6 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 23, 1916. TOPICSFOR SABBATH M ' - v Sacred Concert Sunday Morn ing at Plymouth Congre j gational Church. Elaborate card or music A sacred concert will be given Sun day morning at 11 at the Plymouth Congregational church under the di rection of Miss Mildred Stepp. The singers and readers are from the Pick er man School of Voice and Expres sion. The program follows: ...... iniflt In the Croat of Christ W Glory . , Howe Hul Wilcox, poprane: Karl Cbeyc Abbntt. haaa Soprano Solo Not a Kparrow Pellets- .Frans Miiarra siepp. Bats Soto Ablda With. Mf ...... Abbott Karl Chare Abbott. Reading with Omnn Accompaniment lar Lord Forflve '.....Gabriel uorotny uawaraa Sonrann Bala Mv Atn Oountri. . ;. . . Son rami Sol Jstatia Lovir at Ur Seal ,rLt MHWWfll Mlldrod Htcpp. -Vinlld nhlta-ala bv Hm1 WIlMZ Bun Solo Th War of Poo.w... .Lloyd Karl Chavea Abbott.. Trio -A Prayor BwthoYt Huel Wilcox, Mildred ewpp ma , Winifred Bdwarda. - Miss Kate Nevill of Kansas City Sunday morning will deliver the last of series of lectures she started four weeks aga before the Omaha Unity society. Meetings of the society are held regularly Sunday at 11 and 8 and Wednesday evening on the seventh floor of The Bee building.' . Battel. Olivet Orava ftltMton. Thirty -llftb and rowa Polnt--fiundav echool and meetlns at 15:45. Good. live rvlce for worahlD and ueuowanip Tnaaday events it I, First. Harnav and Park. Aioaaa Alvtn Da iarua. Miniatar iodio ai 11. -a nan wun Four Facaa" Onon air meetlnff at 7: It. (Topic, "Four Mao Under On Hat." Sunday bchooi at t;th. Midweek gospel servloe tveanoeaay ac T:a. Calvarr. Twntrflfth and Hamilton. J. A. Maxwell. Pastor In tha mornkna Rev. A. 4, Morris will praach In exchanfe with tha paaior. sveninf topic. "Heaeiung s.ae. RaDttam. Blbla aehool at Boon: O. W. Nobla. papartatandant Young peopla'a meeting at 1. Qraee. Tenth and Arbor.' B. B. TafL Rea ltor Sunday school at IS. 'Marntni worahlp fat it. Subject, "A Revival and. a Biol' naptiat young reopte-e union at t, Miaa Itakar'B a-rotiD In eharae. Subject at I. "A Trip to Cataract Canyon." 1 Mlaalea Auaday acneu at -itue eoutn jrounn at . Immanual. Twenty fourth and fMnkner. Arthur J. Morrla. Paitor At 10 :3d Rav. J. Maiwen win pretext.- t aidi vcnooi at n: Charlaa W. Simon. uoertntendenL Youna dmdIi'i maatina at 1. Tha naater (Will praach on "Tha Ooeftel According to tou" at a. -rrayar ana pnuee eervioe Wednesday evening at I. Olivet. Thlrtr-aiB-hth and1 Grand. Rev. W. A, Mulfort. Faator Toole at 11. "Bonn la tha Night" Combined yaung paapla'a and ohuroh aarvlca at 7:SS. ' Yoong people's maattng nder d tract Ion group No. 4, 4. C leanlnge. captain: evangeliitie aarvloa. 0un Say aohool at IS. Prayer .and fellowship maatlng Wednesday evening at S. Sunday ncnooi 'pienio aa Baturaar, - npactat car aava roruaia ana uranu m i. " ' - cautettMa, ; :'.4 North Slda. Tvantr-aaoond and Lathron. fiaarga L. PaUra, Paatar Blbla achool, t:a; nwrning aorvioa, it:ii nav. r. c. Harding will praaohf Endaavor, I and 1:41. rim. Twnt-mn ana narnay, cnariaa m, Cobbay, Miniatar Marolng aarvlna, 11, our ptvina uaipar;" no arantni aarvrca. Hanlar-and Intarmadiata Totui Paalaa ao.' lulaty pt Chriatlaa t JEodaavor, t:H; Blbla ' Cfcrlattaa tatoaaa. , Third. Druid kail, 1414 Aroaa At 11, ; Truth:" Sunday rhal. f4i and -11 pvadnaaday ayonlng uaaUng, f, .vVi ,, '. 0 gragatlaaal, Flymouih, Bightaanth and Bmmat. Kav. I PYadartek W. Laavltt, Paitor Blbla, aohool. Hlllalda. Thlrtlath and Ohio. W. I. Hama-; on, Paator rmon by tha paatot-i Sunday I r-booI at noon; Junior Bndaavar at 1; antor sndaavor at Tj ovaglng aarvleaa 4n, churrh parlor at I: ahort aong service. fol lowed by brief aermon. t , ., Flnit, Nineteenth and Dnvn port Sermon at 10:80 by Rav. A. M. Pwrr. "Put Your Idaaa Into Practice." Sunday achool at boon. Prayer moating Wednesday at 7:10. folowed by an adjourned bualneaa meeting at S. . St Mary'e Avenua. St Mary'a Avenue and Twenty-ecvenih, R. O. A. Hulbert, Mlnlatr Sunday achool at 10. with kindergarten, Sunday morning worahlp at 11 In tha Sun day achool room, fn the absence of Rav. Mr. Hulbert the pulpit will be supplied. , Episcopal. Tha Ooad Shepherd, Twentieth and OhwV. Rev. Thomas J. Collar, Pastor Holy com munion, 7; morning prayer and aerrooa, 19. All Balnte, Twenty-ilith and Dewey Avenua, T. 1. Mackay, Rector; R. H. Flock hart. Assistant Services, 7:19, 10 and 11. . Cvaagalloal. Flrnt t'Rlted. 2420 Franklin, Ira MBrlda, Pastor Preaching, 11 and I; Sunday achool, IV; Junior league, 3; Sanlaf and In termediate loafua, 7; prayer meeting, Grace United, Camden and Twenty-ser anth. Thomas McKM-an, Pastor Morning. "Tha Seoret of All True Benevolence:" eve ning, women 'a home and foreign mission aerrjea; Sunday school, 10; Keystone League of Christian Kndeavor, . . ... Lutheraa. St. Paul'a, Twenty-fifth and Evans, Rav, B. T. Otto, Pester Servlcee at 10 and 8, Sunday achool I, Kountte Memorial Branch. Rev. C. Franklin Koch In Charge Sunday achool I, Ffad JO. Wood, superintendent . First Twentieth and Maaen, Rav. Tltua Lang, Paator Preparatory aarvloa at :I0. German aarvtea with holy communion at 10. No Englleh service la tha evening. - St Mark's. Bngllah, Twentieth and Bur delta, U Oroh, Pastor Servlcea at 11 a. in.; Rav. J. A, Leavltt will praach; Sunday achool at t;4t a. m.,; no evening service. Kountse, Memorial, Farnam Street and Twenty-eljcth Avenue, Rev. Oliver D. fialtaly. Pastor; Rev. C Franklin Koch, Associate Pastor At 11, "At Thy Word." Sunday achool ;4s, Oscar P. Goodman, uparln ten dent , ' - Xbdden Memorial, Nlnauenth and Csstel lar, Rav. O.- W. Snyder, Pastor Morning aarvloa at , 11; subject, "All Things Are Tours." No evening service. Sunday school at 10. Tha Ladles' Aid society will meat Thursday afternoon Id Rlvervlew park. Zlon Bngllah, Thirty-sixth and Lafayette, A. T. Lorlmer, Pastes Bra Nelson, Or ganist; Constantlna Odea, Choir Director Sunday school at 0:41. Services at 11 and t. Tuesday evening tha Men's eoclety will meet at the home of Mr. and Ms. A. Q. Swaneon, I48t Camden avenue. Midweek arvlca Wednesday evening. Thursday eve ning tha Luther league will meat at the home of Mlaa Grace .Snygg, Thirty-eighth and Hamilton, t . ?. mon, "Water From tha Old Homo Wall," 11. phtiallau Endeavor society 7. Central United. Twenty 'fourth and Dodge. Hugh Spear, Pastor Sabbath achool t:4 Morning worship 11; sermon by tha pastor, "Tha Master s Hot Weather Philosophy." f Clifton Hill. Grant and Forty-fifth. B. R. von dar Llppe. Pastor Sunday school 10, Dean T. Smith, superintendent Servlcee at u. Christian Endeavor 7. No otaer eve ning tsrvlca. First United. Twenty-first and Emmet, A. C. Douglass, Pastor At 10:S0, "The Con straining Love of Christ . Bible school at noon. At 7, outdoor service and preach ing on church- lawn. Castellar Street. Sixteenth and Ceetellar, Rav. C. C. Meek, Pastor Service 11. No evening service. Sabbath school t:4e. Junior Christian Endeavor S, Intermediate Chiie tlan Endeavor 7, Senior Christian En deavor 7. R. L, Wheeler Memorial, Twenty-third and J, R, L, Wheeler, Pastor-Blble achool 1:40. At 10:46. "Ye Muat Be Born Again. North. Twenty-fourth and Wirt, M, V. Hlgbee, Pes tor Rev. Mr. Foster of Dundee will breach at 11. Bunday acnooi at :. T. P. 8. C. E. at 7. Fellowship maatlng Wednesday at 7:40. Covenant Pratt and Twenty-seventh, Charles H. Flaming. Pastor At 10:10. "God's Provision for a Happy Life." Blbla school at noon. Junior Endeavor at 1:30. Senior Endeavor at 7, At 0, "Jeaus, Our Treasure in Frlendahlb." Bring blue boohs On Wsdnesday at 0 the book of Second Corinthians will be begun. The flrttt and second chapters will bo studied. ' Walnut 'Mill. ' Fartv.flret an rhi Oliver Keva. Minister Bar vloos at 10:30 and I. Sunday school at noon. Swedisht Nineteenth - and 'Buft. Ouklhv nnoaaon, raewr wunoay senool at 10. Bub Jeot at 11, "The River of Salvation." Kp worth leaguO at I, Subject at I,- '.'Paul in Athens." t First Twentieth and Davenport,- Tltua Lowe, Pastor -Bible, class at 0:4ft; T. F. Sturgese, superintendent! Topic at 11, ."Three uon-vrpwnw r?iiM. spworin league at 7. Topie at S "Toe, Foyer, 41 Princely Pur 0' 4 f ... I, 'Pearl Memorlaf, Twenty-fourth and Lart more, Earl B. Bowen, Pastor Hundsy school at l:4S. Subject at 11, "The Church." Kit worth league a-t 7. Evening of music and short service at l. Fall owi hip hour "Wednes day aveaiag ai-S, , j German,' Eleventh ana Center, Rev. 0 J. Jaleer, Pastor flumtny school at 10. Preach ing at 11 and I. Morning subject, vAilegt aace to God Supraaoa." Evening subject "The All Silfflcient Friend." Bible and pfayar meting Wednesday evening at I. Dlsta Memorial. Tenth and PlifM ' m Dawson, Mlnlster Sunday school at : Dr. J. L, Frana', superintendent. Topic at 11, "Through Pain to Royalty. ' Kp worth league at i rfonn craxtan, laaaji s, a raiai tnoice, Wadaaaaay. Trialty, f Twenty; flrat anal Blnney Rev. Oerrlet Janssan, Nebraska oonference "in galist. will praach at lfl;10 and also at the vesper servica at 0:10. Music by choir: B F. Wllltansr ohorlstart Hlsa Flora R.r-., 8 at) 1st. Sunday school at noon; VV 11 lard ham bare, superintendent Prayer meeUng at I ' First. Famra and Thirty .fourth. iiM-tn Hart Janka, Paator OHrvtca lit Dr. D. B. Jaaklna will preach. Sunday anhoai a-ia a, m. Christian Eadaavor maatlng J, weetminater, oaorgia and Mason Bible achool at 1:45. Morning worship at.fl; Rev. Charlea B. BaakerVhle will praach. Chria tlaa Badeavor at 7, Lowe Avenue,, lflfl North Fortieth, A. T, Bmat, Faator Sabbath achool 10. Bar- AsaoclatecT Bible students meet tn Lyric building. Nineteenth and Farnam at S. O. P. Luaa will lecture. "The Parable of tha Leaven and Three Measures ( Meal." Union Gospel Mtaslon, 1100 Douglas. Charlss F. Robel, Superintendent Open atr service at nail at a. Meeting avery night during tha week. NaHnna! Vnntanall Rnlritual. 1414 Cum ing, Mrs. Ella Cardner, message bearer. Srv Icea Sunday and Thursday at 1:11. Spiritual New Thought Society, I41S Cum ing services at B. sunaay xussoay a Friday Mrs. Fay speaks on 'The Christ Consciousness of Right Living Messages. First RafArmitd. Twentv-thlrd Street and Deer Park Boulevard, John F. Hawk, Pastor Sunday achool at 0:46. Prsanhlng at 11, "Ths Greater Gift." Christian Endeavor at 7. Evening worship at I. First Progressive Spiritualist, 14ST South Sixteenth Regular services followed by Rieaaagea every Sunday at 0 Regular mea sabe ssrvloes ovary Wednesday and Friday Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ of igniter Day natnts. Twenty-iourtn ana unto Hunaay ecnooi at rreaening ai n and II Itv Rider J. M Raker. Retlalo at 0:10. At the Moohs hall. South Bide, Sunday aohool at 10. Preaching at 11 and 0. . United Brethren, Nineteenth and Lothrop At 11. "How to Finance a Church Without (Giving a Cant." At 0. Mlas Oddte, employment secretary or tna yaung woman a unriauan association, will speak. Bible school at-10. prayer and Bible study Wednesday at Si Posse on Trail of i Alleged Murderer Marshalltown. Ia., July 21. A sher iff', poise tonight continued to search (or Bob William, who ia laid to be the murderer of Mrs. Mary Stewart at union, last niRht. The condition of Wendell P. Foot,, who was ihot three times, waa re ported aa improved tonight.. It. now .thought that he will recover.. Greater Omaha Improvers ; Favor Many Betterments Widening of Twenty-fourth street. the installation of a municipal' light ing plant and the grading and paving of Pierce street from Twenty-fourth to Twenty-second street were all fa vored in speeches made at a meetlns of the Greater Omaha Improvement club held last night at Mason school. The next meeting of the dub will be held two weeks from last night. The district covered extends . from St. Mary a avenue to Castellar street and from Sixteenth street to Park avenue. AllMra, July II. (VI, London.) Tha British aloamohlp Oranronoor, I.1IS ton, srou, nd ownod by tho Moor Lino of Now Cullo, hu boon rank by iubmrtno. Iu orew woo lo.nd.od. .. 1917GRANT SIX-191 7 A Truly ;fG&:;; THE 1917 Grant Six has all the qualities that make for true , greatness. It is simple in design, honest in construction, strong, sturdy, -efficient and able. What it promises, that it performs. . - It looks good because it IS good. ' It wins buyers becauae of its wonderfully smooth, flexible motor and its handsome, roomy, comfortable body... - It keeps them sold by reason of its consistent performance and true economy. 1 The Grant Six climbs any hill that any car can climb. In Chicago recently it gave a daily exhibition of climbing a 60 per cent grade. In Denver it climbed the famous "Hill Despair" on high gear a performance so far not equaled. , J , ?,;i; ,;.:.' ;V ." ' It combines beauty and economy with the highest type of efficiency. M , And it has every high-grade feature that you can desire seats five passengers comfortably is fully equipped and presents all the qualities you find in any liret-class SIX at any price. Come and see ths new 1917 model now and get a new vision of automobile value. 1 yWot-PsMsngsr Touring Car . - Thraw-Paawnpr Roadstar . . . . f Thnt-Paiaennr Cabrioitt -.. ..... . i. ..I'V-- v ' ::V5 .! " V.O.B.rACTOBT ',.,', APPERSON MOTOR , J. H. DeJONCMgr., ' ' ! Omaha. Soma Grant Fatnrs)g Was IWUo kortlos IIHm trotaoo UonylaoMoa Wo,t.iol.g.it, . StroanlooiCoaiMroojt ;. IWMtMtlwIlMAih OaaNoaToD DoojlaVwaaV HowSaata, Vm tooa-.ai. UsnSoma ioaaWSjsat niwat taoia . otinoHW Uo owi. oojdoJi.l.iona.o.of IS fci.l , WW Owaart avaraga 20 mitM to tha ffallon of taaoliaa. Many report aa high as 28 milaa. 000 to 1200 atita to thafalloBof oil t m 826 1060 CO. 2417 Farnam St, - GRANT MOTOR CAR CORPORATION Phone Dougla. 3811 , PINDLAY, OHIO HIDES MOTIVE FOR D0UBLE MURDER Alpine (Tex.) Han Shooting Wife and Colonel Will Not Tell Why He Did It. IN CAR WITH THE TWO Alpine, Tex., July 22. Mystery sur rounds the motive of Harry J. Span nell, manager of a loc.-.l hotel, for shooting and killing his wife, and Lieutenant Colonel M. C. Butltr of the Sixth United States cavalry while the three were motoring Wednesday according to an announcement from the county attorney tonight. Span nell, who surrendered himself immedi ately after the shooting, refused to discuss his case and a thorough in vestigation disclosed no apparent rea son for the killing. . Spannell, who was held over night in the county jail, was taken today to another town, the name of which was not revealed, for safe-keeping. An investigation by local authorities disclosed that Spannell was driving his wife and Colonel Butler in his ca along the main residence street of the town when suddenly he stopped his engine, turned in his seat, drew' an automatic pistol and a revolver and with the one began shooting Colonel Butler and with the other his wife. He calmly emptied both firearms into the bodies of the victims. Appar-1 entiy colonel Butler was shot first and killed instantly for persons nearby heard the woman cry out after the shooting had begun, "Harry, don't kill me' while the officer made no outcry. Previous, to the shooting, Spannell chatted gaily with persons in the lobby of the Holland hotel, of which he was manager. - Had Been Friendly with Butltr. It is recalled today that he was ex tremely cordial toward Colonel Butler, with whom l.e had been very friendly, as he ushered his wife and the officer into the car for the fatal drive. Be cause of this, local authorities did not believe the killings were premeditated. Colonel . Butler, only recently -,s promoted from the rank of major and" had been. stationed here in command of the garrison for about two months. He lived at the Holland hotel, and he and his wife and 11-year son were on intimate terms socially with Mr. and Mrs. Spannell and their 5-year-old daughter. Before being taken away from the local jail Spannell broke down com pletely and sobbed bitterly for hours, bemoaning what he termed his "mad ness." He persisted, however, in his refusal to discuss his reasons for the shoot ing or to say what transpired in the car immediately preceding the kill ings. A graduate of musical conserva tories in this country and abroad, he. was an instructor in music in Baylor university at Waco. Tex., when . he met the daughter of John R. Holland, cattle man and banker of Alpine, whom he later married. Mrs. Span nell was then a student in the univer sity. Nc.-.iinee for President of the United States Under Arrest Butte, Mont., July 22. Arthur E. Reimer of Boston, socialist labor party candidate for president of the United States, waa fined $10 in the municipal court here today for violat ing the city ordinance by speaking in a downtown street The fine was suspended by the magistrate. MOBILIZE MEN FOR GERMAMHARYEST Military .' Commander Orders Massing of Civilians for Work in Fields. ALL WILL MUST LABOR The Hague (Via London), July 22. The commander of the 'Twentieth German corps has ordered the mobili zation of all civilians to aid in har vesting the crops. They will be paid for their work at the local rates of hire. Exemption from work will only be granted on a doctor's certificate. Persons refusing to comply with the mobilization order are punishable with a maxi mum sentence of a year's imprison ment and a fine of 1,500 marks. Harvest Hand Meets Death in Battle With Members of I, WiW. Beaver City, Neb., July 22. A harl vest hand was killed yesterday twelve miles south of here, just across the Nebraska line in Kansas, by men with whom he had been tramping and beat incr his wav on trains.1 His slavers claimed to be members of the Indus-! trial workers of the World, and the killing was the result of fight be cause he refused to join the order. No further details have been re ceived, and it is not known whether there have been any arrests. Get Rid of Your Burden of Fat There was an excuse for over-rat-neoo when starvation, diet and weak nins;, laborious oxerolses were tha only known means of reduclnft the floih. but nowadays when it ia possi ble to cat rid ot two. three or four - fiounda of fat a week by merely tak nc a tiny tablet after each meal and at bed time, the man or woman who remains fat does so from choice alone. Thousands of people who have ased Marmola Prescription Tablets (pre pared from the famous Marmola pro scription) know by expertenoe that this treatment is not only quicker, e. sler and more pleasant than old fashioned metho-'s but that It Is also wonderfully successful and harmless. Instead of belna- any way harmful or Injurious. Marmola prescription Tab leta are truly beneficial to the aren : era! health. The use of them does not interfere m any way with work or pleasure. You need not restrict vou diet or alter your habits in any way whatever. Simply take it eaey and enjoy yourself while your fat vanishes. Tou can get Marmola Pre scription Tablets at any sropd druer store for 75 cents per case or by send Insr the price direct to the Marmola Somonny. a4 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Ich. Try them and the results will surprise -you. 01 ITT TnSd i mm f SPECIAL EASY MONTHLY PAY.tiENrS 6LACLY ARRAiMEP 0 V ANY PURCHASE-IF DESIRED .n j $449 IIISIKTLT TJFHOtr STBRKD PARLOR ROCKER, entire frame made of solid oak; extra, roomy and exceed lAsrly eoenfortable; back and seat are upholstered tn guar anteed Imitation leather' atoel taring eo no traction below oat; a reman able value at enli- A WELL tSf MADS CO LONIAL DRESSER The large baaa fitted with two Urge drawers and two small drawera; French bevel plata mirror, con structed of hard wood and fin ished golden tn Imitation Quarter-sawed oak; sots the heavy post and claw feet; only SOLID OAK TWO-PIECE LIBRARY SUIT, three extra large pieeee consisting of roomy arm chair and roeker, and large sized library table fitted with stationery drawer and magazine shelf; three extra large pieces built throughout of well seasoned selected wood and finished fumed; chair and rocker upholstered in high grade imitatf J m Q tion Spanish leather;, entire set specially priced, at vXJ.avO $9.65 SANITARY ' WHITJS T.1NAMKI. LINED LIFT' ICE CHAMBER REJ- FRIGS R A TOR Heavily interlined, triple . wall ' . eons traction; removaoie niekal wire shelves and fruit compart ment oeventy-flve-poupd ice capacity; a large slae welt made refrig erator at. only. THIS Columbia Grafonola AND SOLID OAK RIG- ORD CABINET . ONLY 025.75 TERMS: S2J0 Casti, S2J0 Month TH oot.trmnA ORAVO NOUA rULDBTKATTO 18 OtTH MODtL No. IS. awtond (Men eok ease, aa-otbrsnt motor j too eoatm oad mm otfcer etelaatvo Ootnnabia fea tures: rooard eoMaot la node of oond oak and will hold frees 1SS to IIS roooMo; both articles ovoeUlty nrtood u quoted above. , SHI B ,..l!!!!LLl I NEW PATTERN DOUBLE DOORS SOLID OAK CHIFF-ROBS.- ffenuinw quarter sawed oak front; poliihed . (olden; roomy wardrobe, fitted with ltdlnff coat and troueer hanajer; eivnt indiTiduai drawers; French beret plate mir ror; a real : bar vala at A mm? 1 1 1 sTaw 1aMS) 9 rsweiB, r iciivu $18.75 A SPLENDID VALUE IN A COMFORTABLE HIGH BACK FIBRE REED ROCKER Ex cellently finished In natural shellac and suitable for porches, V front parlor. living room 'or, lswn; rhile the quantity lasts at, only, $13.50 Back Adjmtt Willmut teweSnf Sttl SOLID, COMFORT, ADJUSTABLE BACK MORRIS ROCKER, equipped with foot rest; back and seat uphol stered in guaranteed imitation leath er; entire frame made of solid oak; back adjusted without leaving an 17 r seat; yours (or solid comfort. 5oI9 it L 1 II mfv STORAGE CH1FPONIBR. Built of solid oak with four drawers instead of five aa ahown In Illustration; all fitted wnn wood pulls; fully worth Is, our low price onlr BLBOANT SOLID OAK AUTOMATIC BED DAVENPORT," a very new and pleasing design; back and seat are upholatered In guaranteed tin- iistiun .valuer, nu iuii oprmo; oteei oonotruction ; rrame oa aa finished tn golden: owlna to a fortunate dui.Jum m CIV VII able to offer thlo genuine bargain, at, only SjlfJeOJ Mall Orders Receive Promst Atteatles TWO SPECIAL RUG BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK SPLENDID IxtJ-FOOT BRUSSELS RUCK Varied assortment of patterns to choose from, unusually well . t 75 made; only.,..,.' 8RAMLESS xtt FOOT EXTRA heavy- Rtra Excellently well woven high pile, newest color com bination: rare .nVyT...$.8J STRONOLT CONSTRUCTED LI BRARY TABLE Made with heavy plank top fitted with secret drawer; has four heavy post legs and roomy magasina shelf; made entirely of American quarter-sawed imitation oak, finished golden; our ttC MB very low price only..,....epOe1D A LA ROE COMFORTABLE AND ROOMY FOUR-rASSENOER LAWN SWING, frame stands sight feet high, painted red; seats are thlrty-aiz Inch es wide finished natural; made of . bard wood; securely braced and bolt ed; enjoy the comforts of one of these ' large swings, specially prioed at o .....1.0 for this week, at, only. .. ) AKKKICA'S OK&ATMT ROsU FDaUrUaUBS - wm a wc? mmm 1414 . 16 - 18 DOUGLAS ST. r31 HANDY SOLID OAK J'ELdKFrlONE STAND Complete with small stool that slide under neath when not In ass; convenient shelf for telephone book; exceptionally well built and fin ished fumed; chair and table both spe cially priced for this week at, only $1.35 'lTWletfsl