and ...... ... ...... ... uliurv m.FCTOIt. ins nauLai muul ur muoit, inw-weni i , " ----- Oltera advance couiwa In V.lce, Piano, Violin, Dtamatlo Art, .to. uUy' " teechere. We prepare ctudenta as teachers In College, and all line; of n' Positions. We orianls. and coack eomnanlee for lyceura work. W. glv. our pupus modarate. many onoortunltlea to idbmt la nubile. Dlnlamaa and Degree. Racttale Mid loiuroe --' 1 k-n .... J -a. an, time. Term. Addrww Hadley School, Dept. . It I. Jackson, Lyon Healy Bldg,. Chicago. 111. THE GRADUATE COLLEGE A four-year course leading to Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy. Work may be pursued without reference to a degree.' THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES A four year course leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science. THE TEACHERS COLLEGE A four-year course leading to the Teachers College Diploma. Students regis ter In this college in the Sophomore year at the same time retaining identity in another college of the University which grants the degree of Bachelor of Arts or of Science simultaneous with the granting of the Teachers College Diploma by the Teachers College. Thus, throughout his Sophomore, Junior and Senior years the student is regis tered in two colleges. ,;-, , ' THE COLLEGE QF AGRICULTURE Includes gen eral agricultural, and general home economics groups. ' A four-year course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science. Also a two-year course in Agriculture. THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING A four-year course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Agricultural, Architectural, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical. ' Also a six-year - Academic-Engineering course. THE COLLEGE OF LAW A three-year course lead ing to the degree of Bachelor of Laws. One year of aca demic work in addition to full entrance is required for ad mission to this college. . Also a combined Academic-Law cpurse 'leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts in four years, and to the degree of Bachelor of Laws in six years. Work is also offered leading to the degree of Doctor of Jurisprudence. - ; '.!;,.: THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE A four-year course in Omaha leading to the degree of Doctor of Medicine. A six-year course leading to the Bachelor's degree and tne degree of Doctor of Medicine, the first two years being offered in Lincoln. THE COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Two-year and three-year courses. Also a four-year course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy. . , THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Course leading to the degree of Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy and to the Graduate Teachers Diploma. This school is a part of the Graduate College and is de signed to prepare for the higher service in teaching. THE SCHOOL OF COMMERCE A four-year course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts, designed to provide vocational training for students preparing to en ter business or allied lines of work. t '"' THE SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS A four-year cultural course, including the Fine Arts leading to the Bachelor's degree. THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL A high grade school of secondary rank offering splendid oppor tunities to a LIMITED number of the most desirable students. Being the training school of the Teachers College admission can be had only on written application. THE SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE A secondary school training primarily for practical farm life. ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY, Columbus; Neb. A School tor Glrle, Conducted by th. Slater, ml St. Francis .1 ferpetuel AataratlM GUARDIANS ARE OFFERED AN MCEnilwav. """"" for their children . practical Chrletlan education at Urate a. u almost any family. Boya tinder 18 year, admitud. 1 PARENTS AND TUNITY of securing for low aa to ha available to i . .... i, j v-i .nt.r Denartmentt Music Fhyeical Culture, Class Drawing, Painting in Oil and Water and China, ft. Allocution and all kinds of useful and ornamental naeaiewora. Th. Academy la accredited to th. Stat. University. Writ, for full particulars. Address, SISTER M. AONELLA, Superiors. THE SUMMER SESSION An primarily for teachers. eight-week course UNIVERSITY EXTENSION Courses offered in many departments for which college credit is granted. Work in this department may be taken to meet prepara tory requirements. , v v' The Nebraska Experiment Station, the Nebraska School of Agriculture at Curtis, and the Experimental SubrStations at North Platte, Valentine and Scottsbluff are also in charge of the Board of Regents. THE UNIVERSITY OPENS for the first semester on Wednesday, September 13. ' One may enter also at the beginning of the second semester (about February 1), or the summer session (usually the first full week in June). On any point of information, address, - , The Registrar, Station "A." Lincoln, Neb. Why Should YOU Attend YORK COLLEGE YORK BUSINESS COLLEGE 1. Every day you attend will add $10 to your earning power. 2. Our text books are new and up-to-date, and our library is adequate for research work. ' 3. Our three college buildings are. commodious and the campus is beautiful and inspiring. 4. College spirit runs high all undergraduate students of last year are coming back. 5. York is the ideal college site of the world. It is situated in the beautiful Blue Valley country, has a population of 7,000 and provisions in the charter make it, impos sible for the city ever to have saloons. - 6. Railroad connections east, west, north and south are first class. 7. Our instructors all take a personal interest in the wel fare of every student, and will furnish help outside of the class room when such is needed. 8. We have selected a faculty of master teachers and offer to the young people of America the very best school ad vantages under the most favorable conditions and sur roundings. " ''.'!; 9. You can enroll at any time in our Business Department, and attend 2, 4 or 6 monthB a year till your course is c completed. You can pay your tuition in advance, as you take the work, or after you have a position if you prefer. 10. We secure your position as soon as your course is completed. THE HIGHEST SUCCESS is yours if you act NOW. YOU DESERVE THE BEST, YOU GET THE BEST AT YORK. Catalog Frw. M. O. MCLAUGHLIN, President Dra.ct.ca1 education" 1 th way th merits of Spalding college ar summed up. It I , located in apaiaing, ureeiy county, bratka. and 1 conducted by th Fathers of the Third Order Regular of St Francis. It 1 healthfully located on the beautiful Cedar river and offer course, elementary, classical, commercial and agricultural. BOYLES COLLEGE, What Some Graduate of This BusImm I- tltutton Are Doing. Harhert Miller, an elevator boy who TO from a position paying $46 a month to on paying $80 a month after taking six mnnth.1 fAiiraA In thn Bovlfl COlleB nlffht achool, called at th college recently and In formed Mr. Boyle that he ha again been promoted, thl time to a managerial poaltlon. Having cnarge oi iwsniyiwu ino. F. P. Sutton, a telegraph student, has gone to Holdrege, Neb., to take a telegraph posi tion with the Burlington. Luella ana uiannaa luonenaen, two ixur h. rrntlv flnlahed the course on the comptometer and Burroughs rapid valculat- ing mac nine, nave oeen given posum.. m nnnratorn of these machine in the offices of Swift A Company, South Side. , Elisabeth JecK, a comDinea course grmaa Mte last vear. ha received a promation as stenographer for th Nash Real Estate com- v Q, Lareen writes to Boyle college; "I took an eight month' course with you In shorthand and typewriting and at the end of that time 1 Immediately secured a posi tion with the National Cash Register com pany. 1 have been with them for two years and am now a salesman." Ben Bauer was graduated from the Boyle college combined course In bookkeeping and shorthand almost a year ago ,and at once was glvan a good poaltlon with the Harding Creamery company. He haa risen rapidly and a few day ago was selected as manager of a new branch otllce nis firm is opening at Hiawatha, Kan. Clyde Green has Just finished his course In the telegraph school at Boyle college and has been glvan a position In the tele graph department of the Union Pacific rail road at Kanapolls, Kan. Earl Hoover, telegraph clans of 1116, has finished his course and ha been assigned toa telegraphy position on the Union Paclflo at Valparaiso, Neb. CENTRAL COLLEGE. Notable Institution for Women's Education At Lexington, Mo. Fifty-three acre of woodland are part of the ouarter-mllllon dollar equipment of Central College for Women at Lexington, Mo. it la a Junior college accredited to uni versities. Tuition Is low and Instruction la thorough, while surroundings are homelike. Its conservatory of music has the highest standards. Pern Normal School. The summer session of the Peru Normal will close July 37. The fall term will be gin September 11. The following members of the faculty will take advantage of a leave of absence next fall to do graduate work: Dean Mattle Cook Ellis, Prof. F. C. Jean and Mary V. Dick. Mies Bills will attend the Univer sity of "Wisconsin. Miss Dick, Columbia uni versity. New York, and Prof, and Mrs, Jean will attend the University of Nebraska. Miss Frances Tuthlll, who has had charge of the physical training for women during the absence of Miss Koch, has accepted a position in the high school at Wichita, Kan. The new Corliss engine and dynamo re cently installed by the students of the manual training department was UBed for th first time last week. Thla dynamo will furnish day current tor the science, manual tralnlnar and horn economics departments. The domestic science labtoratory Is being fitted with electrio plates In place of tha gas stoves. V An AH-Nlght Turn. It was "somewhere In the North Sea.' Bill had been sent aloft Just after darkness had set In and was told to report It any lights could be seen. Somehow the officer who gav th order to BUI clean forgot the patient "Ur," and so Bill remalnad aloft for some hour. The officer, suddenly remembering giving the or ders to th shivering sailor, called out: Bill Ays, ay, lr. Officer See any llghtf Bill y. lre. One. Officer What la ItT Bill Daylight, by gum ! Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. I Tory Thorough. A Strang man had been lent to pollh the floor. His manner was anything but energetic, and the lady feared he would not polish them properly. 4 M ,. -..I. -, tht vnu understand ,the work?" she Inquired. "You know Colonel B.' folks, next door but one?" he said. "Well. I refer you to thtm. On the poiianea noor room flv persons broke thir legs laat win- Mr an a iaay iiipeu """" ',"" sialrcas. I polUhed all their floors! New York Time. Forethought - People ar learning that a Httlt fore thought ofUn avi them a big expense. Hr. Is an instanc: E. W. Archw, Cald well. Ohio, Vrltesi "I do not btltavo that our family has bn without Chamberlain's Colic, Choira and Diarrhoea' Remedy inca w commenced keeping houi years ago. When we go on an extended visit we take it with us." Obtainable everywhere. Bee Want Ads produce best results. OGONTZ SCHOOL Founded in ISSO. A country school for young lad!. Near Philadelphia and New Yoifci Jay cook estate, 5 acraa Mtsa Abby A. Sutherland. PrlncUml. .Montgomery Oanty, Pennsylvania. " ONB COL School and College Fagee 1 Waofe Bean Qperatoj'OJidAcnf AMttkm Second, or Tttltkm Ratutdca NO POSITION, NO PAY. . We qualify yoa for Mrllm a. mM ymi to par m out of yew taralnn ? 'toyed. Station work aad Buy yjr aui-kt Students GO PIRBJT fROal CHOOti poalllM LARGEST; AX1 BEST r - EQUIPPED ; TELEGRAPHY COLLEGE IN TUB WEST and SOUTH ffibuhiiL H. Wise. OVER M 01XDENTS atACH TEAK irrtt. lor Catelea) ttotiio Telegraph Gollsir V mine Ave ChlUtcoUw, Hoc