Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 1
Part One NEWS WTION r PAGES 1 jro 8. The Omaha Daily Bee THE WEATHER FAIR VOL. XL VI NO. 31. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, JULY 24, 1916 TWELVE PAGES. Oa Train, al Hotels, Nawi Maude. IH. o SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. NEBRASKA CROP ASSURED AND IS OF BUMPER KIND Northwestern Reports Indicate Wheat Throughout State Yielding Enormously, Quality Excellent. HARVEST ABOUT FINISHED Plenty of Moisture and Corn Is Making Great Head way. OATS BEST EVER KNOWN The greatest wheat crop in the. his v tory of Nebraska has been harvested. What is true of wheat is also true of oats and what is true of wheat and oats, promises to be true with reference to corn. Such is the infor mation conveyed by the weekly crop report of the Northwestern Railroad company tor the week ending aatur day night. The Northwestern lines cover a eoodlv oortion of the wheat and corn belt of Nebraska and the data rela tive to crops is gathered weekly by the company agents ana sent to neaa quarters here. The report for last week indicates that throughout Nebraska all of the what has been harvested and consid erable threshing done. Wheat is yielding twenty-five to thirty-five bushels per acre and generally is grading No. 2. hard. Oats are turning out anywhere from thirty' to sixty bushels per acre and are grading high. In practically alt localities in the area covered by the Northwestern rains have been timely and copious. Very few localities are in need of moisture and corn is making a won derful growth. Woolen Underwear Supplied Troops of South Dakota Sioux Falls, S. D July 23. Appar ent carelessness of the government in supplying the South Dakota militia men is evidenced' by the arrival at Camp Hagman, near Redf.cld, of i shipment of woolen' winter under clothing for wear on the Mexican border. Complaint has been made by the officers of the regiment North Tlalrnta'a tmnnm will naaa thrniio-h South Dakota tonight and tomorrow en route to the border. Loyal Club to Hold J Picnic at Bennington The Loyal Club of Omaha is plan ning a big picnic at Bennington, Sun day, August 13, with a program of political speeches by John L. Ken nedy, Judge Ben S. Baker, Mayor James C. Dahlman and George A. lagney. The club is not affiliated with either of the political parties and numbers among its members many of the leaders of both. It has been in existence for eight years. Steve Han sen, Lew Adams, Len Holmberg, Chris Hansen and Tom Toye are the 'members of the committee on ar rangements and have charge of the . sale of tickets. Hetty Green Leaves One Hundred Millions Bellows Falls, Vt, July 23. It was estimated in legal circles here to night that Mrs. Hetty Green left n estate of approximately $100,000,000. Charles W. Pierson of New York, representing Mrs. Green's son, Colonel Edward H. R. Green, agreed tonight upon a tentative administra tion fee of $20,000 to be paid to the state, and it is considered that this fee is an indication of the total value of the state on-' the basis fee percent age are usually figured. - Colonel Green is now sole execu tor of the estate. Young Man Breaks Back . Diving Into Elkhorn River Norflok, Va, July 23. (Special Telegram.) Robert Lindley, aged 21. is in a Norfolk hospital with a broken spinal column as a result of diving trom a twenty-loot nan into ine tin horn river, striking his head in the sand of the' river bed. A vertebra of the spinal column was fractured. He will live, but is paralyzed or. one side. Lindley -is a drug clerk. His father is a banker at Bonesteel, S. D. . The Weather RUMOR OF BREMEN NEARJU. SHORE Report Deutschland's Sister Ship Due to Pass the Oapes Before Today. CRUISERS NEAR COAST Norfolk, Va., July 23. From the same source that Norfolk learned two weeks ago tonight of the ap proach of the giant German mer chantman submarine Deutschland, came a, prediction today that the Deutschland's sister ship, the Bre men, would pass in the Virginia capes before Monday. There was no official authority for the news, but it spread quickly and generally was credited. Soon after nightfall, several vessels, some of them " carrying newspaper corre spondents and photographers, started for Cape. Henry through a heavy rain storm, hoping to welcome the ar rival of the undersea craft, i Will Go to Baltimore. ' It was believed that if the boat reached the coast during the night, it would head in immediately, as the storm made Conditions most favor able, It was expected to go directly to Baltimore, stopping only to pick up a Maryland pilot. In spite of the news from Balti more that the customs records there did not show the clearance of the Deutschland, what are regarded as reliable reports received here say it cleared today. Marine men point out that, for neutrality reasons, the records might be withheld from the puDiic until the submarine nad oeen given full opportunity to reach the high seas and elude the allied war ships waiting off the capes for its re appearance. Cruisers Near Coast. There are several cruisers a few miles from the coast and they are in constant touch with developments in Chesapeake bay through British trad ers leaving the harbor. One of the warships fired a shot today across the bow of an unidentified merchantman, about ten miles out to sea. Accord ing to persons, who witnessed the in cident from Virginia beach, the merchantman hove to at the warning shot, and after being spoken by the cruiser, was allowed to proceed. Observers at Lane Henry reported tonight that two warships had drawn m closer than usual and tor the tirst time were continuously using their powerful searchlights to sweep the entrance to the, bay. The outlines of the ships were plainly visible despite the rain. They were said to be barely outside the three-mile limit. ' Vote on Wet and Dry Issue Close in Texas Dallas, Tex., July 23. A close race between O. B. Colquitt and T. M. Campbell, former governors peeking the democratic nomination for United States senator, was indicated Saturday in incomplete returns from today s state-wide primary, which is equi valent to election. There Were six candidates for the nomination, including Charles A. Cul berson, chairman of the senate judiciary committee, who sought re election. Returns received up until 8 p. m. came from widely scattered precincts in the more populous coun ties of the state. Governor James E. Ferguson ap parently has been renominated by a substantial majority over two op .Vote on the question ot submitting a constitutional amendment for pro hibition was close. AUSTRIANS FALL DACK UPON MAIN MOUNTAIN RIDP ENGLISH AEROPLANES READY TO START FOR ALLIED OFFENSIVE .The picture below shows a squadron of English aeroplanes lined up for their last review previous to their flight overseas to take part in the great allied offensive. 4t Teutons Reported graa 10 nave - ,p Toward Pr '. -f .u&in of CarVvus. We4Vr f PIOHT IN NORTH FRANCE UNCHANGED Hour. Deg. . 6 a. m 77 6 a. in.... 78 A I 7 . m.. 79 rVA I l.m 7 EvAu I lt.m 78 pAWjV ; I , 10 . m 82 VsLJJ 11 a. m 87 f j Urn. , II J lp.m 13 J W 3 p. m M MLfl , Bp. m K wyfpi J 4 p. m 16 MBl ' ft p. m t ??::::::::::::: !2 Official record of temperature and pre etpltatloo compared with the corresponding period of the laat three years: ISIS. HIS. 1IH. 111!. Hlthest Jeeterdar. ., ' ' Lowest yesterday.... 78 66 66 64 Mean temperature..'. S6 7S . SO 71 Precipitation T .01 1 T .14 'Temperature aa-d precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha since March 1, and compared with the last two years: Normal temperature 77 Kxcess for the day Total eaceas since March 1 -...lit Normal precipitation lsrncb Deficiency for the day .12 Inch Tolal rainfall since March 1 .67 Inches Deficiency since March t...... 7.0Slnchee Deficiency for cor. period, ltlfi. .31 Inch Deficiency for cor. period. 1914. S.7J Inches T' tndlcalea trace of precipitation. . U A. '6liH, Uciaroloflst. To Start Work on New St. Regis Apartments Ecavation work is nearly completed for the St. Regis apartment house, a new apartment house to be built at Thirty-seventh and Jones streets by the Metropolitan Realty company. Construction work will start this week. This structure is to represent in finished detail, th. ultra modern ideas of apartment house construction. Spanish Renaissance architecture is to be followed. The building is to be in the shape of a "U." Former Omaha Boys Come From Coast to Visit Parents Frank D. Bryant, assistant to the purchasing-agent of the Standard Oil company at San Francisco, and his brother, Arthur C Bryant, employed by the samea, company in the Seattle office, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Bryant, 625 North Forty-first avenue. The two brothers left Omaha sev eral years ago. They expressed them selves as being greatly impressed with the growth and development of the city during their absence on the coast. Harry F. Gould of New York, with the Southern Pacific railroad, is also visiting at the Bryant home. Battle Resumed on British front Along Whole Line. ENGLISH MAKE GAINS Vienna (Via London), July 23. Un der the menace of a heavy Russian assault the Austrians in the Carpath ian region of southern .Bukowina, southwest of Tatarow, have with drawn toward the main ridge of the Carpathians, the war office officially announced today. Battle Resumed. London, July 23. The battle on the British front in northern France was resumed today along the whole line from Pozieres to Guillemont, the war office report of this afternoon says. The British captured the German out erworks near -Porieres by assault and carried the fighting into the village. Longueval also was the scene of a desperate struggle. Attacks Fruitless. Berlin fVia London). July 23. Heavy attacks by- the British along the Somme tront in nonnern rrance, on the line dunning from Thiepval to Guillemont, have been fruitless, not withstanding disregard tor losses the Tartre number of men em ployed, the war office announced to day. Sergius Sazonoff , Russian Foreign Minister, Quits Post P.trno-rarl Tulv 23. SergiuS Sai one' minister of foreign affairs, has resigned. He is succeeded by Boris Vladimirovitch Sturmer, the premier, who has taken over the office. M. Sturmer retains the premier ship. Alexei Khvostoff, the former minister of the interior, has been re-.nnmntr-rt to that office, while M. Makaroff has been appointed min ister of justice. . i M. Sazonoff retired from the for eign ministry at his on. equest,-- ' A recent dispatch from Petrograd, by way of London, reported the de parture of Sergius Sazonoff for Fin land to recuperate. The assistant for eign minister, M. Neratoff, then as sumed the head of the foreign office. M. Sazonoff was appointed foreign minister in November, 1910. On several occasions since then he has been reported suffering from seri ous illness. One of his latest official acts was the signing of the Russo Japanese convention to maintain the peace in the far east. Jioris . v. sturmer was appointed Kremier to succeed M. Goremykin last February. He also holds the of fice of minister of the interior. i- B rs Stir ril I " ' 5K;U w , -.w. .i5;,Syfc,A4U n J ; (Li,i.v, - x " 1 . ff-vnrsM-)li1i''t ''J ,,v eft BRITISH AERonANt flBEXj I - - GiMtTUflut . Mrs. Elizabeth Dunbar Of Council Bluffs Dead , Mrs. Elizabeth Ellen Dunbar of Council Bluffs died Friday at the Presbyterian hospital in Council Bluffs after a short illness. She is survive 1 by her husband, P. E. Dunbar of the Union Pacific, a son Thomas E. Dunbar, senior in the law college of Creighton university; her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth McCoy of Pocatello; three brothers, Arthur G. McCoy, Duluth, Minn.; Harry G. Mc Coy, San Francisco; J. J. McCoy, St. Louis, and a sister, Mrs. Charles J. Forden, Pocatello. Mrs. Dunbar was widely known in Omaha and Council Bluffs. In the latter city she was a member of St. Paul's Episcopal church, also of Morn ingside chapel, St. Paul's guild, Har mony chapter, Eastern Star and other orgrnizations. The funeral will be held tomorrow at the Dunbar residence in Council Bluffs. Youth Shoots Stepfather In Order to Protect Mother Harry Freeman, 18-year-old step son of Joseph Hudson, 2779 Blondo, fired a .22 caliber bullet into the tat ter's head last night in order to stop him from abusing his mother. Hud- and has not been heard from yet. No arrests were made. Young Freeman only last week was discharged from a local hospital, where he underwent an operation for relief from epilepsy. Wreck Kills Two and Hurts Thirty Harvesters Beating Way to Fields Sioux City, la., July 23. Two men were killed and thirty injured when a Milwaukee freight train loaded with prospective harvest hands was de railed three miles north of Tripp, S. D., this morning. The cause has not been determined; The dead: , Clarence Sandquist, Geneva, Neb. J. E. Longmore, Lincoln, Neb. The identity of Longmore was ob tained by papers in his pockets. The train contained about 200 men beat ing their way to the harvest fields. All but two of the injured were taken to a Yankton hospital on a special train this afternoon. The other two were unable to be moved. Doctors were rushed to the scene from Yankton, Tripp and Parkston. Before the special arrived, many of the victims were taken to Tripr), where the 'depot was turned into an emergency hospital. Men and women of Tripp turned out by th dozens to help relieve the suffering. One man who had a leg bone protruding through the flesh, refused to take an opiate. He watched physicians set the limb with teeth gritted. The wreck scene looked like a shambles. The wreckage has not been cleared away and other bodies may be found. . . ... .. . ... ., . . JUAREZ CONDITIONS NEARLY NORMAL Bull right for Charitj Will Be Given at Plaza De Toros July 30. EL PASO PEOPLE INVITED El Paso, Tex., July 23.-For the first time since the days of the Villa regime, permission has been given in. Juarez for a ull fight. But it will be a charity affair to be held at the Plaza De Toros, a week from tomorrow, for the benefit of the Queretaro flood sufferers, with amateur toreadors. This fight, by special consent of Acting Governor Trevino of Chihua hua, was said to be important as part of an effort to re-establish cardial re lations between Juarez and El Paso. General Gonzales, the Juarez com mander, with this object in view, to day issued a special invitation to the people of El Paso to attend. " General Gonzales states, however, that the moral reform initiated by the Carranzistas foilowiug llie-evacuation of the town by VilK will not be re laxed. ,He has just refused to allow a night club in Juarez, although Gov ernor Trevino had waived objections. Gambling, cock fighting, the sale of hard liquors and dancing resorts will not be permitted, said the general. It is learned here that the large wireless station in Juarez built by Villa is to be dismantled and taken to Chihuahua City, to be set up at some other point in Mexico. In reply to a message informing him ot the rumor ot the formation of a so-called "legalist" party, Gen eral Jacintd Trevino wired Consul Garcia that before such a movement could succeed in Mexico its leaders i ould have to beat the constitutional ist army. The legalist party is said by rumor to have behind it certain Mexican refugees, who are opposed to Carrauza. Horse Eacing Vies With Bull Fighting A For Favor in Spain (Correspondence ot The Associated Press.) San Sebastian. Soain. Tulv 15 Hull fighters and their partisans look ask ance at a luxurious new establish ment just completed here, where thoroughbred horses will soon begin racing on a scale hitherto unknown in Spain. . The race course has all modern im provements and with grandstands that rival those of Longchamps and Auteuil, near Paris. Alfonso XIII has not only sanctioned the enter prise, but has given it vogue by ac quiring a stable of ' thoroughbreds himself; some of his horses may make their debuts at the meeting. - wheih opens July 2, and will continue until October 1. , . Fertilizer Flant to . Be Constructed Soon A big building activity in Omaha will be the construction of the Mor ris & Co, fertilizer Dlant. The ulant son ran away, in spite of the wound, iis to cost in the neighborhood of $40,000. Grant Parsons, former presi dent of the Omaha Builders ex change, has been awarded the contract. McCord Home Was Big Residence Sale of Week The largest residence sate recorded in real estate circles for the week was that of the W. H. McCord home, which is said to have brought in the neighborhood "bl $20,000. Morris Rosenblatt is the new owner. It is somewhat uncertain just what Rosen blatt will do with it. I here, is some talk of dividing the house and mak ing two apartment houses or a double flat. Cost of Operation of The State Departments XKrora a. Stall Correspondent.) Lincoln. July 23. (Special.) It cost the state of Nebraska $1,421, 840.85 to do business for the first quarter of 1916, according to a report filed by State Auditor Smith with the governor today, and $1,032,458.12 for the second quarter, making a total of $2,45498.97 for the first half of the year.: . .- . - ' - - ALLIED WARSHIPS CL0SERTON0RF0LK British and French Patrol Off Mouth of Chesapeake Bay , Are More Vigilant. DEUTSCHLAND PIER QUIET Norfolk, vVa, July 23. Allied war ships , off Cape Henry awaiting de parture by the German submersible Deutschland, after a night of slow cruising, during which their search lights were played over the entrance to the capes frequently, at daylight today quickened their speed and re sumed their regular north and south patrol. It is estimated that the ships today are from eight to ten miles out. At one time last night one o. them, pre sumably a French ship, moved in to within five miles of Virginia Beach, coming closer to shore than it had at any previous time. , '.rs Little) Activity About Pier. Baltimore, lulf '. 22. Little activity was . noticeable this forenoon about the pier at Locust point, where the German merchant submarin" Deutsch land was moored. The tug Thomas F. Timmons lay alongside, as it'has almost constantly for the last week, with a full head of steam up. , t Superior Business Men Organize Board of Trade Superior, Neb., July 23. Special Telegram.) Several Superior bank ers, millers and grain men met at the European hotel yesterday and organ ized a local Board of Trade, naming the following officers: F. L. Myers, president; George Scoular, vice presi dent; T. O. Merchant, secretary, and Claude Shaw, treasurer. The growth xf the grain business in Superior has become of such impor tance as to demand an organization properly to handle the business and this will be of benefit to the commun ity as it will eventually mean official weighing and inspection at this point Superior Refuses License To Street Carnival Company Superior, Neb, July 23. (Special Telegram.) The city council turned down the license for a carnival com pany that the fire department had ar ranged to have show here the last of the month after a petition signed by leaditig business men had been filed asking them -to refuse the license. ENTENTE POWERS SHIFTINGA SSAULT Germans Betreat Before Vic torious Advance of Gen t ; era! Sakharoff. KUBOPATKIN . IS MOVING London, Juy 23. The entent .allied offensive, which swings between the western and eastern fronts with al most dock-like regularity, and in manner almost completely to prevent the central powers from making any considerable transfers of troops from front to front, now is centered on the Russian front. The forces under General Sak haroff have taken the offensive ener getically and their victory in the salient formed by the junction of the Lipa and Styr rivers southwest of Lutsk; todav appears 'to be much more important than either the offi cial claims trom fetrograa or tne Austrq-German transmission: pf yes terday indicated. General Sakharoff Tias "the-enemy retreating in disorderly flight before his forces.' Having forced the pas sages of the Styr and Lipa, the Rus sian troops are already beyond Berestechk, having in two days' fight ing taken prisoner from the Austro Germans, 300 officers and 12,000 men. In addition the Russians have cap tured a quantity of war booty. The number of Austro-Germans captured in the operations on the eastern fronts since July 16, now total 26,000. By his success in driving the Austro-Germans from the Styt-Lipa salient, General Sakharoff has estab lished his forces firmly on the right bank of the Lipa up to about twenty kilometres (about thirteen miles) above its conflueince with the Styr. Meanwhile, General Kuropatkin Is stilt pressing forward against the forces of Field Marshal von Hinden burg on the Dvina front, south of Riga, and north of Smorgon. Accord ing to military critics in Petrograd, a battle is in preparation in the neigh borhood of Kovel. the offensive of the Russian ' drive across the . Stokhod7 vhich will prove one of the most im portant conflicts of the whole war, The British press gives prominence to statements published in the French press and credited to General Joffre and Sir Douglas Haig, the command ers. The former is reported as 'say ing that the-entente allies now have the whip hand over the central pow ers, while General Haig says the su preme decision of the war must be made on the western front. " Good Bye, Jim; Take Keer o' Yerself; Riley, Hoosier Poet, Crosses River Indianapolis, Ind., July 23. James Whitcomb Riley died last night at 10:50 o'clock while only Mr. Riley's nurse, Miss dementia Prough, was awake in -the poet's home. He asked for a drink of water and reclined on his bed again. Miss dementia resumed her vigil, and noticing that the poet seemed not to be resting easily, ap proached his bed. Mr.' Riley died be fore she reached his side. "Mr. Riley's death was due to paraly sis. He suffered a violent stroke about 7:30 o'clock thjs morning. Members of Mr. Riley's family were summoned immediately. They are his brother-in-law, Henry Eitel; his nephew, Ed mund II. Eitel, and his niece, Miss Elizabeth Eitel. Mr. Riley had suffered his first vio lent attack of paralysis July 19, 1910. He recovered and seemed to be in good health until he was stricken a second time. For several years Mr. Riley had spent his winters in Florida, where he went accompanied by members of his household. He returned only last May and "never felt better" as he expressed it on his arrival, since that time he had been in excellent spirits and seemed unusually strong, Dr. McCuI loch said. Mr. Rilehad been able to go to his publishers frequently and was out in his automoDiie every day even as late as Friday. The combina tion of his spirits and bodily strength seemed convincing that he was far from being on the verge of a fatal ill ness. Mr. Riley was born in 1853, but was w,ism,jajis i ....mi i n j.. j, Is -7 V :- JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY. reticent as to his exact' age. One of the most unique celebrations in the country was held in his honor October 7, 1915, when "Riley day" was ob served by a banquet in Indianapolis, and in schools of the country attended by more than 1,000,000 children. irue poet ot tne provinces was James Whitcomb Riley; born of the middle west, he sang the joys, sor- Mui. tanr'tmm anrl httmira ' tt iim Continued on Pag Two, Colnma One.) BLAST SENT ITS FLAME OVER THE GROVVDON WALK Many Women and Children Swept by Breath of Bomb and Piled in Heaps on Ground. TIDAL WAVE OT TERROR G. A. R. Veterans Show Great ' Courage in Holding Banks and Stopping Panic. MANY FREAKS OT DISASTER San Francisco, July " 23. Police have secured no tangible traces of the person who left a timed suitcase to explode on a downtown street cor ner during a preparedness parade, killing half a dozen persons and in juring more than, forty others. San Franciso, Cal., July 23. "It looked as if the sidewalk went straight up into the air," said Colonel Thoman F. O'Neill, former sheriff of San Fran cisco, who was io the line of march ers, "until there , was a loud, terse noise, lots of smoke and dust and criel of wounded and shouts." One police officer was standing alongside his horse twenty-five feet from the scene. Both were knocked down by the explosion, the man fall ing on top of .he animal. . ' Theories of the Police. : , Several theories were put forward tonight by the police. One was that the owner of the suitcase had intended to set it out along the line of the pa rade, but was delayed, and, knowing the bomb was timed, left it standing by the side of the saloon. One of the marchers in the parade, who was there when the bomb ex ploded, but escaped, said: "I was standing in a crowd right near the point where the explosion occurred. I whirled with the sound. It was like tryinrr to dive through tidal wave to get through the mass of men, women and children that charged toward me." , Veterans Denounce Anarchy. - When the parade dispersed the di vision of California Spanish War Vet erans, the division nearest the explo sion, marched to the city hall and held an indignation meeting, declaring that an anarchist meeting against prepar edness scheduled for tonight would be broken no..- . r .. iJU.-. I Many divisions of the for part of tne-paraoe Knew Doming ot tne explo sion and terrifying scenes behind un til they bought newspaper extras. District Attorney Charles F. Fickert said he thought the bomb had been placed by a fanatic who had been in cited to the act by listening to the speeches and arguments of those op posed to the preparedness parade. He said every effort . would be made to apprehend the culprit. . ... Josephson Denies Knowledge, Josephson, the suspect, was arrested while making a speech after the explo sion in which he is said to have lauded cnarchy and declared: "This is noth ing." After his arrest, however, he said that he was not an anarchist and denied having any knowledge of the bomb explosion. The handle of the suitcase which contained the explosives, together with part of the lock and pieces of clockwork, were picked up near the scene. . . ,-...-'.... .j , The deaths of two of the bomb vic tims was due to . chance meeting. Howard Knapp and his wife met G. C. Lawlor,'a lumber salesman of their acquaintance, at the corner a few min utes before -the explosion. ' It was their first meeting in several weeks and they paused to chat. SLawlor and Mrs. Knapp were killed outright Veterans Respond to Training. To men of the Grand Army of the Republic who had faced exploding shells at Vicksburg and Gettysburg fell the task of averting panic when the ranks of the paraders were split by the shrapnel-like blast. The grix zled veterans were almost on the scene of the explosion when the de tonation came. For a moment, while crawling . .ronien and men could be seen groping painfully through the smoke caused by the bomb, the lines halted in confusion and disruption seemed imminent. Then some unnamed marcher sprang to the front of the thin blue hue and called "Attention!"' ' " ' Instantly his comrades returned to their places and the ''little column marched past the huddled heaps of dead and injured on the street and sidewalk. , That the two score of casualties re sulting from the explosion might (Contlaued a Pag Tw, Colmna Two.) . A Party called up the other day. Wanted to sell his house asked whether it wai best to run one big ad or several small ones. We shaped up a 10 line ad, and after it ran six days he called up and said:. "I've located a buyer, stop my ad." "Keeping at it gets re sults." Phone Tyler 100av