Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1916, WANT-AD SECTION, Image 31

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Instructions for Hay Fever Sufferers
Work of Valentine Experiment
Station Shows What Hay
Be Accomplished.
Work done at the Valentine agricul
tural experiment Station of the state
has shown that alfalfa can be grown
in most .sections of the sandhills
country, and the University of Ne
braska in a bulletin, just issued from
this station, recommends that where
possible it should be made to take the
place of intertilled forage crops, be
cause it would do away with the dan
ger of soil blowing.
The bulletin points out that alfalfa
is here of more value than any other
forage crop that can be grown. Ex
periments have shown that for the
sandhill section of the country alfalfa
exceeds all clovers, including sweet
clover, in its adaptability to condi
tions and that it is of more value than
any of them and costs less to seed.
Sweet clover has been found more
adaptable .to .hardpan lands than to
Ins sandhill land, though tor a time
many were inennea to Deueve mat
swifs r nvpr m n nr nui r in tici wru
in the sand.
Sandhills Need Humus.
The bulletin points out that the dry
valley bottoms and the better portions
of dune sand lands, are the principal
iarmintr lands of the sandhills Country.
Under cultivation ' this 'land needs,
above everything else, preservation of
humus, or organic matter, to enable it
lo retain moisture and prevent the
blowing of soil. No method of im
provina: the range land in the sand
hills country by tne introduction of
new grasses has been disebvered, but
the native herbafec i said to improve
it rapidly if ir is. not. overgrazed, and
tt tires are Kept rrom running over 11.
Generally speaking, the pasturage on
the ranges of the sandhills, region is
of good character.
Continuing further in the summary
the bulletin gives of Crop and grass
conditions in the sandhills, it says:
"Alsikc and' red:.claveT,.specjally.
the former, are well adapted to wet
valley meadow conditions'; and when
sown, in with the nativft glasses are
valuable for increasing the protein
element in native hay. ' , ' .
,' Some Crops Not Good.
"Sfender wheat, brome, and western
that succeeded in making stands un
der dry soir conditions On Cultivated
ground at tjie. substation ,TNonei'it
them made-much- hay, nd it is ques
tionable if it . is .profitable to attempt
grass- growing, on- amy but wet vat
ley bottoms' under the' prevailing Wm
ditiofis of climate.
"Sudan grass has yielded as high as
1,167,! pounds of hay on light sandy
soil ,swhen sown in rows 21 inches
apart Sown broadcast, it yielded
1,64S pounds per acrei It is much rel
ished; by stock.
"None of the other varieties' of
grain sorghums tested at the substa
tion equaled the upright, headed
dwarf milo in yield. , The yield
amounted to 11.2 bushels per acre on
light soil in 1913. This -was the. high
est recorded yield of three years in
vestigation. .. .-. - ,..; ' .
"Feterita is a eood yielding grain
sorghum and stands drouth well, but
has not fully matured on the higher
upland soils. As a forage crop it is
not relished by stock.
Corn Must Be Acclimated.
"Corn yielded 13.6 bushels per acre
under conditions similar to those un
der which milo gave 11.2 bushels. At
the substation the variety known: as
Minnesota Number 13, gave heaviest
vield Corn in the sandhills has
decided local character.
Imported corn rarely does well until
"Of the ' so-called Small grains,
'grown under conditions similar to
grain sorghums and corn, the heaviest
vipIHe ixere obtained from winter rye,
11 - bushel's : emmer spelts, 11.50
Whelm and 'winter wheat, 11.30,
Aiinir with the return aiven by the
milo maise. this shows a remarkable
uniformity of yield in bushels per acre,
ill f tWp vields are strictly com-
narahle with that of corn 13.60
bushels. ,
Potatoes Do Very Well.
"The Irish cobbler potato has out-
yielded all other potatoes in tests cov
ering three years. The best depth to
plant in light sandy soil is from four
to five inches. The best yields were
obtained with rows spaced forty-two
inches apart, and twenty-four inches
in the row. The most profitable size
t i wsi medium Quartered.
"Potatoes raised under, ordinary
-nH!tinns from seed that had been
grown under a mulch yielded thirteen
hiishe s oer . acre more man wireu
grown from seed that had been pro
AitmA in the Ordinary wav.
"Potatoes grown on light sandy soil
under the mulch of six inches of hay,
yielded 50 per cent more than when
rmun in the ordinary way.
"Scab and stem rot are the only
ontto diseases of importance that
have rnme under observation at the
sub-station. The formalin treatment
has been applied with varying re
sults. It is probably quite effective
when the infection is confined to the
seed alone, but the varying results
obtained would seem to indicate that
the disease is frequently communi
cated by the soil. In such case the
only remedy would seem to be
rotation of crops.
"For the Colorado beetle or potato
bug, arsenate of lead has been found
as effective as Paris green, and there
is less danger of injuring the foliage
of plants when using it.
How to Conserve Humus.
"Where a sufficient supply of
manure is not available, or where
win n scarcity of moisture the
ground is not capable of absorbing
or assimilating sufficient manure, a
rotation of crops is desirable in order
to help maintain tne numui or or
nanic matter in the soil. Alternat-
; WH irons with small grain
helps. Many farmers practice a weed
and corn rotation and claim success
for this method.
"The best quick-growing varieties
of freeware Norway poplar, cotton-
wood, and box elder, but the first
two SDeciea are short-lived. Fast
growing, trees, such as cottonwood,
box elder-and poplar, should not be
mixed with the slower growing va
rietie. hilt ahnuM he kent hv them.
salves. Jt the slower growing, de
ciduous trees, the American elm and
the honey locust have done best
these may be added the 'Russian
Fig. 1 Wormwood Ragweed (am
brosia artemisiifalia) responsible
with the great ragweed for 85 per
cent of fall hay fever. More common
in middle and northern states.
As August and September are the
most serious months for hay fever,
the American Hay Fever Prevention
association has issued the following
general instructions for hay fever
All cases of hay fever are due to
th inhalation of pollen, the majority
of these being due to useless weeds.
The cases that develop before August
ace caused chiefly by the pollen of
neglected grasses and of spring and
summer-blooming weeds.
. The principal causes of hay fever
cases developing in the fall are the
various form of ragweeds, whose
capacity tor distributing pollen is
measured by the hundred millions.
The most common forms of this
weed are, the common ragweed
(Ambrosia artemisiaefolia) found in
the greater part of the United States
east of Kansas, the giant ragweed
(Ambrosia trifida) growing in moist
Teas of this section, and the western
agweed (Ambrosia psilostachya)
principally found west of Kansas.
While the ragweeds are tke cruet
causes of fall hay fever, there are
other weeds, such as the marsh elder
(Iva axillaris), etc., which flower at
this season, so that all weeds should
be treated alike to insure safety
against hay fever.
In order to avoid hay fever, per
sons susceptible to it should see that
the neighborhood of their residence
is free of tall grasses and weeds, and
especially of the ragweeds. The
squares in each direction should be
inspected, and if weeds are found,
the owners should be urged to have
them cut at once. Where this is re
fused, these cases, in the interest of
general sanitation, should be re
ported to the health authorities for
violating the grass-weed ordinance.
Where no such law exists, efforts
should be undertaken to have such a
law passed as soon as practicable.
In cases in which the above cannot
be carried out, it is sometimes pre
ferable to have the weeds in the im
mediate neighborhood cut at ones
own expense than suffer the torture
of a prolonged attack of hay fever
from this neglect. It must be re
membered, however, that pollen scat
ters raoidlv when borne by the wind,
and a single lot full of weeds in the
same square may be more irritating
than an acre at a disance of several
Where the neighborhood cannot be
cleared of hay fever weeds, the next
consideration is a temporary change
of residence. The American Hay
Fever Prevention association IS
constant receipt of letters inquiring
for the best resorts for hay fever
Sufferers.' The majority of mountain
and sea side resorts, unfortunately,
are infected with hay fever pollens,
so that visits to these places in the
hope of getting relief are usually dis
appointing. A careful investigation
should always be made and, unless it
is found that all weeds and high
grasses are systematically cut, such
places should be avoided.
As hay fever is due to pollen of
neglected weeds, a temporary visit
to a more central part of the home
town, at sufficient distance (one-half
mile) from such weeds, will usually
give entire relief.
Persons susceptible to hay fever
should avoid renting or buying prop
erty in a neighborhood with neg
lected grass and weeds. This practice
would probably be of effective as
sistance in correcting such neglect.
two very clever comedians. Howe
and Howe, the burlesque mind read
ers, add more light comedy to the bill,
and George Yeomans. singing, talking
and yodelling comedian of merit, and
his reading of war reports, is always
remembered wherever he has ap
peared. Altogether an offering which
is up to the usual standard of the ever
popular vaudeville theater.
Edward Lynch and associate play
ers will present for the farewell week
ot their engagements at the rJrandeis
"The Devil." This piece enjoys the
reputation of being the most success
ful play ever presented in Omaha by
stock company. In The Devil
Mr. Lvnch will portray one of the
strongestc haractcrizations lie nas
ever atenipted in Omaha. The piece
olive, which is, however, more of a
lawn tree. -
"Orchard trees, including apple,
cherry, pear and plum do well in fa
vorable situations under conditions
which include either irrigation or
sub-irrigation in the sandhills sec
tion. Where orchard trees are un
sheltered from prevailing winds, or
where they have to depend on pre
cipitation alone for moisture. they do
not is a rule prove a success. All
varieties of small fruits grown in the
sandhills are subject to " practically
the Same limitations as orchard trees,
and succeed or fail under practically
the same conditions. Vegetables
grow splendidly in the .sandhills
especially, in the .valleys, ana in snei
teted places where they can be ir
rigatfid.of'here there, is sub-irriga-tinn?
.Some varieties' succeed -on the
drier; uplands in light Soil.1 Early
planting is essential m this case.
"feat care should be exercised in
planting garden seeds, especially in
dry, .light soil, that the ground, after
sowing, be well compacted. For this
purpose -it is best to use the feet, as
the degree ot compactness can uc
easily gauged by the feel of the
ground beneath them.
. Lawns tan ce securea.
"Tn laving down a lawn in the sand
hills it is frequently advisable to add
snd to the surtace son. wen-rotiea
manure should also be liberaly ap-
nlieH Seed for lawns should be sown
early, using a nurse crop of some ten
der grass whicn win khi our. wnrn
frost ' comes. Top dressing of lawns
is of special benefit in the-sandhills,
and old, well-rotted manure should be
used for the purpose. It is not neces
sary to keep a bluegrass lawn green
during the hottest weather, as it has
been found that it will revive quickly
if allowed to get quite brown. A lawn
should be soaked, not sprinkled.'
In the region of what is known as
the dune sand land cattle graze over
the country and little farming is at
tempted. The bulletin gives thirty
two head of cattle about the average
of what a section of this class of land
would graze through the summer.
The rainfall here is of interest. The
annual precipitation at Valentine for
five years was as touows:
County Tax Levy
May Be Lowered,
Says Frank Best
Frank Best, chairman of the Doug
las County Board of Commissioners,
savs that the healthy condition of the
road fund due to the new automobile
tax may result in a decrease in the
county tax levy to be made soon.
How much the decrease will be he
cannot predict, but the $25,000 bal
ance now on hand in the road drag
ging fund, and the fact that probably
a smaller sum will be needed for
bridges next year, will make it pos
sible to do a little cutting.
Last year's complete county levy
was 16.6 mills. It is certain the levy
will not be increased, say county com
Should the lew be left at the same
figure as last year the additional rev
enue available will be applied to the
bond sinking fund, according to Best.
Threatens Copper With Gun
And Gets Violent in Court
Rdbert Markley, charged with be
ing insane, was arrested near the Sa
voy hotel by Detective Dolan after he
had threatened the latter's life with
a revolver. Markley became violent
when arraigned in police court and
with difficulty was removed from the
room. -
Fig. 2 Great ragweed" (ambrosia'
Trifida), whose pollen is one of the
chief causes of hay fever. Very
abundant on the gulf coast.
Hay fever sufferers should, avoid
unnecessary exposure" to pollen.
Roads passing near sections full of
grass and weeds while in bloom, are
usually full of pollen which is inhaled
with the dust. An hour of pleasant
driving may therefore result in a
night of suffering.-
Constitutional conditions have
been found to have little influence
exceot as a oredisoosing cause. The
real cause of hay fever is the inhala
tion of pollen, and the avoidance ot
this means no hay fever.
The orevention of hay fever is
fundamentally a simple proposition.
It means the enactment and enforce
ment of an ordinance to cut grass
and weeds. The efficacy of this has
heen shown in New Orleans, La.
Asheville, N. C, and a number of
other cities where hay fever is on the
disaooeanng list. Another year should
see similar enects in nt -iiMjuiuj
of towns and cities. "
President American Hay Fever Pre
vention Association.
What the Theaters
Offer for the Week
The trreat Westin. a wonderful im
personator of well known public
rharartera. nast and oresent. will be
one of the foremost of attractions of
fered at the Empress theater today.
He has originality and his Queen Vic
toria, George Washington, Theodore
Roosevelt, Field Marshall French,
General Joflfrt and others are imper
sonated. Featured in the same bill,
a minstrel first part will be presented
by the Seven American Minstrel
Maids, an organization con jsea oi
a clever woman interlocutor and
pretty maids, talented as to toes,
voices and music. This act features
itself is undoubtedly one of the clev
erest comedy dramas ever written,
being a concoction of satire, comedy
with a dramatic vein dominating at
all times. It also offers Miss Dale
an opportuity of showing the full
strength of her dramatic talent. There
is reason to believe that the admirers
of Mr. I.Vnch and his associate play
ers will Thru out in goodly numbers
to bid them farewell on this the last
week of ihe engagement at the Bran
dcis for the season.
Seven Men Hurt
By Powder Explosion
Kenvil, N. J., Jul 22. Seven em
ployes of the Hercules Powder com
pany were injured early today, in an
explosion at the plant's Jtiry'' house.
The company denied .reports that- a
number of workmen were killed.' U
is said the injured would recover.
Prlasmut' Orcheatra
Claat Coaatar Woadarland
Carry-U.-AII Ferris Whaal
Frolic Penny Arcaae
Ideal Picnic Groiinda
Fraa Auta Garage
Tmi. Inchai.
lll I7.IS
1111 lo.
tHf. Inchaa.
1)1J IS. 03
Pat Foley Insists
He is an American
Patrick Foley has spread a declara
tion of his Americanism upon the rec
ords of the Douglas county district
court ...
His wife, Emma, recently sued him
for divorce, and alleged among other
things that the couple couldn't agree
because he was Irish and a strong
supporter of the alllies, while she was
Patrick, in answer to the petition,
says that he is an American born citi
zen of Irish extraction. He also de
nies the claim of his wife that she is
German, saying that she was born in
the United States.
Foley also denies a claim made by
his wife that she had been compelled
to take up work as a janitress. He
admits she worked in that capacity,
but says she did it to satisfy "her
whims and caprices."
Nebraska Grain Men .
Unable to Get Oars
Lincoln, Neb., July 22. Numerous
complaints have been received by the
state railway commission to the ef
fect that grain men are unable to ob
tain cars. New wheat is pouring
into the elevators, many of them be
ing full already. .
JULY 23.
, First Cama CalM at t a. at.
: Baa Saata at Berkalow Broa. ' '
Free Band Concerts Afternoons and Evenings.
Motion Pictures (the better kind) Every Even
ing, FREE.
Bathing Boating Bowling
Dancing Various Riding Devices
And Many Other Attractions
Ideal Picnic Grove Book Your Picnic Now.
Free Admission to Park 10c car fare from
Omaha for adults; purchase round-trip tickets for
children from conductors on Manawa cars at the
rate of 15c each.
Municipal Band Concerts
Sunday Afternoon, July 23d
(Take East or West Side Park Cars.)
Take West Leavenworth Cars.
Wednesday and Saturday
Company C local Saturday Evanlnf,
July 28th. v
iajn M a'l a1 "iflTmH
P ioc S. :
Vlrf Admission SV. VOfrZ
Reserved Seats "i
j jj li gi ,ium s,jrr
Should the Daughter Who Sins
Be Forgiven?
She erred! She fell prey to the evils of Society.
Should the black stain of her sin be erased and forgotten? , Should
her repentance earn forgiveness? Or should Society continually point to her as a scarred soul?
Th Naf!nnftl Iccno Ic Thfc Republicans and Democrats may differ as
lldUUlltll ISSUC 13 11113. t0 the questions of Preparedness, Tariff Revision
and Woman's Suffrage. But all parties, all candidates and all statesmen agree that, after
all, Humanity its problems and its dangers is the big national issue today. "Is Human
ity In The Grip Of Evil?" is the startling question that has presented itself.
The Nation's Leaders Have Expressed Their Opinion On This Great Question
WHAT DO YOII SAY? 1)0 yu believe that despite the appar
a vv uyrma trend of th(j wor)d iowtLTi M tha, baM
and ignoble, all that is hypocrisy and deceit, God and Right will eventually triumph? Per
haps you can better decide after seeing
PATHE'S Mightiest Film Spectacle
By Louit Tracy
Featuring Jackie Saunders and Roland Bottomley
John Burton, the hero of this great continued picture story, inherits a fortune
and goes forth to discover whether or not evil is really on the increase. Go with him '
in his search. See him probe into the schemes of grafting politics. See him study the prob
lem of the poor as well as the rich. See him expose sham and deceit in business circles, in
society life and in th home. "The Grip of Evil" is a master plot in fourteen episodes
showing tha real aid. of Humanity It ia to. first of the big features in th. $3,000,000 Pathe Barial Program
NOW! At These Theatres:
BESSE. South Sld. July 19,
Read the Story in the
OLYMPIC THEATER, Slaux City, Iowa,
July 22-23.
GEM THEATER, Sloua City, Ia Auf. 3.
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