. ' - - 9 n ' ' THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 23, 1916. i .... I . .....Airn urn MTJTC IMPRnvPH i hmhua . v- in m rw? I u- M I s. k a . h ..... w v . - n a a ..a. v Mar miivinti Anu aiuKAUA' i nwib - ... a--. i .GENTS AND CANVASSERS j PERSONAL a'ANTKD your women with food common -hoot education to tak peclal courie and I qualify teacher of ohlropody, dermatol ogy, muni Mid manufacturing toilet preparatlone In out eollege; eteedy era. , ployment at rood pay; tuition fee wltn. ; board and room reasonable; only horl lima reoulred to graduate: diploma !Bivmi! oar alio eirn whll learning; ... i -nii nartioulara free. Morgan- mm. riaee. Vandlventer end Olivo ; St.. St. Louie. Vo. bN'T waeh automobile.; dry clean thorn , with Lightning CInori overy cor owner hva oh att: wonderful Dew money niakln proposition for agente; free de- ' tall. Lightning Mf. Co., Dept. A ! : Cincinnati. O. V ANTED Active men In Iowa to sell 81m i ..i.. iMtnt: no oxoerienoe required; can make MOO to 1101 per month; others ! are doing It, ao can you. Addreea OHilJ" One Plant, Co., lit whiting 1 C.IO. III. ARO! manufacturer want representatives to aell ehlrts. underwear, hoeiery. dresses, . walala. aklrt. direct to home,; write for . . - . Milt. KOfl Hrn rreo eampira. jnu,w --- wmtNow York City. it Dsucu u.n woman, to aolt kith close article to homea and office: Mil nn al.ht; ble nroftt: Write today. Th Deichute Merchandising Co.. Ben. Ore. .CENTS New fame for clfar atoraa, oar- tu. .knn. ate- easy. Ola eaiter. ya. ulara free. United Saleeboard Co., Tren ton. N. J PILES, FISTULA CURED Dr. B. R- Tarry curea piles, fistula and other rectal dlaeaaa without aurglcai operation. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until oured. Writ far hook on reo t.l dlaeaaea with teatlmonlala. DR. B. R TARRT. 141 Be Bldg., Omaha, Nrt. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apirtmtntt and Houiei. FOR RENTROOMS Apartmtntt. Miscellaneous. FIELD Club, Illl 8. 3tth Ave., 7-r.... Hanacom park, 1017 8. loin ay... .... Hltrh School. 0I N. lid SC.. l-r. Bungalow, 2631 Franklin, t-r. North (colored), Juno Parker, t-r... Lara lot. 2611 Seward. 7-r. Dundee, 4107 Underwood. l-r D. WEAD, 110 8. 1STH ST. V. NEW BERKELEY TWO ROOMS WITH THREE-ROOK ACCOMMODATIONS Clou In. right downtown and attll In a elect location, llth Ave, and Jonee; jut, oompleted; eonelatlng of large living roam, with hullt-ln bed. imall drlng room, built-in chiffonier, coat oloaet, tile ,00 g !Jnd gt , I , n mod !J 60 TOUNO women coming to Omaha aa atran- gera are invited to vieii mo iwuue Women'a Chrletlan Aneoclatlon building at 17th St, and St. uary a Ave., wnwi tncjr will be directed to eultable boarding or othorwlaa aulated. Look for our travelere' guide at the Union Station. M. BRUOHAN, D. at. T manage, aleail howar batna, iectno ano r.. ...... treatment. I have alao inatalled the Gard ner reduolng and therapeutic machine for reducing aloul people, nm. Bldg. Phon rteq THE Salvation Army Induatrial home ao- llctta your oia ciotning, lumitu, Inea. Wo collect. We dlatributa. Phona Doug. 41 as and our wagon will call. Call and Inapeot our new hora. JUI-11H-1U Dodge St. ' (id vto inl nap CAnt Droflt: free aamplea gold algit letter for ator and offlc win dow; anyone can put on. . e XI mark rrhleaato. HEWINO gum agenta wanted; profluble I notTcb TO FARMERS Vou farmer, get r . . . .. ..... a ,u . . tn inalltv and eel your 1 fcbullt ap quickly. Writ today. H.lmot . by the car lot and aa. money. ra . rMnalnnetl. . I rnce et.ov ir v... - - ,.rri-Ta,araahli. . to .U viae- Qerwert. noa t, ing aamplea of nea.tty with automobile STAPLE BHAFFER, Ina aamnlaa , owara: no aelllnl. collecting or delivering I Orolo Mfg. Co., LouUrvlile, Ky ' .- - .. .. - V....K.M ilio dally pronia aenina wr h article, valuawe premiuma wim I al. Field unlimited. Big winner. Che. i oarral. n.t. . 1CM Horton Are., Grand Rapid. Mich. maaeeuae and acalp peclallU graduate Prof. l""lJ ' chooi; nweaien nwoni., y -lam. to I p. m. D. 7H. 401 Ware Bin. wiMvn'n Oraduate nure will take pa tient In her own nom. wniu ..a aanpnntaelou diaeaee: good care ari.M reaaonabla. Addreaa J6!J N. Slat Phone WebeterlMO. ? C1ENT8 Free Mmpie ano paruc. ... .- -y,- hare' Naptha wuhlng Taoieie. w II r X, J Jtviiout a urgical operation, doth., without rbbln,. Ouaranued not JVU JT " "'"'j 'f,", .. Manufactured and oold by Bee Bldg. bath with linen cloeet. kitchen equipped with gaa rang, refrigerator, Iced from outelde, built-in cupboard, lateit lighting fixture, beautifully decorated, locker for each compartment, gaa dr!r tn laundry. Price. .l to twu nuuno AND BUILT-IN BED 3711 Dewey Ave., cloae in, welkins dta- tence. new, large, living room, kitcnen and bath; ha roof garden, gaa drier In laundry, lateit lighting fixture.; very eoay and require! only small amount of furniture. Price 121 to J. THE HAItNBii IflAE Harnev St.. KOOd location: 0Onllt' Ing of large living room, built-in bed and chiffonier, kitchen and bath. Practically new. Prlo yar 'round. THE VICTORIA 117 S. J7th Av.i vry choloo, and within walking diitanc; Farnam car lln; new. aanl awnlnea: llvlna room, bullt-ln bed and chiffonier, kitchen. Ill hath. Price 127.10 the year 'round. Till MA l rain Three-room with 6-room accomraort tlona; new, oloie In, walking dietanca, beautiful apartment, large lawn, awnlnfi. Individual porch, haa bullt-ln bed In living and dining room. 1324 Howard St. Prlo, I2I.S0 aummer, III. 10 winter. TKB DIW1I 3101 Dewey Ave.; good location; ha living room and dining room, with built- in bed, kitcnen ana nam, !, porch, large lawn, awntnge, new, 6-room accommodation. Prlc. Ill ummer, .u winter. FIVE ROOMS nya. la 107 ft zSth Av. Th Had- on, haa bullt-ln bufft nd panl wall In dining room; all outelde rooms, good and light, very onoie; praoiicaur iw, nnrnhaa. Prlo. 141 year 'round. thronah. W have other. cll rer our ..bi nrintad Hat before rntlng. Au.ui'l r.annir.n'r KKNTAL AOBNCT. HABT1NOS HBYDEN, 1114 Har. Ty. II. Naohtha Waahing Tablet Co.. 714 S. Dear- rJttENHOUSB Sanitarium. Bath of all ...... in kiedei maaaag and cniropoay. iio-iie .." Mmolea. new Balrd Blk., lita ano. vwiimm. u. ..... .UH.ni - -" IX . iT.-a a. .H.a PrlPa. Ill U rJ?a.., .ri.aia. World a grat- no oo Exoort fitting. Nu-Bon Colwt . f!o.. Jackaon ihae Brandel Th. Lobby. D. MM, f Campbell. Chloago, III. I FAT How to reduc It. Full particular f VifSErvntnV ifoneyl. A rl Beer Bl- matlad free, Hall Chemical Co., Dpt 4 .raai. wiakei n foaming beer for lo el a-jo, gl. Loul. -.. ... aaa k.v aanl are. I . -!- ; S Slaa. Big "eiier. i.v . . J" 4414 BEDFORD AVE. l-r. new mod., net- I ly furnlhed. I0. Kaap Broa.. toe -. i Bing. fiiODERN cottage, all furnUhed. J4I0 Park-1 or. Webeter III. At. The Horn Brew Co..Xnaa City, Kou miss I LILLY4 Bath and maataga, 1222 Farnam St.. ina noor. rnone xwug. eeiv. ton Blk., 10 t. m. to I a. m. D. 3337, 'MISS CLARK, aea alt bath nd manlodr Ing. 1803 rrnam ni., eww , I MISS WILSON Bath and manicuring. N. I Davltlg BIK. 1-none -uue. oiw,. S oENTS To handl Sigh claaa altlcl. Sll I jjgLLA WEBSTER, "maaieuie," llTaj- ,1, to lactone, aaope, '- ( -- ne for our propoeuion. na.a,. j Dept. HI, La Junta. Colo. , HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. ' TRiarl and elerk. Ill: ateno., 161; ten. and bookkeeper, out or, town. . . uot at town, 110; too. and bookkeeper, tit; aeeletant bookkeeper, IVQi lno. gtnnr. III. . . it' . aaaa Bond Aa n, 713 Omaha Hattonai e x xawim..,. STRAM, I will glv you 111 a jrek and per cant com., on aiei. t neeo you. SCIENTIFIC maiaai,"e30 Be Bldg. Phonl Dougla 1373. In., COMPTOMETER OPRS. !.;!?. a aaavnoD iPUIRfl ......... .. .140-11 I HTENO. AND BKKPER. ........... THE CANO AOENCT. 10 BBB BLPO. FOR legal advice oall Dougla 1131. FOR RENT ROOMS uinisned Kuoroi, Prntaaaioiu Slid Tdc. '.t.e ,.ona nv pnWIT.1t MACHINES TO I uiva tint. on nMnl 1ND APRONS; PERMANENT POSITION. . PLEASANT WORK IN A MODERN FACTORY WITH IN x SriivSntlllvr.KS: AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITT FOR THOHB DB8IRINO I STEADY EMPLOYMENT. SEE MR. AN DERSON. M. E. SMITH CO.. ITH AND DOUGLAS STS. ' ATTENTION, BOOM HUNTERS! If you fall to find th room you - deelr among theoe ada, oall at Tb B offlo for a Room Llt Otva eomplet detailed deacrlptlon of va cant room In all parte of the elty. If more uonvenlent phon Th B Want Ad. Dept. and glv your nam and addreee. and a Hat will be mailed to you at ano. New Rata are lud tvory weak. L-auaiwnurii aaa. 1. elord T Whit. to (art paper. Apply um.ni rpr Oft. Utk and Maroy. - . J .;. FURNISHED room with private bath. South and aaat exnoeur. HUllOD! tor on aeniiv- man. Alio larg iront room, uiui. wr two gentlemio. Ill rr av, nar- ney 1171. WxXra.i-Lv.aaia.aaad ladV ffM ... .-.-.-. - . arillla. ta ib a an nuran xraiBina " a ......a work lu private Initltulloa permanently, Addrea O 111. Bee. V ANTED Qlrl In flat work dept. Apply i Evane Model Uundry. 11U and Dougla. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR MEN ONLY. ' M NORTH 17th ST. FVRNlSHub room. 11.10 per wk; ultbl for on gntlmn; rirno raquireu. . n. B. 14th. lug. tl". I NICE UDitxir room, furnlahad or unfur. nlhd. IHI iMcatur St, uau nunuay or after I p. m. 'CHICAGO, ll III private homes larg outh front room wtin a.ev. aio room. SsUiwomtn uid SoUcttors. iiNtCY. Brltannlea trp. kaa ' opening fllr 1 i aalun-anun to travri with a crr of women; w train yod, furnleh ladi to . ., ae avnaneeel beat of reference requlrea nna mu wimn i mgyvlz iurnina iieeping rewu., . to study I day befor atutlng. A real I oonvenlencee; 11 par week. Tyler 1111, oppertunity for wll appearing -. aalee-1 trmt room, euluble for two, with wdbiix . WW. ... i sr wttHtlt Board. norm ix.n. two. Illl 8. nth, Doagla till. TWO furnlehed room, on with lplng perch, 34a St. wary avnu. ASUI wanted: manufactai-r of article I , !, . -,am. ,uit,ble tor I reaentatlve la your taws; no monMM quired; partleuler free. R. W. Smith t ae .ut niea. naahaatar. H. Y. .. . i a ... I FURNISHED room tn new, modern home. ."'-'Z". -7 i I XT in, h . nolfex 1114. uw aallaaad fa. aa. . MatMrlan . - miit. CHK-tt Cft. Pt 1". M'nna- apolla. Minn. run Malt aaralhla Liea to trVL dam- onatrate and all dealer; III to ' week: railroad fare paid. Ooodrloh Drag Company. Iwpt. Ml. Omaha. N. Mil XJfRNBT DMlrabla room, walking dletanc. rnone narney 1 N. 11ST. Modern, ilnll or 60 lultol walking dutanoa. ii up, PANTED Young lady ta demonetrate and tak ordert; seat eppeerin; pw to urt. Apply between I and I p. m., Ml He -lag. EaROH, oool room In oholc neighborhood em cooking, wainm e... I NICE leplng noma wt Farnam di' trict, Wal. 1171 morninga NICELY furntahed room, clou la; all mod. am. Ill . 13d St. 7AJITED dlrl waltraa at 6mah Quick I NICE coot, clean ileeplng room; l and Lunch. 131 S. llth. Trad Schools. riUi.n.l.i;1 Iaa baraal niai 1 f apaclat ratea and Indueamanta. E TRI-CITT BARBER COL-OSO I Illl ruin SL v i ' I miM to leirn hair a reeling, upp-naeua parlore. at lit city national wa a .we. uo. 1111 Doulli. I CASS, 1111 Nicely furnlihed, olean, mod, ern room, i ana up. Houitkeepinf Roomi. TWO room iiml-bxiement ipertmrnt; rang., and retrigerator; not ana coia weuri everything furnlihed; nlo yard. Ill s. llth. Phon Dougiu . Houiehotd ind Domeitic XilRL wanted to help with houiework on farm l -let of wxgea. Hwaat Valtev. Neb, If ANTED An eiperlenoed whit girl for general houeework; too wage. llth. . Harney Mil. , 'OMPETENT mild, family of I; with or without wuhlng, - Phon Monday mrn- Ina Harney 1411. . .t , .CANTED A whit girt or mlddl aged I wans, tn family of three sdulta. Phon 1 walnut inl.- : gnrai THE HIDRBTH 1-room apta.. all out Id room, .untuned, nw iotrio ngnw, range, refrigerator, laundry. 3111-14 Davenport, tritttNlSHBD houeekeenlna and aletplni roomei eneelal nrlcaa for aummer. Lin. coin Apta., 1101 Chicago St. Tyler 3107. ONE to three oool houiekeiplng or lep- Ing room: nwly rurnlhd -ana aeoorat ad; xoiini looation. en n. nt. VERT raaaonabla. two cool parlor bouix kptng room, modem and complete; lor on month. Harney till, KPMIE.NCED girl work;, na waxhlng, for lilt bona Chicago SL for aleeplng. ney 4771. IM So llth. Phon Har- HIB SlfHw .w" S W,V!",, " THOROVOHLT clean. I room and prlvit. ( cooking. Weh. 4111. Mil N. llth. PANTED A white cook, thoroughly axpirl. I anred Annty Mil Farnam. JOOD white girl for general houeework. fcall Harney HI. ; .tAWCTtuning. cii-i l Flak. Wb. ml. bath; back and front n trance. IMI Dwy. FOR RENT Three furnlihed houekp, ing toomi modrn. 1244 Harnay at. Hitctllsnsous. FARNAM. Illl Two good houaekeeplng roomi. raaaonabla: ictriotty, ga rang. 71t 8. 1ITH Nlo, cool, olean room, rut' nlined complete and up to data. .TS3p7StTcr-iirT. i work M rWmmiD light houkplng and alp. i.a,f maohlne. making- everelli, itsady employtnenti apply at once, jru.-.m- mer pry uoooi company. V ANTED Experienced operator on power machln, making ov.relii: iwaoy am ploymont; apply at one Byrnliammr lry oooa company, pnoin aim w., VANTED Person! to color art pictures at home; eeiy workt no penence; goou nir: oampl fro. Wheeler Co., 11T uadl- .on, ChlCKg. ARN 121 weekly, par time, writing for nowvpapera, mainline: oxp. unnc. Ing room. Mil Howard. LIOHT HOrsEKKKPINO noma, 1101 How- ard St., Ind floor. 1111 . Mtg l-r. B I4.l: l-r. U. H. Illl. Board ind Rooms. HARNEY, Sllf Fin couth, well ventlleted room, with board; euluble tor two three gentlemen; walking dletanc. tall ire. Pre Syndicate. Mo. Ill St. Lool. THE JAHNBLU 114 S. I4TH. Mal Ilk rnothr'l; meal ticket. D. Illl RObMand hoard for two, ll.ll par wek. 101' South llth Ave. IXFKKIENCED luaseage girl wanted once. 1122 Farnam Ht., Ind floor. Unfurnlihed Kooms. EDUCATIONAL 1 1801 DKWBT AVE, 'Two newly dooratd front roomi; walking di-tine. Rd (790. T DAT SCHOOF . fiOTLK OOI.LIfiOB. N1U1JT ktCHUOU . m'cry Ay li nrtllmnt day. BMkkMp- i ing. Shorthand, fttcnotyp Typewriting, i Tolgraphr, Clv-U Hnrvlua H Commtreia. i u4 Knglliih btanchea. Catalugu Ctm. BOTL1SB COLLKOl-, llth and Hariwy etc : t T.l pOOVClW ltt. : I tn a roomi, II TH Pour unfurnlahtd modern TTt a. 21TH Four roomi. uofumlahcd modira Rooms Wanted. TOU PKOPLB WHO RENT ROOMS. CALL TUB UKJ6 WANTED DKPT. and find OUt all about th rU R.N SHED ROOM OUIDR. U' a plan that ta htlptng many pooplt rant thaw roomN. ; VAN SANT SCHOOL ' 'of Business. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bide:. ENTRANCE 220. - D. 5890. T" r Musical. laro-14mlted number pupil aooepted onm i Inr eeaaon; early application favored. li ai-na. fur. Aretta D.Ion. 101 Lyrte Bid. I MiUBlciia m.'sic studio, suii ii.""ii. - 1 Arlington block. 2,901 leionne yearly I i giv u jtoen tor rvur oenerit, FOR RENT FURNISHED - Apartmtnt- and Housss. ' Apartments. SPLENDID NEW FI'RNlHHBD TRAVERTON FURKrROjF. . 34T1 ANJ LAN DON COURT. , ' Oawrlng to dmj1 of refined . taitw. Apartntont U oompleUly qutppd for bouakilng : up to data and tiomtortablo. THAV KK BKOW. . Tt. Doug. III. ?a& Omaha Nat. Bank. Or flail Wab. .8-6. ST. CLAIR, tth and Ham?, I -room fun nlahvd apt call Tylr 40. - I4SS Franklin St., It rim., all mod.. 30.00 17S a 17th St., run., all mod.... 22.&0 isos Lot hroD Ht.. r rmi ait moa.. k.uv 4221 Seward St., T rm., part mod.. 13.00 f acroi and 4 -room houa 1-.O0 B1RKETT UOMFAMT, 4!l Be Bldg. Doug, S3S rOR RENT iHt Pierce St. H-room, 2l; 1319 N, 40th, room., both Ail moaorn, Arit-claia. Carl E. Horrlng. FOR RENT Ap'ts tnd Fl.U West ELEGANT APARTMENT, WEST FARNAM. Having Ave large roome. plenty of light - and air. being newly decorated; nice front and rear porchea; pleaaant aurroundlnge: convenient to Farnam car. Price. 141: ' garage. If deilred, at email additional coat. PAYNE t SLATER CO., Ill Omaha Nat'l Bldg. Ph. Doug. 1011. VERT choice 1-roQm iteam heated apart. ment on west jraratn nt. jonn w. no. bin. 1102 Farnam St. 11 l-ROOM upper flat, bath, gaa. witer, on car lln. 3604 Leavenworth. Har. 1121. 20 l-ROOM lower flat, all modern, on car Una, 1S04 Lv. Bt. rnone war, ii... North. CHOICE APARTMENT I2T.10 I room and bath on main floor; ak floor and ftntah; all convnlnc. Including Janitor eervlc. 121 I room and batn, emi.naaement; lnltor rvlc and othr convenience. Nathan Apt., Sherman and Willi Avm. SCOTT - HILL, CO., Douglaa 1001 Miscellaneous. Houses. FOR RENT HOUSES 211 South 3 let. I and I room, sleeping porch, 141 and 111. High elaea apartmanta, located In choice neighborhood: finely flnlihed and eoulpped with every convenience, Cl be n today. Call Harnay 1311. Harlan Apartment. 1101-1 Sherman Ave., one l-r., atrlctly modern apartment, 140. Call Janitor, web. Til. A. P. TUKBT SON. Phon Doug. 101. 1107-1 W. O. W. Bldg. ' "aRtrl-"'t4nns(. Illl Parnam St., I room and leplng I porch, in heart of Omaha' nt rl aaatial lalrit. Tteitt only 141. FARNAM SMITH CO., !! !" I bath. WERT FARNAM. 321 North llth St. I rooma. with garage. Ill; North. MODERN APARTMENTS. 11.10 117.60, 101-1 8. lilt St... I room and bath; Janitor eervlce. Flrit- elai anartment. 132.60 137.10, two rooms, turnunea and bath apartment No. 1, the Bosworth, 1117 Howard St. Walking Slatanc. Beat apartment In th city for th money and looation. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY, Tyler 1511. Ill Rote Bldg., llth and Farnam St. Ituua, mooern nouee, awa. a.a, . n-u n ,. newly decorated Inside and out: orlg- VOR RENT BUSinOSS Pr p'ty inaliy rentea lor ao nave a contract for 166. Phone Web. Illl. Stores. ROOM modern houae. Furnace, electric llghta, oak flnlah, large lawn. Shad, rod. Juit redecorated. Strlotly first elaa. Illl N. 14th. 111. Ky lit door norm. .ROOM nous, Mar 16tH and Cuming. 110.60 a month fro rent until lat. in quire 111 N llth Bt. 1010 LAKE ST., 10-room houa, modern, range, neatly decorated, oood anaaa, ii. wbstr 2DB. Illl ORANT ST. 7-r. oonm.. modem. 111. T. F. Hell, 431 Ramge wag. uoug. wi. SEVEN room, alt modern, Beml I Tel. Harnev 204. FOUR room with bath, tint floor. Ill STORES FOR RENT, flS. 100T Amea Ave. 111. 813 N. lfitn Bt.. IDStiU rt. 160.00707 8. llth 20x10 ft., iteam heat. 176.00111 8. llth, 10x60 ft, iteam heat. 1111.001101 Howard St., 10x10 ft., atiam neat. 1111.001111 Howard St., 10x00 ft., iteam heat. OFFICES AND SAMPLE ROOMS. Dealrable ipaoe In Webeter-Sunderland building, llth and Howard Sta., at low rental. OEOHOB AND COMPANY. Phone D. 716. 101 City Nat l Bank Bldg. Cnarlee St., 111. Miscellaneous. HOUSES MODERN 'l-r., 3111 Decatur, large yard, 111. t-r lioi spencer, mounts riaoe, eie. 7-r., 130 N. lid, good looation, 110. l-r., till Blnney, good loo., garage, 110. l-r'.! 1401 Kvxni. i'trtctly mod., yard, 111.11. l-r.. Ill N. llth, beautiful home, with earaee. III. or 160 without garage. HOUSES MODERN EXCEPT FURNACB 4-r 1004 a. 17th, downetaira. l-r., 1101 N. lltk, upatalr. 111. t-r,, 1431 S. Slat, good condition, 111, l-r., 1630 Burdett ftor colored). -l-r 4143 Farnam, large yard, III. l-r, Illl Pierce, large yard. 111. HOUSES PART MODERN l-r., Illl 8, llth, good condition, 111.11. t-r 711 S. llth, eloe In, 110. ' Vf.ATS MODERN I.e.. IftT Paxton Court, new. oloe In. III. l-r 1114 Woolworth. very, choice, water paid, 111.10. .r 1104 Dewey Av,, walking Statute. 121.60. t-r., Ill N. llth, Crelghton Unlvrlty. oak flnlah, 131. i FLATS MODERN BXCBPT HEAT i. . sst-11 u N. list, olo tn. 121.11. W hv other. Send for our weekly I a.tnl .aaial ll.t before renting. nuiui'fl I.XRnRRT RENTAL AGENCY. HAKT1NI1H A HEYDBN. 1114 Har. Ty. II. WTORES FOR RENT. Cafe 111 8. llth St., Ind and Ird floor Ind Floor Cafe , 1411 and rear 140! Harney St., Store. Oood CITY TRUST COMPANY ' 'llth and Harney Sta. Phone Dougl 711 .'IDELn'r-" FREE Phon Douglaa -111 for oomplot lilt of vacant bouifi and apart ment; also for along, moving, llth and Jackson sta. EAL ESTATE -IMPROVED West. 3625 CALIFORNIA' ST., CATHEDRAIj. DISTRI(Tal A newxttracrv., trell-bdilt bua. L& II ft. front. Near Ml of tb beef homes In Omeha, ha larg living room, fireplace, attractive dining room with bullt-ln buffet, . convenient kitchen and four good bed rooms. All oak floor and the very beet of conetruotion throughout. Prlo 11,101. And we will make good term. GEORGE & COMPANY, Phone D. 76. 102 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. BEfolS PARK BARGAIN 11,00 buys a l-room, strictly all md ern homo of the beat construction and nnlih; hot water heat; built about Ave yeara. This noun la located on Lafay ette Av. Boulevard, with lot, 10x141; driveway and garage for I care. The houa alone cost better than 14.01 to build. Owner leaving town and the house will be vacant the tint of August. In vestigate at once It you want a bargain. Term reaeonable. GLOVER & SPAIN, ouglaa Illl. 3 lift. Vl'T National. $500 CASH ' $30 PER MONTH A new 4 -room modern houao; lot 6iS0 ft., on Farnam Bt. Thla houoo waa built thlo yaar and has oak flnUh, gai, elec tricity, water, sewer., furnace and every convenience. Price, $3,800. Buy a home and top paying rent. - J. H. DUMONT, 411-11 Xeellne Bldg. Phone Doug. III. NORTH SIDE BARGAIN Varv nifty S-room bungalow atylo with large rooma, living room. . dining room. un room, oak finun win oan noora. fine bedroom, bath and Kitcnen. very large attlo that could easily be flnlihed off into 1 fine large bed rooma, full lot; house strictly modern. Look thla over. No. SOU N. 32nd St Price 8,&00, can make easy termil 15 City National Bk. Bldg. EWlBUNGALOW A flve-room, strictly modern bungalow. with bath. It Is finished In oak, upyto date, built-in features and lighting fix ture-) : full basement; large attic, lo cated 3923 North 25th Bt Price, 13,160. Easy terms. NORRIS & NOKK1S, 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglaa 1-70. 39TH AND CASS 144 feet south of Cass St., on the east aide of 31 th. We want an offer on this lot. 49 feet frontage and ISO feet deep. Will sell on payments of $100 cash and $10 per month. Some boa y win get bargain on this lot. Must be sold i once. O'Keefe Real Estate' Co., lfll Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. P. 7U. 8-ROOM BUNGALOW ON FONTENBLLE BLVD. EAST PAYMENTS, w are r radii. i one of the finest reel- dence additions In Omaha to be opened soon, and we will build a houae to your order. Phone Tyler SO and ask for Mr. Manvilie. HASTINGS A HETDEN, U14 Harney Bt. DANDY. T-r. home, only half block So Far- nam Car Line. Price reduced from M.-b- to I3.S60 Haa 8 large rooms and recpt. hall first 'floor, and 4 nice large bed rooms and bath second floor, hks oeauuiui shade; also fruit, grape arbor, etc. Has full basement, solid brick foundation. Built by owner for home. Don't overlook this, Osborne, toi umana ai i k. oiag. D. 1474. FOR SALE UNDER WEST Ntr th and Davennort Sta. I -room strictly all modern home In first class condition, south frontage lot, pav ing all paid. Price 13,800. This la $700 less than It actually coat th present owner. Reasonable terms. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., Illl Omaha Nat Bk Bldg. Doug. 1T16 BUNGALOW BARGAIN Nice, new l-room bungalow, oak tn liv- tng and dining room; enamel In bedrooms and bath. A bargain at li.lBO. Easy payment. Phone Harney 871 fc FOR SALE. Beautiful modern home of seven rooms, nractlcallv new. in excellent conaition, FINE LAWN, large garden, chicken house and pen, fruit trees, cistern and cement basement. Will have to be aeon to be appreciated. Call owner. Benton 612-W. Location, 3136 N. 6Tth Ave. FOR SALE MY SERVICES - Law student, 33 yeara of age, Is de termined to realise ambition to b successful real estate man. Want to join a live real estate firm and learn the business. Am well educated, alert, and offer excellent references from both past and present employers. Box 48P4, Bee. 35th AVE. & DODGE ST, 11,060 buys oholoe of $ lota, 50x134 ft. each: solid ground, nearly level, I or feet above street grade. Near new homes and convenient to Farnam oar line. These are cheap; aee ua about them at once. GEORGE & COMPANY, Phone D. 711. Ill City Nat'l Bank Bldg. STORE- FOR RENT. Ill 1. llth Ave 115.00 Illl Leavenworth 17.50 till Hamilton; ator and flat above or eenarate ... ..........' 10.00 1101 Cuming St.; Ane location for coal yard, feed etore.... 10.00 ARMSTRONG-WAL8H COMPANY, Tyler 1631. Ill Rone Bldg., llth and Farnam Sta. SMALL oottago, all modern, with sleeping porch; Ideal home for newly married couple or oouplo without, children. 1004 Burt. Phon Walnut loll. STORE FOR RENT, llll-i; N. 24th Street. Fine double tor room with lrg dlaptay windows. Basement under entire store. Doalrable looation for retail etore or shop. ARMD-HUNG-WAL-H COHPANT, ... Tyler 1538. Ill Rose Bldg., llth and Farnam St. Illl LINCOLN ULVD. 11-room bouse. atrlctly modern, wttn not water namt Douglaa Illl WK8T Karnam rastdeno. beat St., at III N llth Ave.: oak.nniaa, I natns;. !,V9, Terma ally Uouglaa 2IM. STORE BUILDINGS. 110,01, fine for mll ihoe tor and repair hop, 1101 S. lid St. 121.00. tor room and ihelvlng, dwell ing in rear and barn, llth and. Cuming. r. J. TE.HHe.NS CO.. lot Omaha Nat. Bk. Phone D. 1112. 1 tlSVTACHED. 1111 Davenport, l-r.. itrlotly mod., fin neighborhood, $11. 1011 N. lid, l-r., mod., only 111.10. ATTACHED. Ill i. llth, l-r., etrlotly mod., new brlek, excellent looation. 140, v 104 N, lid, t-r., all mod,, close In, key at 701, 111, 71 . Ilih Ave., l-r., etrlctly mod., vry deilrable, 110, fi M. ssrt. f-r.. mod., eloa In. 111. nil N. llth. 7-r.. atrlotly mod., hard. wood floor, only 111. Kay at 1001 N. llth. . ' FLATS. 714 N. lid, E-r all mod. St. Loul flat. key at 101. 111.10. Illl Davenport, l-r., atrlctly mod., brick. vary holc. key at Illl Dav $11. 11 N. 14th, Id .11., mod. el. heat; key ' t ator. 1110. only 111. Will dcorat any of thee propertlee to ult tanant. A. P. TCKET SON, Phon Doug. III. 1101-W. O. W. Bldg. Ill South llth, baiement; eteam heat, $30; 107 Bouth llth, brick and baaement, 130. JOHN N. FKBNNEB- DOUGLAS 164. STORE ROOMS at 1101-1111 Farnam St. Thoa F Hall. 411 Ramge Bldg. D T40I. MODERN ator. llth St., near postofflce, 171 per mo. Q. P. Btebbln. 1610 Chloago. FINE corner lor drugglet, beet location, rea onabl. month tree. 1441 N. llth. DESIRABLE stor room bailment. Ill B, llth SL Only III. CONRAD TOUNG. Ill Brandels TheatarBldg. D. 1171. STORE ROOM, remodeled with new front. 711 S. llth SU Fell Plnkerton Co., Ill Keelln Bldg, CHOICE offlc apaoa, Balrd bldg,. 17th and Douglaa McCagu inv. Co. Offices and Desk Room. FLATS FOR RENT. 11-11 S. llth St., 10-r, c. w 111 101 S. lid St, 7-r., modem. 111. . 1(07 a llth Bt, t-r., modern, 111. Ill B llth St., 4-r., c. w gaa, 111. 1114 S. 17th Bt l-r o. w in. 111. 1114 D Bt, a 0., 4-r o. w., l, 1107 N. 10th St., 4-r., o. w.. $1 DETACHED HOUSES IIM N, llth St, l-r modern, III. Illl N. llth St.. l-r.. modern. 111.11. 1141 Oeorgla Ave., t-r., bath, o. w., 121.11. 01 N. leth St., 7-r, mod. x. fur., 110. Ill N. llth St., l-r., o. w.. gaa, $11. Ill 8. llth Bt. l-r., o. w $11, . 1760 Grant St., l-r., o. w.. $11.11. Illl Dwey Ave,, l-r., 0. w 111.10. Ill S. Itth St., l-r.. o. .. III. Ill N. llth St., l-r., o. w $10, Illl Hickory St, l-r., well, II. FURNISHED HOUSES. 1ISI Harney St., l-r., furnlanad houa, . monarn. narawoon tnrougnout, It. GARVIN BROS., Ill Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. LAWTKR SUITS with LIBRARY and TELEPHONE . Will Shar Bxpna . . INQUIRE NOW. Th Bee Building Co., 8uperlntndnt, Room 102. DESIRABLE offlc rooma In ther omodeled Croune niook, 11 N. ltD St.. toppoalt poatofttcel, $10 to $11 pr month. Conrad Toung, 111 Brand! Theater. Doug. 1171. OFFICE ROOM (for dentist), oentrnlly lo- oatad, lltn Bt wngnt m snury. u. us. OFFICE room with 'phon and reception room for iay. r lie, jmana owe. Miscellantou BARN for rnt, In rear of Savoy botl. llth and Jaokaon lu. iiuitaoi tor nam or garage, llxllt two atortea and baasment, with 41-toot lot In front Call at hotel offlo. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished House and Flati. HOUSRS AND COTTAGES. PARTLT MODERN, 4-R. 111! Cert.r Lak Blvd 111. a BTKItlH MUUKHIV. $.R. till Charlea St... (a vary da. Irabl 1 detached houa having large yard and garage). ..... ...III. M l-R. Illl No. 40tn St., (a good de tached houa tn ftnt-clae nlgh borhood) .... II.M .R. 1111 Lincoln Blvd., (0MIM Bml Park dwalllng, flret-olae condition) .... 41.11 -R. 1141 Oeorgla Ave..... ., 40.,, I , - FLATa STRICTLY MODERN. WB HAVE OTHERS. SEE OUR COM PLETE LIST BEFORE RENTING. PORTER A BHOTWBLL. Ill So. 17th at Phone Doug, Illl. Ill HURT. l-r. mod. el. heat.... ..111.01 Illl Harney, l-r., part modrn-.. 11.00 1,21 Duoont. l-r part modern .... I.tt 4111 N. 10th St. l-r., elty water... 11.11 1 Illl a Ith St., 4-r., olty water .. 110 1 1011 Brown St.. l-r w.ll ll.l Mil N. llth SU l-r.. w.ll ...... 11.01 1 CREIGH SONS & CO., Douglaa 101. ' III Be Bldg. iTToo Five-R. oottaa 1S04 Franklin. 111.00 Bla-R. cottage, bath. 1107 Okie. 110.01 Slx-R. modern houa. lilt IMkrop. $11.11 Beven-R., modern, M. Cor, 114 and Hamilton. 110.10 Ten-R. modern hraa MM Lake. W. H. GATES, III Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. Illl. Walt Mil l f.00-llll HOWARD, 11 rooms, mod. 17.10.1t11 Burt. 4-room nw apt. 14.001601 N. 10th. 4 rooma 16.eo- 101 s. litre I room, watr paid. I RLNtiWALT. Brandew Tnea.' jimg. WANTED TO RENT Immediately; good 1 or l-room house with garage, in Welt Farnam dlltrlct or Dundee. Muit b ft rat claaa place. Olv full Information. Address O 117, Bee. WANTED To rent by September 1. strict ly modern 7-room nous. ltnr in Dundee or west Farnam aietriot, by raiiaot party. Addreaa S 471, Bee. MOVIiNt-. AND STORAGE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. . Separate locked rooma, for bOuMhold good and piano; movlns. paoklng and hipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., Ill a llth Bt , Dougla Illl. Vf 1 - Van ..UagKiU U 1 11.11 per hour. and two - men Van and Store's Co, torg and shipping, Moving, packing, i'bone Doug, 1491. GORDON VAN CO. For rl movng aorvlo try u Large ' l-hora. padded vane. Itorage. II month. Satlaiactlon guaranteed we move you QUICKER. CHEAPER AND SAFER. Phon lyler 110 or Douglaa till. - Globe Van and Storage Co. Packing, iters g and mov ing, ill N. llth St ""hone Douglas 114 or Webeter nil. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to order for moving, packing or torgi offlc at Ray. mond Furniture Co., 1611 and 111! How- ard St. Phone D. 1124. HOUSES FOR RENT. CRKKIH, SONS A CO. Ill SUE BLDO., DOUtl. 101. J. C. REED t ISO? tfaruan. Express Co, Moving, parning aim storage. bt. 1 oougiaa utv. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT HOME. New, 7-r., sleeping porch,, oak finish throuchou t : all new, bullt-ln features ; south front; close to can ten minutes to 18th and Harney Sts.; reduced price, bargain. Owner, Douglas Its I. WEr? FARNAM CORNER. Modem l-room bungalow, with eorner vacant Room to build two brlok flat. & P BOSTWICK SON. BARGAIN AT Sim Wt nd. houa and lot 1101 Daven port Call 141 Lincoln Blvd. Harn.y 1711. North. Boulevard Park Bargain $3,750 We have a decided bargain In a fins 7-room all modern hows with 4 bed' rooms, good fumaca and plumbing, newly painted and decorated, on a fine south and east front eorner lot, one block from oar, . Oarage, fine lawn and trees. Owner wilt sell on eauy terms, Charles W. Martin Co., Tyler 111. 741 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. FLORENCE BOULEVARD NEW HOME This beautiful home, Just completed, has a large living room, 1iI6, a large dining room and up-to-date kitchen on the first floor; three nlo sleeping rooms and bath on the second floor; full basement, with laundry tuba; latest design lighting fix tures. The house has beautiful oak floors throughout, and the first floor Is finished In oak; -all rooms prettily decorated; very boat furnace and plumbing: lot SOkUS, on our prettiest boulevard. Will make terma to suit purchaser. Located tHl Florence ' boulevard. NORRIS & NORRIS, 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 41T0. BUNGALOW FACING KOUNTZE PARK, , 3517 NORTH 19TH ST. We are offering the biggest bargain a modern, new and up-to-date bungalow anywhere in the city; vers neatly ar ranged, finished In oak and 1 nicely dec orated, with built-in buffet In the dining room; nice lot overlooking the park, with Iron fence, flowers, shrubbery, etc. This property has coat the owner better than ts.760. If sold Immediately the prioe Is 13,1)60. Investigate, at once If you want a bargain. . GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas SMI tl-IO City National, BUY FROM OWNER One of the nicest homes on the ' tlest Mile" beautiful oast front, lot Tlx 131. not Including 10 ft, of , boulevard large oak and elm trees, rosea and other shrubs, and nice hedge; strictly modern room house, built T yeara ago, with full floored attlo, full cemented basement, large living room, vestibule, dining room, butlor'a pantry, refrigerator room and coat closet near door downstairs; up stair, 4 bedrooms, with closets and bath room: quarter-sawed oak floors and wood work downstairs; hot water heating plant, double garage, with cemented driveway. 4119 Florence woutavara. ioiik ess, North. - DUNDEE 7 rooma and iloonlm porch, atrlotly modarn. and In food condition. Prlo 14,100: Urma. Located 4117 N. llth St NORRIS & NORRIS. 410 Bo Bldr- Phono Dourlaa 4171. A BIO BARGAIN. l-room houa. not new but In atilandld condition, modarn xcept hat good larto barn,- lot 11x140, on paved atret close to car Una, ront for 121 per month. If old In the next ten day, 11,111 buy It Mo. Illl N. Slit Bt. Look It over. . P. J. IEBBBNS CO. 601 Omaha Nat. Bk. Phon D. Illl. BARGAIN $1,800. Coxy l-room cottag. modern except heat. Terma to naponalbl party, or will trad for modern bungalow. Located 1021 Emmet Web. 1010. NEW hungalow. l-room, all modern, 50-foot lot outh front at a bargain, only 2.iov. near llth and Charlea. Call owner. Red Illl BT OWNER Beautiful itucco bungalow on big corner lot; eloi in. All modern, not and cold water; furnace; 11,110; eaay term. Box 4420, Omaha Bee. OWNER aell l-room modern house, float front, full lot. 3,11 N. lid. rrice. la.iev, worth I3.300. Give your oBer after you e It. Colfax 1272. FIVE ROOMS, on corner, paved atreet, part modern, near llth and Lake; worm ii.eoo, for 11,001 ; 1100 caih. Phone Webster 1221. BEAUTIFUL modern oak-flnlah bungalow. Juit new. Price 12,110, on vary eaay term. Doug. 3112. KOUNTZE PLACE restricted dlltrlct roll dene for axle. F V Knleat, lill N lltn. South. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW ALL MODERN Oak finish in hall, living room . and dining room; large col onnade with bookcases; pan eled dining room with win dow seat; oak floors In these rooms are hand scraped and have a piano finish; bullt-ln kitchen cabinet and cupboard; enameled bath room and mod ern fixtures, large porch; full basement, cemented, with floor drain; guaranteed fur nace. Price, 92.T50. 9300 cash, ' balance monthly ; located 1610 Deer Park boulevard, facing park;' three blocks from new . ' school. Lot us show you this any day or evening. TRAVER BROTHERS, 701 Omaha National Bank Bldg., Corner 17th and Farnam .Sta. , Office Phone, Dougla till. Evening, Webster 1114. South. COTTAGE BARGAIN Almost new, 6 rooms with large lot 4S11 Uason, S blocks to Leavenworth oar, only 91,100. HARRISON & MORTON 111 Omaha Nat'l Bank. BUNGALOW BARGAIN Nice, new l-room bungalow; oak in living and dining room; enamel In bed rooms and bath. A bargain at 13460, Easy payments. Phone Harney 1170. TURNER PARK DISTRICT 7 rooms, all modern. In good condition, nicely decorated, large yard and shads trees. Rental 935. For particulars, call THE BYRON REED CO., Doug. 207 212 S. 17th St. -ROOM bungalow, brand new, alt modern. oek floors tnrougnout; oak finish in liv ing and dining rooms; large, light, white enamel bedrooms; good location; restricted addition. A bargain at 11,160. JBasy terms. BENSON & CAR MICHAEL, 42 Paxton Blk. ' Doug. 1728. 1001 S, 91ST STRKF.T. 92,400. Oood cottage, rooms and bath; all modern; paving all paid; splendid loca tion and close to St Peter's new church site. P. J. TEBB1NS CO., OS Omaha Nat. Bk. Phono P. 1182- FOR SALE BY OWNER Strictly modern home, beet' condition, Hanscom Park district 13 minute from city. Phone Harney 1171. 1101 Paoyie St. SAFETT FIRST FOR RELIABLE AND SAFE FIRE AND TORNADO INSURANCE SEE CNBIL'S R. B. INS. AOBNCT, 34 Brandela Theater Bldg. Tyler 1024. HANSCOM park, l-room, modern houia; hot water heat; large garage. Priced low at. 14,100, for Immediate Bale! F. D. WEAD, WEAD BLDO. D. 171. 1071 S. 11TH 7-r. mod., newly painted, pa pered and varnlahed; atreet paved; ill.,. Berka A Mu.ll. D. 1117. Mi.celUneouj. BIG BARGAIN Two --room, all modern brick flats very expensively built, only 1 blocks from the new Grain Exchange building. Owner will sell at a bargain. For price and terms call at our office. J. B. ROBINSON, 441 Be Bldg. D. 1017. REAL ESTATE Unimproved VACANT BARGAIN ON WEST DODGE ST. JUST FIGURE. 131 feet frontage en Dodge St. by 120 deep, eorner lot, on two paved streets. In the 'Wnt Parnam district, offered for Immediate sale at only 930 a front foot. This Is . a dandy corner for apartment houses. No .other ground facing Dodge St. In immediate vicinity for less than 950 a front foot. We have a few days only at this low price, so get busy; proba bly won't be advertised but this once. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas IMS.. 111-20 City National. BARGAIN In choice lot on (Sd at., near . Dodge, overlooking Fatracres, Happy Hol low and Blmwood park. Special taxes all paid except paving. Paving paid to date. Phone Benson lie. FOR SALE Thirteen acres well Improved land lying on tne uoage roaa. enquire first house west of Peony farm. FONTBNELLB boulevard, corner lot In beautiful Clairmont. fsuo, terms; enougn said. Walnut 2214. Read Bee Want Ada for profit Use them for resulta. , FIELD CLUB e,S00. 00 Beautiful comer lot south ex posure, 7 rooma, now complete ly decorated; fin fixture; flrs - place, bookcases, oak and whit enamel finish ; moot- convenient ly arranged place you ever looked at; haa heated garage at tached to houa; Jut think what a convenience this 1 to -' an ownor with a machine. Tht 1 will bear the cloaeat inspection. K.S0I.I0 On mall boulevard through Field club; all ipeclala paid; 10-toot ' lot; fine shade trees; 7 room, all modern; oak and white enamsl flnlihed horn; this place 1 1700 Ion than coat prlc to build. Thl place haa heat ed garage attached. If you are Intereated In thl ,1a Pino don't fall to Investigate thla. CALKINS & CO., Douglaa lilt. City National Bank Bldg. 40th and CAMDEN AVE., Buy this fine, large double corner lot, 120x120, with oity water, sidewalk. This will make 3 good lota, and they lie fine; only three blocks from the car line and school house. You can buy them on easy payments. If you want a bargain, here CREIGH, SONS & CO., Donglas 200. 608 Bee Bldg. TOUR OPPORTUNITY TO GET A NEW CLOSE IN BUNGALOW AMONG NEW HOMES Six-room bungalow, itrlctly modrn and .-date: large living room, dining room and kitchen on fli-t Boor; thra bed--. and hath UDStalrs; bullt-ln book cases and bufft; full baamnt, guaran ... mrn.ee: averything compute. Ill South ltd Ave. Price, 11,000. SCOTT & HILL CO., Doug. 1101. Oround Fl. McCague Bldg. JUSOTNISHED 7-ROOM BUNGALOW CLOSE IN fair, iivina room, dining room, klteh en and sun room on flrst floor three large bedrooms and bath on second floor; oak fininh. and oak floors throughout; built-in bookcases and buffet; everything modern and up-to-date, east front lot and paved irMi. Your opportunity to get a new -i..tn house. Located 22 Bouth 93d Ave. Price, 9M&0- SCOTT & HILL CO., Doug. 1001. Around Fl. McCague Bldg, HYSHAM HOUSE 707 Park Ave., Just 'round the corner from Leavenworth; big ranchman got It in a larg deal with Mr. Hyaham at 111 ,00, but It rauat bl old for WHAT IT WILL BRIKO. See It, then ua, If you can ua It at all AT ANT PRICE. HARRISON & MORTON . NfiW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW HANSCOM PARK - DISTRICT ' Flv large rooma and bath, all on one door; large attle; oak dnleh and oak floor: bullt-ln bookcase; full bement; outh front lot loillll pavd trt lo cated 1110 Martha St. ,, . SCOTT &. HILL CO., Doug. 100t. Ground fl. McCague Bldg. "DON'T OVERLOOK THIS ' PL.AL.r. " A T-room house, located at 1916 South Sith St., aast front, about three years old, built by the present owner. . A very pretty place and finished In sicellent shapa; full basement, nice shad trees In front. In a restricted district .and among the nicest homes of the elty. Can ouote a prtco of 9-,-Oi ana make larms. "'. HIATT COMPANY, I4I-7-, Omaha Nat'l .Bank, Tyler llj Illl PIERCE l-room. all modern, furnace heat: for ulck aale. I!. ,60. 00; Il0l.lt aaah. alance monthly paymenta.. North. After looking at MINNS LUSA 100 dif ferent buyer decided that It waa the beat proposition on th markat and they backed their Judgment by BUYING lota. If TOU will com out today you will understand why other are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO. Tyler 117. HI Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. $3,700 1721 Pratt Street, 1 room, Stucco. Fine location. Near Kduntie Park. Handy to car line. Oak flnlih; all modarn. Sea GEORGE & COMPANY, Phon D. 711. 101 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. FOR SALE. I dandy vacant lota, block to ear line; out to 11.00, caah for u!ok aale. CALKINS CO., Douglaa 111! City Nat Bank Bldg. FOR bargalna In lot la all parte of the city aee p. J. -reDoina, .v. - ..... Bk. Phone D. Illl TWO good lot at llth and Plnkney for ale at reaaonaDie ua... Emmet St. . REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. LYNN WOOD Go out to Lynnwood today and sea th beautlful lota we are selling front to I-0Q. A. P. TUKEY & SON, Phon Dong. 111. 1107-1 W. O. W. Bldg. . ACRES. IMPROVED. Locatd In Kyon Park, West of Banion; high, llghtly location: haa 1 room' houa and barn; all fine, amooth. rich .oil, moitly In alfalfa; will sell on payment down of 1600, balance very easy terms, 1H or 1 acres more can be had adjoining. Owner will take I or l-room , clear cottage in trade. HASTINGS HBYDEN, lilt HARNEY ST. START YOUR HOME IN BENSON I BUY THIS LOT! 110.00 down and 110.00 nor month; prlc IS&O.bO' a, 10x111: located on Locuat St., between Clark and Burnham. not . far from choot and oar lln. Qo. R. Wright. Be offlc. Omaha. Dundee. CALL UP OWNER NEW DUNDEE RESIDENCE If you are looking for something good, located at one of the hlgheat apota -II Dundee, don't miss looking up thl house. In the flrat place, th houae waa built for a home, not to aell, but circumstance . ar such that It must be old. All ma terials were carefully aelacted and the beet of workmanahlp used. All Snlih on the flrat floor 1 lected oak and white enamel on the aecond; large living room with fireplace. Three bed rooma and eiplng poroh on the aecond door. , Full bailment. South front lot. All home rn neighborhood new. Thl I a chance t. ecur a good house at a low price. CALL WALNUT 1411. f DUNDEE - 1 $4,000 1 Seven rooms, all modern, iftlt tsard ttreet. splendid location. One of tha . highest points In Dundee. Price reduce! from I .-00. Owner has left city. Key at our office. See thla today sure. 'Im mediate possession. GEORGE & COMPANY. ' Phon a TH. , HI City Mal l Bank - .V -.